February 13, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 13, 1969 |
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................ Wha|;s---:-==-=-;;i • Will Canal Meet Club
Through law" will be the topic
discussed at next Thursday's
meeting o the Hood Canal Fed-
crated Woman'm Club.
Dr. Harold J. Bass, pastor
of the Hillside Community
Church in Tacoma, will be the
speaker. Dr. Bass has long been
active in the cause of world
peace. His talk, followed by a
question and answer period, is
scheduled for the 2 p.m. pro-
Guests are welcome to attend
the program, as well as the pot-
luck luncheon at 11:30 a.m. and
the business session at 12:30 p.m.
International Foods will be the
theme for the luncheon, with
cooks taking recipes for the dish-
es they contribute.
Roll call is to be answered
by members telling what volun-
teer work they are doing. There
will be a Brlng-and-Buy sale
of white elephants.
Planning Reunion
• A class reunion planning meet-
ing for the Shelton High School
class of 1954 will be held at 8
p.m. tonight in the home of Mrs.
Don Johnson, 827 So. 16th Street.
Any Interested class members
are urged to attend.
DOROTHY DURAND comes up with a completely new idea
with her Rodeo Beef Stew. The meat and vegetables are
baked in the oven, rather than cooked on the top of the
stove, and a gravy forms as the stew cooks.
New Me+hod For S÷ew Is So
Easy 't ou Won'+ Believe If
• Most of us take it for granted
that when we make stew it is
necessary to brown the meat.
Dorothy Durand's Rodeo Beef
Stew presents a vhole new con-
cept in making this all-time fav-
orite of so many people. The
meat is mixed, unbrowned, with
the vegetables and baked in the
Dorothy and her husband Jim
were raised in Shelton. They
have four children, Sherrt, 14,
Lori, 11, Scott, 9 and Susi 7.
Icently the Durands bought
a home with acreage. In spite
of Dorothy's strong protest that
there would be no animals they
now find themselves with two
cows, and numerous rabbits and
Dorothy likes to embroider and
work with ceramics, but lists
her family as her main interest.
2 Ibs. stew meat, cut in chunks
1 10 3/4-oz. can consomme
1 C. tomato juice (or more)
5-6 T. tapioca
2 large onions
4-6teee, .: .......
2-3 stalks celery, chopped
I each turnip, rutabaga and
salt and pepper
(Sweet potatoes, string beans or
peas may also be added.)
Place everything in a large
baking pan or roaster. (Do not
brown the meat.) Mix and cov-
er. Bake at 250 degrees for four
Writers Workshop, 1 p.m., home
of Mrs. Donovan Palmer.
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Care.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m,
Timbers Restaurant.
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court
house annex.
CiW commission meeting, 2
p.m., city hall.
Teen Meet, 7:30 p.m., Multi-
service center.
American Legion, 8 p.m., Mem-
orial hall.
Jayeees, 8 p.m., airport club.
Rhododendron Society, 8 p.m.,
VFW Auxiliary
Takes In Three
New Members
• The VlCWV Auxiliary received
three new members last Friday
evening. Joining the goup were
Sadie MaPherson, Bessie Steen-
sen and Georgia Hellman.
Member of the post and auxi-
liary highlighted the evening by
wearing costumes.
Plans were made for honoring
past presidents and commanders
on February 21. This will also
be an anniversary celebration
and an Americanism program
will be presented.
MR. AND MRS. TRUMAN MYERS will celebrate their 60th
Marj Jacobsen, Women's Editor
THE ENGAGEMENT o.f Miss Diana Burgess and Clark H.
Thornock has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fenton P. Burgess. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell
C. Evans. All axe of Shelton. Both young people axe grad-
uates of Shelton High School. The bride-elect is employed
at Sears Roebuck Co. Her fiance, a Simpson Timber Co.
employe, will leave in March for a two-year tour with the
Southern British Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of
Itter Day Saints.
Garden Club
Calendar Revised
Due To Weather
• The calendar of the Shelton
Garden Club has had to be re-
vised due to several things, one
being the unpredictable six weeks
of snow.
Next Monday's meeting is now
scheduled for St. Davids Epis-
copal Church at 1:30 p.m. Mrs.
Craig Eliot will be hostess with
Mrs. Venus Rogers and Mrs.
Laura Murphy presiding at the
tea table.
On the program will be slides
and a talk on "Our Feathered
Friends, the Birds" by Mrs. Eliot.
Olympia Eagles
To Host District
• Olympia Eagles Aerie and
Auxiliary will co-host the Dis-
trict No. 3 meeting this Sunday
beginning at noon. Ray Newman,
district director, has called an
officers meeting for 11 a.m.
The auxiliaries will hold a
roundtable meeting. Pearl Tull,
district deputy, reminds all mem-
bers the State song must be pre-
sented at this meeting.
February Is
Music Month
• James Sjolund will be the
luncheon speaker for the Wash-
ington State Federation of Mu-
sic Club's observance of Ameri-
can Music Month. The luncheon
and program will take place at
Barlo's restaurant near Pacific
Lutheran University this Satur-
day. Mrs. Charles Liebig, presi-
dent of the Capital Music Club,
will be mistress of ceremonies.
Governor Daniel Evans has
signed a proclamation declaring
February as American Music
Month and urging citizens to join
in the observance.
The winter board meeting of
the Washington State Federation
of Music Clubs will precede Sat-
urday's luncheon. Anyone may
attend the luncheon. Reserva-
tions must be made with Mrs.
CIoyar, 1307 Dayton Street, Olym-
Faculty Wives To
Plan Dance Event
• Faculty Wives will hold their
annual dinner dance March I at
the Elks Club in Olympia. All
teachers in District 309 and their
wives are eligible to attend. Re-
servations can be made by call-
ing 426-8685.
Dick Fitchitt Is
Trophy Winner
• Dick Fitchitt won the trophy
for best speech at last Thurs-
day's meeting of the Shelton
Toastmasters. His subject was
"An Enrichment of Self".
Other winners in the regular
Thursday morning competition at
the Timbers were Ken Graves,
most improved; Bob Broshears,
best evaluator; and Im Frank,,:
bull award.
Moonlight Sale
Being Planned
• A Moonlight Rummage Sale
will be held February 28 by the
Donnie J. Orthopedic Guild. Sale
hours will be from 6:30 - 8:30
p.m. in the PUD auditorium.
Plans were made at the Feb-
ruary 5 meeting of the group
in the home of Mrs. Virgil Manke
Mrs. Bob Ogden was co-hostess
for the evening.
High School Spotlight,
• Each year since he has been
in high school, Wayne Sushak
has added activities to his al-
ready full schedule. In his sopho-
more year he joined Rifle Club
and Key Club. In his junior year
he also joined Thespians, Ger-
man Club and Science Club, of
which he was treasurer.
This year he is treasurer of
German Club and vice president
of Science Club. He is also on
the high school Pep Staff and
has added membership in Ex-
plorer Post 267 in Olympia to
his activities. He has also been
active in Luther League of the
Faith Lutheran church through-
out his high school years.
In the spririg Wayne will turn
out for catcher on the High-
climber baseball team. The past
two years he has played posi-
in the finial' ..................
His hobbies are as plentiful
as his school activities. He es-
pecially likes water skiing and
enjoys working with electronics,
which he seems to have a special
flair for. He also likes hiking,
camping and fishing. When he
has any spare time, which is
seldom, he works on his car.
Senior subjects on Wayne's
schedule i n c 1 u d e literature,
world history, accelerated trig,
drama, civics and student teach-
ing in German.
His plans for the future are
not definite. He wants to put
his service time in the Air Force
and would like to go into Med-
Golden Age Club potluck, noon, PUD auditorium.
Memorial hall. Lions Club dinner and board Wedding Anniversary with an open house in the Montesano
st. Edward's Woman's Club, meeting, 7 p.m., Capital Restau- llrst Iethodist Church this Sunday. They will receive
7:30 p.m. board meeting; 8 p.m. rant. friends and relatives from 2-4 p.m. The Myers were married d
FRIDAy,regular meetlng,FEB, liat the churclL MasonlcJ°b's Temple.Daughters' 7:30 p.m., leb. 18, 1919 in Creston, Iowa and moved to Washington in First w ,-y00ua I:`'-
Chamber of Commerce board WEDNESDAY, FEB. IP 1943. They are former Matlock area residents and now
meeting, 7:30 a.m., Timbers Rest- Laurel Court Amaranth, 8 p.m., reside in Montesano. They have three daughters, Mrs. Dave
Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8 p.m., Masonic Temple. Brown, Des Moines, Iowa, Mrs. Walter Hansen, Centervige,
Drivers license examiner, I0 Iowa, and Mrs. Wayne Evers, Shelton; eight grandchildren
IOOF hall. a.m. - 5 p.m., court house base- and two grea£-grandchlldren. .
SATURDAY, FEB. 15 Christmas Town Tops, 7 p.m., mqmPgmmP.I--- = --- -_ _ _ mPmP.
,,o.o ,o Seamless Hosiery
a.m.- 5 p.m., COUrt house base- coUrtWARc,hOuSe8 p.m.,anneX'chapter center, i ::ha:::d b;hs: fna;LaS:v':s ht:s;:: h:d:'Tm=:
ment. Multl-ervlee center advkory
SUNDAY, FEB. 16 board, 7:30 p.m., at the center.
Shelton churches invite you to i
attend the church of your choice. THUR&DAY, FEB. i "
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Yacht Club social, 6 p.m., Ming Tree Care. u
MONDAY, FEB. 11 Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., No more shine to distract and distort. Ultramon
Shelton Garden Club, 1:30 p.m., Timbers Restaurant hosiery gives up to 26% more wear due to its
St. David's Episcopal Church. Sllmette Topa, 7 p.m., court
PUD No. 3 commission meet- house annex, • ' unique construction and better, smoother fit
ing, 1 p.m., PUD conference Port commission meeting, $ Th,s space reserved for i
room. Navy Mothers Club, 7:30 p.m.,
County commission meeting,
10 a.m., court house. PUD conference room.
Shelton Bridge club, 7:15p,m., Hood Canal Woman',= Club, I 77c •
11:30 a.m., Potlatch clubhoule.
PUD auditorimn. ,
Goodwill truck in town. Phone Shelton Nimrod Club, 8 p.m.,
426-4847 for pickups, clubhouse, t
Masnn County Democrat club, i r. pr.
SRA card party, 8 p.m., Mem- 8 p.m., PUD auditorium,
o,., h.. ,, ,, ........... opening soon at I Open Fr, day N,ghts 'til 8:30
mwaA= Club lunche, noon, Organs. Piano. I ,07S 4fh • Shelton 1 , :
' Rent or Buy on *
A.,,. ,o . .,, , ==,o,,, .=, Easy TermSv, s Z !
Zion, our luct €11k1€10dr, You must
Iota .My f or your money b. Ote ts,
tiny ,abM..ly Illullowld. GIK rkJ Of eX- Joh
are mM with this gulrsntw: If not gtIod for
I, rmmon, iutl r#turn the I'k. tO your Made Box
duEOm 9et your full w,ney bk. No
qUlltiOnS Nked, Odrnex Ild with this Opsrl 'til 8:80 p.m.,
w*n. v: Monday & Friday
)6 RailrOad Avenue 20 Cotl llll,lm,m.ill ..... m
Mill Orell FDII@ ..... ' - - "" --
Page 6 - Shelton.Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 13, 1969
ical Research when he
Wayne is 5 feet 7"
weighs 138 pounds and haS
eyes and dark hair. He w}'
Jan. 22, 1951 in Shelton
the son of Mrs. Stanley .
He has a sister, Karen, ,'
one brother, David, 13.
Monday BridcJe
Club Winners
• Nine tables were in pl
the Monday night meeting
Shelton Duplicate Bridge
Taking honors for norl
were Mr. and Mrs. Gordo
net, Mrs. Wayne Soper a
Stratton, Mrs. Jack Graler
Mrs. Ber:ha,.¢acr. }
and lIrs. Waeraussei
Parsons and Bill Ettcke, '
Mrs. Ed Tratnick.
The club meets at 7:1
each Monday in the pU
torium. All bridge playe
Honors Are W °
• Terryl _Tt_, r has beeJ
ed to the Dean s list for u.'dE
at the University d
ver. To be on the list a o]
must attain pre, ominant
gra[des or have ranked
top 10 cent of the i