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Alfred G. Smith
Alfred G. Smith died of natural
causes on Saturday, February 10,
at Alpine Way Retirement Center.
He was 81 and had lived in Shel-
ton 16 years.
He was in
the home-build-
ing business in
the Burien area
from 1947 to
Mr. Smith was
born in Pueblo,
Colorado, on May
7, 1925 to John
and Mae (Whit-
mire) Smith. "q
He served in
the U.S. Navy Alfred G.
during World Smith
War II.
He married Kathleen (Purcell)
Smith on July 30, 1949 at Saint
John's Catholic Church in Ypsi-
lanti, Michigan.
Mr. Smith enjoyed woodwork-
ing, building houses, playing cards,
coaching and watching baseball,
gardening, bowling, square danc-
ing and teasing his grandchildren
and great-grandchild. He loved to
banter with his friends at Lumber-
He was preceded in death by his
parents and sisters Barbara York
and Florence Peterson.
Surviving are wife Kathleen
Smith of Shelton; son Steven Smith
of Shelton; daughters Theresa
VanVleck of SeaTac, Candace Fitz-
patrick and husband Roger of Port
Orchard and Pamela Whitworth
and husband Mark of North Van-
couver, British Columbia, Canada.
Also surviving are sisters Lena
Scott and husband Ernie of Renton
and Edith Scott of Bellevue; grand-
children Sean and Marcus VanV-
leek, Sam and Max Whitworth and
Gillian and Jaclyn Fitzpatrick;
great-grandchild Halley VanVleck;
and numerous nieces, nephews
and cousins.
A mass will be held at 11 a.m.
Thursday, February 15, at Saint
Edward's Catholich Church. Fa-
ther Ron Belisle will officiate.
Burial will be at 10 a.m. Friday,
February 16, at Tahom National
Cemetery in Kent.
Memorial donations may be
made to Providence SoundHomeC-
are and Hospice, 2146 West Rail-
road Avenue, Shelton.
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home of Shelton.
Richard Wintrip
Richard Wintrip died of kidney
failure on Wednesday, February
7, at his home. He was 81 and had
lived in Shelton for the past 18
He was born in Aberdeen on
July 28, 1925 to Jack and'Helen
(Gustafson) Wintrip.
He married Muriel C. (Artz)
Wintrip in Aberdeen on Septem-
ber 22, 1945.
Mr. Wintrip worked for Pacific
Fruit, West Coast Grocery and
was head custodian at the Grays
Harbor County Courthouse. He
retired in 1984.
His interests included carv-
ing and photography. He entered
his work at the Mason and Grays
Harbor county fairs and placed
first, second and third in many
divisions. He loved to fish and
Surviving are wife Muriel C.
Wintrip of Shelton; daughter
Kathleen A. Delia of Yakima; son
Pete S. Wintrip of Elma; grand-
children Jason Delia, Kelie Hyatt,
Scott, Tony and Jeremy Wintrip,
Tony and Jennifer Mouncer, and
six great-grandchildren.
At Mr. Wintrip's request, no
services will be held.
Memorial donations may be
sent to Providence SoundHomeC-
are and Hospice, 2146 West Rail-
road Avenue, Shelton, 98584.
Martha Fairbanks
Martha Noreen (Daly) Fair-
banks, international traveler and
former Lake Limerick Country
Club board member, died on Mon-
day, February
12, at her home
in Allyn follow-
ing a lengthy
illness. She was
She was born
in Havre, Mon-
tana, on Septem-
ber 12, 1929.
She moved to
Seattle in 1945,
where she mar-
ried Gerard B.
Fairbanks on Oc-
tober 14, 1950. Martha
While her five Fairbanks
children were young, she was ac-
tive in the Parent-Teacher Asso-
ciation. She was an active mem-
ber of the Lake Limerick Ladies
Golf Club, later becoming a board
member for the Lake Limerick
Country Club.
Upon her husband's retire-
ment in 1981, the couple relo-
cated to Buenos Aires, Argentina,
for nearly two years, where Mr.
Fairbanks served as director of
inspection for an engineering firm
overseeing solid-waste collection
and street cleaning.
In 1989, they were recruited
by the International Executives
Service Corporation, which took
them to several different foreign
countries between 1989 and 1995.
With IESC, se served numerous
volunteer assignments in Kenya,
Czechoslovakia, Jakarta and Bali,
Among her many duties as In-
donesia Country Directors Spouse
and Sightseeing coordinator, she
led legendary shopping expedi-
tions for the volunteer spouses
who were under her guidance.
She was often called "gran mere"
by volunteer spouses 10 years her
age. She also taught English at a
university in Jakarta along with
other volunteer spouses.
In 1992, the Fairbankses be-
came year-round residents at
Lake Limerick. In 2004, they relo-
cated to LakeLand Village in AI-
lyn due to the progression of her
Mrs. Fairbanks had a passion
for golf as well as crafting and
world travel.
Surviving her are husband Go-
rard B. Fairbanks of Allyn; sons
Donald Fairbanks of Issaquah,
Jerry Fairbanks Jr. and wife Lin-
da of Orting, William Fairbanks
of Seattle, Michael Fairbanks of
Tacoma and Ed Fairbanks and
wife Shannon of Gig Harbor;
grandchildren Christen, William,
Joseph, Lauren, Jessica, Waylon,
Jamie, Sydney, Samantha and
three great-grandchildren.
An evening vigil service will be
held at 7 p.m. on Monday, Febru-
ary 19, at Saint Edward's Catho-
lic Church in Shelton. A funeral
will be at noon Tuesday, Febru-
ary 20, with Father Ron Belisle
Following the service there will
be a reception at the Lake Limer-
ick Country Club at approximate-
ly 1 p.m.
Memorial donations for Mrs.
Fairbanks may be made to Provi-
dence SoundHomeCare and Hos-
pice, 2146 West Railroad Avenue,
Shelton, 98584.
Arrangements are under the
direction of McComb Funeral
Home in Shelton.
Joseph B. Orth
Joseph B. Orth, 92, of Shelton
died on Sunday, February 11, at
Shelton Health and Rehabilitation
Arrangements are under the di-
rection of McComb Funeral Home
in Shelton.
Audrey McKinnon
Audrey McKinnon, a church
deaconess and choir member and a
partner with her husband in sever-
al retail stores in the Puget Sound
area, died in the
hours of Thurs-
day, February
8, at her home
here at age 78.
The 13-year
resident of Shel-
ton had tbugbt a
15-month battle
with cancer.
Born in Ta-
coma on Sep-
tember 9, 1928
to Clarence and Audrey
Lyda Whiteford, McKinnon
she graduated
from Lincoln High School in 1946.
On May 16, 1947, she married the
love of her life, Gene R. McKinnon,
at Lincoln Park Christian Church
in Tacoma. They would have been
married 60 years this May.
During her lifetime, Mrs. McK-
innon served as a deaconess, choir
member and choir director in sev-
eral churches of the Christian de-
nomination, including in Tacoma,
Kingston, Silverdale, Shelton, Bel-
fair and Indio, Caliibrnia. She also
served as decorator, providing flo-
ral bouquets. Her fhmily said she
was "always praising her Lord" in
whatever capacity she served.
She was an accomplished seam-
stress and artist. Her love of flow-
ers showed in her gardens, which
she meticulously kept. She espe-
cially enjoyed her great variety of
She worked beside her husband
in several business endeavors,
owning and operating a clothing
store in Tacoma, a fabric store in
University Place and a depart-
"ment and True Value Hardware
store in Silverdale.
The McKinnons enjoyed their
retirement, building a home in
Shelton and spending winters in
Her family said she was a lov-
ing, devoted wife, mother, grand-' ....
mother, sister and aunt. She
recently became a great-grand-
mother and was able to see her
great-grandson from New Jersey
on Christmas 2006.
Surviving are husband Gene
McKinnon of Shelton; daugh-
ter April and her husband Steve
Woodhouse of Lincoln, Montana;
sons Kip McKinnon and wife Dee
Dee of Port Orchard and Matt
McKinnon of Grayland; grandchil-
dren Jennifer and husband Mi-
chael Santiago, Paul Woodhouse,
and Lindsey and Kyle McKinnon;
and great-grandson Sebastian
Santiago. Also surviving are sis-
ters Pat LeClaire of Harstine Is-
land and Shirley Upton of Anchor-
age, Alaska.
A funeral service will be held
at 10:30 a.m. Friday, February
16, at Chambers Creek Chapel,
New Tacoma Cemetery in Univer-
sity Place. Remembrances may be
made to Group Health Communi-
ty Foundation or Fred Hutchinson
Cancer Research Center.
Heroes wanted
The Mount Rainier Chapter of
the American Red Cross is seeking
nominations for its l lth annual
American Red Cross Real Heroes
Breakfast of Thurston-Mason
The deadline is March 7 for
nominations in the following cat-
egories: Animal Rescue, Commu-
nity Partner, Fire Safety, Youth
Humanitarian, Adult Humanitar-
ian, Law Enforcement, Medical
Rescue, Military, Spirit of the Red
Cross, Workplace Safety and 911
For more information, call 360-
All of our staff reside in Mason County, adhere to the highest
standard of ethical practices and are committed to ensuring
that all of your needs are attended to.
Mason County's Only Crematorium
Our tull service offers cremation, burial, memorial markers and l'urpIc (;ross Burial insurance
Competitive Pricing
Pastor Ken Nielson, funeral Pre-need and at-need arrangements available
director, 4-year employee
Page 10 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 15, 2007
Verna Downer
Longtime Shelton resident Verna
Mae Downer died of natural causes
on Saturday, February 10, at the
Northcliff Adult Family Home. She
was 99.
She was born
on May 6, 1907
in Rock, Wiscon-
sin, to Warren
and Hattie (Re-
idel) Nason.
She mar-
ried Alva "Jake"
Downer on De-
cember 5, 1927 in
Wisconsin. The
Downers and
their three chil-
dren moved to Verna
Shelton in 1935. Downer
She was a
teacher early in her life. After her
marriage, she became a home-
Mrs. Downer was an avid read-
er and liked novels. She loved cats
and crossword puzzles, and en-
joyed entertaining the staff at the
Northcliff facility with songs and
poetry she learned as a youngster.
She was preceded in death by
her husband, daughter Marjorie,
two grandsons and a daughter-in-
Surviving are daughters Nedra
Brimble and husband Dale, and
Laura Ackley and husband Larry,
all of Shelton; son Gene "Johnny"
Downer of Shelton; 10 grandchil-
dren, 17 great-grandchildren and
several great-great-grandchil-
At Mrs. Downer's request, no
services will be held. Inurnment
will be at Shelton Memorial Park.
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home of Shelton.
High Low
February 7 52 44
February 8 52 39
February 9 52 33
February 10 55 35
February 11 51 44
February 12 50 35
February 13 51 34
Measurements are
the National Weather Service
Sanderson Field.
Wednesday morning
al Weather Service
at times on Thursday with a:
temperature around 52
lowed by showers Thursday
with a low around 42 degrees.
Forecasters expect
skies on Friday with a
morning showers and a high
51 degrees.
night and Saturda3
cloudy skies and areas of fog.
should be between 35 and
grees with highs in the 50s.
day night should be partly
with a low near 40 degrees.
There is a chance of rain1
forecast for Sunday
day with mostly cloudy skies.
highs should be between 50
degrees with lows between
40 degrees.
will be talking
about vou¢
The Mason County
thority Board will meet at 8 a.
Thursday, February 15, at th
pine Way
900 Alpine Way in Shelton.
Board members will
the Housing Choice
RE!,.,,,0. Home
",4 reputation built on service"
Compassion, Caring,
Kindness, Pro f essionalis00
and Outstanding Service
These are the values that
have made us so successful.
Call on us today
313 West Railroad Avenue, Shelton,
Gene Wayne Visser
Gene Wayne Visser died January 14, 2007 at the Mason
Hospital in Shelton WA. He was 69 years old when he lost a
time battle with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
that ravaged his chest and lungs.
Born June 6, 1937, Gene was the second of three children bor
Pete and Maxine Visser. His father, a logging company cat
moved his wife and three children often following his trade
Washington, Oregon and Northern California. The family
settled in Northern California during Gene's teen years. His
recall Gene taking them for rides on the back of his Cushman
and watching him in the back yard cut the top off an old truck
an ax so it could be "chopped and
his dad tried their hand at commercial fishing out of Crescent
California after Pete bought the fishing trawler "Orion".
Gene continued a gypsy style existence moving his
between Western Washington, Northern California and
called himself a racing fanatic and total gear head. He
a truck driver, heavy equipment operator and a car
loved transforming old cars and trucks into beautiful works
as well as working on racing cars and custom trucks. His son,
remembers holding a flashlight for his dad while he worked
into the night. He could work on anything, from a
a Kenworth. Another of Gene's loves was watching any kind
racing. His friends called him "Geno" and knew him as a
helpful man, who dearly loved his family and children. He
back to Shelton to care for his morn in her final years.
He is survived by his two sisters, Lynn Johnson, Santa Anna,
and Frances McNanara, Crescent City, CA.; five children
Ions Marshall Visser (deceased): Kenny L. Marshall,
Keith A Visser, Union, WA; Dennis E. Marshall,
Mike W. Visser, Cottonwood, AZ; Connie M. Visser, Peoria,
two children born to Leona Miller Visser (deceased): Kristine
Shelton WA, and Adam W. Visser, Shelton, WA.
A third marriage in 1990 to Sandy Visser ended in divorce iri
Gene then married Judy Canfield, in 2001 and she now
Florida. Nine grandchildren also survive.
A celebration of Gene's life will be held in the spring. For tiae
place contact his son, Keith Visser.
Paid Obituary Notice
Alfred G. Smith
Alfred G. Smith died of natural
causes on Saturday, February 10,
at Alpine Way Retirement Center.
He was 81 and had lived in Shel-
ton 16 years.
He was in
the home-build-
ing business in
the Burien area
from 1947 to
Mr. Smith was
born in Pueblo,
Colorado, on May
7, 1925 to John
and Mae (Whit-
mire) Smith. "q
He served in
the U.S. Navy Alfred G.
during World Smith
War II.
He married Kathleen (Purcell)
Smith on July 30, 1949 at Saint
John's Catholic Church in Ypsi-
lanti, Michigan.
Mr. Smith enjoyed woodwork-
ing, building houses, playing cards,
coaching and watching baseball,
gardening, bowling, square danc-
ing and teasing his grandchildren
and great-grandchild. He loved to
banter with his friends at Lumber-
He was preceded in death by his
parents and sisters Barbara York
and Florence Peterson.
Surviving are wife Kathleen
Smith of Shelton; son Steven Smith
of Shelton; daughters Theresa
VanVleck of SeaTac, Candace Fitz-
patrick and husband Roger of Port
Orchard and Pamela Whitworth
and husband Mark of North Van-
couver, British Columbia, Canada.
Also surviving are sisters Lena
Scott and husband Ernie of Renton
and Edith Scott of Bellevue; grand-
children Sean and Marcus VanV-
leek, Sam and Max Whitworth and
Gillian and Jaclyn Fitzpatrick;
great-grandchild Halley VanVleck;
and numerous nieces, nephews
and cousins.
A mass will be held at 11 a.m.
Thursday, February 15, at Saint
Edward's Catholich Church. Fa-
ther Ron Belisle will officiate.
Burial will be at 10 a.m. Friday,
February 16, at Tahom National
Cemetery in Kent.
Memorial donations may be
made to Providence SoundHomeC-
are and Hospice, 2146 West Rail-
road Avenue, Shelton.
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home of Shelton.
Richard Wintrip
Richard Wintrip died of kidney
failure on Wednesday, February
7, at his home. He was 81 and had
lived in Shelton for the past 18
He was born in Aberdeen on
July 28, 1925 to Jack and'Helen
(Gustafson) Wintrip.
He married Muriel C. (Artz)
Wintrip in Aberdeen on Septem-
ber 22, 1945.
Mr. Wintrip worked for Pacific
Fruit, West Coast Grocery and
was head custodian at the Grays
Harbor County Courthouse. He
retired in 1984.
His interests included carv-
ing and photography. He entered
his work at the Mason and Grays
Harbor county fairs and placed
first, second and third in many
divisions. He loved to fish and
Surviving are wife Muriel C.
Wintrip of Shelton; daughter
Kathleen A. Delia of Yakima; son
Pete S. Wintrip of Elma; grand-
children Jason Delia, Kelie Hyatt,
Scott, Tony and Jeremy Wintrip,
Tony and Jennifer Mouncer, and
six great-grandchildren.
At Mr. Wintrip's request, no
services will be held.
Memorial donations may be
sent to Providence SoundHomeC-
are and Hospice, 2146 West Rail-
road Avenue, Shelton, 98584.
Martha Fairbanks
Martha Noreen (Daly) Fair-
banks, international traveler and
former Lake Limerick Country
Club board member, died on Mon-
day, February
12, at her home
in Allyn follow-
ing a lengthy
illness. She was
She was born
in Havre, Mon-
tana, on Septem-
ber 12, 1929.
She moved to
Seattle in 1945,
where she mar-
ried Gerard B.
Fairbanks on Oc-
tober 14, 1950. Martha
While her five Fairbanks
children were young, she was ac-
tive in the Parent-Teacher Asso-
ciation. She was an active mem-
ber of the Lake Limerick Ladies
Golf Club, later becoming a board
member for the Lake Limerick
Country Club.
Upon her husband's retire-
ment in 1981, the couple relo-
cated to Buenos Aires, Argentina,
for nearly two years, where Mr.
Fairbanks served as director of
inspection for an engineering firm
overseeing solid-waste collection
and street cleaning.
In 1989, they were recruited
by the International Executives
Service Corporation, which took
them to several different foreign
countries between 1989 and 1995.
With IESC, se served numerous
volunteer assignments in Kenya,
Czechoslovakia, Jakarta and Bali,
Among her many duties as In-
donesia Country Directors Spouse
and Sightseeing coordinator, she
led legendary shopping expedi-
tions for the volunteer spouses
who were under her guidance.
She was often called "gran mere"
by volunteer spouses 10 years her
age. She also taught English at a
university in Jakarta along with
other volunteer spouses.
In 1992, the Fairbankses be-
came year-round residents at
Lake Limerick. In 2004, they relo-
cated to LakeLand Village in AI-
lyn due to the progression of her
Mrs. Fairbanks had a passion
for golf as well as crafting and
world travel.
Surviving her are husband Go-
rard B. Fairbanks of Allyn; sons
Donald Fairbanks of Issaquah,
Jerry Fairbanks Jr. and wife Lin-
da of Orting, William Fairbanks
of Seattle, Michael Fairbanks of
Tacoma and Ed Fairbanks and
wife Shannon of Gig Harbor;
grandchildren Christen, William,
Joseph, Lauren, Jessica, Waylon,
Jamie, Sydney, Samantha and
three great-grandchildren.
An evening vigil service will be
held at 7 p.m. on Monday, Febru-
ary 19, at Saint Edward's Catho-
lic Church in Shelton. A funeral
will be at noon Tuesday, Febru-
ary 20, with Father Ron Belisle
Following the service there will
be a reception at the Lake Limer-
ick Country Club at approximate-
ly 1 p.m.
Memorial donations for Mrs.
Fairbanks may be made to Provi-
dence SoundHomeCare and Hos-
pice, 2146 West Railroad Avenue,
Shelton, 98584.
Arrangements are under the
direction of McComb Funeral
Home in Shelton.
Joseph B. Orth
Joseph B. Orth, 92, of Shelton
died on Sunday, February 11, at
Shelton Health and Rehabilitation
Arrangements are under the di-
rection of McComb Funeral Home
in Shelton.
Audrey McKinnon
Audrey McKinnon, a church
deaconess and choir member and a
partner with her husband in sever-
al retail stores in the Puget Sound
area, died in the
hours of Thurs-
day, February
8, at her home
here at age 78.
The 13-year
resident of Shel-
ton had tbugbt a
15-month battle
with cancer.
Born in Ta-
coma on Sep-
tember 9, 1928
to Clarence and Audrey
Lyda Whiteford, McKinnon
she graduated
from Lincoln High School in 1946.
On May 16, 1947, she married the
love of her life, Gene R. McKinnon,
at Lincoln Park Christian Church
in Tacoma. They would have been
married 60 years this May.
During her lifetime, Mrs. McK-
innon served as a deaconess, choir
member and choir director in sev-
eral churches of the Christian de-
nomination, including in Tacoma,
Kingston, Silverdale, Shelton, Bel-
fair and Indio, Caliibrnia. She also
served as decorator, providing flo-
ral bouquets. Her fhmily said she
was "always praising her Lord" in
whatever capacity she served.
She was an accomplished seam-
stress and artist. Her love of flow-
ers showed in her gardens, which
she meticulously kept. She espe-
cially enjoyed her great variety of
She worked beside her husband
in several business endeavors,
owning and operating a clothing
store in Tacoma, a fabric store in
University Place and a depart-
"ment and True Value Hardware
store in Silverdale.
The McKinnons enjoyed their
retirement, building a home in
Shelton and spending winters in
Her family said she was a lov-
ing, devoted wife, mother, grand-' ....
mother, sister and aunt. She
recently became a great-grand-
mother and was able to see her
great-grandson from New Jersey
on Christmas 2006.
Surviving are husband Gene
McKinnon of Shelton; daugh-
ter April and her husband Steve
Woodhouse of Lincoln, Montana;
sons Kip McKinnon and wife Dee
Dee of Port Orchard and Matt
McKinnon of Grayland; grandchil-
dren Jennifer and husband Mi-
chael Santiago, Paul Woodhouse,
and Lindsey and Kyle McKinnon;
and great-grandson Sebastian
Santiago. Also surviving are sis-
ters Pat LeClaire of Harstine Is-
land and Shirley Upton of Anchor-
age, Alaska.
A funeral service will be held
at 10:30 a.m. Friday, February
16, at Chambers Creek Chapel,
New Tacoma Cemetery in Univer-
sity Place. Remembrances may be
made to Group Health Communi-
ty Foundation or Fred Hutchinson
Cancer Research Center.
Heroes wanted
The Mount Rainier Chapter of
the American Red Cross is seeking
nominations for its l lth annual
American Red Cross Real Heroes
Breakfast of Thurston-Mason
The deadline is March 7 for
nominations in the following cat-
egories: Animal Rescue, Commu-
nity Partner, Fire Safety, Youth
Humanitarian, Adult Humanitar-
ian, Law Enforcement, Medical
Rescue, Military, Spirit of the Red
Cross, Workplace Safety and 911
For more information, call 360-
All of our staff reside in Mason County, adhere to the highest
standard of ethical practices and are committed to ensuring
that all of your needs are attended to.
Mason County's Only Crematorium
Our tull service offers cremation, burial, memorial markers and l'urpIc (;ross Burial insurance
Competitive Pricing
Pastor Ken Nielson, funeral Pre-need and at-need arrangements available
director, 4-year employee
Page 10 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 15, 2007
Verna Downer
Longtime Shelton resident Verna
Mae Downer died of natural causes
on Saturday, February 10, at the
Northcliff Adult Family Home. She
was 99.
She was born
on May 6, 1907
in Rock, Wiscon-
sin, to Warren
and Hattie (Re-
idel) Nason.
She mar-
ried Alva "Jake"
Downer on De-
cember 5, 1927 in
Wisconsin. The
Downers and
their three chil-
dren moved to Verna
Shelton in 1935. Downer
She was a
teacher early in her life. After her
marriage, she became a home-
Mrs. Downer was an avid read-
er and liked novels. She loved cats
and crossword puzzles, and en-
joyed entertaining the staff at the
Northcliff facility with songs and
poetry she learned as a youngster.
She was preceded in death by
her husband, daughter Marjorie,
two grandsons and a daughter-in-
Surviving are daughters Nedra
Brimble and husband Dale, and
Laura Ackley and husband Larry,
all of Shelton; son Gene "Johnny"
Downer of Shelton; 10 grandchil-
dren, 17 great-grandchildren and
several great-great-grandchil-
At Mrs. Downer's request, no
services will be held. Inurnment
will be at Shelton Memorial Park.
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home of Shelton.
High Low
February 7 52 44
February 8 52 39
February 9 52 33
February 10 55 35
February 11 51 44
February 12 50 35
February 13 51 34
Measurements are
the National Weather Service
Sanderson Field.
Wednesday morning
al Weather Service
at times on Thursday with a:
temperature around 52
lowed by showers Thursday
with a low around 42 degrees.
Forecasters expect
skies on Friday with a
morning showers and a high
51 degrees.
night and Saturda3
cloudy skies and areas of fog.
should be between 35 and
grees with highs in the 50s.
day night should be partly
with a low near 40 degrees.
There is a chance of rain1
forecast for Sunday
day with mostly cloudy skies.
highs should be between 50
degrees with lows between
40 degrees.
will be talking
about vou¢
The Mason County
thority Board will meet at 8 a.
Thursday, February 15, at th
pine Way
900 Alpine Way in Shelton.
Board members will
the Housing Choice
RE!,.,,,0. Home
",4 reputation built on service"
Compassion, Caring,
Kindness, Pro f essionalis00
and Outstanding Service
These are the values that
have made us so successful.
Call on us today
313 West Railroad Avenue, Shelton,
Gene Wayne Visser
Gene Wayne Visser died January 14, 2007 at the Mason
Hospital in Shelton WA. He was 69 years old when he lost a
time battle with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
that ravaged his chest and lungs.
Born June 6, 1937, Gene was the second of three children bor
Pete and Maxine Visser. His father, a logging company cat
moved his wife and three children often following his trade
Washington, Oregon and Northern California. The family
settled in Northern California during Gene's teen years. His
recall Gene taking them for rides on the back of his Cushman
and watching him in the back yard cut the top off an old truck
an ax so it could be "chopped and
his dad tried their hand at commercial fishing out of Crescent
California after Pete bought the fishing trawler "Orion".
Gene continued a gypsy style existence moving his
between Western Washington, Northern California and
called himself a racing fanatic and total gear head. He
a truck driver, heavy equipment operator and a car
loved transforming old cars and trucks into beautiful works
as well as working on racing cars and custom trucks. His son,
remembers holding a flashlight for his dad while he worked
into the night. He could work on anything, from a
a Kenworth. Another of Gene's loves was watching any kind
racing. His friends called him "Geno" and knew him as a
helpful man, who dearly loved his family and children. He
back to Shelton to care for his morn in her final years.
He is survived by his two sisters, Lynn Johnson, Santa Anna,
and Frances McNanara, Crescent City, CA.; five children
Ions Marshall Visser (deceased): Kenny L. Marshall,
Keith A Visser, Union, WA; Dennis E. Marshall,
Mike W. Visser, Cottonwood, AZ; Connie M. Visser, Peoria,
two children born to Leona Miller Visser (deceased): Kristine
Shelton WA, and Adam W. Visser, Shelton, WA.
A third marriage in 1990 to Sandy Visser ended in divorce iri
Gene then married Judy Canfield, in 2001 and she now
Florida. Nine grandchildren also survive.
A celebration of Gene's life will be held in the spring. For tiae
place contact his son, Keith Visser.
Paid Obituary Notice