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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 15, 1940     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 15, 1940
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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@hapier Delphinn Meet Monday I 6:13? afternoon at 2 p. m.,i rnmea Tau Chapter Deiohian 9t With Mrs. A, Almadcn. 1 ,l :3“ Brownies , ., Valentine Party d~QFB°rd§3aux Brownies No. 1.‘ Idaxclombined their groups and ,‘ . Mm alentine party {It the home ’y af'teA- 0. Schumacher Tues- tin l‘noon. An exchange of V .138 Was enjoyed and games a payed, with prizes for an “E? basket, from "which ould draw her prize, by , I e‘ Th .zrstring attached to the , e [0116 cm were 25 present and th Blwmg leaders, Mrs. Ken- “, Manchard, Mrs. Ted Carl-i 16 com Schumacher and Mrs. ‘ .V Int”; At the close, punchl , aentine cookies were serv-i l Tut—:7. .3... am l l THEATRE .‘ l 1;“ Shows every night Matital‘tlng at 7:00 P.M. . . “Ge 2:15 p.m. Saturday. ! gum and Sunday ,, 10¢ and 25¢, plus tax Last Time Tonight! . AduFARGAIN NIGHT / . ,fl ; ts ........ .. 15¢ Each .‘ , FE And TWO BIG I, i , ATURE PICTURES i ,_“LEG10N OF THE .. LAWLESS” ._ -.with George O’Brien ,r -, 1 Virginia Vale —and— _. E TWO or US” g “Frid l l I 3y and Saturday I5 PAY-NITE . . . ' =l ' 209000 MEN A YEAR” . 115, 1940. ;L0ui ,part of the program. MAXINE BRIGGS, Society Editor Phone 274.: ll. E. Women‘s h’lissiontiry (lroup Meet Vl'eilneuday Afternoon The Vv'omen’s Missionary group of the Methodist church met Wed- nesday :ii‘Lbi'iioon at the church. There were 35 present. The \Voni~ en’s Home Missionary Society are celebrating this year and it will also be thei! last year as the units of the church have been combined un- ler one group and will be called the 'Womcn’s Division of Christian Service. Efforts to gain mem- bers in the membership drive re- sulted in five new members. Mrs. W. A. \Vitsicrs discussed the cost 7f home missions in general and Mrs. D. R. Pittinger talked of the cost of iome missions in the Methodist church. The Home lMissLenary Society in its 60 years of existence, has 60 million dollars and has several million dollars of property such as schools, hospitals and orphan- ,Jages in 182 projects in 39 states, Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico. Mrs, Bernice Stewart and Mrs. Larson sang a duet as a It was planned that during Lent, each member has pledged herself to en— gage in daily devotionals at 10 o’clock and a cottage prayer meet- ing will be held every Tuesday. 'Next Tuesday will be an all-day meeting at the church starting at 10 a. m., and the weekly prayer lmeeting will be. held that day at the church. The balance of the day will be spcnt tying comfort- ers for supply work. Plans for leadership training in stewardship by Mrs. Robert Brumblay will be completed and there will be a. pot- luck luncheon at noon. Mrs. W. F_ Roberts, Mrs. Robert were elected delagates to the Pro- lVlSlon meeting in Centralia, lateriMre. Ethel Lundquist and Mrs. D, ,in the month. The Valentine motif , R. Fitting”- iwas carried out in the decorations, l and at the close, delicious refresh- ments were served by the host- esses Mrs. Bertie McKinney, Mrs.l Mrs. C. I. Pritchard Is Hostess Tuesday Mrs. C. l. Pritchard entertain- their 50th anniversary Amaranth Entertalm Assistant fui‘and Lecturer Tuesday Evening Tuesday evening, the Amaranth entertained the assistant grand glecturer, Arthur Ramodcn and several Seattle visitors. George Goit of the Corinthian Court of ,Seattle, presided as royal patron jin the absence of A. Fcrwerda. iThe initiatory work was exempli- fied and Miss Nina. Engelsen of Olympia and her sister, Miss Clare lEngelsen of Shelton, were courtesy ; candidates for the Work. At the lclose of the evening, a buffet sup- ;per was enjoyed. Decorations were lin the Valentine motif. Several lof the Seattle visitors remained over night and enjoyed breakfast Wednesday at the home of Ads. gLeigh Duffield. They included Mrs. E111 Rossman, Dr. Bell Dear‘ born, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Mays, and ,Mrs. C. O. Mannes. with Mrs. gGeorge Grisd'ile of Shelton also :present for the breakfast. Mrs. iElIn. McCulloch and Mrs. Neil Zin- itheo assisted Mrs. Duffielrl with the breakfast. Mrs. Marines was la houseguest of Mrs. Duffield‘s and the other Seattle viitors were guests of Mrs. Grisdale. disbursed over Home Guards 0f M. E. Church Meet Saturday Afternoon The Home Guards of the Meth- odist church met at the home of 'Mrs, D. R. Pittinger Saturday af- ternoon with Anna Lou Elliott and -Barbara Groshong hostesses. Mar- jorie Troy led the devotionals and during a business meeting, goals ,werc counted and three girls have 100 percent as follows: Florence Fentiman, Laurine Lundquist and Patty Killmer. Games were en- joyed and Valentines exchanged. Those present included Florence .Fentiman, Mary Eliason, Donna Barger, Lola Barger, Marjorie and Patty Troy, Eleanor Anne Booth,l Patty Killmer, Patty Case, Louisel sum. nun/ism "WWW “Why”. \‘VI-M ‘> I “LBJ. Club Meets “’cdnesday The W.B.A. Club met Wednes— day with Mrs. Cora Hepner, with ers. Lambert and Mrs. Hutton lassititing guests. A noon lunch— eon was enjoyed followed by business meeting and the remaind— ler of the afternoon was spent with lsewing and conversation. There were 14 present and guests of the club included the hostesses and Mrs. Tom Kneeland and M rs, Klink. l Iiiainhmv Girls Mother’s Club -To Meet Tuesday Afternoon . The Rainbow Girls Mother’s club {win meet with Mrs. David Car- ; stairs Tuesday afternoon, February ,17. The afternoon will be spent i met-ally. and short business meet» ‘ing- will be held. HV.{.‘:.T.U. To Sponsor 'Tezv. On Friday , The \V.C.T.U. will sponsor 2 Francis Willard Tea at the 11mm of Mm A. L. Bell Friday after- noon a.t 2 p. m. The tea is for the members of the W.C.T.U. and ‘, their friends. | Amaranth Social Club 35% Postponed The Amaranth Social Club ha' been postponed until further no- tice. lTributes Written By Neighbors To Hans Bergeson I, A TRIBUTE By Della Goctsch ? Word has just reached this cor- respondent of the passing of Hans Bcrgeson, one of the island’s oldr Gatty, Jane Clothierv JOY StreCk~iest inhabitants, who died yester— er, Marjorie Anne Latham, Shir- ley Dickinson, Alta Bailey, Mar- jorie Constable, Bernadine Win- liecki, Katherine Fctterly, and ;tlie hostesses Anna Lou Elliott and ‘Barbara Groshong. The mothers ,Brumblay and Mrs. w. A. Brodt .present included Mrs. Constable. ong ltury. I iMrs. C. L. Troy and the leaders, iTroop No. 5 Girl Scouts ,Enjoy Valentine Party Valentine party. As it was also Lila Bargar’s birthday annivers- ary, there were two cakes fOr Ran ed her bridge club Tuesday after-lher made b Mrs. O 31 01a and Fossdmph 5C0“! Presmn inoon with a 1:00 o'clock luncheon 5M“. McCafE'erty, Atp the clgse of .er, Margrret Lindsay rat the Colonial House, followed bylthe party, delicious refreshments Goon . . I, Also Short subjects ‘° THE GREEN HORNET, . A : amfolikv CARTOON, : | at", NEWS REEL .96 Saturday at 2:15 P.M. H 8".“- Mon. Tues. ., THE MAN IN THE 'mIRON MASK” : n Bennett L i c , ouise Hay- .- gl’g, Warren Williams “ l . lllY'IlAYS N. day at his new home on Bayshore road. Many of the people of the 1s- Iland will be saddened by hearing lof the death of this man, who liv- ed so uprightly and honestly am- them for nearly half a cen— His was a character which would stand the closest scrutiny. 6Those who knew him best. loved land admired him most, Hard work- ing and faithful in his own dutieft Mr. Bergeson always found time Mrs. A. Killmer’s Troop No. 5ito be of service to his neighbors Harry Perry and Mrs- Chas. Lentz. ‘met Tuesday afternoon at the home in times of stress, and his Lin—y of Miss Betty McClelland for a bounded generosity and cheerful helpfulness will long be remember— ed by those who knew him. A Tribute of Re’spect to, My a 1 Friend . l beige woolen, left, a smart Valentine co'rsage of cornflowers and African daisies is shown worn. The suit has a flared skirt and fig- ure~hugging ja‘ket with buttons down the front. Navy blue woolen topcoat, left, his white lingerie frill at the neckline and imitation it’s shown with white sailor with navy ribbon band, and white gloves. Flowers Garnish Early .giriiig . proving Col. Blake's licrilth them to ,\".'3."'.. Mrs. Bertha sermusa'l :lz'lie visit 1 daughter, the former I . lF'i‘woli on Boardmrin ill twin is SHELTON GENE By KENNY CALKINS Troop 12 Scribe . Hello Scouts! ‘ There was a. patrol from the HANS BERGESON: The consid-l Agate troop visiting Troop 12 last: crate parent, the faithful husband, the friend of all men; industrious, cards at Mm- Pritohard's homS‘niwere served. The afternoon was:progressive. Charitable. glVing his A. C. Bayley won the honors. General Welfare Club Drill Team To Demonstrate The drill team of the General \Velfare club will give their work Saturday evening in full regalia and the public is invited to see them. The. meeting will be held at the. Memorial Hall, and those whodiavc seen the drill team at .work, sath is very well done and well worth seeing; Look at these values! There are thousands more like them waiting to be snap- ped up in this great twice- a-year event! MEN’S SOCKS 10¢ Fine rayon and cotton dress socks in men’s popular half hose style. In attractive patterns! They're buys! Super Thin RAZOR BLADES Together with handy container. Fits any double edge razor. Womens Rayon Satin A new rayon fabric. Satin finish and very attractive. Womens Rayon PANTIES 25" Fine quality rayon assorted styles 2 for and designs. Indian Design BLANKETS Clear rich colors in 1 a striking patterns! 72"x84”. Chenille Spreads Fluffy tufting in 3 o smart bedroom col- Y's- pENNEY COMPANY, Incorporated .Two tables were in play and Mrs. enb ed la in ames and other’best to J y P y g This group cheer to all; considerate and faith— social entertainment. was organized last fall with six lgirls and there are now 20 girls spread happiness and ful, honestly devoting his life to the benefit of others more than in the troop. Any girl at the age for himself. of 10 can join the Girl Scouts. Mrs. Cropper is Hostess They tell me Hans is dead. To me this cannot be in the light of Divine revelation. We believe with for Lunch Tuesday ‘the poet thatfl Mrs. George Cropper was host- ess Tuesday for guests from Portl Angeles for luncheon. Those pres‘ ent included Mrs. Edward H. Vic- ary, Mrs. Wm, Taylor, Mrs. Ar- thur Berggren, Mrs. Norman Gibbs, Mrs. Lyman Johnson, Mrs. Ben Phillips, Mrs. Hudson Fleischauer all of Port Angeles; Mrs. Ed Nel- son of Olympia; Mrs. Russell Pick- .ens, and the hostess Mrs. Crop- per. Bridge was enjoyed with Mrs. Berg‘gren winning first prize and Mrs, Vicary low. Tuesday Reviewers Meet With Mrs. Rodgers Mrs. Marcus Rodgers entertain- ed the members of the Tuesday iReviewers Club in the afternoon. There were 12 present including Mrs. Peter Zopolis and Mrs. R. W. Halbert as guests. During the af- ternoon Mrs. Hal Briggs reviewed, W‘The Sea. Tower" by Hugh Wal~, . lpole, and at the close delicious The refreshments were served. next meeting will be February 271 ,with Mrs, R. H. Williams and Mrs. ; Robert Tabke will review the book. ‘I Degree Of Honor To Sponsor Card Party Tuesday Evening Tuesday evening the Degree of zHonor will sponsor a public card; party at the I.0.0.F. hall instead. lof the regular meeting. The party 5 . is for the benefit of the drill team and bridge, pinochle, ‘500' and lChinese checkers will be in playi gRefreshments will be served at lthe close. ! The Juveniles will hold their, iValentine party Tuesday after-l ynoon. There will be Valentinesp ‘and refreshments at the close. ,Wedding Surprises Many Shelton Friends E. 'J. Eidemiller and Mrs. Gert-i rude Larson of Olympia, were united in marriage in Olympia {Wednesday according to word ‘received here. Mr. Eidemiller is la former Shelton resident and ihas many friends here who will be surprised and pleased to learn of his marriage. The bride and groom werefonce engaged to each other 40 years ago. Mr, Eidemil- ,ler has been in Olympia since ,Christmas. I {Mix and Mrs. Herb Miller lAre Hosts Monday ' Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Miller were hosts for a dinner party. Guests included Miss Cora Barber, Miss Eleanor Daviscourt, Miss Marian Elliott. Bud Daviscourt, Walter Elliott and Gene Miller, in addition to the hosts. Girl Scouts And Brownies To Enjoy Pictures Of Europe Tuesday afternoon, February 20; after~school, all Girl Scout troops in Shelton and all Brownie troops will meet at the Alley Playhouse to see moving pictures Miss Mar- garet Mowry took while in Europe recently. Friendship Club Meets With Mrs. Saeger Mrs. Arnold Saeger was host— ess Wednesday for the Friendship club. The Valentine motif was carried out in the decorations and refreshments. There» were 10 present and an enjoyable after- noon of games and conversation I Fred “There is no death. What seems so is transition. .* We see but dimly through the mists and vapors . Amid these earthly damps; What seem to us but sad, funv eral tapers May be heaven's distant lamps. There are no dead. An angel form Steals o’er the earth with silent tread, And bears our best-loved ones away, And then we call them dead. Yet, ever near us, though unseen, These bright, immortal spirits tread; For all the boundless universe is life, There are no dead." We cherish the hope and belief that friend Hans has simply cs- eaped from life's burdens, sorrows and privations, and has taken ad— vantage of the ladder that he has builded by his deeds of love and devotion to others, to mount the steeps of the skies, to reap the re- ward in that city whose builder and 1maker is God, where they want 'er grow old. FRED S. WRIGHT. ——A Friend. Newsettes About , l jese checkers were played. ‘Goetsch won Matlock Events By Mrs. Zeo Priszner Matlock, Feb. 14. Mr, and Mrs. Willardson and Mrs. W. B- of Mr. and Mrs. Fred S; Wright. Palmer were Shelton callers Tues- day Louie Aschie. urday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ferris. Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wolliver and son of Lake. Louise were week- end guests of Mr. Albert Winkel- man and Otto Miller. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jacobson 0f Gravland and daughter Miss Erma of Aberdeen, Miss Nina Hopkins of Shelton. and Mr. Elmer Brad- berry of Snoqualmie, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hear- ing and Mrs. Rediska. Mrs. Axel Willardson and Mrs. I. C, Ford attended a 4-H meet- ing in Shelton Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Hill on Hillcrest. Mrs. Frank Fry and son Clar- ence of Wynotche spent Tuesday with the formcr's daughter, Mrs. Roy Palmer. Mrs. Zeo Priszner and children were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M, Guynup in Shelton Sunday. 3 and C. O. Decker visited Sun- dav with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fer- ris, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Michael spent .Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. EI- vin Hearing. Mr. and Mrs. John Zott called there. in the evening. ' Mrs. Hattie Bateman is encod- ing this week with her daughter. tesano. Miss Norma. celled Sundav at the ‘W. B. and Roy Palmer homes. was held. 'time of this writing there are a 'not. weep not, and where they nev- l l l and Mrs. Palmer visited Mrs. Olympia Tuesday to bring Ray_E 'mond Haskell, Mr. and Mrs, George McAfferty Hans Bergeson, back to the island and Miss Edna Ferris spent Sat- for a short .visit following Mr.I l {Refreshments were served. lthe home of Mrs. Crowell in Mat-l Mr. and Mrs. Jack Culliton. Ed, ‘Dcckcr and Mrs. Niesen of Camp Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ferrill in Mon-. Mrs. Mose Dunkelberger and' ,meeting and we hope to visit them soon. The patrol the Agate troopi ,sent included Victor Auseth, Hat-l old Schnitzer, Raymond Schnitzerl and Donald Bina. Mr. Banthaml is the troop leader out at' Agate? This is the new Troop 8. ' Troop 12 hopes to go to’ Olympia , to the swimming pool some Sat-l urday if we can arrange it. j Our troop is going to havetwol new members in the. persons of‘ Joe Mitchell and Ronald Francken. l ! Remember the board of review, fonight at McCleary Timber of- , ice. v l -————-—~———__..._ l GOES TO PORTLAND 1 Mrs. Helen Greenwalt was call-l led to Portland last weekend be-i yeausc of the serious illness of. her mother, Mrs. ChessMoore ofl ,Chehalis. An operation was per-l [formed at St. Vincent's‘_ hospital, iin Portland and Mrs. Moore is re-i I .r i cuperating as well ae'can be ex— . i pected. lDaf-fodils Bloom In Harstine Yard Harstine Island, February 13,—: lDaffodils are blooming in the yard» of the J. C. Simmons home on the! west shore of the island. It was more than a week ago when the" first of the beautiful, golden flow- ers unfolded its petals, and at the couple of dozen full bloom blos— soms. Guests at the Simmons} home over the week end were Min, and Mrs. Gordon Simmons and the‘ young people of the family, James; and Dixie, from Vesta. Mr. and Mrs, Reinhart Goetschl were guests Friday evening of thel Vaughn Good Roads Club at a par- ty in the Library Hall at Vaughn: Five Hundred’ pinochle and Chin-l. Mr. ‘ first prize at the‘ checker game. - Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Strecker' and daughter, Joy, of Shelton, were Sunday guests at the home Mrs. Mabel Harriman drove to brother of Mrs. I vrgeson’s funeral. g l TOWNSEND. is l CLUBNEWS, The Townsend Club: held their, regular meeting Mend yv .hight, February 12, in the L be? _Tem~‘ pie. The usual. large crowd was, present. After the meeting there was a. musical program, follow—l ed by the dance with fine music.‘ Thursday night, February 15:. . there will be a keynote party at lock. All Townsenditeo and their! friends who can attend will be‘ welcome. ‘ Next meeting of the club will be Monday night. February 19 atl the Labor Temple. We welcome‘ ,you to these meetings and assure, you that you will have a good‘ time, JESSIE GALLAGHER. i Publicity Manager. ______ _, urday last week hauling super- phosphate. , Mr. and Mrs C. M. Star of Shel- ton and daughter and son-in—law, spent Sunday evening with W. B.; Palmers l Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kelly and} lsons returned Monday to Camp 3.! after spending the week at the' Albert Winkelman home. l Matlock Grange meets Satur- Ernest King and Elvin Hearing day night, February 17 at 8:30. were in Shrlton Friday and SatfiAli members are urged to attend. Fashion goes flowery for early spring and on this trim suit of golden pockets. C01. 'and Mrs. Blake m , Saturday On Journey: ' Col. and Mrs. H. K. Blake pianj I to leave Shelton by auto Saturday for an indefinite time, probably at least three months, which will serve the double purpose of im-j‘ cisco, and 3 l". l i‘. k ’ Z.‘ Lawrence Baker, of ‘University Hospital in San Fran-' AUTRY —— SMILY PAUL ROBESON Dark Sands part he has played in bringing this about. 0 Health—Giving Vitamins of Knov‘vnuStrength . . 25 A.B.D. Capsules ...................... ..(SQUIBB‘) ................. .. 89¢ 100 Haliver Oil Capsules ............ ..(PARKE DAVIS) ______ .. 1.29 72’s .Vitamin Plus Capsules ................................................... .. 2.75 50 A. B. D. Capsules .................. ..'(AISBOTT) ......... _. .. 1.59 50 A. B. D. G. Capsules Improved (ABBOTT) ............ .. . 1.79 80's Adex Tablets ........................ ..(SQUIBB) . 79¢ 250’s Adex Tablets ........................ ..(SQUIBB) .. 1.98 1-lb'NavitoI Malt Compound (SQUIBB) .. 1.69 Large Myeladol .......... ...(UPJOHN) 3.19 Large Vitrate ...(UPJOHN) .. 1.29 Large Jeculln ...(UPJOHN) .................. .. 4.49 250's Super 0 Perles .................... ..(UPJOHN) .................. .. 5.14 50's A. B. D. G. Vitamin Capsules (SQUIBB) .................... .. 1.59 100': A. B. D. G. Vitamin Capsules (SQUIBB) .................... .. 2.69 25 VIta-Kaps ................................ ..(ABBOTT) .................... ._ 1.27 50 Vita~Kaps ................................ ..(ABBOTT) .................... .. 2.29 A soap made es; —————-—-—-—-—--7—--—- , . The”? 3 Lime Crisis Ipecxallyforbabies: _ Every Day , In Somebody's Home S So They Say . Be Prepared and Avoid Dismay Stock Your Medicine )hest Today 15¢ — 2 for 25¢ LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE! J.J. Bandaid 10, and 19¢ J.J. 1-inch, 10-yd. Gauze Bandage 5;: A J.J. 2-inch, 10-yd. Gauze Bandages: 10¢ J.J. I/2-inch, 5 yd. . Adhesive tape .... _. 10¢ J.J. Home First Aid . 1 . Kit ......................... .. 1.49 J.J. Adhesiva Tape, 1-inch, 5-yd. .......... _. 19¢ 1—oz. Tincture Iodine 19¢ Mi”, Magnesia, 8% 23¢ GASHMERE Bououet 2m 11¢ swam . . . . . .H-rlw Tums ...... .. 10¢; for 25¢ Ex Lax ...................... _. 23¢ on: cotouul. LAVENDER . 4hr19¢ 75c Listerine Anti- culmls . . “or!” septic .............. .. 59¢ “Rum” , Hon-19¢ .Upjohn’s} Citrccarbonate oncms . , 4hr!“ * was 89c, now only 57¢ um“ “"19¢ 75c. Vick's ,Vapo Rub 59¢ u" or nun} Moi-19¢ 50c‘ Ungentine_ ........ .. 43¢ ' MSMIII . . . Moi-19¢ 100.Aspmn Tablets (Upjohn) .............. .. 39¢ Ullc IMPERIAL “"1” BUSY WOMEN BUY KllTEX 6 6 Napkin: 1.00 Kotex Val-U-Box gives you several months’ Supply (5V2 dozen) at one time . . . saves fre- quent reordering. Ric Pa on Five, . If you wont to ;;’(‘. articl: y !l no longzx rid of i'l".\’-" fi‘l‘.‘ 10!). Phone 100 for z: in \NASH. Fri-Sat, Feb. iii-l? BURNETT: South of The Border Sun-Wed, Feb. 18-21, incl. 4 BIG Days Niuotchka Greta Garbo —— Melvyn Douglas and the 3 Rli::ian Comrades. Don’t pronounce IT. SEE IT Thursday, Feb. 22 (‘NASlIINGTON’S BIRTHDAY) l5¢ (Continuous Matinee from 2 p. m. TWO FEATURES: RENFRE‘N of the ROYAL MOUNTED Smashing Thru and IN .The health of the American people is the best ever. According to Dr. Morris Fishbein, when the final statistics tn the year 1939 are compiled they will probably show the lowest sickness . the United States, and a great reduction in childbirth mortality. Your pharmacist in the exercise of his daily tasks is proud of the important and death rate ever attained in .A COD ? For Quick Relief in (old Disi [in-'mmn III/7T: same WITH PEPSDIIEIII' RI'ITISEPI'IC' Contains CHLOR- THYMOL—scnsa- tiona], safe germ- killct. Kills germs in seconds—even when diluted with 2 parts of water. 5mm. WE Never Sacrifice Accuracy For Speed! From the time your pre- scription enters our shop until it is returned to you, we never waste a minute. All prescriptions brought here are filled just as quickly as they can safely be done. But, we never sacrifice accuracy for speed. In case of an em< ergency~bring your pre- scriptions here. They will be filled by skilled pharm- acists who use only the most potent drugs and who always double check all their worl: btfcre it is delivered to you. some use for retry :i .lourzi1:l ‘x'.‘:inf~Arl, phone .2 )llI'Zl’li bikini—Ad.