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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 15, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 15, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, Februa d February+IS, 1962 .... 00liw mp ¢hb Pinochle 00lrl: Fr,day By Mrs, NeLl. Vaiicc ,LIWAUP  Lilliwaup Coin- Y Club held their business l,s and card party Friday ", Feb. 9. Twenty2six mere- attended the pot luck dinner was served at 6:30 p.m. ght ta es of ninochle were .d, wit h" " • C "" lgh score going to :ecu [lbert and Karl Lins- :ow. to Bernice Leimback )anb McIntyre; 300 pin- B ° .argaret Shumate and . orE. Frank McIntyre was UCI W" -- ' Y tuner of the door prize. i !eh excitement was created , vtamie Kaare and Jim We- displayed 1000" Aces and Ce- dlbert and Karl LinsCOtntddiS n ed a 1500 trump h eS. dealers. Drinks lit Punch Drink :ying! $1oo Honey ood on toast le flavored. n $1 00 tEAM ssorted Flavors 59 c C I GM. - $2.35 ienext ,ard party will be held ll wl i Frances Moake and :  ,tool :ca as hostesses. >o Canal Womans' Club will : Thursday, Feb. 15 at the house in Potlatch• The me t- Will be Called to order at 11 and lunch served at 12:30. LSNiednesday Mesdames Ev- er c/sn, Susan Cheatham, . stensen and Mamie = visited Holly Court order Xaaranth, at Gig Hmbm R' AND MRS Louis Shultz n 1Irs. George Knapp and I IF YOU LOVE YOUR ROME... i'atura o tect ,. Y y.c u want to pro- !Way K r home the best i[ p • y. Angle[ Agency Herb ick . ngle Angle Bldg. ngle HA 6-8272 STANDA'D FIRE KNSURANcE COMPANY HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT bro one t55 c lb. ,, $1oo 39 € € .Bar 5 c SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL  PublisIiel in "Chrstmasfown, U.R.'A.," SI/elton, Washing[on HOOD CANAL SCHOOL NEWS IBelfairCouple Garden Club Landscaping Junior High i Gromzds; Mrs. Berge Featured Teacher [Stage Valent:ne haTht:akHid;;!iacreGj:h!:nf/i?P  ]hil cda2"ld:n'hC°lJbde?pdec:: tuPrs Theme Wedd,ng the junior high school. If anyone has extra plants, bulbs By Rachel Freelin Wednesday, Feb. 7, the Garden Club planted the bulbs that the Girls' League collected on their bulb drive, last fall. The members planting the bulbs were Mr. Gene Sandall, Mrs. Jenny Heir, Mrs. Vera Shortsleeve, Mrs. Lois Pierce, and Mrs. Mattie Backlund. The Sears Foundation is donat- ing five dogwood trees, four flow- ering prune trees, and .twenty-one azalea and rhododendron bushes which will be planted around our Elenor Houck, all of Harrington, Wash., visited Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Smith of Beacon Point, a few days last week. The Shultz, Knapps, Houcks and Smiths are long-time friends. Ernie Minor, foster son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerkensmeyer of the Lilliwaup Motel, is expected home this week for a two week visit with his foster parents. Er- nie joined the navy and has been stationed at San Diego, Calif., where he took his boot training. Jack Dwyer of Lilliwaup is in Shelton General hospital recover- ing from the flu. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gill and daughter of Lilliwaup motored to Ferdinend, Idaho last week, where and shrubbery, that they would like t,J donate to the school, please contact Supt. Pill, at this number: TR 7-5463. Contributions will be greatly appreciated. This week we feature Mrs. Anna Berge, our third grade teacher and principal of Hoodsport Primary School. They have a home in Shel- ton now after living in Union and Lower Skokomish for over eigh- teen years. Mrs. Berge was born in abel- ton. She moved to Hoquiam with her family, where she received all of her schooling. She graduated from high school in 1921. She at- tended school at the old Belling- ham State Normal School, now called Western Washington Col- lege, from which she graduated in 1926. She started 'her teaching career near Hoquiam in the Aloha-Pacific Beach School, where she remained for five years. Mrs. Berge has been teaching for thirty-eight and one-half years. Past years on the Canal have found her teaching 3 years at Upper Skokomish; 4 years at Lower Skokomish; 5 years at Middle Skokomish, 9 years at Union, and now is in her second year at Hoodsport. they spent a week visiting Mrs. During the summer of 1957, the Gill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. An- Berges' made a trip to Sweden and ton Haener. Denmark• They sailed for Sweden Mrs. Grace Carlman, Mrs. Eth- aboard the Kungsholm. They spent el Barrows and Mr. Bob Green- nine weeks in Sweden and one wahl, all of Port Townsend, vis- week in Denmark. Some of the iced the Vances Wednesday• Mrs. highlights of the trip were meet- Carlman and the Vances are long- ing MY. Berge's 3 sisters and one time friends, brother and numerous nieces, MRS. MATTIE Backlund and nephews, and cousins, a week on granddaughter Sandra Smith via, the resort island of Oland in the ited in Port Angeles over the Baltic Sea, a 3 day cruise on the weekend. While there they attend- famous Gets Canal, two days at ed the show "Sweet Adeline" held Uppla University, 2 days at at the Port Angeles high school: Land University. Mrs. Berge took Mr. and Mrs. Neff Vance me- about 800 slides of her trip. They Cored to Bremerton Sunday where they visited old. friends, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Howard• The How- ards and Vances were neighbors years ago when the Vances lived In Bremerton. Monday Rev. and Mrs. Forrest Aldrich of Albany, Ore., stopped by to say hello to the Vances on plan to return 4:0 Sweden and nearby countries in the next year or SO. Mrs. Berge's love and enthusi- asm for working with children has remained with her. She still thinks the life of a teacher is the greatest life in the world. "$ $ $ BELFAIR  In a Valentine set- ting of pink, red and white, Miss Shirley Matson became the bride of Mr. John Phillips last Satur- day evening at the Belfair Com- munity Baptist church, with the Rev. Milton Gire officiating• The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Matson of Belfair, the groom's parents live in San Jose, Calif. ' 'S The bride gown was of white lace and silk organza. Seed pearls and orange blossoms trimmed her full veil. She carried white orchids and stephanotis fastened to her Jobie Bible. Her sister, Mrs. Jim Burts, was matron of honor, wear- i!ng fro2:Ye2i;ok u and carrying a :neart-s p quet of red car- nations. Bridesmaids were Miss Deanna Kovack and Miss Carol Guy. They wore red, with short matching veim and carried pink carnations. Mr. Richard Bender was the best man. Ushers were Mr. Leo Peterson and Mr. Dan Wells. Jack Matson was candlelighter. Arrangements of white stock and gladiola, with pink and red carnations decorated the church and the fireside room for the re- ception which followed. Mrs. Rich- ard Bender cut the four-tiered wedding cake which centered the reception table. Mrs. Carl Nich, ols and Mrs. Charles Kovack pour- ed. Miss Karen Kovack was in charge of the guest book. The young couple will make their first home in Seattle, where both are employed. ALL BELFAIR sympathizes with Mr. and Mrs. A1 Crayne, who with their year-old son, were left homeless after a fire early last Saturday morning. The blaze broke out about 2 a. m. from unknown causes while the Craynes were visiting neigh- bors, and was beyond control by the time the fire department was notified. The burned house is at the junction of the North shore and old highway roads, and cur- mus motorists and fire tlazcks caused an hourqong traffic tie up in the area. State patrolmen were called to help unsnarl traf-i fic during the worst of the fire. i The ruined house belongs to i Harold Allen, and has been rented by the Craynes for about two I years. During that time they have l been making improvements in the house, and recently bought new their way to Port Townsend. Rev. Friday night, Hood Canal's Girls Aldrich at one time was pastor League sponsored a Valentine's of the Mr. View Alliance church Dance• It was a total success. The in Shelton. student body elected King MarCy Rose and Queen Luanne Kilbourne Judith Coffman Makes to preside over the dance. They led the first dance with a snow- High GmP, At WWSO openingball" Everyonedance. participated in the furniture. This, along with all their clothing, was lost in the fire. Fifty freshmen scholarship win- The alumni ninth-graders of last A YOUNG MAN received flash hers at Western Washington State year were sent invitations to the College came up with a mean dance and many attended, burns last week in another fire grade point average of 3.06 for There was entertainment and that threatened the North shore summer hone of the John Mllners fall quarter, according to a report refreshments during the intermis- of Seattle• John Milner, Jr., an rcleased by Admissions Office this sion• week. ' , , , Olympic College student, was us, ing gasoline in starting a fire- One of the students is a grad- Eddie Latham, student bed y place fire• The explosion which uate of Irene S. Reed high school, president, while out fishing with resulted scorched one wall of the She is Judith Coffman, Rt. 3, Box his dad, Lawrence Latham, was living room, and burned young 387, Shelton. hurt by falling over a big rock. HIs knee was caught under the Milner on the face, hands and rock as he fell.. He was taken to feet. After being hospitalized at the 8helton General Hospital. Harrison Hospital in Bremerton, After the bleeding in his knee he is recovering satisfactorily. stops, he will have a cast on it There is a moral in this story. for sometime. Boy Scout Sunday was observed • , , at Belfair Com'munlty church on TRIBAL MEETING Feb. 11.. Boys of troop 513, and the church-sponsored cub pack Supt. John Pill was host to a took part in the services. meeting of the Skokomish Indian Colors were presented by Jeff Tribal Council recently. Coffee and Allen, Charles Higby, Alan Cady cookies were served by the host. and Skip Allen. David Wells gave Council members present were the story of Scout Sunday• Oth- and Mrs. Ted Pulsifer, Mrs. Calvin Byad, Mrs. George Miller, ers assisting with the regular ser- and Tribal Chairman Mrs. Ben- vice were Gilbert Fleury and Dan nett Cooper. Mr. Archie Adams Stallman. COLOR TV was absent due to illness.The council agreed to take ira- Local scouts and their leaders medtate action to resolve school It was agreed upon that flood- matters that were directly con- lights are going to illuminate the nected with the tribe. Immediate school. action was to be taken on the re- The problem of attendance and See it at moral of the two teacherage build- conUnued education of reservation ing at the L o w e r Skokomish students was discussed at length. hool. This will result in fire in. All indications pointed to the fact surance savings to the school dis- that much co-operation is needed Olsen Furniture ,o "mmedlate plans will be from someoftheparents. made to improve the play area, Supt. Pill requested that the when the buildings are removed, tribal council explore every avenue It was also agreed that tall, of federal aid that would help the Torls dangerous trees on the southern district construct a much needed Easy boundary of the cemetery will be muiti-use gym. i 328 Cots HA6-4 ;/:°!e " i FUTVR': "'*  g g o relocate, very shortly. ! A multi.-purpose gymnasium and ..... - -- playfiem ]s needed at the junior ! QARN ISH' YOUR EVERY m BAY MEALS BETTER minton,gamesthehigh opporunitiesSCh°°!'aSsoccer,OasKetball,StudentSand to manvtennis'sh°Uldplay otherhaVesuchbad" . . games of that nature. The whole • ' communitY COuld benefit from a new gym at the junior high. ') The properties of the Union il I school and Hoodsport are one hope of achieving th - ' - e aymnasmm we so badly neea •rh l _ ._ .:.-.."  purcnastng price of tl2e union SC • heel property and the properw at Hoodsport Would  l/"--11-- 'm '1 take care ot th - e ; e greatest shar of the expenses i getting our i gymnasmm. SPORTS ., l! ' ' basketball Learn nla,,o. ., m..- n's ninth graue -' Februal --- a' ' "-'-'"" . sena, • _'Y 2. The score was , 25 to 49,)n r'orL Townsend's favor. The starting lineun €, T=r,,n oo-1 was Rusty Baski',''orwari i;e peterson, forward, Ecld Latham, ADE F centre, gave S ,/:--"- ......... " mith, 'uard and MartY Rose, g'Ualr i RESH DALLY • HIGHEST QUALITY IN OUR HISTORY a lsri,tt:l L'seii'hgz'adeplayed, c • .. gan, e,. February 9, orth Mason at North . Th.c SCore was 42-32 Hood i II Available in -uarts or pints -- large curd, small curd, anaL. rns . team,s standing, at " " " S Sk ..............  or diet elorle present, are 1 Win ..a  n _Lower .. Okomish won against Mary 2a• ni h b  • g t cbruar 2. The was 18-20. Feb. Y, they I: PICK IT UP AT YOUR FAVORITE STORE OR FROM p,.ed Mt ie,v The scoro was ; K I T S A P - MASON DAIRY +, o+ ++ ,+ , _ o and lost 1.  NEXT VrEio--, ...... rr "'on lt - h S xv.,...., : 8rd at Grove Street hone HA 6-4473 .  • Y n. Iacaroni and Ham- Dlu'ger, not bll -laW fruit tiered rolls, cole e NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS •  , and milk. Tues. 20t;h.. iork and gravy on mashed potatoes and sauerkraut, i ur Plant will be closed Thursday of next ek (Washington's Weday), so normal deliveries of tha ill be doubled cake and milk. Wed. 21st. Tomato soup, toasted uesda F 0 unless we are a not to do so b : You Y, ebruary2 , y cheese sandwiches, green beans, 'i!.,,_" , cherry pie and nilk. 22nd and 23rd. No school. 1 " Shelton Grads Enter e] .Boy ?raduate.s l . ,, . .... vrom ava "l'eeh Senoo uol|ege rOmlCS Severin R. Jackstadt, airman, USN son of Mr 'nd Mrs Henry Two Shelton students at Cent- . _'. .... ". . 1 '." " "'" '1" ton st t 'olle-e JaeKstaot oz route 1, bnelton was laL wasl lllg " a e %; g a gradu ted, Jan 26, from the have announced plans to run for .... .... ." ..... n..;tln nn the et d.t €restrain Aviation IGlecEronlcs Tecnnlcmn v._°_', ' ................... s ....... " School at the Naval Air Technical ln[ .......... Training Center, :Memphis, Tenn. atnerlne Iol eDICK, IUJU vam- dictorian of Irene S. Reed High During the nine-week navigation School is a candidate for thc pc- course, sCudcnts receive instruction sition of student government sec- in basic electronics fundamentals, retary, while Jim Mattis, also a circuitry, receivers, use of navi- 1960 Shelton grad, will be cam- gation equipment, communications paigning for the title of student systems, transmitter theory and government vice president, troubleshooting. Three or more hunters working a high brush field for pheasant should keep about 30 yards apart and watch those gun barrels. i i i i Well Drilling WATER WELLS " TEST HOLES Bedell Drilling €o. are planning an active month that will include a skiing party and a swimming party before their Court of Honor on Feb. 26. Leaders of Troop 513 are Wil- liam Shearer, Bill Hawkins, Al Baldy and William Palmer. Cub- master for the area is William Rain or Shine- YOU GAN'T BEAT THIS Landram, with ten Rose in charge of the Weblow group. Den moth- ers are Mrs. D. C. Hall, Mrs. Wal- ter AJlissn, Mrs. N. Osborn, and Mrs. Ed Squire. A display in honor of Boy Scout Week was staged by the cubs at Belfair Builder's upply. MISS Patricia Gilbert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Gilbert of Gig Harbor and Mr. Willard (Bill) Spangler of Belfair were married on Feb. 3. The bride chose a blue and white theme for the wedding, with floral decorations matching her white gown, and the blue dresses worn by her attend- ants. The reception which followed was held at the home of the bride's parents. The groom is the son of the Kenneth Spanglers of Belfair. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cokelet are home after a trip to Los Angeles where Mr. Cokelet was sent by P.S.N.S. for special electronics study. They drove through snow- storms on their way south, and found rain in Los Angeles, no treat for northwesterncrs. While Ed attended classes, Vie- erie took in such points of inter- est as markets, stores, museums and studios. They also visited Disneyland, and stopped to visit relatives at Morro Bay on their return north. Has anyone seen a lost "sort of spanielish" black dog along the south shore? The Jim Wilson fam- ily is looking for their pet, who can't see too well or hear too well because of an encounter with a car, but has lots of personality. Any information on his where- abouts would be appreciated. LAWRENCE BEDELL Route 3, Box 170, Shelton Phone HA. 6-4713 / Imagine! FRIGIDAIRE FLOWING HEAT at th=s LOW PRICE! Model DDA-62, 140.V. ele©tflc-I:lO.V optional FI=LIG IDJI:R: • raoludve Rowing Heat dales clothes breeze-fresh, even safer than sunshind • NHtoop nylon lint screen on door • Porcelain enameled, ag-f uml • One dial does it all-elves you just-rigM drying for all washday fabri,.-'e,-ewm '*Wash & Wears"l • No-Heat cycle for a/dug beddl'], de-wrinkling €loth dp/ing plastics, 3NLY dkq EASY M E RCAIfTI LE I II II I WE'RE I I I I II I I STACKED M E: RCAIfTILr +..+,,,++..++:11+++t] WESTERN ALL 5 PI AT JUST 00199oo'00*+ , " SOFA 'SLEEPERS, WITH FOAM CUSHIONS AND INNERSPRING MATTRESSES $ O0 STARTING AT 189 FURNITURE DEPARTMENT - Second Floor It! PROVINCIAL DANISH MODERN Imagine CENTURY 21 GU STYLE- COMFORT- EXTRA SLEEPING ACCOMMODATIONS We, have made, a ,special purchase of beautiful divan and chair ,sets with matching coffee table, and step-end tables in solid woods AND -- We have low priced them all to move into your home for YOU AND YOUR