February 13, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 13, 1969 |
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Bennett Barber Arthur Palmer Belfalr:
County-City Succumbs At 62 Funeral Here PTO To Hear Procjram On Music In Schools, Community
• Bennett E. Barber, 62, died Nelson Palmer, 63, By EMILY MEYER of Honors Feb. 10 at which time out the world. Cadett Troop, No. being assigned as a boatswains
on the docket in
Justice Court be-
Glenn Correa during
Week were :
State Patrol
E, Keen., 617 E. Second
failure to stop
sign, $13 forfeit; John
Glendale Way, Seat-
equipment, $L3
Welbert Burton, l)x 653,
$18 forfeit; Ar-
Rt. 1, Box 150, Hoods-
traffic, $13 fine.
Tahja, Rt. 1, Box 150,
no overweight per-
fine; Jack Hutson, Rt.
306A, Shelton, defective
illegal possession and
of beer, $63 fine,
restricted 60 days; Fred
Rt. 1, Box 167, Shelton,
keep right of center
acobsen, St. Rt. 2, Box
no operator's lic-
Person, $13 forfeit; Ro-
Rt. 1, Box 248, Shelton,
while intoxicated, $87
revoked 30 days,
in jail, suspended.
Diehl, Rt. 1, Box 121,
too fast for con-
on the docket in
Court before Judge
Monday night were
Webber, Union, drunk
$25 forfeit; Robert A.
Rt, 2, Box 872, Shel-
equipment, failure
registration, $30 for-
Horning, Rt. 2, Box
minor consuming
fine, suspended, $2.50
Goldsby, P.O.
disorderly con-
Yorke, Rt. 3, Box 404,
speed too fast for c(m-
$15 forfeit; Michael Sil-
Adams St., Shelton, no
Stop, $15 forfeit; Marie
t. 3, Box 283, speeding,
$2.50 costs; William
.3, Box 283, Shelton,
$12.50 fine, $2.50 costs.
Tozier, 2033 Olympic
N., Shelton, disorderly
three days in jail, $2.50
Ralph Sollock, 705 Cedar,
speeding, failure to ap-
on written promise, $18
;2.50 costs.
A building permit was issued
to Harold Hellman, residence,
$15,900, by the Mason County
Planner's office this week.
A building permit was issued
to George Moore, fence, $110, by
the city of Shelt.;n during the
past week.
James Lowery reported a bowl-
ing ball and bag, an electric fry-
ing pan, a blender, two sheets,
some groceries and cigarettes
taken from his car.
A break-in was reported at
Shelton Junior High School.
Mrs. Alice Bennett reported a
radio antenna taken from her
The County Highway Depart-
ment reported a stand and four
blinker lights taken.
Charles Ellis reported a boat
Charles 5acobs reported a
chain saw taken.
Clarence Latham reported a
hand gun taken from his home.
Default Divorces
A default divorce decree was
issued to:
Jessie Vinzant from Jack Vin-
High Low Precip
February 6 35 19 .03
February 7 43 20 --
February 8 46 45 .42
February 9 48 46 .95
February 10 43 31 .12
February 11 45 36 .91
February 12 51 28 .01
Readings are for a 24-hour
l)eriod ending at 8 a.m. as re-
ported by the ITT Rayonier, Inc.
weather station.
Temperatures Thursday" thru
Monday expected to average 3
degrees above the normal high
of 50 and low of 32 degrees. Pre-
cipitation anticipated near nor-
mal, occuring mostly Friday or
Saturday and again on Monday.
TEK Tooth Brushes
" 2/7ff
Hamilton Beach Mix.tie
In White & Avocado SOon'T17.
Regularly $12.95 NOW
Empire Beauty Brush Set
January 31 in Mason General
Hospital. He made his home at
Route 1 Box 36B. Mr. Barber
was btrn Nov. 26, 1906 in Silva
Mo. and had lived in Mason
County 13 years. He worked as
a dispatcher for the Shelton Po-
lice Department and was a mem-
tx.r of the First Christian Church
and of the Sheriff's Reserve.
He is survived by his wife,
Anna, of the home; two sons,
Gone, Golden, Colo., and Robert
Toppenish; one daughter, Miss
Patricia Barber, Seattle; 8 grand-
children and one great-grand-
The funeral service was con-
ducted by Rev. Ed Chamberlain
and Rev. Horace Mounts at 11
a.m., February 3 in the Batstone
Funeral He, me. Burial was in
Shelton Memorial Park. The fam-
ily suggests memorials be made
to the Cancer Fund.
Charles Meyer
Dies At 87
• Charles hvin Meyer, 87, died
Sunday at his home, 1928 Madi-
son Street. Born May 10, 1881
in Butternut, Wis., he had been
a Mason County resident for 34
years. Mr. Meyer worked as
a fireman at the Power Plant.
He was a member of the First
Baptist Church.
The funeral service was con-
ducted by Rev. Gerald Larson
at 1 p.m. Wednesday in the Bap-
tist Church. Burial was in Shel-
ton Memorial Park.
Survivors include five sons, V.
V. Meyer, Spokane, C. W. (Bill)
Meyer, Wapato, Daniel R. Mey-
er, Gleneliyn, Ill., James J. Mey-
er, Bremerton, and Louis Meyer,
Saratoga, Calif.; three daugh-
ters, Mrs. Betty Cole, Shelton,
Mrs. Dorothy Selby, Vancouver,
and Mrs, Lois Simpson, Shelton;
two brothers and four sisters;
29 grandchildren and 7 great-
• Applying for marriage licen-
ses in the Mason county audi-
ior's office this past week were:
Robert D. Corey, Jr., 20, Shel-
ton. and Sarah Brans, 18, Brem-
Lawrence Willey, 29, Shelton,
and Jessie Vinzant, 26, Shelton,
Stephen Faulkner, 24, Shelton,
and Sharon Edinger, 21, Union.
Marcus Keeler, 22, Mccleary
and Linda Sykora, 19, McCleary.
Terry Gustafson, 22, Everett,
and Carol J. Booth, 20, Shelton.
Mild Selby, 54, Be[fair, and
Carole Snipes, 48, Seattle.
New Arrivals
• Arthur
died Saturday in Winthrop where
he had made his home since last
year. He was born Feb. 4, 1907
in Tacoma and had lived in Shel-
ton 62 years.
The funeral service will be held
at 2 p.m. today in the Batstone
Funeral Home with Rev. Mason
Younglund officiating. Burial will
be in Shelton Memorial Park.
He is survived by one son,
William H. Knight, Cypress,
Calif; t h r e e brothers Ernest
Palmer, Winthrop, Roy, of Ta-
coma, and Eugene, Seattle; one
sister, Mrs. Ruth Hartman, Kcl-
so; two grandchildren and one
Eva Von Barcjen
Taken By Death
• Eva Prante Von Bargen,
Route 3 Box 270, died February
5 in a Tacoma hospital at 73
years of age. A descendant of
the David Shelton pioneer fam-
ily, she was born Oct. 28, 1895
in Versailles, Mo.
Mrs. Von Bargen was a past
commander of Navy Mothers
Club, past madam president of
Eagles Auxiliary and a mem-
ber of the VFW Auxiliary.
She is survived by three sons,
James W. Berry, Overland Park,
Kans., Delton H. Prante, Loves
Park, Ill., and Marvin W. Von
Bargen, Shelton; two daughters,
Mrs. Wilma L. Kent, LaMont,
Calif., and Mrs. Marilyn M.
Giovinazzo, San Diego, Calif. ;
two brothers, Richard and Paul
Shelton; 12 grandchildren and
13 great-grandchildren.
The funeral service was held
at 2 p.m. Monday in the Bat-
stone Funeral Home with Rev.
Lewis Wysong officiating. Burial
was in Shelton Memorial Park.
John Wolniewicz
Dies In Sequim
John Wolniewicz, of Quilcene,
died Saturday at 74 years of age
in Sequim Valley Nursing Home.
Born Aug. 24, 1894 in Milwaukee,
Wis., he moved to Vaughn in
1924 and worked as a grader
operator for the Washington State
Forestry Service. He moved to
Quilcene in October of 1968.
A ,graveside service was con-
ducted at 1 p.m. Tuesday by
Father Gabriel Donohue in the
Vauglm Cemetery.
Survivors include his wife, I-lll-
da, Quilcene; two sons, Donald,
of Tacoma, and Raymond, of
Quilcene; one brother, Joseph, of
Vaughn; two sisters, Mrs. Kate
Heringan, Cottonwood, Minn. and
Mrs. Margaret Mercer, Vaughn;
6 grandchildren and 11 great-
Mr. Olive Church
Services Set
• Beginning Ash Wednesday,
and continuing every Wednesday
evening during Lent, special Len-
ten services will be conducted
at Mount Olive Lutheran in which
the Passion of our lord will be
the subject of meditation.
The sermon series this year
will deal with the "M:IACLES
Every service begins at 8 p.m.
A cordial invitation is extended
8 Piece Regularly $4.95 $2.95
Plast€c Coated De.plates , Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R.
' Smith, 225 Island Lake Drive, a
25 Nine Inch Regularly 59¢ NOW 39' girl, February 6. to everybody. Special anthems
Mr. and Mrs. Lester O. Fort- by the Mount Olive choirs will
foam Cups February 9.
l/Itdl.l20u,nce--- Regularly 16 cups 490¢ w 29' her, Route 3 Box 643, a boy, be presented.
- -- et _ _. AVEItAOE DAILY COST per pa-
azr and lvtrs r er T Doage,
Route 3 Box "565, a Feb- tient in Veterans Administration
Y, hospitals during 1968 was $39.34
A , . rusty 9. for general hospitals.
Hurry ! Still a/.arge Selection
v o, our
Baons • Russell S/over ntinues ! Hur In While
and_ Whltmans¢ , Suppllee s_ Last!,,, ,,
Brand New from Stop in today, and find out about the
TONI! 00moo,, o,
"LEKTRO" SET /maerial
10 minute Hairsetting Lotion '1.50
Announcing ! .1 PLASTER
A New Permanent from A modern plastering concept that provides quality
TONI! walls and ceilings for r.idential, apartment
and oornmeroial construction.
"Just where you want it and when you
want it."
lvoraN.m Square ...... • . "
"Located 1 mile from
Hwy. 101 on the Cole Road
For Special Order=
Phone 426-8224 /
• BELFAIR -- The North Ma-
son Parent-Teacher Association
will meet in the high school gym-
nasium tonight at 8 p.m. The
program "Music in Our Commu-
nity" will be highlighted by
guest speakers Mrs. Kathy Neuz-
baun, lower elementary; Donn
Nelson, chorale, upper elemen-
tary and high school; Ralph Bra-
den, instrumental, upper ele-
mentary and high school; Henry
Schuckert, music outside of the
school program, and Mrs. Harder,
Music in the Church.
The annual presentation of the
Golden Acorn Award will also
be presented at this time. This
award, in the form of a golden
acorn pin and certificate, is pre-
sented to a worthy PTA mem-
ber or person in the community
in recognition for service to child-
ren and youth.
A contribution of $25 in the
name of the person being honor-
ed is made by the local PTA
to the Washington State PTA
Financial Grant Program for
The Eastern Star Social Club
will hold its next meeting at the
Masonic Temple. Feb. 19. Hos-
tesses for the noon luncheon will
be Mrs. William McKimson and
Mrs. Clint Townsend. The lunch-
eon will be followed by a short
business meeting. The program
includes preparation for the par-
ty honoring the outgoing Worthy
Matron and Worthy Patron of the
Be[fair Chapter. All members are
invited to attend this party at
8 p.m. in the Masonic Temple
Feb. 19.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars
Auxiliary will hold a rummage
sale March 19 and 20 in the
Oroker Building, Seventh and
Pacific in Bremerton. Anyone
having rummage to donate may
do so by contacting Mrs. Law-
rence Castleman, Auxiliary Pre-
The district meeting of all
posts and auxiliaries in district
No. 4 is scheduled for Feb. 16
at the Retail Auditorium. Depart-
ment President Evelyn Seely will
make her official visit..A special
invitation is extended to all auxi-
liary presidents as well as all
members. The dinner begins at
1230 and the meeting follows at
130 p.m.
The Boy Scouts held a Court
members Bill Lohman and Joey
Johnson received their Star Rank.
The mothers of the boys each
received a single red rose.
Feb. 27, the District Court of
Honors will be held at Retail.
Tom Johnson will recieve his
Star Rank at this time.
Boy Scout Week started last
Friday in celebration of Scout-
ing's 59th anniversary. The Cub
Scouts constructed the window
display at the Belfair Thr[ftway
and the Boy Scouts at the Bel-
fair Hardware.
Last Sunday the Scouts partici-
pated in services at the Be[fair
Community Baptist Church.
An outing is planned, weather
permitting, for Feh. 14-16. The
snow camp and hiking weekend
will be held at Haven Lake on
a five acre tract which is main-
tained by the Elks of Bremerton.
The Boy Scouts will also hold
a Blue and Gold Dinner in the
High School Cafeteria Feb. 26,
630 p.m.
The North Mason Friends of
the Library will hold a meeting
Feb. 18, at 8 p.m. in the high
school library. Everyone who is
interested in supporting the lib-
rary in the North Mason area
is urged to attend.
Joel Oscar Burkman, 71, Bel-
fair, died at the Resthaven Nur-
sing Home Feb. 1. He was born
in Seattle July 4, 1897 and had
been a resident of this area for
29 years. He retired six years
ago, having been a machinist at
704 has been assigned India and
Junior Troop No. 271, Czechoslo-
The annual Girl Scout Cookie
Sales will begin March 7 and
last through March 22. The girls
will be selling the vanilla wafers
and chocolate mints for the price
of $1 a box. Mrs. Betty Squire is
cookie manager for Troop No.
271 and Mrs. L. V. Stice for
Troop No. 704.
Any girls having used Brownie,
Cadette, Junior or Senior Girl
Scout uniforms which they have
outgrown or retained after re-
signing from the organization are
asked to return ar donate their
uniform to the uniform exchange
by contacting Mrs. Frank Fe-
denk. Girls are reminded that
uniforms are to be worn only
by members of the Girl Scouts
of America.
Larry Foster, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Foster of Belfair, has
completed his enlistment with
the United States Air Force and
plans to enter the University of
Washington to continue his col-
lege education.
Roger McMahan, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Mac McAdam, Happy
Hollow, completed his service
Jan. 20. Roger was a dental tech-
nician for four months before
mate aboard the USS Catskill,
a mine counter measure support
ship. He married the former
Maurleen Jackson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Jackson
of Bell, Calif. on Sept. 13. Roger
is currently employed by the
Van Guard Fire Detection and
Interstate Division of Tacoma.
International Order of Job's
Daughters Bethel No. 43, Bel-
fair, is planning a trip to Mount
Baker this month. The Bethel is
also planning a slumber party at
the Hagen residence on the South
WSCS met at the Be[fair Com-
munity Baptist Church Feb. 12
to work on their white cross
quota. The church women are
supplying quilt blocks and rolled
bandages for this project. Hos-
tesses were Mrs. Barbara Jes-
field and Mrs. Ada Miller.
The Neslon Byerly's of Belfair
announced the arrival of their
daughter, Lisa Ann, who was
born Jan. 14 and came to the
Byerly home Jan 17.
AIA)OHOLISM ranks second as a
cause of suicide in the United
States. Manic depression is first.
the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard.
He is survived by his widow Revocable Trust Accounts
Erma Burkman of the family
home; a son Morris Burkman, Passbook Daily Dividend
Tacoma and two grandchildren, 5V4o/0 Six Months $1,000 Bonus aving :
also of Tacoma. Certificates
Senior Girl Scout Troop No. Corporate and Club Savings
271 held a Valentne Party Feb. Check-A-Month Plan
11. Parents were invited to the
event sponsored by the troop and Speoial Accounts
their leader Mrs. Harry Magley.
Feb. 18 the troop will begin Every Kind of Savings
work on their Health Aid and
First Aid badges. Mrs. Frank
Fedenk, Red Cross First Aid In-
structor and Totem Girl Scout
Council Trainer, will instruct
An International Event will be
held Feb. 21, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
at Port Orchard in the Youth
Activities Building. the troop
will present songs, dances and
flags of various countries through-
1st & Railroad - 8heRon
• Safe Deposit Boxes • Drive-In Window
Only the look need
be expensive...Fashion Manor
bedspreads now reduced !
DURHAM. Penn-Prest never iron all
cotton bedspread that irons itself in the
dryer. Interesting woven-in geometric
pattern. Decorator colors.
REG. 9.9B NOW FULL ........ '... 8.88
REG. 8.98 NOW TWIN ................ 7.88
NEW RIALTO. Lovely quilt top spread
in gorgeous colors. All acetate quilted
to polyester fiberfill, cotton backed.
Brilliant colors for everyone.
REG. $]0 NOW FULL ,. 8.88
GARDEN PATH. Beautiful floral print
cotton quilted to polyester fiberfill
backed with Reemay ® polyester. Ma-
chine washable. Pink, blue, sunbeam.
REG. 9.98 NOW FULL ............ 8.88
REo. B.gB NOW TW,N ................ 7,8
,.,. .
" ......... Bring your measurements today!
Choose from over 500 superb fabrics
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You'll find marvelous textures, prints, weaves,
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your fabric, give us your window measurement
and we'll make your draperies with careful work-
manship throughout. Or, if you just want the fabric,
we'll order any length you want. But don't delay,
1,5% savings is not to be missed.
Charge it or if your order is over $19
use Penneys Time Payment Plan.
, Thursday, February 13, 1969 - Shelton. Mason County Journal. Pago 3