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Page B-8 - Mason County Journal - Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015
In multiple insertion
ads, The ournai
will be responsible
for errors in the first
insertion only.
Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015 - Ads "Too Late To Classify" are located in the A Section
LADY OF the Lake has the
perfect gift for your Valen-
tine and what a bargain!
Winter clearance means the
majority of stock is reduced
20- 50%. Women's apparel
is 50% off; men's leather
jackets, all Pendleton shirts
and coats are 50% off. Plus
many artisans have Valen-
tines promotions including
Walden Designs stained
glass discounted 50% and
Seahorse Inspiration gem-
stone jewelry is discounted
20%. An "instant win" draw-
ing with >$25 purchase on
February 13th or 14th will
include dinner for 2, jewelry
and a variety of discount
coupons. Chinese New Year
sale, February 20th and
21st will include 30% off
Chinese collectibles, light-
ing and wall art. Check your
email for group incentive
sales on February 13th, 14th
and 20th and 21st. Lady of
the Lake, 1085 E. Pickering
Rd. open Friday- Saturday,
10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Lay away
available. Accepts VISA/MC
426-8632. (L 2/12-2/19)
er system for sale, inexpen-
sive, 463-7992. (B 2/12)
tires, new brakes $2,300
obo. Phone 490-6639 (S
MT OLIVE Lutheran has
childcare openings! Pre-
school included. 2 1/2 years
- 12 years. Licensed, rea-
sonable prices. DSHS ac-
BREWERS FARM grass hay cepted. Call now! 427-3165.
in the barn $5 and $6/bale, (D 4/1 TFN)
all size orders available, no FOR RENT
deliveries, call ahead 426-
4936 (B 11/27 TFN)
4X4, 1997, runs good, good
Beautifully maintained 2 Bdr Condos
for rent/sale with den/office, 2 full
baths/fireplace with 2 car garage
Water, sewer, yard maintenance
included in rental.
Call 360-462-0171 or
Visit www. LakeParkLLC. cam
for current rental rates
or email: Manager@LakeParkLLC.com
Three bedroom, one bath,
fenced yard, no smoking.
$950 per month. Close to
downtown. (360) 426-0617
(K 2/12-2/19)
FOR RENT very nice two
bedroom, den, 2 bath,
1,550 sq ft. manufactured
home. 4 miles from town.
$900/month plus deposit.
426-4936 (B 2/5 TFN)
large nice duplex, 1 bed-
room, fireplace, garage,
W/D hookup, WSG paid.
1st, last and deposit, credit
check, $650 per month
(360) 426-9059 leave mes-
sage. (B 2/5-2/26)
ROOM FOR rent in Shel-
ton on Mt. View, shared
bathroom, kitchen and
laundry. All utilities except
cable paid, must pass back-
ground check and show
proof of income. 427-4106.
(F 1/29-2/19)
storage unit and RV parking
in back, W/D hookups, very
nice and clean, recently
repainted with new carpet.
No smoking/pets $1,250/
month. Call John 360-701-
2141. (G 1/22-2/12)
nal waterfront, 1 bedroom
apartment. Full-size kitch-
en, free TV, free internet,
free laundry, garbage and
water. 1 queen-size bed,
convertibles couch/bed, on-
site parking. Furnished or
unfurnished, $675. Peace
and quiet our specialty- sor-
ry no dogs, cats OK unless
they bark. Clams, oysters,
HBO- could you ask for any-
thing more? Call (360) 877-
5501 (Mc 2/12 TFN)
townhouse, $695 rent plus
deposit and references. No
smoking. 360-981-5389
or 360-981-5382. (J 1/29-
City of Shelton, $19.40-
$26.00/hour, DOQ. Part-
time union position with
the Financial Services
Department. Employment
applications and complete
job description available at
the Civic Center or www.
ci.shelton.wa.us. Applica-
tion with resume due by 5
p.m., March 2, 2015, for
first screening send to Attn:
Human Resources Depart-
ment, 525 W. Cota Street,
questions call (360) 432-
5109. Application packet
can be e-mailed to wthomp-
son@ci.shelton.wa.us. Po-
sition open until filled. EOE/
ADA (C 2/12-2/26)
Imaging/CT Tech positions
open at Summit Pacific
Medical Center in Elma.
Must be experienced in
both CT and X-Ray and
have current ARRT cert.
WA X-Ray Tech License. Go
to https://spmc.bamboohr.
to begin the application pro-
cess. EOE (S 2/12-2/19)
RN opening at Summit Pa-
cific Medical Center in Elma
WA. Must have current un-
restricted WA RN license
and BLS cert. Go to https://
view.php?id=73 to begin
the online application pro-
cess. EOE (S 2/12)
sistant wanted. Job duties
include customer service,
operating a cash register,
answering phones, writing
up deliveries, loading ma-
terials into trucks and trail-
ers with a small tractor after
on the job training. Winter
hours- about 12 per week;
Spring and Fall hours-
about 23 per week. Must be
Experience w/power equip-
ment preferred. Applica-
tions available @ Pro-Shop
360-877-5505 (L 2/5-2/26)
year round. Spencer Lake
Bar & Grill, call Kim 360-
426-2505. (S 2/5-2/12)
for Mason County Civil
Service - Sheriff's Depart-
ment, $3,054 to $3,313/mo.
Responsible for records
management, clerical sup-
port and customer service.
Minimum Qualifications:
Must be 21 years of age,
High School graduate or
GED, and have clerical ex-
perience working with the
public preferably in public
agency. A Civil Service ap-
plication is required & avail-
able at www.co.mason.
wa.us/civilse rvice/jobs or
411 N Fifth St, Shelton,
WA 98584. Applications
can be returned via email
to dawnt@co.mason.wa.us
or in person or by mail to:
Mason County Human Re-
sources 411 N. 5th Street,
Shelton, WA 98584. Com-
pleted applications must be
received or postmarked by
5pm on February 16, 2015.
(S 2/5-2/12)
PIZZA HUT in Shelton is
now hiring Shift Managers.
Three months restaurant
flexible to fill in during vaca- management experience
tions. Must have experience preferred. Excellent training
with MS Word and Excel,and advancement opportu-
be well organized, efficient, nities, flex~le work hours,
productive, friendly, able to meal discounts. Apply on-
lift up to 50 Ibs and oper- line at: jobsatpizzahut.com.
ate small machinery. Start- (P 1/29-2/19)
ing wage is $10 per hour. WALSH TRUCKING a 50+
i bath Shelton home. Large Shelton, WA 98584. For Please submit resume inyear old family-owned cam-
= person to BCP Landscapeparty is growing again and
I Supplies, 2994 E. Johnswe are looking for drivers.
... ~. ., = ,, . . I Prairie Rd. Shelton, WA, The open position is io-
fir =ree rorK Aparvmenvs 98594 (B 2/5 2/12)
Classified Reader Ads--oR--Classified Display Ads I ............................ I • - cated in Shelton, WA and
I FIRST rwo words are No word limit, display ads I I ;~6U-4Z6-b666 / 6/4 N 4th 5t ~)helton wA v0~04 I LINE COOK full-time, year require one year commer-
capitalized. For 20 words or are sold bythe column inch. I **~2+ Senior C0mmunily** I round. Spencer Lake Bar cial driving experience with
I less, $1035 per week. 15¢ per Minimum size 1 column I I I & Grill, call Larrv 360-426- a class A CDL and a clean
word over20 If the ad runs (1 53" wide) x 2 • tall is $32 80 *** ...... *** 2505 (S 2/5 2/12)
I unchan edfor3weeks the foroneweek $40fortwo" I I Accepltngwa~thstapphcationsf0rres=dency Rental assist0nce may be avaihble I . - - MVR. RECENT WAGE IN-
g • , • .
4th week is free. No frames, weeks, $20 per additional ] Professionally managed by PPM, LLC ] LAKE . CUSHMAN Gol! CREASE for all Walsh driv-
art or Iogos in reader ads. week & other frequency I,,, • • ........... , • I L;ourse IS seeking seasonal ers means more money
d scounts Many s zes Iwarer, sewer, ane garaege is inouaea in m0nmty rent m me c0mmuniP/, we 0her a Dig I ma ntenance workers. 3 in your pocket! Benefits
I DeadlineS:0OPMMonday available.'Logos, art&photosl I screen TV with cable access, m0nlhlybi~dayp0flucklunches pork-likesettin.q .qardenl positons ava abe - 40 hr/ include health insurance,
welcome ....... week, 30 hr/week and 16
(360) 426-4412 - ] areas, 20nsite laundn/rooms to our residents. We are located wifnin walking distance ] ........ paid time off, HOME DALLY,
227W. CotaShe!ton, WA98584 ./ • • ~ I fromsho"fin- libra"' and"owntown%eP'n I nr/weeK (weeKenas only). 401k with company match,
I Oo~n,-,~o°~,, n lournal ~;I I "" y' '"u u ~ ,u. -~lHire date mid March. Valid go to www.walshtruckingco.
I ........... .com --m ...... I I -1 driver's licenserequired, corn and click on "employ-
ment" to apply! (W 7/3 TFN)
I ~! IR~i !¢E BIIRE Rl~ 1acc°mpaniment needed f°r
!!ii !ii ] the Shelton United Meth-
odist Church. Accompany
song team and choir on
-.. , Sundays and on special
About the 2 types of Classifieds
Monthly salary commensu-
JOEUS LANDSCAPING ..... rate to experience. Vacation
JAY BUTTLES' full yard maintenance ....... times provided. Mustsubmit
.Topping .Licensed
.Chipping ,Bonded
.Stump ,Insured
(360) 426-4663
Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2
510 SE Old Arcadia Road
She/ton, WA 98584
wtt, w.cot,ecrgstals.com
nance- lawn maintenance,
brush clearing, hauling,
trimming, mowing, bark,
gravel, planting, drive-
ways. Free estimates. Call
Juan (360) 451-9759. (L
paver flagstone patios,
rock block retaining walls,
sod, sprinkler, fences, in-
stallation, brush clearing.
Year round services JO-
ELSL938N7 (360) 432-
1900 free estimates. (J
to Washington State back-
ground check. Send refer-
ences and qualifications to
(S 7/3 TFN)
i" ii~ig =
Open IO:30AM-6:OOPM
II:OOAM-5"OOP Sundap