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Page A-28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Feb. 14, 2019
long as she could and
will be remembered with
love by her family and
friends who are very for-
tunate to have shared in
Eva Marie
Eva Marie (Harold-
son) Marshall passed
away at the age of 87
in Lacey, WA, Febru- Leslie
ary 2nd 2019. She was
born in Seattle, WA, Thompson-
on July 24th 1931. Eva Simpson
was preceded in death
by her husband Frank Leslie Thompson-
Marshall, her daughter Simpson passed away
Debbie Griffin and her on January 26th, 2019
brother Hank (Henry) while surrounded by
Haroldson. loved ones. She was born
Eva is survived by in May 1945 to Herma-
her children Tina Mar- lyn Bodwell and Leslie
shall and Kent Pollock, Thompson in Bismark,
Lacey, WA, Tammy North Dakota. She
and Bob Reibel, Satsop, grew-up in San Pedro,
WA, John and Chrissy CA with her parents and
Marshall, Belfair WA, beloved sister, Judy. In
Sheri and Leon Pence,1961, she met her first
Pendleton, or: six grand- husband, Edwin Mon-
children, Cheryl, Tonya, toya and they grew their
Faith, Ricky (Mubarak), family with four chil-
Brandi and John, as well dren, Edwin Jr Mark,
as 10 great grandchil- Greg and Tisha Mon-
dren and one great-great toya.
grandchild. In 1983, she met and
Eva loved spending married her second hus-
time with her children, band and Love of her
She enjoyed flowers, life, Richard Simpson,
birds, the beach, snow, and added 3 more chil-
going for long drives, dren to her family, Rich-
shopping and reading,ard, Debra, and Russell
She was determined toSimpson. Together Les-
do things for herself as lie and Richard had 7
Available 24/7 Kathleen Blanchette
Quality Services at
Affordable Prices
Three Generations o Family
Funeral Service E perience
Children, 15 grandchil-
dren, 13 great-grand-
children, and 2 great-
Leslie and Richard
until shortly after she
retired from the Bremer-
ton Navel Shipyard in
2004. They enjoyed gar-
dening, home remodel-
ing, camping and fishing
along with trips to Mex-
ico, Hawaii, and cruises
with her family.
Crafts, painting, and
decorating for holidays
were her favorite hob-
bies. She would always
go above and beyond at
Christmas with lights,
decorations and home-
made fudge. She always
loved seeing her family
in matching Christmas
She had a big heart,
caring for and adopt-
ing animals and people
alike. She enjoyed vol-
unteering at Kitten res-
cue. fostering animals,
and introducing her
family and friends to her
newest "adoptive grand
kid". She always took
the time to show you she
Leslie is survived by
her children Ed and Ja-
net Montoya, Mark and
Margaret Montoya, Greg
Montoya, Tisha Mon-
toya and 9 wonderful
grandchildren, 10 great-
grandchildren and 1
She is greatly missed by
her friends and family.
Please join us on Feb-
ruary 23rd, 2019 at 1:00
pm to celebrate her life
at 900 W. Alpine Way in
Shelton, WA 98584.
Zackary Allen
Zackary Allen Fah-
rnkop 28, passed away
on January29th, 2019,
of a heroin overdose at
Mary Washington Hos-
pital in Virginia. Zack
was born in Seattle,
WA, April 3rd, 1990, but
spent his life in Shelton,
v v z~L.
Zack loved being with
his son and his family.
He loved snowboarding,
hiking, camping and
loved playing his guitar.
He was also an avid Se-
attle Seahawks fan!
He survived by his
son, Jaxson Fahrnkopf,
age two; Mom and Dad,
Joanne and Gary Lee-
berg, Shelton. Brothers
Josh Fahrnkopf (Vir-
ginia,Michael Lee-
berg, Shelton. Sisters,
Jennifer Fahrnkopf,
Yelm.WA. Renee Drog-
mund, Shelton, Takara
Teague. Grandpar-
ents, Grady and Vivian
Banks, Shelton, numer-
ous aunts, uncles, niec-
es, nephews and cousins.
There will be a Cel-
ebration of Zacks Life
on Saturday, February
23rd, 2019, at the Union
City Masonic Lodge
,19331 HighwaY 101,
Shelton, WA, from 1:00
pm-5:00 pro.
Michael Warren
Michael War-
ren "Twid" Twidwell
died in his home in
Chehalis,WA.on Sun-
day, January 20th 2019,
at 72 years of age.
Mike was born on
June 20, 1946 in Ab-
erdeen, WA. to Walter
and Alice Twidwell. He
retired out of the boiler-
makers union and was
an avid fisherman and
hunter who enjoyed the
Mike is survived by
his children, Walter
"Eagle" Twidwell and
Michael A. Twidwell;
brothers, Jim and Jerry
Twidwell; and many
grandchildren, nieces
and nephews. He is
preceded in death by
his wife, Kim Twidwell;
brother, George
Twidwell: sister, Ada
Twidwell; and parents.
A celebration of life is
scheduled for Saturday,
February 16, 2019 at
1:00 p.m. at the Cheha-
lis Moose Lodge.
School in 2004. Danielle
married her best friend
on June 17, 2006.
Danielle was a cheer-
leader at Shelton High
Danielle Jayne
Danielle Jayne Will-
son, a resident of North
Bend, WA, passed peace-
fully into the loving arms
of her Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ on January
28, 2019 atthe age of 33.
Danielle is survived
by her parents. Thomas
and Staci Yarrington and
Rachelle Wallace; her hus-
band, John Willson: her
children. Ivan 13 years
and Liliana 10 years; her
two brothers Johnny Yar-
rmgton and Myles Wal-
lace: her grandfather,
John Wallace: grandpar-
ents, Scot and Mary Wat-
son; and many Uncles.
Aunts, and Cousins.
Danielle was born in
Shelton, WA, on Novem-
ber 19, 1985. She gradu-
ated from Shelton High
nary arts at South Puget
Sound Community College
prior to becoming a full
time mother of two which
became the most important
part of her life. She worked
in usability studies as a
contractor for Microsoft
before eventually settling
into her career as a project
manager for T-Mobile.
Danielle was a devoted
wife and mother. She was a
foodie extraordinaire who
loved cooking, baking, mu-
sic. skin care, and art. She
especially enjoyed high tea
in Victoria, BC. and "love
dates" with her husband
John. Her greatest joy
was watching her children
compete in gymnastics,
wrestling, baseball, and
football. Her quiet time
was spent in prayer, bible
study, and daily devotions.
A Celebration of Life
is scheduled for 12:00 pm
Saturday on February 16th
at Turning Point Church.
Pastor Tim Olson will of-
ficiate. Flowers, donations,
and condolences may be
sent to Turning Point
Church, 3525 Marvin Rd.
NE Lacey, WA, 98516.
McComb &
Hoss W Ison-Hoss, LLP