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Thursday, Feb. 14, 2019 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-17
Thursday, Feb. 13, 1941 ing them to Tacoma to the not the final straw then I
Went to have my hair debate. She will be home wonder what is. But all the
done and then into town on Saturday night. Betty girls said they would do ev-
and saw Mrs. Jacobson and waxed the floors in the erything they could to make
another lady and we decided house and they look very the party a success and from
just what we would serve at good. I worked in the store the glowing accounts Of both
the social club luncheQn on so Sam could price all theRuth and Sam it must have
Then I went to town counter. Billy Hyde washedpeoplg we invited were there
and did some buying and the windows on the inside and stayed until late. The
found Ruth a lovely skirt of the store and they looksmorgasbord supper was a
and blouse. Then out to the fine. In the morning he will big treat and they brought
Casebeers and finish the ones on me some of all the meats and
had dinner and ~ the outside. Louie salads home with them.
back into town for ~ and Grace came
Chapter and such down for the party Sunday, Feb. 16, 1941
a long meeting, and everyone looks A sunny day and I spent
Home late and to fine. They said that it all in the house as there
bed at one. I'll be Teddy was ill and was nothing else I could do.
glad when this is had not been in Sam and Ruth went to the
over. The girls from school for a week, Ranch and brought home all
the Starlight Club By SEYTA but he looks good. the things left over from the
practiced on the ad- SELTER Cleaned up the party and did some clean-
denda and I did not house good today ing up. Listened to the radio
do very well because and now must dust programs and went to bed
we had no music and none for tomorrow will be busy early. Mamma came down
of the girls knew the verse, working on the party. Haveand went back to Bellingham
I wonder if any of them will most of the things lined up with Henry and Laurice. She
know it the night we practice already and hope all goes did some grafting for me be-
again, well. fore she left.
Friday, Feb. 14, 1941 Saturday, Feb. 15, 1941 Monday, Feb. 17, 1941
Had a note from Ruth Here I am with the Another grand day and I
and She said the skirt and measles and the party for spent most of the time listen-
blouse fit fine and is wear- my Dad is tonight. If thising to the radio and went to
bed early. Sam hauled some
lumber and then went to
Seattle in the afternoon and
came home early. Billy Hyde
finished all the windows on
the outside of the store and
Betty says they look real
n~ Dorothy ~.aa~ t~ ~r
the Scout meeting tonight
and came home with the re-
port of a fine meeting. Ruth
came home early and with
Barbara rode home in Kay
Thompson's new red car, My
what a color.
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1941
Another fine day and
the sun was out so nice and
warm that I opened the doors
and let some of the air in.
Sam went to town again and
will go to Olympia in the
morning with the rest of the
Shurfine outfit. Put some
eyelets in one of my scrap
books and fixed up the Girl
Scout book up to-date. Can't
do very much on account of
the fact that I can't use my
eyes much. I'm surely get-
ting a good rest and hope I
can get out of here soon for
I'm getting tired of sitting
around. Had several letters
and will answer them when 1~
can write.
Had a letter from Louise
and she is fine. Then the Of-
ricers sent me a slip and it is
a beauty and also there was
a card from Gertrude with
nr~ttv da~|v ~tt~chad. Anti
--x J J
was I surprised and pleased.
Wednesday, Feb. 19, 1941
Another of those fine days
and I was in the house all
flay. Mrs. Hickock came in
for a while and talked after
Club meeting. Received sev-
eral letters from the girls
and a letter from Annie. To
bed early. Sam came h~ome
from Olympia about twelve
o'clock and has the car all
tuned up. He says it runs
fine now.
Seyta Selter is a lifelong
lover of Hood Canal, cur-
rently residing in Olympia.
She practices ancestral heal-
ing, sometimes teaches at The
Evergreen State College, and
is a passionate amateur gene-
alogist, archivist and family
historian. She can be emailed
at marythelersmemoirs@
T ast week, I was de- curriculum, and it~ shows. As In business, and in life, the
ighted to make a the group of'more than 30 en- first impression sets the stage
~preSentation for the tered the room, the students for success. It could be a cus-
DECA Club at Shelton happily greeted onetomer relationship or a date.
High School. Instruc-
tor Jane Mahony has
invited me several
times to talk with the
group about business
etiquette and din-
ing skills. Let's see,
what is the best way
to say this? I am so By STEPHANIE
impressed with this ROWLAND
group of young people!
They are well on their
way to standing out as busi-
ness professionals and com-
munity leaders.
Mahony mentioned that the
students study business be-
havior as part of their DECA
another. Then, as we Either way, our ability to ob-
were about to stdrt, serve basic common courtesy
they all took theircan make all the difference.
seats - quietly - then Right from the start, how do
gave me their full you present yourself?. Do you
attention with engag- walk into a room, standing
ing eye contact andtall, with a welcoming smile
positive listening,on your face? Do you approach
Oh, if all of our busi- others like you want to be
ness meetings couldthere and really want to meet
start that way! them?
My speaking styleIt sounds so obvious, but
in a classroom setting is to en- unfortunately, it doesn't
gage as much as possible, and always happen that way. I
I wasn't disappointed. These maintain that missing that "
students were ready for me. opportunity for a positive
They understood the impor- first impression can simply
tance of a first impression, be the end, instead of the be-
ginning! I've had corporate
clients all the way to the CEO
level tell me, "Well, Stepha-
hie, I am fine. No one ever
says anything to me about my
etiquette." OK. The first rule
of courtesy is to never embar-
rass anyone or make them feel
uncomfortable. Thus. you will
never know.
My pet peeve of the year
has to be the cellphone. I'm
happy to report that not one
student even pulled one out
at the DECA meeting. Sadly,
or maybe shockingly, recently
I was in a business meeting
of about 10 people. We were
all sitting around the same
table. One brought out their
cellphone - while someone
else was talking and basi-
cally checked their messages
for more than 10 minutes. Pe-
riodically, they would glance
up, then back to the phone.
The same thing happened at
another meeting later in the
We talked about this at
the DECA meeting. They all
seemed aware of this guffaw
in business. Perhaps we can
learn from them! I propose
that we'd rather shut down
the phone than shut down a
business relationship!
Stephanie Rowland is
president and CEO of the
North Mason Chamber
of Commerce. She can be
reached at srowland@
~~ www.rnc~,mo~i'emarine.com ~ ~~
.:/ ~
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