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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 15, 1940     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 15, 1940
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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4, W February 1940. I" . tll have ‘0 TELL m) vhil .\___‘.._...ifi. ._ WWV 9 i L it you Buyer meets seller in the Jour SE LL Journal Want— nal Classxficds. st ‘ .s 01. vc. 5 “ICONNIEMHY T You (:0 To i l l J K: J Baby Powder ____ __ 19¢ l T T , Mcnnens “‘“G. YOU‘LL Baby 011 ____________ __ 43¢ 3 ‘ To -3ORROW M Heinz ‘ ' 19°Y‘meo Baby Foods, 3 for 25¢ per dozen cans....89¢ Super D Cod Liver Oil, pt. 1.19 KODAK FILM DEVELOPING Bring Your Films here Any size 25¢ with one enlargement FREE” which fortunes are invested. perature about Eyicks Vaporu’b .......... 59¢ alike-Davis IrradOl-A . . . . . 1.23 is Oil Capsules, 100’s ... . 98¢ fistearns Gold Cough Syrup 69¢ “Bruno Quinine .......49¢ ----o”--- REMINISCENCES I V i ' mun-m . PNLRQAD land humorous coach of the U lversity of Washington lon hand to greet him. l 1 >37 [EDWIN->25 “422° llllr?U llllfill-aPC's’llllic7 llll. >25 fill-20bit»? an»: [31.25 ["123 llll. )3? Int 2t :1 H .1.” I p and save” at, 20th Century’s Can- 00d Sale. ' February 16th to 22nd, inclusive TOMATOES can Ocan59c Lakpta No. 2V2 can. SPAM I . PINEAPPLE can 15c You I S C 0 Bonnie Best—No. 21'2 Can SHRlMP can .100; 6 cans 590 ______ __ oxiva Wet Pack. SPAGHETTI N0-1Tall 23c Franco American. g HONEY 5-lb. pail 49c Matched ..Sl ices 0* Lakota. FRESH PRODUCE (Prices Friday & Saturday Only) FANCY GOLDEN 5 RIPE—Buy by hand ................ .. 1b. ¢ Oranges, lge. Navels .............. __ 2-doz. 45¢ Cauliflower ................................ head 10¢ Lemons, Sunkist ........................ __ doz. 25¢ Oni-mis, mild, sweet .......... _. 10-lb. bag 10¢ Carrots .............................. .. lge. bunch 5¢ Potatoes, No. 1 Netted Gems _. 10-lbs. 19¢ OXYDOL Reg. Pkg. it Prices Friday and—Saturday Only MILK Rock Dell 20¢ Sunshine KRISPIES 1.11). box .. 15¢ GRAHAMS, lb..... 17¢ _ Bohannan Grapefruit Juice 2 46-oz. cans 29¢ Sunshine Molasses Mint Chews lb. 25¢ ' 3 tall cans ...... H Pork ROAS-TS Center Cuts Lb. ...... _. 15¢ . v T . Sliced BACON Lb. ...... _. 14¢ r1] : Q?“ amass ~ Among them will be a couple Florida Farmers/Tarn on Heat Battle Frostm SHELTON—MASON CoUNTY’LI'oURNAI. Page Three . E Froct in Florida has meant farmers there must create their own Warm weather to save crops in la orange groves heaters like one at left were turned on to raise tem- 10 degrees when emergency arOse. old tires, straw and sawdust in roads to be burned for a 2-4 degree rise. :trawberries from frost by capping them With baskets. subject of conversation Friday eve- ' and Bi“ some“, eaCh ning when Tubby Graves, genial'standing player in Shelton’s fast. , little city basketball league this freshman yeah . ' Both Funk and Somers play-g ni- basketball team, arrives in Lin-l eoln gym for the Husky coachl e lwill end several old acquaintances} _ I ; tending the Universxty. l l l l The Walt Elliotts, part of Husky varsities I I B~ 'Idellne, y .‘ BILL :DICKlE. l l l of athletes who played under him. 1 Old times will be the popumr in their collegiate days, Jim Funk l i an d supervarsity basketball un- didn’t play together, however, as Somers graduated‘a couple years ahead of Funk. ‘ Shelton son, are another out~ der Gravds when they were at-l.‘ They? father and pair closely acquainted with the gen- l l l l l by .i‘ l l i l . i i, . Truck farmers, lacking modern heaters, dumped Gi owers protected their shall be awarded if" the foul in- volves ’unsportsmanlikc conduct. ‘This extra free throw shall be ,,,.;,,\.,,, mm”,- m ial Husky coach, Walt Jr. thrill. his varsity football playing and; 3Wa1t Sr. because he knows ev-g .erybody of athletic lthe country anyway. before slippingr one over ing with his sheepskin. Somewhat less closely quainted with the Husky ac- ath— Shelton’s N0. 1 sports whistle puffer. Homer Taylor, high school athletic director and base- ball coach here, and Dick \Vat- son, another former Daily sports scribe now pastiming with the Journal. Graves. incidentally, is the han- dyman of the Husky coaching staff. Sfor he not only is head varsity tutors' the Husky frosh basketball teaml ' (0r supervarsity if the oceasionf baseball mentor but also l demands) and assists with fresh-I man football instruction as well ias acting scout for Varsity Grid' Coach Jimmy Phelan. Graves is probably the popular man on the Husky coach— ing staff. His humor is a most- sought-after article at banquet ta-i blesi and he makes a most capable toastmaster for that reason. . His baseball teams for a stret- ch Of ten years copped so many northern division college con- ference pennants there was a movement on among rival dia- ‘ mond mentors to “curb Graves” even as major league would “curb the Yankees” day. I ._ l l l l l owners > to— l reknown in l ' Graves also is a personal fricndl iof the guy who scribbles thesel, ,Sideline Slants for the Sidelinerl lwrote baseball for two years fort , “the U. of W. Daily and also turn-l led out for the Husky baseball} . iteam for three years under Graves on the! :univeroity authorities and escap-l ! 1 , letic mentor are Guy McKinney", l ~ I , l l l . I most 1 But this year his pride and joy . ‘is his frosh basketball team for it is rated as one of the finest the Washington campus has ever, possessed. Graves will display it for the edification of Shelton fans Friday night. It will be as close as many local fans have ever come tion for this year’s frosh team should form an unusually large for next three years. SPORT SCRAPS Walla Walla high is thinking of spring and baseball already, a let- ter received by Athletic Director Homer.Taylor of Shelton high in- dicates . . . the letter asks to schedule a baseball game with the Highclimbers as part of an ambi— ' tious tour of Western Washington . the Walla Walla team is contem- plating . . . , not definitely dating such a game, Taylor’s reply, while indicated a favorable view to such an event. at Loop Field. It is this scribe’s opinion, af- ter watching results of extra- curricular activi‘ty on the part of northern division teams, that this year’s northern division prep basketball teams are weaker than last year as a whole, par— ticularly in the, top bracket . . . Hoquiam, Aberdeen and Ray- mond haven’t enjoyed much suc- cess against teams outside the division while the fact that a mediocre Olympia club is battl- ing Hoqniam for a shot at first place tomorrow evening is an- other polnter in thst direction. This probably will bring stiff protests from Gus Asplund, the Sideliner’s contemporary on the Raymond Herald, but this ob- server doesn’t believe Raymond's 1940 club is as good as its 1939 , outfit. It probably is not generally re- alized by fans or players, but un- der the 1940 basketball rules a player doesn't necessarily have to be in the act of shooting to be awarded two foul shots when fouled by an opponent. One sec- tion of the new rules specifically states: the V» “An additional free throw Jto seeing the Husky varsity in ac— f~ «. s, 1. Friday Saturday Only Ex. Fancy Pack BA N A N A 8 Golden Ripe Fruit Large 64 size Arizona 'Vi/INESAP 10-lb3. 35¢ GRAPEFRUIT._,. 10 for 29¢ awarded for any deliberate foul. lsueh as one to prevent a player to score.’ situation i seventh inning. where a player is fouled simultan-j which l has come up two 01. three times in up play, but both can and Will de-‘ ithe city league this year, but to , , mam we deliberate foul penaltylEight runs even at the end of the, ‘ Shots'seventh, doesn't always mean VlC- l ifrom getting position ,Thcre is always the cously by two opponents, lwith the awarding of two hasn‘t been called. l -1 .,# l [you'er RIGHT, THAT’S ; WRONG l Iumn in the Bremerton Searchlight. Said George: l The organized semispro baseball ,lclubs will experiemcnt this yeari twith a couple of rule changes tiiat' ‘ihave been proposed various times! ,to major and minor. leagues, but, lhaven’t won much support. l Members of the National Semi l Pro Congress have adopted two I new regulations, the first allow- ing a pitcher to wave a. man to { first without pitching when he intends to issue a pass. It will I be unnecessary to pitch the cus- E tomary four balls. I l l l 1 GET UP. NIGHTS? It may be sayings; thing wrong. kidm-ys may llitt Lil"I Your An opinion with which the Side- iliner heartily agrees was express-‘- vod. the other day by George Thom— ‘iii: in his ‘Press Box' sports col- News- "Some- bc 1 The other rule will give victory' pitcher winds 'up and delivers." ito a team that is ahead by eight; They might be good rules, but Iruns or more at the close of the lefforts to streamline the game al'~ ,ong modern lines may detract Both rules are supposed to speed from its interest Say-It WITH FLOWERS They Bring.Comfort and Happiness FUNERAL DESIGNS AND HOSPITAL BOQUETS Delivered anywhere, anytime. Travis Flower Shop é Shelton Hardware Bldg. Phone 232 270W tract something baseball. ‘ from 5tory. Many gimes have been pull- l led out of the fire in the final twol stanzas, even when the odds are; (great, and those finishes. while not Common, are worth their weight} iin gold in fan interest. l Same with an intentional pass. “’aving a man down is the safe way, but eliminates the degree of risk present every time the ' l STOCKHOLDERS of MASON COUNTY‘ CREAMERY ASSOCIATION 1 l0 A. M. FEBRUARY 24 fiszlug‘gisli. l{('t‘]i them attire sumo as. Lllmw-ls.“ Make this «l—day test. le~ 1 -i'vss zit-id and other “asto should Liv“ “, 'll"’\’ .xlimiimti-d or to getting up nights. burning. ittdt‘lil. or sr-anty How, mains. backache or kitinvy cv uunt. Ask any for lll'Kl‘ Your 250 buck il‘ BLEACH, qt. 9¢; Viz-gal. 14¢ ‘ SU-PURB SOAP 2 pkg. 35¢ New= pure gran. soap—easy on delicate hands’. OXYDOL SOAP 2‘ pkg. 39¢ '1 '; l": d . ;,‘1j,:»,~1~.~ MEMORIAL BUILDING l‘ t" i: m headache. 1‘s: (ll (ll‘llg’glslé )1le l «'ir Drug; Store.‘ Shelton, Wash. (Prices Fri-day thru Wednesday, Feb. 16-21) SPI‘CED SPAM Hormel’s popular spiced pork lunch meat. 12-oz. tin. BULK MACAlRONl 3-lh’s. 13c Finest grade macaroni or spaghetti in kraft bags. "SEEOLESS RAISINS 4-Ib. 19c California Fancy Seedless sum CRACKERS 2-lhs. 14c EGGS Large Grade "A" fresh eggs. (rid.- Sat. ONLY). g 43c tin 23c: BUTTER “Dairyland” —— 91 score —— I‘ri.-Sat. ONLY. labs. c FLOUR Kitchen Craft —— home-type flour. V it. 1.49 ORANGES ........ _. 2 doz. 49¢ glances—fresh, crisp salted ,soda wafers. in cartons. _-Largc Sunkist Navels " i f LEMONS .............. .. doz. 25¢ . ‘ ~ ‘ Sunkisti~1arge size ' ' ‘ I s c CAULlFLOWER ...... .. 10¢ ' 'Snow VVhite—Fresh Pure cane, fine granulated, in cloth bags. LETTUCE __________ .. for 15¢ ; Large 4—doz. pack RHUBA’RB ............ .. lb. 5¢ _ Choice Hot House White Magic, removes stains sans rubbing. POTATOES ...... .. 12-Ibs. 23¢ Yakima U. S. No. 1 POTATOES ...... .. 50-le. 53¢ Yakima U. S. No. 2 CA’RROTS .......... .. for 10¢ . Calif Lge. Bunches 'Famous granulated household soa . ONIONS ............ .. 5-lbs. 10¢ ‘ "Oregon-“Dry No. l RANOHO SOUP NEW—choice of four varieties. 10V2-oz. tin. IVORY SOAP So pure it floats. Best for fine fabrics. I snowman 3-lbs. 456 Pure vegetable shortening Vac. packed tins. GRAPEFRUIT Glenn Aire, fancy whole sections. No. 2tin. 5c med. 5C" tin . Duchess Salad Dressing qt. Numade Mayonnaise qt. Harper House Pears 2902. Whole K’rnel Corn Country-Home Corn __ 20-02. 10 Briar Gate Str. Beans 2 tins 25¢ White Star Tuna .. . Cherub Milk Tall Jello Asst. Flavors 3 tins 19¢ Campbell Asst. Soups, 3 tins 25¢ Playfair Dog Food 6 tins 25¢- Sleepy Hollow Syrup tin 17¢ Purex Bleach. _____ Tomato» Juice, No. 10 tin 29¢ Titan Cut Beans 19-oz. tin 3/25¢ ...... ._ pkg. 5¢ Spry ‘- Crisco, 3-lbs. Wheaties for champions pkg. 11¢- Dunb’r C’ve Oysters 5-oz. tin 10¢ . qt. bot. 12¢ PIECHERRIES‘” Stbkely’s red tart pitted cherries. Make a tempting cherry pie to surprise your family. 25¢ 35¢ 19¢ 12¢ 29-oz. tin 7-oz. tin 16¢ ______________ ._ 49¢ RINSO SOAP ... 2 pkg. 39¢ New 1940 Rinso made to whiten clothes quickly. unaware i ‘ 3&9;pr E. R§_an 68'“ .. VVKEV'JNI gAcn‘O’fip'” :5: SIRLOIN STEAK 1b. OYSTERS pint 17¢ No Bottle Charge .............................. .. BACON SQUARES lb. 10¢ SALT PORK .............. _, lb. 12¢ PACKAGE BACON.- ea. 13¢ LINK SAUSAGE ______ _. lb. 23¢ MEAT LOAF ____________ __ lb. 15¢ VEAL STEAK .......... __ lb. 19¢ Prices for Friday-- Saturday Monday ‘- Coffee Week Savings EDWARDS t4? Vacuum packed' blend of the world’s finest coffee, drip on" Fastest selling package coffee in the west. Thrifty. NOB HILL 121A. 37¢ Our DeLuxe blend of finest coffees. Saves money on every pound. Here is our guarantee! If you are not delighted with every purchase of meat at Safeway we will give you back every cent you paid for it. 139212.130rt._lh-11c _________ lHSc Loin Roast lb. Vi A Young Pig POrk .............. .. Sausage lb. 9,: lb. PORK CHOPs 15¢,1b. Center cuts .... l S 3*: :Iillll?.; l A.» n I». . ( i'lfli’:hniti2?.fiifl§il?£i£{liiiliifi .ist maniac» .p, ,. ’Ii‘u it Eail§§2l3th BBQZAEiLS