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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 15, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 15, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pae 12 gI-LTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.g.A.," Shelton, Washington  1H°meGames0 riday And Wednesday F°r Climbers E; 4th Quarter Comeback TIDES OF THE WEEK TITLE H PES ON LINE, IN FIFE GAM Wins For Owls Final Competed for Hoed Cans, ___ RAHS ' SLATED FOR ONLY H!n- WEEK TILT Games ",',.-,.,O,;NT; This Weekend L,:.I,,,: ,," "" _ Oakland Bay tides are 1 hr.- and ,--?, r't, -. --0a T WL 50 rain. later and plus 3.0 ft. Wishkah .................... 70 ,t95 ;)09 l'ridlv. Feb 16 00iiZ ........................ ...................... 00031 ................ .............. ............. .... f &rik:Yl+T¢ • O120 NorthMary M.River.Knight ............. ........ 02663(;0] 89430330 IHighow .............. 9"282:27 p.m.m 10.4.08 ftft" ' -a * v night when the league-leading ings, who placed the Highclimb- Bethel ..................... 3 6 509 527 Knight 46. North River 36 High .............. ,1:44 a.m. 12.0 ft. Last Week atuu'day, Feb. 17 Little Climbers Give Undefeated Viking? Scare ' But Lose 37 32 SI;:kM()UNT B TEAMN %V l, pf pa Curtis ........................ 10049,1355 North Thm'ston ...... 73463401 Fife ............................ 63386379 SHELTON ................ ,t 5 35.> 329 Bethel ................. . ....... 4 7 407 403 ,:Peninsula ................ 2 S 384 ,t85 White River . ........... 0 9 289 ,t26 Fife Trojans c.ome clanking into Shelton gym. Even a victory would leave the strong possibility of only a tie ..... and a tlui'ee-way one at that--for the pennant, an achievement, if attained, which would make two seasons in succession the Climb- ers wound tip with a porLion of n i i n i ii , i I D ANGIN6 at Pearl Maurer'i Beautiful New Pavilion 3536 Arsenal Way Every Friday Yotmg People's Dance 9:30 to 12:30 ADMISSION $1 L J • Bremerton Every Saturday Mixed Dancing 9:30 to 1:30 ors in this compromising position by soundly shellacking them at University Place, 62-43, last Fri- day. The Vikings are idle this week- end, and with their 8-2 record would find themselves party to the trinravirate if Shelton pulls off a victory over the Trojans, now 8-1. Ttae Climbers are 7-2. If the Climbers do it, and they will be slight favorites because of the home floor advantage, the likelihood of the deadlock holding the rest of the way looms large for the three leaders are through playing one another. Shelton meets North Thurston and Penin- sula in its last two games, while Fife and Curtis each face Bethel and White River. Bethel, a late- blooming team, could be the spoil- er, INCIDENTALLY, that Shelton. North Thurston engagement comes as the only mid-week game of the sclaedule this year--next (A Special Message to Gas and Electric Heat Users) How to save N. Thurston .......... 3 7 495 557 Peninsula ................ 3 7 497 512 White River .......... 1 8 322 573 La,t Frhla,y Curtis 62. Shelton 43 Bethel 51, Penin,ula 44 N. Thurston 57, White River 45 Fife 50, Tahoma 47 {n-l) Thl Frlda y Fife at Shelton Bethel at N. Thurston WhiLe River at Peninsula This Saturday Curtis at White River Bethel at Eatonville (n-l) Next Wednelay North Thurston at, Shetton White River at Fife Bethel at Curtis Wednesday (Washlngton's Birtll, day eve) in the Shelton gym. The Peninsula game m the following Friday at Pm'dy, closing the reg- ular season. Until last Friday, Fife had handed Shelton its only confer- ence loss, a 50-49 overtime thril- ler on the, Fife floor. Coach J.erry Vermillion's gang is thirsting to square that score, but will have to play far better ball than they did against, Curtis last week. They'H alo have tO clamp a reasonable lid (m the Trojans' four big scoring threats--Ed Erikson, Vinee Nordfors, Dave Babbitt and Fred Simmons. The first pair have been averaging around 14 per game. Simmons and Babbitt m'e inconsistent but capable of big games. All four were in double figures when the Trojans beat Shelton in the earlier engagexaent. Erickson is fifth, Nordfors 9th in the league's individual scoring race. WHEN NORTH TI! URSTON Quinault 38. Moclips 30 This l,'rhlay Clallam Bay at Knight This Saturday Knight vs North Mason at Shell on MATLOCK .... After their third victory of the season a 46-36 Tri-Count y conquest of North River here Friday night, the Mary M. Knight Owls hope to conclude their 1962 schedule tiffs weekend with two lore successes when they host Clallam Bay in the Mat- lock gym and Saturday when they meet North Mason at Shelton. TIlE OWLS FOUGItT an uphill battle to conquer the Redskins with a 16-point fourth quarter spree. At the, three quarterly rests North River held the upper hand, 15-6. 19-15 and 31-30. No one Owl player dominated the victory-rally, all five players contributing to the scoring --- Sam Valley and Dan Walker with four points each Bill Stodden and Gene Brehmeyer with three eaciL and Neal Graham'with two. It was that way for game scoring also. Stodden leading with 11. Walker and Brehmeyer with 9, Valley and reserve Bill Trenckman with 6 each. Graham with 5. JIM EDWARDS, a freshman, was the tougi rival, scoring 14 points, mostly from outside Foul troubles early in the game com- pelled Coach Jack Hogben to shift from his defense l'om man-for- man to a 1-2-2 zone and later to a 2-3 zone. The Owls also won the pre- liminary game, 43-38. This weekend's finales give the Owls opportunity to avenge two narrow losses early this season. Low .............. 10:10 [.n[. 6.8 ft. ]tigh .............. 2:15 p.m. 10.4 ft. Low . ........... 10:06 p.m. -0.7 ft. Sunday, loci). 18 High ............ 5:16 a.m. 12.7 ft, Low . ............. 10:49 a.m. 6.4 ft. High .............. 3:57 p.m 10.4 ft. Low . ........... 10:40 p.m. 0.5 ft. }lol|dtly, Feb. 19 High .............. 5:44 a.m. 12.2 ft. Low . .......... 11:24 a.m. 5.9 ft. ]tigh .............. 4:38 p.m. 10.4 ft. Low .................... p.m. 0.8 ft. TtuPslhty, Flq). 20 Higil .............. 6:09 a.m. 12.1 ft. Low .............. 11:58 a.m. 5.3 ft. High .............. 5:17 p.m. 10.3 ft. Low . ............. ii:46 p.m. 1.2 ft. Vcllncsday, Feh. 21 High .............. 6:34 a.m. 12.1 ft. Low . ............. 12:32 p.m. 4.8 ft. High ............. 5:58 p.m. 10.2 ft. Thursday, Feh. 22 Low . ............. 0:20 a.m. 1.8 ft. High ............. 6:59 a.m. 12.0 ft. Lox ............... 1:07 p.m. 4.3 ft. Higll .............. 6:41 p.m. 10.1 ft. ZIEGLER BOOMS 2nd 600 IN ROW MAJOR LEAGUE W L Dan's NiLe Hawks ........ 11 7 Olson's B & B Shop ,.. 11 7 Tmlber Bowl .................... 9 9 Home Gas Company ........ 8 10 Cnrtis 37. Shelton 32 Bethel 52, Peninsula35 N. Thm'ston 49, White River 25 Last Week By l)enny Hinton Shelton's ':Little Climbers" gave lhe fl'ont-runniIlg Curtis Viking reserves a scare Friday night be- fore coach Halxld WilsmFs club went down 37-32. The Viking seconds, who lead the league with a 10-0 record, are undefeated this year with a 1,t-0 mark. Down by eight points at the intermission, 20-12, Slmlton stormed back in the third period to within three points by the quarter's closure, 28a5. Climber backcourt mates Bob Walker and A1 Wagner scored 10 of their team's 13 points in the round. Shelton stayed close on the Vikings' tail in the fourth quarter but could never overcome the ad- vantage. The Climbers potted 13 field goals to the wire, ors 11 in the contest. The difference was made at the foul line where Cur- tis hit 13 of 24 to Shelton's six of 17. Walker topped all scorers with 12 points and Wagner phmked in 10. Curtis' Tom Heerema got nine. Curtis also had a big rebound edge, using 6-7 '.'Goose" Lance throughout the game. Northwest Evergreen .... 7V2 I0,§ The summary: Jim Pauley Inc ............... 7,fi 10Vz Curtis 37 Shelton 32 High game---Lionel Leman 234, !Nash 0 f Brickert 2 Clyde Ziegler 231, Fred Snelgrove Heerema 9 f Villines 5 228 Lane 7 c Towle 1 High series--Clyde Ziegler 619 Clark 4 g Walker 12 Bennett 5 g Wagner 10 Clyde Ziegler racked up his sec- Curtis subs---Wheaten 4, Me- end successive 600 series in the Master 6, Earnest 2. Shelton subs Major bowling league Friday --Jeffery 2, err. L Thursday, February 15, ay,-February 15, 196 Nature's gift to us assures you consistent refreshment pleasure [ whenever you [ enjoy Olympia. [ • "It the Wate/[ OLYMPIA BREWING CO,, Olympia, Wash. *Oly'e MR, & MRS. .LEAGUE W L NiLe Owls ........................ 51 33 Vee Jays ........................ 44 40 I. Da, No ......................... 42 41½ Vagabonds ..................... 42 41 Skid Rowlers ................ 42 41 Gutter Snipes ................ 29/ 54, High games Cleo Hulet 172, Frank Marler 206 High series -- Cleo Hulet 466, Frank Marler 546 WOIN'S 12:80 LEAGUE Tefl's Vnaxmgcy .............. 58 24 PhLI'S RichfieJd ................ 4 39 dward's Salon ................ ;$9 41 ll:coa-O,Wa .................... 24 56 Hh sene-D t Ba:aby 535. The summary: Curtis 62 Shelton 43 McDonald 18 f Goodpaster 9 Morton 8 f Smith Weber 4 c Peterson 8 White 13 g Simons 8 Snyder 10 g Carlson 1 Curtis subs -- Bash, Miller 1, Heerema 6, Van Valkenburg, Gage 2. Shelton subs -- Elliott, Carte, Watson 4, Olson 2, Sloan 9, Johns- ton: 2, Anderson. Score by Quaxters Curtis .................. 17 13 20 12--62 Shelton ................ 6 18 7 12--43 plus tax 7 Day Tour including jet fare, hotel, and entertainment. Contact ANGLE TRAVEL RES. CENTER 401 Railroad HA 6-8272 HA 6-4134 PENNY.AN % "]! } • Everglaze® cotton, crease" resistant cotton, embossed cotton, Yarn-dyed cotton! INOH OOTTONSI € YARD Here are the fine quality fabrics you'll sew into dresses, ehildi'On's Wr ' home decorations! Choice solids, prints, jacquards ta Olors galbre • - " all at one fabulous low price at peney's! Hurry, hurrYl 36" wide. HP powerhouse (270-HP optional). Experts rate it the finest, most luxuriously comfortable compact performer going. Seats six 6-footers. Turns on a dime a breeze to park, fun to drive! Try the action- Packed Ambassador V-8--at your Rambler dealer's! nAMm.ER WORLD STANDARD OF COMPACT CAR EXCELLENCE K!MBEL MOTORS, 707 So, First St, Mzlndarin, 11 oz. ti Nq Balad out, Freest NOTIONS SPECIAL 4' It EACH Loo k what 4¢ buys in Penney's Needles Rulers Thimbles Thread Doilies Combs Dolls Whistles Erasers Place Mats Hair Nets Pencil Sharpeners Razor Blades Shoe Laces Key Chains Hat Pins Door Stops Hot Pads Address Books Hair Pins Memo Books Chil- dren's Clothes Hangers Pocket Mir- rors Comb Cleaners Safety Pins Cookie Cutters Rain Bonnets Rub- ber Bands  Composition Note Books Plastic Tumblers Hosiery Hangers Curlers Buttons Pencils Crayons Magnets Funnels Ribbon Elastic Curl Clamps Needle Threader Pin- Cushions Ball Pens Toy Ceramics Scouring 'Pads Birthday Candles Gift Wrap Bows Thumb Tacks Wall Hangers Drawing Compass Bob Pins Candle Holders Toy Cars Wave Clamps Rick Rack Bias Tape Sewing Machine Needles Snap Fast- eners Toot Picks Clothes Pins Cello Sponges Hooks and Eyes Plastic Fruit O $ealed, Very ripe hal, IJB, Regular, drip or fine ! thePrizel T STAI 0il Heat Institute of Washington more heat per dollar FACT ON FUll. SAFETY-Modem oil heat ill  afe It b non-explosive, won't even burn until vaporized Within the sealM ehamber of a modern oil furnace. Mddern oil heat is non-toxic.., as a liquid, as a vapor and when gnited. And the low-current electrical con- ectiOfis for a modern oil wstem and its automatic controls substantially reduce the possibility of wiring failure, greatest source of home fir tO t Itonal Fire Protectiba . i|ANI-INiiili - le National Warm Air and "There is no hea}ng system which, properly ereate dirt or grime." The same report lists fo.. Pt soulves of household dirt: (1) Kitchen and cooking gram () d blb b t tracked in from outdeo (3) rug linte and (4) clothing and Ilding lintera CL,V.Ulating  air is furth dmxted by the filr in a odm oil heat furnac lower eost. Figures am based on current, local charges, comparing the lowest possible "all-service" rates of either electricity or gas with the price of 0il .chaed by htdependent, competitive oil heat dealer The , eciency rating for each 1 has been determined from research studies. / w Loaders ................................ 17 Engineers ........................... 14 10 Railroad .............................. 14 10 Shops .................................. 13 11 Loggers ................................ 12 12 Mill 1 .................................. 11 13 Mill 2 .................................... 8 16 Insulating Board ............... 7 17 High games -- Val Sienko 223, Stan Ahlquit 220 High eries---Stan hlqulst 597 9-2 edge in the opening moments. By the end of the lharter Shelton trailed 17-6. Jack White and 6-3 Junior forward Jerry McDonald lead the carnage, potting slx each. Shelton looked like an entirely dfferenL outfit i the second frkme. itg Jim Goodpaster and guard Gary, Simons headed the el!tuber retallation "with 12 petals b-etween them. The visitors battled  within three points, 19-16, when mons batted in a rebound, but that's as close as Shelton ever came. Goodpaster and Curtis' Bill M0,rtoa exclarlged successful J m shots to make the count 21. before the Vikes pulled away fm good. The score was 30-24 at the half. (,Shelton took another plunge in lie third quarter when Curtis out. scored them 20-7. Usual Climber big guns Wayne Carlson and Corky Peterson were firing blanks )n this night. Bothered by three erSona f6fils apleee at the half, :he twi) saw little action after the intermission. Peterson was b0t, tled up for only eight points while CailSGn finished Without 'a field goal and a mere one point. SlMPSON'S MEN'S LEAGUE visits Shelton gym next Wednes- 41-38 to North Mason and 48-41 night, a 231 opener opening the $2317 to '197. 86 day theClimbersface twomore d at Clallam Bay. gate to a 619 total with following .......................................................... angerous point-producers. Herb The lineups: 200 and 188 gmnes. I i Toney, aftera25:.pointspreeFri- KNIGHT46 i .0WERII0?E ,?: ilii! day, is third in the league with Valley 6 f Henson 7 Inelly's 595 paced Timber Bowl to , 134 points while J. W. Wright is Graham 5 f Cox 1 a shutout victory over league-lead- on your annual llth with l13 markers after get. D Walker9 c Valford 3 ing Dan's Nlte'Itawks (Sonny Ling 27 a week easter against Bl'ehmeyer 9 g Edwards 14 Lowe 523)and hauled the Hawks Peninsula. , Stodden" 11 g Sholes 9 down into a top-rung tie with el- The scomng aders now are: Subs: Kmght .... Trenckman 6, son's Barber and Beauty Shop BrdiganB6`WhiteC152T-Hllatz.BeerbwerDeFer'P.(LynnWhite54)'whichtkthe ................ ENG|N T [ ney NT 134, ,*Peterson S 130, Er- Walker. N.R..- McKay, Holmes, . , ikson F 12' Snyder C 124, Carl- Stroud, Simpson. ' " grcen°dd game(BertfrOmHoardNOrthwest572).  Ever- heating .bill by V[orton C 117, Nord- Score I) 3, QUal't(rs Tori'id singles games by Fred "LOW F|EL00 ili!i! forsF]203, GunnersonPl15, and NorthRiver. 154125__36Snelgrove(228) andLionel Le. ....... i iN THECOMPAC, [ " Wright,.NT 113. Knight 6 9 15 16---.-.46 man (234) earned the two deci- ----- ........................................................ sions Jim Pauley Inc. posted over O]LNight For Big Gram Costly Home Gas (Glen Robertson 559) , :J in the other match. Snelgrove hit Ion ,9"3 by dipping to 172 in his finale, il " ; converting to ,,cu , , RT!S CLOUTS CLimBS iy nny Hinton TltE LOSERS lacked a double Shelton- Journal .......... 39t/ 141/'. ', _ Sheltons chanc for sole figure po'int producer as Good- Lions Club ...................... 37 17 possessmn o z !e l.z eamoun paster and Bill Sloan were high Timber Bowl ................ 27,z 26V eagm o asKetoau cnampionsnip with nine each and Simons lind Cook's Plant Farm ........ 27 27 ern Oil Heat trio played a fine Morgan, EacrettLbr. .... 22 32 Mod ,n wurus cram(eroox gym. game, Simons and Sh)an performed Jay Birds .......................... 9 45 Fattened up by a six-game defensive wizardry and picking up High games --- Kathy Dale 170, winning skein, the Highclimbers numerous recoveries and Good- Allen Glover 167 absorbed a jolting 62-43 loss to paster musceling out the tall High series---Sonja Ahlqnist 332, the insipred Vikings. In the pro- Curtis forward all for nine re- Allen Glover 288 cess the Climbers plummeted to bounds. third place in loop ranks while McDonald played his best oar- Fife holds spot and Curtis sity game for Curtis pumping in If dodging work is a paying And you'll keep Warm on the coldest days, too/ rekindled title hopes, taking' over 18 points, mostly on set-up plays business, there should hc n:mny • "". " under the bucket. White canned n2ill!m)ires around town. :::i:i.:::::':" ' The loss gives, the Climbers an 13 and guard Jon Snyder chipped 1 11-4 season mark and 7-2 in in 10. " !:::i Check the followitg [acts, documented by actual, local cost. league. It was the worst shellack- Curtis hit a highly commendable ing a Jerry Vermillion-coached 49 percent frbm the field, making Hawaiian Shelton team has suffered in his 25 of 51 while Shelton connected heat°['heatyouC°mpats°nS'get [rOm oilfind out [or 'yourself how much more four years aL the Climber helm. on 17 of 50 for 34 percent. Neither S P E C ! A L a Or eP.ctricity, IT WAS OBVIOUS the Climbers team benefited much from free ONLY AMBASSADOR __u-n than [rorn were having a painfully "off" night tosses, the winners converting 12 Buttery Ri( , after the first few minutes of the of 35 and the CLimbers hitting nine 0000)R(:125 It's a Rambler--it's a performance AVO,GAI FACTS ON EOONOMY- The following dhar mltlines ell heat's contest. The hosts streaked to a of 23. star--it's a 250.