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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 13, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 13, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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iirl M I =5 loge St, .zn, student“ g‘ton Colleg iughter of Needhalh“ M )scn as om? d 9 the style . y Canyon S e Assccmt 35232:? ewsettes Here in HOME Mrsj‘MfC. Hogan ‘- Lanyon, b‘cb. A ll. . Beach, ,1‘ Walter Lundc had riled to ~ Wests, his sister an eekcnd "' 1'. and Mrs. Jack N. sh and famil U 9- M I‘. c it.) 3909,11; at. 081168 Hogan of Olympia. if? Wmlcr eWeBkenu with her par- illness. - and Mrs. M. C. Hogan. qus. Louis Hutton and Eyed a short visit from fi v~ fits, Mr. and Mrs. Louis i‘Mr. and Mrs. .J im (1 daughters, Barbara ,, ‘ Josephine. Monday I I “13y continued t h c l i- \L WASHI the Olympic Loop. ' ' and -Mrs. b'l'OCi Lambert lit? Brcmerton Saturday lows every .7 “spend Sunday visiting ‘9 at 7:00 'S relatives. but Wk Smith and daugh- and Ruth, spent Tues— »“PQX! visiting Mrs. Louis 2:15 p.m. 'egfi: nd Sunday' t and 25¢. 2¢' Feder ‘ Louis Hutton, Fred RESFOI‘ge Fitzgerald and [lite 0115K presénenberg were among . t at a shower given NltC “Beharles Hunter at the , of MTS. Herb Deyette in , M M’S. Donald Doak. . “MIR. M. C. Hogan, Rose RINCE"" "390% Tuesday in Brem- Lnt Mitché l ‘seattle on business. ‘ Rh 211‘6! glad to hear Mrs. v ., utZen who has been in H February 1941. We Income Tax V" V lo Come 1. Expert Due to the a vices of interim; sentativcs at Fort lVIurr.=.y, Bremcrlen l i Lewis, Mchord Field Navy collector will bi. assigned to vi and “To rd, no do. A; low”? come Shelton this year businessmen with tax forms, accord" ,' lThor W. l-leuri . , acting col- lector at the Tacoma. limdqimr- item of the. internal litii'cnuo Sor— ‘yice. to help their h l Mr. Henriitksen’s letter advis— ing Miss .lc xic Kim. t, Iii'li,...i‘. ,postmaster, o the situation .h c ,quoted in . . “We regret to (advise twill not be possible to z... ildeputy collector to Shelton iycar. The reason if: tl‘ot we have, lbecn compelled to a ;, at lCamp l‘vlurray. Fort L. * IChord Field, and the R 9, culel'io. ,Navy Yard, and we have other u lmilitary and naval posts where ithcrc large increases in the lgarrisons. However, during this |week, February 10 to 14, inclu- gsive, seven deputy collectors will be stationed in room 121, Old Capitol Building, Olympia. While no doubt it will not be very satis« !factory so far as the citizens of iyour locality ale concerned. we ihave gotten as close to Shelton E as we could.” 31”? Rayonier Clears 6 Bill Bour, ault home , . g Up 1Ag-Milhon More- 1beautiful thing about this kind of, i l l ier Incorporated, reporters pre- l payment of another $ $00,000 long- and , , , , 0 h n Hospital Since Satur- ‘ lgtlxed doing nicely. _‘ . , rs. Fred Goeble and! iii IRIS C-‘1t:.h‘Mrs. Joe Bourgault, t°TPt. Townsend to se _ _, ed Goeble, who is in sat f Guard there. Mrs. 9,, accompanicd them. POWYEF 2, ., eStar Rosenberg, Mrs. )ARIV ELL 0 seat and Mrs' Lou‘s HUt‘ i term bank loan. . . ,, 93 the W.B.A. club atl [AM Yr Of Mon, . A” .J EL OF [LANT ' " nchot Tori. . h emery iiletrics dies pi. i... {of fragrant ‘f' velvety so“? new BAIH‘ " roceedcwith ibles disa.‘ ss and spa IH BUBBLE; " V—ONE PACK ,. )0 , ,. . a, Southern r. f :arnalion). W" suquet. ‘ fl,, is “m 11:31 ___...._/,- iee his do:1 i: in Afrl‘tfig, 1y travm d, s by r " rail and 10," .. All you , ' lo is chm?" rs to his 0- )OTH PA5 lpana Pepsodeniz' “u Squibb’s a, Colgate. , Listerine found. Hour Child Typewriter $3.00 me. First two months rental may be applied on purchase price of machine. The lushth lion dollars. 5 The company has slashed its lbank loans $1,500,000 in the cur- lrent fiscal year, which will end April 30. Rent a 'REOple Who Want to Buy the Thing You Wish to Sell, Meet You Face to Face in the-— If you’ve been waiting for opportunity, maybe opportunity has been waiting for YOU to knock—on the Want Ad door. The Want Ad section of The Journal is the common meeting ground for the “want-to— buys” and the “want-to-sells” and oppor- tunity lives there day in and day out. Mes- sages by the hundreds are read and acted upon by the very people who look through the Want Ad section in order to find them. In no other way could these prospects be FORGE AHEAD WITH WANT ADS Camp to word from , illit- , San Francisco. Feb. 10——Rayon-, The payment, which would have‘ Mrs. Miner of Angle—11968;, due August 1, 1942, reducedéern minimum-cost home, here il- ‘l_ )the total bank debt to five mil-' Phillip Bourgault h a d i / ‘ ‘ mine of having the end him» out off Thursday w, you EANlT sutuuiii you “NBA BUYERWSEWANT--ADS has so I z l l l 1 l l l l l l Vv’hite walls, 3. tri 1 green roof and m, glowing in the. soft light and iagainst the. blue ski of a spring lmol'ning. Moving spots of bright geolOl‘w—X‘cd robiiis on the dew- ?glcaming green of a young lawn. lWhir of wings, and fleeting shad- ‘gows in the checkered pattern of {light on the living-room rug, formed by the drifts of sunshine lthrough Colonial windows. A ta- Eblc set at the corner windows of lthc dining room, with the many ,colors of breakfast cloth and dishes. The rousing odors of ba- con and coffee coming from the Kliitchen . . . The first morning in one's OWN new home. All of us whose ill lluck it is to be confined to old rented dwellings have such vis- ions, such home-dreams. The H l . . dream is that it is so Simple to ,realizeuthat literally thousands lof ‘Nestern families are making it ,come true this very spring. The “Faith” design for a mod- iustrated, with floor plan, is a ,practical medium for realizing the ldream of new-home ownership. It [is not just another picture of a istriking and serviceable home de- Iisign. The working plans and iripecifications are available, at Nominal cost, through retail lum- ‘ lber dealers. " ipreliminary lbasis of 7.92 cubic feet for Plan supply t h 0. They will estimates, on and 11,450 cubic feet for Plan B with basement. The design is sponsored by Western Homes Foundation, a nonprofit organization. of products manufacturers and re— tail lumbermen to give service and information to prospective home- owners. “There arc few human forces :trongei; than the desire,-for, home -.--.mei-shlp," says w. ‘C; “Ben, Chair- man of Western Homes Founda- tion. “And there are few things in which the ideal and the ma— terial are more interwoven than they are in the home. A home, that is, a truc borne, is largely a creation of the spirit of family life. Houses are built, but homes are made~~ at home! “But the house must be built first. Homemaking starts with the selection of a design, goes on with the application for a. loan, the approval of the bank and FH A. the letting of the contract, ti- tlc insurance, and finally ~-— p0:~ 1a; siozmbomc, swoet home, with all the words and music. In mod— l-l’llllllil CWNERSHIPACGIVES FAITH TUBE Western forest ‘ v lto til i SH ELTON o'r AMERICANS Emir . -" ia'a'ho‘a" 404A ern practice the procedure is Sim: ple and it is safe, if the prospec- tive home-ownerwvill let himself be guided by a progressive retail lumber dealer. “Such designs as the ‘Faith’ have been created, not to make pretty magazine pictures, but as an implement for the three thous- and building materials dealers of the Far Western states to use in ,serving the average family in the lbuilding of a home. The ‘Faith’ ldesign has met the practical test of such service. It will provide a home of economy and efficiency, with beauty. Inside, as the floor plan shows, it is a design for hap- ipy family living. Outside, 'it is a design to blend beautifully with shrubs and trees, grass and flowers.” Retail lumber dealers will es- timate the “Faith” and may se- cure working plans and specifica— tions on short order. For more Western Homes Foundation, 364 Stuart Building, Seattle, Wash- ington. -l)ouble Tragedy L Hits Hoodsport Man’s Relatives By Betty McKicl Hoodsport, Feb. 12. —— Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Anderson and children, accompanied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Anderson of Hec- tor, Montana, spent from Thurs~ day to Sunday evening on a trip to Victoria and Vancouver, B. C.‘ 0 Harry Yenter. Mr. and Mrs. I were called to Republic, Wash, suddenly last week when a mine explosion killed his brother-in— law, Ray Cameron. While Mr. Cameron's brother of Seattle was lalso en route, he was fatally in- jured in an automobile acculcnt. The double services were Republic Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. l evening. , l [man visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Peterson. VVen- doll is expecting to be drafted in- rniy sometime in Februn n n v M 83.3,. Elmer W’csserlinsr started work in the Bromerton Navy Yard this I Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wood of Ta— coma (she is the former Katrine Hoffman) were in Hoodsport on Sunday visiting with Miss Hoff- man and with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wood. On Wednesday and Thursday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Bowles entertained his and sister—in—law, Mr. and Ray Bowles, now of Seattle. Sunday the Bowles Mr. and Mrs. ' Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis of Olympia were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Lunt on Saturday. On Sunday the group drove to Port Angeles to visit Mr. and Mrs. (G rry and Geraldine) Lunt and family. The Ellis’ are Geraldine Lunt's par- ents. While in Port Angeles Mrs. Lunt visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Johnston and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johnson and tiny daug ter, all formerly of Hoodsport. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Zink enter. tained her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Baker of Port Orchard, and her sister, Mrs. Mastics, also of Port Orchard, on Saturday and Sun- lday. ' Jim Jarvis, now working in Bremerton, spent the weekend with George Kaare in Hoodsport. Bill Daniels, Mr. Lunt and Har- old Millo will attend the Union Oil Sales meeting in Bremerton Friday evening. ' . Mr. and’ Mrs. Frank Ahle of Simpson’s Camp 5, spent Satur- day and Sunday in Hoodsport. Tommy Eshelman, Boy Scout of Tacoma, spent the weekend With ‘Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Lockwood in Hoodsport. Lee Dickinson was home from school, in Tacoma, for the week- end. ' The Glenn Lockwoods spent Saturday and Sunday with her mother in Puyallup. Mrs. On entertained Jack Bowles of Angle. flASON information on small homes, writes held Yenter returned home on Sunday Wendell and Ray Peterson of ’Los Angeles are at Lake Cush- brother 5 YOU ARE COVERED for any 510-, passed their final ci-dent for $.25 per day. Longer for private pilots’ certificates un- time the rate is cheaper. Herb der the civilian pilot training pro-ll COUNTY JOURNAL‘ Real Estate A‘AAAAAAAAAAAA‘AA‘AAAAA" 5—ACRE TRACT, 4'1‘oom house, outbuildings, good well, electric— ity, 1 mile south city limits, for sale or trade for city property F. 0. Robbins, Mill Creek Road. 2-11~13,—18-3t. l BUYS W'ATERFRONTn Puget Sound Home sites acre— age Arcadia Road. Trade land for slashing. E. A. Carr, Des Moines, Wash. 2—1103—6M8t.) FOR SALE: 4—room modern house with breakfast nook; fine View of city. Priced for quick sale at $900.00, on terms; you can han— dle. See M. C. ZINTHEO, real- tor, Phone 157, Shelton, Wash. FOR SALE: 6 room modern house“ at 1705 Olympic highway, full} size basement with furnace. W'rite A. L. Larson, Box 44, Mc—! Cleary, Wash. 2-6-11-13—43t FOR SALE: S-room house with. bath and full basement, 3%,. acre ground. Ten minutes walk from mills. Reasonable. G. Hokansonn RFD. No. 1, Box 88, Mariette, Washington 1-21-2-20—1M , FOR SALE: 25 acres, good stream; modern cottage and two car garage; two poul- try houses; bearing orchard; gravity water system to all buildings; electricity and phone; , good garden soil and splendid } location for produce market. j Terms. M. L. Anderson, Union, l l l", Wash. 2-5-11-12——°,t. FOR SALE: two lots, five room house, finished attic, automatic oil furnace. Corner Second and Birch. Phone 258. D—«2—6-11—13-18—fi4t. FOR" SALE i{i-room modern home in excellent 5 condition. Close in. Terms $1700. $ d l5—room modern home with hard— wood floors and furnace. Nice large yard, large rooms. In ex- two mild—Se east of Union, partly c1eared;, Classified Service . -o..............¢...9w.. $100 REWARD For information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone stealing gas, tools or equipment or molesting property of Don LD— McKay. 2—11—13-18—20v4t. E N D IRONING DAY FATIGUE Get your FREE Ironritc Demonstration today Shelton Electric Co. OFF YOUR FEED? See your Doctor we have your prescriptions filled at ~- FIR DRUG STORE Floor Sanding Machine For Rent! Handscraping to remove old varnish is a relic of the past. Rent our Hilco “Handy San- , dy”——»it’s dustless, quiet, inex- pensive, and easy to operate. Hardware Dept. Lumbermen’s Mercantile ‘ Company --—-———-—-—-?--—---- MILL WOOD One Cord $4.50 Double Load (2 cords) $8.50 PHONE 38—J l SAVE NOW Special Prices l cellent condition. $3650.00 with $650 down, $35 per month, in- terest 6%. This will make an excellent hom'e. :z: :a: :2: 10 acres of land with 300 feet of waterfront located 01. Pickering .Pass. This is a good buy, $875. » 21:. s: :5: 5-room modern home close in, large yard with fruit trees. Will , also Sell the furniture with it. l Home is $2,000 with $500 cash, [ balance at $20.00 and 6% inter~ l . est. Furniture $600.00. 4 m The price of property will increase. .5; Why not buy your permanent home today and STOP l' paying rent. ,SEE i‘MlSS Decoy Named lOn Hospital Ass’n Directors B o a r d Miss Zella Dceny, superintend— ent of Shelton General Hospital, ,has been appointed member at ilarge from Shelton, Washington, at the 15th Annual Convention which the Association of Western ,Hospitals will hold in San Fran— lcisco March 3, 4, 5, 6, 1941. Because the present emergency ,confronts every hospital with urgent problems of personnel and of responsibility in the Defense Program, convention officials are lmaking every effort to ascertain lin advance questions confronting hospitals: and health organizations throughout the 11 western states "represented in the Association. Members-at-large have, therefore, been requested to report in ad— vance of the convention local preparedness for defense. These ,dclegates will also serve as rep— resentatives to give information on this outstanding convention to all hospital and health executives who can take advantage of a chance to meet and hear leaders in every department, of hospital service. Some of the outstanding nation- al authorities announced by Clar- Ience J. Cummings, President of the Association of Western Hos- pitals. as, sneakers arez‘ Malcolm T. MacEachern, M.D., Associate Director, American College of Sur- Weons: Arthur C. Bachmeyer, M. D., Director of the University of ,Chicago Clinics, and President of ithe American College of Hospi- ital Association; William H. Walsh, Hospital Planning, Chicago; and Guy M. Harmer, President of the {American Protestant Hospital As- ! sociation. Convention delegates will have an opportunity to see ‘an unsur— lpassed display of exhibits of ul- tra—modern hospital equipment and to attend sectional meetings on Ispecialized problems featuring ev- leI‘y department of the hospital, ‘business office, medical records, dietitians, housekeepers, account- ,ants, purchasing agents, engi- ‘neersg physiotherapists, anesthe- tists, social wdrkers and pharma- 'cists. ' I Some. '2500 delegates are ex- pected in San Francisco from the 11 western states to participate lin the Convention of Hospital Preparedness in a Democracy. WINGS Washington State gradually going up Twenty five college is in the air. students recently examinations gram, “ HERBERT G. ANGLE t l on , SEWING MACHINES l SINGER SHOP 125 SO. 4th, Shelton Mason County Maps LARGE Mason County Township maps $1.00. Also maps of l Country and State 50c to $1.00. Olympic Peninsula, Puget Sound, JOURNAL WA FURNISHED APARTMENTS for borough Apts, Second and Knee- FOR RENT: WERE station with i" FOR RENT: furni , FOR RENT: lWANTED: party to own and op? , ALBERT NURSERY l The Journal l LEGAL PUBLlCATlONS l l l l Page Seven NT ADS .. RATES 0n Classified Advertisements 10 cents a line (5 words) first insertion, 5c 8. line each subse- quent insertion. Mini mum charge 30c. Classified, advertisements ac- cepted over the telephone from phone subscribers. Cash should For Rent .AA a “AAA”, AA MMAAAA‘ (2 and 3 rooms). Good 10- Vcry reasonable. Golds-v rent cation. 1 l I l land Streets, Shelton. 5-7-tf. ' ‘ 0” . J In ififfic,l“gfl;ossq“§§f§rs 9.9133,, accompany all other orders or Auto P‘artg 2_13_18_2t. payment made before thefirst of the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of ICC will be made when billln necessary. Card of thanks .. Classified Display Rates on Request. shed three room‘ apartments. .Mill Street Apart—, ments. Phone 2594M. C-L.13-c.§ B-Toom apartment! Call at 323i with private bath. North Fourth. D~2~13-18-20—,3t. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvw Wanted \AALMAAMLAAWAMAM FOR SALE: ,. -r. . , droppings. Vv AINIED. large pieces clean cot ‘ 7, ton rags with all buttons and} Laplt‘fl I“? snaps removed. No curtains or, outing flannel or knit wear. ’ Journal Office. ‘ mmvvv'vvvvvmvm, . E For Sale . Q‘MAAAA AA“AA AAAAAMAM manure place on 2- 11- 13——2t. chicken Salmi’s FOR SALE: ’36 W'iilys sedan $135 cash. Cleave Robinson, 1325 Olympic Way, Shelton. 2—11-13~—2t. crate ice cream dept. in grocery FOR SALE: fresh Guernsey cow. market Ref-el'encesv $800 J. D. White, Route 3. 2~11~13—2t. quired. Box M, Journal. FOR M~—2—11-13——~2t. New'machines as low as $49.50. SALE: Electrolux cleaners. WANTED: lady for housework; For sales, service and supplies Phone 112-J between 9 and .i can or write Jack Manley. o'clock. S 2-4--tf Hoodsport, Wash. >2-6--3-5-‘-1M FOR SALE: used Hamilton sash vacuum cleaner. Excellent con- WANTED: either single or dou: blc drum gas donkey with or without motor. Cleave Robin- , dition. Inquire Journal office. son, 1325 Olympic Way, Shel-, y_2_6_11_13_18__4t ton. 2—11-13-—72t. ’ I i A -~- ~ u lDRAFTED: must sell 1934 Mastér WANTED: room and board for- Chevrolet sedan. radio, heater. two small children while mo- ‘ c, w_‘Bishop’ Arcadia Road ther works. Call 385 evenings. 13;..2-11-13--2t, K~—e2-13-18-20—~3t. . ,_~ ___....___.._ __.__ ..__ ' iFOR SALE: Boysen berry plants, WANTED: W’oman for general 75¢ dozen, $5.00 per hundred. E. housework, days only. Call 172.; L_ Mercer, Route 2, Box 151. A‘—2'13*—1l- 2—11-13-18——-3t. mwmv vvvmvvvwm' " ‘* " " Classified service AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA‘AAAAA*AA BUY Nursery; stock direct from) FOR SALE: two wheel trailer with stock rack for only ten dollars. C. H. Biehl on Weaver Ranch, Skokomish Valley, .Shel- ton. Phone 216-R-5. grower. Largest nursery in; 2-13-1‘8——2t. southwest Washin ton. Cammel-. lias. DaphneS, fgihododendronsl FOR SALE: Jersey heifer fresh in March $60.00. Cow fresh in August $55.00. Also 10 months No heifer. K. V. Collins, Mill Creek Road. 2-13-18-20-25—4t . . I I 'VVVVVVVV'V'VVVWVI‘ my» 5 Miles from Olympia, at South Bay 1-28--2—25——9t. varieties of l and all the best shrubs and trees. bAAA‘AAA“A“Am M d l l . l ’ ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORNEY “T LAW ARE YOU SICK? See your Doctor—have your *5 l I l In the Superior Court ‘of the State I [of Wafihmg‘ton for Mason County. i' 1A 1’ . No. 11 F.&.A.M. Next Regular Communication PERKINS, Plaintiff, \‘s.’ ,., .= ,. , v prescriptions filled at Title lampmm . ' ppomte First National Bank Tides of the Week 1 FIR DRUG STORE l Phone 23 - . --smitm l Computed for Oakland Bay i ‘ I ' ' —«- (Hood Canal tides are one hour LARGE SIZE . 55 minutes earlier) , Duplicating INSURANCE . Low 1:48 am. .1 ft‘: SALES BOOKS ' Friday High 8:23 a.m. 15.6 ft H R . , N ‘|,E Feb 14 Lobw 2:36 pm. 2.9 ft; 5d Each. E T G (I ! High 8:13 p-m- 13-7 ft, or 55¢ per dozen Office at Angle Building Low 2:31 0.9 ft We also take orders'for all kin Sat High 8257 a.m. 15.5 ft of special——— Feb 15 Low 3:24 pm. 2.1 ft PRINTED SAI ES BOOKS High 9:14 pm. 13.4 ftl Our prices are a}; low or lower E] ,l B. 'than outside salesmen can quote 8 5149‘; a-m- you ( Accounting Tax Seerces un ig : am. . . {Feb 16 Low 4:16 pm. 1.5 ft THE J)URNAL B°°kk°°pm9 symms High 10.21 pm. 12.9 ft: ‘ I 123 4th St. Phone 585 LOW 4:06 a.m. 3.5 ft! NOTICE OF TEACHERS ‘ ‘ Mon High 10:16 mm. 14.9 ft EXAMINATIONS ,Feb 17 Low 5:13 p.m. 1.0 ft The annual teachers’ ‘examina- "i High 11:37 pm. 12.6 ft tions will be held this year on March 1, 1941, at 10 a. m., in the FUNERAL HOME Low 5:03 am. 4.9 ft office of the county school 511-] L. .- Tues High 11:02 am. 14.5 ft pcrintendcnt in the courthouse at 'censed Emba’mem , Feb 18 Low 6:17 pm. 0.7 ft,Shclton, Wash. . W. A. Witdiers, Prop. High 1:06 am. 12.5 ft; J, 'E, MARTIN, Phone 180 ~ Shelton. .. County Superintendent. ...._.._. Wed Low 6:13 21.111. 6.1 ft 2-13-20«2t. 1 Feb 19 High 11:55 am. 13.9 ftl -_.__ 1 LOW 7:25 pm. 0.4: ft I N _ 3935. MT. MORMH LODGE '——‘- suhoxs. ‘ NOTICE. OF, CLOSING 0F REGISTRATMIN nouns Notice is hereby given that regis- tration books will be closed for Oi'lg~ mal registration and transfer of regis— tration to all voters living within the boundaries of Mason County School -District No. 309, Shelton. Wash, on and after the 14th day of Februar , 1941. for a period of fifteen days until the first day of March. 19-11, the, same being the date of a school dis- trict election in said district. Dated this 12th day of February, 1941. GORDON HENDRY, Registration Officer. City of Shelton. I 2-13a—1t. | NOTICE 01‘ SALE 01‘ COUNTY BEA]:- PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY' GIVEN that pursuant to an order ol' the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, made and entered on the 16th day of December, 1940, there Will be offered for sale by the Sheriff of said county, at he auction at the front door of mu icourt‘housc in Shelton. to the high- est, bidder, on Salurday. March lst, 1941 at ten o'clock A. the lowmg described real property: Northwest quarter oi" the South- West quarter (NEH; of SVl'l’.) of Section two (2), Township Nineteen (19) North, Range four (4) West, W. M., with appurt- enances. m., ,ty Farm," has twenty—nine acres of cleared, sandy loam and boltom land, with a good creek running through, providing sufficient water for irrigation. house with bath. a large barn and numcro out-building's. 0 Located l l i l l I fol- " E- This t‘ rlv acre a: .. . o 5 1mm"! “ coun iat his resxdcnce in Mason County. Has a good six-room 0"d for said estate, at his office, 107 1.; iauAJA) L. PERKINS. Defendant. STATE .01" WASHINGTON to Ger- MARCH- old 1.. Perkins, Defendant: M. H.VNEE,D,HAM Worshipful Master J. L. 'CATIO, Secretary: I You are hereby summoned to ftp-1 Dear within sixty (60) days nl'tr-rl dam: of the first publication of this! summons, to wit within sixty days after tht- 301li clay of Jan. 1911, and defend the above entitled action in, the, court aforesaid and ansvv'i-r the complaint of the plaintiff Lula M. Perkins, and serve copy of your 4 answer upon the undersigned at. REVENUE BOND§ OF THE CITY term-y for plaintiff at hls_ul'l'icc ad-‘ 0F SHELTQg dl'OSs below stated. and 111 case ofi NOTICE IS HERE Y GIVEN. your failure so to do. judgnlent will that the City at" Sue-w“ Calls “1., and. be rendered against you according Wm. on the_ 20th day of February. to the. demand of the complaint 1341. open bids torme sale of aim).- which has been filed \viLh the Clerk 000.00 of Water Revenue Bonds to or said court. bear date of April 1, 1941, and ma.- The object (ifdliis action on llie'turing as follows‘ part of ihe plaintiff is to secure 1942 a divorce from the defendant.- 1943 J. \V. GRAHAM, 1944 Allorney for Plaintiff: . 1946 iuw,w Office Address, Suits' 5 1946 ,1000.00 Govey Bldg, Shelton, qush. 1947 300000 1-30. 2—6-13—20—27. 34343—41. 1948 ammo —'—““‘— 3000.00 . I , 3000.00 *NO- 14.00- .. 1951 3000.00 5. women 710' cRnDITORs. , 1952 Wow Imb- In the Superior Court Shit-e of Wash- 1953 “300030 ington for“ Mason County": 1953 sooo_oo In the niattdripf the estate of Hazel Sackrider Deceased. .. 3000.00 Notice is hereby given that the .un— 1958 dersigned. H. S. Sackrider. has been 1‘,“ appointed and has qualified ex- 3000-00 ecutor of the estate of Hazel E. Sack—a 19M _ rider. deceased; that all persons-hav-- JWU-W Provided, however, 1! e City of She:- ‘ton reserves theiright to pay for and. redeem any or all of the unmatureu and outstanding bonds of said issue pt par on any interest payment date in inverse order on or after three years from the date thereor my glvln‘ thirty days notice of such intended .i-ed‘ernption by publication in the City offiCial paper. interest on any bonds ing claims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the same. duly verified. on said H. S. Sackrider, Washington. address is 'R.F.D. Num- ber 1. Elma. Washington. Frank Groundwater. or attorney upon of rec- Fourth Street. Elma. Washington. and file the same with the Clerk of said thrce n iles from Shelton on paved Ci'mftv “38:83.19? With DI'OOf 0f 511011 89032:: jiggnégmmnpuon to cease on road and electric power line. Suii- semce. Within six months after the 15,.,mj'al Hm. ‘- "mm WWW.“ is able for .dsfix‘ying, truck gardening date Of 1108 fll‘St DUbllCatiOH Of this 11. frompm .e mf'the W t D so“- or chickens. .notice, which is February 6th, 1941, “Elem 1: fl“ f Shana 6“ epa ' Appraised value, $3,500.00. Willlor the same shall be barred. ,thOC.h}eof 183’? I - on. .11 tm iscll .for $1,000.00 (- sh and bulaneol Date of First Publication February 0 inign‘lof Prefe [O’Thww Wm“; mi ;in five yearly payments at six per 6th. 1941- , TILT“; [ filfifilmfin‘ a cent interisi. Date of last publication February 1 if]? H ,"1 re; .d 83 "Ram For additional information con-l27th, 1941. 08‘ “O (153“; u“ C’m .1 Ont . Cl tact or write to the Auditor of Mm II. S. SACKRIDER. of yh 1,. ’r 3,, “:10- ??Km 0' e ‘7 son (Mushy. Executor of said estate. 6“ ‘m‘ Gfihfig”, {v' IANDFRS holed this 2811i day 01‘ January, ADDRESS: R.F.D. No. 1. ' ‘Cit. ‘Clefk ism. , siiiia. Wash. 2 ,1 13 ,8 3, 3. ' (I 1 inuuv Inevicr'rn. liRANK GROUNDWATER, ‘ " ' ‘mx or me Board of County ttorne' for s a, . , . ' Commissioners. 'Elmn. \W’nshirifyttiiint.t .‘ If you \th 1" SP" 30",“ “3‘0 l we. 2~b'13--~3(. l 2-011-2’07—‘30 HO 'I‘ellmJom‘Wl-WMl-W- CALL FOR mos FOR wnruki ‘