February 13, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 13, 1920 |
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:FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1920 ............. THE MASON
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='- Local and Personal 2- TO NEAREST KIN OF MEN
---= • ---= WH0 ,IE, IN SERVICE
Joe Forrest is laid up this week
with the flu.
Miss Pearl Brewer of Gate is visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. A. Self.
Jacob Shafer is visiting his daugh-
ter, Mrs. P. Spence in Seattle this
Mrs. Fred Lord and son of Shelton
spent several days at Hoodsport this
Miss Esther Carlson was in Olym-
pia over Sunday, the guest Of Mrs.
George Willey.
Miss Martha Whitman of Phillips,
Wisconsin, is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Earl Dickinson.
Attorneys P. M. Troy and Thomas
Vance were visitors from Olympia
Saturday on business.
Frank Bennett came over from
Puyallup to spend the week-end at
.his home in Shelton Valley.
L. W. Ostrander of Seattle spent
a (lay or so visiting old friends in
town after an absence of four years.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lynn of Port-
land are rejoicing over the arrival
of a 9-pound girl on February 8th.
Mrs. James Carstairs of Satsop is
spending the week with her mother,
Nrs. Emily Taylor who is in poor
Mrs. L. G. Shelton spent the week-
end as the guezt of her daughter,
Miss Edna Shelt6'h, a teacher in the
Olympia schools.
Roy C. Burtchett spent two days
last week celebrating the arrival of
a ten-pound son which was born in
Olympia on February 5th.
B. '. Piemons of Brew.ster, Chelan
County, is spending the week in
Shelton visiting old-time friends and
looking over the old'town.
Three of the near-pioneers of Ma-
son County, whose coming dates in
the "eighties," are noted this week
of having been caled to their reward.
Mrs. Vervian WaSte Asbury, who
taught the school at Agate several
years ago and is well known down
the bay, died at Seattle last week,
aged 25 years.
Marriage license was issued in
Olympia last Saturday to James Mc-
Govern and Miss ,Bertha Cowan, the
latter a well-known young lady of
Harstine Island.
William Malpass of Arcadia was
Shelton, Wash., February 11, 1920. The nearest relative of ew.ry man
Owing to the prevalence of inttuenza who died in the service is 'a..e(i to
and the contagious nature thereof, inform the Fred B. Wivel] 'i'o:;t of
it is hereby ordered that until fur- Jac A.',crcan Legion here or the
ther notice all public meetings of lIepartment of \\;'ashington at 201
every kind and character and naturc
whatsoever, including schools, churcll-
es, dances and theaters, be strictly
forbidden, and they are hereby for-
bidden. When the danger of the epi-
demic has passed notice will be
given, and public meetings and gath-
erings permitted.
Mayor of Town of Shelton.
Health Officer of Town of Shelton.
Th Shelton Public Library will be
closed until further notice.
Another week of fine and mlid
weather and it basn't rained yet.
Saturday is Valentine's Day, an-
other milestone in the passing of the
The Olympia [nail stage line an-
:nounces a reduction of single fare to
Olympia to $1, round trip $1.50.
Thursday, February 12th, was a
legal holdiday, Lincoln's Birthday,
and generally observed by the public
The Hard Time dance which was
to be given here this Saturday be
the Rebekahs has been called off fol-
lowing the order forbidding public
A letter received this week from
Crary buihting, Seat.m, Washington,
of tle name of the man of whom
they are next of kin as well as their
own name and address. This infor-
mation is asked so that these per-
sons may be presented on Washing-
ton's Birthday with engraved cer-
The certificates are being distrib-
uted under the auspices of the Amer-
ican Legion at the direction of the
French government to the nearest
relative of every soldier, sailor and
marine who died during the Great
War. The names of the deceased ser-
vice men are inscribed on th'e cer-
It is asked that the full name of
the service man be given in each in-
Thursday, l;cbruary 5, 1',)20.
Convened lu olllce, all i)resent.
1,'. C. Wllley llled report cf the
amotmt of County Culvert on hand.
Moved and carried that the report of
the Cotlnty Treasurer for the nlonth Of
January bc anprovcd.
lovcd and caried that a call be marie
for bids for the Construction of the
Stretch Island Bridge, bids to be open-
ed at 2 I ). M. on Marctl 2nd, 1920.
Moved and carried that $12.00 be
transferred from the Current Expense
as follows: $10.89 to the County Game
and $1.20 to the State Game to eorxect
error in Treasurer's Annual ReporC
Tim following bills were examined
and ordered paid:
Current 'mxpenlo
A. M. Frost at Algona, Wash., in- w. w. Barrett. sup. Co. Garage. 1.70
forms, us that he is still much inter-st. Peter's I-Iospital, care county
ested in the old tffwn and can't ,t poor ......................... 93.00
a ' - - --w. w. Barrett, repair C. H ..... 63.75
long wthout the home paper. H.E. Ford. sup. Co. garage ..... 14.29
Th , IG. P. Verot, same ............. 29.00
e Tacoma Commercial Club has G. P. Verot, same .............. 2.15
taken up and will boost tho o.n-IL. M. Co.. same ............... 24.09
struction of a millitary lighway-t'h ['ack Bl2n °. District :NO. S.
connect Camp Lewis and the Brem-I ° ' lohh"gnh' "lirl'ddg'"' 20.00
erton Navy Yard, and in this we will [Shelton Garage ................ 92.20
have a local interest. M.E. JOhnson ................ 27.40
L. M. Co ....................... 2.83
Olyml)ia Garage Co ............ 48.20
:Fermanent Plffhway Maintenance
Hoodm Canal Mere ............. 15.70
M. B. Graves .................. 7,07
taken to the hospital at Olympia last
week with a bad case of flu and also
an abscess of his face. At last re-
port he was improving.
The National ,Week of Songs begins
on February 22nd and in the next
issue of this paper a list of aug-
Plans are being prepared for a
large and modern home for Mr. and
Mrs: M. E. Reed to be built on the
site" of their present house, which
will be moved to a new locatio
across the street. The work will be-
gin in early spring.
The railroad was blocked last Sat-
urday afternoon by a wreck in which
five loads of logs were derailed and
a hundred feet of track tmTi up. The
wreck occurred on the 8-spot train
on its afternoon trip. The 'crew
worked Sunday clearing the track
and no logs were lost. .......
A fimall fire in the flue at the
Gage. home on Cots street last
Thursday caused considerable excite-
ment for a few minu'tes The alarm
geared songs to be practiced'and was sounded but the fire had sub-
sung on that week will be printed, sided before the fire department ar-
I rived on the scene. The house is
Ben and Milt Sehumacher made a occupied by A. H. Allen•
trip to Seattle this week to visit Because nothing has been said
their mother, Mrs. Wilhelmina Schu-
reacher, who was quite sick in that about tle new hospital for Shelton
city. She is now considerably ira' the, ides not sleeing. The original
proved, p.----- ---..e been revised down to,the
p0Jnt where it is asmred that the
Sheriff Potts went to South Bend Ibuilding ahd equipment can be cover-
last week and brought back W. Fred led by .the means available, and the
Christian, Charged with the desertion [in! plansmay.be expected soon.
of his minor Children and failure to'[
pay,alimony. The family lives on a.[ The Shelton Athletic club literally
ranch near Matlock. walked o#er the McCIeary aggrega-
' /i0n which' played the }oys here last
Tommy, :O'Neill heard about the[Saturday evening. Tle local boys
steelhead fishing and had to come I ran up sUCh a mammoth score on the'
down "from Seattle it Friday and ISitrs that they lost track of the
try his luck. Angus and he brought [figures. A)truck load of young root-
in two each from the Skokomish lers £'omMcCleary accomnanied th
' team and attended th ............
Falls on Saturday. , [ . " e dancd at the
r ----'--'---- ' " '. Ih04 O. F. hall.later in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Mott, of Colorado,[ e returned home the same night.
accompanied Mrs: Allie Ahl, of El-[ • . "
don, to Shelton Wednesday to visit[ Mrs W. E. Edwards of the Con-
Jacob Hauptly. Mrs. Mort is a sister ]o' Beach"Pen!try-mud Hog Farm
of Mrs. Ahl, and they are enjoying I.o .lue z announces this week that
] eth in 35 ears s e xs gem rote the oultr and he
the first V'sit tog er y • [ " ." g" p y g
• _..----.-- Iraising usiess on a large scale and
W. S.'Heckman this week dis'Pose I is going to be able o supply this
of the studio to Mr. and Mrs. DI M,. ldistrict in the future. She plans to
Bain of Seattle, who take charge thm lship day-old: chicks at the rate of
week. Mr, and Mrs. Bain and sons !1000 every Week after March 1st.
arrived Thursday and will make their i Her advertisement appears on pag e
home in the Poste'ffice building, i eight of this issue.
C. E. Bernard returned last week
to his home in Seattle after spend-
ing a month in charge ,of: F. H.
Diehl's store. Fred. was lald up with
the Flu after his retunr from the
East but is now on the job again.
A party of Rebekahs, including
Mrs. Edna Jones, Mrs. Eliza Casey,
Mrs. Mary Lytle, Mrs. Cal Roden-
berger and Mrs. Ceclia Norton, made
the auto trip to Olympia with Himy
Norton Wednesday to visit Ruth Re-
bekah Lodge. The Rebekahs also en-
oyed a fine supper prepared by the
ncampment brethren.
W. B. Staniford, route agent of the
American Railway Express, arrived
Wednesday evening from Tacoma to
reopen the local express office, and
brought in an accumulation of mat-
ter from the Tacoma office. Robert
C. Angle was appointed local agent
and the Shelton office is located at
the Journal office.
" Don't worry about the high cost
of shoes any more. Hansen Bros.
have 300 pairs of slightly worn rus-
set army shoes which are going to
sell from $1 up. They 'claim these
are going to put a nick in the high
cost of shoe leather. The shoes were
shipped last week from St. Louis and
their arrival will be announced in
the Hansen Bros. advertising, watch
their ad. each week. --Adv.
Secretary Bell of the Mason CdUn-
ty Farm Loan Association, has been
advised by the Federal Land Bank
not to accept further' applications for
fmTn loans for the present, or until
such time as the suit now pending
in the supreme court is decided. A
Kansas farm mortgage concern is
a ttac.king the farm loan act, and the
case ]s now before the highest court,
but the federal board will not at-
tempt to offer more farm loan bonds
for sale and can' only care for the
applications already in.
An automobile belonging to Pete
Pease of the White Star Lumber
Company was stolen from the street
Thursday night. The car was left
standing in front of Combes and
Company's 'store while they went to
the show, and when the show was
over the car was one. It was re-
covered Saturday in Hoquiam, but
the thief escaped.Elma Chronicle.
The Rebekah Hard Time dafter
cheduled here this Saturday and the
Matlock dance planned for the same
date have been indefinitely postponed
on account of 'the present danger of
influenza. Plans regardnig them will
be announced later.
Somerville's Jazz Band will furnish
the musi.c. A big time. 2-20
l']d. Krlse ..................... 10.80
Special :Road :Fund
L. Mcl,eod .................... 64.45
K. Pierce ..................... 4.83
Heth0dist Episcopal Church
Out" Sunday School is the largest
it has been for the past three years,
and more are coming/We would like
to see more of the ohter members of
out" Church as interested in the Sun-
day School work as the children are.
Our teachers, with one or two ex-
ceptions, are very prompt and al-
ways on the job. 1 timnk you for:
interest in your class work, and may l
the Lord bless you in your labor of;
At the regular meeting of the
board of trustees it was voted to
paint our church floor, which is a
move in the right direction.
Let the good work go on.
. Our church attendance has doubled
]n the past four months and there
is room for more. Come and fill all
the seats.
Because of the flu there will be no
services until further notice.
Addison Self, Pastor.
"St. Edward's Catholic Church"
On 2rot Sundays first Mass is at
8 a. m. and second Mass at Skoko-
mish at 11 a. m.
On fourth Sundays Mass at 10
a.m. Evening devotions at 7:30 p. m.
Watch our Classified ads for the
things you may want; try them once[
when you have anything to sell,--[
those who advertise get quick re-[
suits. They reach a thousand'peo-[
for a quarter. J
Mrs. Lincoln MeKay of Potlatch
has moved to Sheiton where she v, itl
make her home. Beaetrice Wood-
iworth, her niece, will stay with her
aml go to school.
Duncan McKay and his wife at
Potlatch have the flu.
Mr. and Mrs. Cal Bird are the
proud parents of a son.
Burt MeComb and family visited
relatives near Elma. He is stayiffg,
taking a position as brakeman on
Stimpson's raSh'pad. The family will
_. od.e ....................... 4. S.a Imove over soon as school is out. ,
,1. w ner ..................... .3Z • • i " i in
D Clmmbers 40 2 Chnton Finch of Elma s ws t g
G: Grese :::::::::::::::::::::: 4.:the MeComb.s. I
MOved" final 5arrIed that fh il)h'(<[ Olaf'Strombold, who has been vis-i
"Wallace Johnson Motor Co. to tie itin, Mr Bur ,h Teturned to hi
amount of $347.r4 be allowed with the s . -. --, "L.. ." ...... -
deduction, of $ 20.,30. nome In, xamma wednesaa,. , .,.
On motion lhe Board adjourned tO We have been"Iiavmg 'fino weather
meet Monday, March 1, 1920.
X, • 'T ..... tin Potlatch this week. We are all
...... c.i:mn in hopes it will stay that way for a
Attest: IONE W. DOYLE. Clerk. "while. --Chatterbox•
y d p
through town Tuesday on their way
to their home in the Skokomish Val-
ley where they surprised their many
friends. The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. O. Bishop and the
groom is the son of Mrs. William
Johnson. Both are well known Sko-
komish families. The bride is the sis-'
ter of Mrs. Roy Eells of this city.
Mr. Ahem was discharged last fall
from service in the marine corps.
They will make their home in the
Skokomish Valley.
Advertised letters remaining in the
postoffiee at Shelton, Wash., for the
week ending February 13, 1920:
Cairns, Henry, M. D.
Carlson, Mrs. Ida
. Frav0r, A. W.
Giler, M.
Gardner, S. F.
Hanson, A.
JOhnston, N.
Johnson, L.
Onaus, Carl
Protz, Mrs. Annie
Thomson, Mrs. Eveline
Weaver, Sam'l M.
Williams, Ted
The undersigned desire to return
their sincere thanks to the many
friends who have in past years and
during the •more recent illness and
leath of Mrs. Annie Cruson extended
to her and us their many priceless
offerings of help and sympathy.
J. J. Cruson.
Mrs. Mary Dory.
Clellan Cruson.
Burk Cruson.
Have you talked with
Jay B. Ransom
They are guaranteed in
writing. Absolutely
blow-out proof.
Distributor for Northwest
Shelton. Wash.
Distributor for Mason County
, , ,, ,, _
A very successful Grange meeting
was held Saturday night, February
7th. The following officers
elected for the new year:
Master--Robert C. Johnson.
OverseerW. A. Hunter.
Lecturer--Paul Hunter.
StewardGuy Jamison.
SecretaryMrs. Fred Bell.
Chaplain--Mrs. Ernest Eaton.
Asst. StewardKelsey Tanner.
Treasurer-Wil!iam Johnston.
Gate Keeper--Karl Rose.
Lady Assistant StewardMiss Is.
bei Weaver.
CeresMrs. Weaver.
PomonaMrs. W. A. Hunter.
Flores--Mrs. Robt. C. Johnson.
] An open meeting will be held Sat-
l urday evening, March 6th, which we
[hope will be a big time and a good
I¢ime to all.
Mrs. John Reed,, Gertrude Ruby
and Johnny Reed and Carl Tillquist
were visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Budding Sunda
Mr. and Mrs. Westlake of Ballow
were visitors at the Reed home for
a few days last week.
Mrs. Henry Budding and Mrs. Zan-
dell spent the day visiting Mrs.Cleve-
land Monday.
• Mrs, Ralsoni went to Tacoma on
Iuesdy, returning the same day.
Tom Reid and Mrs. Finman were
visitors at Tweedie's Thursday even-
John Reed and Gertrude and John-
ny went to Bremerton Saturday on
Miss Tweedie was a visitor at
Reed's Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. August Peterson,
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Ericson and Miss
Anna Tillquist were visitors at Mr.
and Mrs. John Smith's Suday after-
Miss Mihh'ed Peebles was home
visiting her folks last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Reed called on
Dan Nevitt Friday evening.
M. 'E. Wahlron was a visitor of
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Howard of
Belfair Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesserling, Mr. and
Mrs. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Emil
Ericson, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and
Mrs. Olaf Ericson spent the evening
in music and games at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Tillquist Saturday
M. E. Waldron was entertained at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Smith Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith of
Agate were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Will Budding Thursday.
Are You
Corn-Crippled ?
Put ease and lightness In your feet
Corn Remover
Does not make the surrounding tissue
soft and tender like salve or piaster--
corns thrive on tender toes.
hard and soft
corns and
Oet some
tonight at- Il 25
. iN[ ,u,,
Fir Dru •
Gee. E. Michael, Prop.
60-pound can of Mountain Flower Honey, de-
livered, $16,90; 10 pounds for $3.00; five pounds
for $1.75; 21/, pounds for $1.00.
Otmp TwO, :Yetis(oh, Wa|h,
Paine's Restaurant
Saturday open till 12 p. m.
Restaurant closed on Sundays
Popular prices Oysters to your taste
Still in the Ring
The, reason why we are still in the ring Is because the people of Shel-
tou and vic£nityare realizing every day the fact that what money
comes to ou.store STAYS IN SHELTON and does not go "to Tacoma.
where you %V.ill not get the benefit of it. We are 1O0 per cent for
., .'% L.B. ALLPHIN
.* :"" '* Owher. Prop.. Mgr.. See., Treas.
• &gli'orlRoIilllTI have employed as clerk Mr. Fred Sjogren of Du-
luth. Mlnn,, Just returned from seven months in France with Tank
Corps and three years with the American Army. Mr. SJogrcn Is con-
nected i no way whatever with the store, onl as clerk.
• New Piumbing Shop
i i . . I] ' I I I
Satisfaction guaranteed
Shop in old L. M. Warehouse
Phone 33
=============================================== - T:-_:==
We have the most wanted kinds in
a variety of scrims with hemstitched
borders, mercerized voile and tape
bordered Marquise(tea in cream, ecru
and Arab at 40c to 75c a yard.
Also the all-over lace at $1.00 per yd.
If you are in need of curtains it
would be well' to look over our stock
as the spring grades will be much
higher in this line.
Domestics such as muslins, nain-
sooks, ginghams and percales will be
a great deal more costly in the spring
than now and you will make no mis-
take taking n what you can at the
now prevailing prices.
The Spring Pictorial Fashion Book
is here, filled with an abundance of
new ideas.