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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 15, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 15, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00usin 00ournal MEDICINE SHOPPE PHARMACY at 207 Professional Way in Shelton recently met standards to be rtified by the Medicine Shoppe International headquarters Offer specialized services and programs to people with .Chabetes. Pharmacist Ty Davidson said the offerings will Include quarterly programs or support groups on topics eadecting diabetics; monthly counseling sessions with Ucational materials to assist in managing the disease; onthly downloads of blood-glucose meters; and training on blood-glucose monitors and insulin pens. $[ELTON RESIDENT ROGER COLE is now offering antum biofeedback services locally, which include scanning e body in about five minutes for such things as allergies, ,llUtritional deficiencies, hormone levels, organ function, xicities, physical and emotional trauma, and pathogens. lie said stress is the most common cause of all disease aad that quantum feedback equipment helps people relax aad reduce their hypertension, stress and pain. Because healthy cells and tissues radiate frequencies of a coherent ture and diseased cells and tissues radiate oscillation of a aotic nature, the problem areas can be pinpointed by the .equipment, which can then correct the incoherent oscillation, Uole explained Various therapies can follow the initial scan ying energetic imbalances. 100 Years Ago the February 15, 1907, Ma- , Journal: of the cows belonging to Wm. dairy, which has been ailing past month and turned out Metzer place, was killed this be found two bullet in the stomach. The shots fired by some careless some time ago. "Piano Dance" at New Kamilche enjoyable affair, who attended report, but a thirty people thither-bound expressed a different Shelton-Mason County Journal: John H. Strong, Shelton, pleaded not guilty to a charge of second- degree murder in connection with the stabbing death of his brother, Allen, last August. The Shelton City Commission, at its meeting Tuesday, took the first steps toward annexation f the site of the new Shelton High School on Spring Road. 10 Years Ago From the February 13, Shelton-Mason County Journal: 1997, The night was unusually The Shelton School Board took a and owing to an accident to tle first [ookTuesdayat the broad outlines rudder the steamer broughg up &apos; of a major building project that may oyster beds in Chapman's Labor came wading out to in long-legged rubber boots the party from trespassing reserves. 35 Years Ago lr0 the February 17, 1972, bYsart named he00v director United Way ! from page 13.) or persons with needs are to visit United Way's at www.unitedwayma- For more information, United Way at 428 West Street, Suite 1, Shelton, or call 426-4999. JOIYRNAL CLASSIFIEDS 360-426-4412 THE PTICAL SHOP of Wa, Inc. r. Dolores Fraire : Physician E FAQs know that your eyes: complex organs you ,our brain? of more than 2 <ing parts? ge of 12 times per 000 times per day? ingest muscles in they have to more powerful than the light of a candle away under the right lmost 85% of everything about the world around You do! topic Hwy. N. Suite 102 Shelton 427-7553 be in the works. Millions of dollars are needed to repair old buildings and build new ones, according to a presentation by the staff. John Meyer has decided to step down as superintendent of the Hood Canal School District. He'll be helping the school board begin their search for his replacement. Meyer, 59, came to Hood Canal from Brighton, Colorado, in the summer of 1995. Chandar Bhimani, M.D. Intemal Medicine (360) 427-8940 Board Certified Internal Medicine John V. Butler, M,D. Family Practice Shelton Family Medicine (360) 426-2653 Board Certified Family Practice Bonnie J. Davial M.D. Family Practice Shelton Family Medicine (360) 426-2653 Board Certified Family Practice Teething time: Dental van puts smile in style for youngsters The Smilemobile will be rolling into Shelton next month. A fully equipped van that comes to Mason County once a year, the Smilemobile will provide dental services to children in families that don't have a lot of money. It will be here March 19-30. To schedule an appointment, call Barb Skillman at 462-2237. As for this month, Mason Coun- ty Public Health is urging people to observe February as Children's Dental Health Month. Heidi Iyall, the county's health educator, said the goal is to high- light the importance of going to the dentist for good oral health. "The good habits your child learns now can last a lifetime," she wrote. At the same time she encour- ages people to teach children good habits such as brushing, flossing and seeing a dentist regularly. Iyall noted that getting a dental exam every six months to a year is crucial to good oral health. "During the first exam, the den- tist may take X rays and inspect your child's teeth for signs of tooth decay," she wrote. "Another ap- pointment may be scheduled if your child needs additional clean- ing or dental treatment, such as a cavity filling." Iyall notes that it can be difficult to find a dentist for a child who is IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Hayden Jade Hoeye was born on February 1 at Capital Medical Center in Olym- pia to Ryan Hoeye of Shelton. He weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces and was 22 inches long. Grandparents are Bona and Jer- ry Hoeye of Shelton. Aliyah Marie Hiekson was born on January 4 in Shel- ton to Mary Carrion and Benjamin Hickson of Shelton. She weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces and was 191/2 inches long. She joins Angel, age 5, Caleb, age 2, and Alexia, age 1. Grandparents are Maria Cas- tellanos of Shelton, Darlene Fraz- er and Richard Michaelis. Great- grandparents are Howard and Judy Wilson. uninsured or has Medicaid medi- cal coupons. Although resources are scarce, Mason County Public Health maintains a list of dental clinics fbr families with limited fhmily income. County health workers also co- ordinate the Access to Baby and Child Dentistry program. Also known as ABCD, this program matches Medicaid-eligible children ages 5 and younger to a dentist for early preventative dental care. The American Dental Associa- tion recommends taking children to their first dental visit by their first birthday. "At these early vis- its, parents learn how to care for their child's teeth and the child gets to have positive, nonpainful experiences at the dentist," Iyall wrote. For more information, call her at 427-9670, Extension 410. Vista to Bartlett hearing is set The Mason County Commission has scheduled two public hear- ings: • 6:30 p.m. on February 27, to review the request by Linda Christenson to rezone a 2.57-acre parcel on Harstine Island from Rural Residential 5 zone to Rural Tourist Campground zone. • 9:30 a.m. on March 6, on a proposal to rename all of Vista Place to Bartlett Place. Hearings are held in the Com- mission Chambers at 411 North Fifth Street in downtown Shelton. HOODSPORT FAMILY CLINIC, RS. l MARGENE FIELDS, ARNP Full-time health-core provider ql Walk-ins welcome  Experienced in treating Family care, from patients of all ages newborns to adult .... . ,,:. geriatrics Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday Margene Fields. Call (360) 877-0372 BSN, MN,ANRFNP 24261 N. US Highway 101,Hoodsport I][] HANDY ADVICE I. ,lc'ph Zy,tr, P. T. Prolonged puter mouse, but not keyboard pain, tingling, use, might raise the risk of carpal and/or numb- tunnel syndrome. ness in the If you have or have symp- hand and wrist are likely to be toms of carpal tunnel syndrome, symptoms of carpal tunnel syn- drome. This condition is caused by compression of the median nerve, which enters the hand through a narrow tunnel formed by bones and ligaments. If tendons in the carpal tunnel become inflamed and swell, they can squeeze the nerve to produce the typical symp- toms of carpal tunnel syndrome. It is important to treat this condition early on as prompt treatment can help avert potential long-term problems such as the loss of feel- ing in some fingers and permanent weakness of the thumb. Studies show that frequent use of a corn- speak with a physical therapist to discuss your treatment options. When you require the professional care of a physical therapist, call SHELTON PHYSICAL THER- APY AND SPORTS MEDICINE at (360) 426-5903. You'll find us conveniently located at 2300 Kati Ct., Ste. B. New patients are wel- come. Same day appointments are available. P.S. Because the incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome increases during pregnancy and menopause, hormones may play a role in its occurrence. CALL FOR AN 11 i APPOINTMENT TODAY[ Rebeom Hmlelx, M.D. Family Practice Olympic Physicians. P.LLC. (MO) 426-2500 www.olympicphysicia Board Certified Family Practice Pen Hou, M.D. Family Practice North Mason Medical Clinic (360) 426-8405 Board Certified Family Practice Doullu f. Undahl, D.O. Internal Medicine Olympic Physicians, P.LLC, (36O) 426-25OO Board Certified Internal Medicine Alkn L. Millard, M.D. Family Practice Shelton Family Medicine Christopher W. Penoyar D.O., F.&.g.F.P Family Practice (360) 4264862 Board Certified Family Practice lose Jeffrey T. Reuol, M.D. Internal Medicine North Mason Medical Clinic (360) 426-8405 Board Certified Intemal Medicine Mark L. hlauderaff, M.D. Intemal Medicine Olympic Physicians, P.LLC. 06o)426-2soo www.olympicphysicia Board Certified Internal Medicine Diana C. Vdilmva, M.D. Internal Medicine Olympic Physicians, P.LLC. (360)426-2500 www.olympicphysicia Board Certified Intemal Medicine Timothy J. Weber, M.D. Family Practice Shelton Family Medicine (360) 426-2653 Board Certified Family Practice Doda H. Wilson, M.D. Family Practice Shelton Family Medicine (300) 426-2653 901 Mt, Vmw Dnve, BIdg #1, Shelton, WP 98584 (360) 426-1611, from Belhir (360) 275.8614 (360) 426-2653 .... Free Physician Referral Line (360) 427.9551 Board Certified  www, mmoqnml.m Family Practice  ........... ! .. •" ! TTYfrDD: (360} 421.9593 ..... *::::: .....  " Translation Services Provid ': iiiiii  i!;:i ' .... m re caring counts. Feel the dlrence, se habla tpaot Designated level 4 Trauma Faciir/ credited by the Joint Commissmn on creditation of Health:are Organizations Thursday, February 15, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19 00usin 00ournal MEDICINE SHOPPE PHARMACY at 207 Professional Way in Shelton recently met standards to be rtified by the Medicine Shoppe International headquarters Offer specialized services and programs to people with .Chabetes. Pharmacist Ty Davidson said the offerings will Include quarterly programs or support groups on topics eadecting diabetics; monthly counseling sessions with Ucational materials to assist in managing the disease; onthly downloads of blood-glucose meters; and training on blood-glucose monitors and insulin pens. $[ELTON RESIDENT ROGER COLE is now offering antum biofeedback services locally, which include scanning e body in about five minutes for such things as allergies, ,llUtritional deficiencies, hormone levels, organ function, xicities, physical and emotional trauma, and pathogens. lie said stress is the most common cause of all disease aad that quantum feedback equipment helps people relax aad reduce their hypertension, stress and pain. Because healthy cells and tissues radiate frequencies of a coherent ture and diseased cells and tissues radiate oscillation of a aotic nature, the problem areas can be pinpointed by the .equipment, which can then correct the incoherent oscillation, Uole explained Various therapies can follow the initial scan ying energetic imbalances. 100 Years Ago the February 15, 1907, Ma- , Journal: of the cows belonging to Wm. dairy, which has been ailing past month and turned out Metzer place, was killed this be found two bullet in the stomach. The shots fired by some careless some time ago. "Piano Dance" at New Kamilche enjoyable affair, who attended report, but a thirty people thither-bound expressed a different Shelton-Mason County Journal: John H. Strong, Shelton, pleaded not guilty to a charge of second- degree murder in connection with the stabbing death of his brother, Allen, last August. The Shelton City Commission, at its meeting Tuesday, took the first steps toward annexation f the site of the new Shelton High School on Spring Road. 10 Years Ago From the February 13, Shelton-Mason County Journal: 1997, The night was unusually The Shelton School Board took a and owing to an accident to tle first [ookTuesdayat the broad outlines rudder the steamer broughg up ' of a major building project that may oyster beds in Chapman's Labor came wading out to in long-legged rubber boots the party from trespassing reserves. 35 Years Ago lr0 the February 17, 1972, bYsart named he00v director United Way ! from page 13.) or persons with needs are to visit United Way's at www.unitedwayma- For more information, United Way at 428 West Street, Suite 1, Shelton, or call 426-4999. JOIYRNAL CLASSIFIEDS 360-426-4412 THE PTICAL SHOP of Wa, Inc. r. Dolores Fraire : Physician E FAQs know that your eyes: complex organs you ,our brain? of more than 2 <ing parts? ge of 12 times per 000 times per day? ingest muscles in they have to more powerful than the light of a candle away under the right lmost 85% of everything about the world around You do! topic Hwy. N. Suite 102 Shelton 427-7553 be in the works. Millions of dollars are needed to repair old buildings and build new ones, according to a presentation by the staff. John Meyer has decided to step down as superintendent of the Hood Canal School District. He'll be helping the school board begin their search for his replacement. Meyer, 59, came to Hood Canal from Brighton, Colorado, in the summer of 1995. Chandar Bhimani, M.D. Intemal Medicine (360) 427-8940 Board Certified Internal Medicine John V. Butler, M,D. Family Practice Shelton Family Medicine (360) 426-2653 Board Certified Family Practice Bonnie J. Davial M.D. Family Practice Shelton Family Medicine (360) 426-2653 Board Certified Family Practice Teething time: Dental van puts smile in style for youngsters The Smilemobile will be rolling into Shelton next month. A fully equipped van that comes to Mason County once a year, the Smilemobile will provide dental services to children in families that don't have a lot of money. It will be here March 19-30. To schedule an appointment, call Barb Skillman at 462-2237. As for this month, Mason Coun- ty Public Health is urging people to observe February as Children's Dental Health Month. Heidi Iyall, the county's health educator, said the goal is to high- light the importance of going to the dentist for good oral health. "The good habits your child learns now can last a lifetime," she wrote. At the same time she encour- ages people to teach children good habits such as brushing, flossing and seeing a dentist regularly. Iyall noted that getting a dental exam every six months to a year is crucial to good oral health. "During the first exam, the den- tist may take X rays and inspect your child's teeth for signs of tooth decay," she wrote. "Another ap- pointment may be scheduled if your child needs additional clean- ing or dental treatment, such as a cavity filling." Iyall notes that it can be difficult to find a dentist for a child who is IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Hayden Jade Hoeye was born on February 1 at Capital Medical Center in Olym- pia to Ryan Hoeye of Shelton. He weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces and was 22 inches long. Grandparents are Bona and Jer- ry Hoeye of Shelton. Aliyah Marie Hiekson was born on January 4 in Shel- ton to Mary Carrion and Benjamin Hickson of Shelton. She weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces and was 191/2 inches long. She joins Angel, age 5, Caleb, age 2, and Alexia, age 1. Grandparents are Maria Cas- tellanos of Shelton, Darlene Fraz- er and Richard Michaelis. Great- grandparents are Howard and Judy Wilson. uninsured or has Medicaid medi- cal coupons. Although resources are scarce, Mason County Public Health maintains a list of dental clinics fbr families with limited fhmily income. County health workers also co- ordinate the Access to Baby and Child Dentistry program. Also known as ABCD, this program matches Medicaid-eligible children ages 5 and younger to a dentist for early preventative dental care. The American Dental Associa- tion recommends taking children to their first dental visit by their first birthday. "At these early vis- its, parents learn how to care for their child's teeth and the child gets to have positive, nonpainful experiences at the dentist," Iyall wrote. For more information, call her at 427-9670, Extension 410. Vista to Bartlett hearing is set The Mason County Commission has scheduled two public hear- ings: • 6:30 p.m. on February 27, to review the request by Linda Christenson to rezone a 2.57-acre parcel on Harstine Island from Rural Residential 5 zone to Rural Tourist Campground zone. • 9:30 a.m. on March 6, on a proposal to rename all of Vista Place to Bartlett Place. Hearings are held in the Com- mission Chambers at 411 North Fifth Street in downtown Shelton. HOODSPORT FAMILY CLINIC, RS. l MARGENE FIELDS, ARNP Full-time health-core provider ql Walk-ins welcome  Experienced in treating Family care, from patients of all ages newborns to adult .... . ,,:. geriatrics Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday Margene Fields. Call (360) 877-0372 BSN, MN,ANRFNP 24261 N. US Highway 101,Hoodsport I][] HANDY ADVICE I. ,lc'ph Zy,tr, P. T. Prolonged puter mouse, but not keyboard pain, tingling, use, might raise the risk of carpal and/or numb- tunnel syndrome. ness in the If you have or have symp- hand and wrist are likely to be toms of carpal tunnel syndrome, symptoms of carpal tunnel syn- drome. This condition is caused by compression of the median nerve, which enters the hand through a narrow tunnel formed by bones and ligaments. If tendons in the carpal tunnel become inflamed and swell, they can squeeze the nerve to produce the typical symp- toms of carpal tunnel syndrome. It is important to treat this condition early on as prompt treatment can help avert potential long-term problems such as the loss of feel- ing in some fingers and permanent weakness of the thumb. Studies show that frequent use of a corn- speak with a physical therapist to discuss your treatment options. When you require the professional care of a physical therapist, call SHELTON PHYSICAL THER- APY AND SPORTS MEDICINE at (360) 426-5903. You'll find us conveniently located at 2300 Kati Ct., Ste. B. New patients are wel- come. Same day appointments are available. P.S. Because the incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome increases during pregnancy and menopause, hormones may play a role in its occurrence. CALL FOR AN 11 i APPOINTMENT TODAY[ Rebeom Hmlelx, M.D. Family Practice Olympic Physicians. P.LLC. (MO) 426-2500 www.olympicphysicia Board Certified Family Practice Pen Hou, M.D. Family Practice North Mason Medical Clinic (360) 426-8405 Board Certified Family Practice Doullu f. Undahl, D.O. Internal Medicine Olympic Physicians, P.LLC, (36O) 426-25OO Board Certified Internal Medicine Alkn L. Millard, M.D. Family Practice Shelton Family Medicine Christopher W. Penoyar D.O., F.&.g.F.P Family Practice (360) 4264862 Board Certified Family Practice lose Jeffrey T. Reuol, M.D. Internal Medicine North Mason Medical Clinic (360) 426-8405 Board Certified Intemal Medicine Mark L. hlauderaff, M.D. Intemal Medicine Olympic Physicians, P.LLC. 06o)426-2soo www.olympicphysicia Board Certified Internal Medicine Diana C. Vdilmva, M.D. Internal Medicine Olympic Physicians, P.LLC. (360)426-2500 www.olympicphysicia Board Certified Intemal Medicine Timothy J. Weber, M.D. Family Practice Shelton Family Medicine (360) 426-2653 Board Certified Family Practice Doda H. Wilson, M.D. Family Practice Shelton Family Medicine (300) 426-2653 901 Mt, Vmw Dnve, BIdg #1, Shelton, WP 98584 (360) 426-1611, from Belhir (360) 275.8614 (360) 426-2653 .... Free Physician Referral Line (360) 427.9551 Board Certified  www, mmoqnml.m Family Practice  ........... ! .. •" ! TTYfrDD: (360} 421.9593 ..... *::::: .....  " Translation Services Provid ': iiiiii  i!;:i ' .... m re caring counts. Feel the dlrence, se habla tpaot Designated level 4 Trauma Faciir/ credited by the Joint Commissmn on creditation of Health:are Organizations Thursday, February 15, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19