February 14, 1939 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 14, 1939 |
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]Y, February 1.1, 1939.
, , ........................... . ..... ....... :: ..................... -'7 ................................ - ........ ,, " ....................................... | ,,, " ............ : ........ "-*
t i • I,I, , ,,, I t t I ] t Ill I
elfiL (V(00S A large group of members of
St. David's Guild and Auxiliary
gathered at the' home of Mrs.
Earl Johnson last Thursday af-
ternoon for a 1 o'clock luncheon
and regular meeting. Assisting
hostesses for the occasion were
Mrs. Wilmot Ramscy and Mrs.
'C. J. Vincent.
The speaker for the afternoon
was Mrs. A. S. Reed who gave
a splendid report of the recent
Seattle diocesean convention.
Mrs. A. E. McLaughlin 1 Mrs. G'lenn Edgely will be hos-
and Mrs. H. D. Graham i tess to the semi-monthly meet-
guests over the past ing of the Actlvettes at her
Mr. and Mrs. George lh0-me Wednesday evening at 6:30.
Bremerton. After a light luncheon the bust-
------ ness meeting will be held.
Mrs. Leo Martin an- TELLS OF TRIP
evening with a Miss Dora Fredson was hos-
party at their home tess on Monday evening for the
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. regular meeting of Chapter B,-
and Mrs. Lawrence P.E.O.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lewis, Guest speaker of the club for
and Mrs. Lantz Wiss the evening was Mrs. H. K. Ben-
son of Seattle who gave a travel-
ogue of her trip to Finland.
P.-T. A
meeting of t h e
A. will be he.ld on
afternoon at the Lin-
beginning at 3:30 o'-
Day program and
will be features of
Members of the
Women's Chorus will be
to render several selec-
Aty Funeral Designs)
or 112-W 222 S. 10th
"lust a salve" to
takes a "counter-
d old soothing, warm-
penetrata the surface
'quickly relievethe pain ful
and aches due to colds.
soreness and stiff-
has been used by
Years. Recommended by
nurses. In three
Children's (mild)
40#, All druggists,
Members of the Double-H Club ham, Mrytle Hopland, Mary Tay-
will be guests at a 1:30 dessert lor,' Marjorie Robertson, Kitty
luncheon Wednesday afternoon at lMcCann and the honor guest
the home of Mrs. Bill Dickie. Or- Juanita Miller..
dinarily the club meets on Thurs .........
days but the day has been chang- wxm,,ma'tr ON
ed to Wednesday this week be-[FR;IAA:F:rERNOON
cause of the St. David's Guild card ..... ,
• ,. .. . .- . ..... 1 lwrs. James mtlnus a.n J Mrs.
patty at AIQczDrooK znn tnls William A. lcKenzie were joint
Thursday. t hostesses at a hmcheon and af-
The Middle Skokomish Grange
is sponsoring another Chinese
checker party on Friday, Febru-
ary 17 at 8 o'clock at the Middle
Skokomish Orange Hall.
Chinese noodles will be served
and the public is cordially invited
to attend.
The Frances Willard luncheon
will be given at the Methodist
Church on Friday afternoon at
1 o'clock.
A review of the life of Francis
Willard will be given by Mrs.
Robert C. Johnson. Chairman of
the luncheon committee is Mrs.
W. A. Witsiers.
Members of the Eagles and
Auxiliary held a social evening
on Monday following their reg-
ular business meetings at the
Odd Fellows Hall.
Cards were in play after which
a potluck luncheon was served.
Prizes were awarded to Mrs.
Audrey Austin and Harvey
Mrs. A. Y. Bennett will enter-
tain at her home at 325 North
5th on Thursday afternoon with
a Silver tea from 1 until 5 o'clock.
Assisting hostesses will he Mrs.
Frank Swanson and Mrs. William
Funds from the tea will tm
used for the 'Baptist Church
Building fuhd, The public is
cordially invited to attend,
Don't forget the P.-T. A. Found-
ers Day program at the Agate,
school Friday, February 17, at l
There will be cards and other
games for the grownups w i t h
special entertainment for t h e
children. Cafeteria supper will
be served.
Mrs. C. J. Vincent entertained
There is very much enthusiasm.
as the new Jmlior Wi)m(:ns C,uh
gets under way. Tile last meet-
ing was held at the home of Mrs.
Clarence Rhine who.re lovely
cakes and coffee we.re served
The meeting was taken up most-
ly in discussion of fine arts mul
a committee was appointcd to
write up a constitution cons|st-
ing of Mrs. Gordon Russell, Mrs.
Harry McGoughy and Mrs. (;l&r-
enee Sowers. T h o s e pres-
...... ent were. Mrs. Ethel Yohn,
DINNER PARTY Mrs Gordon Russell. Mrs Chas.
HONORS BIRTHDAY Reed, Mrs. Clarence Sowers. Mrs.
Mrs. H. E. Miller entertained Cleave Robinson. Mrs. Amy Me-
at her home on Angleside last Goughy md hostess. Mrs. Clar-
Friday with a 6:30 dinner palty ence Rhines. Visitors inchtded:
honoring the 16th birthday of her Mrs. Grace tlu:m. Mrs. E Gard-
daughter Juanita.
net" and Miss Mihlre(l Nehring.
I The table was cleverly decorat- The nexl meeti:g will be held
ed for the occasion in the valen-, on Thursday, February 16 at the
tinc motif. Following the dill- home of Mrs. Gordon Russell. 632
ner the girls attended the bas- Bellevue St.. where Mrs. Clarence
ket, ball games. Sowers will asist in entertaininv.
Those present for thc affair, All cha:'tc, and p:'cspective mere-
were the Misses Janet Neucn- berc are urgcd to attend.
schwander, Ruth Hillier, Jo Need-
ternoon of bridge given last Fri-
day at the home of Mrs. Amunds.
The large table for the 1 o'-
clock luncheon was centered with
a large bouquet of red tulips,
while valentine favors adorned
the smaller ones.
There were four tables of Cards
in play during the afternoon and
honors were won by Mrs. George
Durkee, Mrs. Maurice Kinsey and
Mrs. John Bennett.
Reservations for the St. David's
Guild annual card party to be
held on Thursday afternoon at
AIderbrook Inn are now coming
in rapidly.
The party will begin with a
12:30 luncheon following which
contract, Chinese checkers a n d
500 will be in play.
Those wishing to make reser-
vations shoul4 do so not later
than Wednesday evening. Reser-
vations may be made with Mrs.
C. J. Vincent, Mrs. George Le-
Compte, Mrs. Joe Stewart, or
Mrs. M. C. Zintheo.
Mrs. Letha Spaulding was the
guest of honor at a surprise birth-
day party given in her honor last
Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Spaulding was presented
with many lovely cards, handker-
chiefs, and a wall motto from the
group. The afternoon was spent
visiting and with music.
Those gathering for the after-
noon were the Mesdames Mag-
gie. hor(er,, Sarah .... Maxahall,
JaCk Brown, W. R. Collier, L.
Wiley, J. L. Dotson, J. O. Bovee,
James Frew, Jerry Valley, Len
Weston, Agnes Hansen, J a m e s
Sullivan, Helen Forrest and the
honor guest. Delicious refresh-
ments were served during the
Mrs. C. B. Mitchell entertained
at her home last Saturday with
a 1 o'clock luncheon and party
honoring the ones who assisted
at the recent installation of of-
fleers for the Degree of Honor.
The table was beautifully dec-
orated in the valentine motif, and
Selah Cluh Daugllters lff the
Nile ga.thered last Friday afte'.'-
uoon ;, the home of Mrs. Guy
Allison on lh)od Canal fm a.
12:30 luncheon qnd regular meet-
ling. Assisting llos'ess was Mrs
G{ly Garfield. ]
/ short business meeting and]
election of off leers followqd the I
,luncheon. Those chosen to head l
thc club for the comnlg year
were Mrs. Dan Lind. president:.
Mrs. Guy Garfield, vice president;
Mrs. James Pauley, secretary-
treasurer. ]
The next meeting of the club
will be held in Tacoma at the
home of Mrs. Ila Campbell. As-
sisting hostess will be Mrs. Alsia
Fry, queen of Zorn Temple.
Mrs. Fry was hostess today at:
a Queen's luncheon in Tacoma..
Attending the affair from this
vicinity were Mrs. Frank Chap-
man of Hoodsport, who is one
of the queen's ladies in waiting,
and Mrs. John Rottle. who is
retiring president of Selah Club.
The Lake Isabella Club met at
the home of Mrs. May Burgess
Wednesday, February 8th. A
potluck dinner was served. Two
new members were added to the
roll, Mrs. Ann Lanier and Mrs.
Edna Johnson.
The next regular club meeting
will be held at the home of Mrs. I
Edna Johnson at Maple Beach on I
Lake Isabella, Wednesday, Feb-1
ruary 22. Potluck dinner will
be served.
A card party was held Thurs-i
day evening, February 9th at the i
home of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert I
Wolfe, sponsored by the Lake ]
Isabella Club. The evening was I
spent playing pinochle and 500.
Prizes were won by Mrs. May
Burgess and C. H. Bassett in
pinochle, and in 500 were won
by Mrs. Ads Bassett and,, .Mrm I
Comfy. A luncheon was. ervod,,
to finish the evening.
A card party will be held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John-
son at Maple Beach February 13.
The evemng will be spent' play-
ing cards and a luncheon, ,Will
be served. The public is invited,
Prizes will be given the win-
Tides of the Week j
BY U.S. Dept. of ('ommeie |
Wed. High 5:29 a.m. 13.9 ft.
Feb. 15 Low 10:53a.m. 6.8 ft.
High 3:44 p.m. 12.5 ft.
Auto-Skiing Brings Snow Queen to Throne
In Michigan, the motor state, it is only fitting that a Winter Queen and her
Court should arrive--not in a coach of state--but via Chevrolet-powered
skljoring. Miss Janus May Leeks (cents), of Grand Rapids, was chosen
Queen of the great Winter Carnival at Petoskcy, and decided that modern ki-
- - behind a car was the proper way to approach the ice throne.
Girl Scouts Observe International Me n th During
February, Symbolizi,ng World Friendship;
Luncheon Is Held
Many people believe you can't ful Girl Scout luncheon given on
change the world. Monday to honor Girl Scout lead-
Girl Scouts believe you canif ers of the Shelton troops. Host-
you're persistent about it. esses for the luncheon were mere-
Twenty-seven years ago when bcrs of the Girl Scout Council.
Cls • S
Chewolet 00ale,
Show Big Boost
(ontinuirw the adwmce that has
Jh'cI1 Itt)l,U'w]l eVCt' Silk(:() bltl'tldtlC-
1,ion of its new 1939 models Chev-
roh.t sold 51.966 new c:trs und
trucks at retail in .hnuary, %¥. E,
HIllh"'+ ". g'ellll'itJ sales maltager, al£-
nouneed liCIT to(hty, This conl-
p'tres with 39 469 units ill January
193g, a.w.I is q!/ illcrcase of IU, -
566 u,lit: (w 31.7 per cent.
Iu the till.ill(' lIIOllth. Mr. lloller
a.nllolnc'ed. Cllevrolet dep.lers sold
11,t,375 used cttrs, or £,925 more
than in .l[tlltttry 1938 Comblned
IIC\\;V and lined c;ir sahs for the
mnnth were t6,,i,341 units, q re com-
pared with 144,919 a yelr al,.
For the t)ast thrt, e nil)hills. Mr.
Holler el)it|ted full t|mre h{ls been
a sto:,dy rise m tim monthly per-
Cell(ago of il.('l'etlse ovel' sitles J'or
correspond(ha periods in the 1938
model ye,,tr. Il Novenlbor, the ad-
v,.!nce Was :+liglltly more than (1
per cent: in Decenlber it was 25.,t
per cent aud ill January, at.7 per
Gen(,r,tly imt)rcvcd b u s i n e s s
con<litio.+::L plus the l)ttbliCs en-
thu,dasm ov(,r the 1939 Chevrolet.
featurillg ll(!v/ type Rne(, action
and the PxehlsiVO v;lcllunl l'o:lr-
is credited v'ith the :.;ilarp upturn,
Mr. iq(tIler said. '"lilt heavy wll-
lime of used c:trs." lie uhlcd. "'is
especially gr:ttifyin g It shows
that in spite of the irlc.l'cased new
car business, this end of the deal-
, ers' opera.lion is un(ter complete
control, so that dealers are in
splemlid position to move new ear++
and trucks "
[:IhlttV +t()I'KINS won't need
• to Ivl)rr.v ; l)()t the cold
,wmll The Scnalc ',,viii make it
hot for him
Twenty thou;llld yotlths are
to be taught to tly n colleges as
part of the defense -[n'(grarn,
lhe,'ebv brinein government
[ approval to high flvi/l' at college.
Djibouti whine the next war
scare lhllealens, stou[(t belong to
any country that will shorten
the name and mare it easy to
It It
A New York debutante dranl¢
milk at nor coming-out t)arty,
proving lhal some Imoplc will do
about anything lo make news.
L:u'gest Spanish ;0eaking City
t]tl(q'l/tS Airea. Ar;wuuna, s a city
of exuberunt wealth ;lud extrava-
.pganee. It is I/lc larp, Psl eily soulh
of the eqilator and lhe largest Span-
ish-.,',peakilg city m the mrld. One-
fifih of lho l')e<ph of Arg(:ntlna live
i Buenos Aires.
shift with :-;L(cring column eolltrol. -- .............................................
t. IV¢'ll
The fu tl: raised from this
;:Olli{'." ",';ill 1)e used to finance a
"campernhi:," for one outstanding
girl fro ,. ¢."eh troop.
Tic;(e+': ;),'e available from Mrs
A. E. Kl',s,;.l. ticket chairman, or
anv member of the coune, il.
In addition to this meelblg oth-
er activities arv being held in Shel-
ton to celebrate international Otrl
Scout nlonth, which is February.
At the P,I)rdcaux P.-T. A. meeL-
ing last week Troop No. Five, un-
(let' the leadership of Miss Helen
Juliettc Low brought Girl Scout- Leaders were highly praised for IOttini , exhibited scrapbooks made
htg to the United States it was their diligent and utiring efforts I for little patients at the Oakhurst
her "dream that this recreational in assisting with "the new program Scnitarium at lglma: also hand-
mo,ement would foster friendship and were each preented with a made apro:s presented to their
antong the world's yoith, corsage. The honeyed guests were mothers for Christntas gifts a
"A Girl Scout is a friend to Mrs. C. J. Vincent. Mrs. Purl Jem-tshining example of how the virls
all," she said. Girl Scouts' hus- ison. Mrs. Wilmot Rvmsey, Mrs. are progressing througi scout in-
icst activity is making' friends, D. M. Willey, Mrs. erie Gonter £1uenee.
particularly international friends, and Miss Helen Ottini. Troops Two and Three will have
They correspond with s iste r After the luncheon a sho*t busi- a display this week at the. West
Scouts all over the world. Their hess meeting was held at which Coast Power Company, of their
program includes projects con- time Mrs. Hamilton announced a recent activities which will be in-
earned with customs and traditions completion of ,plans for t series terestlng to see.
of other lands the better to under- of four book talks to be given by ........................
stand these friends. , ' Mrs. Helen Gould. under the au-
February has been set aside hy spices of the Girl Scout Council. THIS OYSTER MUST
them es International Month These talks when given in Shelton HAVE BEEN DIZZY
when celebrations of international last year were so thoroughly an-
aspect are held in many local corn- joyed and so many requests were ............
munittes, received for a reLurn engagement Beaufort. N. C.. leeb. 11..-Page
Most important of Girl Scout in- for Mrs. Gould that the council that fellow who said an oysl.er (lid
ternational friendship activities is is happy to present her again tO n°t lead an active life.
:htl personal friendship with girls I Shblt0fi audiences. D/'. lterbert F'. PryLhcrem. di-
rector of tle [l. S. Fisheries sta-
of other lands made possible thru The date of the first book re- tion here, found a six-month-old
the Juliette Low Memorial Fund, view will be Monday, February 27 oyster attached to a. salt water
created in 1927.
In 1930 the first interclaange of at 2 p. m. in the county court- pump propeller which nlade 1,7500
Scouts and Guides .began be- room. This talk will be followed revolutions a minute. He said hc
twoen Canada and the United by another on Monday, March 13 was convinced the oyster grew M.0.. ,,%o Smm
and every two weeks until the there from a microscopic seeding.
States. four rewews are completed.
Two years later, the ,cope of Announcements of the books to ..................................................,'aun +.+- .+nr" Cleaner
Girl Scout international friend-be reviewed will appear in this What i, the Soviet? The Sov-
ship grew when Mrs. James J. PHONE 88 1
Storrow, of Boston, presented a newspaper previous to each talk, let is what the middle clas.ms call o ........... .*-,..
their napkin
Chalet at Adelboden, Switzerland, . ........ .-- ......................................................
to the World Association of Girl
Guides• and Girl Scouts. Trans-
portation of Girl Scouts from all
over the world to this internation-
al community, house became the
ft/nd's" chief function.
For an invitation to represent
N 0 T I C E
Ammal Meeting of All
" 1
Mason County
Creamery Ass'n.
• 1LJ 1),
Menmrial Building
Meeting will be convened
promptly at 10 a. m.
I . II I
Jackets. sweaters, blankets,'
suits, drapes, upholstery
anything is cleaned expert-
ly,, quickly and cheaply.
Look around your home
and wardrobes; Collect and
send to us!
Evsrythtnq Cleaned That Can
Be Cleaned
are Agents for.
BUrning, Low Ash,
Hig h Heat
gh Heat. Ideal for
or Range
Sand and Gravel
Phone 32
West of Junior High
for a group of girls at her home
last Sunday afternoon from 2 un-
til 4 o'clock in honor of the
seventh birthday of her daughter
Ruth Joan.
A large group of red balloons
and other decorations carried out
the valentine motif. Dainty re-
freshments including a lovely
birthday cake were served dur-
ing the afternoon, after the
group had played various games.
Those enjoying the pleasant af-
ternoon were Margaret Meyer,
Maxine LeDrew, Artaiee Bennett,
Barbara Groshong, Anna L o u
Elltott and the honor guest Ruth
Joan Vincent.
The card party given at thc
home of Mrs. Bertha Grisdale on
Monday evening by members of
the Business and Professional Wo-
men was reported as very suc-
There were ten tables of cards
and Chinese checkers in play
during the evening with honors
in contract being won by Charles
Afdem and Mrs. Laura Plumb,
while wfnners at Chinese check-
ers were Warren Lincoln and
'Mrs. Wiiliam Waddell. [
• Funds derived from the party
will be used to purchase a mem-
bership in the international fed-
eration of Business and Profes-
sional Women's c)ubs.
Chairmen for the party were
Mrs. Ethel Flatner, Mrs. Lydia
Tower and Mrs. E. F. Martin.
.qght should be routed via Str. CapitoI, Ferry*Dock.
ght via Sir. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Doc,
No. 2
Time Schedule as follows:
Leaves Tacoma daily, except Sunday, at 5 p.m. for
Olympia and Shelton
Arrlves Shelton daily, except Sunday
favors were in the form of hahd-
kerchief corsages. Various games
were played following the lunch,
eo with honors being won " by
Maribell White, Anita Corteau,
Betty Hall and Mrs. Vivian Mor-
Those present at the party were
Maribelle White, Vivian Blngham,
Betty Watson, Myrtle Flint, Mar-
jorie Keyser, "Anita. Courteau,
Phyllis Noblett, Martha Emerson,
Betty Hall, Rule Ashbaugh, June
Jordan, Mrs. Ahna White, Mrs,
Vivian Morgan and the hostess,
Mrs. Mitchell.
For the benefit of those mem-
bers wishing to attend the card
party being given by St. Davids
Guild of Shelton at Alderbrook
Inn on Thursday, February 16th,
the date of the next meeting of
the Hood Canal Women's Club
has been set over one day to
Friday, February 17th, at which
time the club will be hosts to the
Skokomish Gardeu Club. A busi-
ness meeting is called for 11 a:.
m.. followed by a hostess lunch-
eon served by Mesdames Boone,
C ar p e r, Vail, Johnston, and
The afternoon will be given
over to Mrs. Jean Todd Frcdson
who will speak on "Northwest
Members please bear in mind
the magazine exchange ia estab-
lished and several late copies of
standard magazines are on hand.
Members of the Home Guards
met at the home of Mrs. D. R.
Pittenger on Saturday withnine-
teen members present.
The afternooa's devotions were
led by Florence Fentiman. The
topic for the afternoon was on
Junior Citizenship. The story
of Frances Wlllard as a little
girl was also reviewed and a
quizz conducted by Jane McKay.
A valentine and handkerchief
shower hondring Mrs. Horace
Cram], a sponsor of the organiza-
tion was , also held, Varlous
games were played, followed by
the serving of dainty refresh-
ments by the hostess, Anna Lou
Elliott, which carried out the
valentine motif.
A guest of the group for the
afternoon was Mrs. Alfred K.III.
Low 10:48 p.m, - 0.4 ft.
Beavers Pay for Laziness
Not all beavers are industrious.
but the lazy ones )ay a severe
penalty for their idleness. They are
driven from their home settlement
and sometimes parts of their tails
are cut off to mark titem. These
outcasts always are males.
her country at the Chalet, a girl
I must be seventeen or over, must
have been Scouting three years,
nd must be known for her loyal-
ty to Scouting ideals.
The homo of Mrs. Hugh Hamil-
ton was the setting for a delight-
Texas Foursome in IIeadline Debut
Through a window at St. Mary's Infirmary, Galveston, Texas, a
rmrse looks at the Badgett qtiadruplets--Joan, Joyee, Jeanette, and
Geraldine. Aggregate weight of the four girls at birth: 26 pounds,
2½ ounces. Multiple births.ruh in the families of the 36-year-old
mother and the 3rvye,r-nld father, a ('on,true(inn foremnn.
• . . .and again in 1939
people everywhere are saying,
"CHWR0££V$ TIt£ CHOE£!"
Chevrolet outsdls all others because (:hey.
rolet out.values all others! That's the
verdict of discerning buyers in all paris -f
the country, and it will be your verdivl,
too, when you weigh the many extra.due
features Chevrolet is offering. Modern
features--important features--exclusive
features like Vacuum Gcarshih*, Valve-
in-Head Engine, New "Observation Car"
Visibility, Perfected Knee-Action Riding
System?, and Tiptoe-Matic Clutch--fea-
tures available nowhere else at such
extremely l,w prices! Only (.hevroltl
gives so much fi)r s,) little, an(l lhat is wl, y
-- Chevrolet s the Choit'e!"
n -
Shelto Washington
P,V . ........... ....... r:- :+':