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Thumday, Feb. 12, 2015 - Mason County Jourmal- Peg e IB-5
By EMILY HANSON weight class, on Saturday at Sedro-Woolley for his second-place finish. McCarty said he vras ira.
emi/y@masoncounty.com Connor Lundberg, at 220 High School. "Connor finally beat (Mi- pressed with Ocasio, ase¢,nd-
pounds, took second as did Cole "We didn't have as much chael) Latimer from Sequim," year wrestler, reaching the re-
For six North Mason wres- Rinehart at 160 pounds and success as I thought we would, McCarty said. "He had lost to gional tournament.
tiers, the season will continue. Tyler Grewell at 170 pounds, but we still did OK," head him four times in a row andThe top four wrestleTs i~
Al~r the 2A Olympic Three Bulldogs -- Ante- coach Bill McCarty said. "We came in and won a close match each weight class at the $u]0-
League Sub-Regional Tourna-nio Ocasio at 126 pounds, Joe had some good outings and to finally beat him." regional tournament a~varaced_
ment on Friday and SaturdayBuxton at 195 pounds, and had a few mistakes. Moving Lundberg defeated Latimer to regionals.
at Port Angeles High School, Nico Ramirez at 285 pounds -- on, we have a few days to work in the semifinals by decision Fifth-place wrestlers ~re al-
the Bulldogs came home withplaced third, on some things that should 3-1. In the finals, Port Angeles' ternates to regionals.
half a dozen wrestlers placing The six wrestlers move on to help us a little bit." Kyle La Fritz pinned Lund- Colton Harmon, at 105
among the top four in theirthe 2A Region 1 Tournament He praised senior Lundberg berg in 1 minute, 23 seconds, pounds, placed f~h.
next ste
15 She#on boys to
compete at district meet
emi/y@masoncoun com
Ryan Youngquist and
Jacob Schreiber raced
each other into districts.
That's how the Shel-
ton boys swimmers put
it, co-head coach Chad
Youngquist said Friday
after the Coaches Chal-
lenge Meet on Feb. 5 at
Ryan Youngquist
won the 200-yard free-
style with a time of 2
minutes, 3.25 seconds, a
qualifying time for the
3A West Central District
III Championship this
Schreiber took second
in 2:04.01.
"Jacob and Ryan had
a very good meet over-
all," the coach said. "The
two of them both swam
three races, all of which
happened within 35 min-
utes, and both of them
got personal records in
each event."
The Coaches Chal-
lenge Meet is an extra
swim race designed to al-
low boys one final oppor-
tunity to qualify for the
district championship.
Joining Ryan
Youngquist and Sch-
reiber in qualifying for
districts were Levi Vance
and Ryan Taylor.
Vance won the 100-
yard freestyle with a
time of 55.40, while Tay-
lor won the 100-yard
breaststroke in 1:12.32.
The championship is
tomorrow and Saturday
at Hazen High School in
On Monday, coach
Youngquist learned
that fou~ swimmers --
Brayden Ordonez in the
100-yard butterfly, Dal-
ton Green in the 200-
yard individual medley,
Luke Netzel in the 100-
yard breaststroke and
Vance in the 50-yard
freestyle -- had received
wildcards for events at
In total, 15 swimmers
and divers will compete
at the meet.
"This is the largest
group of swimmers we
have qualified for dis-
tricts in Shelton history,"
Youngquist said.
By EMILY HANSON took Central Kitsap out of its ASB and $4 for children under remaining.
emily@masoncoun~com game." age 12. Tickets are free for pre- North Thurston tied it at 43
Additionally, Pringle as- school children with their par- with 3:22 left in the game a~d
Despite all odds, the Shelton signed sophomore Marshall Mc- ents. took the lead 45-43 with2:37 left;.
boys basketball team achieved Cullough the task of guarding The tiebreaker victory fol-Shelten never led again.
its primary goal this season. Central Kitsap sophomore RJlowed the Shelten boys losing "In the fourth quarter, the ef-
The Highclimbers are headedSecrest, an athlete Pringle said their final two regular season fort was there, but we didn't fin.
for the 3A West Central District is capable of scoring at will. games last week. ish it off," Pringle said.
III Tournament after a tiebreak- "We figured if we keep some- North Thurston defeated Seniors Tyler Speaks and
er for sixth in the 3A Narrows one on (Secrest) and the ball Shelton 56-48 on Feb. 4. Trenton Woodard led the High-
League on Saturday. out of his hands, that will slow Shelten started and finished climbers with 14 points apiece.
Shelten defeated Central Kit- their offense down," Pringle said. the game right, often going shot- Speaks also led the team in re-
sap 56-53, securing its first dis- "Marshall did an outstanding for-shot with the Rams in the bounds, grabbing nine. Woodard
trict appearance in eight years, job." first and fourth quarters, had seven rebounds, two assists
"This victory was a totallyMcCullough also helped leadNorth Thurston dominated inand one steal.
unselfish victory for the Shelton the Highclimbers to victory, the second and third quarters, The Highclimbers then lost
boys basketball program," Prin- Speaks was the highest scorer however, their final regular season game
gle said. for Shelton, notching 17 points, Shelten led 8-7 after the first 82-47 Friday at Foss.
The Highclimbers surged while McCullough added 11 quarter. By halftime, North"(Foss) has improved a lot
ahead in the first quarter, secur- points and sophomore Kyle Kim- Thursten was ahead 22-18. That since our first meeting (this sea-
ing a 10-point lead against Cen- ball contributed 10 points,lead grew to 38-32 heading into son)," Pringle said. "They played
tral Kitsap. Shelten (7-14) is scheduled to the final eight minutes, a 2-3 to slow us down from run-
"We continued to maintain play at 7 p.m. tonight at Auburn The Highclimbers had oppor-ning the floor."
the lead going into halftime," Mountainview High School. tunities in the fourth quarter. At halftime, Foss led 45-24.
Pringle said. "We forced turn- Tickets are $5 for studentsThey tied the score at 41 with Speaks led the Highclimb-
overs and capitalized off them. with ASB and senior citizens, $7 5 minutes, 11 seconds left to play ers with 16 points, while junior
We switched defenses, whichfor adults and students without and took a 43-41 lead with 4:30 Drew Cruse scored 11 points.
By EMILY HANSON ers scored just six in the first two quarters, to our press."
emib/@masoncountycom By the start of the fourth quarter, North Junior Vanessa Kennedy led the team
Thurston led 32-11. with nine points, while junior Aurora Gou-
A 21-point fourth quarter Feb. 4 wasn't "We played a really good man defense and ley scored eight.
enough to earn the Shelton girls basketball played smart," Leth said. =Unfortunately, we The loss came two days after Shelton
team the victory it needed for a shot at the did not take advantage of our opportunities burst to life against Foss for a 56-29 vic-
postseason, on the offensive end, missing four first-quar- tory in Tacoma.
"We had to win to advance to a (tie- ter fast-break lay-ins." "The girls played really well and their
breaker) with Capital to go on to next He said the team had trouble scoring in traps out of our 1-3-1 half-court trap were
week's (3A West Central District III) tour- transition, intense," Leth said.
nament," head coach Aaron Leth said a~r "I was very proud of our girls and the Senior Jessica Johnson led the team
the Lady Highclimbers' 47-32 loss Feb. 4 way they fought and clawed to get back with 18 points, 12 rebounds, four steals
at North Thurston. The loss ends the Lady in the game," Leth said. "Looking back, I and four assists, while sophomore Morgan
Highclimbers' season, should have put our press into effect ear- Leach scored nine points.
Although Shelton held North Thurston lier in the game. I was a little hesitant be- The Lady Highclimbers finished their
to 18 first-half points, the Lady Highclimb- cause the last time we played, they took it season with a 3-17 record.
By EMILY HANSON knocking off the top team in score the rest of the first quar- ally have had some nice come-
emily@masoncoun~.com the league, they would have to ter," Farrell said. backs this season," the coach
shut down a league MVP candi- The loss came three days af- said.
Although the North Mason date in Olivia Williams, who is ter the Lady Bulldogs lost 46- North Mason finished with a
girls basketball team endedbeing recruited by several col- 39 at Kingston, the No. 2 team 7-13 record.
its season with two losses last leges," Farrell said. "The quest in the league. The goal for the Farrell said he would miss
week, Don Farrell has hope for was who was going to be able to game was to focus on clock man- the seniors, Jennifer Beattie,
the future, cover Williams 1-1 all over the agement and taking care of the Quincy Satran, Mikaela Shu-
"If Friday night is an indi- court and still be able to muscle ball to limit Kingston's posses- maker, Dani Willey, Samantha
cation of the future, I feel that with her when she took her out- sions and give North Mason the Leaptrot and Kaitlyn Clifford.
my next few teams will be very side skills into the low post." opportunity to run its offense "They were the scorers and
competitive while taking their The coach found his answer and get decent shots, great competitors this year and
lumps at times," the head coach in three sophomores: Jenna "The Bulldogs did this, keep- were able to get seven wins
said, Rock, Nikki Kallinen and ing the score close and making without their starting point
The Lady Bulldogs played Cheyenne Filer. Led by Rock, it a very good game," Farrell guard and a sophomore post
their final game of the season the three defended against Wil- said. this year," Farrell said.
Friday at home against Olym- liams the whole game, holding Individual statistics were He added that the group of
pic, the No. 1 team in the 2A her to six points early in the not available for either game. sophomores and freshmen have
Olympic League. first quarter. Farrell said he was proud of come a long way this season.
Olympic defeated North Ma- "I knew the girls were do- the team and how it faced ad- "The younger Bulldogs know
son 39-24, but Farrell said he ing a great job on (Williams), versity this season, that they have to buckle down
was impressed with the team's but it wasn't until I got home "In most games, when the and spend a lot more time in the
defense, after the game and checked the team gets in a hole, the team offseason working on their skills
"The Bulldogs knew that if book and saw that one of the doesn't roll over and die, it con- and playing tougher competi-
they were to have a chance at top players in the league didn't tinues to fight back and actu- tion to get better," Farrell said.