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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 13, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 13, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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the State ' bruaryf/Seqiiy, February ..3,19i1._ q __V W_»a_ 7__ _V_MV w Mifl W‘ Smi’b‘l‘v’ High T305495” iason Cleaners i am Here Saturday " its first home grime in a month, 531‘. ". junior "‘5" t9Ptains Hoqi . .i junior; ‘ .mcoh‘i gym Saturday aft- 1 1111271101111), i Set Record Game in Fem Pin Play ‘ . ‘sVOTV‘IEN‘N P()\VLIN(V‘ . F I L Tc“- Daskethail double {ea—1 w_ pct VELOPEPIc'h Starts at “11° O'C‘OC‘K om Mill VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV ,3: 25 .559 PRINTLD' 2nd teams 0f the two Forrest Gardens ..33 27 .550 llobnglmg' The “Yawn-V T'ilaiyoii Cleaners ..... .. 22$ 32 .467 at approxmmtdy two Quality Cleaners ...... .25 34 .424 Plus ‘ ' Hi 1‘ Scores ‘ “Mormon i J ' ‘ g n ' i *3 Squat“ “"11 again Can‘ewJuanita Starwich 191. c énwfm- “he direction of N0“ Sm“? Totzilfllnez Dodds 529. 7,. my): C , dighdimbei‘ second team, ' Match“; Nlondav h :3an the absence Of; Forrest vs. Mason Cleaners. 3 —' an“ i Quality Cleaners vs. Old Mill. ‘1 . . fl ‘, Evidentl dislikin the role of D lug St "mm “’01” P33" bald Mill gended its so- . Advertise It! of the diet over Forrest Gardens. -gTHEATRE Shelton, Wash. pins' new single game team 13’ 2to l. crs, incw ball by hanging up i. I ' “"135 Lanna unanimous i SAMUEI. s. HiNDs - GENE teammate, Juanita ‘Nk'r PENDL‘EYON-EMMA DUNN i .tn , n AM 1: CC o. in 0 was high. The fireworks was provided by Mason Cleaners, who hung up a‘ score of 857 and came within 15 pins of‘ measuring the team 3-game rec-Z ord while edging Quality Clean—‘ Inez Dodds continy ,ucd hcr sensational climb in the ,averages since she began using ai t h e i night’s best total at 529 and her; Starwich, ' 191 single game which, i favor it only seems fair to let the people settle it. ‘journ in second place after a sin-j glc week and returned to the top feminine bowling circuit Monday with an odd-game ver- Nei— the: team was very hard on the ,was submitted for the fourth time, by logisi. tiVC— .mill measure in the form 6)- :Qual. Clean. (1) Hiason Clean (2) d ,’ andicap 231, Handicap 210 , i H. Ferrier 523E. Smith‘ 1129 i T L. Stevens 30-113. VV'dw'rth 287 1 ~ ;M. Suth’rl'd 295m. Wood 3691 . ,i ,, i C. Skelsey 3543 Dodds 523 film?“ ~ -‘ 1K. Allen 416:]. Starwich 523 ‘05 i say/VJ? i ’1. v- 730 691 693 2123730 783 857 2350? '0ld Mill (2) Forrest (I) ; Handicap 222E Handicap 107 ‘V. M‘Conkey 401E. Peterson 452 V 16 - 18 in. Kubik 349m. LaBarr 357, W0 Features: ,F‘. Cormier 405i“. Brewster 4051, 3C}. Pauley 240ml. Durand 321? “ammo , cum . mm .5 M. Stewart 402?. Stalcy 447 i697 009 719 2025688 706 705 2099‘ i—~————: A s:- g . R a) g . iGrapeview Couple In Centralia For Visit, in M-G-M's — i Grapeview. Feb. 12. ~- Mr. and {.- s. “30 WEST" " vi iMrs. Joe Okonek spent the week- iin—law and daughter. . iend in Centralia visiting their son- ‘Al Okonek’s on Saturday. " FOOD] luv .a. 6.5101213 , for Fri. - Sat. llon. ‘2 diiz. 57° . L3 ‘ackers 2-lbs. 17c CEAGH ‘éga‘l. 170 [h . i} Wing Bag ranges ’ EPEFRUIT doz. 29-3 21“ 5c ‘ananas 4-lbs. 25° . . . . . . . . large heads 5¢ .. tall can. 10¢ A , Aronld Goop of Hoodsport andé jLouie Sandeen of Fort Lewis; also? i i l i i i I l l i l i 'i I l i yet andvthe Winter is fast passing. folks around here are due to receive a nice little ‘ save boosting legislative pay for “expenses.” ’the legislative efforts to mun—u miliiii JOURNAL Consolidated with The Shelton Independent 1‘ I‘hll‘fi'i'il :is Sl‘t‘Hllil’l'lizSS li\;llll‘t‘ at iliv iiiisinl'i'im- :ii Sin-lion. \\'itsliiii;:,"iili . .' ' ) . SubsCi iption hates. BY MAIL: in Mason ('iiiiiiiy (HIIIE-‘HH‘ nl' Slivl‘mii (iii) iiiiiil (iiiri'ii r districts) 5,") in-r year: ii :iioiiliis, X1313: I: moiiilis. 7.7". l"(>l'<‘l,L‘,il $3.7m p.-i' xviii'. l’osiiill regulations lul'blfl i'ws‘idriiils oi' Slivlllrll .1i‘l'\-.(1 by (-iiy iiiiiil carrier iroiiig- I'(‘(‘l'l\'lng illrll‘ Journal by q ‘ BY JOURNAL CARRIER: lil Slivlimi, 1231} per iiioiiih (collected by (‘7!l'l'l5'l') i or 52.5“ per your iii advancv. Published every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon J. EBER ANGLE Manager i GRANT C. ANGLE l'lilllill' »— . l l’ubiislim's' .\:-'»:‘k.-('lflllflll i Associai inn. Member of \\'zisliiiit‘;io:i .‘x'gwsiiupi-i' illlil .\aiionzil Fliii‘ioi'ial ' i HIGH TAXES -— DIMINI’SHING RE S i The forty—mill tax limit has been submitted: to the people by initiative and three times approv—, , _ __ , ed by a two or more-to-orie vote; election it, 'I '(r‘ 13.8 L, referendum, a n d as decisively carried, which should be sufficient proof that this legislation is what the people demand. Now a measure is proposed to submit the é0—, of Constitutional Amendment to settle the question, if again ap- proved, ‘until it may be recalled. It costs the state thousands of dollars every time the bill is re—en- acted, and with the preponderance of vote in The best argument in favor of the tax limita- tion is that people have been paying their prop- erty tax whereas formerly they allowed. it to go delinquent and the lands go to the county; in 1933 over 47 millions was due the counties on such taxes, while this huge delinquency by last year out in half and the counties gained that moreI spending money. i In Mason County the record is even betterl showing a reduction from the high delinquency- of 1936 of $249,540 owing While at the end of 1940 the tax property debt was only $75,620, proving that owners will hustle harder to pay a nominal! tax but will let the high levy taxes slide. An exchange says a friend expressing his immunity from gossip has a slogan: “I don’t see i l I AN UNAPPRECIATED VALENTINE Wednesday was Valentine5s Day, and a lot ofi billet deaux they Will appreciate about as much. as the old fashioned comic, although there will be* no comedy in this valentine. Mason County Treasurer, along with all othvr er treasurers of the state, will be mailing or hand— ing out their little message of bad cheer in the form of statements of taxes due and payable. either March 15th at discount, or half by May 31st. Taxpayers in Shelton and School District 309 will find their tax demands somewhat boosted over last year, although not quite as much as for! 1938, mainly because Of an eight-mill levy in the school district for building the new gymnasium, now going up. LEGISLATURE IS HALF GONE The Legislature has entered its fifth week, or the second half of the session, and so far with-i out any constructive results so far as the publici is concerned; or anything of importance to point; to as indicating what will be the outcome of the; sparring for points now going on under cover,; Apparently the main issues are concerned in put Governor Langlie “in a hole,” on measures to raise the extra money needed for new demands, and on reorganization of bureaus andboards which will gently relieveg the governor of most of his appointive jobs and, powers, in other words politics instead of busi—.‘ ness. l AIRPLANE SPRUCE COMING BACK i In the last war there was a great rush to get, out Western spruce for the building of planes, with the opening of camps, a railroad or two andi several mills, but none of them got out much tim- ‘ her before the war plane demand slumped. _ i But all the early planes were made of thisI strong wood as well as the propellers, and it is; " pleasing to note that builders are returning . spruce since the metal is getting short and time has proven that wood planes are as sturdy ass metal. 3 This is true for all needs except very high, speed, wood is much cheaper of cost and construc- i tion, there is abundant material available, and planes can be turned out quickly in great numbers 1 to supply the urgent need to bridge the sky with. airships. Colliers for January 18, carries an excellent story on the value of spruce for planes and the return of some makers to wood instead of metal; , and perhaps soon there will again be call for the i famous tough Alaska spruce for body, wing and' propellers which is still plentiful in this region. January has come and gone out with the, ,mildness of approaching spring, and without a; cold snap, although the month brought the with the mildness of approaching spring, and with-i "I out a cold snap, although the month brought the nor- l mal rainfall. Puget Sound has seen no bad weatheri F SHELTQN-MASON COUNTYHJOURNAAL H . mail. '1. Betty Butler, Mary Ellen Eliason, Page Three \V‘HKK ER FALLS. Book Tree Awards pens MAY WAIT Uri-EMPLOYED i Presented To 35 , DRAFTEES AT END (ll? SERVECEigjriig;g,eiirggfid$3,“;11:51:31,; Unemployed men from the Shel— (51:11.; mm” mm sniferflj Injuries to ms ,‘shoulders, head and nose and broke . . ,, , office. Manager Alicemis xpft wrist was .k ‘ ton area entering military serVicc HMO ' ' He td en to under the Selective Training and, H l 'KT Awards earned during last sun'i— mus mm Th“ Journal tOd‘ciY- fShelton hospital for treatment. ., BUUk Tum Club summer ‘ _‘ , _ , , "The reason for this service"; fliniv . .. "1.x... 1.-. ' Serch Act are beino registered T .. w i . .. -. i.. . . ,. . .: . . ..i . . , :21 0 31.2.3. ncleiiius said, is to help' . §,,A.,li. (Iliipti-‘rfoniigfirby Wtfif/ “Vlth me \Vasmngton btate Em" i these men secure iobs when tlieirl “1“ L0“ . U) ‘L' "1 y; , L C plavment Service I through the , t .. :. o. -. ‘ . . ._ ‘ “1.9 “AU,” voqorddy to :5 Stu- . . I‘Lllllilh puiod is m er. Upon log L i u -l A; 1‘ i i . 77 — ‘ ' i " ' v. 't x 7 ' v - . dents at Bordeaux and Lincoln USU/1111?. UV‘JJW the meloyment. nothing you can take brmgs grade schools and Shelton Junior *(‘IHW' (3 3“ “‘udVlC‘Vcd by faster relief from amid-indigestion experienced personnel who listih;m Bismwfiex Take a Spoonful their work history. their aptitudeslof Bisma_Rex in a glass of water and 1"cferenitcs. With this infor-iafter CVcry meal. 'It acts four mation instantly available, theiways t3 stop acid—indigestion ag- . ‘ e by Mm Lama K ‘ Hoodsport 'lownse-nd an, and Mrs. Willis Club Meets Saturday . tant librarian. i Ar. additional four awards will‘ HoodSport’ I‘eb‘ 12‘ high school Plumb, lib Burnett. a l-loods- W up. . n u , ort Townsend Club vill meet‘ETIIPIOYWPHt Scrum m 3 bet'ionies. Bu a bottl, f “' ijhiigflihtilhfoiiiii(autistic bgf Lg]: iii regular session ink the club tor 11051:in to find work for,50¢ at five Re’xalle guy; (giiise ff): 3 and“ 85,160} a soecial rooms at the Hoodsport'school this ; “10171 N IGQrdQn'S Shanon Pharmacy pmgmm ‘ Um night 0,- Vas‘hmg Saturday at eight o‘clock. The; ‘Thc Employment Service has: -. 1111*. 17-. .h,.,._,,., _ ton'i: Birthdav in the Camp 3 puphc ls 11.1wth to am?“ :‘Iid‘already swl'g‘d 11‘. imn‘qll‘gh Sin:— lschool building. These, four 01t- anoy the bingo Party Which will vcy 01 the indusu'ies in \VlllCllr . . ‘3 ‘ follow th bi v " t‘w‘ ‘these men mav be lac/“l as the oi—town club members. who ful- ‘ e wines" mee “g' ‘ p ‘ "" 'HOME ‘initial step lll securing \R‘Qt'k for“ i‘illed the reading requirements of, . ,.. . , . ~ r ~' itl'iem upon their return to civil the Book i roe Club, are Lee Rucx- I INFANT 11“ “05151311” 1 life pv‘em. I-qulllice of the Emu or, Phyllis Rutker, Allll Louise Joyce MIFOW. 2. daughter 04! 1 ".n.g,..‘fq...:r. 1-1, '1. ', , V i O N S llulbcrt and Eric Dammann. M113 Madeline Mirow 0f Nome, p0}, ‘ 1L SUHKO “1 'm paufli at their command." Mrs. Helenius said that word just received from Commissioner; Jack Bates of the State Office of' , TUnempioyment Compensation and, bar, Vmefl'ed E0115. 14119113 H953, Placement in Olympia revealed YV . ' Jackie Jensen, RiChard Kieburtzijthat the State Employment Ser- L’atricia, Rhodes, Margorie Troy, Patricia Ann Killmer, Betty Mast. vice woum 909139th with the Se-’ le’lC‘l Margaret Valley. :Ruth Mast, and Lynden Olstead. qcctjve SCI-vice Board in invest}; At Bordeaux the awards Wentl 'The awards were in the form ,gating- persons who claim OCCllpa-i to Shirley Anderson, Phyllis Ar- 01 caricatures 0f apples With 3‘“ lti‘mar deferment bogast, Allen Dl'llmbaugh, Elli- intelligent lookin 8‘ bookwormi .iorc Bruinbaugh. Shirley Burrell, ‘pemhed upon the Stem from Wh‘mh ‘ Danny Davidson, Doris Kinney, ith'e apple is Suspended- Dorothy Kinney, and Ray Stullick. 1Alaska, who is visiting friends here, was admitted to Shelton hos- pital Wednesday for treatment. Junior high award-3 went to Betty Lou Arbogast, Beverly Jo Burrcll‘. Gladys Marie Browne, Rachel Baldwin, Dallas Bardwin, l 9 Convenient Terms 0 ReaSonablc Rates 0 NO DELAY Richard Pickens, Robert Pickens, “Selective Service Board regular—i tions provide that local and state? ‘draft boards may call upon the; Mason County Savings Mrs. Plumb promised that the ,Washington State Employment; Loan Association Lincoln awards were presented to Barbara Ann Butler, Marjorie ‘CTonsta-le, Floyd Cox, Genevieve Cox, Patsicia Case, Le Erma Dun- Book Tree club would once more Service to supply the required Ill-i be organized in 1941 in response lformation in such cases as the to the demand for it from Shel— idraft board has requested,” iilrs. ton’s young readers. } Heienius said. Title Insurance Bldg. a thing, hear a thing, and even when the situation i . c: ' l ‘ ‘1“ and Mrs Elmer Wessemngi stinks, I don t smell a. thing. Good iule. iand daughter Marlene, visited the‘ It is the aim of your safeway grocer to keep your food costs at the lowest poss- 6 ble figure . . and for that reason Sate- l way keeps its prices low by passing on SALE to the consumer every economy. You can Feb'14_.i6 shop with 'c‘cnfidence knowing that the pr-ice you pay is as low as any you. can 25¢ LlBBY’S SAUCE. 3 for 1W, . Finely crushed pineapple sauce, 20-02. tins TOMATO JUICE tin Sunny Dawn pure rich tomato juice. 26—02. PUREE TOMATO 3tin “Gardenside” puree stand. Tomatoes. 28-02. Mutton Boast . . . lb. 13c Meaty Shoulder Cuts Turkeys lb. 27:: Broad. Breast, Young-Bird: I ' r . lastern baked beans. 28-02. tin... . M i ~ . . \ utter: Cho 5 . . 1!). 15¢ t. 1 Loin and Rolled Rib p Hggésmnneld Delzcut I I lb. 17-8 COCKTAIL 2lge, bg¢ Pork Chops . . lb. 21:: Eight asst. vegetable juices blended. 46—02; . Calm? (“its 25¢ ’ CANESUGAR 25-lbs.1 Beef Steaks . . . “1.291: Pure cane gran. sugar in cloth bag ........ ., O .- Guaranteed to Satisfy .- tin 95¢ PORK ROAST 1b 17¢ “iii” " 7 b .- . ' """ " OYSTERS __________________________________________ "int 21¢ -il ,. , p EweSittingfilgfiiuilifl. 10¢ £1313“ ---------------------------- —— g;- 33$ Coffee Sale nlloonmsoiiiinn'SI: lb. 9¢ SHORTENING. ..... ._ 4-le. 39¢ Why Not» Save? Edwards brings you finest, quality, coffee in vacuum tins. Regular or drip grinds. 1-lb 21¢ 2-1b Tin Tin Nob Hill lb 17; 2-lb; 33 Airway. lb 12; 3-11) 35 Subject to Market Changes Pure Vegetable salad and 2 a cooking oils. SfA’VEAfi’EA/ny ‘WESTAG 4-02. Hotcakes and syrup are ever popular for breakfast. Buy now and save. OZl-leKG. MAX‘l-MUM PANCAKE FLOUR o?(m.TlN SLEEPY CASCADE qt. Pure rich salad dressing at a saving. MAY DAY qt. FreSh Produce Subject to Market Imitation vanilla e— will not bake out. (2-02. 6¢) Sunkist Oranges, med; size .. 30 for 55¢ Highway Catsup ________ ,_ 14-01 bottle 10¢ Sunkist Oranges, sm. size... 4 doz. 49¢ Libby’s Apple Butter .... ._ 38-oz. 431' 1&3 Arizona Grapefruit, med. siz doz. 25¢ Ple‘imont ngonnglse -— 33-0:- _JM' " les ex. fancy 10-lbs. 39¢ Lime}: 30.x and' plead ---- q ' 33.1" 0’ Wlnesap App 3 Libby s Pineapple Juice .... .. 46r0Z. tin 20¢ Calm/08’ large Slze """"""" " 2 for 15¢ Glennaire Fey. Grapefruit 20-0z. tin 9¢ EXtTa Fancy RhUbaTb ------ -- 2'lbs- 15¢ Bruce’s Broken Grapefruit 20-01. tin 8¢ Utah Celery, large size ................ .. 10¢ GardgnlSiile Sweiit Peas... g-oz. En 132 ' - ........ .. lar e bu. 5 Rose 38 .—Sieve «eas ...... -oz. :1 §::f%:éigg:frfi::erial 1b, 4: Sugar Belletiy. Peas ...... 20-oz. tin 12¢ Lettuce fanc._ eri'al __ each Del Mall hlblets - - - - - ~ ~ - -— lz'oz- ' ’ y .p ‘ " Tender Sweet Corn __________ ,_ 16-oz. tin 8¢ Oregon N0“ 1 Onions 3'lbs' 10¢ Country Home Bant. Corn 20-oz. tin 10¢ Hubbard Squash -- lb- 2¢ Garden Side Cut Beans ____ __ 19m, tin 23¢ Repack Tomatoes .................... .. lb. 15¢ Briar Gate Fey. Cut Beans 19-01.. bin 10¢ Florida New Potatoes ________ u 5-1135. 25¢ Hillsdale Sauer Kraut ...... .. 29-oz. tin 9¢ Franco American Spaghetti tin 8¢ Cherubor Federal Milk, tall tins 12/85c Royal Satin Shortening 3-11). tins 39¢ Crisco ........................................ .. 3-lbs. 49¢ POTATOES — 'Pornrons " Yakima, No.‘1 Bakers 13vle. 19¢ Yakima Select No. 16’s 50-lbs. 69¢ . akima Super. Gems .... 15-lbs. 25¢