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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 13, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 13, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE SEVEN FRIDAY, F]BRUARY 13, 1920 "L Multi-Milllonmre - P&apos;600r Lou is Rich Lou N0w00--a " " " "- el \\;" k .*2 \\;7: r I /- / . Lo! po" lm no Icgm'. Fr pe  the Os,e hulhm /adbe at least---Is the richest e mm.teldollsm In  u a oonmm on thm D ou maa gu : j r/ghts was  to memlbem cg tim   Them ae abot 9.200 Oeages, each man, womanly.. ,| ]8 an _/flld  aummlly abcqg $4@. M.B.  aeslant emnmlssoner, and J. Geor ,,   j Wr.t.      ..    ro a sis photo. |,|| • l'|'l'¢l |/lllkl I(t Vqlth 1,$,6,900 head of livestock tn ........ 9-- --" ,w /tA/I AbAIR [b the state on January, 1920, Washing-JUDGE SHr s Atil UI ___, ......... ton ,,00l)erieneed 00.crease ITS TEETH BEFONt [NA1 [= head as cnmpared with the 1,1,55,000 * " head of one year previous. The re- port just issued by G. S. Ray, field Peace Pact Brought up For Con- sideration Monday; Bitter Fight Forecast. Washington. -- The peace treaty, / which has lain in a parliamentary pi- geonhole since November 19, while a basts for its ratification was unsuc. cessfully sought in private negoita- tions, was brought formally before the senate again Monday. Although prompt agreement is ex- pected generally on many' of the minor point8 at issue, ,a long and bitter con. test is forecast over article 10 and per- haps a few other treaty provisions. The leaders on both' sides profess to see some hope of ratification, but other senators believe the deadlock certain to continue until the controversy has been fought out in the presidential campaign. Besides the outstaadln issues of the treaty fight the most prominent agent of the federal bureau of crop estimates, indicates the aggregate value of all stock in the state to be $75.200.000, or an increase of more than $3,500,00( over last year's valua- tion of $74,677,000. This increase is due largely to the higher average values of cattle as compared with last year. The Washington public service com- mission wired Senator Cummings, Con- gressman Each and members of the congressional delegation from this state a vigorous protest against In- sertion in the pending railroad leg- islation of a provision submitted by the committee of railroad executives conferring on the interstate commerce commission authority to suspend in. trastate rates upon an informal show- ing by the carrier and to attbstituta rates ordered by the interstate com. meres commission before any formal hearing is allowed. auhJect of dlsculon among senators Railroad8 Guaranteed 5Y= Per Cent. was the letter of President Wilson Washington.--A return of 5% per laid before the democratic cofereace cent on the aggregate value of the and made public by Senator Hltchcock. rallrols would be guaranteed by the The president's renewed declaration of i 8over, sent for a period of two years opposition to some of the language of l the republican reservations were inter- [ under an agreement reached by the preted in different ways. I anate and house conferees on the rail. Some deelared the letter afl uneom-I'oad bill. promising reiteration of the stand tak-/ Meat Pack Five Billion. on by the president on the eve of the I Chleago.Totai output of the meat November ratification vt and asHrt- i packing industry in the United States ed that ite publication had widened the [ for 1519, was estimated at more than breach between the democratic and re-  $5,000,000,000 In a statement given out jmbllcan forces. 0the|, professing to! by the Institute of American Meat see new evidences of concision in the • Packers. president's words, pradleted an oppo- site effect. ' Althoug h the prestdmt's letter was written before publication of the |tAts - meat of Viscount Grey rardlng res- ervations; in some quarters it was sug- gested thRt the letter wold not have boon permitted to become public if the British state,man's views had resulted In any change in tha president's poJi- tion. Trap-ping of-wild fur-bearing animals THE MARKETS. Portland. Gate--No. $ white feed, $8 a ton. CorWhole, $67; cracked, $69. HayWillamette valley timothy, $$0@|$ per ton; alfalfa, $31.50. Butter Itt--2 @64c. Eggs--Ranch, 42c per doges. Poultry --Hens, 8@S$c. Cattle--Best steers, $11.50@12.50; |God to ehotee,'llll.50; medium to within sight of Seattle this winter has netted $40 a day for Martin M cDon.[ . aid, whose traps are set each yesx at the extreme north end of Lake Wash. ington, near Kenmore. The annual convention of the Inter  national Timber Workers' union, which is to be held in Spokane March 1-17, will be the largest in the history of the organization, according to John Norland, secretary O f th__e_e_0_rganlsatiow -Five hundred employee in the 10o. motive department of the Northern Pacific shops at Sout] Tacoma quit work at 4:80 Friday afternoon at the end of eight hours, dierarding the order of Dlrector,(eneral Hines estab- lishing a nine-hour day. Their rejec- tion of time and a half for an extra hour's work was the result of a vote taken by the machinists, blacksmiths and boiler makers. Negligence on the part of the city of Seattle, resulting in damages to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul ..... railway in the amount of $79,369, is al- legal in a complaint filed in federal court by the United States railroad administration. The complaint charges that through the impounding by the city of Waters in the Cedar river watershed, railroad tracks were flood- ed, bridges were washed out and serv- ice delayed, especially in December, 1918. The number of acres of state land Under lease in Washington has prac- tically been doubled during the last six years, it was shown by a report Just compiled by State Land Commis- sioner Clark V. Savldge. At present '/21,010 acres of state land are under lease as compared with 455,$19 acres ill 1914. This showing is made despit4 the fact that thousands of acres for* merly under lease have been sold at the expiration of the leases beeaues of the increased demand for grilling and , "(,0@10.0. Hi,god, rime mixed, $1.50@15; me- dium mld, $15@19.50; pigs, $15@16. Sheep--Eastern lambs, $16.5017.50, valley lambs, $14.50@16.50; ewes, $10 @1. Seattle. HayEaetern Washington Umothy, [38@39 per ton; alfalfa, $85. Butter Fat--68@65e. Eggs--lneh, 42@45e. P0ultryHens, heavy, dressed, 43e; light, 40e. HogsPrtme, $15@1.e; medium to choice, $16@15; pigs, $15@1S.50. Cattle---Best steers, $IZ.25@12.75; helferg, $10.0; Olives, $7@16. WLARKETING "CROPS IS . MEREDITH'S__HQBBY.,. • "Oetth crops to market with-" Out lost motion or costs" is to be the policy of hl. department, says T. MeredRh of Des Molnes. X m-, the new tary of agrieul- tu In President Wilson's cabl- teeth is a new trick 'the Depart- ment of Agrk'ultur has intro- duced to stoekmms. ednS • horse's aKe by. the ]l of hill molars  long been • tradpr's trick. This PhOto warn taken o= the government's mMn'Inntal fkxm at Belhnrme,'Md. .= -'sre is more Catarrh in th eoeUon o. ;he country than all other disues put together, and for years it was sUl. osed to be Incurable. Doctors prescrlbl local remedl, and by constantly falli to cure with |oer.l treatment, pronoun |t incurable. Catarrh is a local diseaN, 8reaUy influenced by constitutional con* all|ions and therefore requires €o.tits. Uonsl treatment. Hall's Catarrh M, eA, manufactured by F J. Chancy 6 Co.. Toledo, Ohio, Is a eonsUtutiocal remedy, is taken internally ,and sots thru the Blood on th Mucous Surfaeee of the System. One Hundred Dollars , ward Is offered for any ease that Hall's Catarrh Medicine fails to curs. Send for circulars and testimonials. 'F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio, Bold by DrugtJt. 75c, ]lall S Family PIlls for constipation. No. 324. |rM:MO FOIL pUBZtOATZON FO]MIIOZ,OBIT,]II 01' T£X X.XM In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County. W. 1t. MAXWELL, Plaintiff VS. JOSEPH M. HAWTHORNE and N.E,% of N.W.; S.W.% of N.W.%; S.E. of N V Va See. 17 Twp 22 N. R, $ W. W. M. and all persona unknown, if any. having or claiming to have an interest in and to the real proper- ty hereinafter described, Defendants. THE STATh] OIP VASHINGTON to Joseph M. Hawthorne and N.E. ol N.W.%; S.W.% of N.W.4; S.E.% ( N.W.% Sec. 17 Twp 22 N. R. 3 W. M. and all persons unknown, if any, having or claiming to have an interest in and to the real property hereinafter described: You and each of you are hereby noti- fied that W. H. Maxwell Is the holder of Certificate of Delinquency numbered How great the damage done to fruit trees in Clarke county this winter by the cold weatier, Ixas not been learn- ed, but the government is sending an expert, Professor C. A. Reed, of the deparlment of agriculture, bureau of plat industry, to the county, to give advice to the orchardists and malte a survey of damage. Bids by sheepmen at Fort Simcoe for lease of Yakima resel'vaii(n ra]H-Ps duvlng tile eonling season showed in- cre,:ses of ]00 to 150 per eent over th( bids made a year ago. lu ninny cases several bids were ofered for one range. The high bids reached $2,19 per ewe and lamb for summer range and $2.15 for winter range. NO. 528. lqOTICE OP TE AND PLACE PIKED POIg HEAEZNG PINA T" IEPOIT AND PETITION POE DISTEXBUTION. h* tlv, SUl)(,rtor Court of the Stale of '),Vash|ngton in and fOl' hlasou County IN PI.OBA q'l'L In tim l1attcr of the Estate of VtqlIRIN IA'FCHIqlA)E1C Deceased. NOTICE 1S 1-11?I¢.I,HCY GIVEN. That • Thrift THE GATEWAY TO (" .  YOUR FUTURE HAPPINESS STATE BANK OF SHELTON a final rcl)ort and l)etltlon for distrib- ution have boon flied with the c],rl( of tho above COtlrt in said estate, and the court IS asked to set| le StlCh l'tl)Ol't and distribute tile property to the per- sons entitled to ,the same, nmn(,ly, LeeS nunnn.- Ilnlc|t, hlt,r, and discharge the mlminis- " i[] trsirlx. That the conrt has fixed th,'  HOTEL SHELTON i |lille alld ])]riCO of hcar|nff O(" said I'OpoU[ and I)etttl,,n for dlstrlilution, as fol- lows: tile 13tll day of l/tl'ch, 1920, at [--____ lho hotlr of lfl o:clo(!l¢, A. M., at th,' ('Olll't l]ollsc In Shtlton, l,]ttson (OUll- |.v, \\;'[is|lingten, tit %vhlch ttnlc all l)OI '- [] SI)IIS Ial'Jllg al|y objections are l'ltl(lil't't| _ to :lpl)ear. BILLIARDS AND POOL--A CLEAN SPORT --- I l ATTI I,: l,, RI'CIEI.-GARI'IIilLD, (hq'{ o| sahl (_otlrt, And O|' 'las()n County. %Vashiugton. 2-13-a-12-51 Confectionery, Cigars and all Soft Drinks I = EDWARD H. FAUBERT, Mgr. = [] mm mm mm Hi| NEW SOLES AND HEELS will give you a new pair of shoes and save you the expense. We invite attention to the fact that in our modern shoe re- pairing we use only the best grade of leather. That means longer wear and a greater sav- ing, things not to be ignored in these days of soaring she_so :oats, . CHAMPION SHOE REPAIR H. M. Roseholt, Horn Bldg. W. W. BARRETT NO. 19.i. I NOTIGE OP IIIIA]ING AEIDED AND CORRECTED PINAL REPORT AND PETITION FO DISTItIBU. TION. lu tlc Superior Court of the State of Vashtngton in and for Mmuon County IN PROBATE. In the Matter of the Estate of NATHAN WHITE, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that B. C. %Vllley, administrator of the estate of Nathan White, deceased, has tiled in the office of the clerk of said Court his amended and corrected Final Report and Petition for Distribution, asking the Court to settle said Report. dis- tribute thc property to the persons en- titled and to discllarge said adminis- trator; and that said amended and cor- rected l,-'lnal Report" and Petition for Distribution will be heard on the lth day of March. 1920. at 9:30 A. M.. at the court room of tile Court House in Shelton, Mason County. Washington. NOTICE IS FUI:tTHER GIVEN to all parties to appear at said time and said place, and show cause, if any, why said maended and corrected Final Ac- count and Petition for Distribution should not be aproved, the estate dis- trtbuted and the administrator dis- charged. Dated tiffs 7th day of February. 1920. HATTIE E. RUCKER-GARFIELD, Clerk of said CIms. R. Lewis, Attorney for Adminis- trator. Rooms 7 & 8, Lumbermens Building, Shelton. Wash. 213-312-5t NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for the County of Mason. In Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of ANDERS SWANSON, Deceased. To the Creditors of the Above En- titled Estate, and to Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to orders entered in the above entitled matter, notice is here- by given that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Executor of the Estate of Anders • THE PIONEER HARDWARE STORE Stoves, Ranges, Hardwars, Patnt, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes, Picture Frames, Curtain Poles and Easels. All plumbing guaranteed as to work and material for one year. uu Shelt0n Factory AND QUICK REPAIR SHOP i And that all persons having claims against the said deceased or against the estate of the said deceased are hereby required to prepare them in the form requited by statute and to erve the same on the undersigned or is attorney of reeord, and file them with the Cerk of the above entitled Gourt with proof of such service within six months after th. date of the first publieation of this notice, to-wit: Within six months from the ii | t! 30th day of January, 1920. The place for the transaction of the business of said estate an me office of the attorney for the under- Manufacturers of heavy work shoes. We also have a line of serviceable, high.topped logger boots. All kinds of shoe repaxrmg neatly done. HANSEN BROS. iiIiiiIilfl.mllmmlmmllllllmllmmlml..I.Mmllmllmllllmllmlmmlmllll signed, where claims against said es- tate may be served, in the Law Office of Alden C. Bayley, Shelton, Mason County, State of Washington. And you are further notified that if any claim is not filed within the time aforesaid it shall be barred. P. O. SWANSON, Executor of the Estate of Anders Swanson, Deceased. ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Attorney for Executor, Sheiton, Wash. 1-30-2-20-4t , STR. S. G. SIMPSON THE SHELTON-TACOMA ROUTE Single Fare $1.51. Round trip $2.72 (Daily except Sundays) Leave Shelton 7 8. m. Leave Tacoma  p. m. The morning trip eonnec with the 11 o'clock Tacoma to eat¢le boat at Municipal Dock. Passengers from Seattle to eRon should take the steamer leaving qeattle at 1 o'clock p, m. Seattle shipments should be delivered to City Dock. No. 518. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County. In Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of DANIEL WALICH, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEX, 2hat in pursuance of au order o tl¢ Superior Court of th, State hf Washington in and for, said Count)', made on the 24th day of January, 1716, issued on the 1st day of June, 1917, by the County of Mason, State of Washington, for the amount of One Hundred, Two and 63-100 Dollars, the same being the amount then due and !delinquent for taxes for the year 1915 and 1916 together with penalty, inter- est and costs thereon, upon real prop- erty assessed to you and of which you arc the owner or reputed owner, situ- ated in said County, and particularly bounded and described as folh)ws, to- wit: North l,htst Quarter of the North ] %Vcst Quarter ( N.E. a£ of N.W. , ) I South .'t!sl Quarter of the Ndrth West | (.uar tcr ( S.'W. / of N.W. A ) South lqasl Ouarter of North West Quarter 1920, in the matter of the estate of (S.l,i'." t,ll N..V.A) All,in Sccthm 17 ]Daniel Walich, deceased, the under- [Town.¢qdl, 22 North I{angc Three West I si,e(l a,i::nistrator of sai4 estate, W M. ml taxesiX ,:;I in ol) din,e to sa;d old', (,T, t' an'd upon wtlch t)e has I d ." .... '  ' ' I ass,.ssed against said property as for [aft<n" the 16th day of February, 1920, lows: Yeal"s tlx, 1{)17; 1)tttv paid. June 20, lit tle law office of Chas. R. Lewis, 191!,: T.'> |',,,ccipt No., 21F3; Amount, ill She]ton, Washington, the place 57.$1. Total amount o1: taxes Imtd !wlaere ogres or bids on the property , iuce date of Certilicate of 1)clinquencY, :to be sold will bc received, exDose $57.8Z all of said /tnloHets bearlnK Interest at i for s:l]e at private sale all the inter- t It ':IC o' l|l'tt!en I)cr ceut per ;tutlulll; esi. Or the said Danie Walich, de- tu n t f lrt t] notified that he (elsod ill and to the f01]owing de- all [ y ' 2 ' i ' " ' will a ) x to t}lt S/|)tlior (.eul'i o thc s ""-t ' I 1 ." - "  ' . s•ld I,'CI'II)}(I Yeal etate, to-wit: Stllo ef \\;/;IsIlilllg 't'HI, ill Iknd |or .ll Cou,ly, for a Judg'ment foredusing his I,ot Eig'ht (8) and Lot Nine (9) of Block One (1) of the Amenden and Corrected Plat of the Town of Shelton, Mason County, Washington. Said property shall be sold for. the best offer for c'sh according to law, subject to confirmation of the said Superior Court. Dated at Shelton, Washington, this 30th clay of January, 1920. W. A. TUCKER, Administrator of said Estate. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Rooms 7 and 8, Lumbermen's Bldg., Shelton, Washington. Attorney for said Administrator. ]i,'u aF,':tinst lhe ]ll'o])crl.y ]lt!l,t!|llbe[ore llon t [Oll(,d, and .%" C 11 ape h (q'elgy Stlln- llon(!(l to al)P('ar within "sixty days aftr tte date of the first publication of this sununons, exvhlsive €)17 the day of sa|d lirst l)llblh:tl|,n, and defend this t(;l[on or |)ay 1.11q- ltnlOullt due, togettler with costs; nnd in case of your fallure to do so, Judgment will be rendered foreclosing the licn for said certificate of delinquency, taxes, penalty, interest and costs, against the lands and prem- ises hereinbefore mentioned. Date of first publication February 6 1920. Any l)leadtng or process may be served Ul)On the undersigned at the address hereatfer mentioned. M. W. LOGAN'. Plaintiff'S Attorney. SHELTON TRANSPORTATION COMPANY HARR Y FORD I I I ' IIIII ml I I Dealer in Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Mouldings, Doors, Windows. If 'you are going to build don't overlook the fact. We can save you money. figure with you. A square deal to all is our motto. Mill at Matlock. Yard at Shelton. "Protection That Protects Life, Accident, Health---3 in 1. NORTHERN LIFE INSURANCE CO. The Home Company of Seattle G. E. Kellogg, District Agent. @ Blacksmithing--Horseshoeing C. H. HILLMAN has leased the Phil Horn black- smith shop, and is now doing blacksmithing, h o r s e shoeing and general repair work.  IS • mew and resent plo- P.O. Address, Shelton, Wash. 1-30-2-18-3t ; , 2-6-3-I9-7t f!wmin![ land .............. , ttlZO  Bestiary ]lelrlitlt, ,, ................ m,;.'ala$ . -' .... " ,,=m. j,lBF:us,. --- I III