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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 14, 2019     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 14, 2019
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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+ 7 Page A-14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Feb. 14, 2019 16 Mason Shantel Bartell, Malicia M. Bragg, Lindsey Kay Goldsby, Elizabeth M. Harrington, - Emi~rn, ~ J.VJk~J[kt:~ll- zie Rose Jorgensen, Ashley Michele Knauf, Gable Harvey Lacy, Stephen Paul Lindahl, excelatWSU Damien Everett Pruitt, Derek A. Robinson, Sara Rose Schi- Sixteen students from er, Jack Clifford Schlender, Mason County earned a spotand Kyle N. Sosky. on the spring semester 2018 honor roll at Washington State University. TO be eligible, a student must take at least nine grad- student does ed hours in a single term and earn a GPAof3.75, or earna well at Pacific 3.50 cumulative GPA on 15 cumulative hours of graded work. The students are Haley Christine and Jenna Kay Alexander Quast of Shel- from Allyn, and from Shelton, ton earned a spot on the Levies: Districts can run dean's list for the fall semes- complete their Free Appli- ter at Pacific University in cation for Federal Student Oregon. Aid (FAFSA), and undocu- Tob~,~, ~ : - must earn a GPA of 3.7 or better while completing 12 or more graded hours. Pacific University has branches in Forest Grove, Hillsboro, Eugene and Wood- burn, Oregon. for Washington Application for State Financial Aid, from 1 to 2 p.m. the first and third Thursdays of February and March at Olympic College Shelton, 937 W. Alpine Way. Individual appointments are also available. 7 scholarships available for seniors- Students can seek financial aid at OC Olympic College financial aid staff will heI~ students Our Community Credit Union will award seven $1,000 scholarships to high school seniors who are gradu- ating this year from schools in Mason, Thurston and Gr- ",~d on Vashon Island. Applicants must be members of OCCU. Scholarship applications and guidelines are available for download at www.ourcu. com. April 30 is the deadline to apply. Winners will be an- nounced in May. OCCU is based in Shelton, and has eight branches in Mason, Thurston and east Grays Harbor counties, and on Vashon Island. For more information, contact Amber Trail at 360- 427-3405, 1-800-426-5657 or Compiled by reporter Gordon Weeks levy a se, continued from page A-1 On the initial ballot count, Hood Canal School District count, according to the Mason voters were approving at 58.8 County Auditor's Office. The percent a replacement levy results of the second count for educational programs and were scheduled to be released operations (EP&O), and by at 4 p.m. Wednesday, after a 54 percent margin a new the Shelton-Mason County capital levy to enhance safety, Journal went to press, improve the 55-year-old gym, In the first ballot count, and pay the Shelton School Southside School District's District to educate its second- $450,723 capital levy to pay ary students. their share of expansions at All four measures on the Shelton High School was fail- ballot need a simple majority ing by three votes. Two-hun- of 50 percent plus one vote to dred and 50 people voted no, pass. 247 yes. With the three capital lev- A similar $3.2 million mea- ies, the three districts would sure in the Pioneer School use the money to pay for their District on" the first count re- students who attend ninth ceived 1,288 yes votes, and through the 12th grade in 1,341 no votes, a gap of 53. the Shelton School District. continued from page A-5 admires, Riana said, "Personally, l look up to Derik. He does all the songwriting for our group. He's released seven albums, and does all the audio engineering and arranging. I think he's just a powerhouse of creativity, and I really Known as a "non-high fee," the amount has grown with the passage of the Shelton School District's $65 million building bond on Valentine's Day 2017. If they fail, the districts have a second opportunity to run the -levies on the April or this portion, so we will review our budget at that time." Shawn Batstone, the su- perintendent of the Hood Ca- nal School District, said he's "very excited about the pre- liminary election results and want to thank the Hood Canal community for the support November ballot. A sec6nd fail- theyhave shown our students ure would open the door to the an the school district by vot- districts being absorbed fi~to ingyeson both propositions." the Shelton School District. Don Robbins, a member of the Southside School District board, said, "We're sorry to see it fail and ur~derstand how turnout due to weather was a factor. We will try to run the levy again, not-sure of the date yet If it fails again, we will still be responsible to pay Batstone added, "a commu- nity investment in education helps to ensure that we are in a position to provide our stu- dents with the education they 22. The Pioneer School Dis- trict has about 700 students in kindergarten through the eighth grade. Between 300 and 400 students from the Pioneer District attend sec- ondary schools in the Shelton School District. The Hood Canal School has 315 students in preschool through the eighth grade. Passage of Proposition 1 would replace an EPO&O levy voters passed in 2016. The district states that the EP&O levy makes up 20 percent of need to pursue their goals and its overall budget. dreams. We are grateful for The Southside School the support." trict teaches students in kin- The election results are dergarten through the sev- slated to be certified on Feb. enth grade. a look up to him for put- ting his creative work out there so vulnerably." Riana said supporting each other has been key in the family's success. "We really are pus- much of our equipment and setup, so that we're really a strong team at this point. "It's also enabled us to go to some really cre- ative places that don't er towns they've visited have been some of her favorite venues because of the close connection to the people. "That is what live music is all about, con- come in with." Though the stage in Shelton will be bigger than the living room per- formances the Nelsons held for their friends as kids. the performers look career path, but we can accomplish things to- gether. I think that level of community and that level of support is essen- tial." Tickets are avail- sionate about this sib-normally get full-pro- necting with people on forward to returning able at the door, $30 for ling project together, duction shows because an emotional level and home for a show. Riana adults and $2 for chil- and we love performing they don t have the re-knowing that they really said it s especially excit- dren younger than 18. together," Riana said. sources." " felt something and tooking given her experience Passes for the remain- '%Ve've streamlined so Riana said the small- something away from advising the Olympia- der of the 2018-19 con- a family, that s probably center, for $50. The performing the show," she said. "As based performing arts cert season are available our biggest goal -- we Through internation- arts center is located at want everybody to feel al tours and TV Spots, 700 S. First St Shelton. something when they Riana said ,they've hadDoors open an hour be- leave that they didn't one another s backs, fore the Show. ~.~~ "I think part of the F0rmore information ~'UL~r ~!~ J~~l ~ reason why we have be- about the group or its come st~ccessful as a trio newest album, featuring nMIIIM nMIIIM is that we believe in each 12 original songs about other, she said. We re-growing up in the Pacific. I OUSTER Pl:ltm, ~|k mind each other often Northwest, visit www. 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