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Pane Two
Leap Year Dance Slate-d
By Agate Grange Feb. 24
Agate, February 14erhe Agate
Grange is giving a Leap Year
(lance Saturday, February 24. The
funds raised will be used to wire’
the hall. Ladies are requested to
bring cakes.
ll drapes look dub.
We'll clean 'em right
And send them home
With colors bright, '
mnsnn mum
ST'Eflm [H f1 (LEHHERS
Fisher's Blend
49-lb. sack $1.7 7
Stock up now at this low price
Small Calif. Red B
U kuleie—Broken Slices
21/2 tins . :. 15¢.
Moclips Regains Pin Tournament
Tri-County Lead '
By Whipping Owls
W. L. Pet.
Moclips .......................... ..5 l .833
Quinault ................. .. .4 l .800
Mary M. Knight 777777 ..4 .667
Oeosta, .......................... ..2 2 .500
North River . ....l 4 .200
Wishkah ........................ ..0 6 .000
Games Friday
Knight, at Ocosta.
VVishkah at Moclips.
Quinault at North River.
Moclips bounced back into the
lead of the Tri—County basketball
league last night with a. 31—22
victory over Mary M. Knight. The
halftime found the teams tied at
17-all but Moclips in the final
period rapidly drew ahead. The
Moclips (31) Knight (22)
Reynolds 11 ....F .............. .. Todd 9
»Bergquist 8 _ D. Corey 6
Ferguson 11 . Lonsberry 4‘
Shale ................ ..G .............. .. Leaf 2
Rockert 1 ...... ..G ...... .. J. Corey 1
Subs: Moclips —* Metcalf, Bryn,
Johnston, Van Rooy, Knight
Hunter, Nordwell.
I M. S" ' v.
- Corned Beef
Lean and Tender
2 cans . . . [37¢
ea.ns,4-lbs. . . .'19¢i
Cake Flour
Per pkg. . . 25¢
Pork and Beans, 21/2 tins . . . 10¢
seedless Raisins
Bulk Spaghetti . ~
4-11). pkg. . .' 22¢ 4-1bs.'g.. 25¢
3-lbs. ‘. . . . . 75¢
Phone 192
Regular ‘or
sound. Brand.
Gold. Shield
Corn, Peas, Beans .
Continues, Ends
Saturday, Sunday
vadc Shelton this coming weekend
with all intents and purposes aim—
ed at carrying off the lucrative
prizes in the third annual com-
iment staged by A1 Ferrier at his
EShelton Recreation alleys.
However, that task is going to
ibC a stiff one,
iopened the tournament last week-
lend set some pretty lofty totals
ito reach, especially in the dou-
bles and team events. The sin-
gles mark may fall to one of this
iweekend’s shooters while some
iof the present holders of
prize positions are almost certain
to be shaken loose.
noon at two o’clock and will con-
tinue to after midnight Sunday
before the 1940 tournament {'1
officially closed.
Athlems Chosen
For Student Body
Offices In Ballot
George Smith, football and. has
ketball letterman. was elected
president of the Irene S. Reed
second semester in election finals
held yesterday. ‘
Another two-sport athlete, Ralph
LeDrew, baseball and football, won
while Don McKay, basketball let-
terman, was elected to the post
of sergeant-at-arms and Bob
Puhn, football insignia winner, won
the post of staff-bearer.
The only girl to break the
monopoly of the athletes was
Grace Yarr, elected as student
body secretary.
Class elections for the second
semester will be the next ballot
issue put up to the students.
iFiremens Ball To
Be Held MarCh-lfi
March 16 has been chosen by
the Hoodsport Commercial Club
!for its annual firemen‘s ball at
the Blue Ox dance pavilion, Dance
[Chairman 0, K. Linscott,. an-
lnounced Tuesday.
firemen’s ball
Hoodsport Commercial
raise funds to provide the
sponsored by the
Club to
fighting equipment.
Further details of the ball, such
as music, will be announced later.
Vitamins Lost in Baked Apples
Scientists have discovered that ap-
ple pie loses the fruit’s vitamins.
The anti-scurvy- subsgtanseuin fruits
and vegetables,’ vitamin C, de-
creases about 80 per cent when ap~
ples are made into a pie.
3for 20¢
paragus .........\2 for 25¢
3for 25¢
. . .. 23-le. 75¢
- as:
Lang: Saeklst .
Winesap—S hopping Bag
Apples .-. ; . . ..
.. ., 8.15s 25¢ Pkg
. .
1-‘11- 1"
0. O
' Pearls of
Ere: Tablespan
H’ENIZ .‘ not.
Happy Home. No. 2 t
Grapefruit ..
White’Star. 'No. ya tin
Sunny Jim
. f. 2 hi 27¢
2for 33¢
Peanut Butter 2—lbs. 25¢
carnation .-
Another sixty or so bowlers in-i
[mercial class open bowling tourna- ,
for pinmen who:
lower '
Bowling starts Saturday after--
high school student body for the
the student body vice-presidencyi
This will be the fourth annual'
of Hoodsport with adequate fire?
. with ten.
her a 35 to 33 victory over Me-
v McCleary (35).
City League Stages Two Overtimcs ’
In Two Nights; Somers And
Funk’Shine In \Vin
w. L. PF. l’A.l
ltaybnier .................. ..41 l. 236 165;
L. M. ........................ ..4 1 153146
.‘McCleary Timber ....3 2 171 1:43
I Wilson’s Cafe .......... ..3 2, 163 ' l55
McConkey Pharm. 1 .4 161 186
4-E Dairy ............. ..10 5 118 198'
Games Saturday ’ ‘
Wilson’s vs_ McConkey, 7.
Rayonier vs. 4-E Dairy, 8.
i McCleary vs. L. M., 9.
Game Monday
I McCleary vs. Rayonier, 10.
‘ Game Wednesday
L. M. vs, Wilson’s, 10.
Game Thursday.
4—E Dair yvs. McConkey, 10.
As if ashamed of the one—sided
games they staged Saturday night,
‘city league hoopmen dished out
[the thrills and chills in copious
quantities in midweek games Tues-
day and last night.
Two tussles went to overtime
periods while the third was a]
,tight, free scoring affair. I
Rayonier suffered its first loss
of the second half when th e L. M.
'captured a 45 to 43 overtime de—‘l
cision last night which drew the
‘Merks’ up into a first place tie
with their victims. It was
best game of the year from
spectator standpoint:
. MeCleary Timber came from
behind to take a 35 to 33 over-
time verdict from McConkey’s
Tuesday evening while Wilson's
Cafe edged 4-171 Dairy, 44 to 38,
last night in an interesting scrap.
l Saturday night’s triple bill-in—
dicates a raft of action in thel ,__LA*
first and last games while the. i
uni T0 VICTORY ,
, 10er lllCtllllBERS,
Vader. ‘Z‘owled Finns on patrol
L. M. 45, RAYONIER 43
i Bill Somcrs and Jimmy Funk,
'formcr University of Washington:
':;upcrvarsity players, shared the}
ldias as Lumbermen’s Mercantile;
lsullicd Rayonier’s second half rec-l
ord with a 45 to 43 overtime do-l
feat last night. '
You’d gamble the cheeking was
loose with 'such a score as, that,
Dairy showing considerable
Eagle Aim Gets 15 Points As;
" Shelton Loses Sixth i
Straight, 24-21’
taking shot after another.
Funk tallied nine field baskets
lwith that unchecked overhead E1
'shot of his while Somers took up
the man-sized task of checking
the league's current scoring king,
Lobe Bell, halfway through the
first quarter and performed his'
assignment so well that Bell pick-
ed up one lone field goal and a
'solitary foul toss thereafter. Bell
iscored seven of the first nine{
Rayonier points.
i In addition, Somers nailed two
baskets in the overtime period,
.Gamcs Friday
Aberdeen at Montesano.
Olympia at Hoquiam.
Games Tuesday
Montesano at Shelton.
Raymond at Aberdeen.
Hoquiam at Elma,
Victory must wait one more
game, at least, before coming to
By skis and by sledge the men of Finland move across the north,
reoccupymg frontier land through crushing defeats of the Red in-
of the Petsamo front and trav
Finnish sledgcs, below. are found much more effective
for bringing up supp-lies than are the wheeled trucks of Russian
REC/fill] z“. i'
i and may be ready to hang up No.
but on the contrary it was mighty Olympia .................. .. 5 l 194 162
istiff, even vicious, Under the bas- Aberdeen ...4 1 186 108:
ket and a. few- cripple shots werelHoquiam ...4 1 180 104..
made. But the lads had their Raymond 3 194 1575
ilong range sights screwed down Elma; ‘ ......... .. 3 138 1733 ,,
to a fine point and kept the cus— Mon‘tesano _..1 4 146 178i .
tomers gaping with one breath- Shelton .................... ..0 6 133
nia 24, Shelton 21. i ‘
Aberdeen 22, Hoquiam 15. i“
Olympia 33,'Montesano 29. i
Elma at Raymond. ‘
Funk adding a. third along with}
Joe Holt’s foul shot, to sew up;
the scrap. ‘
' Regular time found the clubs!
'knotted' at 38-38. Rayonier held lineup last night.
11-8 first quarter and 2'2-20 half— Piercy scored fifteen points to
time advantages while the L. M. lead the Eagles to a 24 to 21
moved into the van at 31-30 at Southwest conference verdict over"
the third rest period. In
overtime, Rayonier tied it at 40‘t0n W111 have to wait until next
and 42 but Somers’ second banket;TueSda¥i When the Highclimbcrs
of the extra session was the, pay- entertain the Montesano Bulldogs
off. v ' at Lincoln gym, before it can hope
. A couple of technidal fouls to Shake the 105‘ng streak WhiCh
'which Rayonier hotly disputed on has now PeaChed six straight con—
time outs called by them vvex'e'fer‘m‘K3 105565.
turned into a pair of telling points .Montesano Won a five-point ver-
ifor the L. M., Funk' sinking both. dlct W119“ the two clubs met at
Rayonier’s scoring was evenly Montesano Qarly in the season, so
divided, Bell topping the losers the nghcllmbers have
The lineups; hopes of reversing that margin in"
roost on the Highclimber bench
Simply because there was too much
league" lead half a game ahead
of Hoquiam and Aberdeen. It was
Hoqulam's first conference loss of
,i (overtime). I
I Jess Anderson tickled the twine
iwith the only basket of the over-
time eriod to ive McClear Tim? . .
p g ‘ ‘ ‘y ' Elma. last night. That third quar-
Conkey Pharmacy Tuesday eve- ter hOOdOO again caSt its eVil
ning in the first extra distance
game of the schedule;
Bill Taylor had pulled the tim-
bermen into a 33-33 .tie .shortly
before the end of regular time
with a. field goal and a'converted
foul toss. Anderson .snared 16
points to double any other indi-
Vidual score of the'game.
McConkey (33)
Anderson 16 Eacrett 7'
Eagles: made 'it their big‘ pointW
producmg period, Leading at half-
time-.10 to 7, the Eagles knocked‘
off nine markers in that third
reel to take a 19 to 13 edge as
the final lap opened.
Shelton battled back to out they
edgem half, but that was the
best it could do. Little G e n 0 An-
derson, former Elma prep hoop—
Taylor 8‘ ________ Wilson 9 manv Scored Six points against his
,Madsen 2 . J. Cole 8 eT'Feammates, to top ShCltOH’S in-
Canson __________ Smith 5 dIVIdual i‘COX‘lng.
Bednarski 5 G _________ .. Russell 4 The Eagletsy maklng the eve-2
ning complete for Elma, won an
18 to 13 victory over the High-
climber second string in the pre—
liminary. The lineups: ‘
Subs: McCleary—Schermer 2,
Mel Morgan 2, K. Millikan, Lam-
lbert, McConkey—émark, C. Han-
\VILSON’S 44;, 4:123 DAIRY 3.3. ,
Grabbing a siX~p0int lead just F She'is'o‘m‘f 1;“
before halftime, ans'mi’s Cafe Hink 5 ....... "F
""""" " ' Ken' i
stubbornly refused to surrender Bede“ 1 """"
that edgefand' eventually Pulled 01“ Musgrove “G -----------
"Cormier 5 ‘
a 44 to 38 deCiSion over an im“ Nicholls .. WG -------- “Anderson
proved 4-E Dairy club last night- Subs: Elma-Q-"Billiard 1 Jas-'
The dairymen narrowed the mar-
per, Morgan, Metzger, Bennett.
'gin to three points’ halfway . . . ‘
’through the last period but never-32:33 1 Ci‘i‘éié? 2'
1114333??? b é“
could quite take command. GeorgelArmStmngi S Arg’stmno ’
lAdams twitched the threads for '2 ‘°'
13 Wilscin tallies while Johnny Dot- -
son played bang up ball for the SECOND TEAMS
ilosers. Elma (18) Shelton (13)
Wilson's (44) 4-13 Dairy (38)Be11 1 .............. ..F ...... ..
Lumsden 2|
lCooper 6 .......... ..F .......... .. Fourre 2Winders .......... ..F
........ .. Fredson
[Powell 9 W'eeks 2Bennett 5 ...... ..C ................ __ Cole 4
iRyan‘ .............. ..C.. Bingham 5Wade ‘ ..G. . Lizotte
_i Del Daniels 5 Dotson 10 Cox .................. ..G .......... ._
McComb 2
. LeDrew 5 ...... ..G .......... .. watson 8 Subs: Elma —— McPherson
Subs: Wilson‘s ~— Adams! 13, ,Boydw-S“ Bray, Komiske, Thayer.l
Dronen 6. 4—E Dairy.” Tate 8, Shelton ~— Clothicr 1, Pearce. Van-
Ted Daniels 0.
Overbeke, Trotter.
Bob Piercy in the Elma Eagles,
i ..
t h e the Highclimbers at Elma. so Shel—
strong '
L. M. (45)_ Rayonier (43) thls Second meeting. ,
Somers 10 ...... ..F ..... ...... ..Levett7‘ HOW?V9’U the Bulldogs
McComb 2 ...... .. Cloutier 10 QWum a mighty battle Tuesdav;
Driver .............. ........ _. Bell iolmght' before going down to
a. 33%
Fredson 6 .... "G __________ ” welton 8it0' 29 defeat. The
Bulldogs had:
Funk 20 .......... ..G .......... Anderson the Count knotted at 29 with at,
Subs: L_ M.——Roberts 2, J; Holt mmut-e to g0~ 3
3, G: Hanson 2, VT, Holt” Rayqni'er When Aberdeen zone defensed
—Burgoyne ' " HOQUIa-m Into a 22 to 15 defeat;
last night, Olympia. moved to the; i
the schedule.
But to get back to Piercy and, '
eye on the Highclimbers for the!
Thursday, February 15. 1940 az'
ll W Les iiaBissonicre‘s quint l“ hav
‘illtn three way tie fortri SD:
l dime with .‘1. 23 to 10 ‘. '
' I I irliver Glen llaiitlei's' tram wllll‘?
Intramural Loap‘ers. suffered its fifth st
loss, 1]. to 8. at the hands 01 s
lJack Roles-Glen Getty iiVC‘
‘ . .. g; . a
l, ptdyrs iCr<issiiiiiii’s' squad, siiv three
Roy Jemison’s blue-shirts from.
Hoodsport maintained their un-:
beaten status in the high schooli
lintramural basketball league Fri—i,
day but had a mighty 11:1.1’1‘0Wi
squeak before copping their fifth
straight, 7 to 5, from Ralph Lie-1
Drew's squad in an overtime pet--
iod. Penny Read’s long shot as"
the whistle ending the extra perw,
iod sounded banged through the,
twine for the winning points, 1
Don Satra’s aggregation stay—‘
i T ‘1‘ . 5 0 (it) 23
'—'“"T”"""""""” A
1 i n: ..4 l 78 45_‘Q
1 ‘ 3 7| 40 '"
i -_ _________ .3 2 (ii 3.11»
,LeDrei‘. ,3 2 53 35 }
gouty—no. ..l 4 so in ‘i WM be paw hy the manufac
iLandcrs ..l 4 34 91¢” any Com GREAT cHfii BU‘
LCroseinwin . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..0 .3 i8 9| 1 pHER pOSH-iVE Com cure
1‘ TI
‘Temis‘m 7' LCDrCW 5' not remove. Also removes T
Satra over Daniels (forfeit). land Caucuses. 35:5 ,1 Ti
LaBiosoniere 23, Landers 10. iSheiton pharmacy‘ .30
l Getty—Roles 11, Crossm'in S. i ..,.. _ . . .
at Dayton Ha, ‘
Saturday, Il‘elll'llal'y i if?! ‘
Music by
Cliff Kelly’s
ed in second place with only one Blur“;
1055 by taking a forfeit victoryl M ,
from Del Daniels’ club. The teams thymus-Am. (20111.. 39¢, l. ,,
played a 12-12 tie with fill in L1,”; 10,3. '-
’ S
.. a
Women's Home and Hospital.
b - d. ::2.
Where the unmarried mother receive: mcrlical attention 37‘ -~
.- 7. ASH” . ‘7 f ' elf d, h'ld. A earnest effort is made ‘5
Ceii‘iraha Junior Hoop i we °r “"5 an c' " ’NE
‘ teach her the value of good character and virtue, and l
Team Here aturdav
' S 1 introduce her to the MASTER for further guidance.
Hoping for their first victoryi
blend into the snowy background
01 swiftly on their “ell—greased
‘Od vorfigz.
0f the year, Shelton junior high
hoopmen entertain Ccntralin, jun-
ior high in a twin basketball bill
in Lincoln gym Saturday after-
noon, starting at two o'clock. ' .
First and second team games
will be playCrl. Coach Hugh Clark
said his Shelton youngsters look~
ed better in practice last night
Envoy, Fred R. Davis
1412 6th Ave. Seattle, Wasl’l' .
1 in the victory column.
W. L.‘PF.I’A.‘,
B‘uyth'e and SAVE
7 Yol1
Why save at the expense of quality
can save on the BEST foods at City Mk6
3-lbs. 49,
Iiiiivsm . . . . alarmi
swirrs Milli . 6m 3,
Sunny Jim Tin
Peanut Butter . . . . . 25 “m 0
Banquet ¢ t
a f‘
..s. '
A delicious brenkf for-U1
........ _. roe,
Van Camp’s For
Pork 8: Beans . . . . . 29¢
.1 B Msz
A I. , ...:.‘.:;i.»~ ~"'
Beef Boast ' ‘ lb.
Lined/Tim): ' i i: W 1 ‘1
21¢ lb.
ggggg Beef Bell lb. ll
1) J: . V ; . i
m . . ti
BANANAS Hamburger 34in. ,1
lb' """""""""" 5¢
Pork Sausage ________________________________________ u 3-1135, 29 wig-c
GRAPEFR‘UIT - Shoulder Pork Roast ________________________________ __ 1b.
""""""""""" "
20¢ 13, .k Ste k ‘ lb ~11
RHUBARB 31 a, .................................................. _. . I
. Lean Pork Chops _________________________________ __ 1b, 1. as.
lb. ........................... __ 5i , . 1 t
ORANGES lgm‘k Sausage ............................................. lb-
2 doz. _____ ___________ __ 45¢ L’s-an Sliced Bacon, cello wrap __
_________ ._ 92-11). 2,. K1
Leg Mutton ________________________________________________ _. lb. 1 l
- ’. A.
MlltlJOll Chops ______________________________________ __ 2_Ebs.