February 14, 1939 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 14, 1939 |
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LAUNDRY FIVE ALL anot00o00 ooo-
gar near the Staircase last Tues-
BUT C|N00 mY Holmes gave us a pmce of
the meat. Cougar resembles
pork so much the average Jew
BMTBhLL FLG won't eat their meat.
Bob Moffltt of Lilliwaup, one
of Phoenix rigging men, has a
Two Overtim[--Battlea Provl4e new son. At Main of Potlatch a
Excitement In Saturday Eve new son. Mr. Main, a cat doctor
Casaba Program 1or the Phoenix Logging Co. Pete
Hollman, the push at camp one
CITY BASKETBALL oJ: the Phoenix company is also
Points the proud father of a boy. The
W. L, For Agst, mrents of all those boys are
M. I.Aumdry ._5 0 138 105 young and industrious, and if
L. M ................ 3 2 131 lll the boys don't do as well as a
McCleary $ 2 185 109 boy m: granddad often spoke
l]apllut:a ..... ....2 3 125 150 ot who was born about this time
Rayoner ......... l 4 185 of the year, we will blame the
M[?onKey, ..... 1 4 116 185 parents and not the boys.
Saarday's Results. About this time of the year
Baptists 30, ttayonicr 29 (yer- school children neglect t h e i r
time), books, as they have nothing to
McCh'ary 24, McConkey 22 look forward to, as they do be-
(overtime). fore Christmas. We can recall
Masoz Laundry 22, L. M. 19. a little story Granddad often told
Gangs Wednemlay about this time of the year: Ap-
Baptists-McConkey, 9:30. parently, it had no effect on any
L. M.-Rayomev, 10:30. of his grandchildren, so we will
(lamL Saturday pass it on. It might help some
B.yoaier-McConkey, 6. othez grandchild who thinks he
L. M..Baptlsts, 7. hasn't the chance his richer
McCleary-Laundry, 8. schoolmate has. Granddad often
Another eveniffg of thrills for said. Well bub, wtxen we and
city basketball league fans Sat- your Granny was just married
we had a circuit rider that came
urday night resulte0 in two over-
txme games and dason Lamxdry to our house once a month and
all but homting the second half preached. He rode a hess some-
pennant over its bencll as the times and sometimes a mule.
esult of the.* Suds fifth straight Churches was scarce them days.
victory. . His circuit kivered ni onto
McCleary Timber stole one eifhty miles in Southern Illinois.
from McConkey Pharaacy in S°metimes he crossed the Wabash
the second fracas of the triple!river and married a couple, or
bill which the railbxrds figured' preached a funeral in Indiana, and
thu pharmacists had stored away l rep°rted news for small tuwn
in the duffle bag. Trailing by newspapers. I recollect on[: night
i:uur points with a minute to go, he rode up to the gate. It was
Glen Carlson and Mel Morgan ni onto midnight. He shouted
topped in baskets to tie the count and woke us up and your Gran-
at 22-all, then in the last five ny got up and fed him.
secon(m of the overtime Bill And he was a tellin' us the
quarter, the Highclimhers had
built up a 16 to 2 lead over the
Bobcats with Taylor engineering
an offense that was cracking
through Aberdeen's defense con-
sistently. Taylor scored eight ot
those 16 tallies. But at that
point Taylor twisted his ankle
and the slim star was forced out
of the game for a few disastrous
moments while his damaged Joint
was reinforced with tape.
Like Breaking A Rope
Sehirmer spilled the winning news. He married several cou-
counter through, pies, preached several funerals,
The evening curtaln-raiser like- had four coon hides and a mighty
wise went into extra distance with fine looking hound dog. And Clssi
Harvey Adams converting a foul I Brother Gray. Do yuu recollect
shot in the added period to give old Tom Lincoln? Well, I list
the Baptists a 30 to 29 edge over about forgot that. He's got an- u " t " I place I've ever heard of whe pairs for a few costly minutes
cayomer. other boy. And Brother Gray D_rino that xmerlm the Bob- .
Mason Laundry took a two- he named his boy from the Bible. cats took advantage of the dis- ] they give you three games tor to the Highelimbers, then finally
- a dime like the city leaguers
game jura I) on the field by throw- And less see, what wuz it. Well, organized Highclimbers to re)eel . . . . . Sammy Elway, Aberdeen guard,
ing back the L. M. challenge, 22ii'I1 be colfound, if I don't believe out in front, 18 to 16, before Tay-! are ¢nrmng out on asuraay severely wrenching his already
to 19, in a raggedly-played, but i it,was Abraham. __ lor could be hurried back into the] nighfi% or two on Wtedneays, weakened azlkle in the last quar-
close finale to te evening's play, t game. He immediately tied the he commestted, and that pro- ter . . . Elway was just recover-
The laundry crew was out in count with two free tosses but' gram Sundy with the Bed- ing from a previous ankle sprain
y Shot that "was'the last time the High. I heads p lay!ng after the S. W .... he won't be seeing a great
f,.ont, ,5 to the half and Jitter s mnepenuen$ mague game was
climbers were as much as on even] . deal of action the rest of the
that was Just too far for the I
A the h If worth every cent of the adrma
morohandiso on.it, l Cost Shelton terms with Bobcats. t a ,I ,, .... season as his injury was serious
FIRST GAME [ a few moments later, the visitors sign. as sprains go and required treat-
Hi Tilt had pushed into a 21 to 18 lead., Mr. M. cCann isn't alone in his ment at Shelton .hospital before
Bal,tlst (30) Rayonler ,,, Junior in the second half Aberdeen puzzle. or the great majority of he could return to his home in
Fto0bins .10 ...... lV ....... Bednaxski 4 I Over-anxiousne---on setup shots
I)cffinbaugil 8 F ........ Cloutier 13] flashed the best looking offense the city league players..nave Aberdeen.
• , it has exhibited against Shelton been somewnat msappomea at Most of the Highclimber first
1. Adams 2 .... (7 .............. Binghamtcost Shelt6n Junior high a de-]i +he -* two ,,ears and moved Ithe lack of interest in their per-t string trekked to Seattle in a
Gibson 2 ........ O ....... Burgoyne 6 • ' '
Dniels 4 ........ O ............. Weeks 51 served victory over Chehalis Sat-lout to °o 23 ead at the third I f°rmances • • • they've consist-Igroup Saturday to see the "big
Subs: Baptists---H, Adams 4.1 urday 18 to 15, at Chehalis. Iuarter After that it was just ]ently dished up cruse oall gamesleaguers" play basketball and they
a ouestion of how biw the mar- ]this season--how about those two}really saw some high class court
Rayonier---Sharp 1, Cormter. Shelton used a fast break that l u
• SFK:OND GAME i shook its forwards loose for [ ril would be " Iovertime affairs last Saturday[cantering as Washington won
McCleary (24) MeConkeys (22) en°ugh cripple shots to have dew-I"- ne|ton--"f ezense':" .... ttaggca with the third game being, de-[over Washington State, 41 to 32
Hamilton 3 ..F ............. Flint 4 bled their score, but the kids ............. cided by only three points--andS.., but it was a blond sopt-
neitons oense cncae weu t- "ass o .........
Mary Morgan' F ......... Russell 1' couldn't cash in on their oppor- enough, although the scoring bur, ....... ne c paw m precw goes, 0more midget, Bud Olson, of
tunities. . .... , . .. oo . me nours are rote for
sen wa air on Taymr s snoumers. Wednesd-'s nine" oe - W,S,C. who stole the individual
Carlson 3 ........ C ........ Rolxer.ts ' 61 Shelton whipped Chehalis, 19 to He had 17 for the game's b e s t which u,m ,.,;," ,-''t.' Sh0W . . . the Hlghclirnbers came
Lambert 4 . G .. " ..... Hanson
li• Cooper 1 ..G ...... G. Cooper 41 13' at Shelton two weeks ago. individual total • George Smith ..................... t -an rut Saturda ......... _ home raving about his work.
Subs" McCleary--Schirmer 6, In the preliminary contest Che ........ covere(l Bill a¢¢son" ..... line a rug ena co ...... u , y snoula --'=-- .......
• l halis also wound up on the heavy ............ see more ,ans m me sanas. Vote Due On Columbia
Mel Morgan 7. McConkeys --fend of the count, 11 to 6. aurmg the lrs nal out gave There are some regaling, all
Viger 2, Buttdorff 2, Cole 3, a little too much doing it an d right . . . Mr. and Mrs. Pros Basin Irrigation Dist.
TIIIRD GAME f Although the Chehalis game
was announced last week as the
Laundry (22) L.M. (19),!I final contest for Shelton, home-
Dan Wilson .,F. ............. Wood 3 and-home games with Montesano
Logan 11 ........ F ............ Seiners 8
Tate 2 ............ C .......... Fredson 3 have been scheduled since then,
a.)une Wilson 3 G ............ Ashley I the first to be played at Shelton
next Friday afternoon.
Clark 4 ............ G .................... Holt The lineups"
Subs: Laundry ---- Deeds 2, Jor-
couldn't hold the lanky Bobcat Robbins have missed doggotm
center in the second canto.
The Highclimber seconds con-
tinued to show mprovement in
spite of a 25 to 15 defeat from
the Bobkittens.
Raymond chased Olympia right
out of the gym, 33 to 20, at Ray-
..... HOME B0wLERs IN
mend, and Montesao sprang a Cleveland--to namle a few-- are
mild upset in plucking the Elma generally on hand at least once
Eagles, 28 to 20, at Montesano in
Friday's other clashes. The line-
Sheitou FG FS FA PF TP
Taylor, f .......... 6 5 5 2 17
Levett, f .......... 11 21 43 i 55
' Smith, e ............ 2
Wilson, g .......... 2 1 0
Cormier, g ...... 0 0 2 4
Cloutier, g ...... 1 2
Harris, g ......... 0 0 0 1 0
McKay, f ........ 0 0 0 1 0
Madsen, c ....... 0 0 0 0 0
S. Armstrong,f 0 0 1 0 0
Totals 12 8 11 16 32
Aherdcn FG FS FA PF TP
dan. L. M..-- Snelgrove 4, Dick-
Chehalis (18) Sheiton (15)
Benny 7 .......... F ........ Fredson 3
Oisler 7 ......... F .............. Greenly
Plotz 1 ............ C ................ Cole 7
Dwell 3 ............ G ............ Woods 5
Fishback ..... ..G ............ Swenson
Subs: Chehalis--.Murray. Shel-
(;helm[is (11) Shelton (6)
Benny 2 .......... F .... Richardson 1
Fahcy ............. F ............. Clothier
That Prices Lake
00ribe Gets Some
Things Off Chest
By G. C. Gray
Price Lake• Feb. 13. -.- Several
)t' our local boys are numbered
among those who are eating Morgan 5 ........ C ...... Robertson 3
ugain, thanks to the fellow, or Murray ............ O ............... Ham, is
lellows who made the unemploy- Brewer ............ O ................ Itillier
merit insurance available, . .
One of our honest local ttel Subs: Shelton--Wllson 2, Me-
dealers gave a truthful 1o1 In- Guire, Young, Roessel. Chehalis
Ll 4||g| rUffYsg VICTORY! Shelton will be host for the on Sundays and at
,first time tc. directors of the places sometime during the Pteek
Nethwcst Baseball league on other than the weekends, Tobin
I February 26 at the Hotel Shel- indicated.
Sheiton Takes" Earl)" 16-9 Margiutton. it was determined Sunday The schedule would open on First Weekend Of 2nd Annual
But Falters When Taylor Is [at a directors' meeting in Ta- Easter Sunday with the possibil- Shelton CommerelalMeet 1
Forced From Game I coma. ity strong that Olympia w o u 1 d Started; Wllson's Leading
S. . PREP CO'NFERENCE Although Shelton held a fran- come here for the opener. Teams i So far, at least, the home lads
INorthern Division) chisc iu the circuit for several plan to play on a home-club-take- have all the best of it in the
Points years this will be the first time receipts basis. ] second annual Shelton Recrea-
W. L, For Agst. the directors cvcv heht a meet- In addition to the home-game i tiona 1 commercial class bowling
Hoqnla ......... 5 1 195 98 ing here. schedule for the Loggers. Tobin tournament•
Raymond .......... 5 2 225 205 Arrangements were m:de oy said he plans to bring several l at the end of the first week-
207 2Ol Frank "robin at S-nday's session, touri.g attractioxs ere duri"glen:;
Olympia ............ 4 3 221 187 The meeting will be called at 2ttlm summer.
SHELTON ....... 2 5 186 245 p. m., in the Hotel Shelton. Shelton is far from a definite one-two in the five-man; first,
Monmo ...... 2 5 157 210 After directors had thrashed entry in the N. W circuit yet as third, fourth, fifth md sixth in
Elm ................ 1 6 158 201 over their problems Sunday the the little matter of financial hack- the doubles event; and one, three.
Scores Friday Northwest League looms as a ing is still a problem in arith- tour, five in the singles.
four-team circuit for 1939 w l t h tactic that hasn't had an answer Of course there is another
Aberdeen 46, Shelton 32. Bremerton, Olympi!, Renton and]yet, although a promising start weekend to go and the majority
Raymond 33• Olympia 20. Shelton as the likely franchise lha been 'made. Tobin wants to of the teams entered in the meet
Montesano 28, Elma 20. holders. A 40-game schedule lpresent the picture to the various have yet to roll, so the visitors
Ganms Tonight i)robably will he arranged with I clubs here and if he can toss have good chances to ease into
Montesano at Aberdeen. two games slated each week. All I adjectives in the mashed potato the prize spots, especially inns-
Elms at Raymond. towns but Shelton possess lights] league like he can baseballs on much as m0t of the Shelton
Hoquiam at Olympm. for mid.week hall, so the prospect the diamond, then the problem is bowlers have had their flings.
Games Friday is that Shelton will play at home as gOod as solved, ann Dodds, Mason Laundry
Shelton {it Montesano. star, is the individual shining
Aberdeen' at Raymond , light of the meet so far, his
Ehnaat Hoqulam. ........ I .................... SU)F00INE SLANTS
For one quarte/. .rod a half divisions--568 in the five-man.
Friday night Shelton basketball ,. 583 in. the singles, and 614 in the
fans had vivid visions of t ha t ¥ mrv.v. DZCw doubles. However, he is a first
, ' place holder only in the singles.
long-sought Hlghclimbe" victory The west end ' of Lincoln gym The Wilson's Caf e quintet
over a "big three" team, but Ab- SPORTS BI-WAYS was a bad place to be going sprang the big surprise so far
erdeen's Bobcats took advantage Fans who saw both teams per- somewhere in a hurry FTiday by thumping off a rollicking 2700
of a momentary injury to Billy form here figure the All-Ameri* night . . . somehow dampness total in the five-man division to
Tayh)r and a trong second-half can Redheads could take the was deposited on the floor near perch in first place. Nolody gave
surge to shatter those dreams Chocolate Coeds by just about the entrance end of the playing the hashera much of a chance but
with a 46 to 32 decision any margin they care to up to 25 surface, whether from being look how they rolled: Ted Robin-
Midway through tbe second or 30 points, tracked in by spectators, from son 550, Gene Tucker 566, Glen
Bonnie Jean Deegan and Jean leaks in the roof or from pers-
Elliott were met with hungering piration deposited by the players
looks but strong wills when they as they reclined on the floor dur-
tried to sell soda pop to players ing timeouts is not known .
of the Aberdeen first team dur- anyway George Smith was the
ing the second team game at first to feel its treacherousness,
Lincoln gym Friday night, taking a long slide and losing
W. F, McCann Just en't fig- some skin from his elbow in the
ure out for the life of him why first quarter as he tried to in-
more sport fans don't turn out tercept a pass . . . Billy Taylor
to see the various basketball was next, twisting his ankle as
attrtw.tions there are to be had he slipped making a check and
i lre . . . "Why, there isn't any having to leave the game for re-
Owners of laads in Grant coun-
few games while they rooted ty to come under the Columbia The Club .................... 29 8 .509
for the Baptists and son Hat- River Basin Irrigation, are to Jo-An's ........................ 28 29 .491
vey Robblns, Bptist forward h01d.an election next Saturday, Old Mill ...................... 2631 .456
• . . Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Borst, February 18th, at Quincy to vote High Scores
Mrs. Danny Wilson, Mrs. Lee on the project, and several resi- GameFrankie Fredson 184.
Adanm, Mrs. Frames Eaerett, dents of Mason county who own TotalDot Christensen 485.
Miss Jean McCann, Miss Erlene lands there are notified to go and Matches Fridn.y
vote their interests. A train over Jo-An's vs. Old Mill.
the Great Northern will leave Smith's vs. The Club.
a week cheering their favor- Seattle Saturday morning at 8:15
ite, but they should have more and return that evening, after Suffering their sixth straight
company than they do. giving time for voting, defeat, Jo-An's, long leading club
of the women's bowling l e a g u e,
Meade Hialeah's Hottest dropped into third place Friday
night, yielding all three games
and second place to The Club
Once Ridiculed by Experts quintet, which was buoyed along
by Frankie Fredaon's and Betty
Smith's helpful totals.
Smith's Cigar won a pair from
B IRVING DIX Old Mill but couldn't stretch its
PORTS potpourri: two-game lead over the field any
When Jockey Don Meade further. Dot Christensen an d
first started riding around New Juanita Starwich did the imo
York a few years back, turf ex- portant pin spilling.
perts said he'd never get any- Old Mill (1) Smith Cigar (2)
where with his unorthodox style
Okano .............................. F LEDGER
Danlels ............................ 4 3 .570
Stoy ................................ 4 3 .570
Satra ................................ 4 3 .570
truthers ........................ 2 5 .285
Powell .............................. 2 5 .285
Okano's team defeated Stoy's I
squad Friday to take first place
with no dispute. If he can win
this half. then Okano, Stoy and
Daniels will be in a playoff to
decide the high school intramural
There are only three more
games to go in this second half,
and they promise a lot of com-
petition as many new boys are
out this second half. Last Fri-
day about ten new boys turned
up at the gym after school just
to find out what intramural was
like, and unless I miss my guess
they liked it, because before the
games were over every one of
Traveling .Girls
32-29 Victory;
Pair Of S. W.
So girls can't
with men, huh!
Shelton fans had
down before their
gym Sunday
as represented by
cm Redheads, know
about the maple cot
The Redheads
them. to breeze in
29 victory over the
Team. There was
among these
the Redheads
41 to 26 defeat
But no more.
Sunday honestly,
them had played, cisively, but
Satra beat Powell, 20 to 11,'[ less. Most of the
and Daniels whipped Struthers, [nine basketball
15 to 7, in the other games. The lentiy hung to a
Danlels (15) Strnthers (7)rand it was only in
,Gruver 7 ........ F ........ G. Getty 5 ute that their
Daxiels 6 ........ F ............ Steenson 'managed to close
Hunter 2 ........ C ............... Willey
Oppct ............ G .......... Wilkerson
Nash ................ G ............ Surratt 2
Subs: Daniels---Madsen. Struth-
Satra (20) Pov.'ell (!1)
McDoweH 4 .... F .............. Melcum
Lizotte 10 ...... F .................... Bell
Satra 4 .......... C ........... Powell 3
Shelton 2 ...... G ........... Ross 8
Pearson .......... G ............ Maloney
Subs: Satra -A. LaBissonierc,
Booth. Powell-E. Getty. •
Okano (15) Stoy (7)
Cheney 5 ........ F .......... Hanson 2
Okano 4 .......... F .................... Stoy
Anderson ........ C ........ Dittman 2
Froeschle 4 .... G .... Dandurand 3
Kimbcl ............ G ................ Biehl
Subs: Okano Landers 2.
Robinsou 526, Walt Snelgrove
546, and Buck Mackey 512.
Wilson's Care (Shel.) ............ 2700
Pastime (Shel.) ...................... 2671
Thomas Sign (Brem.) .......... 2528
Bud's Ice Oream (AbeL) ...... 2519
Mason Laundry (Shel.) .......... 2518
Associated Oil (Shel.) ........... 2399
Epperson & Son (P. A.) ........ 2318
Hemrick's Club (P. A.) ........ 2267
Woods-Smith IShel.) ............ 1100 Commercial Loop
Kahn-Blatti (Brem.) .............. 1093
Allen-Stude00ker (Shel) ...... 1073 Off To New Start
Dodds-Westlund (Shel.) ........ 1070
Robin00n-Carlson (S.el) ...... 1066 As 2nd Half Opens
Maul-Peterson (Brem.) ........ 1027
B. Ferrter-Aronson (Shel.) .... 1009 ....
Leitch-Jones (Brem.) ............ 979 COMMERCIAL LEAGUE
Plemons-Rife (P. A.) ............ 943 W.L. Pet.
Union Oil ........................ 4 2 .667
Dodds S ...... 5831Westlund S 536 McConkeys .. ................. 4 2 .667
Kahn B 579 Jones B ........ 524 Mac's Corner ................ 2 4 ,383
• "2 ..... ..^',Woods S ...... 517 Active Club .................... 2 4 .383
Arouses DIZ
"' Robinson S ..502 High Scores
St'deb'ker S 560[Rif e p. A ..... 501 Game--Gene Tucker 203.
Smith S ...... 548IAllen S ........ 496 Total---Gene Tucker 516.
Peterson B 544[Maul B ........ 494 Matche Thursday
Carlson S .... 543[Leitch B ...... 492 Union Oil vs. Active Club.
B. FerrierS 542[Blatti B ........ 491 Mac's Corner vs. MeConkeys.
Closer competition for the scc-
end half Commercial league bowl-
ing race looms on the horizon
Plac A with the Active club rebuilding
TO 2 d s and
n e strengthening program start-
J ! Sk" ing to show results already. The
o-An' ld Low Activians won a pair from Mac's
Corner Thursday for the fir s t
match victory the clubmen have
WOMEN S BOWLING won in a coon's age. Paul Mar-
W. L. Pet. shall and Walt Snelgrove paced
Smith Cigar .............. 31 26 ,544 the Activians.
Union Oil captured a pair from
McConkeys Pharmacy, first half
champions, as Roy Tingstead post-
ed a fat total. The boys were
all bowling from scratch Thurs-
day, re-establishing their aver-
ages for the second half.
McConkeys (1) Union Oil (2)
Handicap 279[Handicap 405 I
Wiley ............ 472jMackey ........ 480[
Clarke .......... 4701Olse?i ............ 444[
F osse ............ 488[Funk ............ 433 i
MeConkey ..397tTingstead .... 4091
Studebaker 403tHarnden ...... 4341
829 847 833 25091783 941 881 2605 I
Mac's Cor. (I) Active Chtb (1)
Handicap 193Handicap 80
McElroy ........ 400Marshall ...... 508
McMlllan ...... 382 Snelgrove .... 496
Dummy ........ 444McGough ...... 360
H. Young ..... 409Dummy ........ 498
G. Tucker .... 516Getty ............ 467
846 741 757 2344775 819 815 2409
Cammarano Bowlers Off
Feed In Aberdee Meet
diana load of local wood to tell
a, reliable local reporter to report
to the local newspaper that the
snow in this locality would 'be
two Squaws deep this month,
Dean 4, Gregg, Millard, Gleys,
Buy or Sell, Twice as Well
With Journal Want-Ads.
any serious extent.
led a couple of
battle, but never
the opening
The Redheads
the boys with cool
floor play which
Lommler and Lila
five close-in shots
largely disperses
burn -tressed lasses
"on" with their
be threats.
Peggy Lawson,
least redhead?d of
tossing ferns, did
of long-range
as act as the focal
Redheads' passing
The Redheads
amazing percentage
tempts to score,
once in position to
waited patiently
in that position
effort to shoot.
line the titian-haired
deadly, storing
charity tosses with
mr way of shooting.
In the
heads exhibition the
posted its first
second half
Independent league
48 to 21 breeze
Athletic Club, thanl
the fact that 13 of
who entered the
to the scoring.
The Pirates
points at Olympia
night in another
game, but
so the Ptrates came
ed in spite of
tal. Earl
Caldwell of the
personal tally
own with the
22 to 19. Mark
14 and Bill
The lineups:
Redheads (82)
Lommler 12 .... F ........ :
Smith .............. F ........
Blue 10 .......... C.....L
Lawson 5 ........ G .......
Vickers 5 ........ G
Subs: Shelton
Morgan 2, Cloutier
Roberts, Cooper.
Shelton (48)
McComb 2 ...... F .....
Flin . ................ F
McCann 9
Cloutier 2
Tate 5 ...... G ........
Mary Morgan,
5, Hamilton 5,
2, Cole 8, Wood 2.
Hofstad, Jones.
Shelton (48)
Fredson 14 ...... F ......
Mel Morgan 3 F ......
how large or small your
inting job may be,
e Journal can pro-
duce it on short notice.
t) ETC., ETC.
Blumberg, f .... 3 2 3 3 8 . . . short stirrups which almost
Kauhanen, f .... 5 0 0 1 10 had hig feet level with the horse's
Mattson, c ........ 4 4 8 2 12 back .... Meads left himself
Elway, g .......... 2 2 6 0 6 open to injury i£ he ever got in
Balcomhe, g ..2 0 0 2 4 a jam, the critics argued ....
Freed, g .......... 0 0 0 0 0 But Meade, the "freak,"
Marunovich, g 3 0 2 1 6 to change, his style, and now
Wilson. c ........ 0 0 o 0 o those who ridiculed him are ahis
Palmer, f ........ 0 0 0 1 0 heaviest backers at Hlaleah.. •
Eggen. f .......... 0 0 0 0 0
where he is the sensation of the
Totals 19 8 19 10 46 meeting . . . or at least 31 win-
SECOND TEAMS nets in the first 1 days of tha
Aberdeen (25) Sheiton (]5) meeting would indicate as mtmtt.
Bezer 4 ........... b ........ McComb 1 Meade, a I t h o u g h welghing
Johnson 1 ........ F ................ Valley around 108 pounds, has axtreme-
Nicholas 7 ....... C..B, Armstrong 4 IY large shoulders and hands
Barry 5 .......... G .............. Boone 7 . . . says they are his most valu-
Bowley 6 ........ G .......... LeDrew 3 able asseL . . . What he won't
Subs: Aberdeen--Olson 2 Falk, tell you is that he also has one
Goldstein, Robertson, B1aina, of the smartast heads on 8n
Eggan. Shelton--Kelly, D a n- ' Jockey .... Few ride Imow
iels. their mounts the way Meede
does. Knowing ust what your
horse can do is all-lmportant in
High School Ski getting th. most out o,
Meade claims, Don Meade.., running wild
Club Formahon " " "
][.IGHT1NG ystem at Shibs made poible when the Philliee
No U de Park ta Phl],sdelphta will bS shifted their activities to Shibe
w n r Way" th. brightcmt flood-light enclo Park in midseason.
tn the world, say enineera . . . * * *
With prospects for one of the with 780 iight carrying candle- HARLEY TAYLOR, Reelfoot
largest memberships of any club power of 2,000,000 imanm . . • "" Lake, Tenn., sportsman, can
at Irene S. Reed high school, a or enough to brighten a highway bring down a duck nine times
ski club will soon gather to adopt running from Philadelphia to out of 10. , . arld he doesn't use
constitution and by-laws and Cleveland. a gun .... Taylor is an expert
elect permanent officers. They claim no gridiron de- withatllngoshotand prefers that
Temporary officers during the ,nphssis, but Pacific Cotmt Con- to any othar weapon .... When
organization peqod are Spencer fererme officials have 4imlted Roger Cramer, Boston Red Sex
Read and Bob Lockwood, both of spring drills to 30 sessions from outfielder, went to the plate 658
Hoodsport, who first broached now on . , . Jack Lovelock, New t last year', he led the Ameri-
the idea of a ski club. The con- Zealand's Olympic lo0.met' can League in that department
.stitution is now in the making champion, now practicing medi- for tha fourth time .... Bob
and soon as it is fully prepared cine in London, says cold show- Sulkowski and Johnny Bazyk
a meeting will be called and per- ers before breakfast ara trod for Pitt track men, have accepted
manent organization attained, athletes .... New England bas- bids to compete in the Polish
At the present time there are ketba[l fans are hailing Gum Bro- Olympi at Warsaw next sum-
50 members with four faculty ad- berg, Dartmouth sophomore for- ner, , :. And the height of
visors -- Homer Taylor, Frmk ward, as the greatest cage tnv, omethlng or other is the report .
The JOURIAL CliffStinchfield' Arling Sannerud andcannon, pectinBlgGreenhistory... . fot'West Virginia that Glenn
Skiing competition with other Johnny Rizzo, Pirate rookie who Tllolt state representative, will
Schools ia the ultimate aim of the set e new Pittsburgh homer .e a bill which would
, ,'ecord With 23 last season, ttad f!eWt Virginia and Marshall
PHONE 100 new outdoor group with weekend :he dwtinction of colleetifig them C'll¢ge to meet in football every
trips to various skiing areas com-
..... ing first• in nine dillerent enclosures.., year.
The lineups:
Handicap .... 136[Handicap 2281 Far below their customary
Frd Fredson 489[Ev. Smith ..3501 pace, Shelton's Cammaranos fail-
Stewart ...... 771Wo0d .......... 345 ed to place with their 2754 total
Staley .......... 406/Starwich ...... 4251 in the Aberdeen opeu bowling
Robinson .... 414]Christensen 483[ tournament Sunday. Bud Forbes
616 625 551 17921564 644 623 18311 posted 606 but his teammates
Jo-Ans (0) The Club (8) were out-of.step.
Handicap 342Dummy. ........ 309. Neither did they do anything
Ferrier .......... 442Peterson ...... 441 in the doubles and singles where
Studebaker ..261658 689 629 1921 I AI Ferrier and Forbes had 1137,
MacElroy .... 348Handicap 2941Jess Daniels and Paul Fredson
McConkey ....411Frn Fredson 465 1140, Ferrier 588, Daniels 543,
616 592 569 1804B. Smith ...... 412 Forbes 535 and Fredson 512.
McCann 12 .... C ........
i4 cComb 6
amilton 2 .... G ....... ;
Subs: Shelton -
8, Logan 4. Cams
19, Huntamer 6.
Forget Names,
titles cf persons
feel antipathy.
• Sponsored by
SaL February I
Music By
Danoing 9 tO 'Till 2 Adnission $1,00 Ilus