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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 15, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 15, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mayor among many to be electec Have you ever wanted to be a city c(immissioner? ttow about a port commissioner, sc.hool district, hospital district, tire district, water or even cemetery district commis- sioner? This is your chance to think about seeking elected office. The ill- ing period is several months away. Several positions come up tbr elec- tion next fall. Following is a list of those posts, including names of the incumbents: City of Shelton: Mayor, John Tan'an/: Commissioner of firmnce, Dick Taylor. Shelton School Board: Dis- trict l, Sue McCaushmd; District 2, Marty Crow; l)istrict 5, Peter toolne. Port of Shelton: District 3, Ma rle ne Taylm'. Mason County Itospitai Dis- trict: Position 1, Scott Hilburn. Southside School Board: Po- sition 1, Don Robbins; Position 2, Bill Sloane: Position 4, Gretchen Rice. Pioneer School Board: Po- sition 1, David Westermann Sr.; Position 2, Bob Strobe; Position 4, Brandee Putvin. Hood Canal School Board: Position 2, Victoria Pavel; District 3, Sheryl Kroneman; District 5, Sara Endicott. Mary M. Knight School Board: Position 2, Diana M. Goldy; District 1, Chris Willey; District 3, Rick Johnson. Grapeview School Board: Po- sition 2, Michael McGuire; Position 4, Dee Ann Kline; Position 5, Dar- ren Porter. North Mason School Board: District 1, Art Wightman: District 3, Ken VanBuskirk; l)istrict 4, Glenn Landram. Fire District 1: Position 2, va- cant. Fire District 2: Position 2, Brooke Quigley; Position 4, Kelley McIntosh. Fire District 3: Position 3, Curt Fugere. Fire District 4: Position 3, Gary Plews. Fire District 5: Position 3, Del Griftby. Fire District 6: Position 2, Rob- ert Close. Fire District 8: Position 2, Con- rad Dodd. Fire District 9: Position 1, AI Leister. Fire District 11: Position 2, Gary Volk. Fire District: 12: Position 1, Ira Brehmeyer. Fire District 13: Position 1, Brian Core. Fire District 16: Position 1 Richard Andrews. Fire District 17: Position 3, Richard Honeysett. Fire District 18: Position 3, Bob Benson. Port of Hoodsport: Positi0n L Dick Patterson. Port of Allyn: District 3, Blackwell. Port of Grapeview: DistriQ Barney Wilson. Port of Dewatto: Distrla Lynett Mclean. Belfair Water District: Lion 2, Lou LaDow. Maggie Lake Water Position 1, Donald Husted. Trails End Water Position 1, vacant. Tahuya River Valley District: Position l, Albert Mason County CemeterY trict: Position 3, Gladys I | College films explore world of difference ()lympic College Shelton is presenting a Snack Time Cin- ema on Thursdays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. All students, thculty and community members are invited lo enjoy the fi'ee movies. The series starts today, Thurs- day, February 15, with the 59- minute Culture Did #ith: An Overview of the (h'E,at Reh:gions of Asia. The film was videotaped be- fore the Gig Harbor Chapter of the American Association of University Women, Peninsula Imtheran Church, Gig Harbor. It presents a lecture that con- rains intbrmation about the major tenets of three Asian re- ligions, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam. It is prefaced with an exphmation of why the eco- nomic ties between Washing-ton and Asia make it important that we understand its cultures and religions. ()ther films on the folh)wing dates include: • Februm2€ 22 - Can You See the Color (;ray? (54 minutes). Attitudes and tbeling' about race are (xpressed by children lind t(}EnLlgcLrs. • March 1 -- World o/'(;eslures (27 minutes). Gestures from dif fwent cultures around the world are exph)red. Pcoph: from many nations are shown peril)Truing all kinds of gestures. Also ex- phwed are the meaning, thnc- tion and origin of gestures. • March 8- A World of bSod (35 minutes). This film exam- ines some of the attitudes that make fi:)od a fbcus of cultural and individual expression. In this fihn fi)od choices are divid- ed into seven primary categories and a wu'iety of individuals from various cultures and etlmic and religious affiliations are inter- viewed concerning what they eat and why. • March 15 -A Worht of Differ- em'e (35 minutes). This fihn dis- cusses the importance t)f under- standing and being sensitive to cultural ditK;rences. It explores nonverbal behavior including gestures and facial expressions, as well as the meaning, function and origin of gestures. It also addresses verbal and non-verbal miscommunication. Trawderg share e.xperiences with cultural blunders. • March 22- America's Mul- ticultural tteritage (26 min- utes). Those who view this film can learn of the contributions that many diflLwent cultures of- fer our nation as well as when and why specific cultural groups populated America. The film observes areas with a high con- centration of a particular ethnic group. The Associated Students of Olympic College and Multicul- tural Services are sponsoring the free weekly movies. ()lympic (hiilege Shelton is h)cated at 937 West Alpine Way. For more in- tbrmation call 432-5400. LOW COST CREMATION , :,,,,, p,,,,c $ 3 7 5 360-709-2857 ()r 1-800-575-8823 24 hours Always low cost with dignity AMERICAN BURIAL & CREMATION SERVICliS , ,u fall FOR AN APPOINTMENT AND WE WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO PUR(HASE A VEHlaE IN 2007 SUBARU FORESTER 2.5X "Best Small SUV FOE The Third Year Running" (CAR ANO DRIVERS) EMRA ON YOUR TRADE'IN. ASK FOR STEVE OR 6U$. 2007 SUBARU OUTBACK 2.5i WAGON Government Crash Test Rating. Naliolml Highway Traffic Safely hdlnirlisllalion (NHrSA) 20.0.7 SUBARU IMPREZA 2.5n Sedan Best All Wheel Drive Car In It's Class. NoW lhrotlgh fet)lu.'ffy . 2007 - $179 peg lnoldh fur 42 mollths with $I 179.00 due at slgnillg plus setudly deposit, tax, lille, and reqistli4tJon tees olla. Othel leases availoble oil otbe, models. (aflnot be combined with any othel In(entlves, 10,000 miles pet year on app¢oval ot credit. PENINSULA SUBARU 3888 W St Hwy 16-Bremerton 1-800-779-0405 www.pemnsulasubaru, corn Page 20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 15, 2007 SUBARU Government Star Rating is part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHISA) New Car Assessment Progran (NCAP). Refer to See dealer for details, offer expires 02/23/07. *On approval of credit tl | I | | I :l Mayor among many to be electec Have you ever wanted to be a city c(immissioner? ttow about a port commissioner, sc.hool district, hospital district, tire district, water or even cemetery district commis- sioner? This is your chance to think about seeking elected office. The ill- ing period is several months away. Several positions come up tbr elec- tion next fall. Following is a list of those posts, including names of the incumbents: City of Shelton: Mayor, John Tan'an/: Commissioner of firmnce, Dick Taylor. Shelton School Board: Dis- trict l, Sue McCaushmd; District 2, Marty Crow; l)istrict 5, Peter toolne. Port of Shelton: District 3, Ma rle ne Taylm'. Mason County Itospitai Dis- trict: Position 1, Scott Hilburn. Southside School Board: Po- sition 1, Don Robbins; Position 2, Bill Sloane: Position 4, Gretchen Rice. Pioneer School Board: Po- sition 1, David Westermann Sr.; Position 2, Bob Strobe; Position 4, Brandee Putvin. Hood Canal School Board: Position 2, Victoria Pavel; District 3, Sheryl Kroneman; District 5, Sara Endicott. Mary M. Knight School Board: Position 2, Diana M. Goldy; District 1, Chris Willey; District 3, Rick Johnson. Grapeview School Board: Po- sition 2, Michael McGuire; Position 4, Dee Ann Kline; Position 5, Dar- ren Porter. North Mason School Board: District 1, Art Wightman: District 3, Ken VanBuskirk; l)istrict 4, Glenn Landram. Fire District 1: Position 2, va- cant. Fire District 2: Position 2, Brooke Quigley; Position 4, Kelley McIntosh. Fire District 3: Position 3, Curt Fugere. Fire District 4: Position 3, Gary Plews. Fire District 5: Position 3, Del Griftby. Fire District 6: Position 2, Rob- ert Close. Fire District 8: Position 2, Con- rad Dodd. Fire District 9: Position 1, AI Leister. Fire District 11: Position 2, Gary Volk. Fire District: 12: Position 1, Ira Brehmeyer. Fire District 13: Position 1, Brian Core. Fire District 16: Position 1 Richard Andrews. Fire District 17: Position 3, Richard Honeysett. Fire District 18: Position 3, Bob Benson. Port of Hoodsport: Positi0n L Dick Patterson. Port of Allyn: District 3, Blackwell. Port of Grapeview: DistriQ Barney Wilson. Port of Dewatto: Distrla Lynett Mclean. Belfair Water District: Lion 2, Lou LaDow. Maggie Lake Water Position 1, Donald Husted. Trails End Water Position 1, vacant. Tahuya River Valley District: Position l, Albert Mason County CemeterY trict: Position 3, Gladys I | College films explore world of difference ()lympic College Shelton is presenting a Snack Time Cin- ema on Thursdays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. All students, thculty and community members are invited lo enjoy the fi'ee movies. The series starts today, Thurs- day, February 15, with the 59- minute Culture Did #ith: An Overview of the (h'E,at Reh:gions of Asia. The film was videotaped be- fore the Gig Harbor Chapter of the American Association of University Women, Peninsula Imtheran Church, Gig Harbor. It presents a lecture that con- rains intbrmation about the major tenets of three Asian re- ligions, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam. It is prefaced with an exphmation of why the eco- nomic ties between Washing-ton and Asia make it important that we understand its cultures and religions. ()ther films on the folh)wing dates include: • Februm2€ 22 - Can You See the Color (;ray? (54 minutes). Attitudes and tbeling' about race are (xpressed by children lind t(}EnLlgcLrs. • March 1 -- World o/'(;eslures (27 minutes). Gestures from dif fwent cultures around the world are exph)red. Pcoph: from many nations are shown peril)Truing all kinds of gestures. Also ex- phwed are the meaning, thnc- tion and origin of gestures. • March 8- A World of bSod (35 minutes). This film exam- ines some of the attitudes that make fi:)od a fbcus of cultural and individual expression. In this fihn fi)od choices are divid- ed into seven primary categories and a wu'iety of individuals from various cultures and etlmic and religious affiliations are inter- viewed concerning what they eat and why. • March 15 -A Worht of Differ- em'e (35 minutes). This fihn dis- cusses the importance t)f under- standing and being sensitive to cultural ditK;rences. It explores nonverbal behavior including gestures and facial expressions, as well as the meaning, function and origin of gestures. It also addresses verbal and non-verbal miscommunication. Trawderg share e.xperiences with cultural blunders. • March 22- America's Mul- ticultural tteritage (26 min- utes). Those who view this film can learn of the contributions that many diflLwent cultures of- fer our nation as well as when and why specific cultural groups populated America. The film observes areas with a high con- centration of a particular ethnic group. The Associated Students of Olympic College and Multicul- tural Services are sponsoring the free weekly movies. ()lympic (hiilege Shelton is h)cated at 937 West Alpine Way. For more in- tbrmation call 432-5400. LOW COST CREMATION , :,,,,, p,,,,c $ 3 7 5 360-709-2857 ()r 1-800-575-8823 24 hours Always low cost with dignity AMERICAN BURIAL & CREMATION SERVICliS , ,u fall FOR AN APPOINTMENT AND WE WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO PUR(HASE A VEHlaE IN 2007 SUBARU FORESTER 2.5X "Best Small SUV FOE The Third Year Running" (CAR ANO DRIVERS) EMRA ON YOUR TRADE'IN. ASK FOR STEVE OR 6U$. 2007 SUBARU OUTBACK 2.5i WAGON Government Crash Test Rating. Naliolml Highway Traffic Safely hdlnirlisllalion (NHrSA) 20.0.7 SUBARU IMPREZA 2.5n Sedan Best All Wheel Drive Car In It's Class. NoW lhrotlgh fet)lu.'ffy . 2007 - $179 peg lnoldh fur 42 mollths with $I 179.00 due at slgnillg plus setudly deposit, tax, lille, and reqistli4tJon tees olla. Othel leases availoble oil otbe, models. (aflnot be combined with any othel In(entlves, 10,000 miles pet year on app¢oval ot credit. PENINSULA SUBARU 3888 W St Hwy 16-Bremerton 1-800-779-0405 www.pemnsulasubaru, corn Page 20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 15, 2007 SUBARU Government Star Rating is part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHISA) New Car Assessment Progran (NCAP). Refer to See dealer for details, offer expires 02/23/07. *On approval of credit tl | I | | I :l