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Thursday, Feb. 14, 2019 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page-A-33
PUBLIC NOTICE posted =n a conspicuous place September 18, and the LAKE CUSHMAN MAINTENANCE in an envelope with an indication on the front
TS No . WA07000224-18-1 TO No 2018 on the real property described in Para- COMPANY, a Washington corporation, Defen- boftom eft corner of said envelope, the project
180357303-WA-MSO NOTICE OF TRUST- graph I above, and the Trustee has possession dants. The State of Washington to Ural Wood- name: Call for Bids" 2019 Culvert Pipes and
EE'S SALE PURSUANT TO THE REVISED of proof of such service or posting VII The ard, and the unknown heirs of David H Wood- Cu vert Linings (2) and date of bid opening, and
CODE OF WASHINGTON CHAPTER 61.24 Trustee whose name and address are sei forth ardl and a I other persons or part es unknown then filed with the Clerk of the Board of County
ET. SEQ. Grantor: BRIGIDA ECHEVERRIA, below will provide in writwng to anyone request- claiming any rght, title, estate, lien or interest Commissioners on or before the day and hour
~~rrER~ND ;ngyitt;aeStparitoeme;~Ofsalle.~i~" ~d ~~=ou~u di~r' sP arcel Number .4 204~- a~ e:rnentioned Questions regarding these
oT tne ueea of lrust Pin ora Lo -- - . ~ ~u-uuu~/, u~crloeo ~n tne uomolaim herein. Did docum . '
LL('; P urrAnt Tr, ~ = ~ an:he.rvic!ng,sale wfll be to deprive the Grantor and a those Defendant F~nhnfvrtll i~ har~,~:. J ,~ .-. ents shall be sent vl.a. emall to pwproj
oL=~ u=u~u uuua OT/rUSt -M/U who hold by thro,-" ;~ ~-:- : : u,y =y u,ea ec'[sLa)co.mason.wa.us. L4uestlons/answerswill
,uu, u.u=, u~u ~ran[or OT a, ~o appear w m n s~xty oays aner me date of the be posted daily at bxwa com. The deadline for
Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps Current Mort- their interest in the above descr bed prooerty first publication of this summons, to wit, sixty questions is 48 hours prior to bid opening The
gage Servicer of the Deed of Trust: Cenlar FSB IX. Anyone having any objections to this-sale ' days after the 31st day of January, 2019, and (Local Agency) in accordance with Title VI of the
Reference Number of the Deed of Trust: Instru- on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an defend the above entitled action in the above Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat 252, 42 U S C
Tent No 2055475 Parcel Number: 42013-51- opporiunity to be heard as to those objections if entitled court, and answer the compla nt of the 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of 'Fed
06010 I. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on they bring a awsuit to restrain the sale pursuant p a ntiff and Serve a copy of your answer upon eral Regu ations, Department of Transportation
March 15, 2019, 09:00 AM, Main Entrance, to RCW 61 24 1.'3o F~ihlr~ fr~ hrin kh -~ ~,3'r; th~ under=i=~.=~ ~.~ " -. . - .
~vJ~u. ~,ounty k, ourtnouse, 419 N. 4th Street suitmavresultinawaiver,~f'~n~,'~,~-~EE;"-.~,: ~ ~ ~,u,f~, =,:~:,~ys ~or plalntirrs, ~11=:. b.ubtltleA, Offlce of the Secretary, Part 21, non-
te[n e ~loer), Shelton WA 98584 MTC F nan- for ]nval'idatinr, th,~ T~,~*,~'o~",~,~',U-'-''t.u'u~ r-n.=~,~ ~: .VW .~r'~UU~-. OT wn~tenouse and olscnminat on n federal assisted ro rams of
ciall ' . .= oa, u. ~. ,o, ce to ,cnols, LLI-' Attorneys at Law, at their office the Department of TransYortation Puegc~ pursu-
nc. dba Trustee Corps, the undersigned Occupants or Tenants The purchaser at the beow stated;
Trustee w!l!sell at pub!,c auction to the highest mrustee's sa e is entitled to r, ossession of the d" ' ; and, in case of your fa,lure so to an! to such ACt, hereby notifies all bidders that it
ann Des[ olooer payaole, in the form of cash or ~- . u, juuu.~un[ wl, oe renaereo against you ac- w ii all rmativel -insure that n an con r -
cashier s ' property on the 20th day following the sale, as cordin to the demand of th Y y t act en
r' Cn~K or certiTiea cnecKs TrOT feder- aga nst the Grantor under*h-- "4 ng e complaint, which tered into pursuant to this advertisement, d sad-
. ~ u~-.uu~ uu~[ ~[ne nas oeen T,ea w~th the clerk of said court, vantaged business enterprises will be afforded
a,y or State chartered banks, at the time of sale owner) and anyone having an interest junior to The action seeks to quiet title to the fo owing full opportunity to submit bids in response to this
the following described real property, situated in the deed of trust, including occupants who are real property: Lot fortyseven (47) Lake Cush- invitat on and will not be discriminated against
the County of Mason, State of Wash ngton to- not tenants After the 20th day following the sale man No 5, Vo ume 6 of Plats, pages 147 to on the grounds of race color, or national origin
wit: LOT 10, BLOCK 6, 2ND EXTENSION TO the purchaser has the right to evict occupants 177. both inclusive, records of Mason County in consideration for an award After the bids are
MOUNTAIN VIEW ADDITION TO SHELTON,who are not tenants by summary proceedines Washington. Parcel No. 42204-50-000471 opened, Mason County will ~letermine a -list of
WASHINGTON, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME under chapter 59.12 RCW. For tenant-occupied DATED th s da
4 OF PLATS, PAGE 47, RECORDS OF MA- nronertv th,:, n '.h=~,~r L y17th of January, 2019. STE- qualified suppliers and noti those su liers
SON COUNTY, WASHINGTON SITUATE wth'- wdtten"n~'tice'~~,''-,~p~v'ae.:a [en an! ~FNVVH!!.EHOUSE WSBA #6818 WHITE-Of their ntention to purchas:iefYvadous m~Prials
I,aL, L,U~U~=~jU W~Ul nL, VV rlUUbt: & NIUI-IUL~5, LLH Attorne TOr P ain i
N THE COUNTY OF MASON, STATE OF 61.24,060. Notice to Borrower s wh r ' y t ff dunng the period specified, MASON COUNTY
WASHINGTON APN: 42013-51-06010 More a letter under RCW 61 24r).9~. )Tt II~ receTIvped 1 '767 January 31, February 7, 14, 21, 28 RESERVES THE RIGHT to reject any or all
commonly Known as 321 WEST E STREET, IS THE FINN eT,-,~ ~=7-7-,;4,-"-;-','T-'Y.-L'~-= ~wa~cn z o[ bias, to waive informalities, and may accept any
- ~ "~/LF Dr-FunE /i"]l'- i'-UHI-- bid and make such award that is judged to be
SHELTON, WA 98584 which is subject to that CLOSURE SALE OF YOUR HOME You have PUBLIC NOTICE in the best interest of the County. DATED at
certain Deed of Trust dated April 25 2016, exe- only 20 DAYS from the recording date on this SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Shelton, Wash ngton, this 28th day of January,
PROPERTY as Trustor(s), to secure obligations A'i-I'ORNEY L CENSED IN WASHINGTON COUNTY OF MASON LAKE CUSHMAN Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board
in favor of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGIS- NOW to assess your situat on and refer you to COMPANY, a Wa hi
TRATION SYSTEMS, INC ("MERS"/ as des s ington corporation, Pain- 1765Janua 31. Febr
ignated nominee for UNIVEIRSAL AIVI'E~R r-^~, ll ~'ura [.~un " you mignLe,g~o~e ann ~ may neap ~Jff, NO 18-2-0380-23 THE ESTATE OF BAR- ry . uary 7, 14 3t
yuu ~ave your noTe. :see belOW Tor safesourc- BARA J MORTON, SHERRIE TURNER, PUBLIC NOTICE ~
MORTGAGE COMPANY, LLC, A FLOR DA es of help. SEEKING ASSISTANCE Housina a married person in her Separate capacty, NOTICE TO B DDERS - CALL FOR
LIMITED LIAB L TY COMPANY, Beneficiary counse ors and legal assistance may be avai~ DAVID A. MORTON, a married person in his SEALED BIDS
of the security instrument its successors and able at little or no cost to you If you would like separate capacity and THE LAKE CUSHMAN COUNTY OF MASON DEPARTMENT OF
assigns, recorded April 26 2016 as Instrument assistance n determining your rights and op- MAINTENANCE COMPANY. a WashingtonPUBLIC WORKS SEALED BIDS WILL BE
No 2055475 and the beneficial nterest was portunities to keep your house, you may contact Corporation. Defendants. The State of Wash- RECEIVED bythe County of Mason at the of-
assigned to Pingora Loan Servicing, LLC and the following: The statewide foreclosure hotline ingt()n to DAVID MORTON, and all other per- rice of the County Commissioners located in
recorded January 24, 2018 as Instrument NuT- for assistance and referral to housing coun- sons or parties unknown claiming any right, title Courthouse Build ng 1,411 North Fifth Street
bar 2087222 of official records in the Office of selors recommended by the Housing Finance estate, lien or interest Mason County Audtor's Shelton, WA 98584 until February 21, 2019
the Recorder of Mason County Washington I. Commission: Telephone: (877) 894-4663 or Parcel Number 42318-50-00083 descr bed in at 9 am, and will tl~en and there be publicly
No action commenced by Pingora Loan Servic- (800) 606-4819 Website: www.wshfc org The the Complaint here n, Defendanti Each of you opened and read, for furnishing asphaltic ma-
ing, LLC, the current Beneficiary of the Deed United States Department of Housing and Ur- is hereb summoned to a
of Trust is now pending to seek satisfact on of hon n,- -,- Y . . . ppear w~thin sixty days ter a s for use b Mason Coun D
the obligation in any Court by reason of the Bor ~/~',=~,~tv~,~u~:~'~',',~,~.u~[~unu:.[eu.u)o~.u 4.z8/. a~er the ante ot the tirst publication of this sum- of Pub c Works Yor a oer od of IptY~nt~P~lrtawmencl
rowers' or Grantors' default on th " ,v uu.uuv me ma[ew~ae c~w ega Tons, to wit sixty days after the 31st da of date throu h
e oo,gauonaid hotline for assistance and referrals t .Y. . g December 31, 2019 SPECIFI-
secured by the Deed of Trust/Mort,',a,',e I Th" '- o.otherJanua.ry, 2019 and defend the above entitled CAT ONS, INSTRUCTI .
u u. ~ .uu~,ng ~unselors aria attorneys:/elepnone: action in the aDove entitled court, and answer AND BID FORMS for thisONrSjeTOrB/DDIEaRS
default(s) for which this foreclosure is made s/ (800) 606-4819 Website-www homeownersh p the corn laint of the I ' '
are as follows: FAILURE TO PAY WHEN DUE w r~ ~. ,-, ~ ,'. : . P .p.aint~ff and serve a copy through the Mason County on-line pl n .
THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS WW~r''' ^Dr-,~.u'-,E %~,=u. ,J~.~uuu, ~o, .'u~e Mib. ~.~nanc~a~ OT your answer upon tne undersigned attorne s Free of g cess is rovided ?r ~O?mm~
NOW iN ARREARS' DELINQUF:N'~' ~,~~u~r.us~ee.b.orp, s, ~ Duly A.p.po,ntea b~uc- TOr plaintiffs STEPHEN T WH TEHOUSE ~f Bidders, ~hual~x~n~rCctors =nPa~ v,=n,~,-,~ h, ,-,~
. - ~u u~[uu ~y: ~an ~urton vice t-'resiaent vvnitenouse and Nichol ~, u,--
MENT. INFORMATION From April 1, 2018 MTC Financial Inc dba Trustee Com.q 5r~ /,w ~t th=ir ~m,-.-- S, LLP, Att.orneys at. ~g to:.http://bxwa.com and clicking on: "Posted
~u uctooer 25 2018 Numoer of Payments IlnJnn qfr,~oi ~ -~-'-" :--r'=-T-"- -----,-- U UU~UW ma[ea; ano in case oT vmjec~s";"Public Works" "M~enn ~,- n~, on~
3 ' - ou=[e ozu beattle, WA 98101 your Taiiure so to do 'ud m ' :,
$852.22 4 $961.88 Total $6,404.18 LATE Toll Free Numh~.r" f~a4~ q~"z ~,~ J g ent w=ll be.rendered Projects B~ddlng. B~dders are encoura ed t
CHARGE INFORMATON A ril 1. 201 ;,~ ,~,-- E-,aoj.uu: (800) a,gamstyouaccord~ngtoThedemanaofthecom "Re lister" in order tn m.naiw ~,tr, m=*~,-g~r,~
ber 25 2018 $93 76 eROMl~nhv M~TO=~ - 83316 388For ae,n~tateme.nn~Pa y Ul"t ~uotes, plaint, which has been filed w th the clerk of said not fication nf fi~.r~ ~,~"~'~''~ ~',' '~"
FORMATION Noie Dated: April~2'5,' 2'~)1"6 ~l'ot'e . ;~1[~~lNMF~lq~,lnaTn,cr~a/,l~.^'~,l:sA/r~tee~Orp,-.s .court. The. action seeks to quiet ttle to the fol- themselves on thes'elf rea~s"t"ere~d "Bi~ders~qt"u~.
Amount $122,735.00 Interest Pad To' March 5N/ TNI~"A~-' "~'~',',~=~~#~'?~r-,u ~w.~ng reaLprope.r~.: Lot elgh~hree (83), Lake This on-ine plan room provides Bictcleis w'iih
1 2018 Next Due Date A ' " ,-,1 ,-,u J- L, usnman r~o ~, volume t~ or ~'la[s na es 114 full -,
: : phi 1, 2018 Current MATED SALES INFr~D~'~^"r~Ikl Pl ~^ - ~ y usable on ne documents; with the abi ty
~eneticiary: Pingora Loan Servicinr, LLC Con r-^, ^ ~,~2~,J~ -~,2o,- ~u ~ ~ z, uo[n nc]usJve, recoras oT Mason L;ounty, to download rint to our own r
,- rtLL. ~UUUUH.IJUm at OUU ~:OU "~JZI;3L I~tum- Wash n n . ' p Y p nter, order full
tact Phone No" 1-877-909 9416 Address 425 " ' gto Parcel No. 42318-50-00083 DAT- / part=a plan sets from numerous r
Phill " . - oer b]339, P'uo ua~es 02/14/2019, 03/07/2019 ED this 24th da of Janua 2 1 . . eprographic
ps Bird, Ew!ng NJ 08618 IV. The sum MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ' WHITEH~HQ=Y eo^ .~;n01,9;STEP,H, EN sources (on-l,ne pr, nt order form) and a free
owing on me obligation secured b the D u~ #oo~o vvr~Hc~uu~- on ine a~ Jtizer/take off tool C
y eed 1774 February 14 MaTh 7 2t - -, - g - ontact Bu ders
Of Trust is The nnc~ a sum of 118,~,NiUHOLth, LLP Attorney for Plaintiff Exchan e of W
. . P P $ ,518 76, g ash=ngton at (425)258-1303 f
' " 1761 January 31, February 7, 14, 21, 28, you should require assistance. ALLBID PRO-
together w~th mterest as provided in the Note PUBLIC NOTICE March 76t
POSALS must be in writing, on forms furnished
or other instrument secured, and such other PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS from Builders Exchange of Washington, placed
costs and fees as are due under the Note or (RCW 11.40.030) SUPERIOR COURT OF
other instrument secured, and as are provided WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Es-
by statute. V. The above described real prop- tate of CLAUDIA FOSTER, Deceased NO.
erty will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale 19-4-015-23 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE
and the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust The above Court has appointed me, PATRICK
as provided by statute. Said sale will be made BYRNE FOSTER, as Personal Representa-
without warranty, expressed or implied, regard- tive of Decedent's estate. Any person having
ing title, possession or encumbrances on March a claim against the Decedent must present the
15, 2019. The defaults referred to in Paragraph claim: (a) Before the time when the claim would
lit must be cured by March 4, 2019, (11 days be barred by any applicable statute of limita-
before the sale date) to cause a discontinuance tions, and (b) In the manner providect in RCW
of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and 11 40 070: (i) By filing the original of the claim
terminated if at any time before March 4, 2019 with the foregoing Court, and (ii) By serving on
(11 days before the sale) the default as set forth or mailing to me at the address below a copy
irq Paragraph III is cured and the Trustees' fees of the claim. The claim must be oresented by
and costs are paid. Payment must be in cash the later of: (a) Thirty (30) days after I served
or with cashiers' or certified checks from a State or mailed this Notice as provideb in RCW
or federally chartereci bank. The sale may be 11.40.020(1)(c), or (b) Four (4) months after
terminated any time after the March 4, 2019 (11 the date of first publication of this Notice. If the
days before the sale date) and before the sale, claim is not presented within this time period,
by the Borrower or Grantor or the holder of any the claim will be forever barred except as pro-
recorded junior lien or encumbrance by paying vided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11 40.060. This
the entire principal and interest secured by the bar is effective for claims against both the De-
Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees and advances, if cedent's probate and non-probate assets Date
any, made pursuant to the terms of the obliga- of First Publication of this Notice: February 7,
tion and/or Deed of Trust, and curing all other 2019. Decedent's SSN (for WDSHS only): Re-
defaults. VI. A written Notice of Default was nee E. Stein. WSBA No. 21164 Attorney for
transmitted by the current Beneficiary, Pingora Personal Representative
Loan Servidng, LLC or Trustee to the Borrower 1770 February 7, 14, 21 3t
and Grantor at the following address(es): AD-
both first class and certified mail on September COUNTY OF MASON LAKE CUSHMAN
18, 2018, proof of which is in the possession COMPANY, a Washington Corporation, NO.
of the Trustee; and the Borrower and Grantor 18-2-00383-23 Plaintiff, vs. THE UNKNOWN
were personally served with said written Notice HEIRS OF DAVID H. WOODARD. Deceased,
of Default or the written Notice of Default was and, URAL WOODARD, a single person, and
RECEIVE D by the County of Mason at the of
rice of the County Commissioners located in
Courthouse Building 1,411 North Fifth Street,
Shelton, WA 98584 until February 21, 2019
at 9 am, and will then and there be publicly
opened and read, for furnishing of aluminum
and/or polyethylene: culvert pipe, culvert linings,
and culvert end sections, couplers and/or other
items for use by Mason County Department of
Public Works, Equipment Rental and Revolving
Fund for a period of contract award date through
December 31, 2019. SPECIFICATIONS,
FORMS for this project are available through
the Mason County on-line plan room Free of
charge access is provided to Prime Bidders,
Subcontractors, and Vendors by going to: http://
b'xwa.com and clicking on: "Posted Projects";
"Public Works", "Mason County", and "Projects
Bidding". Bidders are encouraged to "Register"
in order to receive automatic email notification
of future addenda and to place themselves on
the self registered "Bidders List" This on-line
plan room provides Bidders with fully usable
on-line documents; with the ability to: downloaa,
print to your own printer, order full / partial plan
sets from numerous reprographic sources (on-
line print order form), and a free on-line digitizer
/ take-off tool. Contact Builders Exchange of
Washington at ('425)258-1303 if you should re-
quire assistance. ALL BID PROPOSALS must
be in writing, on forms furnished from Builders
Exchange of Washington, placed and sealed
and sealed in an envelope With an indication on
the front bottom left comer of said envelope,
the project name: Call for Bids: 2019 Asphal-'
tic Materials (2) and date of bid opening, and
then filed with the Clerk of the Board of County
Commissioners on or before the day and hour
above-mentioned. Questions regarding these
bid documents shall be sent via email to pwproj-
ects@co.mason.wa.us. Questions/answers
will be posted daily at bxwa.com. The deadline
for questions is 48 hours prior to bid opening
The (Local Agency) in accordance with Title VI
of the Civil Rights ACt of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42
U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code
of Federal Regulations, Department of Trans-
portation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary,
Part 21, nondiscrimination in federally assisted
programs of the Department of Transportation
issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all
bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in
any contract entered into pursuant to this adver-
tisement, disadvantaqed business enterprises
will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids
in response to this invitation and will not be dis-
criminated against on the grounds of race, color,
or national origin in consideration for an award
After the bids are opened, Mason County will
determine a list of qualified suppliers and notify
those suppliers of their intention to purchase
various materials during the period specified.
reject any or all bids. to waive informalities, and
may accept any bid and make such award that
is judged to be in the best interest of the County.
DATED at Shelton, Washington, this 28th day
of January, 2019. BOARD OF COUNTY COM-
TON By: Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board
1764January31, February7. 14 3t