February 15, 1940 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 15, 1940 |
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Thursday, February
...—~— ' .
.... t- _._.__.AJ'~_,¢,_._.__._.___________- __'. _
AT ‘70 t
hunches i
.I. O. Bovec, Pastor. ‘
R. C, Muhly, Minister Bible school at 9:45 Sunday a. m. l
1517 Division—Phone 395M (Morning worship at 11. B.Y.P.U,'s l
“Thirty Pieces of Silver" willlat 6:15. Groups for all ages of‘
be the Lenten sermon theme next young people. Evening service at
Sunday morning at 11:00. In the 7:30. The pastor will continue the 1 i,
evening services at 8:00, the ser- series of messages on “Who Is[ ‘3
mom will he rqsed on “The Christ gThe Real Author The BibleewMang {5;
Support the Pacific Northwest!
Here are the FacA
° The L. M. Employs Local People . . -A S
Mission Brand.
The L. M. employs Washington people, trains thv
Prices effective Feb. 16 to 21, inclusive
(Prices subject to stock on hand.)
in Your Life." lOr God ?" , , 4‘
Sunday School every Sunday; If you are not attending some J
morning at 9:45. lOtliel' CIIUI‘CKI seivicc, we extend , 5' .
Satimlav Catechism Class forito you a very cordial welcome to *v
I I o o u o a u l o I O
the children at 10:30 weekly. lworship with us. I
The Lutheran Hour, now carried? ,
on a network of 155 stations, ev-l V
my Sunday at 1:30, KMO, KOL. l _R- W- ,Bresslen Pastor l .3»:
Adult Membership Class everyi “Neither 1‘5 there 'Salvatlon 111:
Friday evening at 8:00. Iany other; for there IS. none other,
“Ng, man gets on so well ininame under heaven given amongi
this world as he whose daily walk : me“. Whereby we must be saved.” .
and conversation are clean and "rAfitS- 4112- - i...
consistent, whose heart is pure, Blble 5021001, 9145 a. m- MOI‘YI- l
and whose life is honorable.” ,mg VVOTShlP: 11300 3. m- Young‘ LS.
' 5 them every opportunity for advancement . .
Franco American. No. 2 can. I‘ ‘
Macaroni Dinner 2 pkgs. 25¢
KRAFT—Serve 4
v Armsfmngi
‘ l'gt F-dsi
LINDLEUM FLDDRS The L M Sells Wasun on 00
I . [If
The L. M. supports and features Washing“ pa
—Wm. McKinley. l
Peopleo’ Society, 6:30 p. m. Eve- l
ning Service, 7:30 p. m.-Pastor's' ,
as low as 1.00 yd.
Salmon.................2cans 45¢
products, thus helping to build local payrolls 3
ditional local jobs . . .
, lfarewell sermon. ., 1
S CFRIEKIA§SCJE?QEG Les l Thursday, Cottage Prayer meet_ Red Alask..
Sockeye. No. cans, Reliance pack. :31
” ou is e su Jcc fling, 7:45 m . ' n
SC’n'SermGn Whicr‘ Will be read "1‘ TVelcomep to all
services and i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l'lb. met
all Churches of Christ, Scientist,
good news for home
The L. M. Builds Local Payrolls . ', 8ii
that means ou. '
Sunday, February 181,l t t b l y owners We have Annstronggs Salted or in
can. El
Golden Text: “ wi se my a CALVARY ' . -. , e . . . . c
my inlaid Linoleum moors in new Frozen Spinach .. 12-082. 13¢
11".:L..ll;.~i:"?:.:::r.°iiz';.;*:;i.:ta;:.aiiii won
‘ .‘ 8
shall not abhor
120 E. Pine St.
....— __. ,__. Li-..—
walk amon ou Maillde y‘gllllll‘lPASTOR GEO M NYE h 4’9 -
‘c'ean' "eady t° °°°k' N° Waste Wasmngm‘ '
‘ ‘ 7“i I
g y n ‘ ' P one ‘ colors and des1gns that Will trans- i-l
God, and ye shall be my people * F b o b k 2 e c,
(1433:: i gthtions which com sus'iifiiiayegifif 9.45 a m Hm. form
any room in the house—give 1‘1 . p g gill:
-1. g . e I . . ., ' g . i ' n
prise the Lesson—Sermon is the fol- vey Bléhli Supt. it new life and
sparkle, lnake it Garden fresh‘ ‘ o The IS YOUI‘ NEIgthl . . . City
lowmg from the Bible: “My soul- Mormng worship, 11:00 a. m. l - , 9 ice,
long-em, yea, event fainteth for, First Sunday each month is ,, luore
livable and inviting, Come in S _ _ _ 3 L. M. employees are neighbors
of yours. Marl)l W},
the courts of the Lord: my heartlcommunlon- _ v j Regular acka es . their
own homes. They pay local taxes am:| klil
and mY'fleSh crieth2 Wt for the! faucet ipetgtmg' 7300
1’";7 $3- and see them. Bring room meas- p g ‘ attend local
schools . . . Pint,
living God” (pg, 84; ), , vange is 1c serVice, : . p.m. . . 1.0“,
The Lesson-Sermon also in-lWeek day services: V- “pennants wnh you and
we’ll be Carnation M i u t .
eludes the following passage from Tuesday Younir People Myir l y . . fehe
. t l . -i 5 - ‘ . e
the Christian Science textbook, ' 7:45 p. m. D a l glad to tell you to
the penny how Irrad'ated for healm' Best for bab'es' O The
L IS Civic 011“1
“Science and Health with Key to Thursday, Cottage service at the . _ P .
i . . . . am
the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Whitener home at Kamilche, 8:00 little
your new floor W111 COSt- and , , , , , _ , What is good for the
community is supported for
Eddy: “The proper use of the word I p. m. , . K I; l' .
soul can always be gained by sub- Friday Mid-Week Gospel serv- van camps
No' 303 s'ze' wev fa"? 0'" 519'01665’ are
'16:: t° Stay J5}
stituting the word God, where the ice, 7:45 p. m. r1“ d G . . 6 trans
erred to at er owns or s a s . . m
deific meaning is required. In oth-l Radio broadcast, entitled “The (lg
En S .llllce . . . . . . . . . . . . qt. nee
er cases», use the word sense, and Voice of Calvary," each Thursday E
k ti on
you will have the. scientific siz- lat 4:30 to 5 p. m. over Station 6 er
s. g i i ‘) ' .
nlfication. As used in Christian'KGY, Olympia, 1210 KC. This is , G f I
The L. ... Dollar-s Remain Heie . . - 0,
Science, Soul is properly the syno- ,a request program and we welcome
I'lllt o . . . . . . . . . 2 int
nym of Spirit, or God; but out of any requests, 'ust address our ,
Money spent at the L. M. does not go to w
. . J y I Reliance 46 oz. at.
Science, soul is identical With sense letter to; Voice of Calvary, KGY’ O
sq. y< . California_ It stays in Washington and works 1)
with material sensation" (p.482z6). t¢)lympia, Wash, Regular $1.65
sq. yd. 9 01' CVCI‘)’ WaShingmn Citizen ' ' 8:
__._..—_....._..———— . ___________.__ o a I 0 ii i s l . u'-
c u I o u I . H I de]
, I St. Edward’s . . .
ME H 511:: lemme}! ' CATHOL‘C CHURCH New, wmesap' 'Daiil
mine: grumblay, Minister stv‘ggfggnighggflfcgqg mafsfingt Grapefruit
for The L M Is‘Washington Owned . -‘ El
. laso : ....*......... ' ' '*
9:45 a. m. sunaay sciooi. m... ...... 8,00 ._ ..., ARMSTRONG INLAID
PATTERNS . i , in
vey Beal, general superintendent. Second mass 10.00 a m i ANZOM- ' The
L, M store is 100% Washington owned a" i ll:
11 a. m., Preaching service. Pres Weekday masses 7.4'5 a‘ m a
lude and Offertory, Miss, Eileen E en~ d t~ ' ' ' - . _ ¢ ew
Runacres_ Anthem, ..The Story Hon: 7% pic‘s-Ions and benedlc o sq. yd. .
Oranges . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 dOZ. A lie,
of Love” [LandonL’Choruanhoin Catechism instruction for ch“- Large
Size, No. 126 Size. Sweet an djuicy. 2: iTEMS MARKED WITH STARS
Sermon. A Nation 5 Debt. D1”. dren will follow the high mass.
Robert Brumblay. Anthem, “How
Pleasant Is Thy Dwelling Place!“
(Adams) Chorus Choir.
11 a. m.. Worship of the Junior
Church, Mrs. Robert Brumblay,
director, A church of boys and
girls between six
with their own choir and worship.
Instruction in Church history
and bible history for high school
students, Monday evenings, 7 to
p. m. ,
Any changes from the above or
,special devotions will be announc-
and fourteenled on Sundays.
On All Cement Jobs We Will SAND THE FLOORS
When needed, to insure a more perfect, satisfactory job“:
Onions ..
‘ Yakima.
10-lb.bag 13¢
feégo mumDiIe-‘votionaleeeting ZION TABERNACLE qt. jar 43¢; pints 25¢
0 e PWOI‘ eague. argal‘e ; 3rd and Grove Streets 7 , Tr the angel food
P H ck DWINAX FLOOR WAX .. . . gal. $1.19 .. a
on ay.’ ‘2 p' m" 0 u sunday SChOOI ---------------- ~2200 P-m~
A delightfully fragrant floor wax that is self.po|ishing. No. rub— /
" anjg __________ __ q Jar '
I?” and J°‘“‘.’¥leetlng 0f surlday Afternoon service ....2230
p.m. bing nocessary_ Delicious served with sea ,.1_Doz
5611001 and. 0mm?“ boards at home Evening service .............. “7:30
p.m. \Jscoov foods. Strictl fresh large Spec_
of Mrs. Nina. Roberts. Wednesdzwz v Catsup bOtS 95 ial 3A, Lacgls.
T—‘fl—"_“““ Pra er me t' .............. .. : 0 . . .
.... .. . ..
HOODSPORT WMMUNITY ‘ y 6 mg 7 3 pm 14-oz. bottles. (not storage eggs.)
Meets at 10 a. m., in the school
building. Classes for all ages.
All welcome.
Service evory Sunday morning
at 11 a. m.. Corner of Third and
Alder streets. Sunday school at
9:45 a. in.
Feb. 18. Soul.
Wednesday evenmg services at
8 p. in. Reading room Wednesday
6:45 to 7:45 p. m.: Friday, 2:00 to
4:00 p. in. Public cordially tn-
REV. C. C. HOAG. Pastor.
Sunday School at 10 o’clock and
l Everybody welcome.
222 South Second St.
Ida L_ Strankman, Pastor.
Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Alvin
Tidyman, Supt.
Morning Worship, 11 a. m. ‘
Evangelistic services, p. in.
Tuesday Bible studies and prayer
p. in.
Thursday, Young People's night,
8 p. m, Bill Graffe, leader.
Saturday, Children's church, 3
p. m. Alvera Evans, leader.
The public is invited to attend
these services.
' St. Davids
Services and sermon 7:30 p. m.
church at 11 o‘clock at Old Grange
Hall at Matlock.
It saves
time, energy
and money!
Sunday at Memorial Building.
T. E. JESSET’I‘, Vicar.,
There’s no
limit to
its uses!
The Modern Home: Depends
on Electrical Service!
Building or remodeling—flour home must be elec-
trically modern. Or if you live in one of the
Public Utility Districts now receiving power for
the first time, you will need a complete, economical
wiring system. We can help you with the LOW
ELECTRIC WIRE, 500 feet .............. ._ $3.50 and up
All sizes. Black and white, rubber-covered.
ENTRANCE BOXES .................................... .. $1.50 up
LOOM BOXES .............................................. .. 15¢ each
OCTOGAN BOXES .................................. .. 1V2¢ foot
“NAIL-IT" KNOBS, hundred .......................... .. $1.75
OUTLET PLUGS, single and double .......... .. 10¢ up
TOGGLE SWITCHES, flush type 15¢ to 40¢ each
BAKELITE SWITCH PLATES. .............. _. 10¢ each
BAKELITE OUTLET covens .............. .. 10¢ each
EXTENSION CORD .................................. _. 1V2¢ foot
Rubi).er covered in choice of brown, black, white
See our complete line of
Lighting fixtures that will modernize and beautify every room in the
house . . . at surprisingly low cost.
10 to 100 Watts
FRICTION TAPE,'roll 5¢ up
Pull Chain Switch (plain 15¢)
LES. CONVERTERS . . . . . . . . . . . 1.45
With 12-ft. Cord— use to remodel your old floor lamp.
Your Complete Department Store
Be Your Own Butcher!
You are the dictator when you come into our sparkling clean
shop. Our employees do as you want them to, giving you exactly
what you want as though you yourself, were doing the butchering.
SHOP HERE . . . SAVE, get what you want at a real saving!
BeefRoast.................lb. 17¢
Select, choice, prime steer. Go’vt. Inspected.
ShortRibs lb. 10¢
RoastPork......_.......... lb. 15¢
Shaulder, all center cuts.
Shankless Cooked Picnics . .. lb. 21¢
Go‘vt. Inspected, first quality.
LargeWieners lb. 18¢
* Fresh Oysters . . . . . .. pint 19¢
Local mediums.
*FreshCrabs 2for 35¢
I Strictly fresh Tokeland.
Kippered Salmon .. lb. 30¢
Spiced Herring, 14-02. jars . . . . . 28¢
Luncheon Meat, 3-lbs. . . . . . . . . .. 69¢
Spiced—with natural juice in vacuum cooked tin
Sliced Bacon . . . . . . 1/2 cello pack 10¢
Morrell’s Palace.
Smoked Picnics lb. 18¢
‘ Carsten’s Washington.
Carsten’s Bacon . . . . . . . . . . lb. 19¢
Medium lean, pieces as cut.
orcantile co:
Fisher’s Blend
49-lb. sack
.- ® Homelike 1.39
., All hard wheat, a per-
.. fect bread maker.
Fishers Biskit Mix . . . . . . 1’.
40-02. pkg. with EARTHENWARE BOWL-
GET THIS ma “mm min.
sun 1
mag-Mun?!) i
3-lbs. 53; (5-le. 1.05 1:;
“For making good veg' l ’
etables taste better." wol
l-pt. can .......... .- 43 ‘ inr
Sanivclor 1 .- al- 33?
rhe better cleanser .and'bleiiclier.. g .88 ‘82:
Sunbright’Cleaner ... . . . . 53.:
Cleans everything. I brill
VitaFood—No. 1 Cans I
Kitchen Towels . . . . . 3 '* ((
150’s. 4 till):
Paper Napkins "1
80’s. Embossed. ' '11:]
14-01. cans—Crushedi he
Tidbits, Juice. 2 ti.
Pineapple . .» 3,19,,
“Where Quality Meets Price”