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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 15, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 15, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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iKEXB00N-"" .... / \\; \\; . i00e,aders" 00ournal: Hysteria leads to repression Editor, The Journal: In her letter of January 25, Di- ane Eaton alluded to how everyone has broke all 10 commandments in their heart (what about their mind?). Because of this I&apos;m certain that Ms. Eaton would agree with a recent suggestion that all toilet paper should have the Ten Com- mandments printed on it. The reason for this is that a per- son is more likely to read and think about the Ten Commandments if they notice them on toilet paper while sitting on the throne in their bathroom. By comparison when a person is racing into a courtroom tbr a trial they are not likely to notice a large metal placard in the lobby of a courthouse with the Ten Commandments on it. In the end the Ten Command- ments are like any set of laws in that they are only effective if they are enforced in a rational manner. If the Ten Commandments aren't they become nothing more than biblical blue laws. One can see the effect of this silence by so many evangelical Christians in regards to the finan- cial stunts that the executives at Enron pulled to line their pock- ets with money. By breaking the commandment not to steal the executives at Enron raised electri- cal rates for everyone in parts of Washington, which of course in- cludes Christians. It is understandable that there would be no outrage by Christians at such-immoral conduct due to the way some ministers steal from their congregations. In 100 years this criminal activity has gone from $300,000 a year to $3 bil- lion, and they say it will only get worse. It is an untbrtunate state of af- fairs but an understandable one. If people like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson would have the com- mandment against stealing en- forced as the way they believe it should, they would end up being hung with their own noose. So what do we get but people like Diane Eaton and Jack Mallinger, who see all moral issues as sexual- ly related. They see a law prohibit- ing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in housing, em- ployment and credit as a law that would force everyone to obey it. One wonders why they should worry about legalizing homosexu- al acts. Even the most militant gay activist would never ask a man Nobody's watching Editor, The Journal: Can somebody please explain to me why nobody is watching State Senator Tim Sheldon more closely? Holding two positions at different levels of government should be more of a concern to the people of would fix this. Why is Mr. Sheldon working so hard on the Hoodsport sewer system? Is it because of the low- oxygen problem in the Hood Canal he usually discounts or because he owns hundreds of acres in like Jack Mallinger who is near 80 to perform homosexual acts. If giving one's life to Jesus pre- vents one from being susceptible to homosexual acts, then why should they worry? After all, if you can't say no then you're wishing you had said yes. It should be noted that the laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation do not prohibit free speech. If a Christian business doesn't want gay employ- ees then it can put up large sigms saying, "No queers here, we're Christians." What people like Eaton and Mallinger should worry about is not that a fox could get in the chicken coup but that there is al- ready a fox there. One can see this with the likes of the Reverend Ted Haggard, the former mayor of Spokane, Jim West, and other conservatives who use the truth to condemn homosexuality while secretly engaging in a homosexual lifestyle. In the end the kind of hysteria that Eaton and Mallinger engage in ultimately leads to the most repressive measures that one can imagine. Is this so farfetched? One well known Christian orga- nization, the Ku Klux Klan, has demanded that anyone who is gay and doesn't renounce the homo- sexual lifestyle and become a born- again Christian should be killed. If extermination of this kind hap- pens, other groups will have to be included since any market econo- mist will tell you an investment has to be fully exploited to get the maximum return. Dennis Meurer Start withdrawal Editor, The Journal: The American electorate, fed up with the war in Iraq, voted the Democrats back into office after a 12-year hiatus, during which time they were locked out of im- portant committee meetings and other functions of government. According to the polls, Ameri- cans want U.S. troops withdrawn from Iraq to begin NOW, not some distant day in the future! There are now enough funds in the pipeline, earmarked for military operations, that can be used fbr a safe, orderly with- drawal of all U.S. military and contractors from Iraq. Now let's take a glance at what the Demo- crats are doing with their man- date from the voters. First off, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi throws President Bush an olive branch and de- clares, "Impeachment is off the table." She then chatters on about "unity and bipartisan- ship." Bipartisanship with those who have committed egregious crimes against humanity? This is hardly a courageous response to a call from the voters that want drastic CHANGE. Keep in mind, this President is criminally responsible for the deaths of more than 600,000 Iraqi citizens (Lancet Medical Jour- nal study), torture and killing of prisoners in American gulags scattered across the globe, 3,100 American troops killed, 21,000 to 45,000 seriously wounded (de- pending on whose figures you be- lieve) and $375 billion spent or appropriated and billions unac- counted for. Combined with the lies told by this President in creating a case for war with Iraq and his fron- tal assault on our Constitution, e.g., the death of habeas corpus, charges of "high crimes and mis- demeanors" and impeachment must be put back So what can we do as to begin the process U.S. occupation of Iraq? We can start by representatives to and support House 508, "Bring Our Troops and Sovereignty of Iraq ration Act of 2007," by representatives Barbara Lynn Woolsey and Maxine ters. H.R. 508 provides a timeframe for a safe, withdrawal of all U.S. and contractors from Iraq. bill allows funding for training and equipping and international security for a period of two antees full health care veterans, prohibits the tion of permanent U.S. bases in Iraq and congressional the war in Iraq. Compared money now being squ implementing the this bill would cost pennies on the dollar. My message to Congress many more Americans willing to sacrifice before begin to act? For the This is not the time for resolutions and chatter "bipartisanship," it is fill the wishes of the people by ending the U.S. pation of Iraq. As our President war with Iran, you cious time arguing over for a debate on Iraq! The late U.S. Navy ral Eugene Carroll said, is an old military doctrine the First Rule of Holes: find yourself stuck in one, digging!" Fred Chips of state Editor, The Journal: The National Animal Identifica- tion System is being implemented by a federal agency through agree- ments with the states. Its purpose is to identify and track diseased animals by using implant chips and a central database. House Bill 1151 seeks to opt Washington State out of this pro- gram. The first paragraph states "... that there is no scientific evi- dence that mass, uniform tagging and tracking of animals will im- prove this state's or nation's abili- ty to prevent, control or respond to an outbreak of animal diseases ..." Section 2(1) defines "animal" as all members of the animal king- dom except humans, fish and in- sects. "Animal" does not include undomesticated animals living in the wild." All the NAIS measure would have to do to implement chips "humans" under the for "animals." After all mention "humans" their opinion, we are animals. If we're in this then removing exemptions could qualify implant chip and central database. Humans contagious disease, used as a reason not to Please ask your to support this "opt calling the Legislative 1-800-562-6000 with Ask them for copies of 1151 and Senate Bill 5753. For more info, visit and enter in the "Search by Bill box. Also, the February 2 tal Press has a front-page "Livestock ID Bill Divides try." Diane this county, one would think. Hoodsport?Dothesethingsconcern Shelton in humans is to delete the word Why is he trying to stop the anyone else, considering his two Highway 3 improvements in positions and these conflicts of IP m ---  =--. -- -.. m --- =-- -.. m --= --= ,-- =-- in  --,  downtown Belfair in order to try interest? Just wondering. . | I ! I  i  i I i I I  ! I  / I: I i to build the bypass even though John Hadwm the $130-million bypass is now Belfair dead because it's so expensive? Is  | he working so hard for his ood [ .... . --1-77, [ friend? Why? Is there something [,, S7. b I c [ II in it for him when it's built? A Il atl I l future kickback? , I I..,,tt. I,1 I If the bypass can t be built' we I'' 'v--'-:'m=( 'c'>l for., mall chang! should still fix Highway 3. I drive I I Y I I on it every day, and a turn lane I I 360.426-4q" _ I':) I ) would help a lot. There are times I  ....... .f I | ::i I wait in backups just because I - I , iilii l of people turning. The turn lane [ II 'h i :!iiii!! :   , An in-county subscription 11 brings you the news for ::: i , I 'only 59 cents per week. /. Resldentlal, Commercial. Guaranteed Quallty <cI I .!!' • New Shower Doors n • Mirrors • Contractor's Discounts  | City: State:  Z'p: oRock Chip Repairs n i i;!i![i!a!!]!g: ))5t:;:taBtemertonaddress 1714 Olympic Highway North J ' °ntl:iourna, ' . Monday-Friday ¢t n , Call 426-3 163 | P() Box 430 Question,? Call 360.42'11; Shclton, WA 98584 Page 6 - Sheffon-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 15, 2007 iKEXB00N-"" .... / \\; \\; . i00e,aders" 00ournal: Hysteria leads to repression Editor, The Journal: In her letter of January 25, Di- ane Eaton alluded to how everyone has broke all 10 commandments in their heart (what about their mind?). Because of this I'm certain that Ms. Eaton would agree with a recent suggestion that all toilet paper should have the Ten Com- mandments printed on it. The reason for this is that a per- son is more likely to read and think about the Ten Commandments if they notice them on toilet paper while sitting on the throne in their bathroom. By comparison when a person is racing into a courtroom tbr a trial they are not likely to notice a large metal placard in the lobby of a courthouse with the Ten Commandments on it. In the end the Ten Command- ments are like any set of laws in that they are only effective if they are enforced in a rational manner. If the Ten Commandments aren't they become nothing more than biblical blue laws. One can see the effect of this silence by so many evangelical Christians in regards to the finan- cial stunts that the executives at Enron pulled to line their pock- ets with money. By breaking the commandment not to steal the executives at Enron raised electri- cal rates for everyone in parts of Washington, which of course in- cludes Christians. It is understandable that there would be no outrage by Christians at such-immoral conduct due to the way some ministers steal from their congregations. In 100 years this criminal activity has gone from $300,000 a year to $3 bil- lion, and they say it will only get worse. It is an untbrtunate state of af- fairs but an understandable one. If people like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson would have the com- mandment against stealing en- forced as the way they believe it should, they would end up being hung with their own noose. So what do we get but people like Diane Eaton and Jack Mallinger, who see all moral issues as sexual- ly related. They see a law prohibit- ing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in housing, em- ployment and credit as a law that would force everyone to obey it. One wonders why they should worry about legalizing homosexu- al acts. Even the most militant gay activist would never ask a man Nobody's watching Editor, The Journal: Can somebody please explain to me why nobody is watching State Senator Tim Sheldon more closely? Holding two positions at different levels of government should be more of a concern to the people of would fix this. Why is Mr. Sheldon working so hard on the Hoodsport sewer system? Is it because of the low- oxygen problem in the Hood Canal he usually discounts or because he owns hundreds of acres in like Jack Mallinger who is near 80 to perform homosexual acts. If giving one's life to Jesus pre- vents one from being susceptible to homosexual acts, then why should they worry? After all, if you can't say no then you're wishing you had said yes. It should be noted that the laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation do not prohibit free speech. If a Christian business doesn't want gay employ- ees then it can put up large sigms saying, "No queers here, we're Christians." What people like Eaton and Mallinger should worry about is not that a fox could get in the chicken coup but that there is al- ready a fox there. One can see this with the likes of the Reverend Ted Haggard, the former mayor of Spokane, Jim West, and other conservatives who use the truth to condemn homosexuality while secretly engaging in a homosexual lifestyle. In the end the kind of hysteria that Eaton and Mallinger engage in ultimately leads to the most repressive measures that one can imagine. Is this so farfetched? One well known Christian orga- nization, the Ku Klux Klan, has demanded that anyone who is gay and doesn't renounce the homo- sexual lifestyle and become a born- again Christian should be killed. If extermination of this kind hap- pens, other groups will have to be included since any market econo- mist will tell you an investment has to be fully exploited to get the maximum return. Dennis Meurer Start withdrawal Editor, The Journal: The American electorate, fed up with the war in Iraq, voted the Democrats back into office after a 12-year hiatus, during which time they were locked out of im- portant committee meetings and other functions of government. According to the polls, Ameri- cans want U.S. troops withdrawn from Iraq to begin NOW, not some distant day in the future! There are now enough funds in the pipeline, earmarked for military operations, that can be used fbr a safe, orderly with- drawal of all U.S. military and contractors from Iraq. Now let's take a glance at what the Demo- crats are doing with their man- date from the voters. First off, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi throws President Bush an olive branch and de- clares, "Impeachment is off the table." She then chatters on about "unity and bipartisan- ship." Bipartisanship with those who have committed egregious crimes against humanity? This is hardly a courageous response to a call from the voters that want drastic CHANGE. Keep in mind, this President is criminally responsible for the deaths of more than 600,000 Iraqi citizens (Lancet Medical Jour- nal study), torture and killing of prisoners in American gulags scattered across the globe, 3,100 American troops killed, 21,000 to 45,000 seriously wounded (de- pending on whose figures you be- lieve) and $375 billion spent or appropriated and billions unac- counted for. Combined with the lies told by this President in creating a case for war with Iraq and his fron- tal assault on our Constitution, e.g., the death of habeas corpus, charges of "high crimes and mis- demeanors" and impeachment must be put back So what can we do as to begin the process U.S. occupation of Iraq? We can start by representatives to and support House 508, "Bring Our Troops and Sovereignty of Iraq ration Act of 2007," by representatives Barbara Lynn Woolsey and Maxine ters. H.R. 508 provides a timeframe for a safe, withdrawal of all U.S. and contractors from Iraq. bill allows funding for training and equipping and international security for a period of two antees full health care veterans, prohibits the tion of permanent U.S. bases in Iraq and congressional the war in Iraq. Compared money now being squ implementing the this bill would cost pennies on the dollar. My message to Congress many more Americans willing to sacrifice before begin to act? For the This is not the time for resolutions and chatter "bipartisanship," it is fill the wishes of the people by ending the U.S. pation of Iraq. As our President war with Iran, you cious time arguing over for a debate on Iraq! The late U.S. Navy ral Eugene Carroll said, is an old military doctrine the First Rule of Holes: find yourself stuck in one, digging!" Fred Chips of state Editor, The Journal: The National Animal Identifica- tion System is being implemented by a federal agency through agree- ments with the states. Its purpose is to identify and track diseased animals by using implant chips and a central database. House Bill 1151 seeks to opt Washington State out of this pro- gram. The first paragraph states "... that there is no scientific evi- dence that mass, uniform tagging and tracking of animals will im- prove this state's or nation's abili- ty to prevent, control or respond to an outbreak of animal diseases ..." Section 2(1) defines "animal" as all members of the animal king- dom except humans, fish and in- sects. "Animal" does not include undomesticated animals living in the wild." All the NAIS measure would have to do to implement chips "humans" under the for "animals." After all mention "humans" their opinion, we are animals. If we're in this then removing exemptions could qualify implant chip and central database. Humans contagious disease, used as a reason not to Please ask your to support this "opt calling the Legislative 1-800-562-6000 with Ask them for copies of 1151 and Senate Bill 5753. For more info, visit and enter in the "Search by Bill box. Also, the February 2 tal Press has a front-page "Livestock ID Bill Divides try." Diane this county, one would think. Hoodsport?Dothesethingsconcern Shelton in humans is to delete the word Why is he trying to stop the anyone else, considering his two Highway 3 improvements in positions and these conflicts of IP m ---  =--. -- -.. m --- =-- -.. m --= --= ,-- =-- in  --,  downtown Belfair in order to try interest? Just wondering. . | I ! I  i  i I i I I  ! I  / I: I i to build the bypass even though John Hadwm the $130-million bypass is now Belfair dead because it's so expensive? Is  | he working so hard for his ood [ .... . --1-77, [ friend? Why? Is there something [,, S7. b I c [ II in it for him when it's built? A Il atl I l future kickback? , I I..,,tt. I,1 I If the bypass can t be built' we I'' 'v--'-:'m=( 'c'>l for., mall chang! should still fix Highway 3. I drive I I Y I I on it every day, and a turn lane I I 360.426-4q" _ I':) I ) would help a lot. There are times I  ....... .f I | ::i I wait in backups just because I - I , iilii l of people turning. The turn lane [ II 'h i :!iiii!! :   , An in-county subscription 11 brings you the news for ::: i , I 'only 59 cents per week. /. Resldentlal, Commercial. Guaranteed Quallty <cI I .!!' • New Shower Doors n • Mirrors • Contractor's Discounts  | City: State:  Z'p: oRock Chip Repairs n i i;!i![i!a!!]!g: ))5t:;:taBtemertonaddress 1714 Olympic Highway North J ' °ntl:iourna, ' . Monday-Friday ¢t n , Call 426-3 163 | P() Box 430 Question,? Call 360.42'11; Shclton, WA 98584 Page 6 - Sheffon-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 15, 2007