February 13, 1941 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 13, 1941 |
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t as the d3 1 , , ./
tion of the [I
avc sot -"
1nd p9 {son Ollunlithrd «poorly hthcd mods
Late of the
superior 9‘ ,
the dliver often doesn't see you
t the ,. dent
I , Troop 10 Scouts
‘ ‘ “f Club Last Night;
' tex‘llatlm "
ial I’rcs1-
C0, dent Attends
P n‘
Shelton' “‘9 past presidents and
'ery Boy Scout
. Farm FOL 'y 6‘}
Id Fertilizc ,, "fsent, last night‘s Ac-
' 1Ogram drew close to
e at the Si :lton Hotel.
, he honored guests of
Iplete Line 8 Were Ted Littlc of
AQtive International
Q “an Adams, chief c):—
. . Tm, .. , V. ,
111. Myath tunnel of
lOtS and scollts of America, and
ies of 'tifll‘st president of the
"has": Club. Present in
»- was Art Cole, the
35¢ v Activian over to
h 0 International presi—
Eed :Ylswcrcd roll call of
RSt presidents by
‘V % 1his present home
, V aif.
“Ch " 5 Week Observed
mps'hire ~31 President Little
nouth; HY on the founder‘s
orns -A— tlon which all clubs
‘- W terhutional are stag- '
100:1" and which last
)f ‘ Club )rogi'am ob—
'J'I‘UV'q“. v 3 International Prcsi—
g e the local club that
i" ubgclirrent problems 01'
Y)" ;, et, 15 membership due
‘1) WI ’ “10
ciiig a young men‘s
ctvnlzatiozi. the draft
"ms 6 Club probably hard-
lab Chic
y t (gthcr organizations,"
is ' .
. not} ~ u -
Attentmrw ling ll‘lOli. \voith
, .,,t°1Ub to sponsor than
I) .5 to troop Such your
‘ w“ ' e_e1YlOSt impressive de-
.» iggogram was a tender—
[ATER thy (Sleremony staged by
Rupee of Troop 4, Olym—
10h Bill Booth, Billy
0 y Mildenberger and
ei g were officially pre-
‘iac tcndcrfoot pins and
' CeDtcd
0f Troop 10, which is
ithc Active Club.
the induction" core-
10 Scouts demon-
‘30 on Page 'i. we
Ps Office
lists 162 For
_W Violations
*= tell? one-third of the
hmtfnyade by the Mason
do is office during 1940
Owlth liquor law vio-
‘25,“‘3 form or another,
' Martin's annual re-
Lit OLD-r? 06d yesterdaY, reveals.
lg to 1163, digests were over ,,q_
Building an? nk and disorderly
llin kell driving added
org ll(lluor to Indians in
elite fecleral law brought
96’ and. illegal sale of
‘940 one more to the to-
of 61118 report indicates.
y c e liquor realm, pet-
“ “PS were most fre-
' eglxtcen during the
. n
‘ an“ at 15, grand lar-
afi 12, and routine
Investigation with
Exhng of cases com-
mdining part of the
‘fol‘ the year were
gaffing salmon 5,
‘ , ’jCaaSSault 2, negligent
“ rnal knowledge 2,
. h 1, first degree. mur-
v S”
~ ‘ corat
. 1 llrt
0? license 6, con-
i cfigfifils
.a'ilhre t
. rues 1
in l
Y1 of club rosters by.
couts Harry Bragg
into Scouting
the list with 36 air-2
closely by game,
3, burglary 3, rape
assault 3, driving
p rob . robbery 1, non-
bery and kidnap-
ng criminals 1, arm-
1arceny by check
2. lewd cohabita-
g a public disturb-
0 pay fine 3, in-
, first degree
degree burg-
of family 1, for-
State Legion Commander
Visiting Shelton Tuesday;
Legion‘s Head Man
Railroad Ava. Landscaping Work
Benefits From Exhibition
Basketball Game
Thosc auburn tresscd queens of
the basketball court, the All-
Amcrican Red Heads, who lay
claims to the girls‘ basketball
Championship of the world, pay
Shelton their third visit in .the
past four years next Tuesday eve-
ning to stage the “rubber” match
of a series with the best mas-
culine players Shelton can dig
up which now stands at a game
Twice before the Red Heads and
the Town Team have tangled, and
the result is a duke apiece. The
Townies copped the first one, the
Red Heads squared the count in
the second meeting.
Fund To Be Padded
Injected into this third public
rendezvous of the two rivals next
Tuesday eveningisa bit of public
benefit as well'as public enter-
tainment for half the net pro-
ceeds arc to be turned over to
'the Railroad Avenue beautifica-
t h e
The Gar-
tion project sponsored by
Shelton Garden Club.
'dcn Club and the city basketball
league are sponsoring the Red
l-Icads' appearance here jointly,
the league using its half to apply
on gym rental. ,
The Red Heads take the ‘floor
at Lincoln gym- at 8:30 Tuesday
evening after a preliminary game
starting at 7:30 between the Mc-
Cleary Timber team of the city
basketball league and the town
team of McCleary, in adjoining
Grays Harbor county, has been
Long Shot Experts
The feminine court tourists de-
pend largely on their uncanny
ability to cage long range shots
for their points, but with six-
foot—four-inch Genevieve Love,
six-foot-two-inch Hazel Smith, and
six-foot-two-inch Ruth Osborn in
the lineup the Red Heads are a
distinct threat under the hoop,
too. Miss Osborn, a mannish
looking girl, plays the same type
of game as her masculine rivals
and can dish out the rough stuff
as well as any of them, as the
crowds who have watched her per-
form here before can readily tes-
The Red Heads lose something
like half their games, the edge
Lbeing in their favor, playing men’s
teams entirely under men’s rules,
asking and receiving no quafi‘ter.
But their losses are usually by
close scores.
An advance ticket sale is being
conducted by the Garden Club with
Mrs. Winston Scott covering Hill-
crest, Mrs. H. G. Angle and Mrs.
Mark Rodgers on Angleside, Mrs.
Peter Zopolis, Mrs. Hal Briggs
.and Mrs. Logan Mitchell in charge
of downtown coverage.
Joe Hitch of Angleside, was re-
admitted to Shelton hospital to-
day for treatment. ‘
[Department Chief Rudy Nichols?
And 4th District Command-
cr Wm. Biercr Inspire
Joint Post Pro-
gram Hero
of the, American Legion will pay
his official visit of 1941 to the
Shelton and Olympia posts next
Tuesday evening in a joint meet-
ing of the two posts to be held
in Memorial Hall in Shelton, Com—
mander John Eliason of Fred B.
,Wivell post reminded all Legion-
Inaires today.
I Prior to his appearance before
the joint-post meeting in the eve~
thing, Commander Nichols will
-Speak before the Shelton Kiwanis
club at the civic group’s luncheon
meeting and before students at
Irene S. Reed high school in the
afternoon for a full day's pro-
gram in Shelton.
The evening program will start
with a no—host dinner at the Shel-
ton Hotel at 6:30 o’clock for Le-
gionnaircs. Advance reservations
must be made at the Hotel, Com-
mander Eliason cautioned.
Fourth District Commander VVil-
I State Commander Ruly Nichols
liam Bierer of Sumner and pro-‘
bably other district and depart-
ment officers will accompany
Commander Nichols on his visit
to Shelton. A large delegation of
members from Alfred William
Leach Post No. 3 of Olympia has
been promised for the department
commander’s official visit, so al-
together arathcr sizeable gather—
ing of chionnaircs will crowd
Memorial Hall for the occasion.
with the men to hear Command-
er Nichols’ address, then will
serve refreshments to close the
Department Commander Nichols
is a member of the American Le-
County and a member of the Sno-
homish County Voiture of 40 & 8.
He served overseas in the World
War from December 1917, to July
1919, with the 162nd Infantry
(3rd Oregon Infantry), from
which he was discharged in Sept-
'ember»1919, with the rank of 1st
Lieutenant. He was one of the
early members of the American
in’Ile'g‘ion‘~"“follovm'n'g ithé' war and
served as commander of both the
Wenatchee and Monroe posts as
well as becoming 2nd District
Commander and serving in var-
ious district and department of-
fices until his election as depart—
ment commander last summer.
Tonight's program for the Feb-
ruary session of the Shelton Cham-
ber of Commerce will feature a.
talk by William D. Welsh, com-
munity relations director for
and a surprise presentation which
he will make public for the first
time. The meeting opens with the
usual 6:30 dinner in the Shelton
ing about an' hour later.
Are you interested in’ learning
something about what the future
02cm .1. HILL‘
Extension Dalryman,
State College of Washington.
It’s a date—February 14th—for every man and maid
to go sentimental for Valentine! It’s a date—to shop
in Shelton stores, and thrill the one you love: hus-
band, sweetheart, father, mother, wife, or financee
. with a gift that brings with it all the romance
ofthc occasion! It’s a date to have a ,date with best
Following the regular p o s t
meeting, members of the Fred B.
Wivcll post auxiliary will join'
gion post at Monroe in Snohomish‘
Consolidated wi
Essence of Democracy
In excess of 100 Boy Scouts, Briggs, is to be brief but inter-
Scout Leaders, and Scout fathchIEStingy featuring mono“ piCtureS
. . . i l f the 01 m ic Mountains Di“-
h S ev t I E) y p . .J. A.)
are antlmpated t l emug a itrict Scout Chairman Doane Bro-
the annual Boy Scout father-and-jdie is to be toastmasten
son banquet to be held in the", Girls of the senior high school
social room at Irene S. Reed high‘homc economics classes are pre-
school starting at 6:30 o’clock. ‘parlng and serving the banquet
The program, arranged by Bcnlmonu.
By Della Goetsch
structor, and Mr. Okerstrom.
These representatives came from
every corner of the county, from
Victor and Harstine to Matlock,
and from Arcadia to Skokomish,
and as far south as Kamilchc and
all points between.
At the conclusion of the cot—
ton mattress program which is
being conducted under the direc-
tion of the County Extension Ser-
vice, many communities of the
county will be equipped to enter—f
tam with “slumber partiesy’f forl They were tall, short, blonde and
Memorial Hall at Shelton waslbrunette. thin, plump, pale and
Crown - Zellerbach corporations,,
'appointed by Clinton Okerstrom, it h e S e
‘gatheredthere to learn the art of.
‘Hotel, the business program start-'mattress construction as taught i
Server; but one thought they held
roaring like a bee hive last Wed-irosy. with hair that was red.
nesday and Thursday with activ- black, brown, gray, curly and
ity, when a score of supervisors, straight, and all Variations Of‘
physical characteristics
could be found by a careful Ob-i
Clarkson, traveling III-l
(Continued on page Two)
by Mrs.
Fertilizers in Pasture Man-
2 :30— 3 :OO—Discussion.
of your business might be? As
a result of favorable butterfat
price possibilities during the year
dairymen are contemplating stock-
ing up with more cows. Just
what might be the best move at
the present time?
Plan to attend the meeting at
Shelton Valley Grange Ham on
Monday, February 17 at 10;00 a_
m. and hear A. J. Cagle, Exten-
sion Economist, discuss the pres-
ent economic outlook.
Dr. Otto J. Hill will discuss fac-
tors that pertain to the produc—
tion of butterfat.
Bring your lunch and stay all
day to hear the following pro-
10:00-10:30-—Dr. Hill — Home
Grown Feeds Reduce the Cost
of Producing Butterfat.
11:00-11:30!A. J. Cagle——Dairy
11 :30-12100—Discussion.
12:0b- 1:00 ‘ Lunch -—— Coffee,
cream and sugar will be fur-
1:00- 1:45—Dr. Hill Dairy
Herd Improvement Associa—
tion Records Show the Way
for Developing Better Herds.
1 :45- 2 :OO—Discussion.
2:00- 2:30-Clinton Okerstrom
r “a.
Assistant Extension Economist,
State College of Washington.
th The Shelton Independent
SHELTON, WASHINGTON, Thursday, February 13, 1941.
‘tated the gathering on itS‘purpose
community as a whole, and point-
‘superior court by. the Mason Coun-
Honoring Five And Ten-Year ‘
Mon In Company Ser-
vice; Heron
Rayonier Incorporated, held its
5-year event in dinner and pro-
in recognition of its em-
pioyes who during 1940 had pass-
ed their five and ten-year steady
employment with the company in
3its Shelton plant, and 51 men were
presented with the coveted gold,
service pins at Hotel Shelton Tues-
day evening.
George Cropper, resident man-
ager, opened the after—dinner pro-
gram with brief remarks on the
purpose of the gathering and the
appreciation of company officials
over the harmonious relations
which have .always ruled between
employer and employees in the
pulp mills here, the good service
rendered by those who have grown
in the organization and in the
Welch Toastmaster
He introduced William D. Welch,
of the Industrial Relations de-
partment, as toastmaster of the
evening. v
Mr. Welch, who is no stranger
in Shelton, took charge and felici—
as indicating the spirit of good
will which has ruled between the
company, its employes and the
ed out that the officials whether
in .San Francisco or elsewhere,
felt themselves a part of Shelton,
interested in its welfare, watch-
ful over its progress, and rejoic-
ing over the advance the city had
made along with Rayonier. He
expressed pleasure over the per-
manency and steady employment
afforded by the, pulp mill, as re-
flected in the fact that nearly
eighty per cent of its employes
were home owners in and near
the city.
Mayor William E. Stevenson
responded in a talk of welcome
in which he stressed the harmony
and progress of the community,
in large part due to the pulp in-
dustry, the interest in local af-
fairs by company officials. and
employes, and the substantial
growth made by the city because
of its important industry. He
pointed out that a good employe
with his home and family must of
necessity be a good citizen and
builder in the community.
Birthday Guest
As A. B. Govey, a guest of the
evening, that day enjoyed his 70th
anniversary the gathering sang_the
“Happy Birthday” song in his
Continued on Page Four
Prosecutor Gets
Convictions From
Majority—0f Cases
Fifty-seven criminal cases were
handled in justice court and thir-
ty-three more criminal cases in
ty prosecutor’s office during 1940,
the annual report of that office,
released today by Prosecuting At-
torney Frank Heuston, reveals.
In the justice cases, the prose-
cution obtained 50 convictions
against seven acquittals, the lar-
gest number of these cases being
game law violations, where ten
convictions were obtained in
eleven trials. ‘
Of the 33 superior court crim-
inal cases handled during the
year, 19 convictions were obtain-
ed, four cases are still pending,
one sentence was deferred, and
nine acquittals made, the report
With five cases each, petty and
grand larceny charges were the
most frequent among the superior
court cases, although imbecility
and insanity each had three cases
for the prosecutor to handle.
Plywood Grading
About 39% Thru
Grading of the site for the
Olympic Plywood plant, newest
industry for Shelton, is approx-
imately 30 percent complete to-
day, Harold AhlSkog, one of the
three men handed in the incorpor-
ation papers, said today.
He said the new plant is ex-
Twice a Week
:51 Rayonier Employes
‘Annual Banquet Held Tuesday]
Service Pins
Nothing Funny
In Valentines
You Get Friday
It isn't Treasurer Omer Dion’s
idea of a joke, understand, it’s
simply a coincidence that 1941
tax statements, some 8000 of
them, will be reaching Mason
County property owners on Val-
entine’s Day or thereabouts.
\Vork of preparing the state—
ments is completed annually
during the week of Valentine’s
Day and they are put in the
mail at that time, arriving with
the more popular sentimental
messages (and frequently hu-
morous, too) which friends and
relatives remember each other
If the taxes are paid in full
by March 15, a three per cent
discount is given, Treasurer
Dion reminded statement re-
ceivers. Half of the total amount
of real estate taxes'fall due
on May 31, at which time the
total amount may be split and
the remainder of the sum be-
comes dellnquent after Novem-
ber 30.
The total amount of personal
property taxes becomes delin-
quent on May 31. Half of the
sum may then be paid and the
balance by November 30, with—
out interest penalty, the treas—
urer concluded.
Project Valuer? At $156,140 For
Work On 153 Miles Of Lo-
cal Roads Approved
A WPA county-wide project
covering reconstruction and im-
provement of 153 miles of roads
throughout Mason county has been
approved by the state office and
forwarded to Washington, D. C.,
for final approval, can W. Smith,
state Work Projects Administra-
tor advised Robert Trenckmann,
County Commissioner
chairman; yesterday.
Not only will improvement of
these narrow, poorly graded roads
be of great benefit to the resi-
dents of this community, and re-
duce maintenance costs, but road
improvement is now considered of
vast importance to National De-
. Work on this county-wide
project iiicludes clearing and grad-
ing of 94 acres and approximate-
ly 150,000 cu. yds. of excavation.
The roads will be widened and
straightened and 1,650 feet of tim-
ber guard rails, also bridges and
culverts will be built. Plans al-
so call for 40 miles of oil and 92,—
700 cu. yds. of gravel surfacing
and laying of 3,900 lin. ft. of cul-
vert pipe.
Federal funds allocated to cov-
er cost of labor amount to $156,-
140 while the county will contri-
bute $108,620 for supervision, ma-
terial and other non-labor costs.
Testing Station
Here Three Days
Automobile owners who do not
yet possess their 1941 stickers
signifying. passage of the state
motor inspection test will have
three days next week in which
the state testing equipment will
be in Shelton for their conven-
The testing station near the
city dock on East Pine street will
be in operation Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday next week during
the hours of eight to noon and one
to five.
Everett J. Reichman, 27, and
Anna Marie Baskerville, 23, both
of Shelton, applied for a marriage
license at the auditor‘s office here
February 10.
scans TO BE
Registration Books Close This Fri-
day, Filing Deadline Next
\Vednesday; 3 Terms
End Here
Indications of the approach of
the annual school district elec-
tions in Mason County scheduled
for March 1 are shown in the
closing of registration books to
original registrations and trans-
lfcrs of registration in all second
class school districts this Friday,
February 14.
Residents of third class school
districts do not have to bother
about registration for all bona
fide residents of third class dis-
tricts may vote in school elec-
tions whether they are regis~
tered or not, but residents of
second class districts must con-
form to regular registration laws
as in any other election before
they can cast school election bal-
12 Precincts Affected
Thc precincts in which registra-
ition books closs tomorrow in-
clude Shelton, Capitol Hill, Eells,
Isabella, Kamilche, Northside,
Westside, Cloquallum, Dayton,
Matlock, and Satsop, according to
legal publications released by
County Auditor Harry Dcyette and
City Registration Officer Gordon
Next deadline leading up to the
annual school district elections is
the final date for filing candida-
cies for school directors, which
is February 19, next Wednesday.
School director candidates must
file with the clerks of the board
in their respective districts.
Seeking lie-Election
In Shelton District 309 three
directors will be‘elected at the
March 1 ballot, the terms of
Leonard Walton, A‘ S. Viger and
Mrs. George Drake expiring. All
three have filed for re—election, so
far without opposition, District
Clerk Harry Carlon reported to-
day. Mrs. Drake is completing
the term of the late Mrs. Mark E.
Reed, which would have run until
1942, but bylaw must ,be, put! up
Ito“ the voters when appointments
become necessary.
In the rural school districts,
Union, Grapeview, Upper Skoko-
mish, Cloquallum and Dewatto
will be electing more than one
director this year.
TAt Union the terms of Nolan
Mason and John McMurray, both
appointees within the past year,
are expiring; at Upper Skokomish
the terms of Mrs. Bertha Peter-
son, clerk, and Eric Sjoholm, ap-
pointee, close; at Grapeview the
terms of Mrs. Hilda Okonek and
Orin Buckingham, appointee, ter-
minate; at Cloquallum the terms
of Mrs. Marie Smith and Mrs.
Louise Graham, both appointees,
(Continued on page Two)
3 Deferred From
Draft Call Here,
3 Added To List
Deferments granted three Ma-
son County men originally in-
cluded among the 30 to be in-
ducted into selective service train— ,
ing under the March 3 and March
5 calls sent the localdraft board
have caused a shift in the per-
sonnel of the local men who will
answer that call, Board Chairman
Ed Faubert announced yesterday.
The deferments were granted to ,
Toger J. Lee of Belfair, Raymond
Bindara and David Wiss of Shel-
ton. To replace them the names
of Hartley Emerson Barber, Clyde
Willis Bishop, and Homer Lon
Wills were added to complete the
30 who will answer the March
calls. All three will be included
among the 15 who report to the
Tacoma induction station on
March 5, while Jack Henry Mays,
Eugene Dale Elson, and Lawrence
Marshall Needham, originally list-
ed among the March' 5 group,
move ahead into the March 3
‘1 e‘d.
lgroup, Chairman Faubert explain-
pected to be in operation by late
June or July.
girl or beau for dinner in one of Shelton’s fine res-
taurants, for dancing, or the theatre. It’s a date—-
to cater to her with flowers, candy and perfume. And
there’s a place in town for every Valentine delight.
Get busy! Make your date, then let Shelton help you
show her a wonderful time!