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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 13, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 13, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Eight If you Wish to Sell you’ll Have to Tell Journal Want-Ads. \ "lugr :0 'Il\‘ : . . ..‘ . \ \ i . Hosiery Gaymodes in sheer or service weights. Handbags Smartly s t y led bags in simulat— ed leathers. LACE Table . Cloths ? 1.00 V ” Sizes 5'12" Housecoats 2.98 Full skirts! Tiny waists! Very lovely! f7) . CYNTHIA { Slips . 98. I Rayon crepe or , satin. T r immed or tailored. seems reported to the Journal on Jan- lPacific Area, American Red Cross. -, _. '1nd will be of '“l‘e'dt value to the Daffodils Bloom», M ; Seminars Would A“ On Harstine; Are 1 Train Red Cross They 1st of Year‘. Workers Feb. By Della Geetsch Harstine Island, Feb. ll. M» It «ms to meet the nation‘s greatest that the white narcissus demand for social service since which bloomed for Mrs. Birtley‘,VVorld War days was issued today} Ball at Lake Cushman and was i by A. L. Scliafer, manager of the1 l l l l l l . An appeal to Red Cross v.'ork-. nary 29 is the unchallenged pic—l Schafer announced that a series neer of Mason County, and we>of institutes or heminars to ex- take Off our hat to Mrs. Ball and plain war service demands will be' her early spring harbin er. Now 1 held throughout the Pacific dis— we are ready to make a try for i trict, the first scheduled for Tau second place with a yard full of iconia February 13-14, and the yellow daffodils at the home of second in Portland, Oregon. Feb-' Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Simmons oniruary 17—21. the west side of Harstine Island,l The Tacoma institute will be attended by Red Cross workers which came into full bloom Feb- ruary‘ 4th. ;and executives in the Puget Sound A meeting of the VVomen'S club 'i area. while the Portland sessions; was held last Thursday afternoon twill bring workers from all over‘ at the home of Mrs. Arthur Win- 3 Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. gert with Mrs. R. O: Beckwith as ‘ Lund, Mrs. Eula Martin and Mrs. , hostess. One of the chief items Herbert Miller expect to represent of business was the clubs as- the Mason County chapter at the, inniption of the responsibility of Tacoma Seminar. ‘ furnishing the Harstine school} “Perhaps most people do not. with a complete encyclopedia. This realize," said Schafcr, “how 30,-. will cost somewhere around. :80, Vere i.“ the impact of change ill the lives of thousands of young students and teacher. The school gnien who are leaving home for library was lost last spring when ithc first time to \me a part the schoolhouse was destroycd by lof the American de se program. 2 fire a couple of days before the iOften this shock (attends also to close of the term. ithe family the trainee leaves be- 'Mr, and Mrs, Ed “711mm, Mm ihind—rperlmps illness occurs in Lee Cailson, Mr. and Mrs. Gumiar the family, or perhaps the wage- Iohnson and son, Ronald, wth to learner is thrown out of Work. Olympia on Thursday to attend, “It is in such cases that the funeral services for August An— lAmcrican Red Cross must step .1 clerson who was Mrs. Vv’ilson‘f; linto the breach»~ to act as liaison. sousin. iagcnt between the army authori- Mrs. Summei-ville of Tacoma, ,ties and the family buck home, to . was a guest over the weekend at lgive advice and relief where nec- the Point Wilson home of hex-lessar‘y.” brother, Herbert Spahr. i This branch of lied Cross ac— Mr. and Mrs, Martin Gnotsch ltivity, Schafer explained, is known and son, John Lee, of Olympia, las Home Service and is mandatory; .‘isited their home place at Jain upon the organv'ition under terms I rell’s Cove on Sunday, ,of its Congrefmional charter giv-. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jo Anderson oflen in 1905. During World Wari Shelton were guests on Sunday iI the Red Cross rendered counseli at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Oscar land service in thousands of homes Jacobson. ;dlSi'll[)tl'(.I by military demands, but} Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Zeckwithdin the pus’u'etimo years that fol~i Mrs. Arthur Wingert and the ehil— flchd only a, skeleton set-1:1) was own-,mvs—q—w... Myron ‘ Cloquallum Wednesday to Mrs. Beckwith’s mother. NatidijTT. A. Birthday Fete Is Planned by Agate By Mrs. Mary Matthes Agate, Feb. 12. — The Agate P.-T. A. will celebrate the Na- :ioziai P.—'l‘. A. birthday February 21 at the schoolhouse. Of ,mStmuS ".13" .nvited to attend. on In new Spring Mr. and Mrs. J. Whetham of Hassocks Mr. and Mrs. E. Crane of Shei- ton visited at the home of C. P. 1.66 Grindrods Thursday evening. 3’ 1.98 Smart Brent- woods for spring . . . 12-44. Agate Youth Fined On I Reckless Driving Count James Young, Agate youth, was fined $15 and court costs by Jus- tice M. C. Zintheo last night on a charge of reckless driving sworn Elliott, manager of the store. A feature article in next Tues— day's Journal by Mrs. Sparks will set forth in more detail various points of interest at the market.- DELIVERED IN SHELTON Bob Irvin Ellison Motors 5th & Railroad dren, Ralph and Mary, drove toinCU'SHaY'E/fi visit , The pro—l gram will start at 8 p. in. All are i Shades- Port Angeles were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. York. Mr. and Mrs. R. Werberger FULL SIZE visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. P.‘ Chenille Grindrod Sunday evening. Mrs. F. Guyer was hostess to Spreads the Agate P.-T. A. at her home last Friday. A very enjoyable day 98 was spent visiting and planning! future events. Those present were Mrs. Elsie Vanderwal, Mrs. Ella Mott, Mrs. M. Rood, Mrs. B. Rood, Mrs. Schmidt, Mrs. Hazel Rey- RoerD iholds, Mrs. M. McLeod and the hostess Mrs. F. Guyer. . SQUARE Mr. and Mrs. Gocderham and out by State Patrolman Cliff Aden, who made the arrest. in Shelton LADIES last Sunday evening. Rayon ‘ ‘“‘——‘ Panties L. M. Store Buyers Return From Market Representatives of 'the Lumber- men’s Mercantile Co. store re~, turned yesterday from a four-day buying trip to Seattle, during Gowns which styles for the coming sea- sons in women’s wear were stu- died and purchased. .. Those attending the market frog“; I? were Maude LeMaster and May- .ep belle ‘B. Sparks and Walter M. trimmed. In the Tacoma and Portland in-‘ ,stitutcs Red Cross specialists in: '.various phases of war and home} isen'vice will conduct classes for? iI'Led Cross volunteers. 5 1 1iPoflatch News g 1 Reporting Now l By Young Girls? Editor's Note Gathering and ! reporting Potlatch news has I been volunteered by Elizabeth I Hussman and Mildred VVood— 1 worth, girls in the junior high I grades from that Hood Canal community. The Journal wel— l i comes them to its staff and l ‘ hopes their Potlatch neigh- bors will give them full co- l operation. They replace Mrs. Joe Stewart, who reported Pctlatch events for many years prior to her moving to Renton several weeks ago. By Elizabeth Hussman And Mildred Woodworth Potlatch, Feb. 12. Mrs. E. )3. Reader of Seattle is spending the' ,week at the home of her son. Mr., C. Reader. Mrs. C. Reader is’ staying in Shelton with Billy who. is a patient in the Shelton Hos-1 pital. 1, Mrs. C. D. Woodworth and! Mrs. Kenneth Simmons and daugh- ter Anita, spent Monday after- inoon visiting Mrs. R. Horton of Bremerton. , Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hussman,. Mr. and Mrs. E. Carlson, and] .Mrs. Sisley attended the Eastern Stargrd party at Union Masonic Hall n Tuesday evening. M. and Mrs. E. Carlson and. daughter in Seattle. Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Simmons and Anita2 went 'to a birthday dinner for Tommy Wills at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wills of; Hoodsport. I On February 6th, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith spent the day in Cen- tralia visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simmons; Spent Friday in Bremerton visit-l ing friends. 1 Guests at the C. D. Woodworth home on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. R. Horton and son Pat of; Bremerton. Roberta Woodworthl accompanied them home and spent the weekend in Bremerton. Bills Aimed Against Subversive Groups Olympia, Feb. 11. ~— Joseph D. .Roberts, Democrat, of King, infi'oduced four measures today which would curb subver- sive elements within the state. 1 Three were senate bills aimed at prohibiting the ballot to or- ganizations and individuals advo- cating use of force to overthrow local or national government and compelling candidates to file affi- davits stating they do not advo- cate use of force to overthrow government. The third, by its title, would specifically curb ac- tivities of Nazis, Fascists, Com- munistic or other subversive ac- tivities and provide penalties, for violations. The fourth measure was a joint resolution denying the Communist Party the use of the ballot in any , election. Esther spent Saturday; Senator Shelton Girls Stay On l Top in Seattle Tourney That 1157 total compiled by El- sie Peterson and Evelyn Smith a week previously stood up for first place in the annual Seattle Star women’s handicap bowling tour- namcnt despite the assaults of ,last weekend's entry list, it was learned early this week. Miss Peterson’s 586 score in the singles, second at the time' she rolled during the first week- end of the competition, was drop- ped to eighth in the final stand- ings. SHELTON—i lA SON COUNTY JOURNA L CABNATlON MILK Stall cans gée 01' FEDERAL .................................................................... .. BRAZIL NUTS I. A 2-lbs. New Crop ,. . . 1 quart can RIPE OLIVE‘S Bell‘s medium GRAPE FRUlT JUICE can my: Bounty brand. natural, unsweetened 2-lbs. L. Ml. .ESEESP....S§9§F§EM ...................... ._ ASA Tillamook CHEESE 2-lb. brick ggc’ Full cream, premium quality .......................................... HERSHEY’S Bundle Sale 12‘1b. can Hershey’s COCOA 51/2-oz. can Hershey’s Chocolate SYRUP l/2-lb. bar Hershey’s Bitter Sweet Choc. l/z—lb. bar Hershey’s Premium Chocolate 1 Hershey’s NEW RECIPE BOOK ALL FOR "ROYAL GELATIN Six Delicious Flavors Chocolate, Butterscotch and vanilla Pudding MORE DELICIOUS CAKES OR DOUBLE-YOUR-MONEY-BACKl 44-02. pkg. 2i¢ 44-02. pkg. 33¢ When You Use Simplified Betty Crocker Recipes and SOFTASILK CAKE FLOUR } Betty Crocker’s “Open Face" Pottery Casserole—Only 50¢ and box top from ll [0 FRESH Smelt 3 lbs 250 Columbia River RED Salmon Ib‘ 210 Whole or sliced LuteFisk'3lbs27 Your Complete Department Store ‘ 49-lb. Sack , Fisher’s ‘2. Blend ........ .. 4-Ib. sack Fishers’ Pan— cake Flour ...... .. Limited qiiantity so you had better RPE FLOWESE 10 PACKETS ' 1Q, VARIETIES onu ilk Mill 5 wamus i 10 CRYSTAL WHITE LAUNDRY SOAP PEET’S Granulated SOAP .............. _. Fine food does not have to be expensive! That this is a fact as been proven and is be- ing proved now—right here at the Lumbermen’s Mercan- tile! Watch our ads . . you’ll see values in quality foods that will result in real sav- ings for you! Order by Phone 305 for Delivery Grocery Prices Effective Friday-SatWiley—Monday Candy Bars 1 of each 6¢ Butter Fingers, Babe Ruth Grapefruit . . 3 for 25¢ Libby‘s sectionszo. 300 cans Peaches .. . 2 cans 29¢ Libby’s Rosedale halves. No. Zl/Q's LM. Blend Tea lb. 65¢ Orange PekoewFull bodied, thrifty Pork & Beans. . 2/ 23¢ Heinz 18—oz. can Wax Paper 2 rolls 33¢ Cut Rite . . . 125-foot rolls I Arizona Large size Juicy You can still take advantage of 1.59 “ ll ‘ hurry! EDS ‘ 35-02. 2'7¢ GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS , Heavy Hens 4-1b- ave lb. 23c Frybers 32¢ y . ROAST MUTTON ................ ._ lb. 121/2¢ C SHORT RIBS STEER BEEF... lb. 15¢ Beet Stew. .-. z-lbs. 25c Government Inspected Steer Beef 0 BONELESS BEEF CUBES .... .. lb. 23¢ O WIENERS ............... .; ................. _. lb. 23¢ Ground Beef . . . lb. 23¢: a BULK SAUER KRAUT .......... .. qt. 15¢ O PARD DOG FOOD .... .. 1 doz. cans 1.10 ‘ Lumbermen’s Mere. Co. “Where Quality Meets Price” Lemons WILD ROSE—Shelton made Butter lb. 370 91 score#lt’s better with butter JERSEY CREAM—LINE ilk. . qt. 11c ote the cream. 51.42% cream N LARGE SPECIAL “A” Eggs 2 doz. 57¢: Strictly fresh locals HEAD LETTUCE 2 for 15 '- Large Crisp heads .... .............................. .. m Thursday, February 13, Start Your Smart SPRING WARDROBE Items are Surplus. 7: Commodity Foods Rhubarb Fancy quality 2-lbs.1_ *Potatoes U. S. No. 1 quality 15"lb. . . . . . 2 ,. .‘exgaHiStor it‘ *Apples .VVinesaps . . Fancy, E. Fancy and C grade 10-lb. bag . . . .. 2 *Oranges Sweet and juicy (juicers) I . Medium size 3d0zen.......4. *Grapefruit Ariz. seedless in shopping 13'5" ldozen New Spuds Creamers Frozen Peas / Birdseye Brand pkg..........2 th 6 Host- {t .. _.-_ Colored