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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 15, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 15, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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r Bear facts: Shooting prohibited through the years. The tax could have been stopped in 2000 when Congress passed a bill to riect it, but the bill was killed by a presidential veto. Refunds were authorized after the excise tax bill on telephone usage was de- clared unconstitutional. It' you have questions about this oppor- tunity or further infbrmation on it call Ruth Irish at 426-0266. Word has reached us that the Harstine Island Community Club is planning to start a new project and it is being called "March Madness." THAT CATCH phrase origi- nated with those fbllowing the frenzy of the NCAA Men's Bas- ketball Championship and the complex mathematics involved. lable at the post office in It caught on with automobile 11. ev York City. Daylight Say- dealers and retailers as a con- g Time, though recommend- venient peg on which to hang L r uch earlier by Benjamin another seasonal sale. The corn- | haMin, was yet to come. munity club has fbllowed suit. |i,a,Y this time next month we They are using the words to 1!ready be on Daylight Sav- promote an indoor garage sale 1 |,.,: le for 2007. It comes ear- they are planning to be held in |r now, starting this year on |day, March 11, instead of he the Harstine Island Community Hall on Saturday, March 24, The able|..t Sunday in April. In August event is not to be confused with a]005theU S Congress passed the club's annual rummage sale P {Pntinued from page 31.) ,.up is planning to continue i} .ng meetings on a monthly L. ' The next meeting will  at the Olympic Bakery on Y .'ke.ring Road at 10 a.m. on L!eSClay, February 27. On the $ qada will be a discussion of # L.h'aPacts that prostate cancer l.Pon other family members. ewcomers are always in-  !.  to join this friendly group •  | .er coffee Just show u and a  :_ • • p .d|  Will be tbund so you can i ] all the circle., ltine's Day, was the day, w!'nti'S DAY, the day after February 15, 1842, that tage stamps with adhesive the back which you had to ck to make sticky were made w00ich estab .il . e¢i four extra weeks of Day- iP|ffq, ht Saving Time in the name #! efficiency. ! fi,, als is just one early reminder i £'L s change to get you ready to ' 'Your clock an hour ahead tl e Right of March 10 to "get p ]tt I :o the church on time" on • , ay, March 11. I I: °tlcan get a refund fr°m the tail Revenue Service this |,t even if vour yearly income #:lb,.,: ot warrant the payment of f d|e tax and the filing of tax |'s. This is your one and only $|lce to receive a check for $30 , ,i depending on the num- n|S,. °[ exemptions you would #|h.' on an individual income _[ WORKS' We know of | I'Iarstine "Islanders who liu[Ikve sent in Form 1040EZ-T I [,ady. One has received $30, ll a second $40. Two others [f3 filed at later dates are an- lating the receipt of their re- ]s. Form 1040EZ-T may be I| -ed from the IRS or any of I|.liaces where tax forms are fi " vailable. The deadhne  brnission of the request for d of federal telephone ex- ax is April 16. Refunds will "ll:'llK e available in future years. °s who file the usual 1040 held in August of each year. "For all of you who find your- selves relocated, resized, re- formed, shy of eBay and resi- dential garage sales, and are overloaded with stuff, this event is for you," said Arlen Morris. "Start gathering up those good items that you have not quite been able to send offto the rum- mage sale." The community club will sup- ply tables that can be rented at a nominal fee. Islanders will be served first and assigned the limited spaces available. Any spaces still available after March 12 will be oflred to off= island residents. For space res- ervations or more tnfbrmation call Ms. Morris at 432-9712. Arne and Elizabeth Berndt trimmed and cut into split- ting lengths some of the hem- lock knocked down by the win- ter windstorm. They stacked it nicely and placed a note on the timber which identified it as their wood. Then the Berndts had to be away for some days on business and when they re- turned they were dismayed that someone had taken their stash of firewood. THEY ARE hopeful that the wood was removed because someone mistakenly thought it was free fbr the taking. Regard- less, the Berndts would certain- ly like to have their logs back as they planned to use them as fuel for the balance of this winter and the winter to come. If" you know anything about the disap- pearing timber call them at 432- 9940. Seven pots of chili were sub- mitted for judging at the com- munity club meeting of" Friday, February 9, and the result was a three-way tie fbr top honors. Carol and Matt Lettich, fi)r the second year, were winners, but Arlen Morris and Rose Benz re- ceived the same number of votes. In recognition of their prowess at producing prime chili, all of the three contenders were awarded first place and a $15 prize. Dick Parrett of Pioneer Citi- zens for Education, along with school board members Brandee i[ s may be credited by look- i)r the line on the regular that references this excise a. ad checking the informa-  Ill I],. the instruction booklet [| '¢etning it. one ex i]! 'he federal teleph I]] " tax has been on the books I I|:r,lOre than 10 ears, thou h :'ai Y g [[l !s back to action taken in ]|'.o help pay for the Span- [|k.. erican War In those ]s there was no "IRS or fed- ]i t tllcOme tax and Only the hy had telephone service.  Sence it was luxury tax, t s the 20th Century rolled  *Wer-income persons and "|{[ eases began to use long ace calling more and more , uey became subject to the I1 Congressional Research |i ce Says the excise tax mi Cost consumers a bundle Roger Car Care and Call Putvin and David Westermann, presented additional infbrma- tion about the Pioneer School bond measure that will be com- ing up for approval. They reviewed the need fbr the funds that the bond measure will provide, the amount that is being requested to be matched by the state and the increase in taxes that will impact the com- munity. Host and hostesses fbr the Friday meeting were John and Kathy Doherty and Pat Ritchie. Guest Nonie Whelan, daughter of" club president Dud- ley Panchot, won the door prize. THE NEIGHBORHOOD Watch meeting on Wednesday, February 21, at 7 p.m. at the Harstine Island Community Hall will be attended by rep- resentatives of the sheriff's de- partment. Two additional fire- fighters will soon be stationed on the island: Colleen Benson and Nick Arthur. The emergen- cy generator at Fire Station 9 is being repaired which will fix the voltage regulator. Past president Mike Cal- laghan announced that the Pio- neer Kiwanis crab dinner will be held from 4:30 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 24, at Pioneer School. In addition to good tbod, there will be a silent auction and a live auction. All proceeds will be given to the school fbr special needs and scholarships. Elizabeth Berndt announced that this year a new format will be used fi)r the community club's annual newsletter. She will be discussing this change with representatives of the Harstine clubs and organizations who submit reports for inclusion in the newsletter, which will be distributed in April. She, also, announced that the Harstine Island Chorus is meet- ing every Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m. to prepare the Hungarian songs they will sing in the sum- mer concert. Six new members have joined the chorus and she would welcome others. Those wishing to audition may do so until the end of February. For more infbrmation, call her at 432-9940. f Now you can find helpful information about The Journal on the Web at www.masoncounty, com • Download forms for obituaries, engagements, weddings, anniversaries, births, club news and bowling results. • Download a form for a classified ad or read information about how to place a display ad. Find out about advertising rates and deadlines for placing ads. • Download a form to subscribe to the paper. • Find out how to place a news story, who to call in the newsroom to place a story and when deadlines are. • Learn about our offset printing services. • Review the guidelines for letters to the editor. • Enjoy a weekly gallery of news photos. • Read stories from the Visitor's Guide to Mason County. • Read the Year In Review or Mason County Profile. • Check Shelton High School sports schedules, find out where local 12-step meetings are held or learn how to contact your elected representatives. This is not a site to read The Journal's news. Nor is it a repository for e-mails. It is a site to help us interact with our readers, give them information about the newspaper and make it easier for them to submit things to us by traditional channels. 00ournal Your nifty newspaper gets its Web feet wet. Thursday, February 15, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 33 r Bear facts: Shooting prohibited through the years. The tax could have been stopped in 2000 when Congress passed a bill to riect it, but the bill was killed by a presidential veto. Refunds were authorized after the excise tax bill on telephone usage was de- clared unconstitutional. It' you have questions about this oppor- tunity or further infbrmation on it call Ruth Irish at 426-0266. Word has reached us that the Harstine Island Community Club is planning to start a new project and it is being called "March Madness." THAT CATCH phrase origi- nated with those fbllowing the frenzy of the NCAA Men's Bas- ketball Championship and the complex mathematics involved. lable at the post office in It caught on with automobile 11. ev York City. Daylight Say- dealers and retailers as a con- g Time, though recommend- venient peg on which to hang L r uch earlier by Benjamin another seasonal sale. The corn- | haMin, was yet to come. munity club has fbllowed suit. |i,a,Y this time next month we They are using the words to 1!ready be on Daylight Sav- promote an indoor garage sale 1 |,.,: le for 2007. It comes ear- they are planning to be held in |r now, starting this year on |day, March 11, instead of he the Harstine Island Community Hall on Saturday, March 24, The able|..t Sunday in April. In August event is not to be confused with a]005theU S Congress passed the club's annual rummage sale P {Pntinued from page 31.) ,.up is planning to continue i} .ng meetings on a monthly L. ' The next meeting will  at the Olympic Bakery on Y .'ke.ring Road at 10 a.m. on L!eSClay, February 27. On the $ qada will be a discussion of # L.h'aPacts that prostate cancer l.Pon other family members. ewcomers are always in-  !.  to join this friendly group •  | .er coffee Just show u and a  :_ • • p .d|  Will be tbund so you can i ] all the circle., ltine's Day, was the day, w!'nti'S DAY, the day after February 15, 1842, that tage stamps with adhesive the back which you had to ck to make sticky were made w00ich estab .il . e¢i four extra weeks of Day- iP|ffq, ht Saving Time in the name #! efficiency. ! fi,, als is just one early reminder i £'L s change to get you ready to ' 'Your clock an hour ahead tl e Right of March 10 to "get p ]tt I :o the church on time" on • , ay, March 11. I I: °tlcan get a refund fr°m the tail Revenue Service this |,t even if vour yearly income #:lb,.,: ot warrant the payment of f d|e tax and the filing of tax |'s. This is your one and only $|lce to receive a check for $30 , ,i depending on the num- n|S,. °[ exemptions you would #|h.' on an individual income _[ WORKS' We know of | I'Iarstine "Islanders who liu[Ikve sent in Form 1040EZ-T I [,ady. One has received $30, ll a second $40. Two others [f3 filed at later dates are an- lating the receipt of their re- ]s. Form 1040EZ-T may be I| -ed from the IRS or any of I|.liaces where tax forms are fi " vailable. The deadhne  brnission of the request for d of federal telephone ex- ax is April 16. Refunds will "ll:'llK e available in future years. °s who file the usual 1040 held in August of each year. "For all of you who find your- selves relocated, resized, re- formed, shy of eBay and resi- dential garage sales, and are overloaded with stuff, this event is for you," said Arlen Morris. "Start gathering up those good items that you have not quite been able to send offto the rum- mage sale." The community club will sup- ply tables that can be rented at a nominal fee. Islanders will be served first and assigned the limited spaces available. Any spaces still available after March 12 will be oflred to off= island residents. For space res- ervations or more tnfbrmation call Ms. Morris at 432-9712. Arne and Elizabeth Berndt trimmed and cut into split- ting lengths some of the hem- lock knocked down by the win- ter windstorm. They stacked it nicely and placed a note on the timber which identified it as their wood. Then the Berndts had to be away for some days on business and when they re- turned they were dismayed that someone had taken their stash of firewood. THEY ARE hopeful that the wood was removed because someone mistakenly thought it was free fbr the taking. Regard- less, the Berndts would certain- ly like to have their logs back as they planned to use them as fuel for the balance of this winter and the winter to come. If" you know anything about the disap- pearing timber call them at 432- 9940. Seven pots of chili were sub- mitted for judging at the com- munity club meeting of" Friday, February 9, and the result was a three-way tie fbr top honors. Carol and Matt Lettich, fi)r the second year, were winners, but Arlen Morris and Rose Benz re- ceived the same number of votes. In recognition of their prowess at producing prime chili, all of the three contenders were awarded first place and a $15 prize. Dick Parrett of Pioneer Citi- zens for Education, along with school board members Brandee i[ s may be credited by look- i)r the line on the regular that references this excise a. ad checking the informa-  Ill I],. the instruction booklet [| '¢etning it. one ex i]! 'he federal teleph I]] " tax has been on the books I I|:r,lOre than 10 ears, thou h :'ai Y g [[l !s back to action taken in ]|'.o help pay for the Span- [|k.. erican War In those ]s there was no "IRS or fed- ]i t tllcOme tax and Only the hy had telephone service.  Sence it was luxury tax, t s the 20th Century rolled  *Wer-income persons and "|{[ eases began to use long ace calling more and more , uey became subject to the I1 Congressional Research |i ce Says the excise tax mi Cost consumers a bundle Roger Car Care and Call Putvin and David Westermann, presented additional infbrma- tion about the Pioneer School bond measure that will be com- ing up for approval. They reviewed the need fbr the funds that the bond measure will provide, the amount that is being requested to be matched by the state and the increase in taxes that will impact the com- munity. Host and hostesses fbr the Friday meeting were John and Kathy Doherty and Pat Ritchie. Guest Nonie Whelan, daughter of" club president Dud- ley Panchot, won the door prize. THE NEIGHBORHOOD Watch meeting on Wednesday, February 21, at 7 p.m. at the Harstine Island Community Hall will be attended by rep- resentatives of the sheriff's de- partment. Two additional fire- fighters will soon be stationed on the island: Colleen Benson and Nick Arthur. The emergen- cy generator at Fire Station 9 is being repaired which will fix the voltage regulator. Past president Mike Cal- laghan announced that the Pio- neer Kiwanis crab dinner will be held from 4:30 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 24, at Pioneer School. In addition to good tbod, there will be a silent auction and a live auction. All proceeds will be given to the school fbr special needs and scholarships. Elizabeth Berndt announced that this year a new format will be used fi)r the community club's annual newsletter. She will be discussing this change with representatives of the Harstine clubs and organizations who submit reports for inclusion in the newsletter, which will be distributed in April. She, also, announced that the Harstine Island Chorus is meet- ing every Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m. to prepare the Hungarian songs they will sing in the sum- mer concert. Six new members have joined the chorus and she would welcome others. Those wishing to audition may do so until the end of February. For more infbrmation, call her at 432-9940. f Now you can find helpful information about The Journal on the Web at www.masoncounty, com • Download forms for obituaries, engagements, weddings, anniversaries, births, club news and bowling results. • Download a form for a classified ad or read information about how to place a display ad. Find out about advertising rates and deadlines for placing ads. • Download a form to subscribe to the paper. • Find out how to place a news story, who to call in the newsroom to place a story and when deadlines are. • Learn about our offset printing services. • Review the guidelines for letters to the editor. • Enjoy a weekly gallery of news photos. • Read stories from the Visitor's Guide to Mason County. • Read the Year In Review or Mason County Profile. • Check Shelton High School sports schedules, find out where local 12-step meetings are held or learn how to contact your elected representatives. This is not a site to read The Journal's news. Nor is it a repository for e-mails. It is a site to help us interact with our readers, give them information about the newspaper and make it easier for them to submit things to us by traditional channels. 00ournal Your nifty newspaper gets its Web feet wet. Thursday, February 15, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 33