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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 13, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 13, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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l -. Page Six ~ .....~—-—;.— Newsettes Relate :31 Belfair Events By Mrs. leadys Irving Belfair, Feb. 12. Mr. and Mrs. Crosswhite and family went to Kingston Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Hollistad’s. Mary Moore returned to school in Seattle after a long vacation at home. John Rouch’s r ()i' Eastern i'llflir outing Saturday Night Members of the Order of East— ern Star will hold a meeting on Saturday evening, February 15, at the Masonic Temple beginning at 8 o’clock. This will be Associate Matron’s and Associate Patron's night and will honor Mr. and Mrs. Clifford VVivell, who hold these offices in Welcome Chapter. Invitations have been extended to Associate Matrons and Associate Patrons of neighboring chapters pected to be in attendance. are entertaining company from Idaho. They are relatives of Mr. Rouch’s. Mrs. Rouch also had relatives from Idaho visiting last Week. Dan Jordan was visiting at the Foster home Sunday evening. Herbert McKinney had the mi"- fortune to hurt his back last week, and Glen Harris had his 5 ' a tire iron Sundav,. , AV ,, {fillilehflgitngab tire. We hope they if“: the“ ngeanb WmCh tl‘Cy are are both better by now. tgmilg to lee‘ They “7919 Mrs Glen Harris 'aSSlgned their roles for the play visited Mrs, . _ t b ven at the Mothers-Dau h Harry Hyde Monday afternoon. :tgrsebgiwuet in March. g Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson were Bremcrton visitors Saturday of gVisitm- From Alaska last Week. ' ‘Girl Scout Tro0p \Vorking On Flags l Members of Girl Scout Troop EN0. 3 met on Monday afternoon Eat the home of their leader, Mrs. ‘13.. L. Mitchell, at which time they[ Ebegun actual work on the flags. l Wm M. WWW...” tot :5], l 1*] LT( )N—MASON u man—Imw limo-unrwa WWW l I l l Girl Scout Council lElects New Officers i The annual Girl Scout Council {election was held at the meeting lhomc of Mrs. A. E. Klasell. with lay; unanimous ballot cast for tlie‘ Hugh Hamilton! :following: Mrs. ,eomnlissioner} Mrs. Frank VVil- llard, deputy commissioner; Mrs. 'VVilliam A. McKenzie, secretary land Mrs. A. E. Hillier, treasurer. ‘ycar term, Mrs. Willard, Mrs. ,Gcorge Drake, Mrs. Herbert An- also' gle. Mrs. Robert Allan and Mrs. .whitc and blue to wear. , Hillier, two year term, Mrs. Wal- ter Elliott, Mrs. Hamilton. Mrs. Ed Faubert, Mrs. McKenzie and >Mrs. Verne Davidson, one year, ers. C. H. Kreienbaum, Mrs. . Mrs. Hans Mirow and daughterl Klasell, Mrs. P. E. Murphy, Mrs! Mrs. Garland Brown and Mrs-[Joyce of Nome, Alaska, arriveGlHal Briggs, Mrs. O. Gonter and Council members are: three' . PHONE 100 Reservations For Garden Club Bridge Luncheon Mounting he reservations for the bridge luncheon the Shelton Garden. club who are ex— 1‘ 0f U10 group 011 Mommy at theare sponsoring Tuesday, February l18 at the" Memorial Hall are con- tinuing to come in. In addition to 'tZIOS'C already named, Mrs. C. M. lDanielson has reserved two ta- bles, and Mrs. Purl Jemison, Mrs. Ray Bailey and Mrs. Joseph Shi- mek have each reserved one ta- ,blc. There will be prizes of course, land the serving committee have ,made up special aprons of red, itions will also carry out the Wash- ,ington birthday motif. : This luncheon is to raise funds toward the $800 necessary to com- plete the Railroad Avenue beauti- fication, and other things are be- Glen Harris “5395! Mrs- EdWln {in Shelton Tuesday to spend a few Mrs. Lloyd Morgan. planned by the Chm Mickleson Tuesday r hing. ,dayg visiting at the home of Mrm, Committees were appointed as. The club will also receive half Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ruchty and and Mrs_Ed Roberts before con- , follows: Program, Mrs. Angle, of tile proceeds from the basket— Dale Ruchty of Olympia, visited itmumg On to California. Imps. MeKenzie; Campy Mrs. Allan’lball game to be played the eve- the Glen Harris home Sunday. l . ,Mrs. K1358“ and Mrs. Elliott; ining of February 18 between the Billy 300d 35 working in POPCS lShelton W'oman’s Club 1 “finance, Mrs~ Hillier and Mrs_lfamous women‘s team of All- Stoz‘e this week. [Announce Meeting Date Drake; Training and Organization,:American "ted Heads- and the Quite a few from here attend-l The n63“ meeting 0f the Shel‘ ‘ Mrs. Willard, Mrs. Murphy andlshelton tow“ team- ed the basketball game in Portlwoman‘s Chlb Will be held Gners. Kreienbaum; Public Rela-l Mrs. Winston Scott, Mrs. A. S. Orchard Friday night. eMonday afternoon. February 17 at ltions, Mrs. Briggs and Mrs. Dav- ‘Koch, Mrs. Hal Briggs, Mrs. Jo- ithe Colonial House beginning at 51:30. Mrs. Clifford Viivell will be v ._ .;_- ’in charge of the program which valeflufie {will be on "Japanese Art.” ‘L‘riplc T To Meet Friday The regular meeting of the Tri- ple T club will be held on Friday - l lafternoon, February 14, at the illomc of Mrs. Horace Skelsey, Sr. SAT., i5 DOOR PFllZES D {Business Women To ll‘llcei W’ith Mrs. Crane cents 43¢..25; before 930 The Business and Professional Ladig; Free Women will hold their next reg- lular' meeting at the home of Mrs. ~- ‘EI’ilOS? Crane on Monday evening, Shelton Valley Dance , February 17, beginning at 8 p. m. ‘ The topic of discussion for the l meeting will be‘ national defense.‘ A TELEPHONE CALL makes the most personal “Valentine :1 The year around, talk heart-to-hcart though miles apart! Attractive Long Distance rates every night, P. M. to 4:30 A. M., and all day Sundays! (THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY “none 497 :Thc meeting is called for 2230 p.m. 130 S. Third iidson; Registrar, Mrs. Faubert. l l Mrs. Herbert Angle was :pointed to represent the l Scouts on the Red Cross board of directors. A report was made by Mrs. Al- lan of the progress on the “Little House," which is located in the city park and when finished will be a meeting place for the troops under supervision of the scout leaders. Many donations of work and material were reported and it is hoped for an early date for occupancy. ap- ,l.‘v’.F.A.A.C. Tea Feb. lAt Dr. Collier Home i\Vonien’s Field Army [Cancer made plans for Against officers last month. Mrs. Ralph Hanson of Spokane, State Com- .mander, in a recent letter, re- minded us that while we are all busy doing our bit to help in Red hot slacken our efforts to edu- cate the public as to early signs ,land symptoms of cancer for the health of our own people is at stake, points out Mrs. James Needham, captain of the Mason ‘County unit. To acquaint more women with this work the Mason County unit is giving a tea at the home of Mrs. B. N. Collier on February 25th, 'at- 2:30. Mrs. L. D. Swenson of Olympia will give a short talk on the aims of the Women’s Field Army and Mrs. Earl Jordan will sing two or three solos. The pub- Runaeres, telephone 11—J, will ar- range transportation for t h o s c wishing to go, but having no car. Rebekah Social Club ’llolds Regular. Meeting l The Rebekah Social Club met ’Wednesday afternoon at the I.- J0.0.F. Hall for a regular meet- ing. Plans were made to hold an lapron sale and dessert luncheon V ‘on April 9 at 1 p. m. and those l wishing to, may spend the after- lnoon playing cards. I The members spent the after- noon working on the pillows for' lthe club room. Refreshments lwere served by Mrs. Teckla An- lderson and Mrs. Susie Dobson. l Thimble Club Meeting Postponed The meeting of the Thimble‘club of the Neighbors of Woodcraft which was scheduled to be held. this evening, has been postponed luntil February 27, because of the lillness of Mrs. Margaret McKay. SCI JERRY COLONNA AND WANDA McKAY IN "YOU'RE THE ONI". . . A PARAMOUINT PICTURE ferry (“Professor”) Colomm m. . «2...-.. and Wanda McKay Learn . . . "You can't make .4 care and in the same way you have .in the past. Two exclusive M. J. B. features—amok” roast—and double Mending—will give you the finest 'cup of coffee you ever tasted. GUARANTEE. Buy apound today. Try it for a weeklf it’s not the best you ever tasted, return lid "to the M.J. B.Co., 665 Third Street, San Francisco, and we’ll refund DOUBLE YOUR MONEY! bad cup of M'J'B"‘ JERIY: Absurd, isn’t it? Here—I’ve made M. J. B. double-strength. Bad, isn’t it? WANDA: Oh no, Jerry. It’s wonder- ful.’ uan: Well, then, try this other cup. made it weak. WANDA: It’s good this way, too, Jerry. JERRY: You’re right—I’m wrong. But know somebody who could make a. bad cup of M. J. B. WANDA: Who, Professor? an": Yehudi! WHY YOU WON'T MAKE A BAD CUP OF M. J. B. Make your coffee with the same DRIP GRIND...for drip or glass coffee makers REGULAR GRIND...Io"r predator or coffee pot Girl | lie is cordially invited. Mrs. C. E. ; lsepl'i Shimek and Mrs. Leland lFriend have been added to the 'list of those serving at the lunch-- icon; lValcntinc Card Party Elield On Tuesday l The Degree of Honor held their (Valentine card party and dessert lluneheou on Tuesday afternoon, Hall. l There were six tables of cards Ein play during the afternoon with {honors going to Mrs. Lavcrc Ali-- lderson of Olympia for 500, Mrs. lMary Shelton for pinochle, Mrs. Lester Chase for bridge. Mrs. The Mason County unit of the Mrs. Louie Larson won the door-5 prize. The Valentine motif was t h e i r lcarried out in the red heart-shaped I 1941 program at the meeting of,t.allies and in the cookies for the‘ i luncheon. . _L...L lAmcrican Legion Auxiliary illold Curd Party Tuesday l The American Legion Auxiliary iCross work at this time, we must .‘held a card party Tuesday, Feb- lhold a meeting here on Thursday, :ruary 11th, with 21 tables in play. iThe door prize which was a Naval ‘gprint plate, was drawn by Maude lShorter. ers. Robert Binns and C. M. :Danielson; pinoehle winners were Mrs. James Waldrip and John iCormierand Guy Call and Mary lDobson were high at checkers. IDecorations and refreshments iwere in the patriotic theme. ‘Gospel Team Meeting glleld At Camp Three Leaving the church at 7 p. m. lthe Baptist young people traveled lto Camp 3 on Tuesday evening for a gospel team meeting, consist- the members of the group. ' On Thursday evening at 7:30 'p. m. the regular weekly prapel' p. m. on Sunday the B.Y.P.U. will ,hold their weekly service. Any young person in Shelton that does not have a church home is cordially invited to attend any or iall of these meetings. Mrs. Letha Spaulding .Honored Tuesday Mrs. Letha Spaulding was pleasantly surprised Tuesday, Feb- ,ruary 11, when a number of her friends came with filled baskets, [for a potluck luncheon and gift 'shower to help her celebrate her birthday. ~Those present were the Mesdames,- Minnie Myers, Sarah Marshall, Della Brown. Maggie Shorter, Louise Gibbs, jMollie Frew, Pearl Fitchitt, Mary lHoyle, Ova Collier, Katherine Eells, Mr. and Mrs. Heckman, Rev. and Mrs. Bovee and the .honor guest, Mrs. Spaulding. lW‘omen’s Society Holds Regular Meet The Women’s Society for Chris- ltian Service held their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, ,February 12 at the Methodist {Church Following the regular business meeting plans were made 'to observe “World Day of Prayer” on February 28. ', ‘Stewartship of Brothel-llood' was the subject of the devotionals which were in charge of Mrs. W. A. Brodt. Mrs. W. M. Elliott was in charge of the program on “Minority Groups andJnter-racial Relations" and was assisted by Mrs. W. F. Roberts. The after— close by the serving of tea by ers. D. R. Pittenger, Mrs. Lough- ,nan and Mrs. Anderson. The fpatrio'tic motif was carried out in lthe dceorationsfin keeping with Lincoln’s birthday. very good attendance present. , Bordeaux Brownies |Have Cooking Lesson 1 Members of Bordeaux Brownie the home of their assistant lieut- enant, Mrs. Ballard, for a cooking lesson. Following; the cooking in— structions, a valentine exchange .was held and cookies and choco- ,late served. There were 22 Brown- ies present for the meeting. Tacoma Visitors Mrs. Frank Pauley and son, *Mrs. Fred Snelgrovc and daugh— ‘ter, Mrs. J. Lee Pauley. W. ,H. Snclgrovc and Mrs. Minnie B. Myers were Tacoma visitors on Wednesday. . l Juveniles To‘ Meet Saturday The Juveniles of the Degree of Honor will meet on Saturday, Feb- [ruary 15, at the Odd Fellows Hall lat,12:30 o'clock, where they'will s. be entertained with a luncheon by the adult lodge. An initiation ,will also be a feature of the meeting. All members are urged ,to be in attendance. COUNTY JOURNAL Decora- .Febl‘uary 11 at the Odd Fellows. Winners at bridge were= Ring of talks and special music by: service will be held in the base—. ‘ment of the church and at 6:15: noon meeting was brought to al There was ill Troop No. 6, met on Tuesday atl ' ll/llat’s A-Head ill Troop; Scouts Busy Outfit Over Spring Bonnets 1 Recent Weekend 1 l By EARL SHELDON Troop 25 Scoutmaster While Milt Clothier, with a a nice ten-lb. steelhcad in South Skokomish canyon Camp 3 last Sunday Milt) a number of the younger members of his troop were sixty miles away “catching” agates on the Newaukum River south of Chehalis. Although it rained part of the day the boys scarcely knew ,it. Using their scoutmaster as packhorse to transport them out ,to the islands in the stream (and 1,he was much too slow most of ;the time) the boys did very well land returned home with about 50 lpounds, altogether, many fairly {nice ones. Mr. Louie Larson very near gthe crowd in his car on the trip. ‘, Tuesday evening the greater Quart of the troop again visited the Olympia Ice Arena and all ,had a wonderful time. Mr. Earl IvJohnson’s car was very kindly do» inatecl to help transport the boys lthat evening, his daughter, pinch- ghitting as driver. (Many thanks. 'Patrieia). With the skating party behind :them, troop 25 now settles down lto a couple of months of intense {advance work, to be ready for Saner styles in spring headwear are ahead this season, as pre- :still better times out—of—doors in viewed by three New York models. Green and white draped ftbe spring. turban, top; pink milan straw bonnet with black velvet bows and ' PS. Yep, the boys are all set chin tie, left; and black straw and maline “Merry Widow” hat, lfor the banquet tonight. right, are among many new numbers soon to be seen on sunny ‘days. I l l l iMrs. Hughbaldis Rainbow Mothers ,Townsend Club Meeting \Vednesday 2T0 Hold Dance ! The Rainbow Girls Mothers clubl A dance will be held at the! ‘announced today that they hat; HIVIeani-ial Hall on Monday evening, ipostponed their meeting for next lwcek from Tuesday to Wednes- day, because of the bridge lunch- leon being given by the Shelton Garden Club. The meeting will An illness of long lFebruary 17, beginning at 9:30lelaimed the life this morning of ,0'01001‘ by the Townsend Chlb. Shelton hospital of Mrs. Desslc iMusic for the dance will be by ‘Rau‘s orchestra. The regular ton for the past five years. She ‘business meeting of the club will had been a patient at the hospital he 0311051 at 0,0100}: next Wed' {be held immediately before thelfor three days but had been ailing nOSdZ‘iy ill the Masonic Temple alld ‘dance. The public is cordially in- for some years. . all members are urged. to be mlvitcd to attend. No arrangements have yet been attendallce- announced for funeral services. "l‘ownsend Club No. 3 Wan“ 0‘“ Clothes ton and Dale VVillits of Los Ani— Meetiug February 20 Any 0118 Wh0 has any Old’mac, Colo, one daughter, Mrs. Mason County Chapter No. 14, clothes, shoes, furniture. or other Ruby Snow of Santa Rosa, Calif, :Daughters of the Pioneers, will iartldcs Wthh they no longer need and six grandchildren, survive. ‘ancl wish to give away are asked Mrs, Hyughbanks was born to phone 344R and have the Town- March 21, 1338 in Indiana. send Club No. 3 send their truck Daughters 01' Pioneers February 20. The meeting place and time will be announced in are urged to keep this meeting in mind as the State President, Mrs. ‘55‘105- Charles H. Horrocks of Seattle, will be the guest of the club. Don't Forget The l Friday Book Review , Mrs. Marion Garland of Breni- =7 erton will review “Land Without l Laughter" on Frida , February ,; ,‘14, at 2 p. m. in the courtroom. , '. Tickets bought for this review,l which was postponed before thcl " :holidays on account of the fiu‘ Iepidemic, will be honored at the door. ur Reputation is ,Annual Dinner For St. David’s Parish The annual Parish dinner for St. David's Episcopal church was served on Wednesday evening at . the Memorial Hall by members of; f Ithe guild. There were about fif— . ty in attendance for the dinner 5 0‘. .. . ’ and evening 01 cards which fol- llowed. The patriotic motif was carried out in the decorations. The ldoor prize was ‘presentecl to Mrs. lLaura Plumb, while Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Lewis won. honors at, , bridge. Out-of-town guests for the affair were Rev. and vErs. {Jessi‘tt of Olympia. Yardley Toiletries Whitman Candies Lenthcrl'c Toiletries p Lucien LeLong Toiletries WE ALSO FEATURE Products by the Following Manufacturers of Quality Drug Store Product ‘:—— Parke Davis 8; Co. Abbott Laboratories R. Squibb & Sons Waterman Pen 00. Shulton Old‘ Spice Toiletries Friendship Club Holds Regular Meet ,7 c, . . . . The regular meeting of the (qcigqui‘bb Mlnera’l'_011 ': """"" " ‘pt' bgc Frlandship Club was held on ch- Pint. McKesson Antiseptic Solution 39c nes ay afternoon at the home of r) [r ,1. Mrs. Roy Castle with 16 members 090 kcnthOIdLuFrl """""""""""""" “** 2'70 in attendance. The president of. ‘ Yoc Bayer Aspirin .......................... .. 539C the group, Mrs. Joe Hill, was l.;i- , :able to be present due to illness. 690' Alka §eltzer """ "I """"""""" " 490 A social afternoon was Spent 7oc Pepsouent Antiseptic _ .... .. 590 ,with a program on Lincoln and 12’s {otex—ZOC .................... __ 2 for 390 a celebration in .honor of Mrs' ,7 James Evans, Katherine Evans, 00c Cereal """"""" " 39C Mrs. Eads, Mrs. Anna Peareey and 75C FltCh Shampoo .......................... .. 59.0 Mrs. Banks, each of whom have jbirthdays in February. A birth ‘day cake and gift was presented to each of the honor guests. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Evans. PERMANEle SHARP Prove Your Point . Get Your 1941 World Almanac 70¢ l ..._ lGeneral Welfare Club Plans Ham Dinner l The General Welfare Club met on Saturday at which time they had as their speaker of the eve-.1? STUDENTS! hing, Mr. Walters, whose talki . ‘was very much enjoyed. l BUSINESS FOLKS! ‘ , Plans were made at the meet- ,ing for a ham dinner to be held . ,on Saturday, February 22, from; ‘5 to 8 p. m. l , Another meeting of the group l ‘will be held on Saturday evening ' at which time an apron dress and overall party will be held, so ev- eryone attending is urged to wear i their old clothes and attend the} {meeting prepared to have a good l " itime. The meeting will be held 'at the Memorial Hall and isj {scheduled to begin at 8 o’clock. Here’s Your Daily SUCCESS COMPANION! .....Sufiasrisa\s SHEAFFEfis "ln Working o o llsi‘silél‘l’lll.’ $1 (5575,51 balance models Amaranth Meeting Wednesday Evening ; l The first meeting) of Laurel! ,Court, Order of Amaranth to be.E ‘ jpresidqd over by the newly elected ,Royal Matron and Royal Patron, " will be on Wednesday evening, 39$ smaller writing point is always sharp -that means n‘eoler figures, more readable writing, clear carbons, distinct shorthand. SPIRAL GRIP for tireless writing. Double length propelling eraser. Sturdy, precise mechanism; oullam February 19 starting at v ,_" all others. Use, doubi.1,ng,h,,,,°ng 24's Sucrets .......... .. 25C o‘clock when Ida Kirkland and FlNELlNEleuds. Lge. CI‘CO Terpin 98C Emmi: Crane will take over their Alasting,welcom¢,gm;°ranybody, $1 Bisodol _____________ u 790 new offices of the club. any lime. Just right for your own uu, $1 Lavoris 790 : --——- tool Make FINEUNE yaw. ioday, 50 """""""" c Albatum _________ _. 49c Attend Meeting :Held In Yelm A group of Order of Eastern : Star members from Shelton mo- J- tored to Yclm on Monday eve- , ‘ ning to attend a meeting of that group in that town. Those mak— ing the trip from here w e r 0 Mrs. James Waldrip, Mr. and C. 'r. M. Daniclson, Mrs. Cliff \Nivell, Mrs. John Eliason, Mrs. Eli Mc- ,Culloch and Mrs. Leigh Duffield. , , .. i. .. Sm. S. T. 37 Sol. Pt. Rub Alcohol .v 1..- 3.. friend, was busy catching himself ‘ the “ (nice goin’ ' lkindly assisted by taking part of Yields To Death standing ' Hughbanks, 53, a resident of Shel— ? Two sons, Ben,\Villits of Shcl— , '7 -Tuesday‘s Journal. All members around to pic}: up the amides “They laughed when I came ini ‘ which will be used for rummage with shorts on, but when I sat 75c Vicks Vapo Rub 590 590 290 Pt. Solid Albolene .. 47c l G so I 1 Jr: Nocdlla‘n, student ‘eril Washington Collegev ham, and (laughter of iMrs. M. H. Needlllim ’l lhas been chosen as 0116 d 1'=‘.‘.UClGl-‘3 for the style" y ,givcn at the Associal Students confer l on. BEACH HOME j l, Dr. \N. M. Beach, riflvl’altel‘ ‘officer, returned to 11. Ellests, home last weekend aft ' MP- and jwith his son and famil e- lVrs. Morton Beach, at; for two weeks while 1. ated from an illness. l a i ii THEATRE. $4033 SHELTON, WASHI, 431%,th . . . 13‘ i‘» ,.' t0 Brer Two shows every . t0 spend Starting at 7:00 . rt's re Matinee 2:15 p.m. '7 'eefi‘rgfldsg and Sunday “moon vi. Adm.. 10¢ and 25¢. . ' (State 2¢; Feder 3 Mm Lou George . r R0 , ,8enbel Tomte 011. relem at l' ,'- ' c Charles 10(. Nlt :ff MrS‘ H ‘ Mrs. Dc “FATHER and Mrs_ M PR1NCE”3§$PW T Grant Mitchc ds‘ Seattlf Knare and I utzen ‘ “3 CHEERS .ggjgd‘ run nus i “lei, M., l. at . Friday Sat ‘ if TYRONE POWER /:‘ "Ch DARNELL , bert an, l ., . .- . “led the ‘ “BRIQHAM Y, e0f Mrs. . :Gfthillip i >_ T‘.’ " “n ‘ I 81111., ABEL, ,mgerc “TRAEL 0F V VEGILANT . - Franchot T0399, p l l l l l l . l rig->2 m-g. . . Q built on Enviablc Reputation oi the Followi‘ Nationally Known Products For whi‘is... We are Exclusive Distributors in Shel , Eaton’s Fine Stationery Oolom‘al Dames Toiletries Nyal Family Remedies Re ax in a blanket of fragrant l. With water made velvety so“ ‘ these refreshing new BATH i“ :‘ BLESAY/hen you proceedwith' ‘ soap makes bubbles disap., Tub is left ringless and spa Children love BATH BUBBLESI BOX or TWENTY-ONE PACK , in Lilac. Gardenia, Southern ,7 Swat Willialii (Carnation), Rose. Colonial Bouquet. “Pee Sell r. in Dental To see his dent mall in Africa, cently travele‘lj. miles by roa by rail and 10‘ boat. All yoll ,to do is clirflb stairs to his 0- TOOTH PA5 50:: lpana .. ,_ 400 pepsodenl-v 403 Squibb’s “2 20: Colgate.- 25c Listerine 'r.