February 13, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 13, 1920 |
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FRANKLIN K. LANE !1 ............ ' E FZVE
a statement here defining his attitude ing to C0rner Wheat Supply p, ove the guilt of the 11 defendants D.-- :'-:, ,=oqq and lightness in your feet
• real satmtacuon uu, ..-
Frenklln K. Lane, secretary of the
4nterior, whose resignation has been
accepted by President WIl|nn.
investigations in the alleged irregu-
|arittes in the Pacific cost shipbuild-
ing program have been resumed at ge-
attle before a federal grand Jury.
Fire destroyed the Thompson-Ford
Lumber company sawmill at Kels¢.
The loss is estimated at between $40,-
000 and $50,000, with $20,000 insur-
ance. ...........
Call and see our large stock
or rite for prices. We
erect Monuments anywhere,
2006 First Ave., Seattle, Wn.
(Established 1874)
toward the presidency. He announced
that he is not a candidate for the nom-
ination and that no one is authorized
to speak for him politically. If the
league of nations is made an issue in
the election he says he will vote for the
party that stands for the league. In
response to requests that he dcclare
allegiance to eitier ode or the other
of the great political parties, Mr.
Hoover said:
"I am being urged by people in both
parties to declare my allegiances to
either one or the other. Those who
know me, know that I am able to make
up my mind when a subject is clearly
defined. Consequently, until it more
definitely appears what the party man-
aBere stand for, I must exercise a pre-
rogative of American citizenship and
deoline to pledge my vote blindfold.
"I am not unappreciative of the
many kind things that my friends have
advanced in my behalf. Yet, I hope
they will realize my sincerity In not
tying myself to undefined partisan-
$1 Day Urged for Wets."
Washington.Every man serving in
the war would get a world war veteran
bond, worth $1 for every day in service
and bearing interest at 4=A per cent,
under a bill introduced by Representa-
tive Osborne, republican, California.
The issue would be ll'mlted to $1,500,-
Industry Census Work Under Way.
San Francisco.The decennial in-
dustrlal census of the Pacific coast
distrlct has been started by Frank L.
Stanford, chlef special agent of the
census bureau, who opened an office
here to receive mall tatlstlcs from
Both President and Secretary Express
Regret at Serving Relations.
Washington.--Presldent Wilson ac-
cepted, effective March 1, the resigna-
tion of Frank)in K. Lane, for nearly
seven years secretary of the interio
Letters exchanged between the presi-
dent and Secretary Lane, which were
made public, indicate that good feel-
ing marked the retirement. Both the
president and Lane expressed regret.
Lane resigned, it is understood because
it was necessary for him to earn more
money than a cabinet officer's salary.
Among those being mentioned are
Alexander T. Vogelsang, first assistant
to Lane; 'James Hawley of Boise, form-
er governor of Idaho, and ex-Senator
Iohn F. Shafroth of Colorado. Many
Weltern senators, it is understood,
favor Vogelsang.
Movement 8aid to Be Initiation of a
Big Rebellion.
,, Washlngton.--Official dispatches re-
-- salved here said a foree of 2000 Kor-
eans, armed principally with equip-
TACOMA GUN STORE sent turlshed by the bolsheviki
Tacoma, Wash. crossed into northern Korea from
Largest stock of Hunters and Klrln, Manchuria, and attacked a Jap-
Trappers Supplies in the North- szzese post of 700 men at night, killed
west. Especial attention to a00 of them and routed the remainder.
mail orders. According to these dispatches the
Send one cent stamp for attack was the initiation of an active
catalogue rebeUion in Korea. It was described
3-12 as the "beginning of a tremendous at-
' fair."
Lloyd George Less blarsh on Germans`
S H E LT O N INDEPENDENT London.Premmr Lloyd George is
Auto Stages ,.oo,t00 ,o ,00vor
ficatfon of the 'list of Germans whose
surrender the allies demand, the Wast-
' minster Gazette says.
Leave Shelton- Leave Olympia --
7:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Preparing to Return Rallwaye.
10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. "Washington.--tteorganlzation of the
2:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. railroad administration for Its work
., 4:45 p.m. 5:30 p. m.
Shelton to Ohl Kamilche.. .50
Shelton to Snider's Prairie .75
Shelton to Olympia ...... $1.00.
Olympia to Sniders Prairie .50
Olympia to Old Kamilche, .75
Olympia to Shelton ..... 1.00
Leaves Olympia from Braeger's
Place, opposite Bus Station
Headquarters: Shelton, Hotel
Shelton. Olympia, Knox Garage
and Raise Price. accused of murder in connection with
the Armistice day shooting at Cen-
tralta was outlined by Herman Allen,
Spokane.Wholesale speculation in , prosecuting attorney of Lewis county,
graiu by milling companies of the I in his opening statement to tim Jury.
Pacific northwest, anmng them three I That the tragedy was the fruition
l'ortlaud concerns ia which Max H. l of a couspiraey laid weeks in advance,
Houser, vice-president of the "U.nited =t and that the firing upon the ex-service
States Grain corporation for the north- I mext was not in self-defense, but was
west, is declared by the report to be
interested, is charged in a return made
by a United States grand jury here.
Purchase of grain at the government
fixed price, estimated by the report
to total 85 per cent of the Washing-
ton state crop of 42,00,000 bushels
in 1919, by about half a dozen large
grain concerns is char$ed by the re-
port, which declares that by purported
sales of grain to sac other and
through "manipulation of the grain
market oentered at Minneapolis0" ad
by other methods, they have advanced
the price to about $1 a bushel above
the government price.
The grand Jury recommends that
President Wilson issue a proclamation
under the wkea guarantee act, fixing
a selling pries for all wheat now held
in the United States at the price paid
to the farmer, plus a reonable carry-
ing charge and that a etmllax price
be fixed on flour and mill feed.
It further recommends that no appro-
priation be made by congress to fin-
anoe wheat sales to foreign countries
until such time as the American peo-
ple are relieved from paying the ex-
tortionate prices now required of them
by reason of grain manipulation.
Grand Jury Acueetlons Are Declared
Portland, Ore.M. H. Houser de-
clared there was no basis whatever
for the allegations made by the Spo-
kane grand Jury. "He said:
"The allegations made by the fed-
eral grand Jury at Spokane are un-
true. The whole thing is a misstate-
anent and distortion of facts. The
charges are ridiculous and absurd and
they cannot get figures to substantiate
them. They simply don't know what
they are talking about.
"The average price paid to the farm-
er for hard wheat was far above what
the grand Jury claimed, and .wheat
was not sold to the mills 'at the prices
alleged. Had the mills paid such
prices as charged they would have
had to sell their flour at over $16 a
barrel, whereas the flotw price has
averaged under $12 a barrel.
"I have had absolutely nothing to
do with the management of any of
these concerns, notw|thstandng what
the grand Jury may say to the con-
Wary. If I were loon from the grain
corporation and anxious to colleot a
few filthy dollars, I wold not put in
my time day after day with the thank-
less Job of trying to handle the grain
corporation here in the northwest."
a premeditated, murderous, assult, is
what the state has declared it will
produce many witnesses to substan-
The plea of the defendants, it has
been announced, is self-defense. An
effort will be made to show that
members of the American Legion
"rushed" the I. W. W. hall in Cen-
tralia before the radicals fired a shot.
The state, iu its opening outlines of
the prosecution's case, denied this and
declared that the veterans in the
parade were in line and marking time
when rifle bullets thudded into the
bodies of Grimm and other, comrades.
If all witnesses named by the state
and by the defense actually are called
to testify, the period of the tril will
stretch away beyond prophec};. Pres-
ent estimates are that the case will
not go to the Jury within six weeks,
and possibly not for two months. The
state has named 260 witnesses while
the defense has stated that it wlR
summon more than 100.
E. P. Ripley, for many years presi-
dent of the Santa Fe, died at Santa
Barbara, Cal.
Two sets of delegates were elected
to the Chicago national convention
by the South Carolina republican state
Money in circulation in the United
States on February amounted to $5,-
846,000,000, an increase of $120,000,000
in one year, the treasury department
Oklahoma delegates elected to the
national democratic convention at San
Francisco were pledged to support
Senator Robert L. Owes of Oklahoma
for the democratic presidential nomina-
Earl Burgess, a motion picture actor,
was instantly killed near Los Angeles
when he fell 700 feet from an airplane
on which he was performing in the
making of a comedy.
James Perry and Frank Johnson,
representatives of the Y. M. C. A.,
were the Americans killed In the re-
cently reported attack by Turkist bri-
gands on a convoy of American relief
supplies near Aintav in Syria, the
state department was advised.
Conditions In Mexico were described
"intolerable" by General Robert
Lee Howse, commander of the El Paso
41strict, when he testified before the
senate sub-committee investigating the
Mexican situation at El Paso, Tex.
Not So Far That the Statements of
Its Residents Cannot'Be Verified.
Rather an interesting case has
KENTUCKY MOB been developed in Tacoma. Being
so near by, zt is well worth publish-
iing here. The statement is sincere---
the proof convincing:
Lexington, Ky.Four persons were C.E. Pelton, of Pelion & Smith,
killed and fifteen were wounded here iSheet Metal Workers, 610 N. Pine
when a mob intent upon lynching Wil- I St., Tacoma, Wash, says: "Kidney'
trouble is something I had never su -
tiara Lockett, a negro, who confessed I fere d with until about a year ago.
to the murder of 10.year-old Geneva lAll of a sudden my kidenys got so
Hardman, charged the court house i they didn't act right and it was hard
during Lockett's trial and was fired for me to control the secretions. My
ead ached all the time and a sharp
upon by police and state troops. I pain caught me in the back when I
Two women were reported to be,iiftin anything heavy. I felt lame
among those shot hy the state troops, i and s'tiff. Dean's Kidney pills were
The clash with the soldiers held off fan old-time family remedy at our
i house, so I decided to use them and
the mob while the authorities man- lI got quick relief. I kept right on
aged to slip the ugro away to a place i usihg Dean's and a few boxes cured
of safety. 1 me."
Great trouble was caused by the l Price 60e, at all dealers. Don't
shooting and there were mutterlngs i simply ask for a kidney remedyget
i Doan's Kidney Pillsthe same ,that
of further trouble.
his chewing.
A small chew. It holds
its rich taste. You don't
have to take so many
fresh chews. Any man
who uses the Real To,
bacco Chew will tell
you that. ''
Put Up In Two Styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
Flail Stage Line
L. M. STEWART, Prop.
Daily Schedules
Leave Shelton
8:30 a.m. 3:00 p. m.
11:30 a.m. 4:45 p. m.
Tickets on sale at Johnson's Garagc--Waiting Room
Tickets good until used.
Leave Olympia
7:00 a.m. 3:00 p. m.
11:00 a.m. 5:00 p. m.
Headquarters at Central Bus Station
Waiting Room and Lady Atfendant. Phone 22.
don't .....
ship your furs
II ,.r,.? I
, II ....
ts a government liquidating agent in
preparing for a return of the roads to
their owners on March 1 was begun
today 'by Director General Hines. The
first steps were creation of a division
of liquidating claims, and the aboli-
tion of the division of capital expendi-
tures, effective February 15.
iMr. Pelion had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
While the mob, the ring-leaders of Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
which carried a rope, was attempting -----------
to get into the court house to get ULUih
Lockett, a Jury found hi guilty of
first degree murder and a minute or
two later the negro was sentenced to J fiMornin '.:K
die in the electric chair March 11. Ke e p Vo u ,,r" Eges
............... - ........ Cl(n _Cle..- .... He.=
C. B. Hopkins, pioneer telephone man .,, ,o. ,, [r c,. ,,,,,, ..,,.. co..¢,,,.o.u.x
1920 :A, B, S., Inc.
unless the bundle is tagged to
The Highest Prices Ever Klmwn
Thars What You'll Get lr0m s'SHUBERT"
txrn o avtnAOt l tV*a vo vtme[leXrnvo venot lex' vo avtel lI ° s'ze
,,, |I
'Fi'nei'Dark 30.00to25.00 20.00to16.00 15.00to12,00 10.00to 8.50 10.00to 6.00
Usual Color 20.00 tO 16.00 15.00 tO 12.00 10.00 tO 8.50 8.00 to 6.50 8.00 to 5.00
Coast 15.00 t12.00 ll.00to 9.00 8.00to 7.00 6.00to 5.00 6.001o 4.00
..... Hus K 00tA00'r ....
Sprin 8.00t0 7.001 650to 5.50[ 5.OOto 3.7S 3.50to 2:75 3.00tO 2.00
Winter 6.50to 5.50 5.00to too 13.50to 2.75 2.50to 1.75 LS0t o,l.50
ISlack li5.oot0i2.ool ll.OOto 9.50 ! 9.25to 8.251 8.00to 7.e0l 7.00to .50t
IShort I10.00to 9.001 8.50to 7.50[ 7.25to 6.75l 6.501o 5.50l 6.00to 3.ooi
]Harrow [ '8.00t0 7.00[ 6.50to 6.00 5.50to 5.001 4.75to 4251 4.501o 2.001
[Brod I 5.00to 4.001 3.TSto 3.2fl 3,00to 2.501 2.25to L751 2.ZSto ].S I
These extremely high prices for Washington Furs are based on the well-
known "SHUBERT" liberal grading and are quoted for immediate ship*
ment. No. 3, No. 4 and otherwise inferior skins at highest market
value. Ship your Furs now--when we want 'era. You'll get "more
money" and get it "quicker '• too.
Railroad Wege Confab to Go On. of Washington, died at the Mayo hoapl- - z
tal, Rochester, Minn,, where he had SHIP TODAYAND KEEP 'EM COMING
Washington.--Cdnference between was 65 years old and '-nd Avoid .... '"'roJ e "1 71[:TTI ''
raioad administratiom officials and undergone an operatzladMb • eI-[:?:: (},t theGenuine ' /=I'NC.
heeds of railroad employes' unions • 80
less intim=ely co=ected with the = A=k. . = K1 J l'X
over wage demands of the workers or . . . thlu'hout his .n THELN6ESTHOUSE IN THEWORD DE/d'5 EXCLUSIVELY/At
was resumed Monday with the hope ,'.¢onomy I PI IK I P. N H00W. r U
• tire car:ew The first long distanoe a --_.r,v - -- -- N
that this week will see some definite
conclusion, telepho e tn the northwest ,as built LqillEVr Cilee Z'7 W.Aushn Ave. Dept, mChxcaqo U.S.A
by Mr. Hopkins.
.......... • ' ,,,-A¥ c,
• TO BK OA.FUI. FO. OARK,I ' " .
J .