February 15, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 15, 2007 |
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Alderbrook resident
putts way to pay day
By SEAN HANLON because that privilege is accord- was prepared by four of his neigh-
Everett Hughes is out of the ed to all those who pay the $170 bors: Lloyd Bankston, Rich Babik,
rough and into the green follow- monthly membership dues. The Elaine Puetz and Fred Conrad.
ing the settlement of his lawsuit proposed service fee would amount They wrote:
against the Alderbrook Golf & to $40 for a round of golf on the "A vote for the Hughes Initiative
Yacht Club of Union. weekend and a lesser amount for is a vote to cripple our community
Also known as the AGYC, the a round played during the week. and essentially wipe out a way of
club combines the comfort of sev- BALLOTS WERE mailed to life. We have a truly wonderful ex-
eral hundred homes with the joys all members on January 30, and tended family here at Alderbook,
of driving a golf ball through a the results of the voting will be an- offering a great value whether you
bucolic setting near the shores nounced at a meeting in the club- play golf or not."
of Hood Canal. In return for his house scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. Alderbrook is home to approxi-
He darkens their door asking Mason County Superior
on February 21. That's according mately 515 houses, and the own-
Court to dismiss a lawsuit he filed to a letter sent to Everett and Car- ers can cast one vote per lot in this
l Not all shadows are mysterious, and this one is against the club, Hughes won't
; nothing to fear. It is cast by a volunteer with Habitat have to pay upwards of $20,000 olyn Hughes by William Kendrick, month's balloting, with a simple
r for HUmanity in the
e doorway of home #12, soon to be past membership dues and gets president of the Alderbrook Golf majority prevailing. Hughes filed
and Yacht Club. suit in connection with a transac-
,c °eeUpied by Terresa Morris and her family. For more his future dues paid for by means
ca this, turn to page 28. of a golf agreement that is hardly The mailing that contained the tion involving Crista Ministries, a
ballots also contained statements Seattle group that had purchased
u par for the course. He is giving up
i] his particular right to use the golf for and against the initiative, the golf course and the nearby A1-
; course, and Alderbrook is getting Hughes wrote a statement to the derbrook Resort & Spa. Crista has
' year is here the opportunity to sell his rights to effect thattheAlderbrookGolf& since liquidateditsmajorproper-
71 somebody else for $170 or more. Yacht Club could use the income ties in Union, selling the resort
v 9 The settlement also requires generated by the service fee and to a company called North Forty
the Alderbrook board of directors that "the free ride should be over." Lodging and the golf course to the
housing prices up to have a membership meeting for A statement opposing the measure (Please turn to page 8.)
[ the purpose of considering "the
Hughes Initiative." Billed by its
e. D00-'L
' se j le waaVera' ge price' of houses for * Active listings. The median ask- author as "golfers pay their own
.lJ ., s higher in the first month ing price of homes on the market in way," the measure asks for the es-
. J ._ ,s Year, with 602 homes on the January of this year was $246,700, tablishment of a service fee that
' A|h"' ' ' • ' an increase of 16 percent over the requires members to pay greens
"1[:'; :!iPMi!Crf$wn!!tlg: median asking price of $212,000 in fees for the use of the Alderbrook AUTOMOTIVE
/Ji January 2006. golf course at a rate that is 80 per-
g Service, an organization of * Pending sales. There were 63 cent of the rate charged to the gen- The Professionals
|| estate professionals who keep deals in which agreements were eral public. The choice of people who are particular about their carst
|| s on the buying and selling of in the offing but were not yet fi- As it now stands, members can
|| es ia 19 counties in this part of nalized. The median price of these golf to their heart's content with- 2033 Olympic Highway North 426-1467
te. The average asking price homes was $199,000 last month, out paying any greens fees at all Shelton, WA 98584 Dan Moldenhauer, owner
1 ason was $386,298, which is an increase of 17.2 percent over
ISi: ercent higher than the aver- the pending median of $169,725 in
asking price in January of last January of last year. Commissioners
III r. * Closed sales. There were 54
..'g prices and sales prices deals sealed last month. The me- to VlSlt chamber
Terent kettles of fish, but dian price of the sales agreements
Prices were also higher m this that were finalized was $204,000, Want to ask local government
aonth of this year. The list- an increase of 12 percent over the officials a question or two? Com-
lt']lelMce said the average price median of $182,250 in January of missioners from the City and
by 54 sales closed in Jane- last year. Port of Shelton, as well as Mason
lias $254,888, an increase of The Mason County, median was County, will present their annual
ercent over the first month of 53 percent lower that the median of reports tonight.
the entire 19-county area, with San Presentations will take place at
e average price can be used to Juan County up top with a median the Shelton-Mason County Cham-
Ure the market as a whole, but of $909,475 and Grant County down ber of Commerce's monthly dinner
E agnify the impact of homes low with $115,000. The five other meeting, which will begin at 6:30
l[': are very expensive or very counties with lower medians than p.m. on Thursday, February 15. It
"dill[" p. The median price is widely Mason were Grays Harbor, Lewis, will take place at The Pavilion at
te.d as a better measure of af- Cowlitz, Okanogan and Pacific. Sentry Park.
Fbflity for most as this is the "Sales are down sightly com- Those attending will have an
.... if Paid for a home in the middle pared to last year but are much opportunity to find out what's
e pack, with half selling for better than expected, especially happening in the community. To
, a.ad half selling for less. considering the weather we experi- make reservations for this pro-
h:Udiaa prices were also higher enced in January," said Joe Spen- gram, send an e-mail to gregg@
'ee raaj'or divisions of the hoes- cer, chief operating officer of John sheltonchamber.org or call 426-
: arket here. L. Scott Real Estate. 2021.
e offer home loans for every type of
homebuyer, and we process our loans
in-house. Approvals are done right here in our
offices by people who know and care about you,
Our Home Loan Experts match the benefits of a
specific loan type with your needs and goals.
Marlynne Fulton
Mortgage Lending
Direct (360)705-9160
Cell (360} 280-9348
Fixed Rate • First Time Home Buyers • FHA/VA • Self-Employed Borrower
Less-than-perfect Credit • Refinancing ° Custom Construction
0000helton picks May date
levy on school buses
J ]k'I'. e Shelton School Board Tees- money from the levy to purchase day, February 27, school board
Je:rected staff members to pre- seven special-needs buses and 12 members will vote on a resolution
' tresolution calling for a two- regular school buses during a five- that would place the transporta-
. f : toraasportation vehicle fund year span from the next school year tion vehicle fund levy on the May
[' | " go on the May 15 ballot through the 2011-2012 school year. ballot. FDIC
|t laaPProved by voters, the levy Last week, Superintendent Joan
Zook to
' raise $1.3 million to enable spoke the Shelton Kiwanis
S'|' .strict to add 19 vehicles to its Club about challenges facing the SPECIAI
-, '1_ coming years. Levy funds district, including coming residen-
/ qhe collected in 2008 and tial growth, which potentially will
add as many as 1,000 students to OF THE
rate for the transporta-the enrollment. That growth will af- WEK
fund levy would be 51 feet the district's bus program, she
of assessed valu- said, adding new buses are needed. 2]15 2/21
or $102 per year on About half of Shelton's students •
Vith an assessed value of currently ride buses.
and 50 cents per $1,000 At their next meeting, on Tees-
Shelton • 301 E Wallace Kneeland Blvd., Ste. 115 • (360)426-4431
The Power of a Bank, e Flexibility M a Broku"
the qua//ty bank
14 Convenient locations in Mason, Thurston, Pierce and So. King Counties
'At the intersection
of Highway I01 and
108, just minutes
away from Olympia
and Shelton
transportation vehicle ,{tiler FACTO RY
would be in addition to
maintenance-and-opera- SKO
funds currently collected O STORE
district. In 2008, district
would pay an es- ' TOBACCO Made flesh at our own factory
,.96 per $1,000 for the ....
and,. Withmaintenance'the trans- COMPLETE PREMIS ISLAND BLENDZ
vehicle fund levy added to CIG00ES = Little Cigars
rate, they would pay 18
School district would use 00il00l00'0"R'0' / $ 99 $00t99
Reg. $21.95 NO rGBOX ,, Re$. $12.99 +tax ,,, .... ,i ....... =-
+ tax of Fine Cigars & ISLAND BLENDZ
rib learn how an Edward Jones Roth One Pound Bag, Humidor Accessories Hand rolled-Fine cigars
llL could make sense for your su.o. .sws.,.:au, so ]; ...... ,'''""" ".',',''''. ..... LARGE SELECTION
retirement, call today. .ow Greatly .educes Senous Risks to Your Health I ', ' ' ' ' ', a-'-T
DistnbutJonsofearningsfrornaRothlRAcouldbesubject _ ot=...¢.. I'1 ][ECEIVE m;;;;; PERGALLON i ,i I i' :/'!',
ayrd tO taxes and a 10% penalty if theaccountis less than --,:::es" lll GAS II DISCOUNT, I I .';'i . "!,i ::" *
five years old and the owner is under age 59 /z
.v,,s HOURS: Sun.-Thurs. 7 a.m.-9 p.m. • F ri. & Sat. 7 a.m.-10
ones,corn The Kamilche Trading Post operates under a compact with the State of Washington 'ae To Shop"
SIPc ....
TOBACCO PRODUCT8 DRIVE-TERU Stm-Thurs 7am-9pm Fri & sat 7am-10pm 360-426-5254
Thursday, February 15, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3
Alderbrook resident
putts way to pay day
By SEAN HANLON because that privilege is accord- was prepared by four of his neigh-
Everett Hughes is out of the ed to all those who pay the $170 bors: Lloyd Bankston, Rich Babik,
rough and into the green follow- monthly membership dues. The Elaine Puetz and Fred Conrad.
ing the settlement of his lawsuit proposed service fee would amount They wrote:
against the Alderbrook Golf & to $40 for a round of golf on the "A vote for the Hughes Initiative
Yacht Club of Union. weekend and a lesser amount for is a vote to cripple our community
Also known as the AGYC, the a round played during the week. and essentially wipe out a way of
club combines the comfort of sev- BALLOTS WERE mailed to life. We have a truly wonderful ex-
eral hundred homes with the joys all members on January 30, and tended family here at Alderbook,
of driving a golf ball through a the results of the voting will be an- offering a great value whether you
bucolic setting near the shores nounced at a meeting in the club- play golf or not."
of Hood Canal. In return for his house scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. Alderbrook is home to approxi-
He darkens their door asking Mason County Superior
on February 21. That's according mately 515 houses, and the own-
Court to dismiss a lawsuit he filed to a letter sent to Everett and Car- ers can cast one vote per lot in this
l Not all shadows are mysterious, and this one is against the club, Hughes won't
; nothing to fear. It is cast by a volunteer with Habitat have to pay upwards of $20,000 olyn Hughes by William Kendrick, month's balloting, with a simple
r for HUmanity in the
e doorway of home #12, soon to be past membership dues and gets president of the Alderbrook Golf majority prevailing. Hughes filed
and Yacht Club. suit in connection with a transac-
,c °eeUpied by Terresa Morris and her family. For more his future dues paid for by means
ca this, turn to page 28. of a golf agreement that is hardly The mailing that contained the tion involving Crista Ministries, a
ballots also contained statements Seattle group that had purchased
u par for the course. He is giving up
i] his particular right to use the golf for and against the initiative, the golf course and the nearby A1-
; course, and Alderbrook is getting Hughes wrote a statement to the derbrook Resort & Spa. Crista has
' year is here the opportunity to sell his rights to effect thattheAlderbrookGolf& since liquidateditsmajorproper-
71 somebody else for $170 or more. Yacht Club could use the income ties in Union, selling the resort
v 9 The settlement also requires generated by the service fee and to a company called North Forty
the Alderbrook board of directors that "the free ride should be over." Lodging and the golf course to the
housing prices up to have a membership meeting for A statement opposing the measure (Please turn to page 8.)
[ the purpose of considering "the
Hughes Initiative." Billed by its
e. D00-'L
' se j le waaVera' ge price' of houses for * Active listings. The median ask- author as "golfers pay their own
.lJ ., s higher in the first month ing price of homes on the market in way," the measure asks for the es-
. J ._ ,s Year, with 602 homes on the January of this year was $246,700, tablishment of a service fee that
' A|h"' ' ' • ' an increase of 16 percent over the requires members to pay greens
"1[:'; :!iPMi!Crf$wn!!tlg: median asking price of $212,000 in fees for the use of the Alderbrook AUTOMOTIVE
/Ji January 2006. golf course at a rate that is 80 per-
g Service, an organization of * Pending sales. There were 63 cent of the rate charged to the gen- The Professionals
|| estate professionals who keep deals in which agreements were eral public. The choice of people who are particular about their carst
|| s on the buying and selling of in the offing but were not yet fi- As it now stands, members can
|| es ia 19 counties in this part of nalized. The median price of these golf to their heart's content with- 2033 Olympic Highway North 426-1467
te. The average asking price homes was $199,000 last month, out paying any greens fees at all Shelton, WA 98584 Dan Moldenhauer, owner
1 ason was $386,298, which is an increase of 17.2 percent over
ISi: ercent higher than the aver- the pending median of $169,725 in
asking price in January of last January of last year. Commissioners
III r. * Closed sales. There were 54
..'g prices and sales prices deals sealed last month. The me- to VlSlt chamber
Terent kettles of fish, but dian price of the sales agreements
Prices were also higher m this that were finalized was $204,000, Want to ask local government
aonth of this year. The list- an increase of 12 percent over the officials a question or two? Com-
lt']lelMce said the average price median of $182,250 in January of missioners from the City and
by 54 sales closed in Jane- last year. Port of Shelton, as well as Mason
lias $254,888, an increase of The Mason County, median was County, will present their annual
ercent over the first month of 53 percent lower that the median of reports tonight.
the entire 19-county area, with San Presentations will take place at
e average price can be used to Juan County up top with a median the Shelton-Mason County Cham-
Ure the market as a whole, but of $909,475 and Grant County down ber of Commerce's monthly dinner
E agnify the impact of homes low with $115,000. The five other meeting, which will begin at 6:30
l[': are very expensive or very counties with lower medians than p.m. on Thursday, February 15. It
"dill[" p. The median price is widely Mason were Grays Harbor, Lewis, will take place at The Pavilion at
te.d as a better measure of af- Cowlitz, Okanogan and Pacific. Sentry Park.
Fbflity for most as this is the "Sales are down sightly com- Those attending will have an
.... if Paid for a home in the middle pared to last year but are much opportunity to find out what's
e pack, with half selling for better than expected, especially happening in the community. To
, a.ad half selling for less. considering the weather we experi- make reservations for this pro-
h:Udiaa prices were also higher enced in January," said Joe Spen- gram, send an e-mail to gregg@
'ee raaj'or divisions of the hoes- cer, chief operating officer of John sheltonchamber.org or call 426-
: arket here. L. Scott Real Estate. 2021.
e offer home loans for every type of
homebuyer, and we process our loans
in-house. Approvals are done right here in our
offices by people who know and care about you,
Our Home Loan Experts match the benefits of a
specific loan type with your needs and goals.
Marlynne Fulton
Mortgage Lending
Direct (360)705-9160
Cell (360} 280-9348
Fixed Rate • First Time Home Buyers • FHA/VA • Self-Employed Borrower
Less-than-perfect Credit • Refinancing ° Custom Construction
0000helton picks May date
levy on school buses
J ]k'I'. e Shelton School Board Tees- money from the levy to purchase day, February 27, school board
Je:rected staff members to pre- seven special-needs buses and 12 members will vote on a resolution
' tresolution calling for a two- regular school buses during a five- that would place the transporta-
. f : toraasportation vehicle fund year span from the next school year tion vehicle fund levy on the May
[' | " go on the May 15 ballot through the 2011-2012 school year. ballot. FDIC
|t laaPProved by voters, the levy Last week, Superintendent Joan
Zook to
' raise $1.3 million to enable spoke the Shelton Kiwanis
S'|' .strict to add 19 vehicles to its Club about challenges facing the SPECIAI
-, '1_ coming years. Levy funds district, including coming residen-
/ qhe collected in 2008 and tial growth, which potentially will
add as many as 1,000 students to OF THE
rate for the transporta-the enrollment. That growth will af- WEK
fund levy would be 51 feet the district's bus program, she
of assessed valu- said, adding new buses are needed. 2]15 2/21
or $102 per year on About half of Shelton's students •
Vith an assessed value of currently ride buses.
and 50 cents per $1,000 At their next meeting, on Tees-
Shelton • 301 E Wallace Kneeland Blvd., Ste. 115 • (360)426-4431
The Power of a Bank, e Flexibility M a Broku"
the qua//ty bank
14 Convenient locations in Mason, Thurston, Pierce and So. King Counties
'At the intersection
of Highway I01 and
108, just minutes
away from Olympia
and Shelton
transportation vehicle ,{tiler FACTO RY
would be in addition to
maintenance-and-opera- SKO
funds currently collected O STORE
district. In 2008, district
would pay an es- ' TOBACCO Made flesh at our own factory
,.96 per $1,000 for the ....
and,. Withmaintenance'the trans- COMPLETE PREMIS ISLAND BLENDZ
vehicle fund levy added to CIG00ES = Little Cigars
rate, they would pay 18
School district would use 00il00l00'0"R'0' / $ 99 $00t99
Reg. $21.95 NO rGBOX ,, Re$. $12.99 +tax ,,, .... ,i ....... =-
+ tax of Fine Cigars & ISLAND BLENDZ
rib learn how an Edward Jones Roth One Pound Bag, Humidor Accessories Hand rolled-Fine cigars
llL could make sense for your su.o. .sws.,.:au, so ]; ...... ,'''""" ".',',''''. ..... LARGE SELECTION
retirement, call today. .ow Greatly .educes Senous Risks to Your Health I ', ' ' ' ' ', a-'-T
DistnbutJonsofearningsfrornaRothlRAcouldbesubject _ ot=...¢.. I'1 ][ECEIVE m;;;;; PERGALLON i ,i I i' :/'!',
ayrd tO taxes and a 10% penalty if theaccountis less than --,:::es" lll GAS II DISCOUNT, I I .';'i . "!,i ::" *
five years old and the owner is under age 59 /z
.v,,s HOURS: Sun.-Thurs. 7 a.m.-9 p.m. • F ri. & Sat. 7 a.m.-10
ones,corn The Kamilche Trading Post operates under a compact with the State of Washington 'ae To Shop"
SIPc ....
TOBACCO PRODUCT8 DRIVE-TERU Stm-Thurs 7am-9pm Fri & sat 7am-10pm 360-426-5254
Thursday, February 15, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3