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Historic Register aq lds Victorian house
A 125-year-old pink
Victorian homestead-
style structure, the only
remaining house on Sec-
ond Street in downtown
Shelton, on Monday was
added to the Shelton
Historic Register by the
Shelton City Commis-
The 1 ½-story house
at 218 S. Second St:was
once home to Edith Dra-
ham -- daughter of tim-
ber baron and Shelton
mayor W.H. Kneeland
-- and her husband,
George Draham, who
took over many of his
father-in-law's business
The Kneeland-Dra-
ham house has been
vacant for many years,
and has fallen into
disrepair due to little
maintenance and up-
keep by the previous
owner, according to the
Shelton Historic Pres-
ervation Board historic
designation report. Last
March, the house was
purchased by Tiffany
Schwander, a descen-
dant of the Kneeland
At the Shelton City
Commission's meeting
Monday, Schwander told
the commissioners she
plans to decorate the
house in the style of 1900
and then offer it for rent.
"My intention is proba-
Dr. Michael Henry
Mason General Hospital is pleased to
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Page A-2 - Mason County Journal - Thursday, Feb. 13, 2014
Beaverton, Ore.,
resident Tiffany
Schwander, a
descendant of
Shelton's storied
Kneeland family, last
March purchased
the 124-year-old
house at 218 S.
Second St. in
downtown Shelton.
The Shelton City
Commission on
Monday voted.
unanimously to add
the house to the
Shelton Historic
Journal photo
by Gordon Weeks
bly to have it as a commer-
cial property," she said.
One challenge is
that all the wiring will
have to be external,
Schwander said. She
said she'll work with
city officials to make
sure the structure meets
building codes.
Another challenge
is the damage by tran-
sients who have entered
the house, Schwander
said. Schwander said
she hopes the house one
day will be accepted to
the National Register of
Historic Places.
The Kneeland-Dra-
ham house is one of the
oldest houses in Shel-
ton, and one of the few
whose significant fea-
tures have not been al-
tered, said Erik Birk,
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of Hoodsport
an associate planner for
the city. The land was
sold for the house by Da-
vid Shelton, the town's
namesake, he said.
As for its inclusion
on the historic register,
"this house is more than
eligible," Birk said.
According to the
Shelton Historic Preser-
vation Board report, the
house was built in 1889
by George Freeburger
for his wife. In 1899, by
George Draham bought
the house.
The report notes that
the street contained two
other houses in 1889.
"But the city's com-
mercial development
quickly took over the
area between First and
Fourth streets and from
West Franklin to Grove
streets, consuming
these homes and replac-
ing them with commer-
cial wood structures and
later by brick and mor-
tar buildings after the
1914 fire," the report
states. "This home now
sits by itself, a snapshot
of the past.
The house is now
sandwiched between
the Saint's Pantry Food
Bank and the parking
lot for the Shelton Shop
& Hop.
"It's been a great ad-
venture, learning about
the family and seeing
the house," Schwander
We open at 6:30 AM
so you can stop in on
your way to work.
We close at 6:00 PM
so you can stop in on
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City Briefs
Final hearing slated
for Shelton Hills EIS
The Shelton City Commission will have a public
heang on its final environmental impact statement
(EIS) on the 604-acre Shelton Hills development at
6 p.m. Monday at the Shelten Civic Center, 525 W.
Cota St.
The 352-page final EIS, released Jan. 30, can
be viewed at the Shelton branch of the Timberland
Library, the city's community and economic develop-
ment office upstairs at the Civic Center, and on the
city's website at www.ci.shelton.wa.us.
Hall Equities, based in Walnut Creek, Calif., bought
the property in 2006. The company's Shelton Hills
concept includes a 50-acre business park, 68 acres of
commercial property, as many as 1,600 primarily single-
family residences, a new school and 10 parks.
The highest density plan for Shelton Hills would
add about 4,877 residents and 3,546 employees to the
site. The full buildout is expected to take 20 years.
Most of the public comments on the proposed de-
velopment have focused on the development's prox-
imity to polluted Goose Lake to the north, its close-
ness to the former city landfill south of C street, and
the proposed location of an elementary school near
the former dump site. The final EIS offers possible
mitigation for those concerns.
City • "
ponders memorial policy
The Shelton City Commission on Monday consid-
ered a proposal to regulate temporary and long-term
memorials to honor deceased loved ones in the city.
The proposed regulations are designed to the
"grieving process" of relatives who have lost a loved
one, according to the drai document written by Greg
Clark, the city's public works director. Residents could
contact the city about placing a temporary memorial
of 30 days on city property or within a city right of
way. The type of memorial, the location and the dura-
tion would be agreed up by the city and the family.
The commission will address the proposed memo-
rial policy at a second reading at its regular meeting
at 6 p.m. Monday at the Shelton Civic Center, 525
W. Cota St.
Clark stressed that the proposed regulations can
be changed.
"This is the first draft and it's open to modifica-
tions," he said.
Clark said the proposed policies were spurred by a
temporary memorial that was placed at the corner of
First Street and Railroad Avenue in September, and
remained until Jan. 10. I_cal business owners were
concerned about how long the memorial of flowers,
balloons and other items would remain, he said.
Under the proposed policies, temporary memori-
als could be displayed for up to 30 days. The memori-
als could include photos, candles, small writings or
signs, plants, flowers, wreaths, ribbons, stuffed-
mals, balloons, crosses and religious items, and other
objects that can easily be removed. .
Long-term memorials such as park bencheswith
plaques would follow the guidelines in the city's Met-
ropolitan Park District Park and Recreation Depart-
ment gi and donation program.
Commissioner Mike Olsen said he is concerned
about two proposed measures in the policy. One
requires that requests from friends for any memo-
rial must secure and provide written approval of the
family of the deceased. The other requires people
to obtain a right-of-way permit from the city for the
temporary memorial location.
"rm concerned about taking the human touch out
of things... I don't want to overreact with bureau-
cracy," Olsen said.
Clark said the proposed policy is aimed at being
sensitive to families who perhaps don't want a me-
morial erected for their loved one. Also, the commis-
sion can change the proposed policy and waive the
right-of-way fee, he said.
• Compiled by reporter Gordon Weeks
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