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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 15, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 15, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00ea000000__ders " 00ournai: It's a real abortion litor, The Journal: the February 8 Journal the hear the Highway 101/108 rcsurfaced. Over the we have seen several ar- ia which the Taylor Towne Association complained the eflbct on them, depend- where the Lynch Road con- is located. took the time to look at the engineer's map showing option. As a retired Department of Transporta- I would call it a real It is too close to the 101 and there is no room traffic to stack up. The sight - is very bad, with traffic on coming from the east the hill. When you design a like this, you must look to Thirty-five years in the what kind of a mess will be? matter where the connec- t Is located, people won't use it the Highway 101 median is removed. Of course Won't happen until we see a ore fiital accidents. After last fatality this grade cross- Was modified to its current At that time we Promised a southbound ac- lane in the median. We it yet. mistake by the Depart- of Transportation was when built the ('ole Road inter- 35 years ago. They owned y but refused to the northbound on-ramp. We the reason was, we are a /bur-lane freeway and it to two lanes. They would become "con- and get in the wrong lane. are going to build that p in a couple of fact is we had to put up with the cross traffic for 35 years. We saw many accidents and at least one fatality. To improve the 101/Lynch Road intersection, DOT should build a northbound on-taper that is stan- dard design, instead of cars at a dead stop turning into 50-mile- per-hour traffic. There should be a quarter-mile-long on-taper. On the west side, access to 101 should be eliminated. Traffic can use the old highway down to the 101/108 interchange. The county and state agencies are using our tax dollars to build these proposed improvements. We want the BEST design possible. One that will handle the traffic 35 years from now. If they cave in to the business community and build something that will have to be modified in 10 years, then we lose again. Getting back to Lynch Road problems, I think the median crossing must be removed. It is only one and a half miles south to a perfectly safe interchange. When we travel on fi, eeways, we use the overpasses and double back to get to our destination. It's no different in this case, and people will adapt very quickly. As for the business communi- ty, I think they are worried over nothing. If they have a good prod- uct and good service, customers will find them. In my opinion the bottom line should be PUBLIC SAFETY, not profit for the busi- ness community. One thing the business com- munity and Lynch Road residents need to keep in mind is, this inter- section affects EVERYONE who travels north or south of that area, not just their local drivers. And, taxes collected statewide will go to pay for this project. David Johnson Shelton 00rLion road hazard li..r, Th:.Jo, urnadl:uyandi n fllll Gates ]s a goo . g -Y eyes can really do no harm II! " the little squiggle left in !";ai 106 where he is work- . "s private road is now a rd. . . . th e white line zs worn off and ’leiggle is dangerous m m- eat weather such as fog. Several near misses have hap- pened. If the highway is returned to the original course, the inconve- nience to his contractors can not be much. A word to Bill or the person responsible for the work would be appreciated. Ray T. Hanson Union 'priorities The Journal: now Uffer the consequence of a District delega- of a minority voice. and priorities of the Party (read that are the basis on will be spent. what is one of the most Lag, first order of busi- the Democratic legis- the Democratic gover- addressing homelessness, funding, affordable care, transportation bot- education or funding of No. House Bill 1279, hing the poet laureate Leader Lynn tuiam) has made 'ablishment of a permanent poet laureate with annual stipend a priori- ling to the Aberdeen Dai- article of January 31, the Hoquiam Democrat's .ttempt in recent years to measure approved by the • .. The measure has a tepid response in the that was when the legis- Was facing a budget crisis, stressed. 'Back in 2002, people treated the poet laureate as frivolity,' Kessler said. But now the time is right, the lawmaker said, noting the powerful effect art and poetry in general had on people in the wake of the 9/11 ter- rorist attacks..." I have no problem with a state poet laureate. I am opposed to spending additional taxpayer money on arts in Washington State; funding for the position should be derived from the cur- rent Washington State Arts Com- mission funds. According to the Arts Commission 2004 annual re- port (the most recent available on the Web), the state general fund (read that your taxes) appropri- ated $2.2 million to the Arts Com- mission, and grants awarded to organizations and artists totaled $1.1 million. This legislation has passed the state House, with both 35th Dis- trict representatives Eickmeyer and Haigh voting for it. It is now in the Senate for consideration. I expect it's a "done deal." The hungry and unemployed of the 35th District should be en- couraged to apply for.the poet lau- reate position. Mary Jean Hrbacek Shelton f sidents" y Sale Continu ... r BARE ROOT  ROSES Jrkins" Naturally the besl {or over 125 years Easy to plant - eat success! I the newest rose varieties i are available BARE ROOT  r PRIMROSES FRUIT TREES • Apple • Pear • Plum • Cherry • 4-way combos • 6-way espeliered Apple 00Half Price00 ' x 4-inch budded  and blooming, beautiful colors " ,,,,; 18 per flat GLADIOLUS  TRASH CAN  STRAWBERRY  BULBS PLANTS 4/1.00 ,IcE • Red, Black, Green • 32 gal, • Heavy duty ' Snap on lid • Crack & dent resistant /1314.1, ]1 62,  1o2 ,.Half Price., • 25 per bunch '."- • Everbearing I\\;F-'.,"t _ 10:r spring crop '1 OSS CONTROL   GRANULES 5,000 sq. ft. bag 7027295 Moss Comml Granules :,K- -'= : F:;" " VEGETABLE  FTURF BUILDER  SEED PACKETS Choose from Ed Hume, Lilly Miller or our exclusive new regional Lake Valley line with all the old tested varieties 00Half Price., 015151 f COTTAGE STONE • Full pallets only : 112 pieces per pallet / Cash-n-carry • U-haul J pallet/ 129.99 WITH MOSS CONTROL • Coverage 5,000 sq ft .;..,, 74712 ,, , .................. I iii #1 RAILROAD TIES J • 6x6 RT I • Full units only No eoches : Forklift loading j..1.J/. " f2X4XS" STD & BTR  LUMBER • 208 piece Full units only • Forklift load • No eaches Originall • Outstanding 2 pair DORMANT SPRAY • Proteds roses, 1 " fruit trees, and ornamental shrubs • Controls powdery mildew, rust and apple scabs • 1 pint 7111461 SHOVEL AND RAKE • Your choice round or square point shovel and rake • Shovel 48" long fiberglass handle * Bow rake, forged head, 60" fiberglass t AJCHareiware First & Mill, Shelton 428-4373 or 4:)6-2411 Monday-Saturday 7:30-6 Sunday 8:30-5 GIANT ' DESTROYER 73792 BYPASS LOPPEI • 1-1/2" diameter cut • Fiberglass handles 7094402 29.99 • I Thursday, February 15, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5 00ea000000__ders " 00ournai: It's a real abortion litor, The Journal: the February 8 Journal the hear the Highway 101/108 rcsurfaced. Over the we have seen several ar- ia which the Taylor Towne Association complained the eflbct on them, depend- where the Lynch Road con- is located. took the time to look at the engineer's map showing option. As a retired Department of Transporta- I would call it a real It is too close to the 101 and there is no room traffic to stack up. The sight - is very bad, with traffic on coming from the east the hill. When you design a like this, you must look to Thirty-five years in the what kind of a mess will be? matter where the connec- t Is located, people won't use it the Highway 101 median is removed. Of course Won't happen until we see a ore fiital accidents. After last fatality this grade cross- Was modified to its current At that time we Promised a southbound ac- lane in the median. We it yet. mistake by the Depart- of Transportation was when built the ('ole Road inter- 35 years ago. They owned y but refused to the northbound on-ramp. We the reason was, we are a /bur-lane freeway and it to two lanes. They would become "con- and get in the wrong lane. are going to build that p in a couple of fact is we had to put up with the cross traffic for 35 years. We saw many accidents and at least one fatality. To improve the 101/Lynch Road intersection, DOT should build a northbound on-taper that is stan- dard design, instead of cars at a dead stop turning into 50-mile- per-hour traffic. There should be a quarter-mile-long on-taper. On the west side, access to 101 should be eliminated. Traffic can use the old highway down to the 101/108 interchange. The county and state agencies are using our tax dollars to build these proposed improvements. We want the BEST design possible. One that will handle the traffic 35 years from now. If they cave in to the business community and build something that will have to be modified in 10 years, then we lose again. Getting back to Lynch Road problems, I think the median crossing must be removed. It is only one and a half miles south to a perfectly safe interchange. When we travel on fi, eeways, we use the overpasses and double back to get to our destination. It's no different in this case, and people will adapt very quickly. As for the business communi- ty, I think they are worried over nothing. If they have a good prod- uct and good service, customers will find them. In my opinion the bottom line should be PUBLIC SAFETY, not profit for the busi- ness community. One thing the business com- munity and Lynch Road residents need to keep in mind is, this inter- section affects EVERYONE who travels north or south of that area, not just their local drivers. And, taxes collected statewide will go to pay for this project. David Johnson Shelton 00rLion road hazard li..r, Th:.Jo, urnadl:uyandi n fllll Gates ]s a goo . g -Y eyes can really do no harm II! " the little squiggle left in !";ai 106 where he is work- . "s private road is now a rd. . . . th e white line zs worn off and ’leiggle is dangerous m m- eat weather such as fog. Several near misses have hap- pened. If the highway is returned to the original course, the inconve- nience to his contractors can not be much. A word to Bill or the person responsible for the work would be appreciated. Ray T. Hanson Union 'priorities The Journal: now Uffer the consequence of a District delega- of a minority voice. and priorities of the Party (read that are the basis on will be spent. what is one of the most Lag, first order of busi- the Democratic legis- the Democratic gover- addressing homelessness, funding, affordable care, transportation bot- education or funding of No. House Bill 1279, hing the poet laureate Leader Lynn tuiam) has made 'ablishment of a permanent poet laureate with annual stipend a priori- ling to the Aberdeen Dai- article of January 31, the Hoquiam Democrat's .ttempt in recent years to measure approved by the • .. The measure has a tepid response in the that was when the legis- Was facing a budget crisis, stressed. 'Back in 2002, people treated the poet laureate as frivolity,' Kessler said. But now the time is right, the lawmaker said, noting the powerful effect art and poetry in general had on people in the wake of the 9/11 ter- rorist attacks..." I have no problem with a state poet laureate. I am opposed to spending additional taxpayer money on arts in Washington State; funding for the position should be derived from the cur- rent Washington State Arts Com- mission funds. According to the Arts Commission 2004 annual re- port (the most recent available on the Web), the state general fund (read that your taxes) appropri- ated $2.2 million to the Arts Com- mission, and grants awarded to organizations and artists totaled $1.1 million. This legislation has passed the state House, with both 35th Dis- trict representatives Eickmeyer and Haigh voting for it. It is now in the Senate for consideration. I expect it's a "done deal." The hungry and unemployed of the 35th District should be en- couraged to apply for.the poet lau- reate position. Mary Jean Hrbacek Shelton f sidents" y Sale Continu ... r BARE ROOT  ROSES Jrkins" Naturally the besl {or over 125 years Easy to plant - eat success! I the newest rose varieties i are available BARE ROOT  r PRIMROSES FRUIT TREES • Apple • Pear • Plum • Cherry • 4-way combos • 6-way espeliered Apple 00Half Price00 ' x 4-inch budded  and blooming, beautiful colors " ,,,,; 18 per flat GLADIOLUS  TRASH CAN  STRAWBERRY  BULBS PLANTS 4/1.00 ,IcE • Red, Black, Green • 32 gal, • Heavy duty ' Snap on lid • Crack & dent resistant /1314.1, ]1 62,  1o2 ,.Half Price., • 25 per bunch '."- • Everbearing I\\;F-'.,"t _ 10:r spring crop '1 OSS CONTROL   GRANULES 5,000 sq. ft. bag 7027295 Moss Comml Granules :,K- -'= : F:;" " VEGETABLE  FTURF BUILDER  SEED PACKETS Choose from Ed Hume, Lilly Miller or our exclusive new regional Lake Valley line with all the old tested varieties 00Half Price., 015151 f COTTAGE STONE • Full pallets only : 112 pieces per pallet / Cash-n-carry • U-haul J pallet/ 129.99 WITH MOSS CONTROL • Coverage 5,000 sq ft .;..,, 74712 ,, , .................. I iii #1 RAILROAD TIES J • 6x6 RT I • Full units only No eoches : Forklift loading j..1.J/. " f2X4XS" STD & BTR  LUMBER • 208 piece Full units only • Forklift load • No eaches Originall • Outstanding 2 pair DORMANT SPRAY • Proteds roses, 1 " fruit trees, and ornamental shrubs • Controls powdery mildew, rust and apple scabs • 1 pint 7111461 SHOVEL AND RAKE • Your choice round or square point shovel and rake • Shovel 48" long fiberglass handle * Bow rake, forged head, 60" fiberglass t AJCHareiware First & Mill, Shelton 428-4373 or 4:)6-2411 Monday-Saturday 7:30-6 Sunday 8:30-5 GIANT ' DESTROYER 73792 BYPASS LOPPEI • 1-1/2" diameter cut • Fiberglass handles 7094402 29.99 • I Thursday, February 15, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5