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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 15, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 15, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, February ! reli-00M-000 ........ i "PENNEY SYSTEM CUSTOM1Cil FASltlON 1 The customer becomes. buyer ill the uew button system that oration at Penney's in rusty, according to Shelten ,lore manager. "The eustomer actually shion trends when she our latest dress shi New York or from our fiee in Miami, Dallas Angeles", Kahny said. one of the Penney to take part in this program and one of fering the necessary tion of top-flight tions." ExPlainilig the new Kahny said that each ries a Special han punched for data After sale of a program, the tag is ney headquarters in where it is put into sing equipment which uate thousands of ferences overnight. mars' style and price at'e recorded, and bu is taken accordingly.' Kahny pointed out systern is in old one, which ing brochures to ors and having them York of their process usually lays in delivery of On the basis of ceived from hen said that Penney what women want and order well in advance are in demand. Orders often placed before tle has been cut. Kahny expressed the fact that his store pating in Penney's new distribution system. He will allow the store to the fashion wants Of" on the basis of theft: wishes. WASHINGTON SALE NEXT WEEK A town-wide Washir day Sale will be held and Saturday, Feb. 23 Shelton. Planned by. Trade Committee of the Chamber of Commerce will feature some real items by participating These specials will bc in next week's Journal stores and offices will en on Washington's Thursday, Feb. 22. SIMPSON WOMEN'S Lumber Research ........... Purchasing . ................... Olympic Plywood .......... Insulating Bpard ............ Loggers ., ....................... Accounting .................... Engineering 6 High games .... Phyl Fhyl, Collins 211, Joyce Fitchitt 200 High series -- Phyl ZJ' I IIIIH I III I I LAWT UP--The three players on up in a sprawling heap a split- was shot Friday night gym. Jerry McDonald (55) just hitting the deck after ball which Shelton's Corky Paterson (left) latched onto and is about to shoot at the hoop. In the tangle of arms and. legs Jim Goodpaster of Shelton (nearest camera) and John Snyder of Curtis wound up on top of McDonald but not before Snyder fOuled Peter- son. (Journal photo by John Baker) OUTDOORS LDS TOP OF WEEK CUMBER MATMEN BEATEN BY RAMS light but the fish Besides these, the Satsop also .totally out of the yielded a pair of limits to John week's steel- Johnson and Herb Smith of Olym- pia, the best hitting nine pounds, took the biggest they reported to. Wingard's Sport L 173/4 pounds Fri- Shop. Madeline Quinn's 6-6, Le- wasn't far be- Roy Robbins' 7-0 were also taken :11143/4 pound catch from the same waters. Mildred Johnson Two other fish in the double- digit weight class were reported IzAL ORDER OF MOOSE Lodge No. 1684 (Bud) Knutze% Governor ., I A 6-4780 Scy. ELD EACH Tuesdays Month Airport SEAMOUNT WRESTLING Season WL pf paWLT IN MASON COUNTY tBethel ............ 5016466701 Fife .................. 31139 44630 White River .... 31113 74640 Curtis .............. 23121109560 followed up' with an 111/ pound- N. Thurston .... 14 77172360 er Sunday. Shelton ............ 05 54203360 Tonight Fift at White River Saturday Sub-district at Fife 0uring the week, Norm Ferry get- ring one at 11 along with 6-0 from the Skokomish Sunday and' jei-ry Christ5 nicking the Dosewallips for one, tipping the scales to 10V, pounds Saturday. Loren gee paired 6-8 and 7-4 catches from the Dosewallips Sun- day and son Glen took a third at 7-0 on the same trip. The Skok gave up a 9-0 to Buck Armstrong, an 8-8 to Noel Hair Sunday, a 5-0 to John Farrell and a 7-0 to Ray Walker MOnday. lqarvey Green- wood travelled to the Nisqually Sunday for an 8-0 prize, "while Jerry Corey tipped the Dose for a 5-0 Saturday. avoid a BIG PINCH Shelton wrestlers took another Seamount League clout on the chin Thursday when they were defeated, 39-15, by an improved outfit of Rams from North Thurs- ton. The match was the last home gathering for the Climbers this year. The entire Highelimber squad travels to Fife Saturday for the sub-district meet. Only Seamount loop teams will partic-: ipate. Coach Larry Weir's matmen lost 15 team points through three forfeits. All winners for Shelton victored by pin wins. Ralph Nell, 112 'pounds, Ed Holmes, 127 ponnds, and Bruce Crawford, un- limited class, all won by this t cute. These three rate good chances to qualify for the district meet: at Puyallup next week. RONNIE ANDERSON GETS 3rd PLACE 'A stuck throttle which caused him to spin-out in the third heat relegated Bonnie Anderson, Shel- fort's 14-year-old go-Fart wizzard, to third place in the final stand- ings in the first competition of the season at Portland s Petite Track near Jantzen Beach Sunday. cL::p s. yo Ur Bonnie finished first in the first heat and second in the second home financing plual heat and still wound up with an over-all tllird despite his mishap A in the third heat• T}IE "BT PINCH" iS St lump sum payaoff,., a large sum of money that can cause endless worry and scraping to gather. To avoid itsee our Ioan counselor for a comfort. ably planned, monthly-re- 420 SOUTH FIRST Open 'til Noon J. V. "JJ)e" SIm )HNSON M, -- : :'e.U- ,, .- payable Home Loan. With _ ave IG,a41.11r#J " i.elbh 10an terms you repay in monthly Ig au IS(R | 141! v- ilent : :  "'o- i. s that are always the same.., thai; ........ %h u individual income and needs.. • and aVreeff edue ncz a and interest AWAY NOW .:i :-d ..: until you own free and clear, rs WILL HOLD YOUR MO ' ;0D 11'I tO" .......  .... .... " VERY WHEN YOU ASSUM ! BU^. ' flay" or :lull del,llt 011 oBr  )NTHLY PAYMENTS ,,  *= J0e Lacig. ' JOHNSON 3  | .... . $4,00 JOHNSON 51,/,  gll.ik #.| 1 I /11 n ' , JOHNSON 10 I:: I I::  ii ,: TH AND WASHINGTON ES LEAGUE W Angle Agency .................. 21 Hood Canal lIarina .......... 17 • Bamboo Shop ................. 15 Evergreen Florists .......... 14 Kelly s Furmture .............. 14 '9.00 Jim Pauley Ine Edward's Salon 12 ................ 10 MERCHANTS LEAGUE W L Prepp's Rexall Store ........ 17 7 Olympic Plywood ................ 14 10 Old Mill Tavern ................ 13 1i Bill's Shell Service ............ i3 11 Dairy Queen - ....................... 13 11 Ralph's Serve-U ................ 12 12 Thurston S & L ................ 8 16 Kimhel Motors .................... 6 18 , High game  John Howe 225 High series  Bud Dohalds0n 578 RECREALEAGU E Shelton Recreation 2W0 L The Lamp Post .... ::::[[ 15 9 Northwest Evergreen 13 1i Rainier Beer . . "" 12 12 Rltner's Straight Sh'ots 11% 12 Lucky, Lager . ............. 11 13 Lemke.s Service ............ 9 15 u,ympta Beer . 4 19 Iigti garfle -"Ve'rt"'Bishop' :189 High series  Bobble Barnett 497 SELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Chvstmtown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington JOHNSON 18 '10.15 JOHNSON 2 13.00 I JOHNSON 4,0 / ElectramatiO  '17.00 JOHNSON V " ElectramatiO s28.00 MOTOR SHOP HILLCREST Olympia, Washington HOME OFFICE -- OLYMPIA IN SHELTON SEE LOAN COUNSELOR KURT MANN MANN REAL ESTATE 321 S, 1st St.  Phone HA 6.6592 L 7 11 13 14 14 16 18 Batstone Funeral .............. 9 19 High game--L'orna Churchill, 191. High series--Fluff Watson 495. Split picksStella Howard, 1-8- 10, Rose Gish 3-7-10, Alice Kop- perman 4-10. MEN'S CiTY LEAGUE ;40 &8 W Frisken "el'l" ........ .............. 12 .................... '10 Mac's Corner tpson Timber':::::::::: 8 7 )any ............ 7 L 3 5 7 8 8 Bulldogs Drop 63-43 Blazers 6th Straight Verdict To Vashon,. Win Oisputedl Year Face 2 Weekend Tails Ends Here Tuesday CROSS SOUN]) I,EAGIH,] [ JU BASKETBALL %V L pf pa NIOR HIGH Tahoma .................. 8 0446300 Vashon ................... 7 2595407 Lakeside .................. 5 3365321 King's Garden ...... 3 6438547 Orting ...................... 2 6362462 North Mason .......... 0 8281450 Last Week Vashon 63, North Mason 43 Tahoma 57, h:ing's Garden 42 Lakeside 48, Orting 33 Vashon 48, Lakeside 34 Vashon 81, Chimacum 63 (n-l) This Friday North Mason at Orting Lakeside at King's Garden Vashon at Tahoma This Saturday Mary M. Knight Vs. North Mason at Shelton in-l) Lakeside at erring O'Dea at Tahoma (n-l) BELFAIR --- Holding the Vash- on Pirates on even terms in but one quarter, the North Mason Bulldogs suffered a 63-43 drubbing in a Cross Smmd league fray played on the Shelton gym floor Friday. The Bulldogs outscored the Pi- rates by 16-15 in the second periol and at one time trailed by only three points but still left the floor at the half on the short end of a 28-20 count after a 13-4 first- quartet' disaster. Things got worse in the second half as the Pirates again built a nine-point edge, 16-9, and finished off with a 19-14 final quarter bulge• Bill Walbaum tossed in 14 counters for the Bulldogs but was the only double-digit scorer for the losers. The state's leading prep scorer, Dennis Hineman, rang up 23 for the Pirates and got 18- point help from teammate Jim Pollock. The Bulldogs fece a douhle-d0se of action this weekend, traveling to Orting Friday for a Cross Sound contest, then hosting their western Mason County neighbors, the Mary M. Knight Owls in Shel- FRIDAY. FOE  Defensive- W L pf pa Hoquiam ................ 10 0 375 244 SHELTON ............ 7 3 280 250 Jefferson .............. 6 3 256 238 Washington ........... 6 5 380 336 Millet' . .................. 2 7 256 279 Hopldns ................ 2 8 226 322 Centralia ................ 1 8 193 312 Latest Scores Shelton 37, Washington 36 Jefferson 26, Hopkins 23 Washington 35, Centralia 30 Hoquiam 39, Miller 32 This Friday Shelton at Hopkins Jefferson at Washington ]iller at Centralia Next Tuesday Hoquiam at Shelton Miller at Hopkins Centralia at Jefferson Sweet: victory ended on a sour note for the Shelton Blazers when they visited Washington junior high's gym in Olympia Tuesday afternoon. The Blazers' seeming 37-36 tri- umph was clouded by a Bulldog protest. The official scorebook, supported by the Shelton shot chart and a spectator's private scorecard, showed Shelton the win- ner, but Washington's scorekeep- er erased a basket credited to Jim Anderson and tlmrein lies the basis of the protest. The Shelton shot chart shows Anderson with five field goals, Washington's score- book with four. Anderson led all scorers with 12 pnts, according to the official book. Anderson, Terry LaBissoniere, Don C!ary and Floyd Barnes shar- ed in Shelton's stirring last ditch comeback which brought the Blaz- ers their sixth straight victory. The Blazers finish up their 1962 geason in the next five days trav- ehng to Aberdeen to meet Hopkins tomorrow, then hosting the unde- feated champions from Hoquiam in Shelton gym next Tuesday aft- ernoon at 2:15 'clock I. ton gym Saturday in a non-con- ference scrap. The Owls are the only team the Bulldogs have been able to beat this year. In Friday's preliminary Vashon won a 60-45 victory over the Bulldog Pups, despite Gary Mil- ler's 23 points. The line-ups: VASHON 63 N. MASON 43 Beaumont 5 f Higgins 8 Maxwell 6 f Stevenson 2 Pollock 18 c Johnson 7 Gregory 5 g Walbaum 14 Hineman 23 g Shelley 4 Subs: Vashon -- Childs 6, Ro- jecki. N. M. --- Miller 4, Cross- white 4, Bixenman. Vashon .......... 13 15 16 19--63 N. Mason ........ 4 16 9 14--43 MclNELLY WHACKS 623 IN INDUSTRIAL MEN'S ]L,ST][{IAL W L Lumberman's Mere ........ 18 6 20th Century .................. 14 10 Clary Trucking ............ 13 11 Grant Lumber ................ 12 12 Morgan Transfer ........ 12 12 Pantorium Cleaners .... 9 15 Cole's Mobil Service .... 9 15 Shelton Motors .... : ....... 9 15 High games -- L. L. McInelly 236, Joe Holt 222, Buzz Phillips 223 High series--L. L. McInelly 623 Str'engthening with each game, L. L. McInelly parlayed 184, 203 and 236 games into a 623 series which topped Men's Industrial bowling league scoring feats last week and paced the front-running Lumberman's Mercantile entry to a 3-1 victory over Cole's Mobil Service (Buzz Phillips 223.521). Even Phillips' big game failed to help his team. minded Dave Babbitt, 5-10z guard, is one of three senior starters on the Fife basketball team which comes to Shelton this Friday night for a crucial Seamount league game with the Highclimbers. The TrojansJOW lead the league but a 'Shelton victory would tie up the top- rung in a three-way deadlock involving the Trojans, the High- climbers and the Curtis Vikings. While his forte is defense, Bab- bitt has hit scoring sprees on occasion this season and sports a 7-point per game average. Hoquiam has one of the tallest junior high teams seen in these parts in a long time and has won ten straight games so far. In the previous pairing at Hoquiam the Cubs whipped the Blazers by a 4:8- 24 margin. Tuesday's lineups: SHELTON 37 WASHINGTON 36 LaBissoniere 8 f Saibel 6 Anderson 12 f Ca.paroon 6 Barnes 6 c Cnwell 11 Clary 7 g Briffett 5 Brickert 2 g Burleson 6 Subs: Shelton -- Kelly 2. Wash- ington .... Backman 2. GOLF CLUB CALENDAR FERGUSON PRESIDENT AGAIN; OTHERS RETURNED Wit h the exception of one change on the board of directors, all other officers of the Shelton- Bayshore Golf Club were re-elect- ed at the 16th annual membership meeting Monday night• That result returned Glen Fer- his third term as presi- dent, Buck Price to his third term as vice-president, and Jim Me- Comb to his fourth term as treas- urer. The change in the directors put Clara Angle into the seat-held the past three yearn by Ann Correa, who declined to be a candidate again. McComb's annual financial state- ment revealed an excellent im- pr(wement in the club's condition during the past year with a net increase to retained earnings from $1,148A2 a year ago to $3,390.72 now and an operating profit dur- ing 1961 of $2,590.72 as compared to $114.97 the previous 12 months• Income during 1961 totalled $20, 663.77 compared to $15,157.42 in the previous year. Club assets in- Joe Holt, with a 222 middle creased to $64,062.18 due 'largely game, ani Mark Fredson had to the completion of the new near-miss 585 and 584 series while sprinkling system. leading Pantorium past Grant Membership chairman Ray Rice ieported an-increase of 23 new Lumber (Jack Frost 557). Second members during the past year, rung 2Oth Century (Ray Rice 552) lost ground on a 1-3 setback from greens chairman Phil Bayiey re- Morgan Transfer (Walt Rae 510) ported the re-building of several and Clary Trucking (Wayne Clary greens during the year and cur- " rent work being done on the sixth 535) took over third place with a 3-1 sticcess against Shelton Motors (Los Tyynismaa 526). MIXED FOURSOMES W L Timber Ducks ....... 20 8 Knock Outs ......... " ............ 16 12 Odd alz ............. : ............ 15 13 !fhat's Next. ...... ::::::::::::. 13 15 Pin Busters 11 17 Rusty Ducks ........................ 9 19 I-Itgh game,--Lyan Hansen 173, charlle Savage 200 High seriesLynn Hansen 534, Bud Donaldson, 560. RA:YONIER RESEARCH W L Watei" Boys ...... 22 10 Acetate Aces . " ............... Silva Foxes .... i ................ 2217 1015 i Curlers ....... ::::.::::::::::: 16 16 Maintenance ..... 4 18 ettes ................... : Rayo' . - ....................... 14 18 ! ,ourfowlers . o n r¢ood Birds ..:::[.." ............. el  ": High .g.Scoiija"b ey 1186, laipn Javison 203. High series-Coileen .Deweyert 492, Don Lund 577. GRANGE LEAGUE Southside ........................ 16 8 Pomona .......................... 16 8 Patrons ............ 12 12 Shelton Valley 11 12 Skokomish 11 13 Matlock ......... Agate .............. :: ............. 11 13 'Cloquallum . " ............ 11 13 ............... 6 i7 High games  Nanc, Doak 162, Henry Warnes 200 High series  Joan Sharp 442, Henry Warnes 543 WOMENS COMMERCIAL Eells & Valley 18 10 Darigold .................... .............................. 7 11 Timber Bowl 17 11 * ... Mere ........ 6 9 Gott's Oilerettes":[:::[[[:... 16 12 Co 5 10 ]Richfield Oil .. r ........ • Allyn Shell Servi ................ 13 15 H' Y ........ 5 10 ]ce .......... 11 2 " gh games -- Glenn Roe,sol Ming Tre. Cage ..... 11 17 , r¢oy Lomraere uu7 a h u I BillS.¢nen uerv. " .......... ' 9 19 man .... , ... ..a- ....... lee ..., ...... .26 I I-liEn game..Virginia Fuller, 59pigh sries  Glelh Roessel [ -'. h ' . l Bg senes---Virglnia Full' 539 guson, announced the appointment of Jim Hillyer ms house chairman for 1962 with McComb assisting. . The membership approved a re- quest by Pro-Manager Ray Wal- ker that a bid to hold the Olympia II I I I I II I I I II l, II I II Brewery's annual employees golf tournament on May 5 be accepted, necessitating the closure of the Shelton course that day to mem- bership play. Ivan M'yers, Max Sehmidt and Bill Francis were praised for their outstanding work in securing sub- stantial cedar benches for each of the holes, 19th HOLE CLUB'S 1st 1962 SESSION FEB. 21 The 19th Hole Club, men's dl  vision of the Shelton-Bayshore Golf Club, will hold its first 1962 program next Wednesday evening in the clubhouse, Social section will be at 6:00, dinner at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. Reservations are asked by Tuesday and should be placed with either Ed Faubert, Bud Knutzen or Jack Kimbel. . P00ge7 lllml i EX-STANFORD ALL-AMERICAN COMING--Hank Luisetti, con- sidered by many American sports authorities to be the greatest basketball player in the history of the game, has accepted an invitation to be the guest speaker at the annual post-season banquet sponsored by the Shelton Rotary Club for the High- climber hoop squad this year. The banquet is dated for March 22, Luisetti was given a personal invitation to speak at the bahquet by Rotarian George Valley when the two recently met at Harrison Ho;t Springs during a convention of Hotpoint dealers. Luiset;d lives in San Francisco and represents the Hotpoint firm on travel-incentive programs. During his four years from fresh- man to senior at Stanford (1935-38), Luisetti scored 1,596 points in 95 games, a national college 4-year scoring record. His fresh- man mark stood until last year when Tom Dose, now a Stanford sophomore, broke it. At the time all were new school records. As a senior his 50 ,points against Duquesne set a new national collegiate record during an era when defense dominated the game. He became Stanford's first and greatest basketball All- American. The Stan'ford varsity teams he played on won 68 and lost 12 games. Although he wasn*t the inventor of the one-handed shOt he was the first great player to use it effectively and it was he who really popularized it. That's the man who will head the 1962 Rotary Club basketball banquet here March 22. More about him in weeks to come. Master of ceremonies for the banquet will be State Patrol Captain Eldon Parka, formerly of Shelton but now of Spokane, who made such a hit in the same role at last year's banquet. TRAVELERS SCORE WELL, LOSE 5.3 Singer Wins Moloroycle Endurance Competition Derreill Singer gunned home in first place iu the endurance run Sunday sponsored by the Shelton Trailblazers Motorcycle club. Rick Sharpes was second, Al Pile third, Ed Joimston fourth and Brownie Sytsma fifth. S.W.W. SEMI-PRO BOWLIN(: %V L Capitol Cavaliers .............. 7 1 Central Broncos ................ 4 3 Hudson Bay Packers ........ 4 4 Monticello Gladiators ........ 3 4 Cohnnbia Bombers ............ 3 4 Harbor Skippers ................ 2 5 SCHOOL MENU Week of Feb. 19 - 23 Monday -. - Vogel, able sou p, cheese slices nleaL sandwich, fruit, milk. Tuesday - - Hamburger gravy on mashed potatoes, tossed green salad, sandwich, fruit cookie, milk. Wednesday-.-.Turkey soup, egg s a 1 a d sandwich, vcgetabh: wedge, surprise cake, milk. Th ursday--Washington's Birth- day. Vacatitm. Friday -- Vacation. Supplement your child's diet with Plenamins from Prepp's Rexall 133 RR, HA 6-4642 EVERGREEN TRAVELEItS Lacey .............................. 32 16 Olympia .......................... 26 22 Chehalis .......................... 25 23 South Bend .................... 23 25 SHELTON ...................... 23 25 Hoquiam .......................... 21 26i Elma ................................ 21  :., 26fi Aberdeen ........................ 20 28 Despite a per-man average of 190 for the day, Shelton's entry'in the Evergreen Traveling bowling league brought home only three of the eight points in last Sunday's twin matches at the Lacey Bow1. In the morning session, Lionel Leman shot 614 as Shelton dead- locked The Bowl of Olympia, 2-2, then Ray Rice hit 61.5 in the after- noon competition as Shelton drop- pod a 3-1 verdict to Hoquiam. Leman hit a 240. Chub Nut t a 236 and L. L. McInelly a 235 as Shelton turned up 1077  pins, against The Bowl for a new sing'lo game mark for the league. FRATERNAL LEAGUE Rotary Club ........................... 70 IAons Club ................................ 61 Bull Moose ................................ 60 Shelten Hardware .................... 58 / Kiwanis Club ............................ 56 /fi Moose Antlers ........................ 55/fi Fuller Cnstruction ................ 42 ½ Eagles Aerie ............................. 25 High game --- Buck Mackey 248 High series --- Buck Mackey 591 JUNIOR LEAGUE Beckwith Jewelry ............ 23 1 Blomfield Logging .......... 13 11 The Hut .............................. 9 15 Dairy Queen ....................... 3 21 High games--Peg loomfield, 179, Larry Ziegler 205. High series---Peg Bloomfield, 421, Larry Ziegler 516. Rotarians To Honor Vermillion, Simons At their noon luncheon program today Shelton Rotarians will hear Coach Jerry Vet"million and honor as their special guest senior guard Gary Simons of the Highclimber basketball team. The Rotarians lunch at the Shelton Hotel. WOMEN'S CITY LEAGUE Ritner' Chuck Wagon .... 17 7 Hoodsport Lumber .......... 16 8 Lumbermen's Mere ........... 13 11 12 Joy Novelty ...................... 12 Morgan Transfer .............. 11 13 Kimbel Motors .................. 10 14 Sheiton Hotel .................. 9 15 McConkey Drug Center .. 8 16 High game--Dot Summers 199. High serieVi McGee 498. green, cleaning of the creek run- ning through the course and build- ing of a golf-cart road for player convenience, and social chairman Mary Lovell reported ambitious plans for increased activity on the club's social calendar during the coming year, including a plea for suggestions for projects and a, goal to work for as a stimulus for her committee workers. Vice-president Price, presiding in the absence of President For- For the Finest Electric Heat in the World CALL ON THACKERAY TO INSTALL NELCO o,o,o .CustomiZed ' Efficient • Economical • Dependable. "invisible" FULLY AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC HEAT DESlGHED ,o ENGINEERED ,o, maximum efficiency lUHIIU[IHiblURK;IB ods to reduce costs CHANNELS AIR e SAVES SPACE SIMPLE COUPLINGS Nelco Heating Units a manufactured under controlled mass production methods that allow for the most rea- sonably priced, top quality electrical heating on the market. • FULL TEN-YEAR UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE * Top Quality  Simple Beauty  Maximum Efficiency Lifettme Dependability THACKERAY ELECTRIC USED CARS 61 FORD FALCON STATION WAGON ........................ $2295 4 door deluxe trlmauto, trans.--big engine new tires 59 FORD FAIRLANE 500 2 DOOR ................................ $1695 V-8 engineauto trans;radioequa-look axle 59 FORD FAIRLANE 4 DOOR ........................................ $1495 V.8 engineradlo 57 CHEVROLET 2104 DOOR ........................................ $1095 V-8 englneauto, trans. 57 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN WAGON ........................ $1095 2 doorV-8 englneauto, trans. 57 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN WAGON ............................ $995 2 doorrebuilt V-8 engine USED T00RUCKS 57 STUDEBAKER I/' 2 ToN PICK-UP ............................ $8g5 56 STUDEBAKER a TON PICK-UP ............................ $795 overdrive 52 DODGE 2 TON PICK-UP ............................................ $595 excellent o0ndltion Jim Pauley Inc. Dealership: 5th & Railroad Used Cars: 5th & Cota HA 6-8231 217 Cota Street Phone HA 6-6477