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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 15, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 15, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SH'ELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL  Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Call HA 6-3010 after 6 p.m. F 2/1 tfn, rine - Hiilcrest }lardware. HA 6- 8163. 2/8 tfn ir-C  :IUViNK T-ED pleasant- ly and economically by the Eells & Valley Appliance Cmter prescrip- tion. 2/8-16 trailers, boats° campers. $198.50. [ Sacger Motor Shop. HA 6-4602. 12/7 tfu -R-OLI)R--SAI, service d supplies, John Rice. Phone HA 6- 61. Free demonstrations. R 1/7 tfn EVINRUDE SALES and servioel She]= ton Marine - Hillcrest Hardware, HA 6-8163, 2/8 tfn delivery call Sylvia arey, the Shel. ton Seattle Times Dealer, HA 6-3182. C 11/28 tfn  mm For Sale s ' For Sale [ , For ]Rent KITCHENS REJUVENATED plea ant- NECCHI SEWING machine, complete I ly and economically by the Eells with attachments, and maple sewing[ &Valloy =kppliance Center prescrtp- table, Used very little. Largh dolL[ tion. 2/8-16 brand new, clotles. Best offer, Ph. SLAB WOOD for se.le--$10.50 per c)r--'/ HA 6-8489 after 5 p,m. S 2/15 I F O R R E N T -- Light housekeeping rooms, 100 West Pine. Phone HA ND 6-4679. R 4/14 tfn )'R--iIr--leept. 2-bedroom un- furnished, yard, large garage. B. :/. Cole. HA 6-4336. 4/28 tfn T-W--O---]3i!JDROOM apartment for re FOR RENT -- Two-bedroom home, 521 Laurel, full basement, floor fur- mace. Phone HA 6-4850. T 10/26 tfn 654 Dearborn. Contact Don Henlfin 117 West 8th, Port Agelee, Wash Phone GL 7-2066. 111 tft T--W"c BEDROOM furnished apart- ments for rent, $50 per month, in- cluding water, garbage, electriclty, phone HA 6-8423, If no answer phone HA 6-3532. Also one bedroom furn- ished, $40. W 2/1 tfn OVERNIGHT OR WEEKEND guests you haven't room for? Send them to Lawton Apt,-Motel. Apartments now available by day, week or month. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6- longer with Fairbanks Morse pumps. I "7] PIEC Etrly American bed- I:e them at Shelton Electric Co., [ room set with mattress and box 419 Railroad. 3/16 tfn] sprtngs, G, E. range, Phone HA 6- , ----LA-'CK0--PSOIf{IV--r] 6197 after 4 p.m. M 2/I-15 road and fill gravel, washed sand lY-A'--XPP]: for sale by box. and gravel, drainage gravel and pea I All kinds. Phone HA 6-6779. Lem- gravel for driveways, Norman An- I ke's Service. L 10/12 tfn derson, phone HA 6-3552, .Jolm's [ L-'OEYq::)--N"qA'E'--'Joill-' Creek Sand and Gravel, Baysnore. Music Box, 206 Cota St., phone HA 8- 7/25 tfn 4302. 2/1 tfn S E--'2#''i%-''L-6qT FOR T--R OLD KITCHENS see the F.,ells & Valh:y Appliance Center amazing, improved finish for floors and furniture that lasts and lasts and lasts. 5/25 tfn Pi-Sff" SAWS l-'-h-Kff-Tc.: Shellxm Marine - l-lilh:rcst Hardware HA 6-8163. 2/$ tfn pulleys and shafts. All types sal: ] vase. Shelton JUnk Co,, First anal Mill, phone HA 6-8626.  9/8 tfn I leave your uphol.tery beautifully soft and clean. Lumbermen's Mer- cantile Company, 2/15 over, Slab $12.50 a cord; Pole wood $16 cord. Phone HA 6-4867. S 10/12 tfn fireside bencb for salt:, Also walnut antique tea wagon. Phone ]-L 6- 6479. A 2/8-22 to'alaume $16,50 ms, pyts. on hign grade spinet plato) in this io,mlity or will sell for cash. Also ELEC. ORGAN. Write Credit Mgr., Tall- man's Pianos-Organs, Salem, Ore. 2/8-22 Smith-Corona adding machtm; Five "T'--Op-",]:)-'fal----f'a-hay for sale, dl-: rect from farm. Any quantity, Call Sequim, MU 3°4007, or Box 208, at. 1; Mr. Hale, SelUlm. E 2/15 3/29 Whirlpool automatic washer excel- lent condition. Will 8ell for best reasonable offer. Call HA 6-2018. anytime, S 2/15 3/8 feet condition, $50. Call TW 8-486 Union. G 2/15 F--dR-1-'--'---SoId oak dlntn with eight chairs, $90. Floor urn- acc, $10. Phone HA 6-3266, L 2/15 tfn D-z-ShED iSRK for sale. er pigs and red laying pullets, Call HA 6-3626 aftcr 6 p,m. Mc 2/15 peel. Permanent finish and sealer, does not discolor with age. ee Graystone. 5/25 tfn sale. Also floor lamp. Phono HA 6- Prescription. 218-15  GOLDFISH IN -- 638-Acii7, Phone HA 6-4378, V 2/8 tfn wed 1949 DODGE 2 door, $35, 0r best offer. HA 6-3782, S 2/15-22 Excellent condition. One owner. Days HA 6-4666, La 2/15 tfn FOR SALE  Will;s'e;p pickup. 4- wheel drive, 4 new 50 x 16 tires, new transmission, Motor needs some work. Sale price. $300. TW 8-2457, A 2/15-22 1961 M6N'X Sp''tsoul)', 4-speed, large engine, including all options, 15,000 miles. Phone HI 6-8469. W 2/1 tfn Sporting Goods BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- meat at Walt's Marine Supply, on beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tfn gallon heavy-duty pressure cooker. TS'=="8-'tl'10--[ prams, $40 and HA 6-t97 evenings. Mc 2/1 tfn $60; 12 fL fisherman. $80; runabouts 'GR--S'AZE'=:-ib-K-r- 2 and 14 ft.., hnmediate delivery. =AJ] size on order. M. J. Hooker, conditioned ranges, refrigerators, o E, Dearborn. HA 6-8511. Bar- washers, dryers, Eella & Valley AP- ..... P lian_e..Center: .......................... 6/ft..if_p,. Din, HA 6-6837. B 12/14 tfn JACOBSEN -S'A'L-S' and SIIsl- ton Marine - ttillc|'cst Hardware. HA 6-8163. 2/8 tfn tile Eells& Valley Appliance Center , Prezcriptiou. 2/8-!5.," Yore" Craft, Hobby and Health cor- ners. Bar-Din. 520 Franklin. Open OLD GROWTH wood for sale. Any length. Phone Oliver Petty, HA 6r 2352. 4/20 tfn $iv per cord. Ytonc, HA 6-23. H 11/23 tfn McCULLOCI4 SALES and service. Shelton Mdrlne - Hillcrest Hard- ware. HA 6-8163. 2/8 tfn Music Box. 205 Cots Street. Phone HA 5-4302. 2/I tfn stamps for sale at the Journal, $I,25 each. 227 Wet! Cots,. 12/1 tfn Ogden, HA 6-6156, 2/12 tfn Kamllche Valley. HA 6-3740. Mc 12/7 tfn Up |lle chimney. Install glass doors. Save fual. SI(P safely. A must for heatilators "'Do it the "Wright Way", Carlon's Tile & Fireplace Shop, Mr. View. 2/8-15 2t ly and economically by the Eelis & Valley Applian( Cnter prcscrip- lion. 218-6 transpant plastic eoatFng, never needs waxing, polishing or scrub. bins. Ideal for all surfaces, inside or oat. See Orayatone. 5/25 tfn m USED FURNITURE :l - Natural finish dinette table ................ $25.00 1 - Matching buffet ............ $25.00 GUARANTEED APPLIANCES 1 - Seigler oil heater .......... $50.00 1 - Spark oil heater ............ $50.00 ] - Quaker oil heater .......... $50.00 1 - RCA 30 ' delnxe range (very good) ................ $125.00 2 - 21" Zenith TV's .... each $95.00 1 - GE wringer washer ........ $45.00 1 Norse automatic washer $75.09 1 - Kenmore automatic washer ............................ $7500 1 - Ironer ................................ $20.00 2 - Refrigerators ........ each $85.00 I - wood heater (like new) $75.00 NEW FURNITIIRE FREE FORM CHAIRS all colors ............................ $9,00 CHRX)ME CHAIRS .... eacll $12,50 red - grey - yellow - green values to $24.50 1 - 5 piece chrome dinett t ..................... $65,00 2 - 5 piece large dinette sets ........................ each $95,00 OLSEN FURNITURE CO. 328 Cots St, HA 6-4702 For Rent LQonvenien{; to mills and downtown tot'es. City  Cower and water. At lighwaytrldge. S 4/4 tfn Hood Canal beach home--Fireplace, oil furnace, automatic laundry. Call evenings, FL 2-3713; weekends, Hoodsport TR 7-5457. C 9114 tfn nmnt, furnished, Suitable for two. _.Ins!!.r..7 2_ Pi,C. St. ....... P.3/__ g n COZY t.)NIJ I:tIJDROOM house, newly redecorated. Stove and refrigerator furnished, HA 6-4806. H 2/15-22 duplex, Also for sale or rent. 35 It, traile.r house. Phone HA 6-3169, B 2/15 3/1 three bedroom, P/lone HA 6-4538, V 2/15 tfn IF0-R--RtIT-- One-bedroom unfur: nished, heated apartment, adults on- ly, 311 N. 1st. Phone HA 6-3025. P 4/20 tfn ileges for rent. Also four room apartment. 720 N. Fourth, HA 6-8487. R 6/8 tfn • furnished, Potlatch,TR 7-5359 Hoods- port or FL 2-3746 Olympia. M 7/13 tfn tshe$1 apartment. Hot water heat, cry utilities, rae ann refrigera- tor furnished. Ho.y Hill A1}ts. UGh- tact Apt, No. 2 or HA 6-2498. B 5,,'28 tfn BOOTH CONSTRUC00ON CO. HOUSES MOt, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA 8-6441 8/27 tan " i u I it h ] " ] B.&H. Gravel & Paving Co. Grading, Asphalt Paving, Driveways Our 8Plalty 14 yearn in business L 6-4888 8/24 tin ,t ,v in ..... I WANTED Ueed Furniture Will Buy or Cormign KELLY'S FURNITURE HA 8-S4;  I - II HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 200 ,E. PINE H 218 - 3/2 DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS F'URS--Remodeled. Expertly done. Temns Reasonable. Formerly, London, Paris, Los Angeles. MRS. THECLA HUNTING Phone HA 6-3487 2/8 tfn k, J ],, l 8177. . 7/16 tfn F-OR RENT -- Unfurnle"ed= room triplex unit, heat, garage, wa- ter, garbage, furnished. Phone HA 6-3575. J 1/11 tfn F-'OR'-Tt:ENT -- Three bedroom, un- furnished home, G.E. kitchen, Holi- day Beach $75 per month. Phone Hoodsport 'TR 7-5575. S 10/19 tfn -6R'--lff'r -- One "'r-;'o-f-nh-ed house also two bedroom, unfurnlshed duplex, electric heat, garage. Phone HA 6-8150. N 12/14 tfn F--dR-'RN---- New f-u-s d--b-ah-el- apartment. Five minutes walk to town. Phone HA 6-6445 after 5 p.m. Mc 10/26 tfn FOE-NY  One-bedroom fux/hislie]1 " house, water and garbage Iurnlshed. Phone HA 6-8150. N 5/25 tfn --r--- _ Two bedroom u-n-fu-- nlshed duplex, Nearly new, carport. Call after 5:00 HA 6-6201, S 8/3 tfn grounds, utilities furnished, $20 per week and up. Mill Creek Motel. Ph. HA 6-4420, 7/13 tfn units ideal for single men or wo- men. Als0 attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All untilittes furnished, except lights. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177, 12/4 'fin "---M-SON APARTMENTS NEW TWO-ROOM furnished apart- nlents. Linen. dishos and all utilit. It] , , i .... J]_ Boat Building Repairs Fiberglassing Seaswift Marine 2316 Olympic Hwy. No. HA 6-4652 e TIlE WANTAI00I" Classified Se'vice Wanted TILES FALLING off bathroom walls? GRADUATE CHEMIST or ct)emical FREE APARTMENT and some com- pensation in return for caretaking Wood rotting in hehind? Leaking engineer. Interest and experience in work, Man or couple. Write Box J, around tub? Th'cd of trying to. analytical field required. Forward Journal. 2/15-22 (:lean it? Let us remodel your bath. qualifications resume. Laucks Tesi- We're equipped to do tile job prop- ins Laboratories Ill(',., 1008 Western erly, Do it tile "Wright" way, Carl- Ave., Seattle ,i, Wasl. 2/15-22 son Tile & Fireplace WXNTE]5 :7---V[(iliiFiihcI:j-(Gr" b@]h: Sh°P'2/8-15 2t ntng youngster, ttoo(ispm'l or Shel- ',X-X---I-'i'i--MY-OiRA-CIC--ri'het :: ton area. Pil, TR 7-5393. V 2/15 3/1 3t apy. Relief for those who suffer 'AliT'TU"CONT-CT'-:¢TsiionsilJlc t.-2 front muscular, circulatory and net'- ties equipped to pick and ship flo- vous disorders, For appointnient call 'ral greens for a small jobber. Send HA 6-4394, K 6/8 tfn MA 6-4278, Dorothy Barnett, mere- telephone No, and name of four ref-, ber Myopractic Association of Am- erences to Box 10, c/o Journal. erica. B 2/8 3/8 2/1-14 FURNACE CLEANING, l'epairing, in X?-S'---N---XI,-Ei)--L-6,-ih : stallations, oil conversions. Shelton care for your children in my home. Furnace Co., 321 So. Third. Dial HA Phone HA 6-6391. A 1/11 tfn 6-6121. 5/1 tfn ,rlES--5E)-7--{-:il-ed.7b-. FOR TIRED OLD KITCHENS see Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. HA the Ells & Valley Appliance Center 6-4823. 2/13 tfn Prescription. 2/8-15 WILL DO IRONING in my home, FIREPLACE CIRCULATORS are cost- $1,00 per hour. Pllone HA 6-3262. ly to replace. Let us help you save . P 4/14 tfn yours. Do it the "Wright Way". W-ANTED- 10 or more acres betw-e-e Carlson's Tile 4: Fireplace Shop. Mt. View. 2/8-15 2t Shelton and Olympia, Prefer Ma- son County. Sonic timber for wood. R----0-'OFING, blown rock wool :'i-u[a-:- Phone HA 6-815,t after 5 p.m, A 12/21 tfn tion, Guaranteed. Phono HA 6-6417. 6/20 tfn yN--B[jscrp--i:]-, t-aterii--1.v-d.= MA-S'S-EUR T'RE'A-'TM--E-ITS at my res- tort, copper, salvage of all kinds. idence near the Lower Skokonllsh Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill Sobool, Call Trojan 7-5438 for ap- Streets. Phone HA 6-8626. S 4/7 tfn pointment Saturday, Sunday, and CI--HAIN- SAW SHARPEIIIG--sPe-e-d,. Wednesday. A. F. Oppelt. 4/16 tfn accurate precisiun grinding. Now at :REFRIGERATORS and freezers, re- Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone conditioned, reasonable. Shelton Re- HA 6-4602, 1/15 tfn frigeration Service, 315 Cola, phone HA 6-8082 day or nJjght. 1/18 tfn H-ANI)r--liA'N'----0-dl'--J()-b-s'!--if-'Y°U think it can't be fixed call Henry A-RT-iF'iCiX-L--fqRE',DING--'S-v-ie'-P' - Landis. HA 6-3098. 2/12 tfn yen, and highly classified sires, WA-lTEI:tire---. O--K! Dairy, beef and charolais, $7.00. Pi- Rubber Welders, Mt. View. 1/10 tfn per Brothers Inc. John Caulfield, HA 6-2084, I C 12/15 tfn . ,, Lost and Found Livestock Pets, REWARD [- $25 f, re'turn or in- formation leading to return of Re-i RABBIT FRYERS fro" sale, also rab- vere stereo magnetic tape recorder] bit fertilizer. Phone orders between in gray-brown painted metallic case, i 1 p,m. and 4 p,m. Phone HA 6-3626. and miscellaneous tapes taken from l Me 8/20 tfn my home between late September ' and early October. Phone HA 6-8197. Miscellaneous Otto Hanson. H 12/7 tfn DANCE CLASSES every Wednesday, Real Estate Memorial Hail. Ballet, tap, modern Jazz, and acrobatic. Margie Speck '" Dance School. Phone HA 6-2193. FOR SALE -- 10 acres logged-off S 11123 tfn land, about 1 cleared. Some ber- ries. two bedroom house, ligtlts and CARD OF TllANKS water, other outbuildings. Would Tle Bill Marcy family wish to thank consider 20 ft. trailer house as part the Arcadia Loop firemen for Lhe ex- payment, Route 3, Box 394 Arcadia ecllent Job thcy did, We also wish to road, S 2/1 tfn thank the me.mbcrs of 'he Little Skoo .............................................. kum Bay Community Club and all the TWO BEDROOM furnished house for friends and neighbors that helped us sale. Utility room w, iffi washer and rehuild, dryer, garage. Neat" shopping dist- M 2/15 rict, $4000, Phone HA 6-3510 eve- ) ) € CARD OF AI I RECIATION nings after 6:30 p.m. C 1/11 tfn The kindness and sympathy of PeR SALE  Duplex 84x28 with 101 neighbors and friends in our recent lots. Inquire 1726 Stewart street or[ sorrow will always rentain with us as phone HA 6-8150,  N 7/23 tfn a precious memory. Our sincere thanks A-lP-iO':l:YIATI:LY--37-'hCIES--wiiI ] and gratitude, for all those eomforting creek on prot)erty, £, mile from i acts. school, house and some [ The Ray Spilseth family outbuildings. Phone HA 6-6061. [ ........................................... L._.I k 3/1 I Wanted THREE HIGHWAY LOTS on Moun-[ lain View for sale, or will tra(lc for boat or dural) truck. Jolm Knceland, WANTED -- Bids for clearing right- phone HA 6-4889. 2/8 tfn of-way and constructing two miles .......................................................... of secondary roads iu Wason County. FOR SALE or lease -- title to illness -- ' Classified Service Phone HA 6-2303. C 2/8-15 small restaurant on llighway, doing ..................................................... a very good business. Ideal for I , WORK WANTED by hour or day. couple. Phone HA 6-3547 after 9:00 FIREPLACE RUN DOWN? Wan to] Phon( Ik 6-4378, 638 Arcadia. modcrniz(,? Face it with eez'an)ic tile. [ V 2/8 tfn p,m. W 11/16 tfn Always clean, just wipe off, Sos our [ w-A-NTE-D---- Used upright a-ld-slil''e[ HOUSES -- Three-room, $3200. Fl-'= room, $4200, 10% down, $50 per ms. before and after photos. Costs lcss] pianos, any eondition. Will pay cash. Near Dayton. HA 6-6837. B 5/25 tf, a than you think, Work guaranteed, i Write Lacey Music Ccnter. P.O, Do it, the "Wright" way. Carlsons] Box 246, Laccy, Wash, 2/8-15 iNCOME PROPERTY by owner. Will Tih, & FircIHace Shop. Mt, View. ] ¢NT-Ei:)--'LL---S-z{ij[-ctTh-ge}Jt:Wi(l' take 20' to 30' trailer house as part 2/8-15 2t SImlton and Olympia in Mason payment. Located on Mt. Vtew, Ph, EXP'.I:tT--'XO-T-O-'--G-LA-SS-i-Sdih-Ei County with or without but/dings .... _HA, 6z4233"_ .................... _P_5_/_5 tfn Jim Pauley Inc, 501 Railroad Ave. [ Ph,me HA 6-6822 after 6 p.m, MUST SACRIFICE two-bedroom Hill- Phone HA 6-281, 4/28 tfn I A 2/15 3/1 crest honle, furnished or unfurn- ished, large garage, corner lot, close lea furnished. Automatic laundry. $45 and $50 per month, Also weekly rates. Phone HA 6-8021, 111 East Ralh'oad. 1/5 tfn p-OR--i E-N r-- =_---0 n--K-b-d r o-----di7 - apartment partly furnished. Inqulre _.1, .6!.9..,._Ad ( nt s_S. t, _ ..................... $9/15 tfn FURNISHED APARTMENT -availaiSle at Goldsborough Apts, S 4/4 tfn for rent. HA 6-4644. S 1/18 tfn GARAGE FOR RENT a-hY'g-Yo dG'gh apartments, south second. $6 month. S 5/11 tfn USED FURNITURE & APPLIANCES LUMBERMEN'S MERCANTILE Home Furnishings -- 2nd Floor Eells & Valley Applianoe Oenter Your Washer.Dryer Headquariers M T " A 1 TN iaim| G Always ihe 5esi deal, by 6eorget at Eells & Valley 2nd & Cota St. HA 6-4663 3/2 tfn FOR DEPENDABLE APPLIANCE SERVICE ALL MAKES & MODELS OALL YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER Lumbermen's Meroantile Oo. 3rd and Railroad HA 6-8211 Earnings! Prizes! Fun! Educalion[ to school and stores. Must move. Will sell at real bargain. Phone HA 6-8549 afternoons or evenings. M 12/14 tfn FOR SALE -- House on 3 acres near Skokomtsh school. Contact A. F, Op- pelt on Wednesday or weekends. TR 7-5438. 10/5. tfn LARGE TWO bedroom home. -Dinin-g room, basement, fenced back yard. Plaster finish throughout. Excellent condition. Pllone HA 6-4673. S 11/9 tfn t CHOICE RENTALS 2 bedroom home on Mt. View with garage---S60.00 per month. ,2 bedroom home on Hillcrest carport--S55.00. 3 bedroom home close to down town--Partial basement---2 baths. $75.00 per imonth, Waterfront Realty 317 Railroad Avenue HA 6-8535 SEPTIC TANK • INSTALLATIONS PRE-CAST SEPTIC TANKS io0-gaL, 250-gal. 500-gal., 759-ga1.' Drain___Flelds, Ditch Digging sHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone HA. 6-366{) 8-18tfn SEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Digging, Sewer Marr Const. Co. phone HA 6-3053 at, 3, Box 623 If no answer, Ph, HA. 6-6183 _o. DICK'S TRANSFER and Delivery Phone HA 6-6364 Moving Anywhere In Masoh County Well Driiiing HA 6,4245 or HA 6-2455 Lelal Publications  NOTICE OF SALE NO. 5158 OF VALUAII.I'' MATERIAL NOTICE IN CONDEMNATION ()N STATE LAND (And For Trial Setting) STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPART- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE MENT OF NATURAL ]V{.ESOURCES, Bert L. Cole, Commissioner of Pub- lic Lands. Notice is hereby given that on Tues- day. the 27th day of February. 1962, con]lnenctng at ten o'clock in tile fore- noon of said day, at the Port Orchard, District Headquarters, located at Port Orchard County of Kitsap, State of Washington, by the District Admin- istrator of said District, the timber on tle following described state land will be sold, at public auction to the higiust bidder, to-wit: Application No. 27615 Cady Lake h)cated approximately 25 miles west of Belfair. The sale is com- posed of all timber within property lines on SE ef Section 34. Township 23 North, Range 3 West, W.M., con- taining 160 acres, mere or less, com- prising al)proxinmtely 504,000 bd. ft. of Douglas fir (2nd growth), 60,000 bd. ft. of Douglas fit" (old growth), 408 cords of lodgepole and white pine, and 103 cords of hemlock. Minimun acceptable bid: $19.50 per M for Douglas fit' 2nd growtb, $29.50 )2er M for Douglas fir old growth; .00 per cord for lodgepole pine, white pine, and hemlock. Timber will be sold on a cash or tnstalhnent plan basis. Timber must be renmved prior to December 31, 1963. On or before February 27, 1962, at 10:00 a,m., each bidder must make a minimum deposit of $1,262.00 plus a $5,00 bill of sale fee, or a total of $L267.00 in the form of cash, money order or certified check. Said deposit shall constitute an opening bid at the at)praised price. Upon award of this sale, the respective deposits shall be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. The pro'chaser must pay the balance between the bid deposit and the full bid price on the day of sale, or may, if the purchaser so elects at the time of sale, pay an additional amount, to bring the total amount of the deposit, exclusive 'of fees, to equal 25% of the full bid price based on the cruise esti- mate, This balance may be paid by personal check. Purchaser must also fm'nish, within 30 days of date of sale, a surety bond of $2,000,00 to guarantee compliance with all terms of the bill of sale, All checks, money orders, etc, are tO be made payable to the Commissioner of Public Lands. Accessibility: Via public road. Complete contract and specifications may be examined at Port Oz'chard Distriet tteadquarters, County Audi- tor's office, and office of Commissioner of Public Lands. Olympia, To be sold at Pm't Orchard District lIeadquarlers, on Tuesday, February 27, 1962 at ]0 ()'(:lock a.m. Any sale which has been offered, attd for which no bids are received shall not be reoffered until it has been re- advertised. If all sales cannot be of- fered within the specified time on the advertised date, the sale shall con- tinue oh the following day between tbe hours of ten o'clock a,m. and four o'clock p.m, Said timber on said land will be sold for not less than the appraised vahte, as appraised by the Conunis- stoner of Public Lands in the manner pr)vided by law, a notice of which is now on file in the offic, e of the Audi- tor of Mason county, and District Ad- n,inistrator (ff said district. Terms (ff sale are: Cash or install- ment plan basis. BERT L. COLE ': Commissioner of Public Lands 2/1-8-15-22 4t NO. 3288 NOTICE t)F llEARING FINAl. REI'ORT AND PETITION Felt DISTRIDUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOIl' MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of LES- TER G, CHASE, Deceased. ELLA B. CHASE, Executrix of said Estate, has filed with said Court liar final report and petition for distribu- tion, asking the Court to settle said report, distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to dis- eharge said Executrix. Said report and petition will be heard on the 23rd day of February, 1962, at 10 !e courtroom of said Court in tne nty Courthouse at Shelton, Wasa- ington. DATED THIS 22nd day of January, 1962, HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of the Superior Court by: Teckla Vermillion, Deputy Clerk. ROBERT L. SNYDER STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Petitioner, VS. TIME OIL CO,, a Washington corpor- ation; MAUDE WALLERICH; and MASON COUNTY, Respondents. TO THE ABOVE-NAMED I RESPONDENTS : In the name of the State of Wash- ington, notice is hereby given that the above-named petitioner, the State of Wasltington, will on tim 23rd day of February, 1962, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a.nt., or as r soon thereafter as said petitioner can be heard, in the courtroom at the courthouse, of Mason County, Wasbington, in the City of Shelton in said county and state, pre- sent to the above-entitled superior court and judge thereof the petition in the above-entitled proceeding which has been filed in the office of the clerk of said court, and will at that time seek an Order of Public Use and date for the trial of this cause on the issue of just compensation, The object of said petition is to se- cure an adjudication of public use of, and to condemn and appropriate the lands, real estate, premises and other property, together with the access rights, including air, view and light of the abutting property to the right of way being herein acquired, said property and property rights being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this ref- erence made a part of this Notice in Condenmation, which property is sit- uated in the County of Mason, State of Washington, of which the above- named respondents are all of the own- era, encumbrancers and persons oth- : erwlse interested therein, so far as' can be ascertained front the public i records; and to vest title thereto in fee simple in the State of Washington, for the construction, operation and main- tenance thereon of a state highway as a part of Primary State Highway No. : 9, a limited access facility, which is a highway established by the legislature heretofore, EXHIBIT "A" SINGLE PARCEL NO. 8-300 Interested Parties: TIME OIL CO., a Washington Corporation; M A U D E WALLERICH. Description : All that part of the following des- cribed Tract "X" lying Southeasterly of a line described as follows: Begin on the "O" Line Survey of Primary State Highway No. 9, Thurs- ton County Line to Shelton at High- way Engineer's Station "O" 2 + 45,97 I P T, tbence North 76°43 ' West 40 feet; thence Southwesterly,. parallel with I said "O" Line. 120 feet. more or less, ] to an intersection with the South ] boundary of said Tract "X" at a point [ 40 feet distant Northwesterly when [ measured at right angles from said "O" Line and the end of this llne description. Together with the teml)orary right, permit, license and easelncnt to enter upon and use the following described lands from date hereof until comple-: tion of this construction contract for the purpose of constructing a Channel Change of Little Skookum Creek. Begin at the Southwest corner of said Tract "X", thence Easterly, along the South boundary of said Tract "X" 20 feet; thence Northerly, parallel with the West boundary of said Tract "X", 30.5 feet, more m' less, to an inter- section with a line drawn parallel with and 30 feet distant Northerly when measured at right angles from the South boundary of said Tract "X"; thence Westerly, along said parallel line, 20 feet to an intersection with the West boundary of said Tract "X"; thence Southerly, ah)ng said West bouudary, 30.5 feet, more or less, to !the point of beginning. TRACT "X" That part of the southeast quar- ter of the southeast quarter of Sec- tion 18, Township 19 North, Range 3 West, W.M., described as fol- lows : Beginning at a pdint ron the northerly line of Secondary State Highway No. 9-D N 70 ° E 225 feet ' zrom its interseetien with the west line of sai(i southeast quarter of southeast quarter; thence N 6" W 150 feet, and N 75 ° E 70.5 feet, more or less, to the Westerly line of Prinmry State Htglway No. 9; th!mcc southerly along said wcst- eriy line 98 feet more or less to ts intersection with said northcr- Y line of Secondary Stoic High- way No 9-D' thence southwestcr- Attorney at Law ly along ai'd northerly line 90 125 N. 5th ' Shelton, Washington -t feet., more, , or less to the point of  1/25 2/1'___-8-15 a beginning Washin ton ' In Mason County, g The lands being herein condemned for temporary easement contain ad Ml Estate area of 600 souare feet more or less. The lands 0eing her(qn condemned FOUR'BEDROOM HOME oil highway in fee COmain all area of 2,650 square feet, more or less, the specific details i.n Hoodsport, Corner lot, Plastdred concerning all of which may be found uownstairs, fb'eplace oil and eleof ie.!mat. Salt water view. Nice place witnm that certain map of definite location now of rccord and on file in (), Close to church, stores, post- the Office of the Direetor of Highways oI.flc.e. $9500, $2,500 down. Lester at Olympia,. Washington bearing date lcamsen. Hoodsport TR 7-523. of approval April 29 ' 1958, revised "#0-R-- ...... " 2/8:22 October 17, 1961. and 'the center line SALE-----H-alf----]ck--l-{ of wnich is also of record in Book and uclid 15 , $ 00. Call HA 6-3119, NO. 1 f H!ghway Plats, page 6, un- F 218-15 tier au tos File No. 173200, records of Mason (Jounty, State of Washing- Two older dwellings on East Pine ror a s $5,000 to Sl' .... : remainder cf said Tract "X .; ,EXCEPT that there shall be rcasonaDle access to said "O" Line 3-Bedroom home at Union being remodeled {not waterfront), $6,OOO $ $ • BILL PEARSON 125 N. 5th HA -F061 H Hm FOR SAIdE 2 bedroom house -- Large family room  Lots of built- ins -- Wall-to-wall carpeting --- Electric Heat .... Large Patio  2 car garage  90  x 140, lot  Mr. View. Phone HA 6-8428 • . 2/1 tfn HOLI,DAY BEACH 3-bedroom home, G.E. kitchen, eleqtric heat and firehood. $14,000. Terms. RENTALS 2-and-3 bedroom homes in Hoods- port area, $35 per month and up. Survey, PSH No. 9, Thurston County Line to Sheltun, (1-22-62) THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Petitioner JOHN J, O*CONNELL Attorney General CLARENCE H. FIDLER Assistant Attorney General Attorneys far Petlthmar. Office and Post. Office Address: Temple of Justice Olympia, Washington 2/15-22 2t NOTICE TO IINING CLAIMANTS (wasntngton 04327) __bPu lish( d. pursuant,. t° .section. 5 of the Act of July 23, 195o (69 Stat. 367), To vchonlever it may concern: Notice is hereby given in pursuance of a pr.ltcr Rcquest for Publieation heretofore' filed lU aecor(tauce with section 5 of the Act of July 23, 1955 a ,t-t. 367), and the regulations h.l,eu'(]cr (43 CFR 185,123 - 185,127). I. Tbat on Noveplber 16, 1961, the Chief, Forest Service, l)eparLnlent of Agriculture whose addr(;'ss is Wash- ington '25, D.C,, filed m the Land Office of the Bureau of Laird. Manage. ulcnt Det)artloent o[ IUC lnLc!'t0r , at Spokane, Washing(on, a request for p.lblication of notice to all milteral lo- cators or auy persons clailuing under, thcnl invoh'ing a mining claint or claims located on lands, it! .the. County of Mason, State of WaSlllngl.on, de- scribed as follows, to-wit: Olympic National Forest, • |asott Count.v, Washington The Mason Arcs. 6-S.R-9-II. inchldes all lands uwned by the United States which are within the f[dlowing de- scriptions. The unsurvcy ed sections listed arc those whicb would probably embrace the lands when the public land surveys are extended to such WHAT DO YOU WAN" '  :i= MOST IN A HOME? '' | To a large famil the V , - Y, / factor in selecting a h I " % ' number of bedrooms, q 4" ,| pie, it ma be a seclud -- / 'i don't eant i .- ? [ &nd one thing EVER ],Otch value for ever Lezal Publica,' e:have a fine selectiot ,,"' sow you. Be assured nsurve.: ........ time on the wroni to4 incL, 6, 7, 11 to 14_ln"| matte ."S(.  ancf 3!,J. ' r of long standin I incl., 22, 23. 29. 30, an q 0, , ". , R 3"Wt" Sdc. 7; paz.ti_allY .' sec. 5' a, nd unsure:eyed s.eC, .... We Won't be -. W: Secs: 5 t0 "8, .J '- . happy TIL sacs. 1 to'4 incl.-, 9, 10, .J, ""WAflDlIrTmr1.v o 15 iz/ci,, 2)| , 7 RR AVE 34, 3o, and s. ' - . " ' 2. That if any person cla h":" serting under, or by vir unpatented mining claim l to July 23, 1955 any rig interest in the egetattve .. sources and other surfae !"ERB:'''"  Re under such mining cla9 to or in conflict with th! or restrictions specified of said act, as to the ab0 lands or any part there0.J.'! ..... to file in the Land Office ilL' V eau of ',;: :., " tWihon hi?°gt°nof this ": ':'::':! notrized,,_Fj H{':k  " ment, properly set (1)f°rthThe asdatet° of such ciail ,i r&' .: rk:;. - (2) The book and tton of the notice or certlflT EtL cation; " ' IMMEDIATELY (3) The section or secl ', ,raent, furnace, gara public lanl surveys whl ":i-:/a,Ple room for child such mining claim, or if #,' .... '" are unsurveyed either the" sections which would P .::4"rUa0M HOUSE wit brace such mining claim ":'"fgerator Large lol public land surveys are . such lands or a tie by i ';':i'Price $3,350.00. distances to an approvedU: . mineral monument;  L0"T-:W'iTH A 3 BEDRO, (4) Whether such claim #  mOVe in this place w cator or purchaser under,' tton; and :i 6}000.00. (5) The name and claimant and names ,,: aloTo known to the far as 4-ROOM H other person i or buy at $10J interest or interePs rs unpatented mining clairn;.RO,.... " bath, mor:ctha.tvllltsU!ece l,:.  %eMwth tidela, by .g s? - 250.00 Terms right, title, or interet . , . " • mining claim contrary I o .Q,,FT"_- !il°ctnuliypteh'3f hi5 in'tt::  " 'I !dWeS . :ToSr'ElrlR°a°  OhuTrSd: unpatented' claims locate: . " "g g date, and (it) to constituw [2= .,. b such mining clainlant.. 1-. € .... y . .. ,.= :,.v wATERFRON'[ unpatented mining ctaun ".;I| " ';', lI0, ject to said llmitation.S a ...... , bath, fireplace tions, and (iii) to preclU "'' nace, Price $10,000.{] prior to issuance of pate .... ' tion by such mining cls right or title to or Intere such mining claim :)recluSe .'# ' patent,' .- ,g clatl [:.T. ON ISLAND LAKE ntereS '_2 .......... tas I con' furnace. This hl In conflict with said limita.1 ::"' CeUent buy at $12,50{ strictions, • Section 4 pro vld*" ' .... ' Jy, that unpatented mining. g'f':/A... " " 55 J" 'u- UNIMPROVED cated after July 23, 19 "7 ' , .. used for puz'pose's other-'.' w, eU wooded with nat p, ecting, mining or proce.,1bj " si"c tlons, or Uses reasonava  " thereto; that' such claimS..[ ';'- Ject to the right of the $7 'VE A GOOD CHOICE to manage and dispose.OJi  ,ilS a real opportunity ative surface resources tn.., "'' i '" .' manage other surface of; and that except 1 quired for mining op( reasonably inqident t] vide clearance for such uses, claimants of suck not use or dispose of' other surface resources that, except for purposes, any permited removal of timber must ante wlth sound tnanagement. Said vides that any use of any such mining claim States, its permittees or be such as not to with the or cident uses by the The date of first Notice shall be Dated Jan. 3, 1962. W. F. MEEK Manager, Land Land Mann tho Interior 1/25 NO. 3282 NOTICE OF I?.EPORT AND PET: 1N THE SUPERIOR CC STATE OF WASHI MASON COUNTY IN In the Matter of LUCY FOWBLE, Dece NOTICE IS GERALD O. FOWBLE, filed in the Court a distribution, asking tie said report, to the porsons thereto discharge the and that said ,Herb R0ttet ....... REAL '!st Street WITH DAYLIG} for a growing t View of the has its own f one down plus 1 aped and a play .00. E FOR HANDYI BR's, master E Recently red Utility, woodshe payment. $65C WITH BEAU sq, ft.) is lo( a wonderful fireplace, m separate gle ide FINEST New Weeks. This ] buttt-in kitch be heard on the 1962, at 10:00 o'clock in baths, family uf said day, or as s :)] The living rod the matter can be he r Must be seen roonl of .the above-ent the Courthouse in S County, Washington,  FAMILY and place an)" person  six rooms said Estate may appca Jections thereto and col -Dated this 2nd day n extra large 1962. HARRY DEYET'I ist of 3 BR s, Clerk of said Co l  room, an By: Teckla Verm ', plus bath an GLENN E. CORREA e c'-:p'e:eumit Attorney at Law ho Bell Idg. . e. Will F,H./ Shelton, Wash, € HOME c: ------'----" ible 4. Bath NO. 31e )riced with ex NOTICE OF : FINAL REPORT A] ,,,2 1,S. FOR D/STR] IN THE SUPERIOR ' " STATE OF ',AS ISSONIt THE COUNTY OF IN the Matter VIN A. SUTTON, De. ,.i i ,!-. Notice is hereby .qLL ESTATI Rustom, Administrator ', of Mclvin A, Sutton, , .... , filed in the office of t J .... ,r HA Court his Final Report 'E VJ  ven for Distribution, askin' tn, L-- _ W n. 6 to settt said: report, '-.. ' ,, "3132 tition'wiil be beacd sO }i ' .-'..'.._ of March. 1962 at 10:00, ' " Court room of the Probat:2,m_.,. ' . of said Cuurt. at which t/.'-.. any persons interested ,!tld,, may appear and file obJ ¢) J  nd contest the same., l I 11I -- a Dated this 9th day of '' I-JL-'J (SEAL) HARRY DEYETT . Clerk of said cour By T chla Vermilli0" Deputy Admi]tist#  R. M. Rustonl, 7441 Tacoma Ave.  , Tacoma, Wash. / NO. 3337 t NO'I'ICE TO CR;} IN THE SUPERIOR C0_q STATE OF WASI'I!/, MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the SETH J. WILEY Wilda' Louise and qualified estate, All persons against said de.ce, ascd serve the same in dul ifled, on said attorney, Robert L. address beluw stated, same with the Clerk together with proof within six months al first publication of same will he barred ' .CL08E IN, YoU must see roo s"  this a WOod unUrban home, roo:la cres. YO u Will l: ..5, rge garage, dri ;'ra:alofW::d furnace, as ..... ,500,00. See t "'EE THts NOW: )Wner of this bler wants to now. The r makes this a trears old and ndition. Easy ] NEED CASH ? Join tll nicest group of ladies in town. We sell Avon Cos- .......... ,.. .... 2. ..... ' _ ...  I[Sell famous Knapp Aerotred Shoes. metics ahd have one opening available for lady Wild can DATE of first VY. OIt ta6ntoneo quality [JtItll or part time. High commisr qualify. Prefer someone living in Kamilche. or Cole Road Hood Canal RealEstate Paperhanging and Painting ][sions plus bonus. Complete line =ant ,:Rn,¢ ". i[for men and wonlen. Iquipment ,, ..... , _ . ,, I,furnmhed free. Write to W. J. A whale or a Fapernanger • i i Theis00on, Knapp Shoc 00fg. WH 3-1732 Olympia [[ Corp., 6401 E, Flotilla Street, Los 1/18 tfn i iAngeles 22, California. 2/8-15 15 1962. ¢1 VIN. HIMLIE lands. WILDA LOUIS , i Willamette Meridian area but not a necessity.  Insurance Co. T 22 N, It 6 W: Unsurveyed sec. 27. Administratrtx i] . T 23 N, It 4 : Sec, 9; partially un- 1025 Franklin .^/[ rl& 6"6501 surveyed sect, 3, 4, 7, and 8; and nn- Shelt0n, Washifl' Write Avon, 605 Ellinor or phone HA 6-6426 TR ,7-5211, or evenings call surveyed sees. 5 and 6.. T 23 N, R 5 %V: ROBERT L. SNYDE ;i Sacs, 14, 15, and 24; partially unsur- veycd sect, 9 to 12 incl,, 23, and 25; . • i l ,l'l.-- Idl ...... [ TR 7-5575, TR 7 5277 Attorney at Law .,,' for intervmw iH$ oUU00NAL " 25t N. 5th ,), " 2/  "" ., and unsurve, yed secs, 1, 2, 3, 5 to 8 Shelton, wasnigton, /I,, .............. [ .... -o j[ . _ i -- incl. 16 to 2'2 incl ann 26 to 35 incl.  !, .