February 13, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 13, 1969 |
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,iHimHiHillllllllillmHilH HiHiHiMHiHilllIHIlllIHHIMHHIIIHiHHiHillllflHill HiIHliHilWIWtlUlHimliHII u Himllm Hi filIHilHilflllllllHiiHililllHim UWIHiHiHilHilliiHiHilfl Hi llll
Grid Gab In The Off-Season
Besides listing Shelton's By Debban
among its football assets, tiny George Fox
College of Newberg, Oregon, now has an-
other prideful point for gridiron boasting.
The Quakers have graduated their first
bona fide professional prospect.
George Fox College is about the last
place you'd expect pro football scouts to be
sleuthing, it being the smallest intercolle-
giate institution in the nation carrying on a
full-fledged football program. It has 400
So it was a bit astonishing to find that
the Detroit Lions, on the 12th draft round,
picked By Debban's good friend and team-
mate, 6-foot-6 265-pound lineman Bob Had-
lock, who completed his collegiate football
eligibility last fail at George Fox College
after bebg chosen all three varsity years to
.... . ..... , Collegiate Conference all-star
,; once to the NAIA district team.
Amazing also is the fact that four other
:pro teams---Atlanta, Dallas, Oakland and
.'San Francisco---dug down into the boon-
docks deep enough to know about and be-
come interested in Hadlock. All of which
NAME DROPPINGSome of the pre-
ceding information I pirated from a story
written by Jack Hewins, Associated Press
sports scribe, whom I'd met for the first
time late last week at a press reception
held by the Seattle Pilots at Sick's Stadium.
Hewins. it turned out, owns a home on
Hood Canal just this side of Twanoh State
Park to which he hopes to retire at a near-
ing date and where he spent a good part of
a year's recovery period enforced by a heart
problem fairly recently.
Another introduction was to J. J. Val-
ley, notable KVI disc jockey, who asked to
be remembered to his former neighbors and
classmates dating from his residence and
school matriculation at Shelton. He recall-
ed the pleasures of swimming in Island
Lake and asked of the well-being of a num-
ber of Sheltonians. J.J. is sporting a lux-
uriant full red beard at the moment and
has only recently been able to regain 17
pounds lost on an entertainment tour of
Vietnam last year.
Among others the reception provided
opportunity to talk with were Joe Schultz,
the Pilots field manager; Marvin Milkes,
Highclimbers Buried In The West I:
• A superb performance by
Bruce Larson of West Bremerton
sparked the Wildcats to an 86-63
victory over the Shelton High-
climbers in Bremerton last Fri-
Irson scored 40 big points to
lead his team past the Climbers,
who had beaten the Wildcats in
overtime in a previous meeting
at Shelton.
The high scorer of the game
in one of league's best perfor-
mances dumped in 17 field goals
and six of nine from the foul
Although the Climbers had to
fight for it, they finally tied the
score at the end of the first
quarter ,20-20• Bill Daniels kept
the visitors in the game with
nine of his total of 27 that led
Climber scorers.
The second period really hurt
Shelton. The locals only scored
nine points to West's 17 and trail-
ed going into the dressing room,
37-29. Daniels was again high
man for this quarter with four
of those nine. He had a hot
13 at the half.
Jim Corey had eight at the
half, six in the first quarter to
keep the Climbers in it.
Meanwhile, Larson had picked
up 19 at the halfway mark, over
half of his team's points.
The third quarter proved dis-
astrous for Shelton also• They
were outscored 23-17 as Larson
pumped in nine to keep West
out front, 636.
Shelton could only manage the
home teams third quarter score
by the final gun as Larson hit
on six shots for 12 points. As he
got his fortieth point, the West
bench and fans erupted. Shortly,
he left the game, only to get
another ovation.
Three Shelton players fouled
out of the game in the fourth
quarter. The Wildcats could only
come up with three of eight foul
shots in that period.
Other than Daniels and Car•y,
nobody on the Climber squad got
more than five points. Frank
Schmidt contributed five points
in the first quarter and did not
score again.
Mike Sparks, the Climbers'
sharpshooting forward whose
average is around 15 points a
Shelton Matmen Lose
game made one of four
goals for two points, his lo
total thus far. i
The visitors hit 19 of their
free throws and West got 18 :
The uneven scoring trend cO!:
tinued on the West team .!
Larson outscored his nea#
Rick 0t
teammate by 28 points• n
miston ended up the I
fourth highest scorer with i
counters, r: na
m:e;dTathe mainhi. l
(That score not available at ti
This Friday they try to i] SHil
their 7-7 win-loss record .:
they come home to take on j
Bremerton at 8:00 in She'i
gym. ram
aSh:geCham b776 aeosstrY g 81
Knights in which they Il t
within a point of East l..: Hl
exciting fourth quarter com e_v
Shelton s scorners were: 01yl
27, Corey 20, Schmidt 5, AdS# Eng
3, Tuson 3, Close 3, Sparl g. Lurr
The junior varsity faced Purq
of its toughest foes of the 4!
son in the Wildcats' J
Shelton was simply outcl l i
in the first quarter as they " Stev
behind 22-3.
Reserves went in for l chad
teams and things settled Res-9"7"€
a little and the home team F
40-14 at hal/time.
To East Grapplers TheWi]dcats cameout00
:only proves that playing for a small college the general manager and one of the friend- dressing room just minutes : 5 I
does not mask an athlete from professional liest guys anywhere; president Dewey So- walking in, but coach Jerry @i
had things to discuss with ;!
scrutiny and the small college player who riano and brother Max, secretary-treasurer
has the ability will be ferreted out by the of the Pilots organization; Art Parrack, By CHARLES GAY 168 lbs. Ron Allen (E) pinned Climbers. They came bac
outscore West 20-19 in the
Kurt Gruhb (S). 1:28 first round, quarter and were behind bye:
sleuths, director of Pilot farm clubs; Harold Par- ,. • A strong East Bremerton
Shelton wrestlers continue to 34 at its end. West then co7':
' team won every match except have a hard time of it. They on their lead to the 77-44 ra I
It also points up the fact that the pros rott, director of sales and promotions; Edo ,, ,,. two as it beat the Shelton wrest- now have a 1-8 win-loss record Shelton made half of 28 y
haven't overlooked Byron Lynn Debban, Vanni, special events and group sales di- lers, 44-6 on the Climbers mat with one match to go. It was throws while West didn't t
either, for the ex-climber, like teammate rector; Bill Sears, director of press rela- last Thursday.
held yesterday here with North ...........
Hadlock, was an OCC all-star choice last tions; Gab• Paul Jr., traveling secretary; The only winners for Shelton Ktsap" but at this" writing" it was we//_ wire rive o. 11.
fall in his junior year. The same talent Lew Matlin, director of stadium operations'; ! Climbers'Were DallaSonlyGunterundefeated- who wrest-is the nOtse_Vet .e°mnleted, ". _-" . 9, corerS(Rocky weremademrsevenShelton:..'!of ';i:
ler with a 9-0 record - and Mary
.. verat aright spots m the in that high scoring third q t
hunters who thought enough of Hadlock to Rod Belcher, sports TV-radio announcer; . Willson, not far behind at 8-1. cnmocr squad will show up when er) Lewis 7, Dorcy 6, TurnJ
the team goes to the sub-district Cole 5, White 4, Johnson , 0
draft him into pro ranks saw By in action and quite a batch of others I didn't get to p Here's how varsity matches this Saturday. 2, Zehe 2, Connolly 1. _.!
:sat fall, will be keeping tab of him again talk with. :i 106 Ibs. Vern Simmons (E) de-
next, season, andf . if they see enough they .°me of these personalities probably will :i : went:
won t back of just because he plays for be m Shelton somet=m
• • soon as efforts are : ii cis. Mark Timpani (S), 4-1.
the smallest college in the country sustain- being made to arrange for a date for a pro- cis. Wayne Tweed (S), 5-1.
mg an intercollegmte football program ram
• . . " . . . • g before, onee of Shelton. . s clubs.• : by123forfeit.lbs" Randy Korb (E) won
HE KNEW HIM WHEN Speaking of SPORT - SPLI"'TE ..... 130 lbs. Dallas Gunter (S) de-
........ 1 -- ven Deiore cis. Mike Coonifield (E). 3-2. Lk it [
football,another out-ot-seaSOnnoteworthy itemth°ughto ait numbermay seem,of most of the ball players themselves, Red ned136 DanalbS" JeffThompsonCOOmbe (S).(E) l:17Pin" --- il
and Ada Clothier are headed south for the second period.
Willard was the selection last week of Glen prlng . g. p.. .... tple. 141 lbs. Mary Willson (S) de- Atlto Glass I Drags
........... started spmmng me]r wneem toward cis. Greg Steinkraus (E), 6-2. | | |' • Helena Rubinstln r
148 Ibs. Gary Martin (E) pin- | • Expert Installation | [ • _(mi...
nurz} owars o xne Pootball Hall of Phoenix this week and win be hand for
.... much of the Pilots' training camp at Tern- round. • | JIM PAISLEY, INC. | | • Hypo-Allorglc OoamaJ
. .r K. an_ lank were^grid teamm.as pe in the next month. This scribe, too, ex- 157 lbs. Cluck Gal]agher (E) 15th & Railroad Ph. 4204231 [ [ NELL'S PHARMACY _.
;:r_hn:tgw°on at=:V::a.Yiart g°' ." peers to ogle some of the late exhibition , decis. Rick Ruddell (S.. 12-8. I | 10tk& Fankll, Ph. 45'I
p e early t68 lbs. Mark Branch (E) pin- I I ,,
30s - . _ _ __ . games in the Phoenix area around April nedDave Myer (S), 1:21 first
=;, :
7a: I. TI't2?aldIstge:e=rt VlSlt at Metro FOUR FINGERS ahead of two West Wfldca00 for a rebound round.178 Ibs. Lebeau Auto Parts ....... [Electrical
'ualTl ehnl:::t_ 22_______ _ _n Randy ,E)[. Automotive Machine Rhop | [ • ]Pairbanka-Molse Ptgl
1, 1931). As a junior that year Turk was p . is Shelton's Chris Close. West won F-iday s league game won by forfeit.
Ankle taping takes up much valuable
an All-American tackle. He went on from . " 86-63. 196 lbs. Roger Bright (E) pin- | * Parts for all ca and trucks [ [ • Electric Heating . _.
ned Cary Settle (S), 1:33 first | * 24-Hr. Service on Parts | | • Westinghouse AppliaJao|
there to 19 - ears in the -re ranks as " pre-practice time for Climber basketball
Y P player round. I Lea Fields Auto Parts, InD. I I SHELTON ELECTRIC f.0' I
and coach, man,, times earni--,, =,,'v-"" .^ coaches Jack Wright and.Jerry Mills these I Heavyweight Wllley Alley (E) . I I
• • days due to the inordinate number of Vede s, WCC/lure Tied wo by forfeit. I.90 lOt.t. 420-51 419Railread Ph. 420-#
honors and playing on the last Washington The Sbelton jvs were slaugh-
Redskins team to win titles "1"4 ^ " sprains sustained by members of the var- tered 53-2 in their worst loss of .
t u anal946 to " " City L__=__ ace
mty squad thin year Rght now the
/945). He was head coach from " in H R the season. Glenn Lockwood got AIlto ][{d|&tors Floor Coverings
, ............... coaches are shoring up two weakened an- the Climbers' only points when I • Repaired and Rod Out I I • Linoleum
q;ar=ftPe;°t:::h: c°mP!eelY" kleS.Wchot: )I : O;orGa.r.y By 2 points. I* Auto Gm Inatanation I I otto
he Ued in his match, gaining [ • Body & Fender Repairing I | • arImting
lor severs soldathletic pe-stlpport f Austin and Tom and Sharon Coleman team beat Jess s Mobil, 57 to 54.
I an• Pamung I I • formica .
Chrm pus tangles Jim Corey, Ed ..... It was a close game all the Here's how those matches J WHITEYS' AUTO BODY [ [ REX FLOOR COVERINe
supplies to Shelton coaches Today, only • The wasnington torreedon wa thro h r
, . y ug • Jer y Mallory went:
-- d ver ...... "-in w-i-ht of Adams and John Flowera daily chore re- Center played Jess s Mobil in Cty a • [ (behind Kimbel Motors) I I M* =.. m,- a-l
la poun s o alE eta pxay g ug ............. m de t°P sc°re °f 22 p°ints °n 106 Ibs" Mike Tayl°r (E) decis" 707t/m $' 1at I z'a=) I I ............. "
...... ,_ ,_ .^ r, .... ., ...... , ....... quiring sometning in excess of a half hour League .......... asKetoall acuon on ueo. 20th Cent_urv's._ .............. team Tom 'od. Charles Gay (S), 4-3.
260, h wu.o., ,,= ,...,w. .-,.x o- - atn at tne torrectlon center. Tne nn ,.n,, a rin hi=h = ....
's ffice before practice, w(c won with a final score of ..",'.,,'-^.'"" ....... 115 lbs. Black (E) won by for
sor o . 39 Th ......... v,uu,, o ¢a,,. felt.
58 to • elr high score man 2"ae next games will be: Feb. Auto Repairing I Masonry
was Bill Olson with 17 points and c n 123 Ibs. Marks (E) won by for- [ • Major Overhauts - | | • FL.lu
.......... 16 - 20th __ntury vs W. __rrec- felt,
Hopes Still Alive _.. wnn po, ms coming • . h ,.h 7nn | • Brake ,Ignition | | •gl k ud
Ne"w Gridiron ,n" second.- tmn Cente_,, Fe ....... . :-- 130 Ibs. Mark KIuth (E) de•is. | • Welding & Trine-ups [ | = =1... w.. ,
.... . . Prepp s vs Verle s, 8:15 20th Curt Straeke (S), 10-1. in ........
Special Wintert- g , V
The WCC also pmyeo a game Century v "The Skkomi*h lh [ ED'8 SERVICE [i MA'ON 8 MA'ONR
against Prepp's team on Feb ................. ---, 136 lbs. Glenn I.mkwood (S)
• 20th - 7:00 Gott Oil vs Jess. j
9th. 7,he, f!nal sco.re, was 95 to Mobil, 8:15 Jaycees vs Zells and and Chuck Winter (E) fled, 2-2.
He t s he pad higher that the board's plans,' Timpani assured who reviewed the Hlghclimber , wt s zavor. HicKS mane me Valley 141 lbs, Bill Buhl (E) pinned 121g 0o. I 4h-1211t,
• '-P.'-- P ....... i ...... *-- *r Cluh "Not only will hoop season to date and explain- high score of 19 points on their TE'a" " . . Robert Redman (S), 1:12 third
l-ngncnmDers wii pray [nr ffa t.= ,ff._ -. , " e team must do from team, and Snipes next in line Xe: round ......
tball ames on a new nehon no corners be cut, we ve even ed what th . ei ....... 147 lbs. Gary Qutnn (E) pinned Beauty I :I
foe g " • o " order to earn one wnth 13 points. Verle's fort ted woo o
diron after 30 members of the made an addition or two of our here n ,n ........ ,- , I • Complete Hair Care I I c and c paints i
.gri2rts Booster Club heard a pro- own suggestion which the board of the .two pmy-or oerm ....... a game to WCC on Feb. 2nd. ,heS.o - . Steve Stockwell (S) :39 third
' - t ...... nt r K Kommn ) ; round. . . [ • Wigs- Wiglets- Switches | | Co'.Ca.Wall • Co'-Ca-NA
,repps ana ne 2vtn te u y J'o M .....
7,(22 ..... t ,v,m President Er- approved This will be. the com- Olympic League. _ ........ s o ore[ o 157 lbs. Ron Max (E) prunes • Merle Norman Comnetlc [ | A-Plex • Brella.PleX'
,=o- -v,- .......... " • Wri ht xplamed mat games teams tnay, e( a tast game on ,, r,=, ,.
• Free Demonstrations bT
nie Timpani at a membership plete complex as planned by the g e .......
breakfast meeting Monday morn- school board." with the two "rmpm A scnoms m Feb. 5th 20th Century took the .=:t u. Mark Grubb (S), 1:45 first round, i i I GRAYSTONE of 0HE f{
"2 ...... ir hi - zum emury a r =-- = = --- = 'I I ELAINE'8 BEAUTY SALON | | 7th Park 428411
ing. . ........ Permanent stands are not in- est l?rgeUr'e2::thalthKoi; p tndy pomtgame", man° tOwas', anOJerry_ me±vt..allorgny orEells a,,u ............ va,,vy .° o" I 0th . L.uml 40-412 I
Timpani toss nm zeaow sports ,,non n the initial cam-lax, ' ' " me -00vvo - o Monte ¢ar/o ,
............ v aunt in determining the league wth 17 points. Sather ca In .Ta ........
farts that the ne,on scnoo!" e rat bleacher,, he c .................... " i ''RESULTS' i
..... L__ ..._- ..^ o..^, only t mpo y . _ cnampm-,P ,,u .,, =-.,,-- close with 16. Prepp's top score - ,-o u .u
aoaxu naa ,ven t ..... : )Dinted out A permanent grand- -= do not fi re in the record men were: Hopp with 22 and M. Building Supplies--I Rental Service
Club the green lig;et etl)o rca e tand would be part eta second a'far as detegUrmining the two Preppernau with 16. ' [ • Lumber [ [ Almost Anything Any_li!
v [ • Sherwin.Wlllhums Paint i I Bulldozers - Loaders _- i
newwith ltsathletiePlans fOrfacl]ltiesd Pen g Mt. phase_ of "stheidPr°Jevt" " the trubleofA e'nlav°ffmomentrsiti°nSWrtght Verle's took another game on I I kdl | Febrmtry 1 I I (Kam-Tone & Kem-GIo) i I Folding Banquet 'lbll
Feb. 5th when they played the I I ! • f PAT BODE, $15 0 | • Cabinet Hardware | | & Chairs, Hospital BedS, i
View and will assist the club _'lmpanl a .memDers..o .................... . Jaycees. Final score was 92 to • " -
.... mtel" UlUb Will De calleO up- was lmg. me ,,-- .=u
as pest It can. -
Timpani explained that orlgi- on to carry out variotm aspects lost only one game which counts 37; and Jerry Mills scored 22 BBmm'[-V ,I | • February a-- I RANT LUMBAR CO. [ [ LEW RENT0
[ 60T S let 4126-6612 | I 2216 u. 4th, ,Olympia, $§
hal cost estimates for grading of the project as it progresses, in the Double A ranking (to East points, high score on Verle's • | • | " | | I | ..I | • ! i I . ' I
surfacing, turfing an(t lighting Booster Club officers and corn- Bremerton) although it had lost team. On the Jaycees team, Mills • n | | | | | CHUCK THOMPSON, $15
mitteemen have been huddling three out of four to the Triple scored 13 points. l 6-7-10 Split Chain Saws Travel
als facilitiestrack'at thebaseballnew elteandhaveten" with the school board for several A rivals (two to South, one to On Feb, 6th Gott Oil and the
been substantially reduced by in- veeks on the athletic facilities West). Wright said he believes Skokorrdsh teams played a real mm sP &lltJ ! The Monte Carlo will not | t ........ • .. n . Air- Raft- Steamabl
dividuals offering to provide problem following defeat of the Shelton can grab off one of the squeaker. Gott Oil took the -| IPIIP. IMli 0 • • |= OremoneW anaChainumm AccenorietUmtam |n • -- ..... °" --Is TetraS" '
enuiment and experienced help 13-mill special levy at last fall's AA playoff spot by winning game, 74 to 72. High point man ---.'-1| be bowled Fob 15 Play ! & us -o -
I Smamotor tuae-up & repairs I •
:-; :.t q'hf-e are mainly mere- general election which would three of its five remaining games on Gotts team was Tom Cole- nl=gl;NUaDI.r=o 0 resumelk Feb. 22 at m. ! ! Mike, e I ,,,,. T00v., ,... o.,,
I Hour: 8 a.r to 6 p, dally ..........
............ mm m man with 25. The Skokomish l/Ik=l''
r Club Tim have provided tax money for ex- all against AA teams ( - . .
hers of the Booste . " panded and additional h sical cluded Tuesday night's game at team's top score was 29 points 0 [3215"OlympicHw?y.: '189 [426.82721 Railroad Av&
pard said, who would supply this P Y i
heln durin normally slow times education and sports facilities Bainbridge). made ,by R. Peterson. • IIA Im• p • •llllBp
. :.. :.'. ,.. them here. The Climbers play at home the Jessa Mobil won the game M" =m=======" 0 Shfe Y.LA. , " "
v, .,= ==. ,,,, • a t A
"This will not be a scaled- Additional attention was given next three Friday agairmt ES, played against the Eells and [[V[[|Imm==llmm , | Cestom (3abinets V Service i
Valley team on Feb. 6th. Final MIo/]-[]/Xb !|ly TWOmO} I QualityBullt Cmtomdaeta [ •Radio-2'F
to baa et all co Jac i rorth ana tamDrmge, zace uen .......
,d°wn version of the achool k b ach k Wr ght ...... tra on me roaa. " score was 56 to 43, and Spilseth //
Wright also answered questions made the high score of 23 points /// I • • ] Bank Terms vilable | • Phnnemnh= i
officiating on Jess's Mobil's team. Eells g-:/ th00mpnomk,p$ , [ John and Jerry Bunko | . em o_-=".'.mo i;
mmmHi,mlmmlmm,mumm,umHimmum,mmmlmlmmnmmHi,ummHiHiHimmm,,mHim,HiHil.... --., ,, m --lUI IEmll.nd00m--" lyConcerningin the Olympic League specifical" and Valley's high sc°re °f 27 'and in basketballthe game i may beb°wled any t|me' I | Better Built Cbinet by | ...... " ''42
generally, points wasmadebyHenryDean. -,.,,/[ /, i forJuniorsandBanttt [ B&BCABINIIT&HO, | I.EROY,STV0ERVI,,,I
011 ,wmm ,11milillll----III He was not as critical of it .as One make-up game was played / , [ rlor ',we 426-2042 i M,t. View Ph.
many fans expected mm to De. on Feb. 7th. The 20th Century I during open bowlingl I Draperies IUx0e
WgWMHiWWmmBHHWWBHHHHHiMWHWHiHWHHmHWHHHHiHHHmH commenting Principally that he
thinks the game has speeded up ----------- You've got to try one of these
C.G.A. 8LATE 8wrrcH]$D cond re-date of competition or. so much that some of the older ........ new Homelite professional- Entrance oloses Feb. 23, A [ a Cuetom Made CHESTER VALLEY
BECAUSE OF WEATHER iginally scheduled at Willapa officials can t keep pace and that FiIIDAI' and quality chain saws to believe itl i 19($9[ See us for further | ] • Fm Ktlmatm Representative .$
..... Harbor in Janum3 but tw|ee there aren't enough young offiel- SATURDAY See the difference.,. | information. I • Work Guarlntoed GRANGE INOURANCE / "
I Tnree competitions within a postponed because of snow con- als coming along to take their • Fire- Auto- Casualty
month confront Shelton golfers lltions making the co-- un- places, atthe come in today ; /IMBLH ! ' IBIl'm''-- ' | J'C%PltNNItV¢O'= Ph°ne426"6794
who participate in Central Gol playable, Wright also explained plans for : I j I 305 RR AVS. Pb. 4g
Anociation tournaments in a re- Bostrom asks all Shelton golf- the new league Shelton expects Pastime Tavern Star RL 1, Box 84,
vised scheduled caused by Jan- ers who plan to play in the Cos- to enter following the 1969-70 TOM BAZE SAmER
uary s snowed-out courses, mopolis competition to notify school year. He said there may I I II]tOOllM ervtce
Shelton CGA captain Dick him by Feb. 18 as there i, an be some juggling of the initial and the "°'°"'"°',B0Wl o,,'1
Bostrom reports that CGA com- association meeting that evening 6-team format proposed for the Ila00ll00pl00R V00LLLrY -w, erviee What We 8ell" • Experienced Assistance
petitions are now dated for Cos. he plans to attend and this wtll new league as there is some op- .............. 1306 OJympl¢ Hwy. 8. ., I • Prices Reasonable
molplis Feh. 23, Wlllapa Harbor allow him an opporturrdty to re- position from the superintendent'a OY 420-4402 • 8:00 am. to 8:00 p.m.
March 9, and Ocean Shores Mar, port Shelton's lineup to Cosmo- association which has yet to be O 633 S. 1st ' 426-84
. The March 9 date Is a Se- polls course play seJmdler, res01ve, ........ -_-_-------_-------- .... ,Bmm,-m.m Phone 4=6-4900
:Page 12 - Shelton.Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 13, 1969