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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 13, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 13, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE EIGHT I CORRESPONDENCE Iii 00l00TO. I | 8 I Miss Mary Smith and Miss Emma ..... &apos; ................ -:---- Larsen visited Croman's and J. C. ,_ Green's at Rock Bay Sunday. I ] Miss Dagmar Smith spent last [ TANIITM "i [week in Tacoma. ] .......... ] ] The Misses Mary and Mabel Smith, . . , Miss Larsen and Mr. and Mrs. K. • Tacoma Dahl's visited C Kmtz's Tuesday Capt. Win. Brink was a . " ' " < caller last Fri(lay on business• l evemng • A large delegation of Stadiumites i. m' am.1 Mrs. C:Smith and daugh  o o( v b launch ter yauune spent Sun(lay even ng went to Shelt n t la, y •  .c ..... , , " a ,rand son a; I. l. lsson s. .)l's: )I. E. Bmk 2lom a visitors E Mrs N C Smith and children (totpn ri ulsen were 1' " , • p  " ...... r" " ont on  "spent I nday afternoon at Carl last, W('CK. iurs. 1 InK W [ t'- • , " • . • , " in'Smiths" tout, hfle Adolph took I Miss Price entertained A. Cleve- l:ne mgl.ts. ' ...... I a land Sunday at the Henderson r'mch • cnool opene(l yeseraay ac" 4.;., '  ' ' • , wiuiam tJorrig'an and Jack Hen week s close down on account of so ' " ' '" many of the ehihh'en being ill. All the youngsters were out bright and early yesterday morning with their lunch pails mnl books waiting in line for Ed. Cronquist and his stage. All seeme(l to be happy, and noisy for good nleasu re. Miss Mable Blomgren is working for the Goodro logging company now. She is chief hash slinger. Win. Blomgren is still confined at home with rheumatism. R. F. Johnson went to Shelton to- day on business. He was confined at home last week with an attack of rheumatism, but is all Sght now. C. W. Baird and wife are Shelton callers today. Mr. Baird is on busi- ness, while Mrs. Baird will do some shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen were visitors in Shelton today. Mrs. M. E. Brink is acting postmistress while Mrs. Hansen is away. Capt. Wm. Brink has turned his launch into a coal oil user instead of gasoline, so now look out for some speed record. Erick Adegard is a very busy man these days, improving his place get- ting ready for spring planting. G. C. Britton is still away on busi- ness, but we are in hopes the Judge will soon return to his ranch, for it looks lonesome over at the green house. Ted and Bryan Rauschert were callers at the Hansen's last Sunday. Capt. Brink is going into the wood business. He has invested in a real honest-to-goodness cross-cut saw, and how the wood will ring now with the memT music of the saw. Frank Seiners has built a big fire place in his house to keep old Mr. Winter out. Frank is some farmer. t{e is going into the grape business on a large scale. The Sund BrSS. are still very busy logging. Mrs. K. Snnd and little Johnny are cleaning up for spring planting. Mrs. Ed. Cronquist is doing the same getting ready for the spring garden. " ISABELLA VALLEY ! Last week we called attention to the amount taken in at the basket social which was $21.08. We have spent $3 for material with which to make curtains for our school win- dows. We have decided to keep the balance, $18.08, add. a little more to it, and donate this to the Hospital Fund in Shelton. We believe this is a worthy cause and are glad to take the lead as a school in starting such a fund. Mr. Johnson came from Satsop Friday to visit his fa!pily. - r. and Mrs. Robert C. Johnson :attended thY Skogomish Grange Sat- urday night, and report a good time. Frank Barber spent part of Sun- (lay afternoon at the Baldwin home, Minnie and Emma WiveU and Maude and Luella Baldwin visited the Taylor home Sunday. Axel Anderson spent Sunday af- ternoon at the Wivell home. Harold Castle returned to his home at Mud Bay Saturday. He has been spending a few (lays with htsgrand - arents, Mr. and Mrs. chas. Saeger of this valley. Charlie Churchill of Dayton was a Visitor at the Saeger home' Satur- day afternoon. derson went horse-back riding Sun- day. Miss Mabel Smith spent Sunday afternoon at N..'C. Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson and children were dinner guests at the Nelson home Sunday. The Stock family, Mrs. Nienmn and daughter Lena verc visitors at the Henderson ranch. Mis Helen Corrigan was a visitor at Nehson's Saturday. The Misses Anna and Myrtle Nel- son entertained the Misses Mabel and Clara Smith at the Nelson home Sunday. Gilbert Pederson passed quietly away at 11:45 Sunday evening. His home is in Victor, but he was in Kansas City, Missouri, when he died. Mr. an(l Mrs. K. Dahl spent Sat- urday evening at the Nelson's. Andrew Nelson is in Victor, after working at Brinnon ever since last fail. Miss Helen Corrigan was on the sick list Monday and did not attend school... Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson and children visited Nelson's Sunday. Miss Larsen is over the mumps and is teaching at Victor again. Frank Nelson is working over at Budding's camp in Allyn. Mr. Kertz visited C. J. Corrigan's Sunday. The Corrigan's had a card party and danced also Tuesday evening. The Misses Dagmar, Mary and Mabel Smith and Miss Larsen spent Sunday evening at K. DahPs. Miss Mary Smith visited E. Lar- sen'. Thursday afternoon. Mrs. J. W. Henderson and son !Jack, and Miss F. Price visited Carl Smith's Saturday afternoon. Miss Larsen visited' F. B. Sisson's Thursday afternoon. '., :'. I ' LOWER MATLOCK Mr. and Mrs. Edward Evers called at the Bateman home Monday even- l''II's.'-- Albert Winkelman and chil- dren, Glenny and Edward, Andy Burke and Clinton Reed visited Re- diska's Sunday. Miss Linnea Helin is home the past week on account of the Mon- 'tesano schools being closed. Asa Bateman and son Aner and LeRoy Quiett spent Sunday evening with Rediska's. Frank Demoust and George Evers Jr. called at the Win. and Ed. Ever,: homes Monday evening• Alvah McKibben was a business cile ".'n Matlock Tuesday. Mrs. Anna King and daughter Margaret were Shelton visitors last Thursday. Miss Ruth Peterson visited Re- diska's Monday evening. DEMAND SPECIAL SESSION. Oovernor Hart of Washington will be uked to call a special sosslon of the leglslaturs to draw up a eonstltu. ttonal amendment' to be submitted to the people providing for a change In methods of taxation In the evsrgresn rotate, according to ths declllon of the .executlv@ committee of the Interstats Realty asocltlon, which held a two day_' conference at .portland. _ - i i ! i ( i Day-.Old Chicks [ ] , i i i SENT RIGHT TO YOUR HOME t 3000 Rhode Island Reds and Tancred strain ,White Leghorns for delivery first week in :March, and 1000 weekly after that date. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW $15 to $25 per Hundred Also full-blood Rhode Island Red Cockerels, Inman strain. " Custom Hatching SIX WEEKS OLD PIGS ON MARCH 1st Full blood Berkshire from registered stock, $8. Brood Sows and Shoats. Full blood Berkshire for service. CONCORD BEACH POULTRY &HOG FARM Mrs. W. E. Edwards, Route 2, Shelton Phone Farmers Line MASON COUNTY JOURNAL .................... FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1920 i i * - -* ' -if Some tZ the ladies c': this vicinity] Last Sunday ,],_::. Bates went over/[ called upon Mr,. Bickle aturday to ltowa.rds Hunters place on the.Sko-/l see the txx:ns. They were Mesdames[ lomsn roa(l o .,,o:.: "tt a norse| Blair, Bray, RobZ,s and Marsh.-- l wlieh he purchased- . ..... ',i M S I v. . cnumacner wen o eame II Valentines Bremerton this last week were/ness and visit relatives. He returned / I t Messrs Baker, Angel, Marsh, Haw- Friday evening. I thorns and Biclde Salmrday night, February the 7th/t Angels Loggin Co started haul- there gathered at the home of Mr. / | in 1o, Monday- Loin, must beland Mrs. A. G. I'eterson abont 40|, .  animl,;rtant in('ii, st,'yvhc, n "angels'; i young peojfle to ce!cbrate the birth-| l_e .... oln. it.--... _. . . ' .' . • We are all glad to see Tiaeodore tevemng ,,'as spent. {n staging and! B ;.1 r h't(. ,k in 'schoo].--L. ]:. [ p/'tylng,, g'unes,, . 4_. light;, mneneon was, . . | "• ....  , . 1 Dt Grant and some friends of serve(1 about mdmght Ihe mare his visited his float house at Stim-feature of tqae relreshments was a o's cams Stndav--H I snow white cake decorated with blue • s,;me el' the b&,'s of" Bglfair spent candles (we're not telling how many). I graved novelty ' Sunday forenoon dip-netting. The ;result of their emleavors were five large smelt!!--H. L. Mr. Henry, storekeeper of Belfair, went to Bremerton after a large number of groceries Monday morn- ing.--E. G. B. The ,"speeder" at Stimson's camp has been too well repaired. The wheels were tightelaed, which causes it to jump the track at every sharp cu rve.--P, l;. Mr. and Mrs. Wolff moved back to the oil station last @eek.--P. B. Louis Larsen went to Allyn Tues- (lay after some feed.--R. B. Two men were injured, at Stim- son's last week. .One Cut his foot and the other was caught in the arm by the loading hook. Last Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Blair entertained the ladies of the neighborhood at her home at Stim- son's camp. She served a delightful lunch of cake and tea and the after- noon was spent playing cards. Among those present were Mrs. Bray, Mrs. Pruissia, Mrs. Marsh and Mrs. Robins.--M. S. Mr. Waldron, teacher at Allyn, spent Sunday afteruoon with Mr. Bennett Howard.--M. S. i Miss Alice Howard, who has been visiting her brother at Belfair, re- i turned to Seattle Saturday. --The School. A number of Belfair ites attended a meeting at the Allyn school house Saturday evening for the purpose of organizing the North Eastern Com- :munity Booster Club, the object of which is to have a dock built at Allyn. Mr. Larsen and Mr. Irving each took a load of people in their cars. About one o'oclck the guests de- parted. Ira Libby assisted by Frank MaN pass is putting in cedar logs on Mill creek. Mr. and Mrs. h•a Libby and chil- dren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ehner Wbs. Miss Aura Meacham rqtmed from eattle Saturday evening, where she has been vLdting friends for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Fuss and daughter Winona visited Meacham's Sunday ffternoon. The directors of the Agate school held a business meeting last Satur- clay evening. Mr. and Mrs. Whaley and children visited the Wooda!l home last Sun. tl,J,y. Mr. vnd Mrs. Woodall and Mr'. Munro visited at Gardner's last Tues- (lay evening. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor visited Wood- all's last Thursday evening. Elsie Werberger and Elizabeth Snodgrass visited Woodall's last Sun- day. Miss Edna Dahlstrom and her mother were callers at Mrs. Smith's place last Sunday afternoon. Miss Esther Wiss spent Sunday with her parents at Agate. The piledriver is driving piles for ]he Washington Logging Company. I The booming ground is to be located next to McIntosh's place. I Julius and Jacoby Milton returned from Seattle Saturday night and went back Tuesday morning. They are witnesses on the Baron and lc to $1.50. Hundreds of clever and " beautiful post cards, 1 cent % . each and 2 for 5c. Hearts, Cupids and cut- outs to make Valentines with, lc each and 5c pack- age. Also red construction paper 15 cents a sheet. Tally cards and place cards with suitable decora- tions, 25c a dozen. Decorated crepe, hearts and Cupids, 25c a fold. Some new birthday cards and birth announcements just in. JOURNAL ' STATIONERY SHOP Mrs. Hasbrook has been ill for the past two weeks, which has necessi- tated the absence of Albma from school. Commyn cae. Don't forget the mystery at Agate Grange hall March the 6th for the benefit of the Shelton Hospital. . Among those making the trip were Don'ta n a. uo,,--o .n,nmiss it. The case in whic the Fisher Flour Messrs. Howard, Hitchcoek, Mattis, Howar'vs[e'd"tle'.''oy.'lome"Sun -. Mills of Seattle recently tested the Watson, Lores Lmson, Hemy Lar sel ' '" " - day evening. : validity of the state law placing a At "h meetin th Booste l b'] Mr.' arid Mrs. Edwards' went to restriction of ten per cent as the e g e "u n ...... Shelton Tuesda afternoo ..... was orgamzed wth mxty-two mt I as,. ++ ...... ller -t Inman s al Y , maximum anaount of fibre that a members. It was orgamzed for the lone da- last week commercml feed mght contain wa. general benefit of the community, ] #,. Y,,! Mr .mitl were callers at recently settled in favor of the state but ts chief purpose s to build .r ........ -t ,,nda,, evenin .^ ,.. ,,,o^ ,,,,,; ¢n, o- the wharf at Allyn. The officers elected[ Xril lq aniels is workin on the .....  - - ..... ....... " I si " "' "  marKe are assure n uxey re were: vtr. aer oz 2xnyn, p'e, "lbuildings of the Washington State ,. ,,,,; ....... th, ,,,,,,=, ,f cent; Mr. Westley of Allyn, vice Lo,,in camns ,, o,,- ........ v ........ -- president, and Mr. Henry of Belfair I iI. and Mrs. Diggs and Mrs. l fibre, which is chiefly chaff. secretary-treasurer. A committee, l Johnson and children went to Mud l which included Messrs. enry, Wat-'Bay Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. [ Lice reduce the rofits in a dai r- son and Irving of Belfair, and sev- NOble, who' are building a new store l , , . v ...... . eral Allyn residents, wls appointed there [raw dnseeu oil appueu wxm nmr to wait upon the commissioners in Miss Eula Daniels, has been spend- Ibrush or cloth will kill them. Shelton with the petition for the ing a few days in town this week. [ dock. They made the trip Tuesday. The business meeting over a de- lightful lunch was served by the ladies of Allyn and the latter part of the evening was spent dancing.- The School. There was a train wreck at Stim- son's camp Saturday wh,, resulted in the smash up of two empties, but no one was injured• The smaller lo- comotive got out of the control of a new engineer while it was on a steep grade. Two other men in. the cab jumped from safety but the eng' neer stayed with the locomotive until the train was derailed. The empties were crushed and the loaded car cag- ized. Miss Howard of Seattle is spending the week with her brother and sister- in-law at the teacherage. She is convalescing from an operation for appendicitis. Paul Hitehcock and family spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Murray. They made 'calls upon a number of other old friends received them with open arms. James Larsen and son made business trip to Bremerton Monday. Mr. Prussia and family went to Bremerton for a joy-ride Sunday.-- A.B. Mr. Mattis dined at Mr. Biekle's Sunday.--E. G. B. Mr. Angel went to town Saturday on business.--E. G. B. i John Lumberg went to town to see his wife who is in the hospital with rheumatism. If he finds her better he will bring her home. : Mr. hwing and Mr. Venning went to Shelton Monday.--A. B. Mr. Angel is repairing the road and expects to resume hauling soon. --The School. KAMILCHE -.At Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Waldburger CHILDREN'S DRESSES A new and attractive showing of Children's Gingham Dresses, that re- flect economy, distinctiveness and quality• They come in numerous plaids, daintily trimmed with contrasting materials, and the 'colors are guar- anteed. The dresses fig well being cut good and full, and rang in sizes from 2 to 16 years. ' Considering the high prices of ma- terials used these prices wili appeal to you. $1.35, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 $2.50 and $3.00 , Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, Washington, will re- ceive sealed bids for the construction of the Stretch Island bridge, about half a mile south of Detroit, Wash- ington, bids to be opened on Tuesday, March 2nd, 1920, at 2 p. m. Plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Engineer and the County Auditor, at the Court House in Shelton. Each bid nmst be accom- panied by certified cheek for5 per cent of the amount of bid. Commis- sioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Bridge consists of 1- 48 Ft. Span, Queen-Rod Truss and 320 Ft. of Pile Trestle Approach. Date of first publication, February 6, 1920. IONE W. DOYLE, (Seal) Auditor of Mason County, 2-6-27-4t Washington. EXTRA SPECIAL One-Third Off Ladies' Silk Waists We are going to close out at ONE-THIRD OFF, our entire stock of L ADIE S' SILK WAISTS, consisting of Georgette and Crepe de Chine. A good assortment of colors and a large rmge of sizes to choose from. Do not overlook this opportunity but come early. $18.00 WAISTS ........................ $12.00 $15.00 WAISTS ........................ $10.00 $10.00 WAISTS .......................... $6.07 $9.00 WAISTS ......................... $6.00 LADIES' HOSE We are offering some ex- ceptional values in Ladies' Hose: Cotton Hose .... 35c and 50¢) We are again able to secure the genuine D. M. C. Crochet and Embroidery Cottons. And we now have on hand all sizes D. M. C. White Crochet  Cotton, and all the best colors in the stranded embroidery cdttons. Feed Law Declared Valid GINGHAMS And !_ : PERCALES ' '" We are showing  a very pretty as- sortment of new ,.** Ginghams and ...... ':%" Percales at prices  .',..,'. z,. that are low. ; Ginghams .. 40c ( ......  Percales • ,5c'  .... BOYS' OVERALLS $1.65 This is a REAL BARGAIN, and you should not hesitate to lay in a few months supply. The price of these Overalls today is $2.00 to $2.25. Overalls with bib, made of blue denim, doble stitched seams, some are double knee and seat. Lisle ..... 65c, 90e and $1.00 D ' j LA IES Out size white and black only, Cotton .... 50e and 65c APRONS Fibre Hose, white only o   - . . 22:1 Sne v_ry __ ............ Yac ann $1.ou tractive new ..... la '- an  row- °1 0 ,bungalow aprons, lore, v cK uu n  o • " in pretty striped Silk, black and white..$2.50 and plaid Ging- hams and Per- Brown Hose 50c, 90€ and $I cale. The ¢olor ' ' in these aprons ar e guaranteed D. M.C. absolutely fast. cure the genuine D. M.C. c:,^ oa .^ .( 'y Cottons. And we now ...... o ...... D. M. C. White Crochet Exceptional t colors in the stranded values at $2.25 and $2.50 THONAS O'NEILL spent the week-end visiting at the home of Mrs. F. Waldburger. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Waldrip and daughters Bessia and Louise visited Saturday and Sunday ',at the Green- wood home. There will be a dance given at the Oyster Bay "school house Saturday night. Everyone invited. Mrs. Roy Carr returned home Sun- day, after several ;eeks visit in Aberdeen. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Langford visited relatives east of Olympia Sunday. C. C. Waldnp" and Roy Greenwood called on Mr. anning Sunday. Miss Meda Greenwood was an Olympia visitor Tuesday. J. Young was in Olympia Monday. R. N. Griggs, who sold his ranch to his nephew from Wisconsin, will move in the near future. Guy and Max Waldburger returned Sunday from near Portland where they were surveying. 2