February 13, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 13, 1969 |
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Lark Hamlin
the fun of painting
by attending
an art class
with a friend
when she
was 12 years old.
In her three years
of painting
she has done
a variety of pictures.
Lark Hamlin Ge÷s Early Sfarf In Art
• Sonm people are born with and much pleasure when her
a natural atistic flair. They parents or grandparents ask for
might: go through life using it one of her pictures,
unconsciously in decort0ng ,their So far sle has stuck strictly
homes, arranging flowers amt to oil painting, She has done a
selecting clothes, variety of pictures, but prefers
Or, like Lark Hamltn, they
might accompany a frierl to art
alass when they are 12 years
old and discover they can paint.
This discovery has given Lark
many happy, relaxing hours at
her art classes on Saturday
Jobies Make-Up
Meeting To Be
Held Today
• The make-up meeting for Job's
Daughters will he held at 4 p.m.
Paula George was initiated at
the last regular meeting held
February 4. Janet Willy received
the bracelet for the best initia-
tory work and Vtekl IOmbel won
the birthday march.
Discussion was held on form-
ing a ch:)ir to sing in Seatlle
in June and plans were made
for a rummage sale to be held
March 8 in the Memorial hall.
Writers To Meet
• Members of the Writers Work-
shop will meet at 1 p.m. today
in the home ot M. Donovan
Palmer, 1005 W. Birch Street. All
interested amateur writers are
welcome to attend.
VFW District
Meeting Held
• The Fifth District meeting of
the VFW Post and Auxiliary was
held Saturday evening in West-
port, The next one will be held
April 5 in McCleary. Evelyn See-
Icy, department president of
Olympia, will make her official
doing those of animals. Most
of her paintings are a composite
of several pictures, rather than
a copy of one.
Lark has no intention, at the
present, of doing anything in the
professional line with her art,
but she probably could do well
in interior decorating if she so
chose. Last summer her parents,
gave hera free hand in decora-
ring her bedroom, The result is
quite striking.
Now 15, Lark is a sophomore
at Shelton High School where she
sings in the choir. She also sings
in the Methodist Curch choir
and is taking singing lessons.
She has had violin lessons and
three years of piano.
l.rk moved to Shelton from
California with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Hamlln, when
she was in the 6th grade. She
has two older sisters, Kay, who
is married, and Traey, an SHS
graduate, and a younger sister,
Lark enjoys her painting, sing-
ing and other activities, but in
the summer she is ready to fop.
sake all for her favorite pastime
of water skiing.
Kidney Foundation Meeting
• Ater having to cancel their
January meeting, members of the
Mason County Kidney Founda-
tion were determined to let noth-
ing keep them from their Feb-
ruary meeting. The group met
last Friday evening in the Fred
Peste home.
One of the foundation's busiest
members, Mrs. Shirley Karshner,
Laurel Court To
Fete Friends And
Men Wednesday
reported on three successful pro-
jects the group sponsored dur-
ing December. These included
the Bake Sale, the Poloroid Color
Pack Camera project, and cli-
maxing the month's activities,
the amIual Christmas Tree Sale.
Two members who were elect-
ed previously took office in Dec-
ember. Jerry Pyle took over as
vice chairman and Arnold Fox
as treasurer. Members expres.
seal their gratitude to Zrnie
Campbell for his long service as
Mrs. Nancy Miklethun stepped
down from the post of publicity
director and appointed Mrs. Ruth
Probert to the position.
• Laurel Cmwt No. 26, Order
of Amaranth will have Friend's
and Men's Night next Wednes.
day when they meet at 8 p.m.
in the Masonic Temple.
Royal Temple Court of Port
Orchard and Lewis Court of Ce-
halls will be honored.
Royal Matron and Royal Pa-
tron Marg and Harold Brown
extend a cordial welcome to all
The obje©tive of
Syncro Growth Fund
ta poible long.term growth
of capital.
LIB I "a fr. prov00t,,.
ROCKY HEMBROFF, Registered RepreNntative of
Safeco Research .and Management Corporation
Rocky Hembroff Agency
P, O. Box 206
.... 506 W. Fr,nklln, 46-3367, Shelton. Wash.
HI , ilUl ii I
A new oar may you
$500 . . . or 18000 . . . or
But & new miracle drug
which laves your life may
t youSa., .or $5...or
(if it's especially experudve to
make) am much u $55.
That's why... 'Nziay's pee..
scrpUon im the birNt
In hiry."
Nell's Pharmacy
Emergency Ph. 426-2165
Fifth & 8L---426-8827
Op Dally 9:30 to 7:80
IS 9:80 - 6:00
Weigh÷ Loss Die÷
I. LEAN MEATS -- broiled, baked or boiled -- no butter.
margarine, oil or other fats
2. CHICKEN, TURKEY -- all skin removed -- broiled, [)oiled
or roasted -- no butter, margarine, oil, fats
3. LEAN FISH, SEA FOOD-- broiled, boiled or baked.No but-
ter, margarine, oil, fats. Cocktail sauce, ketchup, horseradish, all
permitted in moderation
4. EGGS -- preferably hard-boiled, but also may be cooked any
way not using butter, margarine, oil, fats
As much as you want of coffee, tea (without cream, milk, sugar),
club soda, vichy, non-caloric carbonated beverages. Non-caloric
sugar substitutes permitted.
You may use common seasonings such as salt, pepper, spices.
cocktail sauce, ketchup, horseradish.
Not a bad menu, is it? You could thrive on this menu and
lose from 3 - 5 pounds per week. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of
water daily, diet drinks, and instead of a full cocktail at din-
ner, during the first two weeks, cut it in half. You will be
pleasantly surprised at how much will enjoy the food. There
is no limit on quantity. You'll enjoy even more -- your new
companion -- your scale.
If you want to eat a little more, you can; as long as you add
to your diet the amount of exercise that you need to take up
the surplus cocktails or food that you have consumed. It
seems so easy -- a Manhattan cocktail will cost you 225
calories, or a mile of walking, 20 minutes of bicycling en-
ergetically, or 20 minutes of swimming. A strawberry sundae
with whipped cream may take 2 miles of walking. If its worth
it to you, walk a mile for your strawberry shortcake and
MRS. KELVIN HAMILTON (left) and Mrs.
Art Nicklaus check the cupboards for sup-
plies for the annual St. David's Shrove
Tuesday Pancake Breakfast and
The women are co-chairmen of the
to be held next Tuesday.
An 00val Pancake 00kTasf Tuesday
• General chairmen of St. Da-
vid's Annual Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Breakfast and Luncheon
are Mrs. Art Nicklaus and Mrs.
Kelvin Hamilton. The affair will
be held next Tuesday in the
church parish hall at 4th and
The pancakes, scrambled eggs,
bacon and orange juice will be
served to the public from 7 a.m.
1 p.m. Fast, efficient service
will be available during the busy
early morning and lunch hours.
A leisurely meal with lots of
good coffee is featured during
the hours between.
Assisting the general chairmen
will be Mrs. Ed Loveli, table
decorations; Mrs. A1 Edson, wait-
resses; Mrs. Ruby Crane and
Mrs. Hanson Berg, chashlers;
and Miss Clara Eastwood as
head dishwasher.
Pancake baking will be done
by Mrs. Orval Moran, Mrs. Bill
Sister Visits Ro÷ary S÷uden÷ I,, Hc Iland ,, ,÷ C h ris÷mas
Batstone, Mrs. Bea GroUt
Mrs. Frank Wascher.
chairman are Mrs. Leo
and Mrs. Sel Vander
Eggs will be scrambled
Mrs. Oliver Aslfford MrS.
Bayley, Mrs. George
Mrs. Edward Jenner.
Hicks and Mrs. Dorothy
are in charge of coffee.
Tickets may be obtained
Mrs. Nicklaus, Mrs.
the church office, or at the
Heart Day Ta9
Sale Date Set
For Saturday
7th for Holland; Mary stayed
until the 8th when she flew home
via the polar route to Sea-Tac.
It was sad saying goodbye . . .
Notice my new address? I'm
staying with the in't Void fam-
ily until April. I love it here!
They have 3 children - Thomas
(24), Carolyn (21) and Steven
(19). Mrs. in't Void lived in the
United States for 10 months in
California in 1935. Mr. in't Veld
works for the IFF (International
Flavors and Fragrances). He
could be a twin to Mr. Himlie!
Thank you again for the tele-
phone call, and I wish you all
the best of luck in '69!
• Janna Kriebs, worthy
of Rainbow Girls, has
the Heart Day Tag sale
has been set. The downtown,
crest and Mountain vieu'
hess areas will be
the girls from 1 - 4 P.'
Chairman of the drive is
bie Robinson who is
sisted by Kris Strom and
Zeller. The girls will
your support in. this
"1.00 +o 3.99
Pure romance lingerie
to delight
... full slips,
haft slips and mini
slips, pretty with lace,
i easy-care fabrics.
Value= to $10.W
Now S.O0
to 4.99
Ruffles, tucks, buttons,
cuffs, and exceptional
collarvariety. All in
washable cotton, and
cotton and/or acetate
blends; 32-40 size range.
everyone shoots fireworks and
many kids built gigantic bon-
fires in the middle of the street.
The highlight of Mary's stay
here was our visit to Aart Hait-
jema's ramify in Dedemsvaart.
It was really gezellig (Aart can
explain that word to you). The
Haitjemas took us to see the
North East Polder, Stophorst (a
town where they still wear cos-
tumes) and the general sur-
roundings. They're wonderful peo-
ple, and I'm very glad we got
to meet them.
Mary went home via London.
My Dutch mother, brother and
I travelled there with her. We
watched the Changing of the
Guards and afterwards signed
the Queen's Guestbook! The Brit-
ish Museum was our next stop.
(I was really impressed with
the mummies there.) We also
went to Madame Tussaud's Wax
Museum and the Tower of Lon-
don. We left London January
a weekend. We took a bus to
the site of the Battle of Waterloo
in the afternoon. In the evening
we went to the Atomium (from
the 1958 World's Fair). It's a
building in the shape of an atom
and at night it"s lit up with hun-
dreds of little blinking lights. It
seems like something from outer
On Christmas Day my Shelton
family called. Thank you so very
much, Rotarians, it was a fab-
ulous Cristmas present to give
me! After we hung up, my Dutch
family took us for a walk. When
we came back we lit the Christ-
mas tree (we used real candles
instead of lights) and we had a
big dinner in the evening. The
Dutch celebrate a second Christ-
mas Day and stores are closed.
It's really a nice idea - gives
you a chance to rest up from
Christmas Day !
New Year's in Holland is like
our 4th of July. At midnight
• The Shelton Rotary Club re-
cently received a letter from
Anne Connolly, a Shelton student
they are sponsoring in The Neth-
erlands as a part of the club's
student exchange program.
The text of the letter, which
describes Christmas in The Neth-
erlands, follows.
Tafelbergweg 25
Laren (N. H.)
The Netherlands
January 29, 1969
Dear Rotarians,
Christmas in Holland was won-
derful - especially since my Am-
erican sister, Mary, visited here
, for three weeks! She and I went
to Amsterdam many times and
saw the Rijksmnssum, the Anre
Frank house, Rembrandt's house;
and a diamond cutting exhibition.
My families here very generous-
ly showed Mary the surround-
ings, and I think she got a pret-
ty good impression of Holland
in a short time. With my brother,
Michiel, we went to Brussels for
years since Edison
started the era of
During National Electrical Week this week, observing the 90th birthday of
that bulb, here are some thoughts to remember:
No industry has had faster growth than the electrical industry . . . electric
power is essential to our way of life today, powering industry, running
appliances, heating your home, doing whatever is asked of it. Electric
power serves you around the clock, in heat or cold. Nothing can take its
During National Electrical Week we pledge to provide you with the electric
power you need . . . at low cost.., to help you live the carefree way . . .
uve oerrer =..
s, . • drdr . . Harold W. Parker, Vice President
4S'g IbB' Jerry Samples, Manager
Thru February 14
Nightgowns, Robes,
Pajama=, Peignoirs.
9C a pair
3 for 2.8
Sheer and luxuriouS,
2.99 and 4.99 perfect fit stretch
New Woven Bags aJI. ur-p pose neutral .
nylon hosiery in no,
for tone. Sizes 8'-11.
Spring and Summer!
Evergreen Square • Shel+on