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Razor clam diggers
can count on an eight-day
opener beginning Feb. 15
and start planning trips
to Washington's beaches
in March, state shellfish
managers said today.
The Washington De-
partment of Fish and
Wildlife (WDFW) ap-
proved the upcoming dig,
which runs Feb. 15-22,
after marine toxin tests
showed the clams are
safe to eat.
Dan Ayres, WDFW
coastal shellfish man-
ager, said the best dig-
ging typically occurs one
to two hours before low
tide. No digging is al-
lowed at any beach be-
fore noon.
%Ve're expecting a
good turnout this up-
coming Presidents' Day
weekend," Ayres said.
"Tides will be early
enough the first few days
that diggers can enjoy
some daylight on the
Under state law, dig-
gers are required to keep
the first 15 clams they
dig. Each digger's clams
must be kept in a sepa-
rate container.
Feb. 15, Sunday,
3:47 p.m.; 0.2 feet, Long
Beach, Twin Harbors
Feb. 16, Monday,
4:37 p.m.; -0.5 feet, Long
Beach, Twin Harbors
WHAT: Razor clam dig eight-day opener
WHEN: Beginning Sunday and going through Feb. 22
WHERE: Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Mocrocks and Copalis
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Go to the WDFW website at wdfw.
Feb. 17, Tuesday, opening for the Ocean
5:24 p.m.; -0.9 feet, Long Shores razor clam festi-
Beach, Twin Harbors val."
m Feb. 18, Wednesday, Below is the list of
6:08 p.m.; -1.1 feet, Long proposed razor clam
Beach, Twin Harbors digs, along with low tides
Feb. 19, Thursday, and beaches:
6:51 p.m.; -1.1 feet, Long March 2, Monday,
Beach, Twin Harbors 4:46 p.m.; 0.5 feet, Long
Feb. 20, Friday, Beach, Twin Harbors
7:33 p.m.; -0.7 feet, Long March 3, Tuesday,
Beach, Twin Harbors, 5:26 p.m.; 0.4 feet, Long
Mocrocks Beach, Twin Harbors
Feb. 21, Saturday, March 4, Wednesday,
8:16 p.m.;-0.1 feet, Long 5:59 p.m.; 0.4 feet, Long
Beach, Twin Harbors, Beach, Twin Harbors
Mocrocks, Copalis March 5, Thursday;
Feb. 22, Sunday, 6:30 p.m., 0.5 feet, Long
9:00 p.m.; 0.6 feet, Long Beach, Twin Harbors
Beach, Twin Harbors, March 16, Monday,
Mocrocks 4:15 p.m.; 0.3 feet, Long
Shellfish managers Beach, Twin Harbors
also announced a new March 17, Tuesday,
schedule of proposed digs 5:08 p.m.; -0.2 feet; Long
through March, which Beach, Twin Harbors
includes an opening ten- March 18, Wednes-
tatively set for March 2. day, 5:57 p.m.; -0.5 feet,
e're announcing Long Beach, Twin Har-
these dates so people can bors
make plans for digging in March 19, Thursday;
March," Ayres said. "The 6:42 p.m., -0.5 feet, Long
proposed digs include an Beach, Twin Harbors
Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015 - Mason County Journal- Page B-7
March 20, Friday,
7:26 p.m.; -0.4 feet, Long
Beach, Twin Harbors,
Copalis, Mocrocks
After the first day of
spring, the tides change
from evening to morning
March 21, Satur-
day, 7:55 a.m.; -0.5 feet,
Long Beach, Twin Har-
bors Copalis, Mocrocks
March 22, Sunday,
8:42 a.m.; -0.7 feet, Long
Beach, Twin Harbors Co-
palis, Mocrocks
March 23, Monday,
9:31 a.m.; -0.6 feet, Long
Beach, Twin Harbors
March 24, Tues-
day, 10:21 a.m.; -0.3 feet,
Long Beach, Twin Har-
All diggers ages 15 or
older must have an ap-
plicable 2014-15 fishing
license to harvest razor
clams on any beach. Li-
censes, ranging from a
three-day razor clam li-
cense to an annual com-
bination fishing license,
are available on WDFW's
website at fishhunt.dfw.
wa.gov and from license
vendors around the
WDFW has razor clam
recipes as well as advice
on digging and clean-
ing clams on its web-
page at wdfw.wa.gov/
Non-Members Welcome
AT THE RANGE MembershipsAvailable
February 12, 6:00 P.M. Thursday Winchester .22 Pistol Marksmanship.100 plus
rounds, bring any .22 pistol that's in safe operating condition. Self-paced awards
program. Build site alignment and trigger control skills and add patches to your
shooting vest. $6.00 members $8.00 non-members.
February 13, Friday 6:00 P.M. Bullseye .22 Pistol Target Shooting You will be
firing 10 rounds on each of 6 targets from 50 feet with one hand. Excellent skill
building for beginners and pros alike. $3.00 for members and $5.00 for non-
members. Runs a little over an hour.
February 14, Saturday Open Range Day Valentine Special: Couples shoot for
half price, $6.00. The indoor range is open to the public, $12.00 per lane. You
may share a lane with another person, one shooter at a time. One paper target will
be provided with fee, more available to purchase at $.25 a piece. Please bring
all firearms unloaded in a bag or box. Any pistol up to .44 magnum and .22 rifles
some pistol cartridge rifles.
February 17, Tuesday 5:30 P.M. PPC Club League. Friendly competition with
challenges for the beginning or advanced shooter. Shoot 48 rounds on two paper
targets at 4-5 distances with a time restraint. Revolver friendly, bring a .38, 9ram
and up. You may shoot both revolver and semi-automatic. Members $6.00 per
gun, non-members $8.00 per gun. Juniors shot for $1.00, parent or guardian must
be present.
February 19, Thursday 6:00 P.M. Winchester Defensive Pistol Marksmanship
Program: Develop shooting skills with your concealed carry or home defense
firearm. Firing 50 rounds or more in a self paced awards Style shooting program
with coaching $6.00 members, $8.00 for non-members.
Coming up:
February 21, Saturday 10:00 am New Member Applicants Orientation. Persons
interested in joining MCSA meet at the range for approximately an hour and
half safety and range operations session. File applications. No appointment or
equipment needed.
March 7 Saturday 10:00 A.M. First Steps Pistol Class $50.09 Fundamental gun
safety and knowledge course including the basics of shooting a pistol. Firearm
and amino provided. Allotted time after the class to work with students who
would like to shoot their personal firearm. See our website for applications.
W. 521 Business Park Rd., Shelton
Message Phone 427-1102
Serving All of Mason County
Since 1886
for the week of February 12 through February 19, 2015
Our recreation permit program is now open to
more acreage and access during hunting and
fishing seasons, plus year-round exploring.
Secure your access to over 60,000 acres of
private forest land less than 30 minutes from
Olympia. Motorized permits are only $250.
ALLYN [Case Inlet
12 4:53am 7.1 13 1:15am 11.2 14 2:41am 12.1 15 3:39am 13.0
Thu 10:53am 13.5 Fri 6:lOam 7.9 Sat 7:39am 8.3 Sun 8:S3am 8.0
6:14pm 1.7 11:46pm 13.2 12:46pm 13.2 1:47pm 13.4
7:13pm 1.0 8:11pm 0.1 9:04pm -0.7
16 4:20am 13.9 17 4:56am 14.7 18 5:30am 15.3 19 6:05am 15.8
Mon 9:49am 7.4 rue 10:37am 6.5 Wed 11:23am 5.4 Thu 12:08pm 4.3
2:46pm 13.8 3:42pm 14.3 4:37pm 14.6 5:32pm 14.6
9:54pm -1.3 10:42pm -1.7 11:28pm -1.6
SHELTON I Oakland Bay
1212:21am 10.9 13 1:53am 11.2 14 3:19am 12.1 15 4:17am 13.0
Thu 5:59am 6.1Fri7:16am 6.8 Sat 8:45am 7.1Sun9:59am 6.9
11:31am 13.5 12:24pm 13.2 1:24pm 13.2 2:25pm 13.4
7:20pm 1.5 8:19pm 0.8 9:17pm 0.1 lO:lOpm -0.6
16 4:58am 13.9 17 5:34am 14.7 18 6:08am 15.3 1912:34am -1.4
Mon 10:55am 6.3 Tue 11:43am 5.6 Wed 12:29pm 4.7 Thu 6:43am 15.8
3:24pm 13.8 4:20pm 14.3 S:15pm 14.6 1:14am 3.7
11:00pm -1.1 11:48pm -1.4 6:lOpm 14.6
UNION[Hood Canal
12 3:54am 6.9 13 12:43am9.3 14 1:47am 10.115 2:39am 11.0
Thu 9:20am 10.8 Fri 5:18am 7.6 Sat6:38am 7.8 Sun 7:45pm 7.6
5:20pro 2.2 lO:08am 10.7 11:12am 10.6 12:26pm 10.6
6:16pm 1.3 7:lOpm 0.4 8:01pm -0.4
16 3:23am 11.917 4:02am 12.518 4:40am 13.019 5:16am 13.3
Mon 8:42am 7.0Tue 9:33am 6.2Wed lO:20am 5.2 Thu 11:06am 4.1
1:36pm 10.9 2:40pm 11.2 3:40pro 11.5 4:38pm 11.6
8:50pro -1.1 9:38pm -1.4 10:24pm -1.3 11:10pm -0.7
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Sunrise 7:22am7:21am 7:19am7:17am7:16am7:14am7:12am7:11am
Sunset 5:32pm5:33pm 5:35pm5:36pm5:38pm5:39pm5:41pm5:42pm
Moonrise 1:34am2:36am 3:35am4:30am5:20am6:05am6:45am7:22am
Moonset 11:27am 12:12pm1:06pro 2:08pro 3:17pm4:32pm5:51pm7:09pro
New moon February 18
Tidal Information courtesy NOAA [ Astronomical Data courtesy U.S. Naval Observatory