February 15, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Southside 4-H Club Holds Party
For Adults in Coles' Residence
|13' Mrs. lay Kralelr, t
SOUTI-iSIDE " Busy Bells 4-H
club held a meeting" hi lile base-
merit of do Anu nnd Toni Coles'
I!(eV ]l()HSe, ']Pile ellib rnetnbert
played ping pong nntil the meet-
ing started and at tile beginning
of the meeting they worked on
their record books. The Busy Bells
had a birth(lay party fnr Mrs.
Jovita Cole. Mrs• Violet LaFond
made a pretty .l-haped birthday
cake for Mrs. Cole, and the chlb
nl(!rllheva gave MPs, Cole presents.
The next mee.ting will be hehi at
tit0 hom}' .of ,t,heii' leadel:;' MrB,
J )el'is Jackson on Fell 21, reported
lCnth loon,
oIVrllNIitE (irlinge put on the
dinner for tile Republicans on
Feb. 13 at tile Armory.
Soutllside Grange regular meet-
big will he held Feb, 16.
Don't forget the Southside
Grange Rummage Sale on Feb. 16
at the PUD bnilding.
Cub Scouts Den 7 met at the
home of Mrs• I:{onald Gunters on
Sattlrday. Those attending the
nlceling were Dale White. Danny
Schnitzer. Jinnny Spilseth, Gerald
,¥atters and Dallas Gunler, The
PC(JIltS made valentines ont of al-
ummum pie tills to pitt candy in.
Ttlc Bhie and Gold supper will be
held on l;'eh 22. and all parents
of the SCOlltS pleasc contact Mrs.
Grange Meetinl
Delayed In Favor
Of Talent Show
BJ" llora I|earil|{
MATLOCK ']'lie Matlock
(lrange will postpone lhetr regu-
lar meeting this Friday night,
Feb. 16 to attend the lalent sllow
aL Shelton Valley Grange.
The Matlocl¢ Ladies Club held
lheir reguhtr meeting at the
Grange Hall last week Thursday,
with Mrs. Lud Rossmaier hostess.
The next meeting will be Feb, 22
and will imve a demonstration on
upholstery clearllng. Anyone m-
teresteO will be welcome to at-
VVc al'e sorry lo report Mrs.
Van Norman is ill and is in tim
Shelton General hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Heariog
were dinner gllests Ia'riday eve-
sing of Mr& Augusta Fortmaa
find earl Perth|an.
t3ob Wetters had the misfor-
tune of getting hi: leg broken at
Camp Govey lasl Ttmrsday. He "is
,m the cttl, Lillg • cre.w an(l got his
leg caught between two trees.
lohr '.and Naru y Ma.i'ga['vie and
Nan Taylor spent Satllrdsy eve-
t*lllg with Mr. /Hid Mrs. !Vgtlt, el'
Mr'. and Mrs..lann,s Churchill
and two sons speit Satllrday eve-
niag with Mrs A,igttsta Portmall
and Carl Porllnan.
Mrs. Marie Meek of ()lynapia
and Mr. and Mrs. Elnler Meek and
son Richard of Sljelton were Sun-'
day dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Elvin ttearbbg and Sunday
afternoon callers at the" Hearing
Mrs. Hattie Bateman and Mrs.
P. M. Fairell of Monlesano called
f,;rt Mrs. A, ilgllsta Portntan Sun-
Mr. nnd Mrs. larl Walker and
Fen l)aTi tlpenl. Sunday evening
with Mr'. and Ml',q. Frank Hollatz.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Howard
and family were Sunday ewming
dinner gtlests of Mr. and Mrs. L.
F Cook of Montesano.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Avery of
Bl'emert(m. Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Avery and son of Shelton, Mr. and
Mrs. Noeh, n Avery and family
and Mrs. Essa Febman were Sun-
day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs,
William Avery.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Rickert of
Ronald Gunter. The scouts' next
mect, ing will be held lit the home
of Mrs. G, tlnter on Feb. 17.
A GR{iIII" of Mason Colmty
4:if Builders attended the dance,
pie social and p!ayed games in
Olympia Saturday evening. Those
attending were lt(,nnie Brewer.
Lenny Robinson oil the Cole Road,
Liana Whitmarsh and Loren Gee
of Sl¢okomish, Ray and Melvin
G'vans of Dayton (.leraldine Schtlr
of Dayton, and Kay Loertscher
of Lost Lake. Als: attending were
4. H Builders fro,n Grays Harbor,
Lewis nn(I Thln'sion cOunties.
I'our Leaves 4-H club heh:t a
meeting on Thursday and the
meeting was ealh:d to order by
the president Linda Trotzer,
Christine Bostrom gave a demon-
stration on how t(, straighten ma-
terial, and Barbara Sewell gave
her demonstration on threading a
needle. The next meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. Bakke
on Feb. 22. reported Christine.
COUNTY ff0URNAL -- PubltBhed in "Ohristmastown, U.KA.," flhelton, Washington
Union Woman Has Three Days Of Odd Oar Trouble
By Ethel DMhy :scathed,
Then on Friday in Bremerton,
when she met husband Bill,
who had his .ork cal" he uses to
make the daily\\;drive to and from
home of Mrs. Grace Wright on
Thursday and worked on qtlilts.
The next, meeting of tile club will
be held at Ehna Hurst's on Feb.
21, and will continue worRing on
Southside resident are glad to
hear that Ernie Swiger is home
from the hospital and is getting
along fine.
MEIIVE SMIT!! has been con-
fined to tile hospital with the flu.
Guest of Mr'. and Mrs. Fred
Stuck wa.s their son Loren Stuck,
of Downey, Calif.
UNION .... It "ill started last
Thursday, a week ago, when Mrs.
Helen Tinlm was driving down
the stee I ) grade of Union hill
al)ove tim Masonic FIall. The
})ra]{es went ()ill, Oil her ear. Fol'-
lunatcly for her, she has the hick
of tile Irish, an(t came out un-
DanceSlated For
Sat. At Dayton
By Malml Kidtl
DAYTON A benefit dance
v,,ill be held on Saturday night,
February 17 at Dayton Hall for
Mrs. Thelma Dillenburg and fam-
ily. Live music will be provided•
Mr. and Mrs James Dougherty
rJntt family a.re now living in the
former Perry Rose home which
they have purchased. Mr. Bob
Johnson and son Gib are renting
the former Dougherty home.
We are sorry to Ileal" that Mr,
club met at the George King, father of Mrs. J. W.
Stoner, is still confined to the
hospital. We wish him a speedy
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Booth of Shel-
ton hosted at tlle Satnrday evening
meeting of the Traveling Pinochle
Chlh. High prize winners were,
Tavia Killough and Arehie Lemke,
low went to Marguerite Lemke and
Ed Valley, traveling pinochle to
Shirley Shelton and Ed Valley. The
next meeting wilt be held on Feb -
ruary 24 with Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Lemke hosting.
Weekend gue§ts of Mr. and Mrs.
and Mrs. Ted Bare and family,
Spending tile weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred SttIcR of Cole road
were Mr. and Mrs. Verse Stuck
of Bremarton.
Visitors of Mr• and Mrs. Walt-
er Kratcha, D(mg, Llnda and Sus-
an Tuesday evening were Mr.
Henry Winnmg ald Sharon of Mc-
Cleary, and Audrey Butcher and
Denny of McCleary.
Visilors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Stuck Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Gardner of Mill Creek and
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stuck.
Mill Creek What Nots 4-H Cluh
met Fe, b, 12 in the evening at
the llome of Linda Dittman. Tile
club discussed diffei'ent ways
which they could earn money, so
their' cll0) could charter a bus
and go to the World Fair. Each
member uril] participate and raise
lnoney f()r his tickct. Nancv Spil-
seth gave a demonstration (in the
horse bridle and its parts. Linda
Dit, tnaan flare her demonstration
on how to assemble ingredients
befor tart.ing to mix a cake. Re-
freshrhents were served by Lin-
da D1ttman The next meeting
wi/] be held at the home of tester
SI)ilseth on Feb. 26, and will dis-
t*IISS t.he COl/nty (lelDDnstraLlons,
reported EtLa Swoaringen.
MI*. and Mrs, Frank Harrier of Darl Goldy were the Misses
Port Ludlow left Friday after Shirley Shelton and Beverly Cop
spending three weeks visiting Mr, presently of Lilliwaup,
Union to Bremerton in, the clue
linffered too long in arriving at a
choice of a typewriter whic'h re-
salted in Helen finding a tag on
her ear. which meant a parking
ticket Mr. and Mrs. Timm went
on their way in the Navy Yard
city attending to other business
matters. Upon their return they
found a tag on Bill's cal', which
meant another raffic ticket for
parking in a 12-hour zone.
On the return drive to Union,
Helen ran out of ggs at Sea Fare
and an obliging friend ran her
down to Happy Hollow, where she
refueled. That evening Mrs. Timm
was returning daughter Diana and
a school girl friend from the Val-
entine dance at Lower Skokomish
school gym when the cal" horn
staged a celebration of its own,
keeping up a clear clarion sotmd
all the way home.
On Saturday evening Helen
Till. relating the amusing tale
Grange News
Hoquiam were Saturday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Kennel h' Howard.
Wednesday evening the Edward Right at 8 p.m. instead of as be-
Valley family spent some time fore announced. This promises to
with Mr. and Mrs. I.ald Rosmnaier. be an entertaining evening so sure
A potluck supper led off the
lhe evening for PROGRESS gran-
gprs Friday. Thal put tllem in
the mood for work. They receiv-
ed two applications for member-
ship from Milton Brumbaugh anti
Etta:,gherid. They voted to take
part in th Shelton Valley open
house. Progress will have a. dance
this Saturds y.
SKOKOMISH accepted Mrs. Ar-
('hie Vaughn as a new member.
They also voted to draw up a res-
olution concerning a light at the
Valley road intersection with the
highway. This is a dangerous spot
and they feel it should be attend-
ed to. They will send the resolu-
tion to the State Highway Com-
mission. They also plan to partici-
pate in the open house at Shelton
Diie tc nnforseen developments
the open house at SHELTON
VALLEY will be held Friday
Gathering in Lhe Alvia Chap-
man home on Friday evening for
food and conversation were Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Hall of Kamilehe.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chappell,
David and Sara Jean and Harry
Kidd. Drop-in caller, that evening
were Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Ander-
son and Margie Hliboki of Clo-
quallum, Sam Diggle Jr., of Lake
Nahwatzel and Robert Goldy.
Mr. Raymond Rayson of Muk-
ilteo visited on Sunday in the
Imme of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Rayson.
The Little Egypt 4-H Agricul-
ture Group met Wednesday, Feb.
7 in the home of SLeve Leman.
Roy Evans gave P demonstration
on dusting gardens. Steve Leman
(in how to thin root crops, and
Donald Evans one on different
types of chickens. The next meet-
ink will be held on Feb. 21 in the
home of Tommy Leonard.
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete
Roberts were. Doctnr and Mrs.
William Menses aud son and Mrs.
Ted Monson of Kent, Mrs. Nena
Roberts of Shelton and Mr. and
Mrs. ]till Roberts and family of
]slan(I Lake. Doctor Menses and
family spent, the night and Sun-
day with the Roberts family.
Carol Young and her fiance
Ted Reynolds of Kingston spent
the weekend in tile home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Young.
Roy and Melvin Evans, Gerald-
ine Sehur and Kay Loertscher at-
tended tile 4-H Builders party
held on Sell'day night in Olym-
Kay Loertschel of Isabella Val-
ley was Saturday overmght guest
of Geraldine Schnr.
Thursday through S u n d a y
houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Ger-
ald Needham were Mr. and Mrs.
C. N. Allen and family and Ger-
aldine Noedham of Kent•
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy and
children visited on Saturday after-
noon m Agate with Mr. and :IVirs.
A. W. Puderbatlgh.
On Thursday evening, Mr. and
M's. Russell Sparks called on
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glaser of
Mr. Darl Goldy visited on Tues-
day in LiJliwaup with his sister,
Gladys Zoyer.
,IANE IVILLIAM$ spent Sat-
urday,night with Cindy Good of
Mrs. F. A. Schmidt of Olympia
was Saturday overuiffht guest of
Company employees quickly con- A group gathered in the tfamil-
trolled i small fire which broke che home of the Lloyd Clarks on
out Monday in the firm's Insulat- Saturday evening and erijoyed
ing Board Plant in Shelton, viewing, colored slides. Present
THE FIRE broke out while the were Mrs. Les Bishop, Mr. and
plant was starting up following Mrs. Don Brownfield, Mrs. Pearl
a week's shutdown, according to BrownfielS, Mrs. Bill Jones, Mr,
IV. B. Johnson, manager, inmdat- and Mrs. J'erry Bloomfield, Keith
ing board division. The dryer ap- Satterthwaite, Allan McIrvin and
parenl:ly overlleated and some in- Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield and
eulating board in it caught fire. farnily.
"The Slelton Fire Department Mrs. Stan Dyson went to Olym-
was called und arrived in a mat- pia on Monday for shopping and
ter of rriinutes" said Johnson, hmched with her mother, Mrs. F.
"but our men had it under con- A. Schmidt.
to an interested friend re-
marked, "and I haven't even been
in a car today".
rie) was returned to her home
Sunday afternoon a week ago, af-
ter having spent the past several
weeks at the Clinic Hospital in
Shelton. Mrs. Turner is reported
as being much improved. Her ma-
ny friends hope it means a com-
plete return to health.
Mrs. Paul Schlosser entertained
the members of her Study Club
at a 1 o'clock luncheon last Thurs-
day at her home. Present were
Mesdames Charles Lewis, Hal Mc-
Clary, Otto Goldschmtdt of Shel-
ton. Mrs. C, H. Kreienbaum, and
from Seattle, Mesdames Harold
Johns and Dave James.
Mr. Art Coffman of Sllelton
Red Cross will be the instructor
of a course in first aid classes
sponsored by the Union Ladies
Civic Club. Mrs. Randall Updyke
chairman in charge is requesting
any one interested to contact her
at her home, Union TW 8-2277.
A class of 15 is required. With
the members of the club as a
starter, additional persons may
take advantage of this opportun-
ity. Mrs. Updyke urges all wish-
ing to join to call at an early date
so that a schedule may be arrang-
ATTEND/NG Tile Republican
dinner Tuesday, Feb. 13 from Un-
ion were Mesdames Beulah Nich-
ols, Dorothy Jessup, Miss Bess Oy-
cr, Clara Eastwood. Dr. Fritz Wil-
bur and Bill Buchanan of North
Slmre also attended.
After a pleasant month spent
at various places in Arizona, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry 2€lawson return-
ed home last Tuesday. The Maw-
sons made the trip via train with
Mesa their destination. They also
visited at Phoenix, Tucson and
Tempo and took a side trip into
According to the Mawsons, the
last week was perfect with bright
sttnny days and emperature of
75 and 80. Mr. and Mrs. Mawson
l eturned to Olympia last Monday
night, and visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Keyes
(their daugllter) returning to Un-
ion Tuesday afternoon.
Like many anaher vacationist,
the trip was fine evelwthing
perfect, out "there's no place like
home" !
Mrs. Jean Moore and son Mike
spent .an enjoyable day at Hurri-
cane Ridge at their favorite winter
pastille of skiing. They returned
Saturday evening,
'Miss Pat Blake was home last
weekend, and with her were her
cousins Barbara and Marcia
Porter of Seattle, and Elizabeth
Mitchell, a friend.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ball have
had a very busy chedule for the
past Week or more. On Wednesday
evening they were dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ball Jr. in
Bremerton. Friday evening Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Hess (their
daughterl and two daughters of
Portland Oregon arrived to sperld
the weekend. Sunday morning Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy and and Mrs. Clarence Ball of Alder-
children were Sunday dinner ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ball
guests in the home of Mr. and and children of Bremerton, and
tlope a lot of you can come out. Mrs. Sam Diggle of Lake Nab- hra. Rose Ball of McMillan joined
MATLOCt wishes I:0 announ6e watzel, , . hem at breakfast, fifteen in all.
their meeting for this Friday Having Sunday dinner inthe Mrs. Rose Ball (Mr, Ball s mother}
night is cancelled in order to at- Shel, t0n home of Mrs. Nena _Rob. is remaining on to be their house
tend the open house, errs Were Doctor and Mrs. Wil. guest for the next couple of Weeks,
AGATE held their regular tiara Monson and son of Kent, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ball are starting
meeting Friday. They accepted and Mrs. Bill Roberts and child, on an enlarging and remodeling
Joe Goodro as a new member, ren of Island Lake, Mr,. and Mra. lob, on their grocery store and
They too will be represented 'at Pete Roberts and sons. . , I adding new flxtqres 'and lighting.
helton Valley. Dorl9 Hiekson was Monoay ov- I I[R, AND MRS, George Mattson
CLOQUALLUM plans to have ernight guest of Tina Bezley of | re opening Union Oafe for bus-
a representative at the open Shelton. . ] iness Friday Feb. 16 after enjoying
house too. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield [ a Winter vacation in Oalifornia.
attended he silver wedding anni- -.. The "Union tattles Civic Club
In versary open house of Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Wilson of Shelton on
Employees Snuff Fire
WelI-tralned Simpson Timber Mr. and Mrs. Stan Dyson,
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Chamberlin
&nd baby of Shelton spent Thurs-
day evening with Mr, and Mrs.
Lud Rosamaier.
MAII Y M. KNIGHT school ea.l-
endar for' the week is a,s follows:
The seventh and eighth grade,
mid girls' basketball teams will
play Wishkah there on Wednes-
day nigtlt; Friday, Feb. 16, Clan
him Bay will play the Knight
Owls here; Saturday night Feb.
17 the Knight• Owls and North
Mason witl play in Shelton.
Students will enjoy a two-day
l:oliday next week Feb. 22 and 23,
Mr. an.d Mrs. tIerbert Breh-
nleyer Jr., and falTlily, spent the
weekend in Vancouver, Wash.,
with Mr. and Mrs. Kerntit Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Knutz and
on of Tacoma were Sunday din-
ller guests of their uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Crow-
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert BrPhmey-
er, Sr. and son Gene, Mike and
Brian were Sunday dinner glleSts
of Mr, and Mrs. Ray Ktnmterly
of Shelton. The dinne" was in ho-
rror oY Brian Brehmeyer's bh'th-
clay. Carry Lylm Kimmerly came
home with her gl'andparents to
spend a few days.
Scotty Mitchell of Puyalhlp
spent the v/fekellrd with the An-
drew MeGarvie family and Mr
art(1 Mrs. Walter Shaw called SIin-
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Boothc
and family of Hoquiam spent, the
weekend with heil' folks, Mr, and
Mrs. I. C. Ford.
Monday evening guests in the
Pete Bloomfield 'borne were, Mrs.
Bill Coker and Barry and Gary
met last Thursday atCommunity
Hall With Vice Presiuent Marion
Richardson presidinff during Mrs.
TiIIie Sherman's absence. The hall
and luncheon table were attract-
ively decorated in St. Valentines
motiff. Mrs. Bill Timm betng In
charge of the same. She also furn-
ished a most original Valentines
Day cake for the occasion. Mrs
Dick Buechel and Mrs. Otto
Wojohn hostesses for the pot-luck
luncheon were assisted by Mrs.
Karl Osberry.
At the afternoon session, Mrs.
Helen Anderson presided at the
installation of officers, and also
presenting of gifts to the retiring
officer. Mrs. O Berry assistin
with the gifts. Most attractiv
corsages were presented to Mrs.
Anderson, the installing officer,
and Mrs. Marion Richardson, Vice
President Helen TJmm and Treas-
urer Mrs. Dick Buechel. Mrs.
Most Seenic Ride In United States
Local Flights -- Puget Sound -- Hood Canal
Johnson said the fh'e resulted
in three hours lost production
liine and minnr damage.
Few people drop five dol/ar bil/s
into the collection plate at church
without seeing tilt the giver is
poperly identified.
HA 6,61@6
Grace Gardner, Secretary was
absent being on a vacation trip
to California.
Past President Tillie Sherman
had been called to Seattle last
week by illness nnd hospitaliza-
tinn of her father. Mr. Duncan,
who was a Union resident for a
nurdber of years.
MRS, PAULINE Wyatt cele-
brating her 85th birthday Sunday,
Feb. i1 quietly at her home, with
:;on Vern on hand to felicitate her.
nnd good wishes pouring in from
relatives and friends who wished
her many happy returns and hap-
I piness in the yeals to follow.
Mrs. Herb Allen and dalzghl, er
Bonnie are down with an attack
of influenza. The 2llens are living
in two house trailers at the pres-
nt time while Mr. Allen is clear-
ing space to make way for their
ne, w home. construction of which
will follow in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Nalley
returned last Saturday, a week
ago, from a trip to Los Angeles
via jet plane where they attended
a 'potato chip convention at the
Ambassado/' Hotel. Aecording to
Mrs. Nalley about a thousand
delegates attended from all parts
of the continent. The trip was
extended for a visit at Palm
Springs where they spent several
days enjoying themselves. On the
homeward trip, however, the smog
made for a few qualms on the
part of a few passengers according
to Mrs, Nalley. The return trip
was so quickly made, she didn't
realize they had landed at Tacoma
Dr, Everett Nelson of Tacoma
was a weekend house guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Nalley at their ranch
SOME OF the younger matrons
of the community are making
plans to establish a nursery school
means of raising the necessary
funds is being discussed. Mrs.
Herbert Fuller is in charge of the
planning to include all young
children whose parents are inter-
csted, as well as Union youngsters.
A few years ago Mrs. Don Brown
and later Mrs. Kimball were in
charge of the kindergarten at
Union school, which the mothers
found to be a happy and satis-
factory arrangement.
A meeting will be called to
discuss the matter spun the return
of Mr. and Mrs. Fuller and family
front a vacation trip to California.
Randall Updyke. Chairman in
charge announced a Game Night
at the Community Hall March 2.
The event is being staged for bene-
fit of the Improventent Club which
has proven to be a very important
civic minded association. It is
felt that every one should sup-
port the project by attending. As-
sisting members are; Mrs. Albert
Cowan, Sam Graham and Harlan
Blake, the latter having also been
President of the Community Club
at one time.
The Game Night will be open to
lhe interested public.
MR. AND MILS. Harry Cole at-
tended tire wedding "of their son
Harry F Cole and Miss Robin Dell
Saturday, February 10 at Holy
Innocence Episcopal Church at
Curie Madera. California, with
reception following at Kentfield
Womans Chlb. The bride is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Richards of San Anselme, Calif.
The young couple will reside at
Kentfield. Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Cole left on Thursday evening,
making a "flying drive," and re-
tm'ning Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Timm and
infant son Jeffrey of Seattle were
visitors at the Bill Timm home on
Sunday, the first appearance of
6 week old Jeffrey on the Canal.
Hood Canal Cub Scouts are hav-
ing a Blue and Gold Pot hick
dinner Friday evening, February
16, at Hoodsport School, The affair
is sponsored by the Scouts and
parents. At this time badges the
Cubs have Worked for during the
last period Will be presented.
Ricky Bueehel, Billy Till, Ron-
nie Bailey and John Morse, are in
charge of decorations and center-
piece of the supper table.
Kiwanis Treals Trolzer
Trio ToTu0$day Parly
A Valentine birthday party at
the Memorial Hall was held last
Tuesday noon for the Norman Trot-
zer triplets. The party was spon-
sored by the Shelton Kiwanis.
The one year old triplet were
each given a cake and a gift and
the mother was presented with an
orchid. Also present was three
year old Patricia Trotzer, anoth-
er of the nine Trotzer children.
Following the birthday party a
series of slides was ,,,,o,+a ,,
Vern M gus, manual arts teach
er in the Shelt6n Sch " " "
eel system.
The slides told the + ..... * +.-
down the San Juan rve;.-&22,;
Morgus and his family in'a'Vfla
betel wooden boat and a rubber
life razt.
IT WAS REPORTED at a brief
business meeting th ....
. u me new
North Mason Kiwanis Club was to
hold its organizational .meeting
that evening.
Some businesses succeed in
spite of the methods and maners
in vogue.
North Mason Pays Tribute To
Faculty Member Donald Gangnes
Iy Gu.s Jnlly
Donald Richard Cangnes. He is
this week's facnltv member to be
:;! .. • .
.h:iTi.i:!:i$ i:!:!2@3!:ss....
:€giN@ :)
He was born July 29, 1937 at
Harrison Memorial Hospital in
Bremerton. He is now 6'4".
Before he came to his residing
home at Sunset Beach in South
Shore, he lived at Fragaria, which
is 12 miles sontheast of Port Or-
Mr. Gangnes attended Olalla el-
ementary school. High school was
:ipent at South Kitsap. He wasn't
particnhn'ly interested in History
in school, but did like chemistry.
He turned out for basketball, but
didn't turn out long enough to be
on the team. although he did
Harstine Chb
Elects Officers
By Donette Glaser
HARSTINE --- Harstine Island
Social club met last Friday at the
home of Mac and Tom TieYney.
New officers were elected. George
Waite, Jr., president; Sichey
Baunsgard, vice president; Mac
Tierney, h'easurer, and Mrs. Mary
Baunsgard, secretary. The Har-
stine Island Women's Club pre-
sented a check fo F $100 to the
Social Clnb as their contribution
to the Hall fund. Also many who
attended the meeting donated to
the Harstine Island Floral Fund,
Maxine Waite and Helen Johnson
are in charge of this fund. Any-
one wishing to make a donation
to this fund may leave it at the
grocery store.
Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Irvle
Wingert and Ben Rigney journey-
ed,.:to Anderson Island and visited
John Luhr. On Sunday the Wing-
't were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Anderson They en-
joyed a lovely dinner at "Lee's"
in Olympia.
Recent visitors of the Arthur
Wing'erts were Clair's sister, Mrs.
Helen Matson, her son, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Matson and daughter
Charlotte and the Wingerts' son
Ralph, who lives in Shelton. and
is employed in the Christmas tree
Naoma and Jim Lohrer spent
two days this week in Portland
visiting relatives. They had a
grand time visiting the fabulous
Lloyd Center, the largest shop-
ping center in the world.
Herb and Genevieve Spahr and
daughter Patty of Tacoma spent
the weekend at their sunamer
home on lovely Point Wilson, Pat-
ty spent some time visiting girl
iriend Justine White at the Cove.
The Sidney Baunsgards and tile
Gordon Simmons spent Saturday
evening as guests of the I,ie
A WEEK AGO Friday the John
Hitchcocks were the dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Fessler
of Picketing Passage, and this
Saturday afternoon and evening
they were the guests of Beulah's
brother and family, the Roy Wha-
leys of She/ton. On Sunday they
traveled to Des Motnes to see the
Chapin Fosters. Chapin is reoov-
ering from an operation perform-
ed last Thursday in a Burin Hos-
pital and his wife Mary is also
convelecsing from an illness at
Westley Garden Hospital. Beulah
also reports that the Madges of
Ket, who PUrchased the Hitch-
Cato, nome place were out Sun-
a y o some transplanting, The
Nadges Will be moving to the Is-
land in about a month and the
Hitehcoeks will be at home i
their cabin.
Harstine Island Grange will
meet tomorrow night at 6:15 at
the Community Hall. The Charter
will be draped at this time in
honor of Charter member Ed WiN
son, who passed away in Janu-
Guests of the H. V. Glasers this
weekend were :Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Hair and Sons Dale and Glenn of
Seattle. And Donette's uncle Lest-
el" Peterman of Aberdeen.
The Harstine Island school chin
dren are busy malting Valentines
and aecorations for their annual
Valentine Party
We'll tell Yu on Feb. 14.
week. all about it next
play Bremerton City League ball.
Mr Gaugnes wns oll the honor
roll in hgh school.
He attnded Western Washing-
ton State College, graduating
from there in August 1960. While
going to college he worked in Red-
wood, Calif. He worked his way
lhrnugh college as a laborer mow-
ing lawns, laying bricks and the
like. At Bellingham he worked for
an engineer.
Mr. Gangnes majored in phys-
ical science and minored in math.
His travels have extended as fat'
South as Juarez, Mexico, east as
far as Texas. attd north to Van-
couver Island.
His wife's name is Barbara Jean
whom he met at college at the
girls' dorm. They ate hmeh at
Eden's Hall which is the name
of the dormitory, This was where
the cafeteria was. They were mar-
ried in Olympia and lived at San°
ta Anna. Calif. There he worked
for Interstate Electronics. Mr.
and Mrs. Gangnes have two chil-
dren, Karen, 2 years, and Byron
1 year. Karen was born at Of
ange, Calif,, and Byron was born
at Harrison Memorial (not the
same as his daddy).
When Mr. Gangnes was asked
what the most important thing
that happened to him he said,
"Wow. I suppose the most out-
standing thing that happened to
me was getting married."
Mr. Gangnes came here because
there were present opportunities
for him. His fil:st impression of
North Mason was "It was small,
nice faculty, and rowdy kids".
His first impression is that North
Mason is growing rap'idly and will
continue to grow." His Impression
of Belfair is that it "had an ade-
quate shpping center and facilit-
ies. Also small and friendly". Mr.
Gangnes' pet peeve is "students
don't realize how important edu-
cation is until it's too late!"
This summer he will be going
to school and for the next three
summers probably to complete
five years. He hopes to achieve
his masters and in the future
years he plans to teach.
LAST WEEK'S activities were:
MondayJuniov high student
council; Wednesdayemployment
security interview for seniors;
Thursdaysenior high student
council; FridayJunior high bas-
ketball and Hood Canal Senior
high basketball, Vashon Satur-
day; Senior ball at Holiday
The drawing of the Bulldog
which the Freshman class award-
ed was held last Monday at 12:15,
The card holder js still unknown
Congratulatiors' to :ir. a'd'
Mrs. Merrill for the addition to
lheir family. Melind.a seems to be
outnumbered. It's another boy[!
.t :it :t:
Starting last week the office
will close ottt the G.A.A. School
Supplies, N.M. Bulldog pencils 3
for 10 cents, 3H & 4H Metric pen-
cils 5 cents, pen holders 3 cents,
crayons 15 cents, rulers, wood 15
cents; plastic 10 cents, erasers 5
and 10 cents and protractors 10
The model car contest is under
way. Auybody Interested. bring
cars this week. Three entries 25c.
Anyone interested in going to
Seattle on Memorial Day to see
the Old Vics Theater's production
of Romeo and Juliet signed up
last Monday at noon.
Congratulations are given to the
Senior Class for the success of
their senior ball. Theme was
"Halls of Ivy" and was at the Ho12
iday Beach from 8 to 12 p.m. The
South Kitsap band played.
B. Boad, D. Byerly, J. Davis, L.
Drake, 1. Gire, J. Ktmzl, M. Rar-
ey, L. Kralicek, N. Cotant, and J.
Matz left early Friday and Sat-
urday to decorate. Congratula-
tions, grads!!
Gene Foster and Mr, Nelson
took a trip to Seattle to a Journ-
alism banquet put on by the Se-
attle Times last Feb. 7. They lis-
tened to speakers ,.and editors
HA 6.2278
from the Seattle ,Times. They
were entertained by Paula Bane,
Seattle s, broadway musical com-
edy star. They, had a real nice
sinner an a good time,
FILStii The gym will be fin-
ished March 20. The floor will be
an all-purpose floor.
This Saturday's Rummage Sale
at the PUD by the Junior Cldss
has been canceled.
/'hurday, February
Alice M.
Alice May Gorham, 518
died Febrnary 10
Home. Mrs. Gorham
Mason eollnty for the
years She was born
1870 in Monticello. Iowa.
Pastor Eldon Baker
the 1 pan service
February 14 at the
Funeral Home. Cremation
Jn Tacoma.
Snrvivors include: 1
Mrs. Jeanne E. Zintheo
1 son,. Albert Ray Mays,
Beach. Calif.; 8
great grandchildren: 6
Carmen E.
Called By
Carmen E. Boyd, 1834
street, died Sunday,
at the Shelton General
Mrs. Boyd was born in
June 20, 1892. Site had
Mason county for the
Services will be from
Funeral Home Date to
notmced later. Interment
in Ferndale, Wash.
Surviving is imr
D. Boyd, Shelton; 1
Irs. Lois Brannan,
grandchildren; 1 brother,
Robinson, Bellingtmm.
Anna Nelson
Held On
Death called Mrs. Anna]
522 Dearborn, last
ruary 8 at the Botts
Home. Mrs. Nelson had
Mason County for 38
was bm January 31,
Peril, Minnesota.
The funeral was held
Monday, February 12 at
stone Funeral Home
Ott from Olympia
terment was in Shelton
Survivors inchtde a
Virginia Sharrier, Sheltoi
ther, Arthur Isaacson,
1 sister. Mrs. Hannah
Crowley, Tacoma.
Victor Salmi
Dies In Tacom00
Victor (Solo) Salmi
away Saturday, Feb. 10
coma hospital after a
Mr. Salmi was born Feb.
in Seattle. He lived
life in Shelton. moving
various times. He was
by trade.
The funeral was
the Gaffney Funeral
acoma at 2 p.m.
''14..," ., .....
r a
" Surxivors inehtae his
le v.; one son, Robert
daughters, Donna Lee
Normal League; two
ren; a sister. Edith
Dies In Seattle!
Mrs. Ethel Libby, a
Shelton about 30 years
away in Seattle Tuesday.
lived in Seattle since
Shelton and at the time
death made her home
daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Mrs. Libby was born
Jan. 7, 1879.
The funeral will be
ner Funeral Home in
3 p.m. tomorrow.
Survivors include tWO
children and three
Ludwig Strutz
The funeral seiice for
Strutz who passed
day, February 14 at
House, are pending fro
Funeral Home.
Call Hoodsport TR.
Our Hood Ca
I nternatlonal
.......... ^mloNco NC • 'lltlWlil0,1al#p,0#tl,0i
s .
February 15, 190P
LIBBy 211
PEAS & (Ii
NeW n, lie illV • PENNEY'S SHOW .
i.u aaa-Pl UA { SAT. 12:45 -- OUT 3:1
whe. she sho.s.<
AI--'ttaYl" l2ay SHOW I-. up tickets for the show ---
Phone for unning Time ticket and 15¢--Sat.
o create sucb a DIt
: or DI