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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 13, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 13, 2020
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Page A—6 Shelton-Mason County Journal; Thursday, Feb. 13, 2020 POWERED BY STREAMING TV HD INCLUDED - NO CONTRACTS Featuring all your favorite "programming: The Shelton—Mason County Journal published its first issue in 1886. Subscribers last year received more . than 2,500 pages of local news. '1 We reach more» a } than 21,000 readers each .. Week Want to learn more? Call 360-426-4412 to subscribe SHELTON-MASON COUNTY / V l J O u r n I neighborhood newspaper LETTERS cont. from page A—5 Infantile actions by Dems during State of Union Editor, the Journal Never in my life have I heard such a great pro-American State of the Union speech, and never in my life have I seen such an idiotic display of infantile, disrespectful pouting on the left. The Dems must have worked extremely hard to form anger-faces, then got huge injections of Botox wherein even high points-of biparti- san successes did not vary their Zom— bie mugs of hatred. Land of the dead, the left side of the aisle, dressed in their whites of protest, scowling at even issues they themselves embrace, their oath of group hatred for this president would have been laughable had it not been so disgraceful. Pelosi sucking her teeth, scowling for every standing ovation, and the Dems Velcroed to their seats, proved the single-minded- ness of petulant children. Oh, there will be hews and cries that every “T” wasn’t crossed and every ”I” wasn’t dotted in facts, and much said about not shaking the hand of the woman who said she has “wanted to impeach him for 21/2 years” and lying about holding an impeach- ment hearing only if it is bipartisan, r but you could not deny the dedicated spirit of a president who loves and is fighting for America. ' If Dems don’t like the president, at ' least they should have the maturity to respect the office they hold and the historical event of a State of the Union tradition. At the culmination of an optimistic outpouring from our president, the Speaker of the House Pelosi disgraced herself and her of- fice by standing behind the president, taking her copy of his speech, making a very visual point ripping page by page. Three and a half years of hatred for this man is like a cancer spreading throughout our country that derails any partisan success for the American people. _ . I have never been so ashamed of the infantile actions of half this legis- lative body of our government. Do you really want people like this to gov- ern our country? I pray to God this honor will not befall the Democrat Party until they all respect theroffice they hold and work for the American people and with the sitting president. ' God bless America; she needs it. Katie Groves Shelton R-oundabouts make hospital tough to locate Editor, the Journal Recently, and unfortunately, I had the exasperating experience of trying to find the hospital in Gig Harbor to visit my wife who was in the hospital. Before leaving home in Grapeview, I set my GPS entering the address. The GPS urged me to exit the freeway at the first exit after entering the free- way from Purdy. At that exit there was a large blue sign with a large “H.” “Aha,” I thought this will be easy. Wrong. My GPS tried to guide me as I entered the first of three roundabouts ‘I would encounter. Since there were no more blue hospitalsigns, I was now totally dependent upon my GPS - unit. I apparently missed one ap- propriate exit from the circle, so GPS took me down to the waterfront and back. About this time the GPS lady went into a deep pout and refused to communicate with me. She eventually got over it and led me to the round- abouts again. She shot me out of my sixth roundabout of the trip onto a road that took me to the hospital, which is well hidden in the woods north of Gig Harbor. My question, if you are going to build a hospital where nobody can find it and then complicate the process further by installing three roundabouts between the freeway and the hospital, why not install blue hospital signs at every juncture along the way? Fortunately, no emergency was involved or I would have been a goner. Stan Walster Grapeview County support of League of Women Voters appreciated Editor, the Journal Thank you to the Mason County Board of County Commissioners for its support for the League of Women Voters of Mason County by passing this proclamation to recognize women leadership in Mason County. Proclamation to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the League of Women Voters: , WHEREAS, on February.14, 1920, the League of Women Voters was formed and incorporated in Washing- ton, D.C., in anticipation of the ratifi- cation of the ‘19th Amendment of the United States Constitution prohibit- ing the states and the federal govern- ment from denying the right to vote to citizens of the United States on the basis of sex; ‘ WHEREAS, the League was de- signed to help millions of women carry out their new responsibilities as voters by educating them about issues; WHEREAS, the League is a civic organization thatvhas fought since 1920 to improve government, and from the beginning has been nonpartisan, neither supporting norpppos‘ing any political party or individual candidate, and continues today as a nonpartisan political or- ganization; ‘ . WHEREAS, the League supports a vision of a democracy in which ev- eryone has the desire, the right, the knowledge, and the confidence to par- ticipate; WHEREAS, the League encourages informed and active involvement in government, works to increase under- standing of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy; and WHEREAS, League members, at all levels, support our democracy‘ through volunteering thousands of hours registering voters and educat- ing the public in a variety of methods and languages; . WHEREAS, the League will cel- ebrate its 100th anniversary on Feb- ruary 14, 2020; ' Centennial of the League of Women Voters ’in Mason‘County, Washington, and I urge all people in our county to join me in this special observance. Dated this 4th day of February, 2020 Cynthia Shotts President, League of Women Voters of Mason County ‘ Shelton i see LETTERS, page A-7