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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 13, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 13, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE SIX T]E MASON COUNTY JOURNAL l i I I Sl I FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1920 [ WASHIHGTON STATE NEWS OF INTEREST Important Occurrences of Past Week Briefly Complied for Our Readers. The Influenza epidemic Is decreasing In Walls Walls. Of the 26 births at Centralla during January, 14 were females. The quarterly convention of the Pu- get Sound Society of Friends wa held in Seattle. Influenza cases are decreasing In number in Seattle, Dr. H. M. Reed, city health commissioner, annouliccd. Ray. Jeremiah Dick, for 16 years Bunday |cool missionary of the @on- gregattonal church, is dead at SentrY. A total of 1800 Vancouver voters have lned the Triple allia4z. Mf, ozd4ng to an offtolal of the eeotzw] 18bor Ooun- ell. Fott- famous guns operated by the 146th field artillery, recruited mainly from Waehlngton, Oregon and Idaho, have been presented to Walls Walla by the war department. Shipments to date from Yaklma valley points, with estimates of 2000 !cars of fruit yet remaining In stor- age, indicate a total production of A, as--awar---ded a contrec,y the stat board of control for construction of a central h{mtlng plant at the state in- dustrial school for g.'ls at Grand MOund for $7990. A contest of the will of J. D. Sher. wood of Sp,kane, who was killed in a California automobile accident togeth- er with his wife. has been filed by a 16,137 cars last season, sister of the wife, who claims that the F. E. Waterhouse. 28, bank clerk, husband died first. within half an hour after his arrest  Two grain elevators and warelmuses, at Seattle, pleaded guilty to an indict- ment charging him with embezzling $3500 from his employers. A record price for wheat was paid at Walls Walls, when Joe Grote, a Eure- ka farmer, bought 5000 bushels of I Early Bert for seeding. Grot paid $3.50 a bushel for the grain. The school teachers of Passe lave requested that tiny be given a bonus in addition to their regular salaries. The bonus asked for approximates 20 per cent of their contract salaries. The receiver of the First Interna- tional bank of South Bend, which fail- ed three years ago, has declared a div- idend of 35 per cent, and asserts that another one will be declared shortly. The Berg-Origgs company of Tacoma with a capacity of 300,000 bushels each, will be erected at Moscow, Idaho, and Colfax, Wash., this summer by Alio- way & George, Spokane contractors, according to plans made public. Dr. F. E. Smith, chief dairy nd fuel inspector of Seattle, was elected president of the Paxific Northwest As- sociation of Dairy and Milk Inspectors at the eighth annual convention of that organization which was held in lct - land, Or. The Kslo city council has entered into an agreement with D. B. lleck, owner of the KetJo waer syff, m2L imb- Sect to the avprov&i of the votmm cL the city, by whit the city will ar- chase the Kelmo Water  qq- tern for $40,000. Cinches a 4 WHY YOU SHOULD BUY YOUR FORDSON RIGHT NOW: : BECAUSE--You are goingto own one of bhese timesavers, these money- makers; not because some other dealer or ourselves want to sell you one, but because in these • days of high prices and high wages time is money, and both quick transportation and power farming mean time saving and money making. .. BECAUSE--We have just taken i,lthe FordsoniTractor agency and our entire allotment consists of onlyten tractors for our' whole territory for this season We have the same territory on Fordson Tractors as we have on Ford Cars and are equipped to give the same service. BECAUSE--There is a Shortage o tractors. The factory on November 1 had 50,000 signed orders for tractors that they were unable to deliver. This condition was brought about by the Fordson making good from the Start and it's being :picked uniyersaUy by farmers as their tractor. Another reason is L the Steel shortage and the conditions that now exist in the coal fields. BECAUSE--Power farming means "dollars and cents" to you, Mr. Farmer. A canvass of the tractor manufacturere of the United States Department of Agriculture has disclosed that the total number of tractors expected to be manufactured from June, 1919, to Julyl, t920, is 250,000 and that 70 per cent--think of it--70 per cent of thesewill be Fordsons and 30 per cent all other makes combined. BECAUSE--That time is money in this day of high prices and high wages The big manufacturers who have made millionsdid it with machinery. Mr. Farmer, do your farming with power equipment. BECAUSE--Henry Ford & Son will not ship the dealer tractors unless he has a signed order from his customers. BECAUSE--Thedemand is greater than the supply, so the supply goes to the man who has anticipated his needs, who has ordered in advance. BECAUSE--After considering thesetruths we know you will profit by this statement. If you want a tractor between now and next July you must order in advance. Let us show you how you can get easy terms. An insurance of delivery and other information just as interesting. Telephone at our expense or write today. We will have a representative call on you without Obligations and explain the facts you ought to know if you expect to own a tractor before next July. - .... .............. .jz  ORDER YOUR TRACTOR TODAY--NOW! "KEEP THE BOY ON THE FARM." t00rice F. O. B. Dearborn, Michigan. Wallace Johnson Motor Company Authorized Ford son Sales and Service.  ii ii I GOVERNOR EDWARDS Edward I. Edwards, the new gover- nor' of New Jereey, who was elected on a "wet" ticket. ORGANIZED LABOR ENTERS POLITICS Washington--Organized labor, 3,000,- 000 strong, has thrown its hat into the political ring. Vigorously denouncing congress, which, it was said, "has failed to do its duty," the American Federation, of Labor announced the appointment of a national non-partisan political cam- paign committee which will mobilize trade unionists and "all lovers of free- dom '° in an effort to defeat candidates indifferent or hostile to labor and to elect "true and tried" friends of the trade-union movement. Not waiting for the general election in November, the campaign will be started Immediately and pursued with- out relaxation through the primaries, in which, tt is stated, all aspirants for office will have their records "ana- lyzed, stated in unmistakable language and given the widest possible public- ity." This program applies to all candi- dates, from presidential nominees down. The state sheriffs' association, in session at Walla Walta, reelected George Reid of Spokane president and elected John L. Stringer of,, Seattle vice-president; Clarence E. Long of Spokane, secretary-treasurer. The next meeting Will be held in Wenatchse, October | to ?, 1920. A consignment of half a million fish eggs, eastern brook trout, was received by the Clarke county game comets- eton• These eggs will be hatched at the hatchery on CflQ creek, and im- planted in the streams of the county by Wi|lfam Thompson, game warden, when the fish have rgached thru Inchee In lonh. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Office Phone 441. Res. Phone 71 N. E. ROBERTS Physician and Surgeon Succeeding and located in the offices of the late Dr. Wells. i Constipation HERE IS NOTHING equal to Chambcrlain's Tablets for constipation. When the proper dose is taken their action is so agreeable and so natural that you do not realize that it is.the effect of a medicine. These tablets pomess tonic proper- tics that aid in establishing a nr.':=ral and regular action of the bowels. Chamberlain's Tablets haw cured many cases of chronic constipation. ,::: ::: .... ::::::::::::: =========================== Diamond Inks are Good Stickine .d new liquid paste with win- te rbreen #avor. ./1 great stielcer. Nerer dries u,p. lOc and /Oc Tr!/ Y6 saznple /(r in yor office Cream Paste The jar with the ,,ateT'well oust- side the tar. Two sizes 60c ," ¢1.00 Blach; l, Fritin l'luid in Ouarts and 2 Oz. Bottles, Fountain Pen Ilcs, Blue, Blue-blac], Green azd Puwh', 1be a bottle. W'e also carry Carter's and Si,dct I, ks and ddhesives. Journal Stationery Shop =:: ================================================= SHORTY THE ONLY TAILOR IN TOWN New spring• samples have arrived so order that new suit now Cleaning, Pressing and Altering Ladies Gentlemen Suits sponged and pressed . . 1.00 Suits sponged and pressed • . $1.00 Suits cleaned and pressed 2.00 Suits dry cleaned and pressed 2.00 Skirts ...... • • 1.00 Coats ...... 1.00 Jackets "' 1.00 Pants ' ..... 1.00 • " Pants sponged and pressed . , .50 Dresses .... . . . 1.75 up Overcoats dry cleaned and pressed 2.00 Fancy Dresses cleaned and Overcoats dyed ..... • 5.00 pressed ........ 2.25 up Suits dyed ........ 5.00 J. T. WALSH, Box 216, Shelton H. G. BRADBURY ii`iiiiiiii Postoffice DENTIST li W H SNITH i Building, Shelton, Wash. Open 9 to 12---1 to 5 Evening by appointments..' • • , DR. J. J. MUSTARD Res. phone 755. Office over Capital National Bank, Olympia. Office phone 639. Office hours 10:30 to 12:30 p.nt 2to5 p.m. 7 to8p. m. CHAS. R. LEWIS ATTORNEY--ATLAW, Phone 463. SHELTONo WASH. (Rooms 7 & 8 Lumbermens Bldg.) mm i CIGARS, TOBACCOS AND HIGH GRADE CANDIES [] Guns, Ammunition and Sporting Goods []. All the Daily Papers. [] Headquaer for Cigars, Tobaccos, cigarettes & Fine Candies -[] am Il|ulti ALDEN C. BAYLEY LAWYER Mason County Abstract & Title Co Bldg. Opposite State Bank of Shelto PHONE 281. Shelton, Wash. A. L. BELL Abstracts and Surveying Draughting, Real Estate, Leas and Insurance. Horn Bldg. Selton, Wash SOFT DRINK STORE I I i I EMrL PAULSON, Prop. All kinds of pleasing Soft Drinks, Hot Drinks and Light Lunch Fine Candies, Cigars and Fresh Roasted Peanuts Furnished Rooms for Transient Guests. Shelton, Washington GRANT C. ANGLE Notary Public Real Estate, Insurance and Conveyancing Fire, Life, Health and Accident and Bond Insurance. JOURNAL OFFICE, SHELTON Passengers, Baggage and Freight REASONABLE RATES PHONE 41. D. E. BARRE2? Ill I I I J. E. CONNOLLY Shelton Harket and Ice Plant I I I I