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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 13, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 13, 1969
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im I Couple Grandparents Of Little Girl Sparts Down By i)ORA HEARING. Mr. and Mrs. Trenckmann are grand- again. A baby girl was IVlr. and Mrs. Ben Muller 3 at St. Josehp Hospital This little Miss has cOmmunity was shocked 0f the sudden death of age 62, at Win- He died in his ur lived in the Mat- ty almost all his life. is extended to his siZter and cousins. Chester Single- of Livermoor Calif. days last week with and brother-in-law, I. C. Ford and mother, Mrs. J. R. Lt Fir Lane rest home Mrs. j. D. Simpson visited the I. C. and also visited her Mrs. Edward Valley evening with Mrs. and Carl Port- lay evening the Val- guests of Mr. Rossmaier. It was birthday dinner in Valley. ay John Tupper was a at the Dick Tupper d home slides of nd Thailand. members of the Shel- Club visited the They were putting deer and elk. evening a birthday held at the Nahwatzel of Dick Tupper. were John Tup- and Mrs. Ken Cleven- and Mrs. Ken Branson Bronson of Olympia, Mrs. Ken Modoche, and Mrs. Norman Mr. and Mrs. Aberdeen and Mr. Crape, Elma. Mr. aUd Mrs. Dan Walker and baby were supper guests Satur- day evening of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry visited in Montesano and Aber- deen Sunday. Mrs. Dave Valley and Krista of Shelton spent Sunday at the Edward Valley home. The Pinochle Club will meet at the Darl Goldy home at Day- ton Feb. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier were Friday luncheon guests of Mrs. Dave Valley of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jacobs re- turned from Rock Creek, Cana- da, Wednesday after spending two weeks at the John McGarvie home. Saturday guests at the Ken- neth Howard home were Mr. and Mrs. James Rodgers of Elma. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ronald May of Seattle visited at the Howard home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker spent Sunday in Tacoma at the Larry Walker home and visited Larry who still is in the hospital. Janet Walker returned with her grandparents to spend a couple of weeks. $outhside: Birthday Parry Honors One-Year Old Girl Here By MRS. RAY KRATCHA • SOUTHSIDE -- A birthday party was held at the Mobile home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wil- liams Sunday for their daughter April LeAnn Williams who was one year old Feb. 9. Attending the birthday party which started at 2 .pro. were Barbara a n d Jim Williams, Grandpa and Grandma Williams and Virginia Cook, Gregory and Arthur Cook, Verna Mae and Jack Yeck, Berlinda, Wayne and Willy of Black Lake, Buck and Dee Clark and children, Eva Cook, Willie May Lansaw and girl friend Vi. They had a pink birthday cake decorated in blue with one can- dle on it, jello, coffee and punch were served for refreshments and they all had a good time. Friendship Club will try to meet Feb. 19 at the home of Marie Carder's if weather per- mits. They will celebrate the Jan- uary and February birthdays. The Actions 4-H Club had a meeting Feb. 5. The flag salute and 4-H pledge were led by Dana Christensen. New business was called for and they talked about "Demon- stration Day". The meeting was ajourned by Lennie Christensen. Karen Lund is a new member of the 4-H Club. Th(se attending the meeting were Marilee Matson, Mike Mat- son, Dana Christensen, Carol Christensen, lennie Christensen, Bobbi DeMeiro, Tracy DeMeiro, Desile Clayton, John Clayton, Danny Sewell, Martha Sewell, Christy Bacon, Lori Lovgren, Darlene Ferris, Kim Wheeler, Ricky Sallee and Karen Gyatta . The visitors were Machelle Matson, Matt Matson and Mell Matson. The Actions will meet today at Ann Wheeler's home for those with cooking projects. Mary Albaugh spent Wednes- day afternoon with Mr. ahd Mrs L. H. Asche, NANCy VRAHNOS s Civic Club Planning Meefing The Union Ladies Will meet Feb. 13 at Meeting Room. It at noon with a potluck Mrs. Bob Gwin as Feb. 19 and continu- next ten Wednesdays will be attending a sch¢i at the Fire 0ANCE KAMILCHE HALL SAT., FEB. 15 MUsic by the Grange Tune Toppers Admission $1.00 Dance 9:30.2 Hall. On completion of the course certificates will be given to those who complete it. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Dilworth are enjoying a visit with friends, Mr. and Mrs. James Claybough of Coffeeville, Kan. The Clay- boughs came by way of Califor- nia and were there during the heavy rains and flooding of last mmth.. The vere. very sur- prised when arriving here to see so much snow. John Hogan grandfather of Darrell Hogan is down here from Sitka, Alaska. He is retired and is planning to make his home in the area. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bishop en- joyed the weekend visit of their nephew Mr. and Mrs. Craig Wilkie of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dean hosted a dinner party Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Max Dean and daughter Lorraine and Ronnie Allen. Miss Bette Cowan enjoyed a T:'b!e :rops, Mirrors, Aluminum sh, Shower and Tub Doors, Storm Doors and Window Glass - Replacements of all kinds SHELTON GLASS CO. 710 Cedar • Leroy Dale • 426-1152 weekend at home. This was the first time she had been home since Christmas Vacation. Climber Five • Bainbridge staved off a des- perate fourth-quarter comeback by Shclton Tuesday night as they heat tho Highclimbers, 69-67, on that island's maples. The home team forged ahead in the first period and the Clim- bers never saw a lead. Scores at the end of the first three per- iods were 23-15, 34-27, and 50-45, all in favor of the islanders. Scorers for Shelton were; Corey 22, Close 14, Schmidt 13, Sparks 10, Daniels 8. ir Marijuana Meeting Set • A public meeting, for adults only, has been scheduled for 7:30 to'9 p.m. Monday at Chi- nook Junior High School in La- cey by an area committee of law enforcement officers on drug use. The subject under discussion will be marijuana, and the pro- gram will include a film and talks by Ron Kuest, of the Phar- macy Board of the State of Wash- ington, and Tony Sexton of the Thurston County Sheriff's office and Jim Land, acting Lacey Po- lice Chief, who recently returned from attending the FBI narcotics and dangerous drug school in Washington D. C. Miller Stops Cold-shooting Blazer Team • Cold shooting on the part of the Shelton Junior High Blazers was the main reason they drop- ped their game last Monday to Miller in Aberdeen. The Blazers only hit on 23 per cent of their shots from the field and Miller simply outscored them, 29-24. Shelton displayed a fine de- fense in holding the home team to under 30 points, outrebounded them 42-20, and only had seven turnovers to Miller's 11, but they just couldn't put the ball through the hoop. Had they had a better day at the foul line, the Blazers could have pulled it out there. They could only manage eight of eighteen from the charity line. Shelton fell behind 10-3 at the end of the first quarter, a n d 19-10 by the half. They made a comeback in the final half, but when they were within one with about two minutes left, fouls ruined them, including a tech- nical that gave Miller the ball ,ut of bounds. They stalled the remainder of the game only to be fouled again and put the game on ice. Rich Walker led the Blazers in most categories including 12 points and 15 rebounds. Coach Terry Gregg said that Jeff Okano and Neal White play- ed an excellent defensive game and hustled throughout the con- test. He also commented that the story of the Blazer loss was poor shooting. Tonight the 5-2 Blazers travel to Centralla to face that junior high team. The eighth grade ,game will start at 6:00 p.m. and the varsity game will follow. The scorers for Shelton in the Miller game were: Walker 12, White 4, Bacon 3, Fredson 3, Okano 2. 'IIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfllIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIII$1ml Bowling Results IflMIIIIIIIlllllllmillllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIl FRATERNAL Hi Game: Chuck White 235 Hi Series: Ernie Dahman and Roy West 581 Himlie's 3, Lamoyne Sievert 491; Lions 1, L. L. McInelly 549; Moose Antlers 4, Ernie Dahman 581; I.W.A. 0, Gene Benedict 485; Bull Moose 4, Roy West 581; Nim- flNggflmiBig rods 0, Gary Wolden 445; Ful- B li g l ,er's 3, Don Johnson 554; Shel- ow n esults ton Hard. 1, Frank Willard 523; Eagles 3, Lionel Leman 515; H Kiwanis 1, Chuck Adams 4TJ.; LADIES THURS TRIO Rotary 3, Bob Bottemlller 511; Hi Game: Louise Clary 180 Plywood 1, Lee Sehuffenhauer Hi Series: Edna Clary 467 537. Standings: Cottage 7470, B and 8tanding: Moose Antlers 20*/r J Mart 7432, Pleines Log. Co. 7%, Lions Club 18-10, Bull Moose Blazer Basketball Squad Stretches Winning Streak Join Oldsmobile Great 88 EKape. Step into the world without overstepping your budget. Once you move into 88's big-car world, you've got yourself a lot of basic value. But we don't stop there. We always put extra values into an Olds 88 that keep it way ahead of its price. Like new guardrails built in the doors for added security. And a new anti- theft ignition, steering and transmission lock system. • Shelton Junior High continu- ed its winning streak in basket- ball last Thursday when the Bla- zers downed ttoquiam 42-36 in Hoquiam. The Blazers led all the way, and by the third quarter were gliding to the win. They led by one at the end of the first quart- er, 13-12. Then they outscored the holnc team 10-4 and led 23-16 at the half. North Mason Grapplers Third In Sub-District By RANDY MARUCA • Tahoma used its great depth to take the West Central Sub- District "A" Wrestling Tourna- ment last Saturday afternoon as they compiled 87 total points. White River, also of the Sea- mount League, finished second with 84 points. The two Olympic A entries trailed as North Ma- son took third with 72 points and Vashon with 36. Don Dillenburg (127), Steve Johnson (191), and Walt Hen- ningsen (Hvy) lead the Bulldog attack as they finished first in each of their respective classes. Doug Raines (112) and Mike Dillenburg (138) both finished second in their classes, thus giv- ing them a berth in the regior -' tourney at Monroe Saturday. West Central Sub-District "A Wrestling Tournament Chaml ions are : 103- L. Reichert (T) 112 - Burnette (T) 120 - M. Reichert (T) 127 - Dillenberg (NM) 133 - Nester (T) 138 - Sperlock (T) 145- Adams (T) 154 - Brendal (WR) 165- Mullin (WR) 175 - McCart (WR) 191 - Johnson NM) Hvy - Henningsen (NM) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIMIImlHflll Both teams got II points in the third quarter, and although Hoquiam got more than Shelton in the final period, the Blazers held a six point edge to come out the victors. Tim Fredson and Bill Bacon shared high point honors for Shel- ton with 11 apiece. Fredson made an amazing seven of eight from the charity line while Ba- con got ten of his on five buckets. In statistics, where many a game is won, Shelton held a definite edge. The Blazers got 39 rebounds to Hoquiam's 21 and the visitors only had 12 turn- overs while Hoquiam had ten more than that. Shelton also hit a good 43 per cent h'om the field and sank 16 of 26 free throws for a 62 per cent mark. Shelton substitutes held an edge over Hoquiam's as they out- scored the home team 12-0 in the "fifth quarter." Coach Terry Gregg said that Bill Bacon came off the bench to score 11 points and pull down nine rebounds. He did a good defensive job on Hoquiam's Lin- nenkohl (who had a game high of 16 points) in the important 4th quarter. The Blazers were 5-1 at the end of this game but suffered a loss last Monday that set them back to a 5-2 win-loss record. Bowling Results Double Blow For Bulldogs By RANDY MARUCA • The North Mason basketball squad received two blows in its quest to get out of the Olympic A celler as they lost two players and were beaten by Forks last Friday evening. Starting forward Bill Landram and reserve forward Ron Wright were both cut from the squad for disciplinary reasons. The Bulldogs were completely over powered as Forks used its sharp shooting and rebounding strength to down the Bulldogs 68-47. The Spartans didn't start strong but after breaking a 6-6 tie they were never headed. Jer- ry Price, the 6-5 Forks Center, lead all scores with 22 points. Drew Landram lead the Bull- dogs scoring attack with 15 points. Ph. 426-8139 The Bulldogs are now 1-5 league play and 5-1.0 for the s son. Next week they will be L:n- tertained by Vashon (1-4). Forks 13 23 11 21 -(;,% North Mason 10 9 88 20 -,t7 Forks - Baker 8, D. Perry 8, Spoelstra 4, Liles 10, J. Price 22, Rosamond 4, Seigle 4, S. Per. ry 2, M. Price 3, Keeley 3, Gale, Hansen. North Mason - Allen 12, Lan- dram 15, Kortman 4, Aries 5, Hankinson 10, Cartwright, Stoltz, Martin 1, Saffer, Kowaiczyk. BACKACHE-- HOW TO EASE IT. IN 12 HOURS, If not pleased, your 48€ back at any drub counter. Take 3 GENTLE BU- KETS tablets in one day to increase and rejulate and to EASE .,CAC,E. 2,'::" KVEilGREEhl DRUG GENTir You Should Know... CLINT WILLOUR Wouldn't It be a grand feeling to know that, whether you live or die, your boy's college eduoatio is pro- vided for? 1717 Olympic Highway North N/ie w NATIONAL Insurance for/J2g / IIIIMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIfllIIHm MEN'S COMMEL Hi Game: Harry Fletcher 237 Hi Series: Harry Fletcher 608 Clary Trucking 4-0, Ted Blair 559; Wolden's Chevron 0-4, Leo Nault 515; Gott Oil 0-4, Jack Stewart 592; Shelton Mobil 4-0, Jack Mays 562; Ziegter's Cam- laise eyelash eras 3-1, Clyde Ziegler 535; Wilson C). 1-3, Dan Wilson 564; Verne's Clams 4-0, Harry Fletch- • er 608; A. Roy Dunn 0-4, Jerry Christy 504; Wingard's Sport Shop 4-0, Floyd Lord 55{); B and R Oil 0-4, Fred Snelgrove 495; Dan's Nite Hawks 4-0, Chub Nutt 575; Lumbermen's 0-4, Joe Holt 548. Standings: Dan's Nite Hawks 14-2, Wingard's Sport Shop 12-4, Ziegler's Cameras 11-5, B and R Oil 9½-6%, Lumbermen's 8-8, Gott Oil 7-9, Shelton Mobil 7-9, Verne's Clams 7-9, Clary Truck- ing 6-10, Wilson Co. 6-10, Wol- den's Chevron 4-11½, A. Roy Dunn 4-12. 7371, Grant Lunber 7325, Balls 18-I0, Eagle Aeries 17-11, Himlle Food Center 72?5, The Hut 7239, Realty 16'-11', Kiwanis Club GLEEM TOOTHPASTE Clary Trucking 7210, Pacific 15-13, Rotary Club 15-13, Shelton Coast Bldrs. 7180, Johnson Mach. Hardward 12-16, Olympic Ply- 7169, Mamies 7159, Hardly Able wood 11-17, Fuller Corm't 11-17, Family Size • Regularly $1,05 Log. 7139, Timber Bowl 7006. Nimrod Club 7-21, IWA 7-21. NOW Even a pushbutton ashtray. They're little things that make the big things about an 88 that much more enjoyable. The smoother, softer ride on its new, longer, 124-inch wheelbase. The quiet comfort of that roomy, big-car body. :[,/ And the , big, respon- sive Rocket V-8 engine. Go let an Olds dealer show you: you're closer to Olds than you think. \\; A dollar might get you one That same dollar, or even less, will let you talk station to station to anyone anywhere in the continental United States (except Alaska) for three minutes after seven p.m. and all weekend long. "COPE 00oo,. ) WASH Super Size AND GARGLE Reg. $1.89 NOW Pacific Northwest Bell Part of the Nationwide Bell System Escape from tl ordinvT at your Oldsmobile Dealer,s. PLASTIC DISH PAN by Loma Regu4arly 79€ NOW PANTY HOSE by Supermode • All Sizes Regularly $1.49 NOW DISCOUNT STORE Open Daily 9:30 - 6 120 Coa • Sheffon • 426-2818 Brown 4. Haley Reg. $3.00 VALENTINE CHOCOLATES 14 OZ. box 'Z69 NOW Brown & Haloy, Regularly $1.50 ALMOND ROCA' oune..Ows,. '1.19 Thursday, February 13, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 9