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Port discusses leasing plan for Cannabis companies
Cannabis producers
and processors face a
Catch-22 when leasing
"There's a lot of con-
fusion still at the state
level as to how we're go-
ing to do this, how we're
going to implement it,"
Port Executive Director
John Dobson said.
The Port of Shelton
Commission directed
Dobson to begin send-
ing letters of intent to
companies interested in
leasing one of two build-
ings on port property.
A half-dozen Can-
nabis growing and pro-
cessing companies have
expressed an interest in
leasing buildings owned
by the Port of Shelton.
"I'm very impressed
with the quality of folks
that have applied," said interest in leasing a
commissioner Kristy building to a company,
Buck. "(They are)very provided it gets a li-
well-capitalized, profes- cense, and will give that
sional folks." company an address to
The companies are use on its application
still going through the with the Liquor Control
state Liquor Control Board.
Board's application pro- "I think the letter of
cess for their state li- intent will suffice for an
censes, address," Commissioner
To get those licenses, Tom Wallitner said.
the companies must If the port issues let-
have a physical address, ters of intent to two sep-
"These applicants are arate companies for the
going to need either a same building, and both
lease agreement or alet- businesses get licenses,
ter of intent before they the port could choose be-
are permitted," Dobson tween the two, Dobson
said. said.
If the port enters into "As a landlord we
a lease with a company want to pick the best
that is not yet licensed, candidate," he said.
and that company is The port has two
ultimately denied a li- buildings available that
cense by the state, it would suit the needs
would have to break its of a Cannabis grower
lease with the port. or processor. One is a
A letter of intent 30,000-square-footbuild-
would express the port's ing at its Sanderson Field
property and the second
is a 10,000-square-foot
building at its Johns
Prairie Industrial Site.
According to Dobson,
the Federal Aviation
Administration, which
reviews all non-aviation
related leases at the
Sanderson Field proper-
ty, have not voiced any
concerns with the port
leasing space to a li-
censed Cannabis grower
or processor.
An additional 12
acres at the Johns Prai-
rie site could be devel-
oped into an area desig-
nated for Cannabis busi-
nesses, Dobson said.
"That's where we'd
like to see it all end up,"
he said.
Commissioner Dick
Taylor expressed con-
cerns about leasing to
a Cannabis company,
considering marijuana
is considered an illegal
drug by the federal gov-
"What happens to the
funds that were paid to
us from this illegal orga-
nization?" he asked.
Dobson said the leas-
es will allow the port
and tenants to break the
lease if the federal gov-
ernment takes action
against Washington
Cannabis businesses.
"The feds are actually
in Olympia right now
working with the state
to lay all this out," he
Nerofit Briefs
St. Patrick's Day
fundraiser scheduled
March 5 in Victor
Belfair-based Faith in Action Senior Services
hosts a St. Patrick's Day dinner and auction at
6 p.m. March 5 at the Victor Improvement Club.
Tickets are $20, and all the proceeds benefit
seniors and residents with disabilities.
Tickets are available at the Faith in Action
Thrift Store at 40 Old Belfair Highway, and at
the Faith in Action office at 23780 state Route
The event includes a corned beef and cabbage
dinner, and silent and live auctions.
If you want to donate items for the auction or
volunteer your time, call 275-0535.
Habitat for Humanity
families wanted for 2014
Habitat for Humanity of Mason County is ac-
cepting applications for families for homes being
built in 2014.
The homes are sold to partner families at no
profit, and are financed through low-interest or
no-interest loans.
To be eligible, the family must have lived
in Mason County for at least one year; be
willing to partner with Habitat for Human-
ity; have a steady gross income of 30 percent
to 60 percent of the current median for Ma-
son County; be willing to work 400 hours of
"sweat equity" as a down payment toward the
new home; and be in need of a safe living en-
For an application or to get more information,
call Habitat for Humanity of Mason County at
426-8134 or visit its website.
• Compiled by reporter Gordon Weeks
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Page A-8 - Mason County Journal - Thursday, Feb. 13, 2014