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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 13, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 13, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE 26-4412 / / c.(% For Sale MOBILE HOME FURNITUtE We specialize in quality compact furniture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furni- ture you're always welcome, 4th and Cota. 426-4702. 4/14 tin For Sale WHEEL CHAIRS FOR SALE or rent. Evergreen Drug Cen- ter. 426-3456. E 2/13 - 3/6 HAY FOR SALE, no tansy, weeds. McDonald Farm, Ka- mllche Valley. 426-3740. For Sale HAY FOR SALE, $25 per ton. Phone 426-4912. C 12/5 tin Lost & Found Mc 10/17 tin LOCKER BEEF ...... Grain fed, - ........................................................................... GREEN State inspected, cut and wrap- ped. 51¢ per lb. Place your or- der at 426-6010, S 2/6-27 F)R SALE---Orthopedic Ho.gpttal bed. Phone 877-5428. Y 2/6-13-2t w---A-LL-rS:w00,LL CARPETS o:" room-size rugs. (.'Alstoln-lla](* draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfatJ,m is guaranteed. Free estimates You're always welcome at O1- sen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 426-4702. O 11/18 tin FOR SALE Polaroid Camera "Big Swinger" $20 including new film. Call 426-6794. V 1/30 tin CARPETS AND LIFE TOO can be beautiful if you use Blue Lustre. Rent electric sham- poocr $1. Coast to Coast. 2/13 INDOOR-OUTDOOR CARPET, $3.99 sq. yd. Choose from 11 different colors at Olsen Fur- niture, 4th & Cola. 426-4702. O 8/1 tin FOR SALE --- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, re- frigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Appliance Cen- ter. 6/5 tin ELEC. ORGAN BXAiN: Wal- nut finish, Leslie Speaker. CORDUROY insulated TOOT YOUR OWN HORN ! Oak Brook jacket found in Dr. Norvald's office Dec. 426-4712. N 1/30-2/20 Alto saxophone for sale, $75.00. Phone 426-8548 eve- nings. C 2/6-13 REPOSSESSED --" 1 year old Lowrey piano $650. Cost new $805. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cota. 426-4302. J 12/12 tin SIMPLICITY M(.)WER'S and t.ill: ers. See now at Mike's McCul- loch Sales and Service. 2215 Olympia Hwy. North. 3/28 tin Real Estate i ii Now Is The Time!! o R. E. Exchanges EXCHANGE .... What you have .... for what you want. Kurt Real Estate % ." A--A" " "'" " . -- ". -- v " Sporting Goods TRAILMASTER 100 cc Yamaha, 2100 miles excellent condition. Phone 426-2049 evenings. For Rent FOR RENT -- Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426- 4426. 1I 10/8 tin B 11/28 Lfn ........................................................ FOR GLASSPAR, GLASTRON, Fiber Form, Boston Whaler, Schock sailboats, Evinrude, Homelite Uppy's Hood Canal Marina, Union 898.2252. 2/15 tfn Used Cars 1961 STUDEBAKER  TON, long box, V8, automatic, posi- traction rear end, good rubber, mechanical and body. Evenings after 6 p.m. 426-3035. A 1/30-2/20 Mann, Realtor - Exchanger ............................ 426-6592. 8/18 tin '59 CHEV. % TON. Phone 877- 5850. Lilliwaup. S 2/13 Pets, Livestock MONEY-MAKER  Registered 3 year old female. Chihuahua. Coming in, $35.00. 426-2417. B 1/16 tin REGISTERED POODLE puppy. Phone 426-8988. K 2/13 K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs. Kimball for appoint- ment 426-8988. 8/81 tfn For Rent Want reliable party to assume small me. pyre. or will discount for cash. Phone Bit 2-5282 or write Adjustor, Tallman's Pi- anos-Organs, 1107 Broadway, Tacoma, Wash. 98402 2/13-20 FREE b:()I)AK FILMIKOdac0h,r or black/white with each roll left at Ziegler's Camera. Ask for it. 426-6163. 5/25 tin TWO USED REFRIGERATORS. One Coldspot, one Hotly)int. 426-4626. B 1/23-2/13 ;P-RUCK" chAINS 10i00 X 22 .:.i 2 pair, $25. Phone 426-3667. ............ G 2/13 .._ .............................................................  .:.  ....... FOR SALE ..... (;o(f , effective and incxpc.rzsive advertising. Just call The Journal, 426- 4412. 8/19 tin i00A:STzaN WASHINGTON hay for sale, by the bale. P, hone 426-6685. K 2/13-3/6 Side 47¢ per lb. Expert cutting and wrapping. Shelton Foods, Inc., 426-6523. S 2.,'29 tin TRADE IN YOUH. ohl furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th und Cota. ,I/14 tin _ Hll , i I/2 to 1/3 OFF FRAME SALE Stock Frames. All Sizes. Also, Small Frame Close-Outs. ZlEGLER'S STUDIO & CAMERA SHOP 124 North Second 2/13 i i liH i,ll ill i COLOR T.V. See at Olsen Furniture 4th & Cots 426-4702 Immediate Delivery HOTPOINT 10 Year Free Replaoement Warranty WATER HEATER The Hetpoiut Custom GIsniine water heater provides the ulti- ms4e is automafle, safe, effl- eieat opersUou. And beet of all, It IS bsekl by l0 year teas llSeeea t warrsaty. Eells & Valley Appllsnoe Center 2nd & Co4a St. Phone 426,4663 Gmplete Home Furnishing Center If you have been thinking of selling your home, why not call one of our salesmen today? Home are selling so we need your listings now... HIMLIE REALTY, INC. 426-2646 i THREE BEDROOM Waterfront home, basement, fireplace w/w carpeting, drapes. $29,950. 426-2589. S 1/16 tin __ H, i i i i Nice 2 bedroom home, 3 big lots, separate garage, Cap- itol Hill. * * * Will pay cash for equity in 3 bedroom house. Will aume up to $20,000 balance. ii iii i i iiii i i lli PURDY REALTY Savage Services, Inc. Star Route 2, Box 189 Phone 426-8584 2/6 tfl{ Wynwood Center--P. O, Box 410 Gi 9 Harbor -- 857-2121 ,In fast growing area. Doing over $200,000 a year. and can emsily be doubled. Large build- ing for displaying and storing of lumber. 3 trucks, fork lift and living quarters. Inventory as down payment. Give us a call for all information. Give us a call on acreage anaall or large. Creek lots, water- front less than $60.00 per foot aud VieW" tracts. Call Julius Stock, 426-6705 days; 4'26-6911 eenlngs ad weekends _ Jl lilt It I II II How do we treat our cluIve list- ings? With plenty of personal erv- ice and lots of advertising . . . Does it work? Just ask our satisfied sell- ers. If you have property to  call us now . . . HIMLIE REALTY, INC. 426-2646 • i miI iiii i i Attention Sellersll FOR THE FAMILY SHORECREST . • . Now is the time to buy your lot and get ready for summer fun. Start as low as $1750 and all include club membership with swimming pool and boat launching facilities. B e t t e r check this out.. WANT HOME & ACREAGE? How about a newer 2 bedroom home out the Arcadia Road? Has plYroxlfiaately 1 acres with plenty of room for pets. Home has attractively panel- led rooms with electric base board heat. Good sized work- shop in separate building out back. Priced to sell at $10,800 with $2800 down and your monthly payments set at $75. NORTHCLIFF . . • Enjoy family life to the fullest in a spacious home designed with mothers in mind. Brick construction, 4 bedrooms or 3 bedrooms and a den. 1 full bath in the master bedroom with powder room. Other elegant features include two % baths, dining room, breakfast nook, large family room wlth impres- sive fireplace. Fenced area with barn for horses in this 7.5 acre estate. Just outside city in one of our nicest residential areas offering a panoramic view of Shelton. Priced below apprais- ed value, and at $37,500 we know of no home comparable in comfort, appearance and lo- cation. Call for an appointment. FOR THE LARGE FAMILY-- 4 bedrooms and an extra room with it own outside entrance that could be used for den, of- fice, or even a 5th bedroom I Large 70 x 280' lot with a view of the Olympics. Paneled liv- ing room and roomy kitchen with lots of built-ins, $9,750 with terms is a bargain price. FIX AND REPAIR . . . This place will take a real handyman but the price is so, so low. Has 2 bedroom home on large 120 x 85' lot in area (f new homes. The house is pretty well shot and needs some foundation work to get back in shape. At a total price of $3,250.00 why not look ? FAWN LAKE... We have 2 extra nice lots on this attractive development, and they are ready for a small cottage. Sellers have moved from area and have no further use of hind. Ideal for summer or permanent homes. Let's go look ! $14,750 . . . 3 bedroom home with fireplace located on approximately 1 acres bordering city limits. Lovely stand of trees and plenty of space for large gar- den and pets. Country calm ...... city convenience. HATE HOUSEWORK? For an easy-upkeep 2 bedroom home, this is it! Just like new, inside and out, and you'll so en- joy the panelled walls, the cozy plush carpeting, the pretty bath, and the handy kitchen and utility room. Like to see it ? Only $10,000. NEED 4 BEDROOMS? How about this older but state- ly 4 bedroom home with fire- place located downtown. En- closed yard has majestic trees and even a fish pond. All rooms are quite large with enough. storage space to hide a second home full of furnishings. We aren't kidding when we ay you have to see this one to ap- preciate. $13,000 and we can find terms available. A. ROY nUNN FOR RENT ..... Three bedroom partially furnished house to right party. References requir- ed. Seen by appointment. Call Olympia 357-3172. G 2/6 tin FOR RENT -- One bedroom apartment. Electric heat. New- ly decorated. $100 me. Inquire 20th Century Grocery. W 1/23-2/13 ONE BEDROOM HOUSE, fur: nished, $60; One 3 bedroom, unfurnished, $85. 2328 Adams. Phone 426-4832. A 2/13 Real Estate DOWNTOWN AREA ...... 3 'bed- rooms, full basement wlth .rec reation area, double garage with work area, nice yard. Walking distance to schools, shopping. My equity $3500, assume 5%9 mortgage on balance. Mr. Lichter, 943-8579 after 6 p.m. 1/2 tin LOT IN WOODED area between Shelton and Olympia on Mack- top road, % mile from beach. With beach right and boat ramp for trailer, camper or cabin. $2500 cash or terms. LAkeview 4-9865 ( Seattle ) mornings. Mc 2/13 Re, iI Estate $10,500 For this exceptionally large 2 bedroom home on approximately 1 acre. Only about 1 miles from city limits. Requires $2,500 down. Call now --- this is good. $400 CASH Is all you'll need on this com- pletely renewed 3 bedroom home near Bordeaux School. Located on a 60 x 247 foot lot with fruit trees .... berries and excellent garden area. Full price is $13,400 FHA. Wanna see it? $4,950 Elderly owner wants to go South, so he'll sell completely furnished. It's a small house with 2 bed- rooms at the edge of town. Wants cash  maybe your Credit Un- ion will be interested in financ- ing. $8,500 For a modest 2 bedroom home on 5 acres 10 miles North of Shel- ton. $1,000 down and $80 per month will handle. Call and we'll arrange to show it. $32,500 For this exceptionally fine 4 bed- room waterfront home with 2 batik, additional den and it's all on a most beautiful piece of low bank waterfront, only 2% miles from downtown. We can show it only by appointment, so we'll be waiting to hear from yoU. $10,500 For 100 feet of waterfront with nearly 700 feet of depth. High bank but what a view! Low down ---owner will carry balance. $2,950 And up for one of these exeep- tionaUy fine tracts at BAY- EAST, includes power and wa- ter to each lot. Deep water dock, boat ramp, 450 feet of commu- nity beach and much more. MANN REAL ESTATE 110 RAILROAD AVENUE 426-4447 Evenings Call: DON BROWN - 426-6388 -- TOM TOWNSEND - 426-6597 . ROY DUNN - 426-4601 Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 13, 1969 121 R.R. Ave. 426-6592 anytime RENT -- Housekeeping room. Everything furnished, in downtown area. Call 426-8115 or 426-3573. L 1/9 tin ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED apartment, w/w carpeting. Heat, water, garbage fur- nished. Inquire 1119 Franklin, Apt. 5, after 5 p.m. B 1/9 tin SMAI- 2 BEDROOM house at 610 Falrmont Ave. $67.50, in- cluding water and garbage. Phone 426-8390. C 2/13 M÷. View Elwood Manor Apartments 2 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED Available NOW. CONTACT MANAGER 426-3100 or 426-6155 1 - 2 BR Apartments $110 Appltanees, Drapes, Carpets, Water, Garbage, Ample Parking No Pets JEFFERSON APTS. On Mt. View Phone 426-8656 12/5 tin Real Estate "THE ACTION OFFICE" 226 N. 1st St., $helton 2 Bedroom Cottage near MT. VIEW Elementary School $5,400 3 Bedroom ARCADIA RD., Home. Separate Utility & Dining Area. Over  Acre with NICE CREEK. Double Car Shelter. Partially fenced. $8,000.. 4 Bedroom Home. 20 Acres (more available}. Some pasture. Excellent CREEK thru center of property. Large, Solld, Equip- ment Shed. GOOD AREA. Sev- eral neighbors commute to Cor- rectional Center jobs. $20,000. I0 Acres.  clear, /. wooded. Well. BEAUTIFUL PROPERTY. 8 ml/es West of She/ton. $8,500. 20 Acres. Near South Shelton City Line. Some Good TIMBER. $25,0OO. FINANCING CAN BE AR- RANGED on any of these prop- e riles ! CALL 426-1141 TODAY. Evenings "Jim" Roush 426-8522 G. John Brush, Jr. 426-8858 Broker 226 N. Ist St., Shelton i D AN/EL$ EALTY 1618 Olympic Highway South 426-1600 LITTLE OLE FARM This is truly a little ole farm with a barn, outbuildings . ex- cellent well - garden - fruit trees - fenced for a cSw or raise a beef - 3 bedroom hbme - carpeted living room - paneled dining room - country kitchen - full basement - all this on 1 acre for $15,500 MT. VIEW AREA 3 bedrooms - completely furn- ished - fenced yard - close to school and stores - you oan buy for $1000.00 down and $100.00 per month includes taxes and insurance. CANAL PROPERTY Elegant view - 2 large lots - furnished home fireplace must see to appreciate. BUILDING LOT A full acre of building site - wooded and highway frontage Only $3,000.00 - buy now build later - edge of town. APARTMENT FOR RENT 2 bedrooms - Stove $70.00 per month. SUE M. DANIEL8, Broker For Rent FOR RENT: Two-bedroom un- furnished apartment. Carpet- ing, drapes, range, refrigera- tor supplied. Heat hot water. Water, garbage and sewer in- eluded in rental. Holly Hill Apts. No. 4. 426-6593. 1/9 tfn APARTMENT FOR RENT 426-8423. W 2/13 FOR RENT  One bedroom un- furnished house. Etra space upstairs. MI. View. Phone 426- 2532, before 10:00 a.m. W 2/13 FOR RENT -- Unfurnished clean 3 room house. Couple or single person. No children or pets. Oil heat. Phone mornings 426- 6124.. R 2/13-20 FOR RF_2 --.- ONE bedroom cottage furnished. Adults only. $50.00. References Required. Phone after 5 p.m. 426-4000. B 2/13 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT by March 1. Three bedroom unfurnished house. Up to $130 month. Ref- erences 426-4819. G 2/6-27 Personal CONFIDENTIAL care for un- wed pregnant teen-age girls. UGN Agency. Collect calls ac- cepted. Florence Crittenton Home, PA 2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, Wa. 98178. 8/29 tin MR. REALY State Says: Please be my Valentine. You mean "Lots" to me .... 2/13 CARD OF THANKS May we extend to our many friends and neighbors and espec- ially to the Police Department, Sheriff's Office, Sheriff Reserves, State Patrol our deep thanks for the flowers and sympathies given us during our bereave- ment. Mrs. Ben Barber and family Real Estate laBISSOIViERE Real Estate COMPLETELY CARPETED NEWER HOME Central fireplace, electric heat, 3 large bedrooms, 2 full baths, 1 off master bedroom, family- dining room, carport, lots of out- side storage and completely lland- scaped yard $22,500. 10% down MGIC financing. BRICK HEARTH WITH FRANKLIN FIREPLACE: will be the center of this family home. 2 bedrooms downstairs with finished upstairs capable of up to 3 more. All electric with extra large utility room, panelling, hardwood floor in the living room. New roof, and com- plete cement foundation. All this for only. $12,500 and owner will carry contract with 10% or less down. CHARMER: This nice 3 bedroom home has a lovely corner fireplace, carpet- ing, garage and double carport, as well as a patio and completely fenced back yard. Drive by 703 South Sixteenth, then come see us. WE CAN'T PACKAGE THE VIEW: But you can have it in this 4 bedroom home. Garage and ear- port, large kitchen with lots of cupboards and drawers. Access to the view deck thru sliding glass doors from dining area. Oversize lot $16,200. GIGANTIC: The size of the rooms in this 2 bedroom home are almost un- believable and there Is a full basement for expansion. Formal dining room, large kitchen, fire- place in the living room, hard- wood floors. Drapes and carpets are included. Single garage at- tached and fenced yard. Close to stores and schools. See it today and make us an offer. We are easy to talk to. 6V ACRES 2 MINUTES FROM DOWNTOWN 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, family room, very large living room with arge fireplace, master suite w/ dressing room and bath. You must see this one to believe it. Shown by appointment only. Call 426-1641 Bev Thomasen 426-8848 Polly Swayze 426-2059 Oebble Browning 426-6510 LaBISSONIERE AGENCY REAL ESTATE . INSURANCE 122 SOUTH THIRD S'I'. RATES 15 words or leas -- $1.50 • 10 cents for each additional word over 15. • FOUR (4) insertions for the of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 3 Real Estate Real Estate Wanted!! We have been busy selling homes ad. need more listings . . . if you wot like to see a "SOLD" sign on your home, call us now... HIMLIE REALTY, INC, 426-2646 MR. REALY STATE says- Call 426-2646 Himlie Realty A LITTLE MORE!I This pretty new home at Parkwood offers just a little A little larger rooms . . . a little more storage.., a little er lot . . .a little more cabinet area plus lots of other in this 3 bedroom home with family room. See it now. 426-2646. RETIRE HERE ... See this newer 2 bedroom home in a secluded Mt. View ties today. This spacious home offers loads of large utility room, pretty fireplace, covered patio and landscaped yard. Call today for an appointment. EXTRA LARGE 3 BEDROOM-- This Angleside home has one extra large bedroom 2 regular ones. 2 full baths and secluded yard make desirable home to own. Priced at $13,75{) with good READY NOW!l Very attractive 3 bedroom home on Angleside. Extra takes up A of the block. There are two baths and places. Nice secluded family room. Large 2 car this for $21,500 wailterms. ':: ARCADIA POINT ACREAGE-- Here are 8% acres of fine acreage just % of a mile public boat launch site on Arcadia Point. Its of able timber. Over 1,000 feet of county road frontage. price $8,000 with terms. LOCATED RIGHT DOWNTOWN Where you can walk to schools and shopping. Three a part basement, furnace for heating, a cheery much, much more. The price, just $10,750. ANGLESIDE LOCATION If you need only 2 bedrooms we would like to show smaller home beautifully located with a view of Olympics. You will like the full basement with its garage and the sales price is just $I0,000. CLOSE TO BORDEAUX SCHOOL You can enjoy a lot of living in this 3 bedroom home on Hiilcrest. There is a partially completed room in basement too that can be made into a bedroom, you name it. You win like the quality forced air tern that this home offers. The full price is $9,000 owner will sell with a low down payment. This space is reserved to advertise your home when you list with HIMLIE REALTY, INC .... Call us now for action. 426-2646 BIG LIVING ROOM-- The whole house is in immaculate condition, but cially appreciate the spacious 18' x 26' living beautiful fireplace. Among its other features are a ing room, handy kitchen with lots of cupboards, 2 rooms, attached garage and better than half an acre, Hurry, because this one's a dandy, and it only costs RETIRED COUPLE Trade in your larger home for this neat, 2 bedroom Mt. View. Priced at just $12,750, it's a well built, fully fated home, all on one level with "fireplace, oil furnace large picture window, and sitting on an attractive LIVE ON CALLANAN STREETII Where you can enjoy living close to schools, churche stores, paved streets, sidewalks, and where all the lots a little bit bigger. We've got a dandy 10 year old 8 home with 1  baths, entry hall, large living room wit to-wall carpet and fireplace, and a huge 2 car Just $18,500. You'll love it and you can have immediately. IT JUST TAKES MONEY/i This is not going to be like falling off a log to get, you have a fairly substantial down payment and room home on about an acre or so, Just south of let's take a look. Maybe this is it. There's a swell and a workshop too for Just $8,500. ON THE LEVELS! Located where access is very easy on Mt View. this to be one of the finest homes available. It includes roomy bedrooms and an abundance of free living area doors and out. Quality construct/on throughout See ly $25,000 home for the finest! OAKLAND BAY WATERFRONTII $85 pr foot will buy you an unbelievably fine piece of that will include tidelands. This is ready for your gram immediately. Just 2 miles from city limits. Asg showing and then compare with much higher price. It'S  HIMLIE REALTY, Inc. 1717 Olympio Highway N. Phons EVENINGS CALL: DICK KNAUF 426-8110 -- "SKIP" NESS DAVE THACHER 426-8655  CARL JOHNSON DICK BOLLING, Closinll Broker 426,8162 VINCE HIMLIE e Irker 4-U01 i" %