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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 15, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 15, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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WHAT DO YOU WANT  MOST ,N A HOME? 9IIELTON--MA0N COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in."Chrlstmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, washington I I I I Ill I Gary Lord Allernale For Naval Academy Foreign Speakers At Mt. View Church Missionary Talk Scheduled Today a Blue And Gold Dinner Planned In Hoodsport 0 T 23 N, R 6 W: to 4 incl., 6, 7, 11 to 14 incl., 22, 23, 29, 30, R 3 W: Sec. 7; sec. 5; and unsurvey R 4 W: sees. 5 to to 35 incl.; and sees. 1 to 4 incl. T 24 1, ill 5 W: 1, 2, 3, 10 to 15 incl,, 34) 35, and 36. 2. That if serting un unpatented minin to July 23, interest in the sources and under such minin to or in conflict or restrictions of said act, as lands or any part to file in the Land eau of Land Mann Washington. and the below-stated date of tion of this Notice ment, properly set forth a.u to such (1) The date of (2) The book and tlon of the notice or cation; (3) The section or public lanal surve such mining are unsurveyed either sections which would brace such mining public land surveys are such lands or a tie bY distances to an (4) Whether such ' or purchaser nd le name and claimant and names far as known to the cla other person or or interests mining claim shall be conclusively to constitute a waiver by such title, or claim contrary filet with the in section 23, 1955 (69 claims and (ii) to such mining relented to said ions, and (iii) to p )tier to issuance of such minin title to or intereS mining claim l in' conflict with said ' strietions. Section 4 ly, that unpatented cated after July 23, used for purposes pecting, mining, or lions, or uses thereto; that such Ject to the right of the to manage and dispose ative surface resources :manage other surface [of; and that except t quired for mining ope reasonably lnqident tl vide cJearance for such ! uses. claimants of suck not use or dispose of other surface resources that. except for Qurl)oses, any permited renmval of timber must ance witJl sound managmnent. Said rides that any use of any such mining claim States, its permittees such as not to with the or cident uses by the The date of first p Notice shall be Jan. Dated Jan. 3, 1962. W. F. MEEK Mane Land gem the Interior, 1125 NO. 3282 NOTICE OF ]lEAR] REPORT AND PET] DISTRIBUTI IN THE SUPERIOR CO STATE OF MASON COUNTY IN In the Matter of LUCY FOWBLE. Deec NOTICE IS GERALD O. FOWBLE. filed In the office of Court a final ieport distribution, asking tie said report. to the persons thereto discharge the and that said bc heard on the 1962. at 10:00 o'clock in of said day, or as the matter can he room of the above-ent the Courlhhouse in S County, Washington, and place any person said Estate may Jections thereto -Dated this 2nd day 1962. HARRY Clerk of said By : Teekla GLENN E. CORREA Attorney at Law Bell Bldg. Shelton, Wash, NO. 31C$ NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT FOR DISTR! H 1N THE SUPERIOR STATE OF WASH THE COUNTY OF IN tile Matter of VIN A, SUTTON Notice is Ilereb Rustom, A dolinistrator of Melvin A. Sutton, filed in tim efftcc of the Court iris Final Rep( for Distribution, to settle said report. l)roperty to the PersO titled and to discharge trator, end that said titlon will bc heard of Marcil, 1962 at Court room of the ProbU of said Court. at whicl any persons interestc, may appear and file and contest the same, Dated this 9th day of (SEAL) HARRY Clerk of said Coi l:ly Tcchla Deputy R. M. Rustom, 7441 Tacoma Ave. Tacollla, WllSil. NO. NOTICE TO CI{ IN THE SUPERIOR STATE OF MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the NETH J. WILEY, Wilda Louise and qualified estate. All persons against said dee.v.ased serve tile same In dUl ifled, on said attorney, lloberi L. address below slated, same with the Clerk together with proof within six months al first publication of same will be barred DATE of first 15, 1962. WILDA LOUISE Administratrix 1025 Franklin ,0, S mlton, Washing  ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125 N. 5th Shelton, Washir*gton. To a large family, the most important factor in selecting a home may be the nmnber of bedrooms. To a retired cou- ple, it may be a secluded neighborhood. G°lfers like to be near a course. Work- mg wives don't want to travel too fat'. And one thing EVERYONE wants is: :tpnotch value for every dollar a fine selection of properties to yotl. Be "tssured we won't waste time on the wrong ones• For, as a ;i. matthr of long-standing policy . . . : ". We Won't be happy TILL YOU ARE! :):WATERFRONT REALTY "317.RR AVE. HA 6-8535 ROTTER and L ::::i:= ASSOCIATES Broker .• Walter George, Assoaiate Broker HA 6-6642 Evenings -- HA 6-3530 JT 8ELL ....... . IMMEDIATELY this 2-bedroom home. Full base- " ment furnace, garage in basement. Double lot gives '::/'aple room for children's play area. Full price $5,500. '0M HOUSE with gas stove, water heater and re- Large lot -- plenty of room for a garden. $3,350.00. A 3 BEDROOM HOME, GARAGE. You can move in this place with a small down payment. Price 256;000.00. 4.ROOM HOUSE -- 2 bedrooms, bath. This 's a good buy at $10,000.00. Terms. HOME, bath, 175 ft. of waterfront on Hammers- ley Inlet with tidelands. 500 ft. of uplands. All for $9,250.00. Terms. OF . WATERFRONT on Pickering Passage with tide- , iahds. 5-room house -- 3 bech'ooms, fireplace, ample Water for large garden. Price' $14,750.00. Terms. OF WATERFRONT on Lake Isabella. 2-hedroom bath, fireplace, electric heat, basement with fur- ' :nace. Price $10,000.00. Terms. ON ISLAND LAKE 600 ft. deep. 3-bedroom home. Gas furnace. This house needs some finish work. Ex- :: cellent buy at $12,500.00. Easy terms. . UNIMPROVED PROPERTY ON ISLAND LAKE. ' Well wooded with native t*ees. This is a beautiful home Site. E A GOOD CHOICE IN RESORTS FOR SALE. real opportunity to cash in on Century 21. This ;Herb Rotter & Associates REAL ESTATE 1st Street Union TW 8-2429 WITH DAYLIGHT BASEMENT This home, spe- for a growing family, has a large recreation room View of the Bay may be seen from the living has its own fireplace. This ten room home has one down plus two baths. The grounds have been :aped and a play area added adjacen t to the double 2E FOR HANDYMAN schools and Near stores, BR's, master BR next to bath, living room has Recently redecorated kitchen and dining room. Utility, woodshed could be made into workshop. payment. $6500.00. E WITH BEAUTIFUL VIEW This immaculate sq. ft.) is located in the Seattle Syndicate Ad- s wonderful view of the mountains and bay. fireplace, small dining room, attractive birch separate utility, tiled bathroom and 2 BR's (single garage) are many of the features ideal for an older couple. $10,100.00. FINEST New 3 BR Rambler Will be ready for oc- Weeks. This home was built for genuine living. built-in kitchen is a dream come true for the baths family room with 2 sets of sliding glass The living room was designed for the discrimin- Must be seen to appreciate. By Appointment. FOR FAMILY WITH GRADE SCHOOL CHIL- six rooms in all, dining area, garage, corner extra large lot near lt. View School, 7 rooms of 3 BR's, large living room, unique angular room, and utility wired and plumbed for bath and one-half, double garage which tn e complete house. Many other extras that make Will F HA $18,500.00. HOME close to school and shopping area. 4. Bath and , large garage and work- priced with extra corner lot. $13,500.00. ...., 2 BR's. LmISSONIERE AGENCY ' ESTATE-- INSURANCE ,i" : HA 6-4666 Evenings Call Carry, HA 6-3132 AI LaBissoniere, HA 6-8649 i ! " ' HaPpy (Bob) Wiles, HA 6,8926 ' Gary Lewis Lord, Rt. 3, Box 255-A, Shelton has been desig- nated by U. S. Senator Warren Magnuson as a second alternate for admission to the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. Gary is a gradtmte of Irene S. Reed high school where he was active in varions sports programs. Real Estate 7 ROOM HOME MT. VIEW 1 LEVEL, LOOKS LIKE NEW • 3 bedrooms, den, spacious 12 p x 20 t living room carpeted, hard- wood floors and/or tile through- out. Cheerful family kitchen, bright utility. 2 car port. Stor- age. Lawns fence protected. Smart drapes and freshly curtained ton, beginning next Sunday, Feb. windows . . . all ready for you to 18 through Sunday, Feb. 25. Sun- move in for $1,000 down. The full day, February 25 services will price is only $10,500. be scheduled as follows: Sunday school 9:45 a.m.; 11:00 a.m., moP- 15 ACRES, 5 CULTIVATED 1958--2 BDRM. AGATE HOME • Cedar board and batten con- structed home PLUS 3 room home- stead (for guests or summer rental). Access to salt water pub- lic beach only 800 p away. Excel- lent garden, abundance of berries, fruits, Apple older press. Com- pletely furnished including T-V and appliances. Well insulated, electric heat and wood trash-burn- er. Extremely low heating costs. Good water pressure. Full price $10,500. Equitable terms arrang- ed. Call John Devereux for par- ticulars. 9V2 LEVEL ACRES 2 BDRM. SMALL RANCH HOME @ 247 t highway frontage, 1 mile Minerva Park, 3 acres in grass, lush gardens. 6V2 acres in large size Alders. Good bottom land. Neat trim home; garage, shop and utility attached. Largely furnish- ed. Drilled well, plenty of irri- gating water. All this for only $8,300. Substantial down pay- ment. 4 BEDROOMS, HOODSPORT OVERLOOKS HOOD CANAL • Attractive oldrer 2 level home, 1 bedroom down, 3 up. Fireplace in spacious liviing room, hall en- try, traditional dining, nice kitch- en, utility, large wall closets. Big garage, storages. Close to beach- es. Priced to sell at $9,500. Terms. BAYVIEW, EAST OF HIGHWAY BEDROOM WELL LOCATED • A nice looking home in well kept area. Ideal for a small young family. Comfortable living room. Priced at $6,000. Terms 10% down. 3 BEDROOMS DOWNTOWN, CLOSE TO SHOPPING • An older home in top condi- tion. Hall entry. Fireplace, hard- wood floors in fine big living room and lovely family dining room. 1 bedroom down, 2 up. Immaculate kitchen. Loads of closets and stor- ages. Electric baseboard heat. EXTRA! A complete miniature railroad that fills one whole top- side room. Full price $11,000. Terms of course. EASY ON THE BANK ROLL 4. BEDROQMS, ONE LEVEL • East Hillcrest. Large living room, carpeted. Bright roomy kitchen, nook with 3 Windows, pLUS an extra play room. Fine for a young family. Carport. You oan afford the price of $6,500. Terms $500 down and $50 month. A REAL CHARMER CLOSE TO BORDEAUX • This spotless 2 bedroom home is well located on 5 io.ts for se- clusion and privacy. Has two-car garage ' and many extras that make this an outstanding buy at only $7,300. Owners will trade for good 3 bedrbbm place With t or more acres. CALL HA 6-6592 ANYTIME MANN REAL ESTATE 321 South First Street F EVENINGS CALL JOHN DEVERE4JX "HOME-FINDER, AT HA 6-8544. PREFERRED PROPERTIES * ic00os00 IN: ,ooJ°U,,,_nlUSt see this attractive 3 bed- 00OOdej?00rban home, located on ro0pa, i::: es. You will like all the extra craic,, ge garage, drilled well, eCon- Prie¢_ w°°d furnace, as well as the low • ? o[ $6,500.00. See this today. " SEE THIs NOW: of this 3 bectroom Mt. er wants to leave town and The reduced price of this a real good buy. old and everything is in Easy FHA terms. ' 3J $500.00 DOWN PAYMENT: You can move right into this roomy '3 bedroom country home located on 3 acres just 5 miles out of town. This home needs some work, but has lots of possibilities. It has a large double car- port and a gods arilled Well. Total price is only $4,450.00. Name Your own mon- thly payments. (, LITTLE HOUSE . Little Price This compact 2. bedroom Hillcrest home will be a goocl stepping stone to our future aream hom ,- Y ............. -. ne price is only o,Olen s w,n easy FHA terms Your paym Will be less than rent. " WATERFRONT REALTY Do yoH have a yet] for seeing exotic, out-of-the-way p 1 a c e s; I learn something abm{t the inhab-t itants; their culture and mode of I life; see samples of their arts I and crafts, and mayhe heal" sonle-I thing on the politicll crises ? ] You can get all this and more by "traveling" the easy way via the ear-and-eye route, without ex- periencing the blistering, sicken- ing, heat; without hazarding health with native foods innocent of any sanitary practices; and without suffering vicious stings of scorpions and hosts of other vermin. This fascinating and inspira- tional travel-education will be pre- sented by a group of eight lec- turers representing West Africa, Java, Congo, Thailand, Ivory Coast, Viet Nam, West Borneo and Peru. They have lived and worked in their respective adopt- ed countries from 5 to 35 years, and most of these people, if not all of them, will show colored slides. This annual treat is offered at the Mt. View Alliance church, Washington and J Streets, Shel- 317 RAILROAD AVE" HA 6-8535 ANYTIME MARDEN STROUD HA 6-4000 VINc E HIMLIE el& 6-6501 ning worship service; 6:00 p.m., Junior and Senittr Young Peo- ple's groups; 7:00 p.m., evening service with the missionaries as guest speakers. The week-day ser- vices, Monday through Friday will be at 7:30 p,m. Thursday evening Miss Mary Forbes will be telling how tim missionary work is moving for- ward in spite of the current crisis and opposition in Viet Nam at the Mr. Alliance church. Miss Forbes will also be speaking at the Ladies Missionary Tea at 1 p.m. on Thursday to which all ladies are invited. The story o1 missionary work among the Dy- acks of West Borneo will be pres- ented by the Rev. Gordon Chap- By Joyce Scott HOODSPORT-• All Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and their families are looking forward to the Blue and Gold Dhmer to be held at the Hoodsport School on Friday at 6:30 p.m. This is a potluck affair and is to be an evening of real fun for all the Scouting families. :Mr. William Gilbert reports that a small dinghy came to rest on their beach recently. Anyone who has missed one might be interested iu contacting Mr. Gilbert for fur- man on :Friday evening. Miss ther details. vIary Baker, missionary secre-I A lovely blue eyed blonde has tary in Lima, Peru, who has I arrived to make" her home on taught the Bible in villages along I Hood Canal ....... at the home of Mr. the Arnazon Rivet" will be speak-land Mrs. Nell Simmons, Jr. of ins on the Peru field at the clos-tPotlatch. The little girl has been ins services of the conference on lnamed Julie Christine. This is the Sunday, Feb. 25. I first grandchild for Mary and Nell MISS REMPEL went to the Simmons. Julie's birthday falls on Congo in 1956 as a mi'ssionary February 9, just four days after a nurse, but she found that con- new little son arrived in Olympia struction work at her bush sta- for Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson. Mrs. lion of Vungu was not yet corn- Simmons and Mrs. Jbltnson are pleted and she was "called upon sisters, Penny and Donna Brown to know something about mason- to their Canal friends. ry, carpentry, cabinet-making and THE MEETING last week of the landscaping. She kept dispensary Tiny Tim Orthopedic Guild could records and account books, and well hav e been labeled "Joan Eel- did the letter writing in three ger" night. After a sale of articles languages. She says "I had to made by some of the members and know a great deal a?0out medical a discussion of a bake sale to be and maternity work since our held on April 20, an interesting doctor could visit only every two letter from Joan was read. She had or three months. And during his included a few snapshots to give year of furlough there was no visual proof to her description of doctor to help us make decisions, the countryside. The evening was Besides the medical work, I had concluded by the hostess, Mrs. Rudy Schwab and co-hostess, Mrs. to kno%v something about teach- Ronald Koenig Se,wing a Valentine ins in the secular school. I also dessert and German rolls made helped with the preparation of a from a recipe Joan shared with missionary magazine, "The Con- friends before leaving here. Exceptional Buys on Homes & Building Siles ROOM GALORE IN THIS HOME Better hurry on this one as it won't last long. Three large bedrooms, basement, recreation room. Two fireplaces, one in love- ly living room, and one in dining room. Wonderful beach, nice dock and diving board. Call for appointment as this is a real buy on Island Lake. $20,900. WATCH THE WIFE OOH AND AAH Built for the family that likes to entertain with the whooping big recreation room. Three bedrooms, well-designed kitchen. You can move right in this home as it has had marvelous care. Locat- ed on Angleside and priced at $17,500. ANGLESIDE READY TO MOVE INTO This three bedroom .home is the one you have been dreaming of and you can have, as owner will hold contract. Has a covered patio, fenced yard, recreation room, electric heat, lots of closets and storage space. $18,000 with 10 percent down. HOMEY LOVE NEST Comfortable two bedroom home with room for two more upstairs. Easy to heat, fenced yard with patio and outdoor fire- place. Also extra lot. A real bargain, priced to sell for $9,250. DOWNTOWN CORNER LOT 60 x 100 ft. lot on the corner of 7th and Cots. This lot is all cleared and ready to start building. Priced at $2,500. BEAUTIFUL VIEW LOTS ON ANGLESIDE IV[any lots to pick from. Ideal for split-level, rambling, base- ment, any type of home you prefer. Easy terms. If you are think- - ins of building, come in and see our wide selection. DUPLEX FOR RENT One bedroom apartment with fireplace, also stove and re- frigerator in it. Also has a large basement. Unfurnished for $50 per month. Located down town. TWO BEDROOM HOME ON SOUTHSIDE First time listed for this very fine two bedroom home located a short distance from grade school. This home has many attrac- tive features such as fireplace, panelled living room, shop space in garage and large 120 x 100 ft. lot. Priced to sell at $9,450. IF YOU HAVE $350, YOU CAN BUY IT Four bedroom house, modern kitchen, with dining area, elec- tric heat, partially furnished. No water, rent or sewer charge. Wonderful buy for reliable party. Priced for $4,350. ANGLE AGENOY REAL ESTATE INSURANCE HERB DICK HA 6-8272 SOME EXCELLENT BUYS THIS 3 BR ANGLESIDE HOME SOLD FOR $11,000 . . • Only recently too! However, purchaser's pob has taken him elsewhere, so for quick sale home now being offered on easy FHA terms at $10 250--$650 down $65/month. Includes:insurance and taxes. Better check this one! VERY LOVELY YEAR AROUND HOOD CANAL HOME . . . One of the very nicest properties on the Canal. Three bed- rooms, 3 baths, guest quarters, ideal water frontage property in t015 lOcation. COmpletely fu'rnished. Think of the enjoyment which can be yours in a home like this! Like to see it? • IN TOWN HIGHWAY FRONTAGE WITH STREAM • • - If you WOuld like some frontage on Olympic 'Highway, be in town, have Your own stream, some fruit trees, be close to the mills, then check this one. With a little renovating the older two bedroom home can be made comfortable, $6000: THIS CUTE 2 BEDROOM HOME HAS 2 EXTRA ROOMS . .. They are upstairs and can be bedrooms, den, hobby room, sewing room, etc. Ideal for those wanting extra space. Nice neighborhood near school. Only $7650 with $475 down $59/mo. FOR AN EXTRA NICE 3 BEDROOM HOME DOWNTOW N . . • With th e features we all like--extra bath, extra garage, fire- place, wall-to-wall carpeting, covered patio, pretty stream in yard, cozy. hettttng, and lots of storage. It's a very well-construct- ed home m nice location. $15,900 takes it' TRADE OR SELL THIS 4 ACRE WATERFRONT HOME • . • 132 feet of nice frontage on Pickering Pass, with fruit trees, lot etc The berries, grapes, nice garden p , • modest home has nice fireplace, sunny kitchen, and is neat as a ,)in For extra room there's two mo " r are  " • ., . . re bedrooms ore g ge and workshop. Will con- sider uae or Seattle home. $15,000. You had better look! HOW ABOUT 3 BEDROOMS 1Vz BATHS FOR $6350 .... And it . . . s downtown too! You can walk to work, stores, scnoom, cnurehes, etc Very comfortable home with easily ar- ranged hvin " re .li g room, sunny dining ore, easy-care kitchen, and many oner advantages and features. Attractive terms. $2950 TAKEs THIS ANGLESIDE ALL-ELECTRIC HOME . • • On large corner lot, and in a dandy location. Plenty of room to build larger home on balance of lot, then you can use present home for rental or guest quarters. Easy terms. YOU CAN RENT THIS WITH THE OPTION TO BUY Has three bedrooms, dining room, large attractive kitchen, but needs SOme handy-man fixing up. Your rent payments will soon have You as the owners. $4500, and it's a large lot too! EVenings Call MARV VOSS -- HA 6-8074 ROY DUNII  HA 6-4601 A. ROY DUNN REALTOR 9hone IA 6.6363 " 126 Railroad Ave. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Lloyd were guests of r. and Mrs. Ben Morris. Mr. Lloyd is the project engineer for the Mutual Construction Co. which has the contract on the new pris- on. The IAoyds, parents of three, are planning on locating in our area as soon as suitable housing  can be found. The annual Fireman's Dinner will again be held in the Women's Club House on Saturday night, Febrnary 17. The meal will be pre- pared and served by the Women's Club. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Butler from Oxford, Ark., are visiting in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Mary Ann Kimmievich. They traveled by train and were met in Olympia hy their daughter and grandson, Billy on Sunday. Mrs. Kinnievich and Dan Anderson, a brother of Mrs. Butler are busy showing them various places of interest. MRS. ROBERT MORTENSEN, go Tidings", including art work, some writing and proof reading. "All this for the privilege of giv- ing the gospel. The Pastor and congregation of the Mt. View Alliance church ex- tend a most cordial invitation to all the people of Shelton and the surrounding area to attend this great Missionary conference. Scoff Driver Now Siudenl In Mexico Scott Driver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Driver of Port Wake- field, Alaska, is now attending school at Mexico City College. Scott is an Irene S. Reed high school graduate and is the grand- son of Mrs. Florenee Lawton of Shelton. Former city commissioner Joe Simpson is his uncle. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Selections from the Bible in the lesson-sermon, the subject "Soul', along with citations from "Sci- ence and health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy will be read at the Christ- !a Science church service Sun- day night. mother of Mrs. Edward Radtke and Mrs. William Dean, passed away in a. Seattle hopital on Mon- ',day evening. Mrs. Maurice Kaare, Mrs. Robert Bearden, Jerry Kaare, Mr. and Mrs. Dean and the Rad- tkes attended funeral services in Seattle on Timrsday. Although Mrs Mortensen had lived mosl ot' her life in Seattle, friends of the family felt an interest in her and a. sense of loss at her passing. Blanche Calallan, Eleanor Ad- dhmtan and Betty Schwab attend- ed a seafood dinner at the Hal Mc- Clary home in Shelton on Sun- day afternoon for the Community Coneert workers. Seventeen re- PROMOTED Gerald G. Th6ipson has re- ceived a promotion to Seaman. Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Wilson, is presently stationed at Yokasuka, Japan. Legal pub!ietions Franchise Application No, 3137 NOTICE OF IfEARING In the Matter of the ApplLcation of the .Masoltt County P.U,D. No, 3, a municipal corpotat!on, for a fran- chise to construct, operate and maintain au electric power pole and wire lle upon a portion of Primary State Highway No, 9, in Mason CountY, Was/dngton. ou t WHEREAS, the ,ason eo n y P.U.D. No. 3, a mumclpm . "p a- tion, has filed with the Wasz}Ington State HighWaY: CommiSmon, unuer the provisions of Chapter 53: Laws of 1937, as amended, an appllcauon for a Iran- cifise to construct, operate and main- lain an electric power pole and wire iinc Upon a portion of Primary State Highway No. 9 in Mason County, Wahlngton, for a period of twenty- five (25) years, at' the following lo- dations: Cross Primary State Highway No. 9 at approximate Highway lngin- eer's Station 345+85, thence north- erly on the westerly sle to ap- proximate Hlgilway yhngmeer's Station )52+20 all In the SE}, NEA, ection 80, Township a9 North, Range 3 West, W.. ag crossing Primary State Hgnway No. 9 at, approximate Highway En- gineer's Station 429:'}'20, I:tenc northerly on tile westemy s tile highway to a point opposite Primary State ItlghwaY No. 9 cen- ter line station 439+20 in t! SELl, SEa.i, Section 18, also crossing the 0 line (Service rosa apprpaen fronl pole_placed at~app.roxmae Highway ngineer's tatzon a-t- 60 to an existing pold on ccona- ary State Highway No. 9-D. Begin- ning again on the westerly side of Primary State Highway No. 9 at aPl)roxhnate Highway Engin- eer's Station 464-00 and contln.- uing northerly to approxhnate Highway Engineer's Station 504+ 00, Beginning again on the east- erly side of Primary State High- way No. 9 approxln)ate Righway Engineer's Station 482-{-90 and con- tinuing northerly to approximate Highway Engineer's Station 496-{- 80, thence crossing Primary State HlgilWay No. 9 to compietc In- stallation, NOW THEREFOR, NOTIC] IS HEREBY GIVEN .That a hearing will be held on said application by the Washington State Highway Commission at its el:- flee in tle Higllways-LIcenses Build- ing, Olympia, Washington, on the 19th day of arch, 1962, at 1:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon thereafter as hear* ins may be had. DATED at O)ympia, Washington, this 30th day of Jnuav, 1962. /s/ W. A. BUGGE, Director of Highways 2/8-15-22 3t ,, Page 1 newels have been made during the current drive here, which will close ou February 16. It will be possible to purchase memberships until noon on SaturdaY in Shelton at the headquarters in tile Sears store. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gilbert of Stanwood were house guests of the William Gilberts last week. On Tuesday, February 21, at 7 .m., parents interested in prob- ms related to child training and family relations are invited to at- tend a meeting at Hood Canal Community Church. A tape re- cording by Dr. Harry Brandt, wonderlul Northwest! Christian psychologist, will be heard and discussed at this time. Care will he provided for the chil- dren and refreshments will be served by the women of the chtu'eh. A SPORTS CAR CLUB drop- ped in unexpectedly at; the Hoods- port Cafe on Sunday afternoon. Thirty-two cars were parked in the vicinity and ihe drivers, wives and girl friends kept the CtIe crew hopping for awhile. Monday, February 19 at 7:30 p.m. Hood Canal PTA will meet at the Junior High. Tie evening will be devoted to recognition el 'the various youth groups support- ed by the PTA, The leaders of these groups will also be com- mended. The music department, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and 4-H Clubs will be represented. This should be a ntost interesting meet- ing. Please note the earlier meet- ing time. Mr. and Mrs. Karl IAnscott !eft on Saturday on the first leg of an extended trip. After visiting their Seattle families, they will go on to San Diego and to Arizona. At this writing the sunshine they ae seeking is "liquid", so we hope they take their time in leaving this I i ,,, i,i i i i FISHERUEN'S CLUB 10 00 a m B,ble Study  : "A Perfect Substitute" i i i ii I I i i I, I i FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 5th and Cota Rev. E, C. Knautz, pastor key. Alfred Sandoval, Christian Education Director SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18-- 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. "Need God's Help?" 7:00 p.m. Evening Service. FILM- "The Challenge of Faith" iii, , i i i i I I I I I World Missions Conference ' February 18- 25 Sunday 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Week Nights 7:30 p.m. (Except Saturday) % : 8 Missionaries from 8 Gounlries Rev. Olsen MISSIONARIES from West Africa, Java, Congo, Thailand, Ivory Coast, Viet Sam, Ivory Coast West Borneo and Peru. • Gurios MT. VIEW • Films ALLIANCE CHURCH • Goslumes •EVERYONE WELCOME 2/1.5 It FOURSQUARE GHURDH 910 E. Dearborn REV. LEWIS WYSONG, Pastor Rev. Freddy Lindblad Thursday through Saturday -- 7:30 p.m. Sunday -- 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. 2/15 it i ,i i i i SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street MASON YOUNGLUND, pastor Full.Gospel in Message -- Fundamental in Dootrine Sunday School ........................................................ 9:45 A,M. Competent Teachers--Graded Lesson--Classes for All Morning Worship ................................................ 11:00 A.M. Christ'  Ambassadors ............................................ 6:00 P.M. Evangelistic Service ............................................ 7:00 P.M. L-- L I II I I I ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth and Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest 7:30 A.M. -- H01y Commtmlon 9:50 A.M. -- Church School and Adult Bible Class 11:00 A.M. -- Divine Worship The Church is always open for meditation and prayer , , , , , ,,,,,,, , r ii FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia ad Lake Boulevard Bible School ........ 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetinge 5:30 p.m. Worship ............. 11:00' a.'n. Family service 6:30 p.m. Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- ":30 p.m. Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service , ,i n i i I I ' ' I i iii FAITH LUTHERAN OHUROH 7th =nd Franklin Street 8:15 Early Morning Worship Service 9:30 Sunday Sch0dl and Adult Bible Class 1.1:00 Morning Worship Seryie cA'RI-'J: CARLSEN, Pastor _4.ffiltated: T,uthera Free Church -- N't'l T,uthersJa Ccotmcg THE METHODIST DHUROH North 4th and Pine Streets ROBERT R. RINGS, Minister Churoh School, 9:30 a,m, Morning Worship g:30 and 11:00 a.m. a Methodist Youth Feliowshlp, 6.30 , p.,m I .  , " .... IJ" " Ii '"' L '"1 RRST OHUROH OF OHRIST, SGIENTIST* $0 Alder St., 6helton, Wash, Sunday School 9:30 .m. Church 11 a.m. Wetueday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. Beading room located in church. Reading room hour|  to 4 p.m. Mon. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45.