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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 13, 2014     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 13, 2014
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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. ............ Z I _ PUBLIC NOTICES i J PUBLIC NOTICES -.,..o Oia-IH RgbOLI : --- BX DOAXD OF oory COMMISSON¢ OW MASO ou'y,wsmNo PUBLIC NOTICE SHERIFF'S NOTICE TO JUDGMENT DEBTOR OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE SUPE- RIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON Bank of America, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plain- tiff, vs. Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Alison F Chamberlin; Alexander Chamberlin; Occupants of the Premises; and any persons or parties claiming to have any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the complaint Defendant SHERIFF'S NOTICE TO JUDGMENT DEBTOR OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Case No.: 13 2 38 9 TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ALI- SON F CHAMBERLIN; ALEXANDER CHAMBER- LIN; OCCUPANTS OF THE PREMISES; AND ANY PERSONS OR PAR-TIES CLAIMING TO HAVE ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT JUDGMENT DEBTOR (S) A writ of execution has been issued in the above captioned case, directed to the Sheriff of Mason County, com- manding the sheriff as follows: WHEREAS, on No- vember 26, 2013, a Judgment and Decree of Fore- closure ("Judgment") was entered in favor of Bank of America, N.A. ("Plaintiff") against the defendants Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Alison E Chamber- lin, Alexander Chamberlin, Occupants of the Prem- ises; and any persons or parties claiming to have any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the complaint ("Defendants"). Th Judg- ment forecloses the interestes of all the Defendants in and to the following described property ("Prop- erty") commonly known as 40 East Jarrett Drive, Shelton WA 98584 for the total sum on $305,428.86 with interest thereon at the rate of 5.500% per an- num beginning on November 26, 2013, until satis- fied. The Property situatea in Mason County, State of Washington, is legally described as: TRACT C OF SHORT SUBDIVISION NO. 639, RECORDED OCTOBER 31, 1979, AUDITOR' FILE NO. 369190, AND BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW 1/4) OFTHE SOUTHWEST QUAR- TER (SW 1/4) OF SECTION THITYTHREE (33), TOWNSHIP TWENTYONE (21) NORTH, RANGE TWO (2) WEST, W.M. TOGETHER WITH AND SUB- JECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND UTILITY PURPOSES, 60 FEET IN WIDTH, AS SHOWN ON SURVEY RECORDED NOVEMBER 22, 1978, IN VOLUME 4 OF SURVEYS, PAGE 113, AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 353717, AS DESCRIBED IN INSTRU- MENT RECORDED JANUARY 9, 1978, AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 355644, AND AS SHOWN ON SURVEY RECORDED AUGUST 2, 1979, IN VOLUME 5 OF SURVEYS, PAGE 71, AUDITOR'S FILE NO 364892. THEREFORE, pursuant to RCW 61.12.060, and in the name of the State of Washington, you are hereby commanded to sell the Property, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in order to satisfy the Judg- ment, including post-judgment interest and costs. MAKE RETURN HEREOF within sixty days of the date indicated below, showing you have executed the same. Pursuant to RCW 6.21.050(2), the Sher- iff may adjourn the foreclosure sale drum time to time, not exceeding thirty days beyond the last date at which this Writ is made returnable, with the con- stent of the plaintiff endorsed upon this Writ or by a contemporaneous writing. The sale of the above- described property is to take place: Time: 10:00 am Date: Friday, April 11, 2014 Place: Main Entrance of Mason County Courthouse on Fourth Street YOU MAY HAVE A RIGHT TO EXEMPT PROPERTY from the sale under statues of this state, including sec- tions 6.13.010, 6.13.030, 6.13.040, 6.15.010, and 6.15.060 of the Revised code of Washington, in the manner described in those statutes. Dated this 05th, day of February, 2014. SHERIFF CASEY SALIS- BURY MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON By: Angel Evans, Authorized Deputy PC Box 1037 Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 6881 Feb. 13, 20, 27, Mar. 6, 13, 20 6t PUBLIC NOTICE File No.: 7023.105763 Grantors: Northwest Trustee Services, Inc. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Grant- ee: Barbara A. Palmer, as her separate property Ref to DOT Auditor File No.: 1922312 Tax Parcel iD No.: 12229-75-90080 Abbreviated Legal:TRACT C, SP # 203, AUDI # 309775, BEING PTN OF GOV LT 2 SEC 29, T 22 N, R 1 W, W.M., MASON CO., WA Notice of Trustee's Sale Pursuant to the Revised Code of Washington 61.24, et seq. THIS NOTICE IS THE FINAL STEP BEFORE THE FORECLOSURE SALE OFYOUR HOME You have only 20 DAYS from the recording date of this notice to pursue mediation. DO NOT DELAY. CONTACT A HOUSING COUN- SELOR OR AN A'H'ORNEY LICENSED IN WASH- INGTON NOW to assess your situation and refer you to mediation if you are eligible and it may help you save your home. See below for safe sources of help. SEEKING ASSISTANCE Housing counselors and legal assistance may be available at little or no cost to you. If you would like assistance in determining your rights and opportunities to keep your house, you may contact the following: The statewide foreclo- sure hotline for assistance and referral to housing counselors recommended by the Housing Finance Commission Telephone: Toll-fme: 1-877-894-HOME (1-877-894-4663). Web site: consumers/homeownership/post_purchase_coun- selors_foreclosure.htm The United States Depart- ment of Housing and Urban Development Tele- phone: Toll-free: 1-800-569-4287. Web site: http:// istAction=search&searchstate=WA&filterSvc=dfc The statewide civil legal aid hotline for assistance and referrals to other housing counselors and attor- neys Telephone: Toll-free: 1-800-606-4819. Web site: http://nwjustice.orghat-clear. I. On March 14, 2014, at 10:00 AM. inside the main lobby of the Mason County Courthouse, Corner of 4th St. and Alder St. in the City of Shelton, State of Washington, the un- dersigned Trustee (subject to any conditions im- posed by the Trustee) will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at time of sale, the following described real property "Property", situated in the County(ies) of Mason, State of Washington: Tract C of Short Plat No. 203, recorded January 06, 1976, under Auditor's File No. 309775, being a por- tion of Government Lot 2 of Section 29, Township 22 North, Range 1 West, W.M., in Mason County, Wash- ington. Commonly known as: 7331 East Grapeview Loop Road Allyn, WA 98524 which is sbject to that certain Deed of Trust dated 06/04/08, recorded on 06/13/08, under Auditor's File No. 1922312, records of Mason County, Washington, from Barbara A. Palmer, an unmarried woman as her sole and sepa- rate property, as Grantor, to First American Title Company, as Trustee, to secure an obligation "Obli- gation" in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. solely as nominee for provident Fund- ing Associates, L.P., its successors and assigns, as Beneficiary, the beneficial interest in which was as- signed by Mortgage Electronic Registration Sys- tems, Inc. "MERS" to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., under an Assignment/Successive Assignments recorded under Auditor's File No. 1964144. *The Tax Parcel ID number and Abbreviated Legal Description am pro- vided solely to comply with the recording statutes and am not intended to supplement, amend or su- persede the Property's full legal description provided herein. II. No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfac- tion of the Obligatiofi in any Court by mason of the Grantor's or Borrower's default on the Obligation se- cured by the Deed of Trust. Ill. The Beneficiary al- leges default of the Deed of Trust for failure to pay the following amounts now in arrears and/or other defaults: Amount due to reinstate as of 10/31/2013 Monthly Payments $5,838.25 Late Charges $95.92 Lender's Fees & Costs $30.00 Total Armamge $5,964.17 Trustee's Expenses (Itemization) Trust- ee's Fee $300.00 Title Report $591.00 Statutory Mailings $36.89 Recording Costs $14.00 Postings $70.00 Sale Costs $0.00 Total Costs $1,011.89 Total Amount Due: $6,976.06 Other known defaults as fol- lows: IV. The sum owing on the Obligation is: Princi- pal Balance of $110,864.22, together with interest as Page B-14 - Mason County Journal- Thursday, Feb. 13, 2014 PUBLIC NOTICES provided in the note or other instrument evidenci the Obligation from 12/01/12, and such other co and fees as are due under the Obligation, and as provided by statute. V. The Property will be sold satisfy the expense of sale and the Obligation provided by statute. The sale will be made with representation or warranty, express or implied garding title, possession, encumbrances or cur tion of the Property on March 14, 2014.The defaull referred to in paragraph III, together with any sub quent payments, late charges, advances costs fees thereafter due, must be cured by 03/03/14 t days before the sale date), to cause a discontil ance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued terminated if at any time before 03/03/14 (11 d before the sale date), the default(s) as set forth paragraph III, together with any subsequent p ments, late charges, advances, costs and fees the after due, is/are cured and the Trustee's fees costs are paid. The sale may be terminated any ti= after 03/03/14 (11 days before the sale date), before the sale by the Borrower, Grantor, any Gu antor or the holder of any recorded junior lien or cumbrance paying the entire balance of princi and interest secured by the Deed of Trust, p costs, fees, and advances, if any made pursuanl the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust, curing all other defaults. VI. A written notice of def was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to' Borrower and Grantor at the following address( NAME AND ADDRESS Barbara A. Palmer 7, East Grapeview Loop Road Allyn, WA 98524-7i Unknown Spouse and/or Domestic Partner of E bara A. Palmer 7331 East Grapeview Loop Road lyn, WA 98524-7730 Barbara A. Palmer 7406 K William Court Louisville, KY 40214-6409 Unknc Spouse and/or Domestic Partner of Barbara Palmer 7406 King William Court Louisville, 40214-5409 Barbara A. Palmer 7331 East Graq view Loop Allyn, WA 98524-7730 Unknown Spot and/or Domestic Partner of Barbara A. Palmer 7,'. East Grapeview Loop Allyn, WA 98524-7730 by b first class and certified mail, return receipt reques on 09/27/13, proof of which is in the possessio the Trustee; and on 09/27/13 Grantor and Borrm were personally served with said written notice default or the written notice of default was posted a conspicuous place on the real property descrit in paragraph I above, and the Trustee has puss sion of proof of such service or posting. VII. "1 Trustee, whose name and address are set forth I low, will provide in writing to anyone requesting statement of all costs and trustee's fees due at time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold through or under the Grantor of all their interes the Property. IX. Anyone having any objection to sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded opportunity to be heard as to those objections if tl bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuant to R( 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may re= in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating Trustee's sale. X. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS , TENANTS - The purchaser at the Trustee's Sal entitled to possession of the property on the 2 day following the sale, as against the Grantor un the Deed of Trust (the owner) and anyone having interest junior to the Deed of Trust, including oc pants who are not tenants. After the 20th day folh ing the sale the purchaser has the right to evict cupants who are not tenants by summary proce ings under Chapter 59.12 RCW. For tenant-occup property, the purchaser shall provide a tenant written notice in accordance with RCW 61.24.C The trustee's rules of auction may be accesse¢ and are incorporated this reference. You may also access sale statu,, and www.USA-Fore= EFFECTIVE: 10/31/2013 Date Execul Northwest Trustee Services, Inc., Trustee Authori; Signature P.O. BOX 997 Bellevue, WA 98009-0! Contact: Vonnie McEIligott (425) 586-1900. (1 7023.105763) 1002.257734-File No. 6870 February 13, March 6 2t PUBLIC NOTICE File No.: 7236.24303 Grantors: Northwest Tn ee Services, Inc. U.S. Bank National Association, Trustee, in trust on behalf of the JPMAC 2006-C Trust Grantee: DEBORAH ANN MCCULLAUGH, acquired title as DEBORAH A. RUEDA, as her se rate property Ref to DOT Auditor File No.: 18621 Tax Parcel ID No.: 32019-60-02900 Abbreviated gal: Pnt Lt 1, BIk 2, Angleside Addn. No 2, V/P 2 Notice of Trustee's Sale Pursuant to the Revi,. Code of Washington 61.24, et seq. I. On March 2014, at 10:00 AM inside the main lobby of the I son County Courthouse, Corner of 4th St. and AI St. in the City of Shelton, State of Washington, undersigned Trustee (subject to any conditions posed by the Trustee) will sell at public auction to highest and best bidder, payable at time of sale, following described real property "Property", situ in the County(ies) of MASON, State of Washing' The West 58 feet of Lot One (1), Block two (2), An! side Addition No. 2 to Shelton, Washington, VolL 2 of Plats, page 40, records of Mason County, W ington. Commonly known as: 1011 Bayview Ave She/ton, WA 98584 which is subject to that cer Deed of Trust dated 02/28/06, recorded on 03/15, under Auditor's File No. 1862856, records of MAS County, Washington, from Deborah Ann McCullaL PUBLIC NOTICES ng Formerly Deborah A Rueda, as her sep ;ts erty, as Grantor, to Landsafe Title of Was ce Trustee, to secure an obligation "Obligatic to of Mortgage Electronic Registration Syste as nominee for Countrywide Home Loans, In ut cessors and Assigns, as Beneficiary, the • e- interest in which was assigned by Bank o di- N.A., as successor by merger to BAC Hc Is) Servicing, LP FKA Countrywide Home L ;e- vicing, LP by Select Portfolio Servicing, I nd Bank National Association, as Trustee, i 11 behalf of the JPMAC 2006-CWl Trust, un u- signment/Successive Assignments recur, nd Auditor's File No. 2015191. *The Tax Parc ys ber and Abbreviated Legal Description ar in solely to comply with the recording statut ty- not intended to supplement, amend or "e- the Property's full legal description provi¢ nd I1. No action commenced by the Benefic ne Deed of Trust is now pending to seek sati nd the Obligation in any Court by reason of th Jr- or Borrower's default on the Obligation m- the Deed of Trust. Ill. The Beneficiary )al fault of the Deed of Trust for failure to p us lowing amounts now in arrears and/or oth to Amount due to reinstate as of 12/05/201 nd Payments $47,742.04 Late Charges $0.0 ult Fees & Costs $2,842.01 Total Arrearage he Trustee's Expenses (Itemization) Trus s): $384.60 Title Report $0.00 Statutor 31 $0.00 Recording Costs $0.00 Postings , 30 Costs $0.00 Total.Costs $384.60 Total An r- $50,968.65 Other known defaults as folio, ,1- sum owing on the Obligation is: Principal ng $128,379.07, together with interest as Nn the note or other instrument evidencing t A. tion from 07/01/10, and such other costs (Y are due under the Obligation, and as ar e- by statute. V. The Property will be sold to se expense of sale and the Obligation as p 31 statute. The sale will be made without repJ )th or warranty, express or implied regardin ed session, encumbrances or condition of th of on March 14, 2014. The default(s) referred ter graph III, together with any subsequent of late charges, advances costs and fees on due, must be cured by 03/03/14 (11 days ed sale date), to cause a discontinuance of th )s- sale will be discontinued and terminated if he before 03/03/14 (11 days before the sale )e- default(s) as set forth in paragraph III, to! t a any subsequent payments, late charges, ny costs and fees thereafter due, is/are cun ill Trustee's fees and costs are paid. The sz by, terminated any time after 03/03/14 (11 d in the sale date), and before the sale by th( he Grantor, any Guarantor or the holder of an an junior lien or encumbrance paying the enti ey of principal and interest secured by the De ;W plus costs, fees, and advances, if any mac ;ult to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed o :he curing all other defaults. VI. A written notic, )R was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Tru is Borrower and Grantor at the following a )th NAME AND ADDRESS Deborah Ann I Jer fka Deborah A. Rueda 1011 Bayview Av, an ton, WA 98584-2635 Unknown Spouse ; ,'u- mestic Partner of Deborah Ann McC w- Deborah A. Rueda 1011 Bayview Aven )c- WA 98584-2635 by both first class and ce ,=d- return receipt requested on 10/18/13, pro ed is in the possession of the Trustee; and o ith Grantor and Borrower were personally 0. said written notice of default or the writte at default was posted on a conspicuous pl; by real property described in paragraph I abo at Trustee has possession of proof of such '.1o- posting. VII. The Trustee, whose name a= ,=d: are set forth below, will provide in writing :ed requesting it a statement of all costs a 07 fees due at any time prior to the sale. S# fect of the sale will be to deprive the Gra those who hold by, through or under the G their interest in the Property. IX. Anyone objection to the sale on any grounds wha be afforded an opportunity to be heard ist- objections if they bring a lawsuit to restr as pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to b N1 lawsuit may result in a waiver of any prop rho for invalidating the Trustee's sale. X. N a- OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS - The purch 56 Trustee's Sale is entitled to possession ¢ _e- erty on the 20th day following the sale, ¢40 the Grantor under the Deed of Trust (the, =ed anyone having an interest junior to the De 14, including occupants who are not tenant= /la- 20th day following the sale the purchas :ler right to evict occupants who are not tenar the mary proceedings under Chapter 59.12 im- tenant-occupied property, the purchaser Ihe vide a tenant with written notice in accor Ihe RCW 61.24.060. The trustee's rules of a ted be accessed at www.northwesttrustee.c¢ on: incorporated by this reference. You may lie- sale status at www.northwesttrustee.corr me EFFECTIVE: sh- Date Executed: Northwest Trustee Set ue Trustee Authorized Signature P.O. BOX 99 ain WA 98009-0997 Contact: Kathy Taggart 06, 1900. (TS# 7236.24303) 1002.258855-Fil 3N 6869 February 13, March 6 2t gh, rate pmp- ington, as n" in favor ns, Inc. as :. It's Suc- beneficial = America, me Loans oans Ser- c. to U.S. trust on Jer an As- led under }1 ID num- provided s and are ;upersede ed herein. ary of the sfaction of Grantor's ecured by lieges de- ]y the fol- r defaults: 3 Monthly ) Lender's 50,564.05 :ee's Fee Mailings 0.00 Sale ount Due: vs: IV. The 3alance of rovided in e Obliga- nd fees as provided satisfy the 'ovided by ssentation title, pus- ,= Property to in pare- payments, thereafter before the sale. The it any time date), the lether with advances, d and the le may be ys before Borrower, € recorded re balance ,=d of Trust, pursuant • 'Trust, and of default ;tee to the Idress(es): IcCullaugh :nue Shel- rod/or Do- Ilaugh fka Shelton, tiffed mail, )f of which 10/19/13 ,=rved with notice of ice on the re, and the service or id address to anyone 1 trustee's III. The ef- =tor and all antor of all aving any soever will LS to those in the sale ing such a ,=r grounds 3TICE TO ser at the f the prop- as against wner) and ,=d of Trust, ,. After the r has the ts by sum- RCW. For shall pro- :lance with ction may m and are Iso access and www. 12/05/2013 ,ices, Inc., 7 Bellevue, (425) 586- No.