February 15, 1940 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 15, 1940 |
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‘) Febl‘
.2 nary 15, 1940.
R! usgyzANT-ADS.
Page Sever: ’
t‘nili-l‘ and by virtue of a general
execution issued out of and under
the seal of the. Superior Court of
‘thc State of Vy'asliington. in and for
lF-ald County. on the 5thdday of Feb-
, 1940. upon ju Emcnt ren-
14.5 ft. tiered in said Court on the 2nd day
5.8 ft. O‘fVDcccmber, 1939. in favor of plain-
13.6ft. “1"
6.6 ft.
13.3 ft.
—0.7 ft.
I ruary,
Hull! and the \L'Cd‘llnllllllly (:iiiiiprlsr-tl (,Toniiniiteiotmrri
\Vashing’t on Service. Corporation
against defendants and each 01'
'1-0 ft.
, gi
' ———~—- ————_....__. u___._._____
...u._...___.._______ L...
w—_ “M— .~—.—-— _ -
pl I I i 1
am "wwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vwvvvvvvvvvvmvwvvvvv' vmvvwvvwvvvvwwv
' I S O Sundstrom home Sunday-
I ‘ .
R ,. F .S 1 Cl. f d S R t t 11' C uts A birthday party for violet
" a e S a e i l - Rickabaugh was held {Saturday
o‘A‘AAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAgul i. i ,evcning at the Rickbaugh home
5 1 ts , ver isements . land was well attended b a num-
suitable I i i y
i. Words fir t i L ‘J . . L .4 ' ' P 0 ‘i r '
lld llgfic a 1'29 each )subsi- l for apartments or boarders. LOt V l
ngzgllnlll fggmes’rhc evening
. Qrtio 1 r t n i, .5 r r 64 x 120. House artl dama ’ ~—— 3 “ .‘
‘ .
‘30“ n. Mlm mum l1 £39135??an(ggblglrm'mtorn 23:58 4950 to
‘39")0 ed by fire. Owner; will sell is l By Mrs- Gladys Irving 3
,Mr- ind M’s'BmetttO“ attend'
“' ‘ """"""" ' . . . ‘ ‘
V‘ v‘
i 1 M nt of Rt on. n, 1 . is, price reduced. 404 Franklin '
Belfall', Feb. 14. ~» A group of v“ a. 9 0w m ‘emc‘ 0“ Sunday
ed adv . o at, Stage, a entmc, F ,, C y l . evemn
°Ver i, augments ac' copper 'coii ........................ ..
59.50 sen mmture 0. Street. A—1-2——tf. 9.) Boy Scout, from Belfam
along, g.‘
subse ‘ e telephone from '1 Pacific Circulator 27 50. l WITH 5-BAG
a“ lwm‘ a number from other places' Mrs' Lionel Hangs“ and
Mr' and
. n m C i h ---------- »- f , ,. n. e _iMrs. Douglas White were Brem-
en, an * ash should ,1 Smge M5,,” ______________ 14,50 -c__-m_..._..__.l
,wcn hmd over KVI Radio eta , t . .
r 1; made other orders or J1 Llng' Range 14.50 ivlason County Maps ,
PURC per ition at Tacoma on Saturday, Those 1 an?“ “salon/In?
‘momh before the first 11 Gas Rang}a 19.50 ' l ‘ , iwho were over
were: Tad Mam,l lira“ . 15‘ Hemy L‘irspncand
. as. An to save expense ‘1 Cook Stove 12 50 LARGE Mason County Township
Shelton Real Estate .Bob Dincs, Gene Mickelson, Tom- ‘50“: Win10, were,
1“ Belfalr.o“n'
._Bemadextra charge of 22 44; con Swings 5:75l maps $1.00. Also maps ofl
—— imy Stephens, Rolland Culbertson, day_V1s‘tm§,relatwes mld
, " . awe When billing is 2 Radigs (Airliney Majestic) 7.50 Olympic
Peninsula, Puget Sound FOR SALE_ Lot 1 .dc tDonald Beck, Donald Heitzmaiiwh
The 3943” lmPrOVemmt Chm
ml if of thanks 50C' l l Country 311d State 500 to $1-00- S on ng esl
’ 5 lBurton Micheal, Johnny Pope andi 91‘] 5‘ POUUCI‘ dmncr at
6130 and
. led Di - cleared and uncleared, at low .H . q N k~ .k lat 8 p, m., the
general public came
Slpla R t Olsen Furniture C ' “mm cw ” '
Requesz acts on 0. The Journal prices and easy terms. All con- i M1 and M1
G1 H . to hear Prof. Schmidt and his
m— ' ' 1 ~
venlences Within reach. See H. . iteaai'ned at (lisfinereguegzrgf oi:
People from Shelton, Which was
. RABBITs: Giant does, bred $2.50. 1¢ G. Angle, Angle Bldg, Shelton , .
‘ning Mr mad Mrs Earl: Johnston ‘enJoyed Very much. A good
'c "Wv Blue white 0 Ch ck r Gi nto 7-29rtf- . i 0' ' ‘ .
. ’ crowd attended.
0' Vvvvvvvvvvvv 11 HF b-vm A 93-08 aOlX-l I [Lin and Mrs. Chafih
IrVIng! Alice Elmer BC)an 1S building a. 118'”
. , loss or Cl' route . 0x . , ' . . . ‘ l ‘ ‘
c,. 5" 2_13_2‘6_2t_i Spal' Varnish Large piece of property in
heart -_- lgigrfh'llrldenghl’énEtelegfiSJOhXfiis ‘house down on
his place.
on M“ ( 125 for 1 quart of the city. suitable for mac , lHarris(made
'2 lovell’ Valentin’c’i Mrs. F. R. Williams went to
1 i ‘AAAAAQAAAAA‘, SALE: Choice front view ' penswe rent houses
01‘ 3. home. . , lcake ,1 fieart in ihe lTacoma Fridayi returning
, USED CAR lots highway overlooking another quart for 1¢ $375 cash or
$425 term umbermen s Mercantile C0 teens. of the 15.1 white one day-
L S Junior High. John L‘ Pearson . ' and all had a “rang time ’l
The Surefine Hockey club play-
/ uxe 522 North 4th st” Shelton, wn, n Shelton real estate prices have
~— , :1 0d Port Orchard Tuesdiv ni ht
0rd 3, - - L C l V wh g
~- 2—15—1t. , been very low but are increas- I V ‘0}110 $11 IS over
all abs “land quite a few from here at-
Ohne‘gmv-m-m. !—-——-—-—I . Simmons Sofa_Bed mg. Why not take
advantage of 1. Shelton, effective February ‘lst llU’Ilel$ .10 summit?
Kq-i-mll l\’ .w 'llV151t1ng h‘S “nelev Mar‘r’m cu” itended.
‘ “ ~- ed“ $825 FOR SAW 2 good 010‘ these bargains and start own-
35 “it"“lt’lihiii 1323i..lif'fi "viii: ii“ it“?
“in” T“ m party f“ “10 Boy
____________ u ‘ _ _ _ , , .V .. i, ,,7 a _. . .L .i h .
. c 6 T _ ---- one Q-I-C- Z031; 5 week 0101.03 i'0 1118' your own
hOme? niovod and seconded that resigna-lDump body as per bid bw
lil'C“l'l“dltertalne ,, 'l l 1? ers a, mi ,Scouts was held
Thursday night
I curing I.C. pigs. Inquire 4-E 3Dairy, B It {i .0 t . ltiou of Glenn w,
ponders, its Jus- rind that award be made accordingly.igameihL‘JSCD}; (mt
111$ 78§11hb117t1CP lat the new school. Seven tables
i Skokomish Valle“ 2-1 -20-3t. 'ui or com or and ears 101‘ of tho
Waco. Position NO- 1. Carri"d- a ‘5 wee i 'l “S- 0 “sons”
l mouth $ y i of service y Herbert G' Angle lShelton. Washington, be
ace-opted It was moved and seconded llialloyys’tel. House_ ( At the
dinnervwereflpéaycd' MA" “lane! Eddy
7 FOR SALE, work horse‘s We“ (lad that ofl‘iCn be declared vacant.
git; oi iyiell Chevrolet hl'm- 1940 (jllf‘\'1|were. Mr and Mrs
Henry Lar- présélfeV ] } 1 b t sh 1
01 . . _ c cetit'c January 15, 1940, Carried. -_' Inn true i. in l
t» :LmOunl 0! ~ '- i 811' grace SC100 ea 0-
et brOke, guaranteed sound and- Olsen Furnlture CO.
‘Applllf'al‘lnlll (Ill 33V. A.f lglagolon
lO}-E7Ul).i)ll]b0_IlCCl‘gll‘dl and that :twurdlson and son, Jimmy, and
Chas. H. ‘ton 18 to 20 at basketball Tues-
. . n, ' '- ‘d ~us100 o e vaco. 0 mm?! “00” “m 3' h.
Henr Larson is Mr Lar- ‘ ~
gentle. Money back if not satis pr,,:i%‘;‘g”j\fi) 1 t . . ,, . i .
.. . i .._ M0 1" day at Junior hi h in Shelton
' . 0 till vacanc caus~ Wm. l<ull/.. Summi for ’lliuis , g i .
"" a remind fled. Also horses shod at your ed by resignation
ot‘ Glenn w? Land- ton and Mason Coun s appeiirodutnlson's 5011- i
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Larson of
I" Qua ltloned and 131306 Dewey Bennett. Shalton; New and USGd 7_Room
Modem Hon (basement (51‘s, received and filed. “(first Dormisfion
o" 10:1"? “l 01W" Mr. Eek was here from Seat-Tacoma
visited the home of their
ranteed. Rt 1 1-30-9-27—9t Sewino Machines and v ' . ‘e .
Application of o n Can'i'in for To“ “‘W
"‘Onfl‘g' ““"“°“"“
1“‘5b"“i“‘-" f f d h‘ 1 id ht M“ R‘ l
- n e acuumsi and furnace), With all furnish- appointment Justice'
0131,0305“) “11,1. itiitl. It_wgis moved and st'-c(lhllt‘ll:tle
01‘ 3 BW ays, on is pace. aug er, is. udo ph Sundstrom,
30k IFOR SALE. Mallory Bull Block E1 Prlces- Guaranteed Ropalr- ings, in
excellent condition. 10- vacancy caused by resignation of
Wittgmr'glfsilmi b“ gram“ “5 “"f Mr‘ and Mrs‘ R: W‘
Cady calledisunday‘ .
l ‘4 Sales and S . ’ 2x14 aood‘ condition Price $25! mg all makes.
Complete SingerI acres of fine ground, largely oienn w. Landcl‘s.
received and t'il- ‘luifiw'ld- N’l‘l‘Rllufiluh been
w(,0m_.at the homes of Rudolph Sund—: Mr. and Mrs. Emmett On and
,, en’ce . ,1 ' . Lme- ' cleared with all out buildingslm'
mended by pr. Lelmiifii. it'wus lilo\'ctl|5tr0m and C- C- Rice,
Sunday eve“ .Chas- M0111" were Shoppers in
Bob ErVin} Cunt“ Campbell, Mt- View. PO- H R About ’11/_mi1e from cit
limits In the mam-r of vacancy caused and seconded that he be appointed
ning. .Bremerton.
. BOX 6:), Shelton. 2—8—12-15—73t. 2 y by “'Slgnallml 01'
Ulmlll \V'. llimd- to serve as Sniiit'trian dul‘inr absent-0‘ ~
l '
a“ . Must sen at once $2600 00 pm .1, ,l , , .. , , ,- , . i . . b M Mr.
and Mrs. Call Decker and Mi and MlS, Ted Traverse of
F- "'W 125 S0' 4th ' i ' brwn‘l
"M’JMC‘EW’F on m“ "‘5“Egt°‘ wmmm 1‘ unz’
“arm'd' son Donny of Silverdale visited Seattle were weekend
visitors at
FOR SALE; VVood Circulatin ' , ‘ CO 3' m"? ‘
“’flfi‘ "WVC y In the mallcr of application ol'ic
Rent . heater. JLike new. Priced fog‘ ' " ’
HER§g(fi¥fEmsX§GLE 5:21"5:,Sfiflil’3...”l.il‘b
‘ ‘— —_w
i “at uick notn 18 Call Mor an ‘ - b0 moéopuo‘ and that hl‘ ‘n.1
ii 535%?”- ‘ '- 0‘ ‘ Y‘ ow“? 0. (oh-"m-
A u C . I. , , . ,u ‘ k w 1.3. 20.1.
clip: orgasms? “Transfer. ' s 2452i PREEQEIFIONS their: My“?
b‘iiii‘ii’cidéi One-Handed Shot Picks U
1 e . ~ v M 'c to ncxpirt-t term 0‘ bl'Hl‘l urchased for
airport lHH‘DO-‘HW p
. 91‘, 528 Coil phone FOR SALE. Screened owdered HAVE CITY LOTS. fertile
acre- Plonll' W. innders. effective Junu-lan‘d sllould not be Sold.
and that Mr.‘ ,
2-15-1t. Poet Meg‘s; firtilizelj fdeal for When you have been out: late
at, age, logged-off land, 3 locations (“‘JYL lwiéflgbwd and wcondw
mu‘ {(ubjik's deposit should be returned 0 o -
5,, . ~ . .e l i -“ V '0 im.
V m; lawn and flowers. Can 10F“. night eating and dunking, take a If
acreage hon lakesr mfidem resolution to ’[)ul‘t.‘h£l.st‘. pump
Truck Claims allowed. n
. hghts c room house, 2_15_27_4t spoonful of Blsma-‘Rex in a, glass ome
on 1g way, all in anon (tndvplcl‘: up Huck havmg hm,“ aw Board
adjourned m mwt am,” . V , ,
An» and water. Place . . of water before gomg to bed BIS- county. anate
owner. sacn. ed, itnwzlis ngovedband seconded Mona-iv,
it‘nbrll'n‘v 1.040. BY IRVING Dxx
i. . . ',£‘.‘. .‘ i r‘ "Hi '—
O‘nd Taylor’ KamilChclRABBI’I‘S: Grant does, bred $2.50.
“la-Re)? gets. foqr ways to com' flee any or all for quwk sale'
to be ocplencdeOl‘lglztlyvCJt-rgiauddllybide
1\Ir(X/gtl)l:\\’1&)l('¥;l‘leub I
l, , 3 9F4. 2-15-20-2t. Biuo white Checker Giants bat aCid-indigestion. Try
it and Easy terms. Mrs. Lew Munson, 19140, at 2:00 o'clock p, M“
curricd__ Mtn‘qt. ‘ ' ‘ ‘y; J tuna: l 011:3“ tab the
. ., . . . . . r . ' '
i , see‘how wonderful it is. 13 BI - amilche Wash. 2.-8. 3-7—9t.i ward
adjourned. R1 Y DEYETTE, Chairman. baS'etball shot not onl as
Foss Forberg, route 2, Box 31A. . ,. “y s Monday, January 15 1940
'31“. k1 245-11. ~ y
“'Vvvvv 2-13-15-2t. ma'Rex' only 00¢ at the Rexan
"m' -~ ' Board met. all were present as 01‘ U ' a
fixture flom now on, but as
V g "VVVVV, Drug Store —— Gordon‘s Shelton FOR SALE: Lake
Isabella front-[previous meeting. a maneuver that rapidly iS gain-
‘ [FOR SALE; three year old per- Pharmacy. age, cottage, lights, terms.
quOgdforl’myV. ct. rMénglon 'l'or i‘aith- NOTICE OF ELECTION
ing favor with coaches and play—
, i' Max. Cherion horse. Will make 1603- . Owner W- D. Simonfii
Olympia! of tllorpuf‘acfrlln‘iivscltlofl: (lb S‘Illilgllllgli NOtice
is hereby given that an‘ ers throughout the Country'
Al *‘AAAAAAAoi lb. horse. Ed Taylor, Kan-111Cth Wash. Route 4, Box 699,
phonelil’rccincls, was approved. Election Will be held at the Mary The
one—handed shot which
, der logs. Box 402, Valley, Phone 9%. 2-15-20-2t. LARGE SIZE 44F11-
2-13-15-20-22-4t- ,,,‘"?§j§f §T°23~}Y,;’;T,Pi‘,",“
$3313; 503"“ M- Knight School in District 311. Hank, Luisetti and
his Stanford
O—l-4—tf. Duplicating ceiyod- and found non—violent?l iii: 0“
Saturdayv Mann 2nd! 1940' be": teammates exhibited before star-
iFOR SALE; good old growth ‘ FOR SALE or TRADE: ten acres sane. received
and filed. y tween the hours of 1 and p.m., fled eastern and midwestern
,fivdrag sa ' wood and bark, $5.50 cord. Har- . 0n Hood Canal,
waterfrOnt ln- I“Letter accepting. appointment on for the purpose of
authorizing a, two years ago is no longer com
‘ ' 111 Da W m gOOd con- 01d Han' phone 272'J' 5¢ EaCh
cmdmg tide lands or W111 trade i-(ii‘i’én‘n-g ILlll‘unllll'l
twprgl I‘lf‘c'f’voll as SpeCial 5‘Min Levy for SchCOli sidered
unorthodox basketball b
l . Potlatcg, caSh' Frank 2'13'22'4t‘ 55 d for downtown
Shelton property‘ I‘lloggs‘i‘l-l l‘flasslriililll
Jl‘ruii'lmlil‘llflg: maintenance- even the most conservative ca
.Pt 24W2’ VJaSh‘IIZEOilte 01‘ {5' Per 029“ Mrs. Claude Strobe,
228 South rec-{ivchandeilcd. HERBERT BREHMEYER, critics g
' 7' 0' ~IPIAN S TO 13“ CED: 4th St. 2-13-15-3t. .‘VDW
“0" h““ 0rd” 1‘" Vucflrll‘m ' ic NO. 311. '
, surgus warehzusgAggclflto b“ we also take orders for an kmds.
oidstret-is (and Allvlys was Flg‘nt'd 2 105165.32??? DIS“ t Its
advantages are all too ap-
‘ D - __ fem ainrovc. ' ' ' M '
"’VV l disposed of at drastically re_ of special FOR-SALE.
Reconditioned type- Now 11%,. Thm 0rd”. in H, Vnm, 1 parent, and. scoring
.3“ v".-- N--- duced prices and terms Small PRINTED SALES BOOKS
writers, standard 8128 models. lion was: signed and approved. have proved
‘ qizp Uprights”9 Spineis and 2 Our prices are as low or lower
Inquire at [ourna10ffice 6-13-“. Letter from Washington Slalvllll”
“I'll Tell It—Sell 1t-——Trade It—‘ * it
i . O ' sources lmdt-rzition, enclosing; list. n, - _
“‘A Baby Grands. For Information thin outSide salesmen can quote‘ or
Omanizaliun ,md ,.,.p,.,.ll.3,.n,,,,mS’ In the Journal Want Ads
BASKETBALL has been speed-
.. ‘A‘“‘ “‘1 write Baldwin Piano Distributor, ‘y . Stun, or
“Emhmgum‘ duly mud“ and bylaws}, lkgsolutljons and Minutes. , ,1 ed
up tremendously With
or ,1._. 730 St. Helens AVC., Tacoma. Igyégrtfidgrighflhutlgln‘glyqfr
llglbruurfi'ihlffi-tiblul‘lgn [I'll‘( lt‘nicrgcncy‘
I‘l'osw A l l t B enmlnahon 0f the tap-Off and the
, .. , , . ., ,. , . .. . .
, E E in the mimntr Dl‘ovidé‘cl bfi’nlilvvlo(;ltc:lnuun% “tummy
WM signed and ap'! S 10‘second rule' The raCEhorse
is C , f" tiou 133. Chapter 263, Laws of lzizi) WW“ ' l style of
play is poplflar nearly
, ' ! ____._._____,_ the und» .' .‘e f it was movin and
seconded that 0 F . P d
.ACCO I .11“; gnd(§:lfn&fl Lawfh 0:194:113trdt‘fi‘, lhc
Resolution l't- ’l‘ritlir-il'ui' ol‘ Funds n
everyWhere' .
“> B UNTANT I g Show. or 1,.“ o'clock in‘ n“.
l'~,,,.,.m,0n"(lletilljh) be approved and signed, And fast-movmg
ii. ,, . ,01' said day. at the front do w of th i‘53‘5'f'm
‘ , . ha . he ca
phldg Cota 8" ‘iC‘ourL Housp in the City or} Shelton"
Illt' forlowmg pr'rccnlugt-s ~were thv.e ilsfovged .tk y .13! get
'. ll line 245 ; {said County and State, (llll‘l‘ for sale.
(“15 en- 5 o S o qmc er W1 on-e
3 l (177) {of said di-i't-ndanls judgment (it-blors (1}.le 105“;
“mu m" mmmlu-m Drum 'l ‘ (lyl' Ur K3392!“ 3.79100
hand' The eXtra hm second It
, l - . , . - . slated below plus :ldVl‘T‘llSlll" and
“‘“mm‘MNJm‘ ~‘ ""W lb '“‘ l th
, Y, V IfOTICE ,loi tlit sum ()l One Hundred NlnulV . , . .’. '5
‘vialntonancp “08% 43.7760» takes to get SBt for e two-
‘— lti» l'lbalilijl;Y thVIGN linhtf'l‘ut'ii and
78/1!!!) t$1:i2.7x) Dollars, to"-
£1,2{5'gfddg‘r’b‘fi'n ‘3, 1m“ l‘r'iill‘f,“
,f‘d‘,“ construction sir l/o 47 stm'oti handed shot often means
\_ s z, . 0 till in con oriully wi ll"(§ ier '1) ill '
-".< We; ' ‘,- ‘ - ' . . ' " l U
_._._'_.'.._ ~. -
. it“ “Him. or H)“ Board 0'. (:(mmy SS“ (3051‘? JIM“
figurastd“Jozmmknrd and inlercsl tit said .V’ltison (l’)lll1ly.! *
,ywmnoo difierence between two pomts
INS (,IoninliSSloncrs of Mason County to me directed and delivered, ll ~did
“l. and to 1;”“3 101k)ng (lvm'l‘rlbpd‘ ("aims
'Ll‘tiwvd " ’0' and a bIOCked effort-
/‘ URANC Stiilt- oi Waslilnglon, duly made and on the 6th dity of
February 1940 “M prollortl' “tug-“Pd m mud (Mun—l
(‘l'uisii “o ' “Gallon 0f 0 h d d t I k fi d l
, 3 E it‘lllvl'ml on ‘lhi- ljlh (lily of February, lim’y upon all
the right. titleyiind iii:,ly land slam" [,0'w”: . (4 It"
\ngulppfgr U'f Tract ne- a.n 6 .nc Sters n It
. llltllly‘lll‘dl‘l'lllg llll', undersigned to lervst of
said judgment debtors in: qlh". {\UFUIWY“ (lul‘lru'rfl’l
ll.” {’0 i int Vt, 4 gill-tiohllir town-:11”) compal‘atlvely
51111913 1'0 gEt the
‘ T G. lT211,1ililtln‘lmtlillt-i" [)l‘Ll‘\;l(,l('(‘l]
by lam; autd ll: lllt‘, following described prop-L
’0?“lét‘gagnfiu‘fltcr 41‘?) f,‘ ' lum'gp fl;
‘WJ‘Q 'W, M“ (.rui‘EOF-q ball off while on the dead run
., mm 101 .. '. iii-p l'l' L‘L, laws t' \r, .‘z 5-,: V
-' , " ‘ “‘-‘ " T.‘ ' .3 .. ’_ '~ '
~ - '
at An 1.827). llll: lluth-x‘sigucd will, on Sal- but): U H1181) Ld
Juamm‘nt‘ to l Ami)“ Rang“ “'PSL \V' M"
lllll‘tlnfit‘cllll'lgl‘dl“612:dbl. [Earl/1:: or wmle leaplng
Into the alt" It’s
W Building lint; 1723232? , a tough shot to stop.
.- l i- 3‘. to .i ion >.‘1 '5' > ' '. . .. .
ll‘oi'clition ol' s"d day, at. the front, Lots h‘ and lil.
l);rlticl<~a3‘llllll/lil3h1; , OMER 1“ DION'
lifulsinglfglfldfde?ointminlir'Kdglq-tzllgd The only reason Why
door or the Court. House in the taill Vii-w Addition to Shelton
~r“"a“‘““01‘ 01 Mason County.1 .L.,‘.".,;-,r°f
1° i;:,"rcg‘,;,.,ud ' aren’t a lot more boys usmg it
l‘ll‘HSlltt‘lttm.[said County and W’ashiugtbn. '
f,%§A§')l- no 1940 3, “1,05,;aggzfiflnfigt ° ' is because
coaches consider it
-‘ a v. u or '01' su c, at not less tlian‘ Shelton Tra-‘t
27.1], t‘ ‘ ' "’ “" ' v ‘
lllll‘ lllllllli‘lllllll Dl'lCl: stated below, Township 20 blurthJ
lliinsg‘llciilOVnVezl: '— i lioanfii°1§§?f' I Sheer fouy to
Change after a
p us a(\'cl'tisili<r and ci'ui.‘i r osts,‘ 'W.M
' ‘ w v' ‘C )' " 9 ‘ 5.. '- I I I -
m the llggh‘r‘sleand bilgt swig-gm? ant as 1.011521%]? paiticulaily
dcscubcd comnlgxssdxozvnns PROCEEDINGS HInI tlli‘blililléf‘jl‘.
"Aplp‘l1ca’3’ociingél: i fifitlilglie habit Of shooting two
Bob Fcenck . Santa Cllrats
oi" the right,_ title. and interest of] Bl‘glnning‘ zit Southeast
corner B . Til-es ,ay’ January. .2'. ,3 r433? .liN-I'l'] 41W
{3' “(0}- \H.“ a ' i ace forward Shows how it’s done.
m a In other It wouldnt do
o..iwllw ~scri -l "Ll *L’, -. l 'i v‘ ' " " ‘
".‘ ” ' " '.‘;‘ ’-" “ " ~' 0-
'- ' ' '
siluzltetlbin lsaid C(oulltyl fll‘lgog‘tfttl).l
sa’i'ixitlugzl‘ltlil‘tll/onm'lfiatlglld $139; Pm” “ml
ROb" '1 “’"Cl‘mzm' (jomml’i‘ “on huvmg
hm" rmmvml‘ It was 1 a couege Jgnlor or senlor m-LICh adcpt at the
one-handed toss he
inrwn: 01. said but mung“ him: (5)-t'0 the’ slonors and Harry
JJt‘yelte, Clerk 01 "10:99 and Sifiilmdf-‘d U331 “3
Vallllfil'ofl good to SWltCh. It takes a little is ready to really
swing out in
Lot in llltlck it. Conkliii's Ad- point of intersection of the North
board'- v . n . . 91 "20'00 Nu" ddloruflng ‘L.n'
(Jum- time for the player to adjust 11 '
(litioii to Shelton. l line 01' the right 01‘ way of the‘ Appllcmmn
"1 (" (" Wh‘tlk'v 10" '5”: b“
3”"“1‘ 0" hdm'" 'md that l e co age
minimum prim mwflnmsh' mus my Olympic Highway, “whee fun purchase 0]
loge} No. '1. ‘Excopl it 'li't;£l§ll|»t-1‘:.l)l‘
.tiiTlt-rlidrlu fiat/volition himself so that the maneuvei MOSt
concentrated tendency
vcrlisillg and cruisini.r costs. Soutlmmslerly tilting North line of gt
,lfil'd lfiwrxrfl’nfm gangs; $112150“ "‘um‘
"mwrmm‘ to M" (“u becomes “15" as mSthtwe as the
along these lines is in the eaSt
. n 1. 32‘ i . . . . 5:: i . t , we an F - , . . . _ - '
TI,(msln,019211l‘fiaéon188121“ Sggdahilé‘gaéyogosfég
seconded‘ that application be {weepi- lit-tltll‘s (it zicci‘ptilne-
oi (illlml'll' Congressmth 309'?an 0f Elba“ Old Style Shoff
J09 LapChICki COHCh at St-
(SEAIa) ' ! I>Oint thereon which would be thé’ffi‘,
mlfiuC/ltupix béi‘aiflud “1“ cmm' “ll llllzltlilglslf
("t5"‘°'.‘,,:2;.':{;,;,;‘ on import of
low-m‘lced agricul- John’s, and Ernie Messikomer of
“- l’. 7. 22 l - ' ' " w , *1 l . . ‘e. i L.‘ .. .
H . H .
l‘b' ‘ 1’ U4” 3L l {’fggltOhUtoénixgeaklggwtay tllle‘
LX115 Ci‘uiscr's report having been re- Harry llursl. received and
“led. luldl plOdhtlS was asked by THE breeding glound {CT Ollie Temp16,
among Others. DUthIY
l Lin, numbwpd omh’t ‘m'mgnge-ivcd 'on‘srl ol‘ Sta 01“
Section 3.3. ‘Almll’CMlUn‘ “’1' 1‘; ‘W. Bonner to? Gemge
N. Peek, former AAA handed shot—makers is high] declare that the east
won't be
- . . . l bristles é‘ifz"t‘{r("s\elétfoi‘l
administrator. who mm school competition The prcp- able to may the game on
a par
Notlce of Water nght f?)with(:Rthfllclnllgothnugiotmiicdbfiigt$60209
“as” plus ‘,,d{,(.ms_,§g {Ufa iii—2:- . 1t tree'niovud. and
Secondedi trade treaty hearing that pacts StCl‘S have been qu1ck' to
see its With midwcst and far west teams
Application No 5056 “no or “id
3;‘;i§“‘t‘i§‘na“§m‘i‘3gl negotiated uni... innate“.
advantages. By me time a boy the boys along the
i . i eight (3), and nine (9) to place " 0 01‘ 0 0.. 0 WVW‘USO
1’ “ .0 " ‘ ‘ rec‘ roc'il ti-e'it program are has
played three years of high board get wise to the One-
of .1 i ,. land sellsanie according to law, SI!) ol Section ill-3.24 be
held lur ll? ‘ ( .37.. I
‘ i Anbfiggggggp m Mason Count ‘ Claims allowed. ltlarbage Dump
purposes, carried. unconstitutional. school ball and has become quite.
\ State of Washin ton office of Sn. \Vaghington. ‘ y' H ioard
adjourned to mot-l. again ‘ Letter from Mrs. John Hitchcock
(, pervisor of fly raulics olyn‘pia. N()VV THEREFORE NoTICH IS:
lhursday. January 4U]. .1910 UL ill "[1": ‘Chnllg“ fill
SC110(“11"" 0" Hi“.-
: “A “'“m‘ IT MAY CONCERN “mum” GWEN/Tm“ 0“
saturday'A'M' Thur day, Jena 4 1940 suixilgsg‘ililtryi
rcmrl‘l’lllillllcsglltl': allili'ltt' '
'mict- is hereby Riven that U. S. the 19th day of March. 1940 at 10
' 3 ’ “my ' h’” m l T M
t Forest Service til' Olympia stau- of o'clock in {he i‘orcnoon
of said an “0am me" a” “‘3’” l’mmm- Road
I’m-3"“ was alllnvuvL'd ‘Lndl wo ‘ OKAV--NOW/
{‘ \Vusliiuttttin. under (1111‘ tl‘ January 1 will sell in"
l-.~ - lyll Claims “Hawaii ' Slg"°d~ . ~ . .
U 23. into. filed with ill(')Stultl Sill-scl‘ty. or'so
tmLutilFOtvlloifchl'cilggiapyogel\ 1359111113“ “215810 01‘
(ljflmm Body .l'lfgvoltgrgog “Wig? \‘vol'slgig’gffit’ng
. pcrvisnr oi' Hydraulics, Olympia, necessary to satlsf said ‘ud
rmalt Va“ mm” ‘m approve ‘ . 0’ . :‘Hm‘m .‘ 1‘ Q)
As ‘. w ‘i Washington. an iipplictition for altogether with.
attorl’icy's fgtlsfinltelr-V “.‘V‘L,S "loved and
5900"““(1 that This bill)”: the ,umc. 50L.1(-”'.hfl‘u-
, ROWE lll‘l'hlll to divert the public water‘s est, costs and
increased costs, in all ‘ J‘ 1“: Martin and H' Ln?“ 1‘90“
b" mg 0-n Emergwa Hu‘lrmg “N .m-
WOrshi 1 of Watson Crock tributary of I—lam-‘tzimounting lo the sum of
Two Hun~ {topolotod V‘mech 0‘ l.”‘ill“ll"i§ seeming Atmrlmy
and 'lml' 9L ‘L.nd.
, Pful Master ‘, ma Htiluiiia River. in lll‘ :imounl ol'itlrf‘d
Eighteen and 70/100 ($218.70) L’."“m’ll' “mm.”er 3‘4
toml 01 Li on no 0"“ nppnm‘lngl to object, il,)\v‘as
J- L. CATTO (0.03 second l'ool, subject to existing'DOllal‘S.
council. carried. ‘ moved and sit-conned LlldL‘ILllC Lost)“
9 rights. continuoust :l'tn' the pur- Said sale. will take place at
the' AdJournm-Cnt UL board' “Hum gram-"w; Emergllnw bu Mr,
Secretary ‘ pose of domestic slip,in l'or guard i‘ East (from) door
of the Court Housel , Friday! January 5| 1943. ln‘g‘rvg'
earned" ' '
‘M““ . station and camp ground; that tlie‘at Shelton in said County
and State, Loam m” pursuant, ‘0 ’ldJUW'H‘ (‘lalms allowed. .
AMA“ approximate point of diversion is lo-[and will be at public auction,
Norma“: A” “MSW” 3'5 “1 NCSLVNUY- Adjournment 0-1
1‘, A hated within [hi' N\’\'!/4 of the Nl‘ll/i cash in
hand“ to' the‘ highest 'andl Ham‘s» .auowmi' . . .
.monda'y’ January ‘9' 19%?
’ of Section 7. Township 24 N.. Rangcl best bidder. . . 10D PVC“
cuntr‘mts ‘Ql‘ KaSOlmo LOdrd nit-t wth 11“ .mcmbmb DNA—
3 w. w. it. in Mason County. .\ Dated at Shelton, V\'ash.. this
our“)r 005mm Yeat- “Q'IU “Kind, With 0‘“; ,. , . e... , .
map showing lhl' loo-alien and plan!day 01' February. 1940.
lASSOC‘I‘aIPd .(“0-: “Whore 011 CO" 'Illpill)a'sl°~
by R' 111' “glut rm v" (1
ol‘ said (liyorsiou and the place of E. F. MARTIN, tand.§h9“, 0)”
90- "PCU‘XOd', lI'Om, Ulymwc .l'lal'd“”;.
the proposed usv- is on tile in theI Shoriti‘ of said
Colfilnty.",1"5t (9f ll'l‘SP'HéILI Properly Taxes
L0” _1fl be UL >NVV Uf beCtIOTl by
.tilluw tit‘ lhc Slfill' Supervisor 01':
2-8-13—22-29—3-7—5t.. “29.”! 11"“ 19 1,355
rosl’CCL‘VMy “"Lh 19' b" . l 1' i i f
’Hytlraulics. Olympia, \Vnshlngtllllil ——-~——-- I‘ll-Imuwt
0’. . (founty Thasul'm' 414' - m um .muum 0F
-l')1.',’l‘lll"l‘ with slit-h other inl'orma- (176)
lilCht‘d, cel‘tlly‘mg that he has lit-en l‘l'Cd. ‘.\-
lfmflP'm 101x tho diluent»;
lion its is required by law. Any NQTICE unable to‘ album on same,
received, (it 154W not Nllr and h'l‘. 0'1. i\\\4 o
pc'soil, firm or corporation wh ()St- NOTICE is HEREBY (llVEN'lhal,
,Ll‘SOlUthn I‘e cancelling the List, Section all, lownslilp 1.). range
‘Hgm will be injurious“. mncma b pursuant 1,, and in cmhmmiuv
with‘o'l' Personal Property Taxes ll'Um was tinned and
seconded that (lg ’\d -.
mild application may file with theta“ 0mm" "l “1“ bom‘d
0f Ci’umy 1331“) 19"" rcsl’ccuVCIY was Sign” “mm? 01’
ill-’0” per ac“. 0". "MM'O.|
Slate Supervisor 01' Hylll'ilullCS. at,Commissioners of Mason
Countyqflvml RDDWVCG. ' plus “rdVC‘vf‘Uflnl; h“- Dlllced
0*‘_ “ll-m“;
62ft :(llympiii. “'ushinglun, such (mice-"Stale ol‘
\Vasllinglon. duly made alldl ,TOD brief" lubricating on contract and
that 'li‘casurer be. ordered to‘
'ltitins Ul' l'l‘pl‘l‘fit‘nlallOnS. 'in writing,
villi-red on the 29th day of January. i With Itlcnllold Oil Co. for ensuing
advtfl'l‘lsl‘ and Sell same According to
l3.3~fl?.;‘as he may di- ire to make. \Vllllin‘lll4ll,' ordering
the undersigned to year was signed. law‘. Liai‘i‘l'ud. ‘ .V . h
1.6 ft} thirty (30) days after date of last ,sull. in the manner provided
by lilWl , Petition of Jae A. Monster cl ill bond 01, ,VYHW‘I'
1:r01’:,1<.ld« ..",l ‘3 0 x,
)‘lllblll‘illltln. which date is [February (Section 133, Chapter 263.
Laws of'lor the Location and lilSlEtbllSllml'lil amount 01
bodillllfill tor truthful pit“, “M” ‘d _ “
22. 194”. Witness my hand and of- 1927), in“ undnrsig‘ncd win, on
sat—bl a (.ounly Road in Section 3 and lormfificllfll. lll-fi
dut‘l'fsi,“,fa-‘j, "Juno" "
8.8 ft.‘ i‘ieial soul this 1st day of February. many, the 24th day of
Ft-bruzil‘y.! 1Q, Township 15): North, Range 3 ed “(‘d “led With
(Minty Quirk» ‘ “f
6.9 fly it. i). 1940. CHAS. J. 1.;Att'i'iioLla'i‘,, [940, at
the hour 01' ten o’clock In Vlcst \l. M. FUCL‘lVUd. it was
Ult)\‘("(l This bring the time sector “‘3’” r
131“ ‘Statc Supt-rvisor ot‘ l'lyill‘alllltrfi. the int-moon of
said day, at the and seconded that action on pcti- .lng on emergency
appropriation 10?
~ -i (SEAL) 2.35-13.22.31, ironl'door (if thi- Court House, in tlon
_bt: (ll‘ll‘l‘I'CU until a later date. Presccutlng
AHQI‘W‘l'g and “0 9n“ *‘
1.1ft.l the City or Shelton. said County and , Carried. ' ant-warms to:
obleot. ell. was- molod a
l ‘Stale, offer for sale, at not less' Auditor's count
ot'ztreasurer’s cash and Seconded tnal. the .Resolution. '
, 124ft than the minimum price stated bc- as ,of December 18?. 1939, was
ex— granting emergency be Signed, 0841‘? o
'l Cause no. 3727 low. plus advertising and oruising,umined and
approved. rled-I '. ., I . . . 7,
7‘3 ft. NOTICE 01' SHERIFF’S SALE 01' costs, to the highest and
best bid-l Minutes of December meetings Thllfi‘belng the
lil'nC'SCl for open- ,,
13.0 ft-' REA-I- ESTATE der. all of the right, title. and
in-‘Wl'l‘c readand approved. lng bids for IL PICK Hp T313".
51.“,d a!
04ft Under General Execution terest of said Mason County. in and Waiver of
claim for damages and a Dump "l‘ruck. the lollowtng blu‘S‘ .5
' 't 1N THE~ SUP IRIOR COURT OF to the following described real
prop- consent to locate road, was received wore recmvedland Ophm‘rdi ‘
THE STATE OF WASHINGTON erly. Situated in. said County and as followed
Laspa Pontlac Co., Olymplav GMC
13.2 ft. FUR MASUN goyx'ry, State. Lil—wit: ‘ Joseph X. Mcistrr. E
1-3 of El/z of 152. 1723 3-4 inch wheel base, net ’1
of 10-10-13. $749.00. Alternate bid NO. 1. GMC y'
30“: 1PORATION, l’laintit‘l‘. of section 30 Township 19 North, J04:
Silva. Center 1—3 of 151/3 of Mod" AC‘J’W- $695001‘GMC..M0dt~1
0‘ -i _ \‘s. lounge 5 an’st W, M” Lot 2 of 10-19-3. ‘ AC30:2,_
123 inch whorl base, dtgmn "
.2 ft} xonlinit'l‘ It. COl'tMl'lu‘l: .\1_\fp ,. :,,,..,,m
p,.,cp'$80_00, plus adver- icdmund Youngblood and Lesa. $980.00.
Alternate Bid‘ho. _.4_ (.MC n
iCOltA CtlltMlElt, husband and \vllc, [3,4ng and cruising costs.
Youngblood, jointly, 151/2 of Lot\ 2. AC302-133 inch
bascvll-fllfiifi‘h 1940 1"
13.9 ft_ll)t>lt-ndants. OMER L. ploy, Except Center 1-3 and East 1-3 of
Chevrolet 3-4 ton P.l.. $106.00: 1940
pursuant to and in conformity with
an order of
Treasurer Mason County.
the Board of, County
of Mason County-
Township 19. Range 3.
Leland ii. Hudson and Section
10.110wnshin 19, range 3.
H. L. Roundtree, Section 10. town-
Wt-st W. M.
Section 10.
ship 19. range 3 and
ordered filed.
Board adjourned;
‘ Monday.
Board met.
January .9
all were
Resignation of Glenn W. Lenders"
tr: .Iti-.~li.\. of th.’ l"..'i:=.. Position No.1
inch 1% ton Truck.
Chevrolet 133
1/2 yd Dump
mph-i1 and ‘itf‘i'll‘lili‘il tl'iiiL the bid Nit,
Al Huerby Motors: 1940 Ford. 112
Bill ill‘o‘itmintcli; $9632.31; [,1 r ,
is: .V - ,7 7/6 . ,
286.22: 1940 For 3 met ump to i , ,7 , I
all bids. it was