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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 15, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 15, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i . Page 2 rlllllll iii i i i ] i1 iii i iiiiiii i iii i /unmr Clubwoman of the Week Les Joslin SUGGESTS: 42,000 PEOPLE ENTER HOS- PITALS EVERY DAY. ASK ME ABOUT HOSPITAL INSURANCE FOR YOUR FAMILY. this man gives you driving pleasure He gives your oar a lift through proper lubrication. He helps you avoid trouble by keeping thole bearings from getting too dry, Come let our expert lube man grease )cur ca to inlure you of smoother drivtngl ONE stop here will keep you safely on the GOt COLE'S HOBILGAS SERVICE 1ST AND PiNE HA 6-3906 - - I . II JIl . I I1'1[ II I I , SHOE SALE Fall and Winter Clearance Sale CHILDREN'S . $2.88 to $4.88 W0 EN S .. $Q lo$6,88 MEN'S .=+., $5.88to$I0,88 ALL SALES FINAL I I Legion Auxiliary Has Guest Night Ai February 6 Meeting February 6 r-ovcd to be "guest nig'ixt" at the meeting of the Fred B. WiwAl Unit No. 31, American Legion Auxiliary held in tiw Memorial troll. Inch.ded in the guest list were four Irene S. Reed t]ig'h school seniors who attended the 1961 e session of Evergr en Girls' State :,n the campus of Central Wash- ington College in Elhmsburg. Tim girls, Deenie Dudley, Sharon KeN lerman, Sherryi Schlegel and June Shumate, gave enthusiastic re- ports on their participation in Girls' State activities and ex- pressed their appreciation to the sponsoring groupK for making it possible for them to attend the conference. In addition to the local Legion Auxiliary tim girls were sponsored by Hood Canal Legion Auxiliary, Zonta Club and Ki- wanis Cinb. Evergreen Girls' State which is conducted under the auspices of American Legion Auxiliaries throughout the state is designed to give girls a working knowledge of government at the local, state and national levels. Other local guests attending Tuesday's meeti included Mrs. Betty Dudley, Mrs. Harriet Dre- bis and Miss Marian Johnson of Shelton and Mrs. Dora Hearing of Matlock. Honored out of town guest was the Auxiliary Fourth District President, Mrs. SteUa Collen of Sumner. Two past District Presi- dents, Mrs. Mary Forrester of Tacoma and Mrs. Eunice Hughes of Orting were also in attendance. Four other guests from OrUng Unit 167 included Mesdames Jeanette Shumacher, Esther Chute, Mildred Campbell and Bertha Kendall. During the evening Mrs. Amy Frank, Americanism chairman, re- erred that 150 flag codes had een ordered for use in the fourth grades of the Shelton Schools. At the close of the auxiliary meeting unit members and their guests were Joined by post mem- bers and their guests for a social hour. Refreshments were served to more than 60 people. Sir Knights To Entertain Honored Ladies At Dinner Laurel Court Order or' the Amaranth will hold its regular stated meeting next Wednesday at the Masonic Temple. The Sir Knights will undebtake their yearly task of entertaining the Hon6red Ladies of the Court with gay merriment arid a sump- tuous feast. All members of the Court are urged to take part in this affair. In addition to regular business officers will step up to the higher office which they will occupy for the coiing year. An enjoyable evening is prom- ied to all who attend. Shelton Garden Club To Hear Mr. Peck The Shetton Garden Club will meet at 1:30 p.m. next Monday at the home of Mrs. W. A. Witsiers. Mr. Peck, County Agriculturist will be guest speaker. His topic will be Soil and Soil Conditions. Loafing becomes respectable when the doctor tells you it is necessary. CATHY HEUSTON is president of her snior class this year. Skiing and golfing are her favorite hobbies. Her plans for the future include training to be a high school English teacimr. The duties of senior class pres- ident at Irene S. Reed high school take up much of Catiw Heuston's time. She appoints committee chairmen for projects, presides ov- er all meetings of the senior class and is general chairman of the senior ball. In addition to being class pres- ident she belongs to Honor Soc- iety, Pep Club and Girls' Club, and is on the Golf team. Cathy has not decided which college she will be attending in the falI, but she has definitely made up her mind that she intends to become a high school English teacher. World history, literature IV, chemistry, civics, German III, and office practice are the subjects she chose for her last year in high school. Golfing and skiing are her fav- It's A Date Today, Thursday, Feb. 15 OES Past Matrons, 7:30 p.m., home of Mrs. Alma Catto. She].ton Port Commission's Feb- ruary meeting, 8:00 p.m., court- house. Friday, Feb, 16 Rachel Knott Guild, 12:30 lunch- con, home of Mrs. Richard Brew- r. VFW Auxiliary potluck, 6:30 p.m., Memorial hall. Seamount league basketball, Shelton vs. Fife, B teams 6:45 p.m., varsities 8:15 p.m., Shelton ym. Saturday, Feb. 17 High school basketball, Mary M. Knight vs. North Mason, B teams 7:00 p.m., varsities 8:30 p.m., Shelton gym. Sundtty, Feb. 18 Shelton churches invite you to attend the church 6f your choice. Shelton Yacht Club, 6 p.m., PUD auditorium. Monday, Fob. 19 Shelton Garden Club, 1:30 p.m. tome of Mrs. W. A. Witsier. SRA Pinochle Club, 8 p.m., Me- morial hall. Tizesdy, Feb. 20 Fred B. Wlvell Post 31 Amer- icanLegion, 8 p.m., Memorial hall. Kiwanis Club weekly luncheon meeting, noon, Memorial Hall. Junior high school basketball, Shelton vs. Hoquiam, 2:15 p.m., Shelton gym.  , Wednesday, leb. 21 WARC, 7:30 p.m., PUD audi- torium. Hillcrest Homemakers potluck luncheon, i2 noon, home of Mrs. May Burgess. Busines and Professional Wo- men 6:30p.m., dinner, , Colonial House. WARC, 7:30 p.m., PUD auditor- ium. Laurel Court Order of Amar- anth meets aC Lasonic Temple. Republican Wonmn, 1:30 p.m., home of Mrs. L. L. McInelly. Seamount league basketball, Shelton Vs. North Thurston, B teams 6:45 p.m., varsities 8:15 p.m., Shelton gym. Thursday, Feb. 22 Golden Age Club potluck dinner, C p.m., Memorial hall. Washington.:a Birthday, most Shelton retail stores, all public offices closed. Leaders Training Course Offered To Girl Scout Leaders A group leadership training course will be available to all Girl Scout and Brownie Leaders and assistant Leaders of the Mason Neighborhood of the Tall Timber Girl Scout Council: The four-day course will be given by the Council's Field Ad- visor, Mrs. Allan de Laubenfels and :lairs. G. J. Maguire on Febru- ary 19, 21, 26 and 28 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the St. David's Episcopal church. Leaders are asked to bring a sack lunch and their Leaders Guide. Coffee will be served. Lead- ers are also requested to bring samples of troop handwork fox' the lmndcraft display table. This is the first full training ession ever to be offered in Shel- ton to the local and Hoodspor • leaders and it is hoped that the orite outdoor pastimes. Both are sports the Heustons enjoy togeth- er as a family. Knitting and cook- ing are her other hobbies. Cathy was born October 6, 1944 in Seattle. Sire came to Shel- ton when she was about two years 01d. She is 5'4" tall, has blue eyes and light brown hair. She makes her home at 433 South 12th street with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Franl¢ Houston, and a younger i brother. She tins an older sister attending college. Nuel Curlis Auxiliary Changes Dale Of March Meeting Nuel Curtis Auxiliary 5372, Vet- erans of Foreign Wars of Belfair voted at the February meeting to change the date of the March meeting to the second Tuesday of the month. This is in order to be able to attend Fourth District meeting Ivarch 6 at Port Orchard. :Mrs. Agnes Redfield, Depart- nlent Presidcn.t.of the Ladies Aux- iliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars of Aberdeen attended the Women's Forum on National Se- curity in Washington, D.C. Feb. 8, 9, and 10. The Forum meets annually in the nation's capitol. The phrpose is to study and inform the dele- gates in the varied aspects of National Security. Mrs. Redfield will represent the Auxiliary throughout the state of Washing- ton along with delegates from 15 other organizations which will represent over two million women. Mrs. Redfield visited the Tomb of the Unknowns, and attended the Chmging of the Guard at Ar- lington National Cemetery. She has _as her guest at the Forum din- ner, members of Congress from the state of Wastington. Thursday, February Eight And Forty Has Valentine Dinner Theme At tables gaily decorated, carry- ing out the spirit of St. Valentine's Day, fourteen members of Salon No. 508 Eight and Forty Mason County. enjoyed a dclicious 7 no-host dinner Monday evening. Hostesses were Mrs. Merle Smith, Mrs. Mattie Backhmd and Mrs. +*+ ++ COLOR TV ,Pile regular business meeting was presided over by Chapeau Addle Norris. Various regllar re- ports were given. Child Welfare cilairman, Siirley Clinton, gave a report on a new project-known as ter" for children from tubercular e homes.' Garments for children made by members were displayed. Following the business session the White Room Ceremony was conducted according to the Ritual admitting Mrs. Lillian Norvold to membership. Partners Lucy Edmiston, Ira Parr and Mary Sykes will be hostesses for the March 12 meet- inK. Homemakers Club Potluck Meeting Tile Hillcrest Homemakei's' club will meet for a potluck luncheon at noon next Wednesday at the home of Mrs. May Burgess, 638 Cascade Street. The gx'oup will be making" wishing wells or flower VaSeS. Twelve members were present at the last meeting, with one visi- tor. If anyone has pieces of mater- ial that could be used for making quilts the club would be very ap- preciative of them. Phone HA 6, 6342 or HA 6-863i. Republican Women Slate Round-Table Dmussmn Weesday Republican women are cordially invited to join m an informal "round-talkie" discussion in the home of Mrs. L. L. McInelly, 1104 West Harvard Street, at 1:30 p.m. next Wednesday. Beginning with the basic principles of the Re- publican Party, discussion will en- compass also the effects of chang- ing times on party policy, and how the true aims of the party can be accomplished. Mrs. Arthur Kraus, president of Mason County Women's Repub- lican Club, will lead the discussion. Coffee will be served through-out the session. This is to be the first of a series of discussion-and-study sessions. Easy Terms 328 Cota HA To All Women FREE TUITION Slalistios Prove The Unskilled Are The Unemployed!! Plan today for the future. Take tage of this opportunity so you will not among the many unskilled. March 21 marks the 21st anniversary the Cinderella Beauty School. In honor this occasion Betty Butcher offers you opportunity for a successful career Beauty Culture. Offer 'Good For Limited Time -- Number, Learn Today -- Earn We invite you to call us now --- ES Cinderella Beauty School 305 N. Callow Avenue Bremerton, Washington Shelton Yacht Club Potluck On Sunday The Shelton Yacht Club will hold a potluck dinner meeting at 5. p.m. Sunday evening at the PLfD' building. Members are m\\;ged to turn out to hear reports on progress of the new club house. Shelton General Mr. and Mrs. Nell Simmons, Potlatch, a girl, Feb. 9. ]fir. and Mrs. Dwayne Swear- ingen, Star Rt. 2 Box 189, a boy, Feb. 11 Mr. and Mrs. James Lindsey, Rt. 3 Box 478, a boy, Feb. 13. Mr. and :Mrs. Charles Francis- co, Rt. 2 Box 150, a boy, Feb. 13. To rejoice in the prosperity of another is to partake of it. --William Austin 15, 1! AtAIlyn; Given By Lois Terrell .... The Beachcom Club held ,.t regular n 8 at the home of over Victor Lrie Givens and Mrs. assisting, and president, presidl of tile various a reports. ildred Gaetana, hera gave an inte on the preparatio or planting. Arrangez Will be held, for t interested in April. to be announced 1 Dahl reported on the care of moss or and fertilizin brought arra and dry Eleanor Myer: a national judge, ribbons, stating Some of our efl z Very professional. Mil a Won the sweepstake r Vote. Twelve members visitors were present.b lnch WaSxeTeetin  sos The n  at C ' I-tWill be h=Id m'zlv ] ty. °use ca the e MRS. CARL : last Friday. a garden club ] in that city. evening the t tendered a pink for Mrs. Frank recently moved to White is' the new z Allyn House Nm t 20 guests assert of Mrs. Jack I occasion. Mrs. nine, useful way of z like the Vv'h Those present :t out their first na was very clove: each h were se we departed to live in a frie SUch as Allyn. of last week work at Aliyn H shower for Mrs. V gifts were a sur this newoomer hiS, so friendly, n, Mrs. Harvey Wolfe drove out look things eve home, discovering large trees had during a wind st no damage had Caldwell, Mrs :en, Mrs. Judy arch. Steve Boyce € on Frida vet at their L YCe spent th( friends who Benefit DANCE HALL ¢¢`:¢.4¢¢¢¢t¢:¢¢:...t¢Nt¢¢N.t¢.¢¢:¢¢t¢t¢¢t¢tt¢t¢tt¢.¢Nt¢*$¢BN o__ Mr. BOSTON ": $ WASHINGTON S LOWEST PRICED ! BOTTLED IN BOND00 Now All Kentucky Whiskey In A Brand New Package! :; rl-: Bottled in Bond gives you dis- ! ' ti.iw 00 char. W Mr. BOSTON'S i}  ,t,,... ,t r.,.boied oo l ON/.TZTMP.  !-! prooft Inside every attractive [-= J.V,,n.=-=-llu  new bottle -- the rich flav0r of  CHAIR z .| superior Kentucky bourbon,  '.g_'.... t •  LikefamouP'nams ,e.tty q=. And it. So.Z. II-! ,,..oz :.%1,,. ' " r ' hlr IS oo eo et mi fectmn to make it the qality !1 ml, lo,o:. ,p0++ ,t, OLD bourbon library! R]  .at ! o,,ffin= #. OLD Mr BOSTON ,,v,,.,., u ,,, .D U I I.]LLI 1. GETS ,4 NEW tOOK/ OLD Mr. BOSTON Bouz0 Wmsm )o!],ltm)L IN BOND Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey $ '3!! 41 • iNTELLiGENCE iN THE PURCHASE,, MODERAT|ON IN "[*HE ENJOYMENT ;e j0ff L TRUE FRUIT FLAVORED BRANDIES 70 PROOF e Available in Aprioot, Paaoh, Blaokberry and Cherry Flavor Old Mr. Boston's POOU, lar brandies are now more inviting than ever in their new bottes 2t and labels. But we've kept every bit of that delightful true.fruit fla. vor that you've always enjoyedl i BOHLEO-IN-BOO tENTUCK¥ STRAIGHT BoIJrSON WHISKEY, lO0 PDOF. rOCKING CHAIR KENTUCKY WHISKEY A BLEND, J$O IAOOF, 7F/IR ORAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. OLD MR. BOSyON DISTILLER INC, BOSTON MA. ]eader; and their assistants will avail themselves of this program. Regttriations Will be taken by , Mrs. Fred Holm, HA 6-4518. Nurses Hear Talk On Cancer By Dr. Forman A regular district meeting of the RN's was held at the Cot- tage Cafe Tuesday evening. RN's are members of the WSNA. Registered Practical Nurses and Dr. and Mrs. Forman were guests or the dinner. Dr. Forman gave ry 17 -L 2a.m Live Music z interesting and informative ,, ecture on tests to detect early _ 1 " " UN cancer in women A J' Fire Strikes GRAVELE| .......... . o o o r d i o n Yo"ur Home . . , ..,AnE SLIPPER Marrme Licenses L e s s 0 n s OOULD YOU SAVE YOUR  nn, m Applying for marriage licenes at the Mason Count .uditor's office 011pu11 .,,. ,,, • - Y .xag ..vw xua. th,S past Week weze: ....... vnui Larry etnor, 28. Garden cross or private iRREPLAOEABLE VALUABLES? L Gr?de:sonC.alifornia and Borghild i][t "* ' An ;j , Sh!on ze,on. Remember, They Are Safest the Year-A/l II  i 1 Ir Dennes, 50, Port Orchard a " vnd Rhoda West, 46 Shelton dflhnnvgo uss,.IA .D,.. William Ong, 29, Bremerton and ..... .u a O mMOIV IU , : in One of Our r irl I' 1 [] Virginia Clayton, 21, Bremerton. H.a, XEO+_ Arclue Lewis, 65, Tacoma and --. -v--, ,. Nancy Graham, 53 Tacoma , SAFE DEPOSIT B0 a+ "-_ i Where Do You Keep These Importa , Items Now? =m  P r 59 LYMOUTH Belvede..V8 ...i ...... $1495.00 Agreements * Donds * Contracts * Deed, 4 Door Sedan --- Radio ..Heater  Automatic * rille * Diplomas * Heirlooms * Bills of le ...._ , Power Steering  Low Mileage Real 8harp *. Leases * Birth Certificates * Citizenship r m Papers * Household Inventory * Income Tag ill A iM 55 CHEVROLET 210 WAGON ........... $495.00 -ords * Insurance Policies * Marriage  i • r 4 Door  V8 Engine  ,=.utomatio Transmission  uert.iflcates * Savings Bonds * Securities , IB V i 55 PLYMOUTH Belvedere V8 .... $545.00 • service Records * Stock Certificates * TruS' -- Agreements + Receipts * Mortgages * Notes 2 Door Club Sedan  Radio -- Heater "'"Au'tomatic " lare Stamps , * Picture Negatives * Slides i  5+ RA4Moo YetRedan CU2at2o ll-- -- '6::t;u ..... -- €}'V" "t:e drive ..... $495.00 PROTECT* MotionTHEMPiaureFROM Films ,FiRE+ewelrYAND Ttl M |1' In 1 NEW ' " ' IN A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX Order any S00UT SPE01AI, The Cost Is Surprisingly Low " have a trc i sl Birthday Sellebralion Rent One Today at this winter 'T..T,O." _coozBo ,,c o. Shellon Branch +" ............. I1/ , " ....... Heater- Signals- powr-.Ok Rear Axle Th .'.. MATERI, _ *00,s99'0° urston County teoera, ! ... ] .... .....- - ," , J L. KIMBEL MOTORS INC Savings & Loan Associatiei • CHRYSLER __ PLYMOUTH -- VALIANT ACCOUNTS INSURED TO $10,000 BY THE F.S.L '1'' 9 A.M. - 4 P,M. Monday thru Thursday 1 .1(0' I, , IAMBLER __ INTEI+NATIoNAL TRUCKS o to 3, 4 to 5:30 Fridays  , Home Office Branch Offioe 7TH 707 So. Fzrst St. HA 6-3433 5th & Capitol Way • 313 Railroad AVe' & PARK Olympia, Wash. Shelton, wash, ,