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00ournal of
in Mason County
Court Judge Victoria
jurisdiction during the
Week include:
;under the influence:
Perez Pablo, 2020 Ad-
Shelton, $1,231, 365
364 suspended; Kimberly
1818 Evergreen
SW, Olympia, $991,
364 suspended; Jack
Shelton, $1,486, 365
363 suspended; Brandon
170 East Effie Prosser
under 21 years of
), 90 days, 89 suspended.
driving: Matthew T.
,285 Cedar Creek Drive,
l, $200, 365 days, 256 sus-
and possession of a dan-
$100, and $1,300
D. Bell, 2450 East
Loop Road, Grapeview,
364 suspended.
while license sus-
or revoked: Jae H. Lit-
West Simpson Avenue,
third degree, $250, 90
SUspended; John M• Zorn,
West Franklin Street, Shel-
third degree, $250, 90 days,
Tyler W. Elliott,
Hills Drive SE, Lacey,
$253, 90 days sus-
Dallas T. Hardy, 1407
1 Street South, Tacoma, third
$253, 90 days suspended,
o seatbelt, $111; Earl E.
il NE Dusty Road, Belfair,
degree, $763, 365 days
James P. Robbins,
Road, Shelton, third
$403, 90 days suspended;
Smith, Hoodsport, $253,
suspended; Geneva Jane
111 Sunset View Lane,
third degree, $303, 90
; Benjamin D. Ib-
29th Drive SE, Ever-
degree, $253, 90 days
valid operator's license:
]scamilla-Moreno, 30 East
Court, Shelton, and no
insurance, $688; Ryan M.
Bracero, 171 North
Road, Shelton, $173,
Divorces Granted
Jacqueline Rae Kelsey and
Grant Andon Kelsey.
Tracy Lee Howard and Joseph
Francis Howard.
Carolyn S. Smith and Lyle R.
Michael Bafer Chiriac and
Kathleen Ann Shimshock.
New Cases
Beneficial Washington, Incor-
porated against Vikki Fine, John
Doe Fine, Craig Noleroth and
Jane Doe Noleroth, commercial.
Jordan Cox against Roberta
Kowald, John Doe Kowald, Greg
Wood and Jane Doe Wood, tort
motor vehicle.
Washington State Department
of Labor and Industries tax war-
rants against Lance E. La Barr
and Brittania Amber La Barr; W.
C. Construction, Limited Liabil-
ity Company.
Eric Cedar and Sarah Cedar
against All State Property and
Casualty Insurance Company,
Washington State Department
of Revenue against Chinook West
Construction, Incorporated, tax
LVNV Funding, Limited Li-
ability Company, and Sears
against Mindy Hall, commercial.
Peter F. Pennock, Darlene
C. Pennock and Ruth E. Wise
against Jilberto Jesus and Ange-
lina Miguel, unlawful detainer.
Victoria R. Parker against
Mary Brown and West Realty,
transcript of judgment.
Timberlake Community Club
against Larry Steven Graham
and Jane Doe Graham, foreclo-
Washington State Employment
Security Department against
Shawn W. Slabik, tax warrant.
Roger W. Deyette against Lau-
rene Turner, unlawful detainer.
New construction over $5,000,
shoreline work and other major
projects receiving permits during
. the past week include:
insurance. De-
......... ...... Patrlce Pasqualone, 290 North
rmoaes, ill uastle . •
o ,. ......... Dow Mountain Drive, Hoodsport,
• :: walk:in closet, $10,053.12; Hasse
5850 Hurd Road, Bel- Moberg, 16621 East State Route
speeding, $629; Jesse B.
50 North Buckhorn Way,
and speeding, $629.
T. Peart, 4610
Road, Silverdale,
A. Miklethun, 70 East
Shelton, school zone,
fishing in the
degree: Jerry Alvin
19951 East State Route
of oyster, $100.
theft: Crystal
2145 11th Street,
$203, 365 days sus-
endangerment: Ar-
Williams, 5005 161st East,
second-degree, domestic
$1,000, 365 days, 206
and $1,631.50 costs.
in Shelton Munici-
Judge Amber Finlay's
during the past week
under the influence:
Denise Wright, 1427
Street, Shelton, $1,116,
345 suspended, 20 days
while license sus-
or revoked: Christopher
1120 Ellinor Avenue,
third degree, $493, 90
the fourth degree:
J. Anderson, 628 Ar-
Shelton, domestic
365 days, 350 sus-
5 days electronic home
were issued for the
following people who
appear for proceedings
12 in Mason County
Casey Edward
10,000; Angela Lynn
Charles Willis
$150,000; Christina
s, $10,000; James C.
10,000; Tom S. Ca-
Nathan Ledbetter
10.92; William Robert
4,143.37; Jackie Anne
L1,693.07; and Janae
108, Belfair, remodel, $10,490,
and deck, $6,732; Michael Wood,
421 West Lake Isabella Loop,
Shelton, residence, $179,960.45,
and garage, $25,482.80; Eugene
Mossberger, 3090 East State
Route 106, Union, residential,
$46,657.25; Rick Buechel, 51
East Spruce Street, Union, resi-
dence, $142,192.69; Katherine
Koberg, 1233 East Point Wilson
Road, Shelton, replace bulkhead,
$12,075; John Tanasse, 38010
North U.S. Highway 101, Lil-
liwaup, residence, $128,632.95;
John Gilliland, 15 East Vuecrest
Drive, Union, garage, $35,925;
Nicole Stephens, 271 North
Beck Road, Belfair, residence,
Also: KCK Enterprises, 2140
NE Haven Way, Tahuya, resi-
dence, $128,041.90; Smiley KC,
Limited Liability Company, 1270
NE Tahuya-Blacksmith Road, Bel-
fair, residence, $135,660.80; Ron
Dickinson, 169 East Nikki Lane,
Belfair, addition, $71,439.80;
Richard Sigmond, 30 East Syl-
van Heights Lane, Shelton, ga-
rage, $13,795.20; Keith Winkler,
300 West Stoner Road, Shelton,
residence, $25,448.40; Wash-
ington Home Center, 400 East
Mooreview Lane East, Shelton,
manufactured home, '$117,958;
Richard Mue and Kristi Lundeen,
241 East Clayton Lane, Grape-
view, residence, $142,024.60;
Lyn Asplund, 40 West Suqua-
mish Trail, Elma, manufactured
home, $101,593.40; Issac Miller,
321 East Fox Lane, Shelton, resi-
dence, $156,580.40.
Also: James Sturgeon, 20
East Labrador Lane, Belfair,
residence, $143,637.65; Webster
Walton, 2341 East Mason Lake
Drive East, Grapeview, deck,
$5,452; Alan Vanassche, 91 East
Pickering Drive, Shelton, garage,
$13,795.20; Joseph Lynch, 70 East
Manzanita Court, Union, deck
addition, $7,714; Chris Clark,
2071 West Little Egypt Road,
Shelton, rebuild, $24,141.60;
Allen Locke, 2451 East Mason
Lake Drive East, Grapeview,
deck, $5,057.60; Clint Weaver,
391 East Snowy Owl Drive East,
Shelton, residence, $160,569.85;
Watermark Estate Management,
remodel, $90,000; ATC and Brian
Seaborne, 7625 East State Route
3, Shelton, tower, $13,620.
Tuesday, February 6
A caller from the 200 block of
West Cota Street reported vandal-
ism to mailboxes and the theft of
Wednesday, February 7
A theft was reported at Shelton
High School.
A caller reported finding mail in
the park by the PUD 3 building.
A caller from the 1000 block of
West Cota Street reported a break-
in to a shed and said someone had
left belongings by it.
Police responding at 11:44 p.m.
to a report of a disturbance at a
business in the 100 block of West
Cota Street requested assistance
from deputies•
Thursday, February 8
An alleged assault was reported
at Shelton High School.
A hit-and-run collision on Elli-
nor Avenue near Union Street was
Officers responded to a report of
a disturbance in the 700 block of
Cascade Avenue.
Vandalism to a window of a res-
idence in the 400 block of Henry
Street and vehicle vandalism in
the 600 block of Wyoming Avenue
were reported.
A caller from the 1300 block of
Summit Drive reported the theft of
an air compressor.
Friday, February 9
A caller from the 900 block of
Fairmount Avenue reported the
theft of a debit card and said it was
used "all over" town.
An alleged assault was reported
at the skate park on East Wallace
Kneeland Boulevard.
At 7:48 p.m. a caller complained
about noise from vehicles in the
1600 block of Ridge Road.
Saturday, February 10
At 1:58 a.m. police responded
to a report of a disturbance in a
parking lot at Mason General Hos-
A theft was reported by a caller
in the 100 block of Mill Street.
Sunday, February 11
A 1990 brown and white Ford
van was reported stolen from the
500 block of Park Street and a
1989 blue Pontiac Grand Am was
reported stolen from Christmas
Tree Lane.
A caller said a man was sleeping
on a picnic bench at the city park
at the end of South Sixth Street.
A vehicle prowl was reported in
the 100 block of West Euclid Av-
Monday, February 12
An assault was reported at Shel-
ton High School•
A caller from the 1000 block of
Cascade Avenue reported receiv-
ing a suspicious e-mail regarding
an inheritance from another coun-
At 5:52 p.m. a caller complained
about "a very loud band" on Arca-
dia Avenue.
The Mason County Jail recorded
populations as follows during the
past week:
Wednesday 133, Thursday 130,
Friday 130, Saturday 124, Sunday
126, Monday 124, Tuesday 127.
Tuesday, February 6
Vandalism to a window at Pio-
neer School was reported.
A caller complained about an
"overabundance of dogs" at a place
on West Lillie Road near Elma, and
a caller requested officer contact
regarding the condition of horses
at a place on West Oak Meadows
Road near Elma.
A caller from East Country
Lane, Allyn, reported receiving in
the mail a fraudulent check for
An assault between inmates at
the jail was reported.
A caller from NE Old Belfair
Highway, Belfair, said a neighbor
had shot the caller's pig.
Wednesday, February 7
Trespassing on property on NE
White Owl Lane, Tahuya, was re-
A break-in at the Purdy Canyon
Drive-in north of Shelton on High-
way 101 was reported.
Squaxin Island officers received
a report of a hit-and-run collision
in the parking garage at Little
Creek Casino.
The theft of timber on property
on East Lake Devereaux Road,
Belfair, was reported.
At 10:31 p.m. Skokomish offi-
cers received a report of a prowler
on North Salish Court.
Thursday, February 8
Skokomish officers investigat-
ed a report of a possible drug law
violation on North Cedar Lane. A
fisheries violation was reported.
A caller reported the theft of
items from a residence under con-
struction on East Lakeshore Drive,
A caller from East Ballantrae
Drive at Lake Limerick reported
an ongoing problem with vandal-
A vehicle prowl at a place about
two miles out East Island Lake
Drive near Shelton was reported.
A caller reported the theft of
timber from property on East Fer-
ry Loop on Harstine Island.
A burglary at a residence on
East Anderson Lane near Shelton,
was reported.
A caller from East Dorothy
Court, Union, reported buying a
vehicle on eBay and sending the
money but not receiving the car.
A caller from SE Evan Boule-
vard near Shelton reported receiv-
ing threatening telephone calls.
Friday, February 9
Fire District 2 responded at
10:31 a.m. to a request for a smoke
investigation at 1502 East Rasor
Road, Belfair.
Skokomish tribal officers re-
ceived a threats complaint from
a caller on North Twana Court.
A caller from North Reservation
Road reported the theft of a lap-
A caller reported neglected
horses at a place about 3.5 miles
out West Skokomish Valley Road
near Shelton.
A burglary on East Bourgault
Road near Shelton was reported.
The theft of forest products on
properties on West Eells Hill Road
near Shelton and on East Pickering
Road near Shelton was reported.
Vandalism to the window of a
residence on NE Gladwin Road,
Belfair, was reported.
Saturday, February 10
Residential burglaries on East
Cedarbrook Lane, Belfair, and on
West Cloquallum Drive near Shel-
ton were reported.
A caller reported the theft of
items from a boat about eight miles
out East State Route 106, Union.
Skokomish officers received a re-
port of a prowler near a residence
on North Valley Drive.
A caller complained about off-
road vehicles on East Trails End
Drive, Belfair, and a caller from
East Thomas Road, Grapeview,
complained about dirt bikes.
A caller from NE Blacksmith
Drive, Belfair, reported being
Sunday, February 11
Vehicle vandalism on East Is-
land Lake Drive near Shelton was
A fight between inmates at the
jail was reported.
A burglary at a residence on
East Aloha Lane near Shelton was
reported. The caller said two all-
terrain vehicles were missing from
the garage•
Monday, February 12
A caller from a place about two
miles out NE Tahuya River Drive,
Tahuya, requested assistance or
advice about how to get a cat down
from a telephone pole.
A break-in at Timberlakes Com-
munity Club was reported. Resi-
dential burglaries on East Mason-
Benson Road, Grapeview, on East
Island Lake Drive near Shelton,
and at two places on Highway 101
North near Shelton were reported.
A caller from NE ChinookDrive,
Belfair, reported fraud involving
charges on a credit card.
Trespassing on property on NE
Steelhead Drive South, Belfair,
was reported.
Skokomish officers received a
report of graffiti at Hood Canal
School. A fisheries violation was
The following restaurants and
other food-handling establish-
ments were inspected during
the month of January. Red vio-
lations, which are high risk, are
improper practices or procedures
which promote foodborne illness.
Deficiencies in the high-risk fac-
tors are required to be corrected
within a set time. High-risk fac-
tors may be re-inspected to ensure
compliance. Repeat high-risk vio-
lations will result in enforcement
Blue or low-risk factors are con-
trols that when violated enhance
the addition of pathogens, chemi-
cals and physical objects into food
items. Deficiencies in the low-risk
area must be corrected by the next
routine inspection.
According to an official with
county public health, the number
of red and blue demerits is not
necessarily equal to the number of
violations fbund. The inspections
are performed by Jess Mosley, an
environmental health specialist,
using the current food regulation
and inspection form. An example
of the inspection form is posted on
the Mason County Web page un-
der environmental health forms.
Routine Inspections:
January 3:
Shamrock N Espresso, Shelton,
no red, 10 blue (holding tank leak-
ing and water system not protect-
ed as required), 10 total.
Coffee Creek Espresso, Shelton,
no violations•
Bob's Tavern, Shelton, no red,
five blue (dishwasher not working
properly), five total•
Riverside Espresso, Shelton, no
January 4:
Village Espresso, Union, five
red, no blue (food worker cards
not current), five total.
Golden Pheasant Tavern, Shel-
ton, 20 red, two blue (food worker
cards not current, improper hand
contact with ready-to-eat foods,
light covers missing, hood needs
cleaning), 22 total.
Log Cabin Tavern, Shelton, no
red, five blue (microwave needs
cleaning) five total.
Missy's Espresso 2, Olympic
Highway North, Shelton, no viola-
Wake Up Espresso, Shelton,
five red, no blue (food worker
cards not current), five total.
January 9:
Pioneer Intermediate School,
Shelton, no violations•
Pioneer Elementary School,
Shelton, -no violations.
Agate Store, Shelton, no viola-
Town Pub and Deli, Shelton, no
January 22:
Town and Country Store,
Grapeview, five red, no blue (food
worker cards not current), five to-
Sandhill Elementary School,
Belfair, no violations.
Grapeview Elementary School,
Grapeview, no violations.
Sandy's Dell Mart, Belfair, five
red, no blue (food worker cards
not current), five total.
January 23:
Bear Creek Country Store, Bel-
fair, five red, 12 blue (food worker
cards not current, permit not post-
ed, freezer and microwave need
cleaning, equipment thermom-
eters missing), 17 total.
Belfair Elementary School, Bel-
fair, no violations.
Hawkins Middle School, Bel-
fair, no violations.
North Mason High School, Bel-
fair, no violations.
North Mason High School
Store, Belfair, no violations.
January 25:
Mountain View Elementary
School, Shelton, no red, five blue
(dishwasher not maintained in
safe condition), five total.
Olympic Middle School, Shel-
ton, no violations•
Mary M. Knight School, Mat-
lock, no violations.
January 27:
Randy's Short Stop, Belfair,
five red, seven blue (food worker
cards not current, light safety cov-
ers missing, equipment thermom-
eter missing), 12 total.
Belfair Chevron, Belfair, 15
red, no blue (food worker cards
not current, improper cold holding
temperature), 15 total.
Doug's Meat Market, Allyn, no
Hood Canal Market and Dell,
Belfair, no violations.
January 30:
Ben's Dell Mart, Allyn, no vio-
January 31:
Southside School, Shelton, no
Shelton Shell, Shelton, no vio-
Opening Inspections:
January 31:
Fifth Street Espresso, Shelton,
no violations.
50s Diner, Shelton, no viola-
My Dollar Store, Shelton, no
Coffee Creek Espresso, Shelton,
no violations.
Thursday, February 15, 2007 - Sholton-Mason County Journal - Page 27
00ournal of
in Mason County
Court Judge Victoria
jurisdiction during the
Week include:
;under the influence:
Perez Pablo, 2020 Ad-
Shelton, $1,231, 365
364 suspended; Kimberly
1818 Evergreen
SW, Olympia, $991,
364 suspended; Jack
Shelton, $1,486, 365
363 suspended; Brandon
170 East Effie Prosser
under 21 years of
), 90 days, 89 suspended.
driving: Matthew T.
,285 Cedar Creek Drive,
l, $200, 365 days, 256 sus-
and possession of a dan-
$100, and $1,300
D. Bell, 2450 East
Loop Road, Grapeview,
364 suspended.
while license sus-
or revoked: Jae H. Lit-
West Simpson Avenue,
third degree, $250, 90
SUspended; John M• Zorn,
West Franklin Street, Shel-
third degree, $250, 90 days,
Tyler W. Elliott,
Hills Drive SE, Lacey,
$253, 90 days sus-
Dallas T. Hardy, 1407
1 Street South, Tacoma, third
$253, 90 days suspended,
o seatbelt, $111; Earl E.
il NE Dusty Road, Belfair,
degree, $763, 365 days
James P. Robbins,
Road, Shelton, third
$403, 90 days suspended;
Smith, Hoodsport, $253,
suspended; Geneva Jane
111 Sunset View Lane,
third degree, $303, 90
; Benjamin D. Ib-
29th Drive SE, Ever-
degree, $253, 90 days
valid operator's license:
]scamilla-Moreno, 30 East
Court, Shelton, and no
insurance, $688; Ryan M.
Bracero, 171 North
Road, Shelton, $173,
Divorces Granted
Jacqueline Rae Kelsey and
Grant Andon Kelsey.
Tracy Lee Howard and Joseph
Francis Howard.
Carolyn S. Smith and Lyle R.
Michael Bafer Chiriac and
Kathleen Ann Shimshock.
New Cases
Beneficial Washington, Incor-
porated against Vikki Fine, John
Doe Fine, Craig Noleroth and
Jane Doe Noleroth, commercial.
Jordan Cox against Roberta
Kowald, John Doe Kowald, Greg
Wood and Jane Doe Wood, tort
motor vehicle.
Washington State Department
of Labor and Industries tax war-
rants against Lance E. La Barr
and Brittania Amber La Barr; W.
C. Construction, Limited Liabil-
ity Company.
Eric Cedar and Sarah Cedar
against All State Property and
Casualty Insurance Company,
Washington State Department
of Revenue against Chinook West
Construction, Incorporated, tax
LVNV Funding, Limited Li-
ability Company, and Sears
against Mindy Hall, commercial.
Peter F. Pennock, Darlene
C. Pennock and Ruth E. Wise
against Jilberto Jesus and Ange-
lina Miguel, unlawful detainer.
Victoria R. Parker against
Mary Brown and West Realty,
transcript of judgment.
Timberlake Community Club
against Larry Steven Graham
and Jane Doe Graham, foreclo-
Washington State Employment
Security Department against
Shawn W. Slabik, tax warrant.
Roger W. Deyette against Lau-
rene Turner, unlawful detainer.
New construction over $5,000,
shoreline work and other major
projects receiving permits during
. the past week include:
insurance. De-
......... ...... Patrlce Pasqualone, 290 North
rmoaes, ill uastle . •
o ,. ......... Dow Mountain Drive, Hoodsport,
• :: walk:in closet, $10,053.12; Hasse
5850 Hurd Road, Bel- Moberg, 16621 East State Route
speeding, $629; Jesse B.
50 North Buckhorn Way,
and speeding, $629.
T. Peart, 4610
Road, Silverdale,
A. Miklethun, 70 East
Shelton, school zone,
fishing in the
degree: Jerry Alvin
19951 East State Route
of oyster, $100.
theft: Crystal
2145 11th Street,
$203, 365 days sus-
endangerment: Ar-
Williams, 5005 161st East,
second-degree, domestic
$1,000, 365 days, 206
and $1,631.50 costs.
in Shelton Munici-
Judge Amber Finlay's
during the past week
under the influence:
Denise Wright, 1427
Street, Shelton, $1,116,
345 suspended, 20 days
while license sus-
or revoked: Christopher
1120 Ellinor Avenue,
third degree, $493, 90
the fourth degree:
J. Anderson, 628 Ar-
Shelton, domestic
365 days, 350 sus-
5 days electronic home
were issued for the
following people who
appear for proceedings
12 in Mason County
Casey Edward
10,000; Angela Lynn
Charles Willis
$150,000; Christina
s, $10,000; James C.
10,000; Tom S. Ca-
Nathan Ledbetter
10.92; William Robert
4,143.37; Jackie Anne
L1,693.07; and Janae
108, Belfair, remodel, $10,490,
and deck, $6,732; Michael Wood,
421 West Lake Isabella Loop,
Shelton, residence, $179,960.45,
and garage, $25,482.80; Eugene
Mossberger, 3090 East State
Route 106, Union, residential,
$46,657.25; Rick Buechel, 51
East Spruce Street, Union, resi-
dence, $142,192.69; Katherine
Koberg, 1233 East Point Wilson
Road, Shelton, replace bulkhead,
$12,075; John Tanasse, 38010
North U.S. Highway 101, Lil-
liwaup, residence, $128,632.95;
John Gilliland, 15 East Vuecrest
Drive, Union, garage, $35,925;
Nicole Stephens, 271 North
Beck Road, Belfair, residence,
Also: KCK Enterprises, 2140
NE Haven Way, Tahuya, resi-
dence, $128,041.90; Smiley KC,
Limited Liability Company, 1270
NE Tahuya-Blacksmith Road, Bel-
fair, residence, $135,660.80; Ron
Dickinson, 169 East Nikki Lane,
Belfair, addition, $71,439.80;
Richard Sigmond, 30 East Syl-
van Heights Lane, Shelton, ga-
rage, $13,795.20; Keith Winkler,
300 West Stoner Road, Shelton,
residence, $25,448.40; Wash-
ington Home Center, 400 East
Mooreview Lane East, Shelton,
manufactured home, '$117,958;
Richard Mue and Kristi Lundeen,
241 East Clayton Lane, Grape-
view, residence, $142,024.60;
Lyn Asplund, 40 West Suqua-
mish Trail, Elma, manufactured
home, $101,593.40; Issac Miller,
321 East Fox Lane, Shelton, resi-
dence, $156,580.40.
Also: James Sturgeon, 20
East Labrador Lane, Belfair,
residence, $143,637.65; Webster
Walton, 2341 East Mason Lake
Drive East, Grapeview, deck,
$5,452; Alan Vanassche, 91 East
Pickering Drive, Shelton, garage,
$13,795.20; Joseph Lynch, 70 East
Manzanita Court, Union, deck
addition, $7,714; Chris Clark,
2071 West Little Egypt Road,
Shelton, rebuild, $24,141.60;
Allen Locke, 2451 East Mason
Lake Drive East, Grapeview,
deck, $5,057.60; Clint Weaver,
391 East Snowy Owl Drive East,
Shelton, residence, $160,569.85;
Watermark Estate Management,
remodel, $90,000; ATC and Brian
Seaborne, 7625 East State Route
3, Shelton, tower, $13,620.
Tuesday, February 6
A caller from the 200 block of
West Cota Street reported vandal-
ism to mailboxes and the theft of
Wednesday, February 7
A theft was reported at Shelton
High School.
A caller reported finding mail in
the park by the PUD 3 building.
A caller from the 1000 block of
West Cota Street reported a break-
in to a shed and said someone had
left belongings by it.
Police responding at 11:44 p.m.
to a report of a disturbance at a
business in the 100 block of West
Cota Street requested assistance
from deputies•
Thursday, February 8
An alleged assault was reported
at Shelton High School.
A hit-and-run collision on Elli-
nor Avenue near Union Street was
Officers responded to a report of
a disturbance in the 700 block of
Cascade Avenue.
Vandalism to a window of a res-
idence in the 400 block of Henry
Street and vehicle vandalism in
the 600 block of Wyoming Avenue
were reported.
A caller from the 1300 block of
Summit Drive reported the theft of
an air compressor.
Friday, February 9
A caller from the 900 block of
Fairmount Avenue reported the
theft of a debit card and said it was
used "all over" town.
An alleged assault was reported
at the skate park on East Wallace
Kneeland Boulevard.
At 7:48 p.m. a caller complained
about noise from vehicles in the
1600 block of Ridge Road.
Saturday, February 10
At 1:58 a.m. police responded
to a report of a disturbance in a
parking lot at Mason General Hos-
A theft was reported by a caller
in the 100 block of Mill Street.
Sunday, February 11
A 1990 brown and white Ford
van was reported stolen from the
500 block of Park Street and a
1989 blue Pontiac Grand Am was
reported stolen from Christmas
Tree Lane.
A caller said a man was sleeping
on a picnic bench at the city park
at the end of South Sixth Street.
A vehicle prowl was reported in
the 100 block of West Euclid Av-
Monday, February 12
An assault was reported at Shel-
ton High School•
A caller from the 1000 block of
Cascade Avenue reported receiv-
ing a suspicious e-mail regarding
an inheritance from another coun-
At 5:52 p.m. a caller complained
about "a very loud band" on Arca-
dia Avenue.
The Mason County Jail recorded
populations as follows during the
past week:
Wednesday 133, Thursday 130,
Friday 130, Saturday 124, Sunday
126, Monday 124, Tuesday 127.
Tuesday, February 6
Vandalism to a window at Pio-
neer School was reported.
A caller complained about an
"overabundance of dogs" at a place
on West Lillie Road near Elma, and
a caller requested officer contact
regarding the condition of horses
at a place on West Oak Meadows
Road near Elma.
A caller from East Country
Lane, Allyn, reported receiving in
the mail a fraudulent check for
An assault between inmates at
the jail was reported.
A caller from NE Old Belfair
Highway, Belfair, said a neighbor
had shot the caller's pig.
Wednesday, February 7
Trespassing on property on NE
White Owl Lane, Tahuya, was re-
A break-in at the Purdy Canyon
Drive-in north of Shelton on High-
way 101 was reported.
Squaxin Island officers received
a report of a hit-and-run collision
in the parking garage at Little
Creek Casino.
The theft of timber on property
on East Lake Devereaux Road,
Belfair, was reported.
At 10:31 p.m. Skokomish offi-
cers received a report of a prowler
on North Salish Court.
Thursday, February 8
Skokomish officers investigat-
ed a report of a possible drug law
violation on North Cedar Lane. A
fisheries violation was reported.
A caller reported the theft of
items from a residence under con-
struction on East Lakeshore Drive,
A caller from East Ballantrae
Drive at Lake Limerick reported
an ongoing problem with vandal-
A vehicle prowl at a place about
two miles out East Island Lake
Drive near Shelton was reported.
A caller reported the theft of
timber from property on East Fer-
ry Loop on Harstine Island.
A burglary at a residence on
East Anderson Lane near Shelton,
was reported.
A caller from East Dorothy
Court, Union, reported buying a
vehicle on eBay and sending the
money but not receiving the car.
A caller from SE Evan Boule-
vard near Shelton reported receiv-
ing threatening telephone calls.
Friday, February 9
Fire District 2 responded at
10:31 a.m. to a request for a smoke
investigation at 1502 East Rasor
Road, Belfair.
Skokomish tribal officers re-
ceived a threats complaint from
a caller on North Twana Court.
A caller from North Reservation
Road reported the theft of a lap-
A caller reported neglected
horses at a place about 3.5 miles
out West Skokomish Valley Road
near Shelton.
A burglary on East Bourgault
Road near Shelton was reported.
The theft of forest products on
properties on West Eells Hill Road
near Shelton and on East Pickering
Road near Shelton was reported.
Vandalism to the window of a
residence on NE Gladwin Road,
Belfair, was reported.
Saturday, February 10
Residential burglaries on East
Cedarbrook Lane, Belfair, and on
West Cloquallum Drive near Shel-
ton were reported.
A caller reported the theft of
items from a boat about eight miles
out East State Route 106, Union.
Skokomish officers received a re-
port of a prowler near a residence
on North Valley Drive.
A caller complained about off-
road vehicles on East Trails End
Drive, Belfair, and a caller from
East Thomas Road, Grapeview,
complained about dirt bikes.
A caller from NE Blacksmith
Drive, Belfair, reported being
Sunday, February 11
Vehicle vandalism on East Is-
land Lake Drive near Shelton was
A fight between inmates at the
jail was reported.
A burglary at a residence on
East Aloha Lane near Shelton was
reported. The caller said two all-
terrain vehicles were missing from
the garage•
Monday, February 12
A caller from a place about two
miles out NE Tahuya River Drive,
Tahuya, requested assistance or
advice about how to get a cat down
from a telephone pole.
A break-in at Timberlakes Com-
munity Club was reported. Resi-
dential burglaries on East Mason-
Benson Road, Grapeview, on East
Island Lake Drive near Shelton,
and at two places on Highway 101
North near Shelton were reported.
A caller from NE ChinookDrive,
Belfair, reported fraud involving
charges on a credit card.
Trespassing on property on NE
Steelhead Drive South, Belfair,
was reported.
Skokomish officers received a
report of graffiti at Hood Canal
School. A fisheries violation was
The following restaurants and
other food-handling establish-
ments were inspected during
the month of January. Red vio-
lations, which are high risk, are
improper practices or procedures
which promote foodborne illness.
Deficiencies in the high-risk fac-
tors are required to be corrected
within a set time. High-risk fac-
tors may be re-inspected to ensure
compliance. Repeat high-risk vio-
lations will result in enforcement
Blue or low-risk factors are con-
trols that when violated enhance
the addition of pathogens, chemi-
cals and physical objects into food
items. Deficiencies in the low-risk
area must be corrected by the next
routine inspection.
According to an official with
county public health, the number
of red and blue demerits is not
necessarily equal to the number of
violations fbund. The inspections
are performed by Jess Mosley, an
environmental health specialist,
using the current food regulation
and inspection form. An example
of the inspection form is posted on
the Mason County Web page un-
der environmental health forms.
Routine Inspections:
January 3:
Shamrock N Espresso, Shelton,
no red, 10 blue (holding tank leak-
ing and water system not protect-
ed as required), 10 total.
Coffee Creek Espresso, Shelton,
no violations•
Bob's Tavern, Shelton, no red,
five blue (dishwasher not working
properly), five total•
Riverside Espresso, Shelton, no
January 4:
Village Espresso, Union, five
red, no blue (food worker cards
not current), five total.
Golden Pheasant Tavern, Shel-
ton, 20 red, two blue (food worker
cards not current, improper hand
contact with ready-to-eat foods,
light covers missing, hood needs
cleaning), 22 total.
Log Cabin Tavern, Shelton, no
red, five blue (microwave needs
cleaning) five total.
Missy's Espresso 2, Olympic
Highway North, Shelton, no viola-
Wake Up Espresso, Shelton,
five red, no blue (food worker
cards not current), five total.
January 9:
Pioneer Intermediate School,
Shelton, no violations•
Pioneer Elementary School,
Shelton, -no violations.
Agate Store, Shelton, no viola-
Town Pub and Deli, Shelton, no
January 22:
Town and Country Store,
Grapeview, five red, no blue (food
worker cards not current), five to-
Sandhill Elementary School,
Belfair, no violations.
Grapeview Elementary School,
Grapeview, no violations.
Sandy's Dell Mart, Belfair, five
red, no blue (food worker cards
not current), five total.
January 23:
Bear Creek Country Store, Bel-
fair, five red, 12 blue (food worker
cards not current, permit not post-
ed, freezer and microwave need
cleaning, equipment thermom-
eters missing), 17 total.
Belfair Elementary School, Bel-
fair, no violations.
Hawkins Middle School, Bel-
fair, no violations.
North Mason High School, Bel-
fair, no violations.
North Mason High School
Store, Belfair, no violations.
January 25:
Mountain View Elementary
School, Shelton, no red, five blue
(dishwasher not maintained in
safe condition), five total.
Olympic Middle School, Shel-
ton, no violations•
Mary M. Knight School, Mat-
lock, no violations.
January 27:
Randy's Short Stop, Belfair,
five red, seven blue (food worker
cards not current, light safety cov-
ers missing, equipment thermom-
eter missing), 12 total.
Belfair Chevron, Belfair, 15
red, no blue (food worker cards
not current, improper cold holding
temperature), 15 total.
Doug's Meat Market, Allyn, no
Hood Canal Market and Dell,
Belfair, no violations.
January 30:
Ben's Dell Mart, Allyn, no vio-
January 31:
Southside School, Shelton, no
Shelton Shell, Shelton, no vio-
Opening Inspections:
January 31:
Fifth Street Espresso, Shelton,
no violations.
50s Diner, Shelton, no viola-
My Dollar Store, Shelton, no
Coffee Creek Espresso, Shelton,
no violations.
Thursday, February 15, 2007 - Sholton-Mason County Journal - Page 27