February 15, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 15, 1962 |
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tim] of Music Clul)s, 'of which the
Shetton Music Study Club, 13
Sharp .]mater Club, Pizzicato and
Treble Clef are members, will hold '
a, ltlncheon rn'eeting Sat.urday in
the Metlrodlst church at Edmonds.
' I
Ph, them(: of the Federation
this year is American Music arrd i
American Conlpo:-(rs; tiaerefore, I
a.ll music must be within that cat-
egory and performed by members
of the clubs.
The program will consist of the
invocation by a member of the
Thursday Muffle and Drama Club
(if Seattle; a string ensemble from
the Seattle Philharmonic orches-
tra; Mary Ann Bigelow, a folk
singer from Olympia, singing a
group of Americn Folk Songs;
Organist. Aileen Kvamme of Seat-
t;|e; a chorus from the Edmonds
Music and Art Study Club sing-
Ing excerpts h'orn tile Folk Op-
. era, "Familiar Stranger". Also on
the program will be the Pifllcmolu,
a women's chorus from Seattle
Which is in its 41st year and has
sling at seven national conven-
The guest speaker will be Don
F, ush(,ll, Direetor of the Seattle
Philharmonic Orchestra and cel-
list in the Seattle Symphony Or-
chc.stra, whose subject will be i
"Prospects For Professional :Mu-
o.n,.r,..s..a,.n l o00y. ]..r.n..
Music Federation ' 0 I I 0 E KI N? "---I-£..... t ,. ' ! NEW llAlff HI.
Meeting To Be --"--'- ............................... Annum mmeersmp
nnns DOlly urOGKUr 1 mmmmm IT|: labli, " .... 2-- ::
$ $ $ ' • n HA 6 4412 ' " ' c urvival (:
Held In Edmonds Fa Ed,tor A! WARG • -='
.... Gampalgn End Near . Marj water, Phoe - Gonlest In Aberdeen March 7; P.T.A.
".,e Wa,hington s,,,te F,:dera- vorites of County Residents: Tire Mason County Community ,..S ......... " "' Annette Le Compte, former - ' )O .Ry The Student Body
ENGAGED I Leopold tippman To
ATLOCK The publi
kd to attend a course ir
Speak Next Wednesday lual and Family Strrvive
Offered at Mary M. K]
01, starting at 7:30 p.m. 1
members and volunteer works of Meetin along will1 winners in other state Money-ruskin' [ ta.y,ten, SuperintendentMarch ,, Eugeneof sc]
Powerl )bReed this week.
Don't take
wire o, windows with
Our complete stocks of=
DUPLATE ® s.faty PI.,e Ol.,,
DUOLITE ® S.fa,y Wl.d.. OlI
SOLEX ® eeat-Absorblns GIo.
as= tare you prompt, efficient ghum t
placement jobs in all makes end
models Of cars on the road today.
3rd & Grove StL
A RECENT REQUEST for suggestions for cooks brought a letter
asking "why don*t you use a real cook like LUcy Edniston?"
Lucy agreed to share her recipe for Crunchy Apple Pie. It is a fa-
vorite of her many friends.
If Lucy Edmiston had a nickel
for every cup of her coffee local
Kiwanians have drunk she would
have a stack o£ nickels that would
reacll to the moon. For seven
years she was chairman of the
hmch committee for the VFW
Auxiliary. The last five years she
has been chairman of that com-
mittee for the Eight and Forty.
The duties of the lunch commit-
tee chairman includes shopping,
meal planning and cooking the
meal for the Kiwanis lunch once
a month. The average number of
men sewed at each meal is 60.
Lucy no longer is chairman of
the committee due to an illness
last year but she still works on
$ $ •
Coffee and biscuits are her spec-
Cooking is Lucy's favorite hob-
by. She had many years of prac-
|ce as she' is the mdther of eight
children. She now has 14 grand-
children and eight great grand-
children, as well.
Lucy's recipe for Crunchy Ap-
ple pie is one she often takes to
potlucks. It is a favorite of her
many friends.
Crunchy Apple Pie
6 medium size apples
10 inch unbaked pastry shell
1 cup sugar
1 cup graham cracker crumbs
,. cup flour
% cup chopped nntmeats
fi tsp. cinnamon
the .lunches as dilligently as ever.
"Dark as the night" might be a fine theme song for an
ancient Chinese egg, pickled for years until it's a nice jet
black. And the more potent the odor, the more highly
prized the egg] But for Mrs. America and her family, this
would be carrying ancestor worship too far, "The fresher
the better" is her mottoand ours tool
"tr 9 thls: %
For baked eggs, place several rounds of bacon fas-
tened with tootlapicks into a warm, buttered baking
dish. Into each round break an egg, Sprinkle with
salt and pepper, and btkc in 325 deg. oven (preheat-
ed) for 15 to 18 rains. SprinkIe a Iittle grated cheese
over tim top if you like.
....... I I I
Kilsap-Mason Dairymen's Ass'n
3rd and Grove HA 6-4473
No one, hut no one, makes better
Dairy Products than
Always ask for yours by name at your Grocer
tap. salt
½ cup butter or margarine
Pare and slice apples. Arrange
in unbaked pastry shell. Mix to-
gether sugar, graham cracker
crumbs, flour, nutmeats, cinnamon
and salt. Sprinkle over apples.
Melt butter and pour over the
topping. Bake in a moderahe 50
degree owm for one hour or until
apples are tender.
May be served with whipped
cream or ice cream but is delic-
ious as is!
BPW Initiation
Next Wednesday
A 6:30 p.m. dinner at the Co-
lonial House next Wednesday will
precede the regular meeting o£
the Business and Professional Wo-
men's Club.
A candlelight ceremony for In-
ternational Night Observance will
be presented by Miss Mary Dob-
son and Mrs. Marjorie Jagnow.
Also on the ag:enda for he eve-
Ring will be initiation conducted
by Miss Dobson,. past district di-
rector. Members are urged to
bring guests to this meeting.
Plans fo; the Heart Drive spon-
sored by the club are well under-
SRA Pinochle Club
Meets Next Monday
The SRA Pinochle Club will
meet at 8 p.m. next Monday at the
lemorlal Hall.
aAtthe last meeting Nell Dahl-
m held "high score for the
women; Barbara Okonek. 2nd.
Fred Zentner held high for the
men with Claude Rickards, 2nd.
Russel Clary and Marie Smith
won the double pinoclfle.
Try A Journal Want
We Can Supply Your Needs for
Gutters and Leaders
Weather Stripping
Storm Windows
• CUT, TACK, SEW or SlUg.
• Floor Sanders
• Floor Polishers
PHONE HA 6-4522
Concert Association opened its an-
nual membership campaign with
a Valentine's Day dinner-meeting
Feb. 11, at the Arcadia Point
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Mc-
Clary. Forty-four executive board
the organization attended.
The Valentine motif was effect-
ively carried out by the use of
pink camellias and heather as ta-
ble decorations. Mrs. Percy Ken.
nerly, hospitality chairman, was in
charge of arrangements for the
social affair and assisted Mrs. Me.
Clary at the dinner'.
Dr. Andi.ew Beelik, president,
presided at the business meeting
following the dinner, Mrs. Erma
Davis, field representative for
Comnmnity Concerts, Inc., New
York, was guest speaker. Mrs.
Davis spoke of the local Comnmn-
ity Concert Association as being
exceptionally well organized anu
tile membership campaign ex-
tremely well planned.
Mrs. Davis pointed out that it
its only by the association plan
that such a concert series can be
presented. By the association
plan many citizens contribute
their efforts in a cooperative en-
terprise which provides the finest
artists, eliminates deficits and,
at the same time, creates a much
larger audience by encouraging
new listeners,
Dr. Beelik made the observation
that if audience participation can-
not insure continuation of assoc-
iations such as ours throughout
the country, we may reach a point
where the federal government
may have to assume the respon-
dbility of assuring the continued
growth of American musical her-
Dr. Michael Fahey, campaign
chairman, reminds the citizens of
Shelter and Mason County that
a membership in' the Mason Coun-
ty Community Concert Associa-
tion admits one not only to the
local concerts hut to the concerts
presented by the affiliated neigh-
boring communities as well.
The kick-off meeting began a
membership drive which will con-
tinue until noon Saturday at
which time membership in the as-
sociation will be closed for the
year and a program of concerts
for the coming season will he se-
lected. Enthusiasm shown by the
wol-kers indicates that the mem-
bership goal of 400 will be reached
before the week ends and that a
truly distinguished series of con-
certs by some of the world's fin-
est artists will be presented dur-
ing the forthcoming season.
Official headquarcers during the
campaign are at Sears on Ever-
green Square, Feb. 12-17 only:
Monday to Friday, 10 to 5 p.m.;
Saturday, 10 to 12 a.m. Persons
desiring information may call
headquarters, -phone ,HA 6-2482.
Herzogs Win High
Series Card Prizes
High scorers at the Eagles card
party last Saturday night were
Herman Lorenzon and Alice Her-
zog. Low score went to Jack
Smith and Avis Saeger. Alice Her-
zog won traveling pinochle. A
1500 trump hand was held by Her-
man Lorenzon and Inez Shorter.
This was the last game in the
series. High series prizes went to
Louis and Alice Herzog.
The next card party will he
held Feb. 24 at the Eagles airport
hall. The public is invited to at-
tend. This will be the benning
of a new series.
Cancer Meeting
Is Well Attended
An interesting and informative
meeting of the American Cancer
Society was held at the Olympian
Hotel in Olvmpia last Saturday
The "puFposdo the in6etir/g was
to'bring people up to' date on the
progress of the organization.
Representing Mason county at
the meeting were Mr. A. S. Viger,
Mrs. A. H. Fagergren and Mrs.
C. R. Dombroski, Shelton; Mes-
dames Rex Crossen, S. C. De Leo,
James Huffman and George Scha-
ekleford, Belfair; and Mesdames
Max Latzel, EHc Sjoholm and Bud
Tozler, Sk0komtsh' Valley.
$2nd anni-
h a 6:30 p.m,
Id Will be
and its
1 be presented. Sew-
will also be awarded.
rleantsm chairman, Sue
WeaVer, will be in charge of the
prograna. Tribtlte will be said to
Lincoln and Washington's birth-
Next Wednesday a second Study
group will meet on anti-comraun-
isna at the home of Sue Weaver.
All members are invited.
Any members saving publicity
clippings are urged to turn shees
in to publicity chairman for local
and district press books.
Stork Shower Honors
Mrs. Arlene McGuire
Guest of honor at a Stork
Shower February 6 was Mrs.
Arlene McGuire. The Mesdames
Kathleen Gaskill, Ruth Bollinger
and Mary Getty were hostesses for
the party which was held at the
Getty home.
Games were played with the
guest of honor winning first prize.
Mrs. John Cakes and Mrs. 'Joe
Lewis were also prize winners.
Favors were decorated With small
colored Chinese umbrellas. The
cake was trimmed in yellow with
a bootee outlined on top. Refresh-
ments were served on Chinese tea
and coffee seLL
Ann Thompson has been an-
nounced by her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold E. Wilson. Her fi'
ance is Mr. James Lee Dishon,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant L.
Dishon. The month of April has
been set for tle wedding.
Golden Age Club
To Have Potluck
The Golden Age Club will meet
at 6 p.m. next Thursday at the
Memorial hall for" a potluck din-
At the last meeting there were
about 55 members present. Mrs.
Mabel Marshall, a new member,
attended. The door prize was won
by George Jadin.
Pictures will be shown by the
Bell Telephone Co. March 8, and
also a birthday dinner.
Members are reminded to re-
member the rummage sale every
Friday at 2nd and Cota Street.
The ext regular meeting of the
Mason County Chapter of the
WARC will be teld next Wednes-
day at 7:30 p.m. in the PUD aud-
Mr. Leopold Lippnmn, Execu-
tive Secretary for the Washing-
ton Association for Retarded Chin
dren will be guest speaker. Mr.
Lippman has been with the
WARC for many years and is
very interested in helping all
andicapped children so his
speech promises to be most inter-
i There will be a quesuon and
answer period following Mr. Lipp-
man's talk so if anyone has any
questions about handicapped chil-
dren this would be an excellent
time to find some answers.
The public, as always, is most
cordially invited to attend this
meeting. Refreshments will be
Skokomish Club To
Sponsor Card Prty
rhe Middle Skokomish Improve-
ment Club is sponsoring a pin-
oclfle card party at the Commun-
ity hall this Saturday evening.
This will be the third party in the
present series.
Playing will begin at 8:15 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to attend for
a good time and refreshments.
Yol would, no doubt, be sur-
prised to know what some Of your
friends say behind your back.
HA 64245
or HA 6-2455
Has the Prescription to PERK UP your
tired old kitchen (and you, too).
Now Is The Time To
Retire Your Tired QId Refrigerator
Shelton girl now residing in Aber-
deen, was announced wiriner in
Weatherwax High School in the
1962 Betty Crocker Searcl for the
American Honlemaker of Ton]or-
row. She becomes eligible now
high schools, for the title of State
Homemaker of Tomorrow.
The girl named State Home-
maker of Tomorrow is provided a
$1,500 scholarsifip by General
Mills, sponsor of the program. In
addition, she and her school ad-
visor will join with other state
winners in an expense-paid educa-
tional tour of New York City,
Washington, D. C., and Colonial
Williamsburg, Vs. At the latter,
the 1962 All-American Home-
maker of Tomorrow will be named.
The national winner will have
her scholarship raised to $5,000
with second, third and fourth
place winners being granted schol-
arships of $4,000, $3,000 and $2,000
Miss LeCompte is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Tom LeCompte.
Use Journal Want Ads
• only 19 pounds,
less bar and chain
• fells trees up to 5 fse!
in diameter
- • as little as $4.85 weak
sfter small down
New Homellta 707D has
it takes to make real
)reduction cutting.
Io07D, yourself.
r production cutting,
'ore Monsy.makin' saw.
Saeger Motor
Every Saturday
Dance At The
Tropics Ballroom
Shelton-Olympia Freeway
At Schneidor's Prairie
$1.75 inc. tax • Dancing 9:30 to
Will be held each
for four consec,
7, 14, 21 an€
is to he charg,
COurse will cover such
radioactive fallout
be done to survi
defenses against t
ergency planni
lives, and pel
which every ci
consider to survive nu,
or severe natural dis0
course will be under
of C. W. Hotsington
special t
it. It is being of J
of the ,'
of Public ins'
part of the national
adult education.
more important sul
be offered to our cit
said Supt. French,
glad to present it
* * $
Thursday by res
of "Nobody
without ms
Graham also read
Man" on Frid
won the $2 aU
at the Parent-Te
Thursday. We
o like the fourth
pig to hold our m(
first time their
for quite a
:he Parent-Teacher
evidenced by
rowd which again 1
auditorium last Tl
a short bus
audience was pr,
excellent entertain:
School pupils. Mrs.
second and third g
historical skit hen(
Americans whose b
in Febm
under th
Hilda Clift
Which the part
the planet "G
were exceptio
highly appreci
on the prol
solo by G,
and a trumpet sol,
i both of whor
i# :e..g of r..ogb
e *m on Thursday, p]
,, made to debate at Pa
b.j_,. onege at Taeom,
lL_!md 18 and at Col]
ia.-et SOUml, Tacoma,
a 16 and 17.
LOOK ,ehoo] elections
! cl=_ = zOllowing Student
]ttld+ officers were elect,
Side at B°dyDanny Ws
':; S
eat: r_ .am. Valle, vice
. " Olllsa Y.
Y, Stet -. Spauldmg, s
, tr*a-. "-altner and Davi
;ealurer. . d
ldent; C!ass--Neal Gra
Sident. uey Beerbower,
e-- walker, trems
,, re erbower and Neat
)eldest . as--Gerald Crea
at; VI- ?am Valley, vice
'., trea nia Hollatz, seer
ma S:u_.rer; Betty Kelley
Pho^_ lag, represcntati
Slde'u Class---Jerry S
t; ,ron Dae. vce r
FEATURES ON THIS HOTPOINT tlell,, trYr-ray, secretary;
"s Jackieea'aurer; Jim H(
" • *andis, repres
1962 BEAUTY . , es
• .-- et. ,, , noria Aver
• C,lact Styling --Only 28 hes Wid'; e°!e ichols, Y
,r iOOre Ckburn, treasl
• Fami!ysize-- 14.7 sq. ft. of Shelf Are an Nancy ate,
it tires,
l0Im* * ,
• Super-Space Door Shelves .o -;)* G RAI)E ITEM:
,' ,. i{l, ave t'Wo ''class was dell
• Full-Width, 50-lb. Freezer Capacity Ld,tre leenreCordin
• '€Sure --- ' ,ooy u
• Full-Width Porcelain Crisper e ,sand., Zn
iCk r- Whale sto of a
at. vuved to ry 1
0 .... Bttilt-la Butter Bin ?,a .c the most
• lagna-Seal Door . . oe, n ,
, *S e filial g
daelebration Valentine p
• And Many, Many More ,YCe',.atternoo es place '
' lea ere unh-
er a that arPY on Thin
rk _as in an rr.y. Watters
,- md w-- • Cident wht
Sed LarS t a the hoe i
O ronine., at PTe ^ptal
Y are ,',' Part in '-? ne
rne d ,mOtld of.,q_*e prog
ultlLe arry'a oug May
W/T istad perfoPlart_at, the
. ae(1 it wil
[,, H A 6-46 |
Where You Get
The Best Deal,
By George
and the